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halfway around the world, thousands of michael jackson fans are attending a tribute concert in wales today. the pop icon's three children are attending it also. several of jackson's siblings are performing. it comes as jackson's physician stands trial for involuntary manslaughter in the singer's death. for the first time this week, we heard dr. conrad murray's interview with detectives. >> everything happened very quickly. just about the time i was gone and i came back. so i started immediately to perform cpr and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. >> testimony in the trial resumes on monday. a dramatic rescue at sea. a small plane ran out of gas while flying from monterey, california, to hawaii. the pilot notified the coast guard they was in trouble about five miles from show. a rescue team coached him how to safely land the plane right there on its body. a rescue chopper pulled the pilot to safety. archbishop desmond tutu is celebrating his 80th birthday with a lot of laughter, music and prayer. among those celebrating with him, u2 hitmaker bono. >> he's a punk rock star. and i'm afraid of him. i'm genuinely scared of what he's going to say to me. and i think that's the way the south african government feels. >> apparently the dalai lama wanted to be there, too. but he scrapped his plans after south africa failed to issue a visa in time. he wished reverend tutu a happy birthday by webcast. now back to the values voters summit in washington where republican presidential candidate ron paul has just won the straw poll. cnn political reporter peter hamby joining us live again. peter, let's talk about how big paul's win was. >> reporter: well, ron paul wins straw polls all the time. he does it so often that a lot of republicans and a lot of the media doesn't pay attention. when they announced ron paul as the winner, a bunch of his supporters erupted in ron paul chants and everyone else in the room started booing them. looking further down the list, herman cain continues to do well among party activists. he finished second in the straw poll. and rick santorum, a fierce opponent of abortion rights, gave a strong speech here yesterday and he finished in third place. again, a lot of people are looking down the list, looking past ron paul a little bit. fair or not, he wins these straw polls all the time, diluting their importance at this point. >> let me ask you about baptist pastor robert jeffress who said that mitt romney is a mormon and that people shouldn't vote for him. what are people saying about that? >> reporter: that was the talk of the town. the controversy was still simmering this morning when mitt romney spoke here and actually there's another speaker on the agenda who's speaking later today who's also criticized mormonism and said it's not a christian -- he said they don't deserve first amendment rights. romney criticized him and took a moment to address the sort of tone of the conversation about religion. take a listen to what he said earlier. >> poisonous language doesn't advance our cause. it's never softened a single heart nor changed a single mind. the blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate. we want to focus on the conservative beliefs and the values that unite us. let no agenda narrow our vision or drive us apart. >> reporter: romney not directly addressing the controversy, just kind of doing it in broad strokes. the last thing romney wants to do is talk about mormonism. 22% of the country has skepticism about voting for a mormon. he wants to keep the focus away from social issues and on jobs and the economy, which is really his strength. that's why he didn't seem directly to address it. he kind of had to. he won applause for that land that you just heard today. but, again, the controversy is really the talk of this conference here, kyra, and it's not going away any time soon. >> peter, thanks so much. just ahead, more on the controversy over that baptist pastor's remarks about mormons. i talked to him a couple of hours ago. we'll have part of that interview for you next. its multi-action formula works to restore enamel, help prevent cavities, and kill bad breath germs for a whole mouth clean. whooo... [ male announcer ] listerine® total care. the most complete mouthwash. [ male announcer ] that makes a chocolate aso smooth and creamy,l you don't just taste it, you feel it. ♪ do you believe in magic? ♪ ♪ it's magic ♪ [ male announcer ] it's a comfort that comes from the only caramel worthy of being wrapped in gold. ♪ do you believe in magic? [ male announcer ] werther's original caramel chocolate. what comfort tastes like. now back to that controversy that's overshadowing the values voter summit in washington. prominent baptist pastor robert jeffress who backs rick perry's candidacy told supporters at the event that mitt romney shouldn't be the gop nominee because he's mormon, which the pastor says is a cult. jeffress stood by those comments later during an interview with jim acosta. >> the southern baptist