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>> cervical cancer is a horrible way to die. >> i just wanted to add, we cannot forget that in the midst of this executive order, there is a big drug company that made millions of dollars because of this mandate. we can't deny that. >> what are you suggest something. >> what i'm saying is that it's wrong for a drug company, because the governor's former chief of staff was the chief lobbyist for this drug company. the drug company gave thousands of dollars in political donations to the governor. and this is just flat-out wrong. the question is -- sit about life or was it about millions of dollars and month tpotentially, billions for a drug company. >> you need to respond? >> yes, sir. the company was merck. and it was a $5,000 contribution that i had received from them. i raise about $30 million. if you're saying that i can be bought for $5,000 -- i'm offended. >> he cannot be bought but "keeping them honest" he doesn't answer whether he can be influenced by this man. he served as perry's chief of staff from 2002 to 2004 and he's now an austin lobbyist that worked for merck for years. records show merck paid him between $260,000 and $535,000 in lobbying fees. something a man of mystery. our producer tried to track him down to get him to answer questions. >> hello, is mike there? >> no. >> is he in the office today? >> no, sorry. >> could you tell me where he is or how i could reach him? >> umm -- i can't, but i can leave a message. >> well, we had no luck finding him. we got no return calls after leaving message at his austin office or from the offices located on the private island he coowns on a lake in new hampshire where he has a home and rents out several others. as for the amount of money merck gave perry, he says it was $5,000. according to campaign finance documents perry pocketed about $30,000 from merck since 2000 and since 2006, "the washington post" all rights merck has donated more than $380,000 to the republican governor's association. perry was chairman of that association in 2008 and again in 2011 until just last month. as for merck's take on this, no response from them either. we have the research director for texans for justin and roland martin, a texas native. andrew you've been covering governor perry for many years in texas. how close are these two? >> well, i think for all practical purposes, mike tumey and governor perry are attached at the hip. they've worked together for 25 years. they were roommates when they both served in the texas house together when mr. tumey worked as a chief of staff for the governor and he had a nickname and that nickname was governor tumey. there's a sense here in austin that mr. tumey, very bright and hard-working, is the power behind the thrown of governor perry. >> roland, you're saying this sort of -- we're seeing underbelly of politics playing out here? >> absolutely. i hate to suggest that this is what we're used to but that's a fact. i think the voters are saying -- my goodness, we're used to this revolving door, whether it's in texas, illinois, or washington, d.c., where people that work for politicians, go to corporate america, come back to politics and go back. i remember when president george w. bush was there and people said, you got goldman sachs and bank of america and jp morgan chase executives working for the government and going back. the problem for perry is that he's building his campaign on this whole notion of integrity, of character. evangelical voice. if he's able to be undercut by saying, what is the level of influence in terms of former staffers this that are getting dollars from the state that's going to be a problem in this gop primary. >> but there are no allegations or evidence of anything illegal here, right? >> that's correct. when governor -- when mr. mike too. tumey went into his office he parked his clients with his lobby partners and when he left two years later from the governor's office, without catching a breath, he went right back to representing the same clients. it's all totally legal here in the state of texas. as are a lot of things. we call at this time wild west of money and politics. there's no limits on campaign contributions. >> but there's a difference between what is legal and, frankly, what looks bad politically. so we've seen the same thing in washington, d.c. where members of congress are criticized and staffers who worked on legislation and then they would leave to go work for a company, actually, would benefit from the legislation they worked on so it has to pass the smell test and voters pay attention to that kind of stuff and trust me, the other campaigns are saying, this could be the crack in the door we need to knock it down. >> your point earlier was that michele bachmann was wanting supporters to focus on this but she sort of stepped on it by going down this road on the hpv vaccine? >> she blew it away, i think members of the media, the next day, would have been on this. the dallas morning news, the houston chronicle, they've been reporting on these ties to perry. and there are other stories as well in terms of campaign contributions. technology firms getting benefits who were working on commissions there in texas. perry is going to have to answer these questions because people don't want a politician who's in a situation where people who work for him are getting federal contracts if, of course, he wins the presidency. >> andrew, where does the story go? at some point i guess tumey has to answer some questions? >> i don't know. he's an unusual lobbyist. the average lobbyist loves to talk about how much clout they have. their mojo. their influence