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millionaires to pay for it. republicans say they could live with extending the current rate, but only if spending cuts offset it. last night in the senate both parties' plans were voted down so there is work to be done before the end of the year. in california, powerful winds are still in the forecast for parts of southern california. nothing like the winds that did this though. did you see this damage? gusts topping 140 miles an hour were measure in the mountains outside los angeles at 140 miles an hour. that equals a category 4 hurricane. also you can imagine power lines were just no match for some of this. a lot of people, tens of thousands of them, are without power still today. also honda has expanded a previously announced recall to nearly 900,000 vehicles. the problem is potentially dangerous air bags. the global recall affects several cars in the line-up -- the accord, civic, odyssey, crv, pilot as well, models 2001 to 2003. most of the cars tartgeted are n the news but vehicles have been recovered in japan and taiwan. the united states says it will donate $1.5 million to the pennsylvania coalition against rape and the national sexual violence resource center. the funds will come from penn state's share of this year's big ten bowl revenues. in light of the rekren scandcec says we can and will do more to prevent abuse. work of a task force has been postponed to review antihazing regulations. the postponement is to allow the university to fully cooperate with an investigation set forth by the florida board of governors and into the university's handling of hazing activities. this coming of course now after the death of the band's drum major, robert champion. champion's parents say hazing is to blame in the death. also we'll stay in florida now where the mother of sing of mindy mccready is pleading for mccready to bring back her 5-year-old son zander. zander, you're seeing right there, was last seen tuesday at the home of his grandparents who have legal custody. mccready was visiting at the time and doesn't deny she took her son. authorities now consider him a missing persons. police nationwide are being asked to take him into custody on site. mccready, by the way, happens to be pregnant with twins right now. the wife of georgia evangelist eddie long has now filed for divorce. vanessa long says the decision came "after a great deal of deliberation and prayer." this comes also after a year that saw bishop eddie long being sued by several young men for allegedly coercing them into sex. those cases were settled out of court in may. well, billy graham, steve jobs, former president bill clinton, all three among a group of people being considered by the u.s. post office for the first-ever postage stamp to honor a living or recently deceased american. the postal service recently waived rules requiring an honoree to be dead at least five years and asked its customers to submit the nominees. good news and possibly some bad news on the job front. the unemployment rate is down. that's great. but, those with jobs now facing a possible payroll tax hike. we'll look at how this is affecting you. stick around for "face time" coming your way shortly. but first, a salute to all servicemen and women who have serviced in iraq. today the u.s. handed over control of camp victory to iraq. the one-time palace of saddam hussein served as headquarters for u.s. forces there. just about all the american service members will be gone by the end of the year. more than 4,400 u.s. service members have died in the war since 2003. so for your unparalleled service, and your sacrifice, all of you who have served are today's rock stars. ♪ i am i am i am super man and i can do anything ♪ ♪ i'm just a bit of residue left behind by some mop. why you... nobody's taken a shine to me in a long time. phooey. i don't need anybody...but you! ♪ i believe in miracles [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. used mops can push muddy water around. swiffer wetjet's new, upgraded solution helps prevent streaks and residue to reveal more shine than a mop or your money back. you're a fresh swiffersnapper! [♪...] >> announcer: now get a $250 airfare credit, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. certain restrictions apply. before the recession an unemployment rate of 8% or above would have sounded like a nightmare. today, still a bombshell but would you believe it is actually a good one? the official november jobs report shows a net gain of 120,000 jobs. private employers actually arded 140,000 jobs. government's cut 20,000. none of that was necessarily surprising but here is the surprise -- the jobless rate dropped .4 point to 8.6%. no doubt that's still too high but that's the lowest we have have seen since march of 2009. now another headline -- 72,000 more jobs were added in september and october than first thought. now here's another thought for you. all those newly hired people and everybody else who draws a paycheck face a possible tax hike january 1st. that is if congress and the president don't extend a cut in the payroll tax that's due to run out at year's end. they're still trying but rival plans both fell short in senate votes just last night. joining me, peter marici, professor of international business at the university of maryland. always good to talk to you. you give me a reason tore being optimistic today. >> well, certainly we are creating more jobs than we were during the summer around that's good news. however, we're not creating enough of those jobs. unemployment fell largely because people left the labor force. many more people left the labor force, quit looking, than found jobs. >> how significant was that number historically speaking, the number of people who left, who just gave up looking for jobs? >> very significant. a lot of them are women and i suspect those are two-income families where the second income is smaller, especially in my age group. where the job prospects are so poor for the lower income earning spouse they just decide it is not worth it. if the job market gets better, they come back and that means that the unemployment rate goes back up again. >> okay. that's the danger here. because this is -- give me a comment on this first. how important just psychologically is it for us to get below 9%? >> it's good news. we've got to get people feeling better. this will accomplish that. >> okay. but at the same time, people feeling better about the economy that means they might go back out and start looking for jobs. those same people that just left that job market might try to get back in it. >> now you know why most undergraduates consider economics maddening. you are absolutely correct. >> what about the segment where we saw the job growth? we aren't seeing it grow enough in the sectors we need it, are we? >> absolutely. the core private sector -- 140,000 jobs. but health services added a lot. social services. those are heavily subsidized by the government. a lot of temp jobs. core jobs were about 94,000. in order to bring unemployment down to, say, 6% in three years, we need at least three times, perhaps four times as many core jobs and that provides the revenues to pay the taxes. >> how will this help, this fight that's going on in washington, d.c. right now? how will it help our jobs outlook, the jobs picture, if congress does extend that payroll tax cut or, if they do not and we essentially see a tax increase january 1. >> we'll get the payroll tax cut extended. the question is how do we pay for it. unfortunately -- the process of paying for it means its impact will not be large. whether you do it by raising taxes or cutting spending. and also it is a temporary measure. we have to address the structural problems, the trade deficit with china, high energy prices, and so forth, that everyone agrees needs to be dealt with but neither the congress or the president can focus because they're always quarrelling with one another. >> well, that's just what they do, isn't it? still got some work to do before the end of the year. the president wants them tho stay through the holidays. we'll see how that works out. peter morici, enjoy your weekend. you know the saying -- the rich just keep getting richer. that might not be far from the truth. even on college campuses. we'll tell you how colleges are giving financial aid to the haves over the have nots. 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[ male announcer ] get low prices on this season's hottest games. like kinect sports season 2 for xbox 360 with kinect. rated e for everyone. backed by our christmas price guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. i want to show you a dollar figure right now. $5.3 billion. more than the gdp of some small countries. some companies would love to make that much in revenue so it may shock you when i say that this is the amount of money going to college students who really don't need it. money that is ultimately being taken away from struggling college kids who really do need it. at least that's according to new figures we are getting on the college board. that's not the whole story. families with income from $100,000 to $180,000 got an additional $4 billion in additional tax credits. a specialist from education is with us now from d.c. a lot of people just heard all those numbers have a simple question been why. so, why? >> well, the merit aid programs are put in place by universities who are trying to compete for the smartest students which is a rational thing for them to do on an individual basis. but in a system wide basis this system makes no sense. we are giving billions upon billions of dollars of kids who don't need this aid and that's squeezing aid for low-income students. >> richard, when we say kids who don't need the aid, we are talking financially but these are also kids that have earned it through their grades and their test scores. that's right. it just so happens that a lot of these kids come from maybe more affluent families. >> well, that's right. but when you think about the policy, particularly when we are talking about federal tax breaks, it really makes no sense to give aid to kids who would go to college even if they didn't receive this aid. the public interest in trying to get more kids to go to college is what we really should focus on rather than giving money to kids who would go whether or not they got this aid. >> richard, why the shift? what we are talking about here is one pot of money and eventually some of the schools are putting more of that money into the pot for merit-based versus need-based. so why that shift? why go towards the marriage base? >> well, they're trying to increase their rankings on the "u.s. news & world report." so from their standpoint it makes sense, they're competing