convention, which is the largest protestant baptist denomination in the world, has labeled mormonism as a cult. mitt romney is a good man. but those of us who are followers of christ should prefer a competent christian to a competent non-christian like mitt romney. >> i spoke with pastor robert jeffress about two hours ago. he still says that mitt romney is a moral man but mormans are not christians and he has a right to support a christian presidential candidate. pastor, first of all, did rick perry know what you were going to say when you introduced him? >> no, not at all, neither he nor his advance team had any indication of what i was going to say in the introduction. and by the way, in my introduction, as you accurately noted, i did not say anything about cults or mormonism or didn't mention mitt romney by name. all of this came about as a result of some reporters' questions after the introduction in which one reporter asked me why i personally would not vote for a mormon. that's what set all after this off. >> why did you even decide to bring this up now and bring up the issue of mormonism and the fact that you believe it's a cult? it was debated and discussed in 2008. >> right. i'm not the one who brought it up. a reporter asked me. my primary role is not of a politician nor a pundit. i'm a pastor. when somebody asks me a theological question about mormonism, i have a responsibility to tell the truth. this is no surprise, as you said, i'm not a jeremiah wright on the fringe of making fanatical statement. mormonism has never been considered a part of ooevangelil christianity. if it's a choice between mitt romney and barack obama in the general election, i will vote for mitt romney. >> i understand you say you responded to reporters. but you introduce rick perry. he's running for president of the united states. you're a supporter of his and we asked perry what he thought about what you said. this is what he told our reporters right after. >> did you associate yourself with the comments -- >> i answered your question. no, i don't think it is. thank y'all. >> here's a man that you support, he's saying right there to reporters he doesn't agree with what you said, with regard to mormonism being a cult. so does this change your mind about him and how you feel about him is this -- >> not at all. there are plenty of reasons. i believe conservative evangelicals ought to vote for rick perry over mitt romney and mormonism is just one issue for evangelical christians. but i think an equal question is going to be governor romney's lack of consistency on core issues to those of us who are evangelicals, like the abortion issue. i think many conservatives are suspect on his flip-flops on that issue. >> all right. romney, as you know, is a very successful businessman. >> yes. >> he's been a ceo of a very successful company in addition to running a state. many people believe he would be a very competent chief executive to run this nation in brutal economic times. so are you suggesting that religious beliefs should trump competence to be president? >> yes, to religious people, kyra, religion matters. and i'm a pastor. i was speaking to a group of conservative evangelicals and i said in my introduction of governor perry, i certainly tout his economic platform, his success in texas. but what i care about most as a christian is his stance on biblical issues like the sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage. and governor perry has a strong, long track record of being consistent. for example, he signed the texas son gram bill, he defunded planned parenthood. those are important to us as evangelical christians. >> what does religion have to do with being a competent president? i'm talking about specifically what you said about mitt romney. >> well, john jay was the first chief justice of the united states supreme court. and he said, quote, we have a duty and a privilege as christians to select and prefer christians as our leaders. i hardly think john jay was a bigoted person. the fact is those of us who are evangelicals have every right to prefer and select a competent christian over a competent non-christian. again, kyra, it's not the only issue but it's certainly one issue that who we are evangelicals are going to consider. >> let me throw something back at you, then. let's talk about article 6, paragraph 3 of the constitution that says there's no religious test to being president. are you going against the constitution? >> kyra, that is an outrageous statement. that refers to government cannot impose a litmus test. but as individual citizens, we have every right to impose litmus tests of the kind of person we prefer. >> mitt romney spoke at the values voter summit today although he didn't mention pastor jeffress by name. he warned against poisonous language. almost 3,000 descendants of african slaves fighting for citizenship in oklahoma's cherokee nation. 