with public officials. he's an unusual animal in that he's so close with the governor that he often finds himself in the position of downplaying his influence which is unusual because these guys are in the business of selling their influence to corporate clients 1234. >> andrew we appreciate it. you can follow me on twitttwitte twitter @anderson cooper. raw politics, president obama under fire from his own party. democratic strategist james carville with a tough mention for the president and his re-election campaign and why he says they should panic. isha sesay following other stories. ander son, former first lady jacquelyn kennedy "in her own words" after her husband's assassination and what she thought of the president's success or were lyndon johnson. revealing insight from a woman who rarely spoke out in public. that and more when "360" continues. g intelligence that is helping business rethink how to do business. in here, inventory can be taught to learn. ♪ in here, machines have a voice... ♪ [ male announcer ] in here, medical history follows you... even when you're away from home. it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities, creating and integrating solutions, helping business, and the rethink possible. borrowed technology from ferrari to develop its suspension system? or what if we told you that ferrari borrowed technology from cadillac to develop its suspension system? magnetic ride control -- pioneered by cadillac, perfected in the 556-horsepower cts-v. we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. is to take you from where you are... to where you need to be. and we're not just talking about points on a map. with a more intuitive delta website and mobile app... and the most wifi equipped planes. we let you be everywhere at once. innovations like these are extending our reach so you can extend yours. and now, even at 30,000 feet you can still touch the ground. ♪ got so many scratches and scars ♪ ♪ maybe time can mend us together again ♪ ♪ it's not what we've done but how far we've come ♪ ♪ i know that we will recover [ male announcer ] here when you need us most. raw politics, calling president obama to make changes. the outcry comes as the white house seems to be shrugging off this week's democratic losses in two special closely-watched elections, one in new york city. congressman bob turner was sworn in on capitol hill today. he took the form of congressman anthony wiener, he took his seat after the sexting scandal. and republican congressman, mark amaday who defeated in nevada. white house spokesman jay carney said the outcomes of both races don't tell you anything and no one should jump into conclusions as to whether this was a referendum on obama's presidency. the kind of measured response that president obama and his team are known for, after months, this is driving some democratic strategists to speak out and that includes former clinton adviser and cnn political contributor, james carville, he has advice and op ed, what should the white house do now? one word came to mind, he wrote, "panic." this is what i would say, the time has come to demand a plan of action that requires a complete change from the direction you are headed. james carville joins me now. james, you're all decked out for an lsu football game. >> i'm in starkville, mississippi, at the lsu/mississippi state game. >> you say the white house should panic that he -- and i'm quoting, fire somebody and indict people. those are fighting words. what do you mean? >> well, i think that when you look at these two elections, i think they do mean something. even in nevada, that was a seat we lost by about 8,000 votes in the presidential race and about 22,000. it's not going in the right direction. i think the president needs to show the country that he is unsatisfies with the pace of this recovery and the way to do that is make changes. everybody in 1994, president clinton fired a lot of people and made a lot of changes and got back there, time and time again and when a coach loses a lot of games they make changes. he needs to make some changes. and the other thing is, people are livid about this financial crisis and the it just doesn't seem to be much appetite or aggression for going after some of these people in american finance that caused this. i think people are looking to see some more aggressive action and i think that will signal a change and if the president does that i think he'll get back on track. >> so what's the problem with the folks working around the president? are you saying they don't understand the scope of the problem? they don't have solutions? or they're just not up to it or what? >> you know, it's not working. i was on the john king show earlier and somebody said, they have a communication's problem. then fire the communication's people. identify where the problem is. we're losing elections. we're running against time. the recovery is not going well. and identify what the problem is and make changes. it may be that people are just good people are tired of it or maybe they need something fresh. i have no idea. but they have to signal -- when something happens, the reaction is -- oh, no, everything's fine, this doesn't mean anything. i'm sorry, it does mean something. people are trying to say something. the trick is to say, i'm hearing you and we're changing course. we had to deal with a crash in the financial system. we were able to stabilize this and now's the time for a new strategy. we're going to bring new people in but the sill sig natural to people that you get that something has gone wrong here, not just defend everything that happens. that's the critical thing and by the way, anderson, if