against one another, based on prestige but the system as a whole doesn't function well when we are focusing and showering aid on width who really don't need it. right now is the the most selective colleges, 74% of the students come from the richest socioeconomic quarter of the population, and just 3% from the most disadvantaged quarter. so in other words, you're 25 times as likely to run into a rich kid as a poor kid on these selective campuses. so something's out of whack here. we really need to be focusing our aid on the kids, low-income students who are also talented, and really need that aid. >> is this the number distorted at all, given the economic times we are in, even $150,000, $180,000 might sound like a lot of money and that certainly is to somebody whose family is making $30,000, $40,000. but is it possible given those incomes with $100,000-plus can be put into the category of struggling as well? is that fair at all? >> well, on one level i think that is fair. i mean college tuition has been skyrocketing and so everyone needs a little bit of help. but the point here is that the evidence from a number of studies finds that the degree of unmet needs -- that is the need beyond grants and loans and everything else that's provided -- is greatest still for the lowest income students and we're missing out on the talented low-income students who have a lot to offer this country and are now being effectively shut out particularly from selective colleges. >> richard, i think a lot of people absolutely agree with that. we'd love for it to shift back. we'd love for college education to be a lot cheaper these days as well. thank you so much for your time on this. an important story that might not be getting enough attention. thank you so much. enjoy the rest of your weekend. >> you, too. thanks. well coming up next -- a story that is probably just going to flat-out outrage you. a school accused of discriminating against a young boy. not because of skin color or because of his faith. it is because he has hiv. is this legal? the boy's attorney certainly doesn't think so and that attorney joins me next. stay with me. it could be very abrasive. if the surface gets abraded, it's just the environment that bacteria likes to nestle into and they can cause the odor. your denture needs to be cleaned gently on a daily basis. i like to recommend polident, it kills the bacteria without causing any abrasion. when my patients follow my instructions, their dentures feel clean and fresh. they look forward to putting them in their mouth and smiling. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car's totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer... with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? attorneys for a 13-year-old pennsylvania boy say he has been denied admission to a private boarding school. why? because he has hiv. the boy's family is suing milton hershey school for allegedly violating antidiscrimination laws that protect the rights of people with hiv. the boy is an eighth-grader in a delaware county public school. milton hershey school says its decision was made to protect the health of its students. >> we have to balance our desire to serve this individual with our obligation to protect the health and safety of the 1,850 students already in our care. >> here's part of what the centers for disease control and prevention says about hiv. hiv is not transmitted by casual contract such as shaking hands or a casual kiss. infection is not possible from a toilet seat or a doorknob or from dinking fountains. attorney rhonda goldfein is representing the gold family, executive director of of the aids project of pennsylvania. thank you for being here. does the back-and-forth continue between the boy's family, you as well, and the school so there could possibly be a resolution to this? is there any update on that front? >> we haven't heard from the school that they've changed their position. our goal all along has been to get our student into an appropriate academic setting. we hope that hershey would understand their position is not supported by the law or the science. >> so what was your reaction, what was the boy's reaction, the family's reaction initially, when he was told he was not going to be admitted to this school for one reason and one reason alone? >> we heard the response kind of in tears. in august we learned -- excuse me, in june we learned that they weren't admitting him because of his documented need and we suspected they were referring to his hiv status because, otherwise, he's completely qualified for the school. he's got a good academic record, he participates in after-school activities. the only thing in his medical records is he does have a virus. he does have hiv. so we suspected that was the reason. but it wasn't until earlier this week that they confirmed that they excluded him because he has hiv and, worse, because they think that this little boy, this 13-year-old boy, is somehow a risk to the 1,800 students at that school. it was a pretty stunning response on their part. >> also, the school is now saying that they were working, they wanted a federal review of it and wanted to get some kind of a judgment and resolution to the case but they said the boy's -- the people on behalf of the young man decided to file a lawsuit instead and that was really setting up an edadversarl relationship now between the two sides. would you agree with that? was it possible to talk through and work this out before going into a courtroom? >> well, we attempted since august to work this out and really hadn't gotten anywhere with the folks at hershey. the idea that they were going to seek an advisory opinion from a federal court is a bit unusual. i'm not really aware of federal courts issuing advisory opinions. we clearly -- sorry. >> please continue. i'm sorry. >> and we decided that once we were more than one-third of the way into the academic year that we had no choice but to file a lawsuit and finally get this matter on the table. >> ma'am, i'm not sure if this has been public knowledge or if you can tell us, but how did the young man who's 13 years old come to contract hiv? >> you know, much like ryan white, the student who was denied a seat in a class 26 years ago. we'd like to stay focused on the idea that hiv is not something to be afraid of and not really go into those particulars. >> understood. and again, the school says at least -- you can understand why this is different from the ryan white case -- in that he was going to school for the day and he would go home to his parents and go home at night. they say at least the school that this is different because this boarding school would put kids around that age, 13 years old, in close quarters together. they would be living together. 10 to 12 in a home. as i read their statements they say we are serving children and no child can be assumed to always make responsible decisions that protect the well being of others. is there any threat or risk there that you're putting other children in some kind -- i mean it might not be that possible, but there is a slim chance that given kids in these tight quarters, things db something flukey could happen. >> no. i think that that argument is just a red herring. let's think about it. the courts have been clear that there's no reason why children with hiv can't be in congregate settings. they can go to school, they can go to day camp. what about this setting from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. that creates this great risk that's not in a day school? we shouldn't think these folks are in a submarine. they're in a school and they're in a school where there should be house parents who are supervising their activities. even if -- even if they thought that our student presented some degree of risk, they didn't do any analysis. they didn't look into it. they didn't consider him. they just decided that that diagnosis was too risky for them. >> he still want to go to school there? >> sure, he does. he wants a good education and the hershey school boasts academic excellence. we hope that they'll understand that he can be a good student. >> ronda goldfein, we really do appreciate your time. this is really a story that shocked and outraged a lot of people and certainly unfortunate for the young man and maybe still a lot of education and work needs to be done in this country when it comes to hiv and aids. thank you for your time. we'll follow up with you. okay? >> thank you for your interest. >> yes, ma'am. getting close to the bottom of the hour now. we'll turn to some politics in a moment. first talking newt gingrich. he said anti-labor laws were "stupid." now he is saying poor kids have no work habits. that's "fair game." that's next. but first a question for all you political junkies out there. republicans focus on iowa, the caucus there first. when were the first -- they first used to determine who gets the nomination for president and who used it to build his reputation that year? you know those answers? i'll give them to you after the break. [ beep ] [ mom ] scooter? the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. when did the iowa caucuses begin the first step in nominating the presidential candidates? the year was 1972, the man -- democrat governor george mcgovern. or democrat george mcgovern. he went on to win the nomination for president. we stick with politics. on to the campaign trail. anything a candidate says is "fair game," of course. newt gingrich has been saying a lot. he says some pretty edgy things now and again. like this comment about poor kids and developing a work ethic. >> it would be great if inner city schools and poor neighborhood schools actually hired the children to do things. what if they cleaned out the bathrooms and what if they mopped the floors? what if they in that process were actually learning to work, learning to earn money, they had money on their own, they didn't have to become a pimp or prostitute or drug dealer. >> let me bring in will cain, a cnn contributor in new york for us. also ed espinoza, democratic political consultant joining from us austin, texas. ed, start with you. did he have a point? did he have another big idea and he just didn't phrase it the right way? >> well, look. it is appropriate in december because newt gingrich is having his ebenezer scrooge and tiny tim moment with this right here. he needs to pick on someone his own size. if he wants to talk about jobs, that's fine. but don't pick on poor kids. the way to do it is to advocate for president obama's jobs plan. that's something that's tangible and on the table and let's leave the kids out of it. >> will, will you please talk some sense into ed over here? he just said sing grigingrich w to advocate for president obama's job plan. >> i'm sure