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no one cared that he was gay. >> a legal network for them estimates 14,000 were booted from the military because of don't ask, don't tell. authorities could decide whether a condemned man lives or dies. troy davis was convicted of murder in 1989. if the state does not intervene he will be put to death at 7:00 p.m. eastern. davis' supporters say he is innocent and the officer's family says justice is overdue. both sides spoke before the parole board. >> no time is easy when you have to go before the pardons and parole board but feel like we got to say what we needed to say. they heard the truth which is the most important part. and i believe that they will probably favor in our favor. >> i would be petrified but troy, troy has an understanding of this is bigger than him. this is about a judicial system that may possibly need to change and get better so that this doesn't really happen. >> the board could commute his death sentence to life without parole or could deny clemency and let the death sentence go forward. the fbi says someone is murdered in the united states every 35 minutes but despite that violent crime overall is down in the united states. the bureau has released the figures from last year and show a 6% drop from the year before. over the last ten years violent crimes are down more than 13%. not that we're complaining but why is america less violent? experts say it could be because americans are getting older. and also mention better policing and programs for young people. there's one of a possible settlement in the phone world" might pay more than $3 million to the family of a murdered girl. they hacked into milly dowler's voice mail when see disappeared and rupert murdoch would pay for that. in aruba they've been retracing the missing steps of robyn gardner who went snorkeling with gary giordano and the last anyone saw her. giordano is the own hi suspect in the case. in custody. prosecutors wanted to stage the re-enactment of robyn's last day until the weather was similar to the day she disappeared. today is day two of a federal hearing into the death of a killer whale trainer and whether the park should be charged with a will film implication. an orca pulled dawn into the tank and browned her. osha cited them for three safety violations in putting employees in danger. the whale that killed her was involved in another trainer's death in 1991. death at seaword, the book, and the author spoke to anderson cooper about the hearing near orlando. >> someone is at fault. you can't blame a killer whale tore killing someone so it was either don or seaworld's fault. i was in court all day and kelly flaherty flashing said that dawn followed protocol. this is not dawn's fault. where does that leave us? >> seaworld has dismissed the allegations as unfounded and is contesting them. the hearings are expected to last all week. let's head to atlanta and talk about weather. rob paris an know here for us. so it was a beautiful day in new york. >> it was. >> i felt blelsed. >> well, i'm glad you enjoyed -- i hope you appreciated it. not too bad. rain that will be heading across not only new york but much of the eastern third of the current. on the radar scale, first the south where the heaviest rain will be from alabama in through georgia. right now light rains. most of the heavy stuff across moment bay. but bing almohbinghampton, new heading through the corridor and adirondacks as well. as far as where you'll see rain delay, no severe thunderstorms expected but new york, boston will see delays, philly and d.c. as well. got another front rolling across the upper midwest that will bring another batch of cool falllike air so enjoy 79 in memphis because you'll get back to seeing temperatures in the 60s i believe. still hurricane season. this guy out in the middle of the atlantic is getting better organized. 70% chance of becoming something more interesting in the form a tropical storm in the next two days but it's very far out there. hey, leftovers of hurricane irene, you often get i lot of mosquitoes. it's an ongoing problem because of what irene and lee brought across the eastern coastline so a lot of mosquitoes. local communities are trying to control them but the cdc is now reports over 200 cases of west nile, pose of which has come after august 12st during the height of those hurricanes and tropical systems, so going outside. tray on the deet if you can. >> i can attest you visiting friends in carefield, connecticut. i was just standing in the yard and i swear to you i had 15 mosquito bites on my legs in a matter of minutes. >> really? >> it's really bad. i was going to ask you something that would be inappropriate. don't scratch so much. >> you can't help it. it's agony. >> stop. >> thank you, rob. the buffett rule. something the president wants to enact. so far it just has cheatens cutting up. here's your punch line. >> well, president obama's new plan to cut the deficit involves taxing people that make over a million dollars a year. here's some that will be affect. >> the so-called buffett rule in reference to warren buffett and how publics are responding. >> president obama's plan will include a new tax on those making over a million dollars a year. those affected include university of miami ball players and christina wrangler's breast wrangler. >> under attack by special interest groups. >> americans are struggling just to make ends meet. so why does barack obama want to tax our buffets. don't let this president and his lettuce i've eating wife take away your god given talent to eat you want to eat and