150 years ago, their ancestors were enslaved not by white men, but by cherokees. soledad o'brien explains what happened when both sides went to court. >> i'm an african-american with cherokee heritage. my great grandmother, phyllis thompson pettit was a slave of the cherokees. >> reporter: what were those slaves doing for the cherokee nation? >> they were agricultural laborers. >> reporter: but in 1866, the cherokees freed their slaves signing a treaty guaranteeing that all freed men and their descendants would have all the rights of native cherokees. today that treaty is at the center of a controversy involving nearly 3,000 african-americans. on august 22nd, cherokee nation kicked them out of the tribe. >> the treaty of 1866 did not give citizenship to the freedmen or their descendants. the heart of the issue is whether or not an indian tribe can describe, can determine who is eligible to be a member of that tribe. >> reporter: in 2007, cherokee nation passed a law requiring proof of indian blood to be a member. the proof is based on a record that was created a century ago, called the dawes rolls. the freedommen say the dawes rolls are wrong because they were based on how you looked. >> if you look black, they wrote cherokee freedmen. if you looked not black, they wrote cherokee. >> reporter: in freedmen were of mixed cherokee and african blood. but on the rolls, they were listed with no indian blood. last month, it all went to federal court. >> i was restored as a member of the cherokee nation. >> reporter: a settlement has let the freedmen back into the tribe for now. the decescendants can vote but there's no report on whether they'll still be a part of the tribe. >> watch "the new promised land, silicon valley" hosted by soledad o'brien, sunday night, november 13th, 8:00 p.m. eastern. all work and no play, up next, our dr. bill prescribes us all a little r & r. and living longer is a goal for many people. and to help you achieve that goal, ten diet tips to help you live longer. first, snack on watermelon. second, stalk up ones asparagu. . who are you talking to? 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(laughing) yeah. get $100 rebate when you buy four tires. 100 bucks! only at your ford dealer. 3 million tires. 11 major brands, fiona's kind-of-nice. i don't know why you're not here. ♪ whoomp, there it is! ♪ whoomp, there it is! ♪ whoomp, there it is! ♪ whoomp, there it is! ♪ can you dig it? ♪ can y'all dig it? ♪ can you dig it? ♪ can y'all dig it? can you dig it? ♪ [ female announcer ] what happens in diapers should stay in diapers. new luvs ultra leakguards with heavy dooty blowout protection. outstanding protection for your little heavy dooty champ. top stories just ahead, including a reality check ten years later. a look back at the war in afghanistan, specifically the top secret mission that led to the bombings at tora bora in an effort to weed out osama bin laden. coming up, my interview with the now-retired navy captain who led that mission. back to those tips on what to eat to live longer. here's the other five. eat like an okinawan, eating complex carbs. rethink your rice and eat brown. pick your mushrooms. cook at home and finally put the brakes on yo-yo dieting. too much work, not enough play. americans could be working themselves to death, literally. and it's the subject of our weekly look at how to stay healthy. dr. bill lloyd, our healthy living expert, joins us from sacramento. reading all the things we need to eat to stay healthy. i think red wine is the only one that we can identify with, dr. bill. other than that, i don't know. could be a bit of a struggle. >> i know you can get watermelon wine in some places as well. >> there you go. >> this is us. we are literally burning the candle at both ends. and this is killing us, especially baby boomers. we're working more hours than ever before. it's affecting our health, our work performance, our relationships with people. we need to slow down. >> easier said than done. we all know there's physical benefits of relaxation. let's talk about those. maybe you can focus more on how we make ourselves do it. >> you're right. you're talking about a lifestyle change. we're not talking about stopping smoking, which is also a good thing to do. this is something that ought to bring fun and pleasure into your lives. so what do we know about getting more leisure time in your life? it's going to reduce the stress. everybody knows what the effects of chronic stress can do to you. for a short period of time, you can handle a little bit of stress. we know more leisure time will lower your blood pressure, improve your cholesterol, elevate your mood and your overall emotional outlook and it would lead to enhanced job satisfaction. you'll actually enjoin going to work if you can carve out that time every day for just a little bit of leisure. >> busy moms, dads, grandparents. what can we do to make the most of our free time? >> it's not as hard as it seems. when was the last time i did something that was really enjoyable and what was i doing? then find activities for that little window of time that are interesting and stimulating. make sure, kyra, that it's your time. sitting at the softball game