he's not going to do that. i'm sure ed is indulging being enraged on this issue much more than being logical on this issue. look, i have many, many harsh words for newt gingrich and his substantive policies. but my friend at national revau says -- newt gingrich has a habit of pufting his foot in his mouth while putting his finger on the issue. unemployment is higher in poor neighborhoods. in poor neighborhoods there are fewer people trekking off to work and kids in those neighborhoods aren't seeing people develop work habits or emulating -- they don't have work habits to emulate on such a high degree. don't know why that's so offensive. it is simply a string of logical conclusions. would it be helpful to do something in those neighborhoods? yeah, it might be. by the way, if it offends you that he suggests we should do away with child labor laws in response to that, i just have to say to you, look, the higher barriers you place to work, the lower participation you're going to have in it. >> looked like you wanted to respond there for a second, ed. do that quickly so i can move on to the next question here. go ahad he. >> well see, the problem is it's not that he's talking about kids not having work ethics. it is a problem to assume that poor kids have any worse after work ethic than kids that come from well off communities. when you make comparisons saying they're automatically going into drugs or pimping or anything else like that, that's too far. is he a public leader, he shapes public opinions. he needs to be more careful with his words. >> moving on to the next question. i heard many people -- in your field more and more talk about this is a two-man race now. heard that before but it looks lick it is really shaping up between newt gingrich and mitt romney. we asked people why they like one over the other. it looks like gingrich understands complex issues, but it seems like romney wins when it comes to most likable. is that good enough? >> yeah, i do think it will be good enough. substantively -- i have to hope, i have to think substance will win out eventually. i see very little that distinguish these two men. if you want to accuse romney of being a flip-flopper, being on both sides of an issue and being unprincipled, that applies just as much to newt gingrich. he's been on both sides of virtually every issue from mandates to global warming. he is not came character quality above mitt romney. he's this incidents of fidelity. all the positives flow to romney. >> ed, wrap it up here. is likability enough to carry mitt romney? >> well, the problem is with any primary, democratic, republican, anything, you got to play to your base. romney just isn't winning over the base. he might be likable, he might be good among independents. these aren't the voters. gingrich is the guy that the conservatives are gravitating towards and is it a two-man race? well, it is today. but -- >> it's not. that's gotting to corrected. it's not a two-man race. we can't say that. >> how many man or woman race would you say it is, will? >> people are going to accuse me of wishful thinking but i think jon huntsman has a shot in new hampshire and we'll see what happens there. >> we'll see what happens in three weeks. >> i know i'll talk to you both again. that's all "fair game." gentlemen, enjoy the rest of your weekend. we got a big handover and a major u.s. milestone happening in the military today. we'll take you there in two minutes. stay with us. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses... not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. put their trust in aarp medicare supplement insurance. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. the prices are competitive. i can keep my own doctor. and i don't need a referral to see a specialist. call now to get a free information kit. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. and the advantages don't end there. choose from a range of medicare supplement plans... that are all competitively priced. we have a plan for almost everyone, so you can find one that fits your needs and budget. with all medicare supplement plans, there are virtually no claim forms to fill out. plus you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare. and best of all, these plans are... the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp. when they told me these plans were endorsed by aarp... i had only one thing to say... sign me up. call the number on your screen now... and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan. you'll get this free information kit... and guide to understanding medicare, to help you choose the plan that's right for you. as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare, get help paying for what medicare doesn't... and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. let's go world trekking now. we go to iraq where the united states has handed over control of one of the most high-profile american military facilities -- camp victory. just a few others ago the handover took place and u.s. troops are out of there. at one point it housed as many as 40,000 u.s. service members. cnn's martin savidge joins us now from baghdad. martin, hello to you. what were these ceremonies like today? must have been a heck of a moment. >> reporter: it was a heck of a moment actually, t.j. you are absolutely right. this really shows that this withdrawal of u.s. forces now out of iraq is moving an moving quickly. and today was a huge point in that drawdown. there wasn't a single camera there and there wasn't a reporter allowed to see it. it was extremely low key which was really remarkable given, as you just pointed out, that this was the largest u.s. base during the entire iraqi war. it was actually known as vbc, victory base complex. it was a series of bases located out by the iraqi airport, had a perimeter of some 27 miles at one point it had 40,000 people that were there, u.s. soldiers, there were 20,000 contractors on top of that. so amazing, major facility but it was closed down with little or no fanfare. it was about noon. a couple of soldiers for the u.s. climbed into their vehicles and documents were signed with the iraqis and that was it. they left. >> that was it, they left and they know they are not going to be going back. martin, thank you. what our viewers are seeing on the right corner of your screen there, that's a live picture, i believe, we are showing you out in california, a homecoming taking place out there. we show you this -- this is a little choppy but, hey, we'll deal with it right now because you have members of the 297th military. this is the national guard actually, a lot of members coming home from the 297th medical company. this is a final national guard unit to return home from iraq and they know they won't be going back to iraq. again, all u.s. service members will be out of there. is a nice picture. can i listen to this for a moment, mike? >> reporter: so many of these service people over here are just looking forward to that same moment as they head south, as they get out of iraq, as they get into kuwait. they are waiting for their same reunions to take place. i can tell you from talking with them, they are looking forward to having a scene just like this. >> you know, martin, the scene is different this time because many of them are hugging their loved ones. no, they're not going to be going back. and that's different from a lot of these home comings we've seen over the past several years. >> reporter:. and a lot of these soldiers, i know from talking with them, they are going to move on with life. many of them are planning to get out of the military now. this is it for them. it is not just the end of a deployment, it is the end of their military careers. so you're right, it is a real moment in their lives, a real change for all of them and their families. >> you just can't beat this. again, this is out in san mateo, california. we have a live camera inside the building they'll be going into as they are entering. you see it now, a lot of families were outside greeting the family members. they couldn't wait until they got inside the building. they greeted them on the bus. but these things absolutely just never get old and this comes with a different -- this is a different symbolism now and there is a different mood here because, as martin just said, many of these solids know they will not be going back to iraq. people are welcoming their loved ones, their husbands, their wives in some cases, their mothers, their brothers, their sisters, their fathers, whatever you want to call it, welcoming them home knowing they can hug them and hold on to them, quite frankly. they're not going to be deployed again. won't be going back to iraq. sure, some other assignments they could get around the world but they're not going back to this war zone in iraq and so this -- look at that. you just can't beat that. just a wonderful thing we're able to bring to you live as these young men and women these service members who sacrifice so much over the past several years knowing that the iraq war is wrapping up an they will not be going back there. i'm going to shut up now and listen to some of these last sounds as we take you to break listening to this and watching this homecoming of american service members. >> what are you looking forward to doing most now that you're back? 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[ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. [ electronic beeping ] [ male announcer ] still getting dandruff? neutrogena® t/gel shampoo defeats dandruff after just one use. t/gel shampoo. it works. neutrogena®. 50 state governments, one federal government, they're not going to agree on everything -- like marijuana. 