i was guilty of anything in this article it would be rampant plagiarism. this is something democrats have been saying for a long, long time. this isn't nothing i don't hear 20 times a day on the telephone. >> do you point the finger at the president himself as not -- is he too -- one often heard criticisms of he's to professorial. do you think that's part of the problem? >> i think the president, he's a smart guy and a very dekrebt guy. he might be too nice a guy. and he knows a lot of these people and a lot of them work real lie hard. i saw people that lost their jobs. lost their influence in the clinton administration to this day, some of them are best friends. maybe m of them got the influence back but there have to be consequences when things don't go well. there have to be consequences somewhere and the president is the guy in charge. it's that simple. if there's a problem with communications, change it. if there's a problem in the political section, change it. if there's a problem with the economic advice he's getting, change it. i don't have no idea. i'm not in there but something's not going right. to step out and say none of this means anything is ludicrous. that's not what's happening here and that's not what people are looking for and i think that the quick they are the president cease that and acts on that the better off he'll be. you know, i watch these republicans and i watched them on our debate. good, god! the idea of something like that getting in the white house ought to scare anybody half to death. >> the president's approval among independents dropping to new lows and if he doesn't have their support, can he win? >> look, this is a very tough time. of course, again, we lose elections and it is, i think, that if -- he's a very, very good communique' toricatcommuni. he has to be consistent. but more important, the speeches are not going to intern a trick. there has to be some action that demonstrates to the people, i'm dissatisfied with things and this is what i'm doing to make change. set himself up for the campaign and set himself up to run against these others. but he -- >> two years ago you told an interviewer that demographicics favored the democrat so much he wouldn't have to work to hard to win a re-election. >> i don't know if i said he wouldn't have to work very hard. the demographics are much more favorable in 2012 to democrats than they were in 2010. there is no doubt about that. in the future they're going to continue to be more favorable. if you have problems with employment at 9%, well, then the crush of everything would -- would really do you in here. i do think that he has a lot of things going on for him in 2012 and a much more favorable electorate will clearly be the case over 2010. >> interesting discussion. james carville, appreciate it. thanks very much. >> go tigers! >> good luck at the game. up next, a direct challenge to congresswoman michele bachmann. wi talk with the respectable bioethicist is offering michele bachmann she can produce the woman that said her child suffered mental retardation after getting the hpv vaccine. and also in her own words, audio tapes made by the former first lady, jackie kennedy, fascinating stuff, offering an inside look at the kennedy white house and choice comments about key figures in the 166 in the 1960s. and the full report on the trial of a florida millionaire ahead. ♪ [ male announcer ] you never know when a moment might turn into something more. and when it does men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment's right. ♪ [ man ] tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. 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[ announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ congresswoman michele bachmann is being offered $10,000 to a charity of her choice if she can back up a story she told on national television about the hpv vaccine. the story in a statement that many people denounce as irresponsible. the controversy started monday night at the tea party debate for republican presidential candidates. bachmann criticized rick perry for signing an executive order in 2007 requiring young girls to get the vaccine that protects against cervical cancer but what she said the following morning on "the today show" that got her in trouble. listen. >> i'll tell you i had a mother last night come up to me here in tampa, florida, after the debate and told me her little daughter, took that vaccine, that injection, and she suffered from mental retardation thereafter. it can have very dangerous side effects. the mother was crying when she came up to me last night. i didn't know who she was before the debate. this is the very real concern and people have to draw their own conclusions. >> immediately following that appearance, the american academy of pediatrics posted a statement on their website saying there's absolutely no scientific validity to the suggestion that the hpv vaccine causes what she termed "mental retardation." and the vaccine has an excellent safety record. bachmann offered an explanation for what she said today. >> during the debate, i didn't make any statements that would indicate that i'm a doctor, scientist or making any conclusions about the drug one way or another. i didn't make any statements. at the conclusion of the debate a woman came up to me who was very distraught and crying and thanked me for my remarks and said her daughter had had a negative rearks and that's all i related. >> that's not all she related. she said her daughter had suffered what she termed as mental retardation. arthur kaplan is the director for the center of bioethics at the university of pennsylvania and