watching your children play is good parents but that's not leisure time. make sure the work is enjoyable and make it a part of your life every day. i make it a part of my day to run 30 to 45 minutes every single day. clear the screen and get ready for the next day. >> how about all of us moms? i'm asking this for everybody in the house this morning when we thought, okay, dr. bill, it all sounds great. but when you're chasing after braub babies, how the heck can you do that? how do i take a run for 30 minutes? >> it's an important issue. and there's always great pushback. i can't find the time. i have so many other responsibilities. guess what? if you neglect your personal life and your leisure time, it's going to adversely affect all these other activities you have to do. it's going to adverse ri affeve your health and your relationships. you find a team. get people to help you get the things that need to be done. and you prioritize what doesn't need to be done and make that your leisure time. >> dr. bill, come here and take us all out on a day of leisure. how's that sound? >> i'm on my way. >> great talking to you. straight ahead, a decade since the start of the war in afghanistan and the bombing of the mountains at tora bora, believed to be at the time osama bin laden's hideout. my conversation with the navy captain about that mission ten years later. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. 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[♪...] >> announcer: now get a $250 airfare credit, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. certain restrictions apply. checking top stories now, protesters in d.c. chant "where are the jobs." what started as the occupy wall street movement has now spread beyond the financial district to more than a dozen cities across the country. protesters are speaking out on a number of issues including pay differences and corporate greed. to track occupy wall street and contribute your own angle, visit, the new way to get involved and share your story. football fans mourn the loss of a legendary coach, oakland raiders owner al davis. the raiders won countless championships under his direction and three super bowls. more than 50,000 people turned out for a rally in northeastern syria after the firing of an opposition leader. the human rights group says at least two people were killed when security forces cracked down on that protest. defense secretary leon panetta says if iraq wonts any u.s. troops to stay past december, give them immunity from prosecution. negotiations are still going on with iraqi leaders who say they want u.s. forces to help with training and security but don't think legal immunity is necessary. this weekend marks the tenth anniversary of the war in afghanistan. and today a somber reminder of the war's human cost. a dignified transfer ceremony at dover air force base in delaware. the fallen marine, lance corral benjamin w. schmidt. more than 2,700 coalition forces have been killed over the last decade. 1,7 1,780 of them were americans. we'll all never forget 9/11 and what the terrorists did to our families, our morale and our country. we knew that our president was going to fight back. at that time, i had been covering the military, had gone through training with the navy's elite top gun school and just happened to know the warriors that were about to bomb and destroy the mountains of tora bora. but i couldn't say anything. it was top secret. but the u.s. navy had been given their orders, and the mission was to find osama bin laden, doing whatever it took to kill or capture him. so here's the piece that i wrote ten years ago showing all of you that our navy was ready to fight. i just couldn't tell you when until that first bomb dropped. fallon, nevada, you've probably never heard of it. it's a bit of a sleepy town, but it's u.s. naval air station roars. these are the sounds of showgun. because the first strike will define survival in the inevitable danger zones. these fighters are among one of the most elite air wings in the u.s. military. nine squadrons, fully integrated and ready for combat. military readiness that's preparing these aviators for air superiority and airborne battle management. >> the ability to focus firepower where they want and the most important thing is the ability to minimize damages done to friendly forces, minimize our exposure to risk while maximizing the potential destruction on the enemy. >> reporter: captain r.c. thompson commands this air wing, an air wing prepared for whatever the president of the united states says it has to do. president bush says we're at war. has that sunk in with your air wing? >> kyra, i think that probably sunk in the day that footage came on television as to what happened in new york city. >> reporter: it's 7:30 a.m. lieutenant morgan hammond briefs his strike element on the day's simulat simulated air combat mission. practicing to go in and defend against any enemy attack. these aviators are integrating all warfare areas to disrupt and destroy the enemy. making sure they're in