16 states and d.c. have legalized marijuana for personal medical use. but the feds consider possession for any purpose a crime. now come the governors of rhode island and washington state petitioning the dea to classify marijuana from a schedule 1 drug, which is completely off-limits, to a schedule 2 meaning it could be used for treatment. washingt the washington governor joins me now on the line. governor, you sent a letter to the dea making this proposal, making this request. what do you think your chances are? >> well, you know, i think they're good, because, one, it is the first time governors have ever done anything like this. it's the first time there's ever been a request to go to a schedule 2. everything before that has been something like schedule 3. we have the national academy of sciences, the medical association, the pharmacist association all saying now the science has changed. what we have provided for them is a very serious science-based peer-reviewed report of over 700 citations to medical research. so medical research. so i think it's time and, frankly, we can't have the situation we have in the states any longer. >> and governor, the laws for you and other governors as well, you all are trying to regulate that as well but your state employees who might work for the agency that regulates the dispense rees and growers could possibly face prosecution from the federal government? >> that's right. almost every u.s. attorney in a state that has legalized medicinal marijuana any state employees could be subject to prosecution. with that in mind, with enforcement being stepped up in virtually all of the states and the voters of my state saying we want medicinal marijuana, the patients get left out. so with this petition, we hope that we have found a safe and secure way through a pharmacy or for patients that are legitimate to get the marijuana that they need. >> and you say through the pharmacy. can you imagine a day, sf this is okay, they can hand you marijuana. >> yes, but it will be done in a much more sophisticated way. they will be looking at how much the dose should be and what the patient really needs and what other prescriptions the patients might be on. that's why it's critical. it's one thing to say medicinal marijuana and another thing to be done by pharmacists who believe that's the right thing to do. >> governor, one last thing. how close is this, if they determine that it's a schedule 2, how close is this to that fine line of marijuana being, frankly, legalized? >> you know, i know people have other purposes in mind and that's why the 16 states that have legalized it for medicinal purposes are having huge problems for enforcement from u.s. attorneys. but the bottom line is, patients deserve and need and the medical research is there to say it is helpful to them, and it's no more a problem than an opiate that can cause a problem with medicinal marijuana. so we think it's the right thing to help patients to get it safely and securely and that is not a step towards legalization. it's a step towards what is right for patients medicinally. >> do you have a time line for the d.a. for an answer? >> we have asked them to expedite it but who knows long it will take. >> we thank you for your time. we certainly will follow up with you. >> thank you. >> we'll return to the jobless numbers in a moment. perhaps the best insight into the economy are letters that santa receives every year, especially this year. we're talking about that next. stick around. so you can focus on what really matters. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. all medicare supplement insurance plans can help pay... some of what medicare doesn't, so you could save... thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare... you should know about this card -- it's the only one of its kind endorsed by aarp; see if it's right for you. all medicare supplement plans let you keep your own doctor, or hospital that accepts medicare. there are no networks and no referrals needed. help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't pay... and save up to thousands of dollars in potential... out-of-pocket expenses with an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. call this toll-free number on your screen now... for this free information kit, including this... medicare guide and customized rate quote. well, despite some news about the unemployment rate, many families are still struggling. and no one seems to know that more than santa. letters to santa from children, even moms, dads, parents, and grandparents, who wishes say it all. this is from a grandma. my daughter's mother has been unemployed for two years. this might be the saddest christmas ever. this is from a 10-year-old. dear santa, my mom died of cancer and my grandmother takes care of us. just a glimpse of how much families are hurting this christmas. keith fontana is joining us. pete, are these stories coming in already? >> they are coming in by the thousands every day. >> when did you start to see those letters come through? >> i would say it's about on the same par for the course as last year. last year we had about 1.8 letters to santa here in the new york area and we'll probably realize that figure or better this year. >> i just gave them a glimpse of some of the letters. would you say that follows along the main theme of a lot of the ones that you are seeing? >> absolutely. we're seeing a lot of needy letters. last year as well. this year seems even more. homeless children livering in shelters, people asking for basics, like winter coats and money to pay the bills. it's unbelievable. >> when did you start to see the transition? kids, of course, you get these every -- i shouldn't say this every now and then but when did you see the uptick over the last few years? >> i would say last year there was a notable increase. >> when you say notable increase, it's probably hard to put a number on it, but give me an idea of the percentages or the type of increase? >> i would say we get the traditional letters from everyone, the rich kids, the middle class kids, and the poor kids. but more and more people are sending letters to santa wanting help. i would say that the number has increased over the years. >> how difficult is it for you to read over these letters constantly? >> it's very difficult. i read them and it sort of wears you down a little and you have to stop reading them at some point because i get too involved. >> lastly, some people want to get involved. a lot of people would like to help out. how could they help out? >> go to if they are in new york city, they can come here at the main post office here until december 23rd. >> pete fontana, thank you so much. we'll check in with you again. turning to politics, paul steinhauser is joining me. at the bottom of the hour, herman cain is in rockville, south carolina. guess where he goes next. he says that he is going to come to a decision. in an e-mail to supporters, i'm inviting you to share your voice with me. my family and my staff need to know if you are behind me 100%. stay tuned on this story, t.j. >> we're standing by this weekend. he's making a plea, if i stay in this thing, are you going to stick by me. wrap this up in 20 seconds, paul, is this a plea for money and has money been drying up? >> money is drying up and poll numbers are driving. he needs to know if he has support and if his wife is behind him. >> it's going to be an interesting weekend. we're all standing by for his arrival here in atlanta. thank you to our viewers. thank you for sticking around with me this week. right now i need to hand it over to brooke baldwin who continues the next hour. brooke? >> t.j., thank you so much. happy friday to all of you. as always, let's get you caught up on all things making news. beginning with, dare i say, encouraging economic news. yep, encouraging. the unemployment rate is down to 8.6%. dow is up 230 points as we're two hours away from the "closing bell." keeping in mind, president obama spoke at noon eastern time today with former president bill clinton at his side. he talked about the payroll tax extension that puts $1,000 a year back into your paycheck. president obama says it's time to get things done. >> we need to get things done. i suspect it's going to get done before congress leaves. otherwise, congress may not be leaving and we can all spend christmas here together. >> they announced plans to create new jobs in the energy ee fi fishy sector. >> this is the nearest thing we've got to a free launch in a tough economy. >> we're going to take a closer look at some of those numbers out today. is it a great thing? is it seasonal? we're talking about that in 15 minutes. also, egypt, election results are in, sort of. we are still waiting to find out who exactly won. we do know that moments ago egypt's election commission, 62% of voters turned out but did not name any winners. happening right now, and this is the final national guard unit from the state of california to come home from iraq. and are you ready for the ready, set, go moment? it's happening right now. can we listen in for a moment? and we will see what is going on. many kleenexes going on at this moment. one of our correspondents is standing by. we will take you back to san mateo, california. i want to take you to indiana. last year's horrific accident at the state fair. who could forget this video? this is the precise moment when the video collapsed. we are now getting a terrifying view of the tragedy from the first responders there. our affiliate wthr compiled the radio traffic from that evening. here it is. >> the situation is this. the stage framework and the speakers have collapsed on to the rows of chairs just in front. >> can you estimate the total quantity of patients? >> a lot. >> do you think i need to start more than five units? >> absolutely. >> in the end, seven people died that day. florida police arrested 29 occupy protesters who refused to leave a park in tampa. more than 100 members of the group led a peaceful demonstration and then moved into the riverfront park. this is the largest number of occupy protesters arrested in one single time in tampa since the movement began some three months ago. los angeles county, still under a state of emergency after the powerful santa ana winds. been damaging homes, businesses, cars, trees, you name it as cross the west, leaving hundreds and thousands without power. more wind warnings are in place. this is not just southern california. this is utah. arizona as well. been blasted by these winds. as strong as a major hurricane. >> sounds like a hurricane. they are scary and we couldn't sleep. >> i was listening to my little radio and all of a sudden, bam. >> now to this. coca-cola fans are proving again you cannot mess with a classic. the soft drink maker is pulling the holiday coke can. coke drinkers are a little confused lately. confusing it with diet coke. so they complained that the taste has changed. traditional red holiday cans are again, don't fret, headed back to the stores and a little later we'll hear from an expert about this brew ha-ha. >> mindy mccready pregnant with twins wrapped up in a custody battle with her parents regarding her 5-year-old son. and this -- republicans presidential candidate herman cain. >> there was no sex? >> no. >> none? >> no. >> facing his toughest audience on these adultery allegations today. his wife. and his supporters, they are jumping ship, too. find out where they will come up. plus, hiring is up, unemployment is down. don't be scared. this is not the twilight zone. this is huge. but is it seasonal or is it here to stay? also, the body of a woman, apparently murdered on the side of the road in georgia. authorities have no idea who this woman is. they have just one clue. tattoos on her body. and the one, the only, mr. larry king joins me live. we're having