tweeted this. here's the deal, she has one week to produce her quote/unquote victim and she pays $10,000 to a pro vaccine group. if she can't i pay $10,000 to a charity of her choice if she does. congresswoman bachmann's explanation that she want is speaking as a doctor or scientist but was just relaying what a distraught mother was telling her. is that good enough. >> i'm willing to say she wasn't speaking as a doctor or scientist because she was pretty far off the planet and it's not acceptable. she's fear mongering. there's about 4,000 women that die of cervical cancer. she said in that clip and has said it a couple of times. you got to take that into account. that vaccine is dangerous. it's completely inappropriate. >> you wrote an op ed which you said this issue was and i'll quote it write, you said it was, bedebated by politicians who organizebly couldn't be more self-interested in scoring cheap debating points even at the cost of possibly killing young women. that's strong stuff. you really think politicians in this debate could be killing young women? >> i do. the reason i was tough about it, i said, look. you got 4,000 deaths. these vaccines that are out there can prevent many of them. when you scare people, moms, when you scare girls and women and say -- oh, this vaccine is too risky, you are, in a sense, killing these people if they then say, i'm not going to try these vaccines. i think overall our entire health policy with respect to vaccines has been just a product of fear mongering and ignorance and kind of cookie statements. it's time to demand better from our politicians. in one sense, anderson, there's only one question. you have a ton of americans that aren't getting vaccines. what are you politicians going to do about that? >> are you suggesting that there was no person that came up to bachmann or you think a person did come up but she shouldn't have put fort what this person said because there's no scientific validity to it? >> i don't doubt somebody came up to her but you don't put that into your statements. you don't go on national television and repeat it and repeat it. that's an anecdote. it's not verified. you don't know if the woman is telling the truth or even understands what's going on. it's like saying -- i was attacked by aliens and they abducted me and what is the government going to do to stop this? >> you also take issue with bachmann's stance against mandatory vaccinations. there's the medical stuff which we talked about that she has no evidence for. she doesn't want the government mandating, i guess, in this particular case, this vaccine. why are you -- >> she went off on a tirade about government-mandated vaccines. it will come as some surprise to those in the military she's opposed to government-mandated vaccine since every person in the military gets a government-mandated vaccine. i haven't seen a whole lot of consensus on that. we have a lot of mandates but what she didn't say was, we usually give some ability to opt out. so when i say, yeah, i think we should be mandating vaccines, i'm saying, let's presume it's good to give them and let's presume it's good to save lives and let's presume we're sick of seeing people die from the flu, mumps, measles, hpv, and then, in fact, say under what circumstances can you opt out? nothing all that spooky about a mandate. the police aren't coming to your house and dragging your daughter down the street and injecting her. >> but she's saying it shouldn't be mandated. basically, it should be opt-in. parents have the option to opt-in. >> i love it to be opt-in one sense, that's great. but you don't run around and say, holy mackerel and somebody came up to me and said my daughter, in her words, got retarded after getting a vaccine. is that the information we're going to have people opt-in on? we've got to do better than that. there's no excuse to let politicians get away from that. some people say, that's like a gimmick. if that's what it takes to fight ignorance -- >> you got the $10,000 ready to go? >> i got my checkbook ready. we're following several other stories. isha sesay has a "360" news and bulletin. at the white house, president obama bestowed the medal of honor on marine sergeant dakota meyer whose heroism during a battle in afghanistan saved the lives of fellow marines and soldiers but he feels he doesn't deserve it. >> i got as many as i could. we were under heavy fire the entire time. i know i applied quite a few tu tu and i didn't do anything that any other marine wouldn't do. i definitely don't see myself as a hero. i see myself the furthest thing from a hero. i went in there to get my guys out alive and i failed. i'm more of a failure than a hero in my eyes. >> house speaker john boehner rejected the option of raising taxes to cut the deficit and said the special committee charged with cutting more than $is trillion from federal deficits should use spending cuts and entitlement reform to get the job done. swiss banking giant revealed a rogue trader has cost the bank an estimated $2 billion. the police have arrested the suspect in london. and anderson, take a look at will willow. he disappeared five years in colorado and turned up this week on the streets of new york city. it's not known how she got to new york. willow's owners were locate tlud a microchip on her body. it must also said, her owners are slightly worried she may have picked up a bad cat attitude in the city. >> i had her on my daytime show today. >> what was her attitude like? >> she seemed kind of fat and happy and no one knows where she's been and we reunited her with her families. are pretty cool. their excited to get her home soon. she took it all in