control of their air space and that all bad guys are out of the sky. >> it's very important to get all the elements working together, all the strike fighters, doing missions together so that we can operate. >> reporter: mission for the day, accomplished. >> we're not just strapping on the jets and going flying. we have specific missions and there's a lot of coordination that we have to practice in order to work. it's a dangerous business whether you're doing training or contingency operations. >> reporter: americans say they want justice. what does this air wing want? >> we're all human. we have emotions and feelings just like every other american. but we're also very professional. quite frankly what we want is to do our job right. we want to represent the american people when the time comes. we don't want to let them down. and ten years later, now retired u.s. navy captain, r.c. thompson joining us from san diego. can you believe it's been ten years? >> i know, kyra. seems like yesterday. >> 9/11 happened and you were appointed to lead those air strikes over tora bora. take me back to that moment when you knew what the country wanted. everyone wanted osama bin laden dead. and here you were training with all the men and women to go over there and try and find him. what do you remember from getting those orders? >> well, i remember, kyra, that it was very personal for us. keep in mind we were charged with defending this country and when the events went down the way they did in new york, it was like somebody coming into your living room and attacking your family. so we had a very strong sense of revenge and payback and also making things right over there. and when we knew that we had the opportunity to actually corner and put al qaeda away or at least we thought we did, there was a sense that we could end it and end it early. >> you weren't able to find osama bin laden. as we know, it took almost ten years. when you found out that it finally happened, what went through your mind? what did you think about that? this was only a number of months ago. >> it was, you're right. and i think, like all the rest of the country, it was a strange cross between exhilaration and relief that we finally found the guy who really perpetrated this act on our country. so it was -- and a great deal of pride in our men and women in uniform. through all these years and all the very close misses that we've had, that we're finally able to put it to an end. >> now looking at afghanistan and where it stands ten years later, what do you think about? what do you hope for that country? what do you hope for our men and women in the military? >> you know, i'm hoping we can leave with a success. i'm very proud of our men and women in uniform. it was easy for us, kyra. if you remember back, we showed up on station. i remember the ship rendezvousing with a japanese tanker who was sending us a code. i was up on the bridge and asked what the code was. and it was, welcome u.s., we're all new yorkers. we were all new yorkers as a country going forward and fighting. if we can end this correctly so that we can move on, we will walk ahead with our heads high as new yorkers as well. that's what i hope for. >> final thought, that was a pretty amazing moment for you in your career. i remember talking to you years before that moment and you had told me about certain individuals that you trained for to get ready to possibly be in battle with osama bin laden, the name was out there. saddam hussein's name was out there. you trained for so long and then your moment came. would you say this was one of the most defining moments of your career when you were out there on the stenace leading the attacks? >> certainly it is. on every september 11th, i get e-mails from those i was out there with. it was a deep sense of honor and privilege and pride for representing our country for being called upon to go do that. our main focus was, let us do it right, let us fall back on the training that our country's given us and let's just go out and do it right. god bless them all. they've done it. for the last ten years, they've been doing it. there is no off-season for our military. they just keep going over there and doing their job. >> never forget more than a decade ago spending time with you at top gun when you led all those men and women through the school. you gave me the opportunity to understand the navy and what it meant to fight. and then 9/11 happened. you taught me a lot. it's such an honor to talk to you ten years later. thank you for calling in. >> keep up the great work, kyra. if you're looking to make some cash, we'll tell you where the holiday jobs are. one idea? check out u.p.s. or fedex. americans will be spending about 2.