a party and you're invited. >> come on in. >> the news starts now. [♪...] >> announcer: now get a $250 airfare credit, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. certain restrictions apply. herman cain, his problems are stacking up like toppings on a godfather's pizza. his poll numbers are fading and his funding is drying up and he has an important meeting today with his wife. he never told his wife of 43 years about his payments to ginger white, who say ledging that he and cain had a long friendship. also listen to piers morgan. >> it only proves that he was a friend and that on occasion he tried to give her assistance, as he has done other people. >> this is shockingly naive, mr. wood. you are being shockingly naive. the idea that a presidential candidate can be paying a woman who claims to have a 13-year affair, he admits to paying her money, to calling her at 5:00 a.m., making repeated texts over a period of time that he's actually running for president, the idea that none of this is remotely relevant is per post rouse. >> what i find naive is the failure on the part of the members of the media to be asking the tough questions of the accuser. >> cain himself is saying he may drop out of the race and make his decision by monday. i want to bring in candy crowley. i get the feeling that this conversation as herman cain comes home to atlanta, the conversation between he and gloria might be difficult. is that your reading? >> if she knew nothing about this, i would assume. i don't think i need any of my political experience to say this sounds like a tense time. i watch political figures getting into various trouble and getting out of it. it had to do with personal problems, that it's really tough to judge what goes on inside a marriage. so i can't imagine that this is going to be anything but a tense weekend. but we know very little about these two other than that they have been together for a long time, they have a family together, and at some level he has signaled for many weeks, even before this, that if this got too tough on his family, he would get out. >> yeah, when he was talking to wolf -- actually, i'm now hearing -- let's go to herman cain, he's talking in south carolina, talking about reassessing. >> tomorrow in atlanta, i will be making an announcement. but nobody's going to get me to make that prematurely. that's all there is to that. so tomorrow we are going to be opening our headquarters in northwest georgia where we will also clarify -- there's that word again, clarify exactly what the next steps are. so at this time -- and i think you have some questions. >> yes, sir. thank you very much. >> candy crowley, you and i were chatting about this exact topic. he said he will be making an announcement tomorrow in atlanta and clarifying, clarifying some things. what does that mean? >> i have no idea. i've interviewed him several times and i come away with more questions than answers. >> uh-huh. >> but i think what he said is he would be opening his campaign headquarters in georgia, which is preplanned and at that time he would clarify some things. we do know he's going home tonight. he also apparently said, at least from what i'm being told, that a lot depends on contributions and whether they are drying up. and he's put out a letter saying, i need your help, i need to know if you still support me and one of the ways to do that is to find out if i have financial backing and that sort of thing. >> yeah. >> but if we look at the numbers, we've seen that he's dropped to 8%. people like to contribute to people who think they are going to win z obviously we won't be privy to the conversation that he has with his wife of 43 years. as you mentioned, he is coming home to atlanta today they will chat. we will see if he has her backing. perhaps we will continue. that is a to be determined. >> sure. and his campaign by the way says he will continue on. so we don't know. >> okay. wait and see for that. you got your political a d-bad that one. newt gingrich is leading the national polls, leading in iowa, top two in new hampshire, leading in south carolina, leading into florida. let's listen to the former house speaker. >> i have to confess, this is disorienting. okay? this is such a rapid change that we're having to rethink our own irn ten nal operations right now and where we are. i mean, i would not have given this speech two weeks ago because it wouldn't have made sense to this guy who is, you know, an underdog, to be up here talking about the totality of the future but the fact is, given where we are this is the right stage setting to start saying to people, this is what a gingrich setting would look like. >> okay. so time to start talking and let your president know what is he doing. is he ahead of himself or should we be listening now? >> i must say when i saw that bite i was sort of confused by it but, listen, part of running for president is also acting the part as well. it doesn't surprise me that he is stepping up both on the podium and, at least as far as we know, in terms of putting together some kind of structure inside of iowa and inside new hampshire. because the poll numbers are great for him right now. as they have been great in the past for michele bachmann, rick perry, herman cain. now comes newt gingrich and the question is, certainly money is going to follow his rising up in the poll. in the question is, can he put together something on the ground and spend two or three hours inside of a room, wherever they go, and that's the question. >> let's remember, newt gingrich has made some enemies, and we're not just talking democrats. i want you to listen to this. this is from former republican congressman guy molinari. here's a quote. "evil is a tough word but i frankly can't think of a better word that describes how he is about. he is an evil person. he will lie. he will do anything to get his way. those of us who know him need to relate our experience with him and then pick somebody else." guy molinari admitting he has a grudge against gingrich. that said, that said, he is speaking simply for himself? do our leading republicans share this similar problems about a republican nomination snl. >> not only has molinari had a long-time grudge, he also works for the romney campaign. molinari. so, listen, if the question s. are there people who newt cracked some heads, newt made some people very angry. newt has real enemies. there's no getting inside the republican party. but the same could be said for a lot of people that became president or that became a nominee for the party and the party has a way of gathering around it. guy molinari is clearly not going to vote for newt gingrich. there are people who think that newt gingrich went overboard or whatever. he also has his supporters. again, i think the key question comes down to a simple one. and this year for the republicans, the form nation of the question is, who can beat barack obama. and if newt gingrich can beat that -- >> who can beat barack obama. candy crowley, always a pleasure. >> good to see you. >> thank you. coming up, 120,000 new jobs were added in the month of november. so the unemployment rate plunges to the lowest level in nearly three years. poppy harlow is crunching the numbers for us. she's going to join us live. plus, this -- >> what's the problem? >> i've been shot. >> you've been shot? >> yes, ma'am. >> who have you been shot by? >> by devon. >> yeah, a man shot by his dog. how? we're going to tell you, coming up. also, widespread damage. thousands without power. a state of emergency in los angeles county because of the hurricane-force winds ripping through southern california. other western states as well. those stories and much more when we come back. woman: day care can be expensive. so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise woman: are there flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. the nation's unemployment rate took a big dip. it was sitting really at 9% on the button. but as of today, it is down to 8.6%. this is according to figures released this morning by the department of labor. the government says, in the month of november, employers added 120,000 new jobs. but if you look at this graphic, you'll see november there at the end, that's one of the better months this year. it also beat october. one of the most potent job kree ags earlier in the year and we have slumped off since then. poppy harlow is joining me. there has to be a psychological uplifting to be below the 9.0% mark. >> absolutely. we've been there for so long. politicians on both side of the aisle reference 9% unemployment and now they can't because we are below it. the question is, is it going to stay there? the government sector keeps cutting jobs, private sector, small, media with almost 13.5 million people unemployed. more than 40% have been out of work for 4% or longer but one month is not a trend make. bottom line, better than expected, i point out every month, people that have dropped out of the labor force, that have given up looking for work, they are not counted in the unemployment rate. so in my opinion it's not a totally true accurate reading. last month we saw men, their situation got better because more men got hired whereas more women stopped looking for work and they are not counted in today's numbers. >> also, when we look at these numbers we talk about, which jobs were created, what sector? and you've done some reporting on the engineering field. tell me about that. >> right. you think suzanne and i were talking about this earlier. if i was an engineering major, what gpa would i have gotten? but all of the ceos tell me, look, we're hiring. we have jobs. but the people applying for those jobs are not applying. we need more engineers. why more students are not lining up for engineering degrees to get those high-paying jobs. take a look. these machines are moving more than dirt. they are moving jobs, too. entry-level engineers here rake in $65 thorks a year. companies from caterpillar to google are on the hunt for engineers. >> you were an engineering major here. >> yes. >> and then what? >> i was struggling in the program so i decided to study something different and right now i'm majoring in public relation advertising. >> here at the city college of new york, only 35% of students who enter the engineering school graduate as engineers. >> i needed to raise my gpa to stay in the school and that's what i did. so i left. >> elena has dreamed of being a scientist since she was a young girl. >> but two-thirds drop out. that was actually my experience with my friends. we started together as freshman and then they switched out of the major. >> reporter: but city college isn't alone. it's a national phenomenon. 