stride. we'll find out if she's been hang out with a fast and loose crowd. tonight, i'm proud to present a horse licking a dog. i can't get enough of this sort of stuff. a new york city police officer's horse couldn't resist this tasty little dog. the dog looks confused but mostly, she was enjoying it. >> taking affection where it can. like so many out there. it is, indeed, adorable but i have to tell you, coops, i haven't seen such canine meats and equine cuteness since your last birthday. >> yes! >> this was one of the more surreal birthday presents i've ever gotten. a dog running on a -- >> a pony -- >> but it was such a classic moment. just to see your face and how mortified you were. >> that was a very strange night. >> it was a very strange night. well, my birthday is coming up. get that thinking cap on. >> isha, thanks. we'll think of something. here's piers morgan with a look at what's coming up on "piers morgan tonight." thanks, anderson. we have a very candid hour with jermaine jackson and he offers an extraordinary defense of his brother michael sleeping with young boys and he talks about his opinion of dr. conrad murray and how fragile michael had become at the end of his life. >> i know for michael to get sleep, he had to be knocked out. this wasn't just this one night. this was administered in him on an ongoing basis, which was causing his body to deteriorate and him to act different and have different symptoms in his behavior. >> pretty eye-popping interview with jermaine jackson at the top of the hour. back to you. thanks, up next a remarkable inside look at an important period in american history by a key player. jackie kennedy "in her own words" audiotapes about how she felt about presidents like lyndon johnson. and in "crime and punishment," a florida millionaire charged with the murder of his wife but in court the lawyers backtrack on what the man told 911 the night of the shooting. >> what's going on there, sir? >> i just shot my wife! ed planes. we let you be everywhere at once. innovations like these are extending our reach so you can extend yours. and now, even at 30,000 feet you can still touch the ground. tonight a fascinating new perspective on one of the united states's most iconic figures, the late jacquelyn kennedy onassis. they released audio recordings that she made in 1946 months after john f. kennedy was assassinated. in a 340e789 i'll talk with historian. some of her musings about civil rights leader mb martin luther king. she said bobby kennedy told her that king made light of her husband's funeral and said the coffin was almost dropped and made fun of the cardinal who performed the mass. here's what she said next from the abc special "jacquelyn kennedy, in her own words." >> martin luther king is a picky person. he never said anything against martin luther king to me, so -- i don't know if he -- if bobby would be the one to find out what he ever really thought in that way. but bobby told me later, i just can't see a picture of martin luther king without thinking, you know, that man's terrible. >> that tape shows that at least at the time she made the recording, jacquelyn ken by didn't have much confidence in lyndon b. johnson. listen. >> lyndon can ride on some of the great things jack did and a lot of them will go forward because they can't be stopped, the civil rights, the tax bill, the gold range stuff and maybe you'll do something more about the alliance and everything but when some really big crisis happens, that's when they're going to miss jack and i want them to know it's because they don't have that kind of president. not because it was inevitable. >> it shows a insecurity and a vulnerability of the first lady when she talks about the perception that she wasn't good for her husband's campaign. >> i was always a liability to him until we got to the white house. and he never asked me to change or said anything about it. everyone thought i was a snob in newport with my hair and that french clothes and hated politics. and when because i was often having babies i wasn't able to campaign and be around with him as much as i could have and he'd get so upset for me when something like that came out. and i sometimes i'd say, oh, jack, i wish -- i'm so sorry for you that i'm such a dud. and i knew it wasn't true and he didn't want me to change and i mean he knew i loved him and i did everything i could and i did campaign with him. i did it very hard. >> this is presidential historian, douglas brinkley. this is fascinating to hear her voice and hear what she has to say. as with any oral history, the context in which somebody says something is key. caroline kennedy says these tapes are simply a moment in time. do you agree with that? >> yes. they're being done in 1964, right after john f. kennedy's assassination, her husband's killed. she's also a woman of her time. she sounds more like like what they used to call "scarsdale wife." eleanor roosevelt wouldn't have made some of these comments. but you have to remember that these tapes collectively are more for gossip than history and the feel of the tapes her having a casual conversation with the pulitzer prize winning novelist, w406s writing the book "1,000 days" involving the kennedy white house. >> do you think she ever thought they would be released? >> no. there was a 50-year rule. they were doing a oral history for the kennedy library and the kennedy project and i think caroline kennedy was under the belief that these tapes would be made public sooner or later in 50 years, meaning 2014. so it's better to let them out now and get on top of these, you know, the martin luther king things and others, and present it in a way with