$2.5 billion on hallowe costumes. what is the top adult costume? zombie, vampire, witch. the answer right after the break. [ female announcer ] once you taste new fiber one 80 calories... ...with its sweet honey taste, 40% daily value of fiber... ...and 80 calories per serving... may want to tell a few friends. ♪ or all of them. ♪ i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] new fiber one 80 calories. yes, you can actually love breakfast. ♪ constipated? phillips' caplets use magnesium, an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. [ professor ] good morning students. today, we're gonna... try smart balance buttery spread. it's heart-healthier than butter. with omega-3s. 64% less saturated fat. and clinically proven to help support healthy cholesterol. ♪ put a little love in your heart ♪ before the break, we asked you to identify the most popular adult halloween costume, if you answered witch, you're correct. witch claimed the top spot. next week, we'll quiz you on the top children's halloween costumes. people looking for work may find a temporary job as a seasonal worker. retailers could add up to 500,000 jobs during the holidays. athena jones talks to business owner about her hiring plans. >> reporter: at christine finney's gift shop in virginia, business has been picking up. >> things are looking up. i expect things are going to continue to improve. i do expect this christmas will be better than last year's. >> reporter: finney plans to add four temporary workers to our small staff during the holiday rush when she cy sees her clientele triple. >> people in the store, i want to make sure the customer service is what they expect and they get the attention that they deserve. >> reporter: the retail industry has outperformed others, adding jobs at a time when many sectors are struggling. retailers nationwide expect holiday sales to rise about 3% this year and plan to hire up to 500,000 seasonal employees in november and december. that's roughly the same amount as last year, even though the economy still faces tough headwinds. >> unemployment, consumer confidence, the stock market, the housing market, the debt crisis, all of those factors are continuing to swirl as the holiday season unfolds. that's going to dampen spending. >> reporter: the national retail federation says stores will use strong sales promotions and keep inventory levels low in the face of this consumer uncertainty. hiring plans among the big retailers vary. macy's plans to hire a 4% increase over last year. and kohl's should top 40,000, up 5%. toys "r" us plans to hire 40,000 extra employees this holiday season. best buy plans to hire just 18,000 holiday workers. compared to 29,000 last year. a drop of 38%. holiday sales are important, not just for hiring, but for the overall economy. >> our industry supports 42 million american jobs. we send trillions of dollars into the economy throughout the year. and $466 billion of that just in november and december. >> reporter: back at the gallery, finney is hopeful. >> i think personally my store, we've turned the corner. i feel optimistic that it's going to continue to improve. >> athena jones joining us now from d.c. what are the best opportunities for seasonal job seekers? >> reporter: according to challenger, gray and christmas, people looking for seasonal work might want to look at big discounters like target and walmart. these are the places that people who are pinching their pennies are going to be going to shop. it's important to remember these stores aren't just going to be looking for sales clerks. they're also going to need more people on the floor to help customers find the items they're looking for. also people to work in their shipping facilities and people to stock the shelves at a lot of overnight shelf-stocking positions. a lot of these jobs will be part-time but they could be jumping-off points for a full-time position for some retail workers. >> what about holiday sales? we're in such a bad economy right now. are they supposed to increase this year? >> reporter: this 2.8% over last year doesn't sound very big when you compare it to last year's increase. in 2010, holiday sales rose 5.2% over the previous year but that was over a pretty bad year, 2009. if you talk to people, they say this 2.8% is in line with the ten-year average. it's just over the ten-year average of yearly sales. that average is about 2.6%. so it's not stellar. but it's not bad. >> i know you'll be out there shopping, athena. >> reporter: you can bet. >> have a good weekend. >> reporter: thanks. the occupy wall street movement is getting bigger. but some people aren't so supportive. one mayor says they're, quote, trying to destroy the jobs of working people. we'll tell you who said that next. prescribed lipitor, i itwon'tgohout i for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough. now i'm eating healthier, exercising more, taking lipitor. numbers don't lie. my cholesterol's stayed down. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. it's backed by over 19 years of research. 