22% of students choose a stem major, science, technology, engineering, or math, at some point in their college career but only 14% finish school in a stem major. >> after just finishing the assignments, you have to put in extra work, maybe eight hours a day extra. >> a lot of students don't realize how much work it requires to really become an engineer. >> but, brooke, if you are an engineering student about the graduate, listen up. interesting news. we just found out facebook is opening up its first engineering office in new york. the first one outside of california, beginning in 2012. they just told us they are starting to accept applications. so if you're an engineer, you want a good-paying job, facebook, they are going to open an office. their first one outside of california for engineers. see what i mean? >> music to the students' ears. we are hiring. poppy harlow,, thank you. okay. is he awake? do you snow. >> his eyes are opened. he's not responding. >> but is he breathing? >> i do not know. i cannot tell you that. >> the desperate efforts to save the life of an a and m florida major. plus, a man is accidently shot by his own dog while duck hunting. if you think that sounds strange, wait until you hear what happened to one of the duck decoys. and one of the top cnn's heroes. >> hi, as founder of maddie's corner, i'm committed to celebrating the bond between people and their paths while lending a paw to those in need. i'm thrilled to introduce one of these top ten cnn heroes. >> in mexico, people with disabilities who can't get around have no options their world is the four walls of their house. when someone has a disability, the whole family has to pitch in to help them. if they don't have the money to care for them, it's the basic care. my name is richard st. denis. i take wheelchairs to people in mexico who can't afford them. in 1976, i broke my back skiing and severed my spinal cord. i see what happened to me as an opportunity to help other people with disabilities. we collect used wheelchairs from the united states. a race car, a hot rod. >> we teach them how to use it. >> ya. >> mobility means being independent and more active. >> someone once said, richard, i want to thank you for giving up your legs so we could have a better quality of life. when i see them happy, seeing their self-confidence, i know people's lives are getting better. what is that? 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[ male announcer ] aaron rodgers got his. how about you? rodgers! discount double check! [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [ female announcer ] get an aleve coupon in this sunday's paper. gives you the lowest plan premium in the country... so you can focus on what really matters. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. a suspected hazing in the drum major. we have a 911 tape when they realized their friend wasn't breathing. >> are you with the person right now? >> well, i'm outside the bus. i can hear you. >> so he's inside the bus? >> yes, he's inside the bus. >> okay. how old is he? >> he is 25. >> okay. is he awake? >> uhh, he is not even -- he was spom responding a little bit. he was making noises but i don't know if he is breathing now. >> is he awake? do you know? >> eyes are opened but he's not responding. >> okay. but is he breathing? >> i have no idea. i cannot tell you that. >> okay. >> he just threw up. >> he just threw up? >> yeah. >> well, like i said, i do have help on the way. i want you to keep -- >> uh-huh. >> was he like shaking or anything like that? >> no, he wasn't shaking. >> the university has fired the band director, expelled four students. so far, champion's family says it plans to sue the university, florida a and m, to get answers about his death. and what do you know, i have a pug and i definitely subscribe to the belief that a dog is a man's best friend. but this man was apparently shot by his dog on a hunting trip. they were going hunting in a salt lake city area refuge. he put a gun down and then the dog got excited, jumped on the gun, it went off, hit the hunter in the water and it led to this call to 911. >> what's the problem? >> i've been shot. >> you've been shot? >> yes, ma'am. >> who have you been shot by? >> my dog. it was an accidental discharge. >> so your own gunshot you? nobody else shot you? >> right. >> okay. what's your name? >> my name is robert. i need help quick. >> and where did you get shot at? >> in the butt. >> in the butt? >> yes, in the buttocks. >> ouch. i guess it could have been worse. the decoys in the water absorbed some of the shot. reports indicate the hunter is on the mend but 27 pellets of bird shot had to be removed from -- well, you know -- santa ana winds so strong that they are knocks down trees and causing hundreds and thousands to be without power. plus, the latest step in getting american troops out of iraq by the end of the year. the u.s. military handing over control of the military over to the afghan military. martin savidge is standing by live. 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[ male announcer ] as you wish, business pro. as you wish. go national. go like a pro. now through january earn a free day with every two rentals. find out more at not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪ folks in california and a couple surrounding states brace for another day of powerful winds. look at that. smashing cars, knocking down power lines. some gusts as strong as 140 miles per hour. that's the strength of a major hurricane. in fanct, it's a little stronge. strong winds knocking down street signs, power lines, fences there. more than a dozen semitrucks were toppled over. cnn ireporters are sharing the damage. a photographer, matt hartman captured the damage at the san gabrielle mission. we've got chad myers standing by but i want to bring matt in as well. matt, can you just tell me -- good to see you. walk me through some of your pictures and walk me through the damage. how bad was it? >> it was pretty bad. i mean, we were getting sustained winds between 60 and upwards of 80 miles per hour all through the night and morning. the grounds keeper curator guy at the mission got an alert around 2:00 in the morning of some movement. he showed up at the church and found out that the crucifix was knocked down by the gale-force winds. >> how long have you lived there and have you ever seen anything like this before? >> i grew up in the midwest and i've experienced tornadoes all my life. i've lived in los angeles for almost 15 years and this has never happened in my time in los angeles. it caught a lot of people off guard of how strong the santa ana wind event was. >> matt hartman, thank you for your pictures. chad myers, thank you as well. next, this. it really was an historic moment in baghdad today. handing camp victory over to iraq. plus, wolf blitzer in d.c. for your america choice 2012 politics update, next. ♪ [ man #1 ] i was fascinated by balsa wood airplanes since i was a kid. [ man #2 ] i always wondered how did an airplane get in the air. at ge aviation, we build jet engines. we lift people up off the ground to 35 thousand feet. these engines are built by hand with very precise assembly techniques. [ man #3 ] it's gonna fly people around the world. safely and better than it's ever done before. it would be a real treat to hear this monster fire up. [ woman ] i think a lot of people, when they look at a jet engine, they see a big hunk of metal. but when i look at it, i see seth, mark, tom, and people like that who work on engines every day. [ man #4 ] i would love to see this thing fly. it's a dream, honestly. there it is. awesome. that's so cool! yeah, that was awesome! [ cheering ] i wanna see that again. ♪ i've tried it. i wanna see that again. but nothing's helped me beat my back pain. then i tried this. it's salonpas. this is the relief i've been looking for. salonpas has 2 powerful pain fighting ingredients that work for up to 12 hours. and my pharmacist told me it's the only otc pain patch approved for sale using the same rigorous clinical testing that's required for prescription pain medications. proven. powerful. safe. salonpas. it's an historic day in baghdad. handing camp victory over to iraq. it served as headquarters for the u.s. operations. martin savidge is joining me live. i know it's another step to get the troops out of iraq by the end of the year. tell me what was involved and how many troops moved out. >> reporter: well, brooke, you are right. it was a big milestone but i have to point out, no members of the media were able to see this. it's rather the irony. it's a huge base that represents the drawdown of the u.s. forces and retro grade military, as they like to call it and the only people who got to see it was the military members themselves. they have been moving the bay and doing a drawdown for about six months now. starting at noon, the last soldiers began leaving. that was at 2:00 local time. it was a simple transfer, much like closing on a house deal, said one u.s. officer. and that was it. the largest base serving in iraq since the beginning of the war, that was the center focus for the whole conflict, had closed. and the u.s. had left that part of town. >> well, the media, i guess, wasn't allowed to see that, to witness that today. but i know that you know at camp victory, there are writings on the wall. if you will, remind us of the historic significance of this building. >> reporter: yeah, it was the place where the war was run from from about april 2003. it had a perimeter of about 27 miles. it will walls, razor wire, 40,000 soldiers at one point. 