the historian's. he's first rate. and come out with it in a way that puts the first lady in a better light than if you just waited for their release a couple years from now. >> here's another clip from the abc special. speaking about the cuban missile crisis. >> i remember saying, i knew if anything happened we would all be evacuated to camp david or something and i don't know if he said anything about that that to me. i don't think he -- but i said, please don't send me away to camp david, you know, me and the children. please don't send me anywhere. if anything happens we're all going to stay right here with you. and, you know, i said, even if there's not room in the bomb shelter in the white house, please, i just wanted to be on the lawn when it happens. you know, but i just want to be with you and i want to die with you and the children do, too, and then live without you. >> it's so stunning to hear that when you hear that what do you think? >> it's powerful and i think it's the most important part of the tapes. it brings us back to the cold war and reminds us how the soviet union and the united states were like two scorpions in a bottle that the cuban missile crisis created a real fear, all the way to the first lady. and it showed the love that she had for her husband. i think jackie kennedy was being genuine when she said her greatest years, her happiest times with jack was when she was in the white house. they spent the most time together between of 61 and. 6 '63. in the white house they had time together and the family got close and it's indicative of what anybody thinks if they have children they love and want to stay together in a crisis or -- >> as a historian, do you think forever more will be viewed it will be viewed that she didn't like martin luther king? >> well, as you know, anderson, we live in these sound-bi bite culture. when ted kennedy was alive there would be no way these tapes would come pout but it's the 50th anniversary of all things john kennedy and you have the kennedy library trying to bring attention to the presidency and here the tapes are and it was considered the time to bring it out. i think the martin luther king comment and also, the criticism of ted sorenson who was so loyal to john f. kennedy are particularly hurtful. other ones in it calls degall an egomaniac. that's only hurtful because jackie kennedy's trip to france, she was beloved there. she spoke fluid french and they loved her and now there's sort of a putdown of the great degall. i'm not sure other first ladies would have done this. i can't imagine another record quite like this where months out of leaving the white house, that you record this kind of bomb for history where you're criticizing a number of different people. we should also say that other people, whether it's robert mcnamara or bundy or all of our -- are given a big thumb's up in the tapes. >> a fascinating look. douglas brinkley, i appreciate it. "crime and punishment," a bizarre murder trial began today in the same courtroom where casey anthony was tried. the defendant mill heir accused of killing his wife. he made in 911 call to report the killing. i'm on it, boss. new pony ? sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno. growing businesses use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool bike. because the business with the best technology rules. it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d. and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk. got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. you could save a bundle with geico's multi-policy discount. geico, saving people money on more than just car iance. ♪ geic "crime and punishment." testimony began in the high profile murder case in orlando, florida and, and the case full of odd twists and weird behavior. bob ward, a wealthy developer charged with second-degree murder in the shooting hoops death of his wife diane inside their mansion in 2009. the night of the shooting hoops he called 911 and told the operator he shot his wife and subsequently told the police a different story. that's not all that's estranged about the case. gary tuck man picks up the story. >> reporter: florida millionaire bob ward, on trial for the murder of his wife, his defense? she shot herself. as he struggled to stop her. but it was a much different story he told on the night of her death two years ago. >> what's the emergency? >> i just shot my wife. >> you just what? i just shot my wife. >> where's your wife? >> she's right here on the floor. >> reporter: three more times in the same 911 call, he admitted he shot her. >> i just shot my wife. >> where is the weapon at, sir? is she breathing? >> she's dead. she's done. i'm sorry. >> reporter: later in the call, ward said the shooting hoops was an accident. but there was never any emotion in his voice. today in court, a very different picture from his attorney. >> this entire incident happened in the blink of an eye. her death was an unexpected and tragic accident. no crime was committed by bob ward on the night of september 21th, 2009. >> reporter: but from the prosecution -- >> ladies and gentlemen, this case is about the fact that it was bob ward that shot her, almost dead between the eyes. >> reporter: police say his story changed during his police interrogation. >> it was an accident. and i will tell you more about it later. >> reporter: his demeanor also changed as time went on and his bizarre behavior has made defending him more of a challenge. the emotionalless man on the phone begame the jokester as captured on jail video. here he was doing a strip tease of sorts. >> i'll make sure that -- no, i wouldn't do that. do