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[ female announcer ] introducing crest complete whitening plus deep clean. you feel it working, so you know it's working. and that means you're good to go, for whatever the day brings. new crest complete. unlike ordinary toothpaste, you feel a deeper clean. it's a signal that tells you your whole mouth is clean. you're also protected. because most of life happens outside the bathroom. feel it working, know you're covered. with new crest complete, life opens up when you do. jacqui jeras, it's peaking. hundreds of shooting stars per hour. but there's a catch. >> the problem is, it's daylight. so nobody can see it. >> but it's beautiful, just imagine it. >> i know, right? use your imagination. yes, this is the meteor shower that happens every year in this month. and it's usually kind of a dud. but this year, it's supposed to be spectacular, like 750 shooting stars every hour. so that would be fantastic to be able to see it. but the peak is between 3:00 and 5:00 eastern time. so daylight is kind of a problem, isn't it? then over into the eastern hemisphere, we have a full moon. so you get the moonshine and that drown things out a bit. but some very creative high school students have figured out a way to be able to see this.e about 10,000 feet up io the air. they've from bishop, california. joining me now is ann and amelia. ladies, thanks for joining me. oh, look, we have the whole group. everybody's there. tell us how the balloon went off. you launched today. >> yes, we did. >> how did that go? >> it went off about 20 minutes after we'd hoped. but since the meteor shower was peaking and the peak was long, hopefully we'll get some pretty great shots. but otherwise, it went off without a hitch. >> there's going to be a camera way up there and of course it will be dark there so hopefully we'll be able to get some pictures. where did you guys get the idea to do this project? >> we got the idea when we -- in the beginning of our freshman year when we had originally wanted to launch a satellite. but we originally -- but then we came to believe that we weren't quite ready and we moved into weather balloons and we just thought this was a perfect opportunity to get spectacular footage that no one else was really getting else in the world. so that's what inspired this launch. >> okay. so this sounds kind of complicated for high school students. was this a difficult thing for you guys to do? >> well, all of this class -- we've all been in it for quite a while now. and we're all just kind of dedicated nerds, honestly. we know what we're doing. with the right amount of focus and perseverance, it's not as complex as it seems. it's actually fairly simple. just takes a bit of brainpower. we've got tons of it here. >> which one of now is ann and which one is amelia? i didn't quite catch that. >> not to say it doesn't take a lot of work. it took us six hours to assemble our payload for this launch and just two hours blowing up the weather balloon. not to say it doesn't take a lot of work to do this. >> as i was reading up on this, i saw a quote from a nasa scientist who said, these might be the only pictures that scientists are going to be able to catch of this meteor shower and they're not real sure where the exact concentrations are of these dust trails. what does that mean to you guys to know that your work here in high school could help scientists? >> we're very happy we can make a contribution to this because we see as teenagers, sometimes it can be hard to make a contribution to the big scientists. but it's really nice that we can spend time and energy to make a contribution to the greater science world. >> absolutely. what's next? will there be more projects? >> oh, yeah. the weather balloons are -- honestly we're hoping to send up experiments because up in the stratosphere, it's a near-space environment which will be close to the environment of the satellite that we originally hope to send up. so we're hoping to send up some bacterial experiments in the future. this is sort of a bonus project. >> we'll have to get back in touch with you after you have the pictures. thanks so much, earth and sky, the group from bishop, california. can't wait to see the pictures. >> that's so going to be your kids when they enter high school. i can't wait. >> i hope so. >> we'll follow up. hopefully we'll see the pictures. some other stories making headlines today, a dramatic rescue at sea. a small plane runs out of gas quite a while flying from monterey, california, to hawaii. the pilot notified the coast guard he was in trouble. and the rescue team coached him how to safely land the plane right there on its belly. then the pilot climbed out of the cockpit, waited on the wing and the rescue chopper pulled him out to safety. one of the world's most famous helicopter pilots, england's prince harry, arrived in the u.s. for some specialized live fire military training in california and arizona. he's going to learn how to fly a helicopter like this one, a british version of the apache gunship. if he passes the two-month training, he'll be one step closer to becoming combat ready and possibly returning to afghanistan. talk about determination. qua drup l amputee is planning to climb mt. kilimanjaro. we'll follow his progress. that does it for me. thanks for joining us today. 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