20,000 contractors. it is own water plant, its own ice making plant. the laundry had about 3,000 washing machines. it was a huge complex. they called it a victory-based complex made up of several bases. it was vital to the war fighting here in iraq. but eventually it was one of the last places to be closed down. it also has nine palaces that belongs to suddam hussein. what do you do with those? they are beautiful, they are massive, arrogant, and a reminder of the dark, bad days. so do you keep them, turn them into something else? that's still got to be decided by the iraqi government. they are quite remarkable, though. >> that was my next question. what do they do? we heard the president speaking, saying, look, our troops will be out by the holidays. what is left, martin? what is left to do before we leave iraq? >> well, let's see. with the closing of or the hand-over of camp victory today, that means that there are five u.s. bases left. there were 105 bases. we are down to five now. we have about 10, 11,000 troops that need to leave by december 31st but they say that they will easily make that deadline. >> martin savidge, thank you. and now to politics. the candidacy of herman cain could depend on his supporter number one, gloria cain, his wife of 43 years. he says he will clarify what he wants to do next. we'll bring in wolf blitzer with our america choice 2012 politics update. we heard him speaking at a town hall in north carolina a few minutes ago. he says that he's going to open his georgia campaign headquarters. does that sound like someone who is dropping out or can we read anything into that or not? >> it sounds like if you're going to an event, opening up a campaign headquarters in georgia, it sounds like he's getting ready to stay. although some people believe he's going to announce that eavesdropping out. you're getting these conflicting messages coming from herman cain and from the cain campaign and you heard what he just said in south carolina. he got a rlittle emotional. he's going back into this meeting with his wife, gloria cain. they are going to sit down for the first time actually face-to-face since this allegation of a sexual affair began on monday. he's going to meet with her. they have spoken on the phone but they haven't spoken in person. i assume they have a lot to talk about when they meet tonight in georgia. i've got an open mind. i don't know what he's going to do. only a small group of people, maybe just herman cain, maybe just gloria his wife know what he's going to do. we'll have to wait until sometime tomorrow afternoon to wait for that formal announcement. as you look to the outside signs, the fact that he's opening up a post in georgia, sending out e-mails, doing -- creating this committee, women for cain. that would indicate that he's staying. on the other hand, let's see as the pressure continues to build up. >> we shall see after his high meeting with his wife. in the meantime, larry king, the man wearing the suspenders. hello, sir. how are you? >> hello, dear, how are you? >> hello, dear. i love it. we're going to speak with larry king. we're going to talk about dinner with the kings on the other side of the break. don't move. i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ male announcer ] enbrel. the #1 biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. so my friend and your friend, larry king, is most definitely keeping busy these days. when he's not trying to buy the los angeles dodgers as an investment group, he and his wife are hosting fabulous dinner parties around this fabulous dinner table with some of hollywood's biggest stars. you are allowed to sit in. tyra banks, conan o'brien, just to name a few, they've put it into a special. it's called "a dinner with the kings." always a pleasure to talking to you on tv. before we talk about dinner, i must say i've always wanted to go to a dodgers game, wink wink. >> you've never gone to a dodgers game? >> no, i grew up in atlanta, never dodgers. >> well, i tell you what, whether we get the team or not, the next time you're in los angeles, you're my guest at a dodge injury game whether i'm one of the partial owners or not. but impart of a group, dennis gilbert is a wonderful man, top insurance executive, former agent, has put together four or five groups of the hunt. they have a decision to make. by the current owner and the bankruptcy courts. they hope to have a decision by spring training and it would be a thrill to have this. we have season tickets and my boys go to all of the games. so it would be a hoot. >> it would be a hoot. i'll take that offer and i appreciate that. >> you got it, whether we have them or not, you're on. >> deal. let's talk dinner with the kings. who's at the table? >> this idea came about to have this dinner at the house featuring and put it together, tape it for a couple hours, weed it down to an hour and talk about everything from success, failure, life, death, opportunities, funny things said, and the group included conan o'brien, as you said, russell brand, quincy jones, tie ra banks, jack dorsey, the inten for of twitter. wolf gang puck did the dinner. it was that kind of a -- it was really a lot of fun and if it goes well, i think we might -- we do four specials a year for cnn. this might always be the holiday special. >> so tell me how many hours were you all sitting around this table talking, eating, drinking to then have it edited down to one hour. >> well, it starts with the beginning, guests arriving, we actually did about two hours sitting around and eating through the dinner and dessert. and then we sat around the piano. we could have done two shows out of it. it was really that interesting. jack dorsey describes how twitter was invented. conan o'brien describes his own insecurities. >> russell brand. >> russell brand goes nuts. >> you say he's nuts. i'm not even going to set this clip up. let's just watch. >> i'm grateful to be included in this. i'm lucky not to be -- i was a drug addict for years and i'm grateful to be alive. i'm grateful for this. i shouldn't even be here. i don't think i should be here now. >> that was very kind of him. although i understand he took a trip up to your bedroom. what? >> yeah. he went up to the bedroom and he went into my wife's dresser and brought down a pair of bra and panties. it shook her up because they didn't match. but a camera follows him up the stairs. >> did that make the cut? is that in the snow. >> it made the cut. >> oh, brother. larry king, we can't wait to watch. 8:00 and # 1:00, 11:00. sunday on cnn, "a dinner with the kings." >> and i'll tweet during it, too. so we can tweet each other. >> okay. perfect. >> okay, doll. >> i appreciate it. you call it tricker ree and blas fem me. i'm talking about coca-cola. this can. this can. i have it right here. this can. are you one of the people who mistook this for diet? coke listened and we'll find out why we are so tied to certain brands, next. we're america's natural gas and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at coke ka coal cola's decision to switch back to its classic can is what we are trending about today. too many people confused this can with diet coke. some even complained that the taste even changed. so traditional red holiday cans are heading back to stores. peter is joining me. you see these cans, this is the white polar bear can and this is the diet coke. >> first of all, it tells me that in this country we might want to work on lit ra see. coke is like the one guy when you build the house of cards. i get what they are trying to do. people are tied to a very specific look, a very specific feel. there's a reason that a mcdonald's french fry tastes the same wherever you go. they are tied to how they look. i asked on twitter, what do you think on this? i had a delta flight attendant who said, we were getting confused in the air because we didn't know which one to serve. i was like, you didn't read the label? so when you mess with the brand, you don't mess with the brand. >> i was trying to talk to my teammate, what is this analogous to? it's just a color, you know. it's just a color. >> there's so many other things in this world that we can worry about. if everyone would donate a dollar to help the polar bears, we would win. but it does bring up the question, is this really what we have to worry about? >> but why is this so jarring for consumers? >> two reasons. we love what we love. when you mess with what we love, we have a problem. they haven't

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,Gain ,8 ,Point ,Government ,No Doubt ,None ,Employers ,Surprise ,120000 ,140000 , ,8 6 ,20000 ,Thought ,Lowest ,Headline ,72000 ,March Of 2009 ,2009 ,Kids Who Don T ,Congress ,Payroll Tax ,Paycheck Face ,Tax Hike ,Rival ,Everybody Else ,January 1st ,Peter Marici ,Reason ,International Business ,Unemployment ,Labor Force ,Number ,Income ,Families ,Age Group ,Left ,Two ,It ,Job Market ,Prospects ,Spouse ,Danger ,Economy ,First ,Comment ,9 ,Segment ,Economics ,Undergraduates ,Health Services ,Sector ,Social Services ,Sectors ,Job Growth ,Times ,Temp Jobs ,Order ,Core ,94000 ,6 ,Four ,Help ,Fight ,Taxes ,Jobs Picture ,Jobs Outlook ,Revenues ,In Washington D C ,Question ,Process ,Impact ,Tax Increase ,January 1 ,Everyone ,Problems ,Prices ,Needs ,Cutting ,Spending ,Trade Deficit ,China ,Another ,Isn T ,Peter Morici ,Aid ,Colleges ,Weekend ,Truth ,Saying ,College Campuses ,Haves ,Nots ,Grunting Noises ,Game ,Games ,Gold ,Season ,Mom ,Winner ,Race ,Save Money ,Price Guarantee ,Backed ,Kinect Sports Season ,Kinect ,Xbox 360 ,Walmart ,2 ,360 ,Companies ,Countries ,Revenue ,Gdp ,Dollar Figure ,5 3 Billion , 3 Billion ,College Kids ,College Students ,Least ,Amount ,Story ,Figures ,Tax Credits ,College Board ,80000 ,00000 ,100000 ,4 Billion ,6 Billion ,180000 ,Place ,Numbers ,Education ,Specialist ,Universities ,Merit Aid Programs ,Thing ,Students ,Wouldn T ,Dollars ,Basis ,System ,Billions ,Kids Who ,Kids ,Grades ,Richard ,Test Scores ,College ,Policy ,Tax Breaks ,Affluent ,The Public Interest ,Shift ,More ,Schools ,Need ,Marriage Base ,Spot ,Rankings ,Versus ,Prestige ,Standpoint ,Showering ,U S News World Report ,Doesn T Function ,Quarter ,Population ,Width ,3 ,74 ,Something ,Words ,Kid ,Campuses ,Whack ,25 ,150000 ,50000 ,Executive Director ,Somebody ,Level ,Incomes ,Category ,Fair ,0000 ,30000 ,40000 ,Degree ,Studies ,College Tuition ,Skyrocketing ,Evidence ,Country ,Migrants ,Loans ,Everything Else ,Rest ,College Education ,Attention ,Boy ,Shiv ,Hershey School ,Discriminating ,Thanks ,Skin Color ,Outrage ,Faith ,Attorney ,Bacteria ,Environment ,Odor ,Surface ,Stay With Me ,Patients ,Polident ,Denture ,Abrasion ,Dentures ,Instructions ,Mouth ,Smiling ,Car ,Car Replacement ,Accident Doesn T ,Liberty Mutual Insurance ,Auto Insurance Product ,15000 ,Price ,Auto Insurance ,Offices ,Responsibility ,Coverage ,Call ,Pennsylvania ,Attorneys ,13 ,Family ,Boarding School ,Milton Hershey School ,Antidiscrimination Laws ,Admission ,Rights ,Health ,Delaware County Public School ,Safety ,Individual ,Desire ,Obligation ,1850 ,Care ,Part ,Infection ,Hands ,Contract ,Kiss ,Centers For Disease Control And Prevention ,Rhonda Goldfein ,Toilet Seat ,Dinking Fountains ,Doorknob ,Aids Project ,We Haven T ,The School ,Position ,Resolution ,Update ,Goal ,Student ,Science ,Reaction ,Hershey ,Setting ,Law ,Kind ,Response ,Tears ,Hiv Status ,Because ,Record ,Wasn T ,Records ,Virus ,Risk ,1800 ,Oman ,Lawsuit ,Case ,Behalf ,Review ,Judgment ,Sides ,Courtroom ,Relationship ,Anywhere ,Edadversarl ,Idea ,Courts ,Folks ,Opinions ,Court ,Opinion ,Ma Am ,Table ,Choice ,Matter ,Ryan White ,Class ,Knowledge ,Seat ,26 ,Particulars ,School ,Quarters ,Children ,Decisions ,Statements ,Child ,Others ,Threat ,10 ,12 ,Things ,Chance ,Argument ,Hiv Can T ,Settings ,Red Herring ,Day School ,Day Camp ,Submarine ,House ,7 ,00 ,Analysis ,Diagnosis ,Excellence ,Hiv And Aids ,Ronda Goldfein ,Newt Gingrich ,Yes ,Politics ,Bottom ,Laws ,Interest ,First Talking ,Fair Game ,Republicans Focus On Iowa ,Work Habits ,Caucus ,Junkies ,Nomination ,Reputation ,Break ,Scooter ,Beep ,Chicken Noodle ,White Meat Chicken ,Pairs ,Hockey Game Last Night ,Progresso ,Pj ,Soup ,Step ,Iowa Caucuses ,George Mcgovern ,Candidates ,1972 ,Candidate ,Campaign Trail ,Work Ethic ,Neighborhood Schools ,Floors ,Bathrooms ,Inner City ,Will Cain ,Sunday On Cnn ,Ed Espinoza ,Learning ,Drug Dealer ,Prostitute ,New York ,Pimp ,Texas ,Austin ,Big Idea ,Phrase ,Tiny Tim ,Ebenezer Scrooge ,President Obama ,Someone ,Size ,Don T Pick On Poor Kids ,Fine ,Job Plan ,Sing Grigingrich W ,Friend ,Issue ,Policies ,Habit ,Foot ,National Revau ,Pufting ,Neighborhoods ,Finger ,Emulating ,Child Labor Laws ,Habits ,String ,Conclusions ,Bed ,Participation ,Barriers ,Well See ,Communities ,Comparisons ,Work Ethics ,Talk ,Drugs ,Leader ,Moving On ,Field ,Pimping ,Mitt Romney ,Issues ,Enough ,Hope ,Likable ,Substantively ,Substance ,Unprincipled ,Flip Flopper ,Character Quality ,Positives ,Likability ,Mandates ,Incidents ,Fidelity ,Global Warming ,Wrap ,Guy ,Base ,Voters ,Aren T ,Primary ,Independents ,Romney Just Isn T ,Woman ,Gravitating ,Conservatives ,Gotting To ,Shot ,Handover ,Wishful Thinking ,Jon Huntsman ,New Hampshire ,Gentlemen ,Milestone ,Phone Call ,Stay ,Card ,Insurance ,Aarp ,Medicare Supplement ,Medicare Card ,Fact ,Medicare ,Doesn T Cover Everything ,B Expenses ,Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan ,80 ,Insurance Company ,Expenses ,Unitedhealthcare ,Pocket ,Medicare Part B ,Kit ,Information ,Doctor ,Guide ,Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance ,Trust ,Referral ,Advantages ,Orange ,Plan ,Hospital ,Budget ,Claim ,Screen ,Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan ,What Medicare Doesn T ,Let S Go World Trekking ,American Military Facilities ,Martin Savidge ,There ,Troops ,Ceremonies ,Baghdad ,Reporter ,Drawdown ,Check ,T J ,Withdrawal ,Out ,There Wasn T A Single Camera ,Given ,There Wasn T A ,Iraqi War ,Vbc ,Soldiers ,Bases ,Perimeter ,Series ,Victory Base Complex ,Iraqi Airport ,27 ,Little ,Contractors ,Couple ,Top ,Iraqis ,Facility ,Fanfare ,Documents ,Picture ,Viewers ,Corner ,Homecoming Taking ,Military ,Guard ,Company ,Coming Home ,National Guard ,Choppy ,297 ,Unit ,Mike ,Many ,South ,Kuwait ,Loved Ones ,Scene ,Reunions ,Home Comings ,Life ,Planning ,Change ,Lives ,Military Careers ,Deployment ,San Mateo ,Bus ,Building ,Family Members ,Camera ,Different ,Symbolism ,Mood ,Solids ,Wives ,World ,Assignments ,Won T ,Mothers ,Sisters ,War Zone ,Sounds ,Homecoming ,Listening ,Laptop Bag ,Employee ,Businesses ,Business ,Community ,Bank Of America ,13 2 Billion ,3 2 Billion ,Opportunity ,Alka Seltzer Plus ,Symptoms ,Nose ,Runny Nose ,Dayquil ,Cholesterol ,Wrong Didn T ,Cereal ,Deep Breath ,Yummy ,Taste ,Goats ,Grain ,Honey Nut Cheerios ,Dandruff ,Use ,Beeping ,Neutrogena ,T Gel Shampoo ,Everything ,State Governments ,Marijuana ,Governors ,States ,D C ,Washington State ,Purpose ,Crime ,Feds ,Possession ,Rhode Island ,16 ,Letter ,Line ,Request ,Governor ,Drug ,Meaning ,Proposal ,Treatment ,Limits ,Washingt ,Time ,Chances ,Pharmacist ,National Academy Of Sciences ,Research ,Situation ,It S Time ,Report ,Citations ,Longer ,Medical Research ,700 ,State Employees ,Prosecution ,Agency ,Growers ,Dispense Rees ,State Of Emergency ,Mind ,Enforcement Being ,Petition ,Pharmacy ,Sf ,Prescriptions ,Patient ,Dose ,Pharmacists ,Frankly ,Fine Line ,Purposes ,Enforcement ,U S Attorneys ,Opiate ,Time Line ,Patients Medicinally ,Legalization ,Answer ,D A ,Letters ,Insight ,Santa ,Next ,Call Humana ,4003 ,808 ,1 800 808 4003 ,Cover ,Thousands ,Pay ,Out Of Pocket Expenses ,Medicare Guide ,Referrals ,Networks ,What Medicare Doesn T Pay ,Potential ,Rate Quote ,Dear Santa ,Grandma ,Saddest ,Moms ,Daughter ,Letters To Santa ,Dads ,Glimpse ,Grandmother ,Cancer ,Stories ,Pete Fontana ,Keith Fontana ,Area ,Figure ,Par ,1 8 ,Theme ,Ones ,Bills ,Basics ,Winter Coats ,Shelters ,Homeless Children Livering ,Transition ,Uptick ,Increase ,Rich Kids ,Percentages ,Type ,Reading ,Post Office ,Usps Com ,December 23rd ,23 ,Paul Steinhauser ,Turning To Politics ,Let S Go To Herman Cain ,South Carolina ,Guess ,Rockville ,Supporters ,Voice ,E Mail ,Staff ,Plea ,100 ,Poll ,Support ,20 ,Brooke Baldwin ,Atlanta ,Standing ,Arrival ,Dare ,Yep ,Points ,Keeping ,Dow ,Closing Bell ,230 ,Side ,Paycheck ,Payroll Tax Extension ,1000 ,000 ,Ee Fi Fishy Sector ,Launch ,Look ,Election Results ,Egypt ,15 ,Winners ,62 ,Election Commission ,62 ,Set ,Accident ,Kleenexes ,Correspondents ,Indiana ,Video ,View ,Tragedy ,Wthr ,Responders ,Speakers ,Radio Traffic ,Rows ,Chairs ,Framework ,Protesters ,In The End ,Units ,Quantity ,29 ,Seven ,Demonstration ,Park In Tampa ,Riverfront Park ,Power ,Santa Ana Winds ,Hundreds And Thousands ,Trees ,Movement ,Homes ,West ,Tampa ,Wind Warnings ,Sounds Like A Hurricane ,Utah ,Arizona ,We Couldn T Sleep ,Classic ,Radio ,Soft Drink Maker ,Fans ,Coca Cola ,All Of A Sudden ,Bam ,Stores ,Holiday Cans ,Coke Drinkers ,Diet Coke ,Holiday Coke Can ,Lately ,Don T Fret ,Expert ,Brew ,Ha ,Custody Battle ,Audience ,Hiring ,Allegations ,Jumping Ship ,Body ,Twilight Zone ,The One ,Party ,Larry King ,Georgia ,Road ,Tattoos ,Clue ,Come On In ,Meeting ,Poll Numbers ,Funding ,Toppings ,Godfather S Pizza ,Payments ,Ginger White ,Say Ledging ,43 ,Friendship ,Occasion ,Assistance ,Piers Morgan ,Affair ,Wood ,Texts ,Media ,Questions ,Failure ,Accuser ,Conversation ,Candy Crowley ,Feeling ,Monday ,Experience ,Gloria Cain ,Trouble ,Marriage ,Wolf Blitzer ,Announcement ,Reassessing ,Word ,Steps ,Sir ,Northwest Georgia ,Clarifying ,Topic ,Campaign Headquarters ,Uh Huh ,Contributions ,Backing ,Sort ,Ways ,Z ,Privy ,Campaign ,D ,Bad ,Polls ,House Speaker ,Nal Operations ,Speech ,Irn ,Stage Setting ,Underdog ,Totality ,Gingrich Setting ,Running ,Bite ,Both ,It Doesn T ,Structure ,Terms ,Podium ,Michele Bachmann ,Rick Perry ,Ground ,Enemies ,Room ,Guy Molinari ,Quote ,Evil ,Person ,Somebody Else ,Grudge Against Gingrich ,Grudge ,Molinari ,Nomination Snl ,Heads ,Same ,Nominee ,Gathering ,Beat ,Nation ,Pleasure ,Form ,Coming Up ,Poppy Harlow ,Dog ,Man Shot ,Devon ,Day Care ,Robots ,Cuz Robots ,Anncr ,Flaws ,Sfx ,Modem Dial Up ,Um ,Geico Com ,Car Insurance ,Button ,Big Dip ,Department Of Labor ,November ,Graphic ,Mark ,Uplifting ,Job Kree Ags ,9 0 ,Politicians ,Aisle Reference ,Small ,40 ,13 5 Million ,Bottom Line ,Trend Make ,Reporting ,Engineering Field ,Engineering Major ,Ceos ,Engineers ,Engineering Degrees ,Machines ,Take A Look ,Dirt ,Hunt ,Program ,Caterpillar ,Thorks A ,Google ,Engineering School Graduate ,City College Of New York ,Relation ,Gpa ,Advertising ,35 ,Scientist ,Friends ,Girl ,Freshman ,Elena ,Stem Major ,Major ,Engineering ,College Career ,Technology ,Math ,22 ,Engineer ,Finish School ,Eight ,14 ,Facebook ,Engineering Office ,Outside ,Engineering Student ,Graduate ,2012 ,Office ,Applications ,Music ,Snow ,Eyes ,Cnnmoney Com ,Plus ,Efforts ,Heroes ,Duck Hunting ,Duck Decoys ,Sounds Strange ,Bond ,Lending A ,Founder ,Paths ,Paw ,Hi ,Maddie ,Walls ,Disabilities ,Disability ,Options ,Mexico ,My Name Is Richard St ,Back Skiing ,Denis ,1976 ,Wheelchairs ,Spinal Cord ,Race Car ,Mobility ,Hot Rod ,Ya ,Self Confidence ,Quality ,Legs ,Medicine ,Emma ,Fo Femma ,Bemma ,Fana ,Emma Bo ,Alright Emma ,Drawing ,Let S Go ,Sweety ,Femma ,On My Own ,Tea Parties ,Conversations ,Girls ,Expert On Softball ,Massmutual ,Discount Double Check ,Policyholders ,Quarterback ,Discount Double ,Guys ,Discounts ,Move ,Hundreds ,Touchdown Dance ,Dancer ,Arthritis Pain ,Aaron Rodgers ,Fee ,Robot ,Her ,Mrr ,State Farm ,Spain ,Pills ,Guests ,Aleve ,Hang On ,Coffee ,Knees ,Afternoon Tour ,Coupon ,Paper ,Lara ,Premium ,Bank ,Strangers ,Dime ,Fees ,Stranger ,Nonsense ,Rally ,Ally Bank ,Wasn T Breathing ,911 ,Breathing ,Noises ,Uhh ,Spom ,University ,Band Director ,Wasn T Shaking ,Florida A And M ,Belief ,Pug ,Hunting Trip ,Hunter ,Gun ,Salt Lake City ,Refuge ,Discharge ,Led ,Gunshot ,Butt ,My Name Is Robert ,Buttocks ,Name ,Reports ,Decoys ,Pellets ,Mend ,Knocks ,Afghan Military ,Is Competency ,Business Pro ,Brent ,Upgrade ,Aisle ,Pro ,Rentals ,Go National ,Nationalcar Com ,Doing ,Phase ,Working ,Street Signs ,Strength ,Fences ,Little Stronge ,Fanct ,Semitrucks ,Matt Hartman ,Ireporters ,Matt ,Chad Myers Standing ,San Gabrielle Mission ,Grounds Keeper Curator Guy ,Pictures ,60 ,Mission ,Church ,Crucifix ,Alert ,Gale ,Tornadoes ,Midwest ,Chad Myers ,Handing Camp Victory ,Balsa Wood ,Jet Engines ,Hair ,Hand ,Engines ,Airplane ,Assembly Techniques ,Feet ,Ge Aviation ,35 Thousand ,Jet Engine ,Treat ,Seth ,Around The World ,Big Hunk Of Metal ,Monster Fire ,Tom ,Who Work On Engines ,Dream ,Back Pain ,Cheering ,Relief ,Ingredients ,Sale ,Salonpas ,Otc ,Testing ,Prescription Pain Medications ,Powerful ,Safe ,Operations ,Irony ,Grade ,Bay ,Closing ,House Deal ,Transfer ,Six ,Beginning ,Base Serving ,Officer ,Conflict ,Center Focus ,Significance ,Wall ,Town ,Writings ,Run ,Razor Wire ,April 2003 ,Water Plant ,Complex ,Ice Making Plant ,Washing Machines ,Laundry ,3000 ,Places ,Palaces ,Suddam Hussein ,Nine ,Something Else ,Iraqi Government ,Dark ,Reminder ,Arrogant ,Let S See ,Speaking ,Hand Over ,105 ,December 31st ,11000 ,31 ,Supporter ,Candidacy ,Number One ,North Carolina ,Town Hall ,Sound ,Eavesdropping Out ,Messages ,Rlittle ,Allegation ,Haven T ,Phone ,Signs ,Post ,Pressure ,Committee ,E Mails ,Women For Cain ,Suspenders ,Dinner ,Kings ,Psoriatic Arthritis ,Don T Move ,Dear ,On Enbrel ,Infections ,Immune System ,Rheumatologist ,Ability ,Region ,Events ,Nervous System ,Blood Disorders ,Cancers ,Tuberculosis ,Lymphoma ,Flu ,Tuberculis ,Have ,Heart Failure ,Hepatitis B ,Fever ,Bleeding ,Paleness ,Bruising ,Sores ,Rheumatologists ,Dinner Parties ,Investment Group ,Los Angeles Dodgers ,Conan O Brien ,Few ,Dinner Table ,Stars ,Tyra Banks ,Hollywood ,Wink ,Special ,Tv ,Team ,Injury Game ,Guest ,Owners ,Executive ,Agent ,Dodge ,Dennis Gilbert ,Groups ,Bankruptcy Courts ,Owner ,Hoot ,Offer ,Spring Training ,Thrill ,Tickets ,Boys ,Tape It ,Talk Dinner ,Let ,Russell Brand ,Opportunities ,Success ,Tie ,Quincy Jones ,Twitter ,A ,Inten ,Jack Dorsey ,Ra Banks ,Wolf Gang Puck ,Eating ,Specials ,Table Talking ,Drinking ,Fun ,Shows ,Dessert ,Piano ,Insecurities ,Nuts ,Goes Nuts ,Drug Addict ,Bedroom ,Trip ,Pair ,Dresser ,Panties ,Didn T Match ,Bra ,Brother ,Stairs ,11 ,It Tricker Ree ,Doll ,Perfect ,Diet ,Fem ,Brands ,Natural Gas ,Cleaner ,Scientists ,Technicians ,3 Million ,400 Billion Dollars ,400 Billion ,Smarter Power ,Domestic ,Coal Cola ,Coke Ka ,Cans ,Peter ,Polar Bear ,House Of Cards ,Lit Ra ,Feel ,Mcdonald S French Fry ,Brand ,Flight Attendant ,Label ,Mess ,Delta ,Color ,Teammate ,Dollar ,Polar Bears ,Everybody ,Credit ,Jobs Report ,Event ,Direction ,Saw ,Comfort ,Net Gain ,Drop ,Energy Efficiency ,Randi Kaye ,Holmes ,They Haven T ,Reasons ,Consumers ,21 ,

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