you want to hear -- >> reporter: what makes the video strangeer is who is visiting him. the woman talking to him? hid dead wife's sister. the woman in background? bob and diane's daughter. >> she's had hundreds of phone calls about you and everybody is very, very supportive. >> reporter: the three in this video, all thought it was a hoot that the plumbing wasn't working in the cell. >> what a lifestyle change for you. i can only imagine. i know you're missing your bidet. >> you can't even turn on the water. see this? no water! >> no water in the toilet? >> nobody seems to care, though. >> well, i do. and i know you do. and i also want to let you know how nice i think you look. i've been trying to get you to wear pajamas for years now. a lovely fall collection you have on. >> reporter: the prosecutors hope to build their case on these points. bob ward's dna was found on the gun and his wife was shot from more than a foot away, much farther than someone would shoot themselves. they say diane ward was about to a deposition in a financial investigation against her pubd but the defense said diane ward had high levels of anti-depreisn't drugs in her system. it will be up to the jury to decide which bob ward to believe. this one -- >> diane ward was killed by a single gunshot wound as she struggled with her husband over a loaded gun. >> reporter: or this one. >> okay, what's going on there? >> i just shot my wife. >> reporter: gary tuck man, cnn. incriminating statements the alleged underwear bomber made against links al qaeda can be used at his upcoming trial. the federal judge issued the ruling today. he's charged with trying to blow up an airliner bound for detroit on christmas day, 2009. federal agents questioned him at a hospital after his arrest, before reading him his miranda rights. still, no word on the possible release of two american hikers held in iran. a lawyer for josh fattal and shane bower said he filed paperwork requesting they be free on bail but doesn't expect judges to act until saturday. last month the men were convicted of spying and sentenced to eight years in prison. and the florida judge ruled that casey anthony owes authorities just under $98,000 for the costs of investigating the disappearance of her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. prosecutors had asked for $516,000. anthony was acquitted of first-degree murder in july. anderson, her legal problems are not over yet. >> yeah. isha, appreciate it. up next, the story about the guy who tried a robbery by a guy dressed like gumby. it's somebody you'll recognize! 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[ engine revving ] when you pursue industry-leading safety, you don't just engineer breakthroughs in simulation technology, you engineer amazing. ♪ time for the "rediculist." tonight, we didn't want to do it but frankly she left us no choice. we're adding the love a and talented isha sesay. she has a lot going for her. super smart, travelled the world, an experienced journalist, went to cambridge and as the "360" staff can attest to, it's a lot of fun to go out drinking with her. but one area isha is sorely lacking and that area was painfully obvious last night on "360." >> gumby has surrendered. last seen trying to rob a san diego seven 11 though nothing was taken. as the foreigner in the strange lands, who or what is gumby? what is gumby? you can't just say it's a long story and leave me hanging. >> there are those that came to my defense, from canada and places like that and say, i'm not alone in my lack of knowledge. >> say it ain't so. isha i'm here to help and i have to say in your defense, gumby has only been around for a, mere, 55 years. there were only about 233 episodes of the tv show and countless toys, books, comics, halloween costumes and so on, going back to 1956 when gumby made his first appearance on "the howd yooimpblt doody show." >> he's a human oid made out of green clay that has all kinds of adventures, like going to the moon. >> my, it's cold! i do not remember gumby being that trippy. i'm kind of a little bit freaked out now. maybe they didn't have gumby during isha's cartoon-watching years. how did she miss all the times that eddie murphy played gumby on "saturday night live." >> i'm gumby, damn it. i'm supreme. >> this is a comedy team. >> hey. >> this is not a funeral. gumby, i have my own sense 06 timing. >> timing, it's time for you to go to the glue factory. >> just to level the playingfield i thought it would be nice to look at a kid's show from isha's homeland that like gumby, has claymation. "the adventures of morph." what in the heck was that? >> i grew up watching that. >> that brings back so many memories. >> oh, i remember the intention of morph like it was yesterday. mum my and i used to drink tea while eating biscuits. >> those are like neutered lizards or something. like grover with their hair shaved off of them. >> that's quality programming for children that i grew up on and it made me the woman i am today. >> okay. in conclusion, let me just say in isha's defense, i know this was an isolated incident and we all know you're not completely clueless about american culture. magilla gorilla, do you know what that is? >> what is that? >> isha, isha, isha. fear not, you'll always be pokey to my gumby on the "rediculist." a note about "rediculist" we ran last week about our college student rant about sperry and rainbow shoes. we put the shoe company on the "rediculist" and the student called us to make sure we knew the rant was a joke and of course, we did, and that's why we featured it on the "rediculist." we appreciate thca

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