keep the tacks off american buff detbuff. paid for by fat people. >> oh my god. i needed a laugh this morning. that was great. all right. back to the news. aids researchers have been working on a particular problem for years and then they handed it over to gamers from all over the world and, bingo, a breakthrough. but first here's our kwoeft the day. quote, giving the federal government more money would be like giving a cocaine addict more co-taken, end quote. find out who said it in 9 seconds. an airline's job, is to take you from where you are... to where you need to be. and we're not just talking about points on a map. with a more intuitive delta website and mobile app... and the most wifi equipped planes. we let you be everywhere at once. innovations like these are extending our reach so you can extend yours. and now, even at 30,000 feet you can still touch the ground. just having some tender chicken and some tasty noodles. let's see...south western vegetables...60 calories. ya' know those jeans look nice. they do? yup. so you were checking me out? yup. [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. aflac... and major medical? major medical, boyyyy! [ beatboxing ] ♪ i help pay the doctor ♪ ain't that enough for you? ♪ there are things major medical doesn't do. aflac! pays cash so we don't have to fret. [ together ] ♪ something families should get ♪ ♪ like a safety net ♪ even helps pay deductibles, so cover your back, get... ♪ a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aflac! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ] it is ten minutes past the hour. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." now, back to our quote of the day. giving the federal government more upon would be like giving a cocaine addict more cocaine. who said that? it was house speaker john boehner. he said that yesterday and reacted to president obama's new tax plan. we'll talk more about that and the buffett rule or as jimmy likes say, the buffet rule. breaking news out of turkey. a mini bus exploded there. two people were killed. it happened in the turkish capital of ankara just moments ago we learned that the explosion was actually caused by a bomb. as soon as we get more information we'll pass it along to you. but, again, a mini bus in turkey in ankara, the capital explodes. two are killed. we understand that explosion was de detonated by a bomb. all this talk about conserving energy but according to experts it doesn't appear anyone is really working to make a difference. so let's head to hong kong and kristi lu stout. you're kidding. people aren't conserving energy. >> most disappointing report. in the decades ahead there will be a surge in global energy use. this all according to a new report by the energy information ministry and according to the eia energy use will jump 53% by the year 2035 driven largely by demand. rise in gas emissions by 43%. renewable energy use is expected to grow the most but fossil fuels, will replain the dominant fuel choice and the report it adds these could change if countries like the u.s. and china pass stronger environmental laws. so, carol, here's hoping that they will. back to you. >> china passing stronger environment at laws. i guess they have in the past but not many, huh? i don't know. >> well, they do have it in their interest in solar panels so there you have it. >> we'll see. so tell us about this computer game that could save lives. >> that's right. something that is on my radar called fold it. it asks gamers to predict and design protein structures to understand how they work. the game was released by the university of washington in 2008. since then more than 60,000 from all over the world have taken part and in ten days gamers are able to unravel the structure of a protein key to the way hiv multiplies and with that knowledge scientists can hope that they can make drugs to stop its growth. amazingly, carol, a few of the gamers have a background in technology and manipulate patterns if. carol, back to you. >> that's awesome. thanks so much, kristi lu stout live from hong kong. here at home republican presidential hopeful michele bachmann fires back against one of her critics but it's not just any critic. he's actually her former campaign manager. what he said that has her on the defensive coming your way in 90 seconds. treat you like a policy, not a person. instead of getting to know you they simply assign you a number. aviva is here to change all that. we're bringing humanity back to insurance and putting people before policies. aviva life insurance and annuities. we are building insurance around you. good morning, washington, 15 minutes past the hour. a controversial book hits the store shelves about former alaska governor sarah palin. among the gossip, allegations she had a one-night stand with a former nba star, glen rice, before she was married. the author talked to our piers morgan. >> i had heard over and over again that one reason for her racism was that she had an event in her young adulthood where she had a sexual encounter with a black man and afterwards she freaked out about it. she became hysterical. she was horrified with herself because of being racist that she had actually had sex with a black man. >> mcginnis did research for the book while living next store to the palins. palin's husband says it's full of lies. not much information in it is attributed to anyone. a lot of unnamed sources. just so you know. time now for your political ticker with tim farley. >> speaking of disgusting lies here's tim farley. >> never mind. i don't even want to go there. let's talk about president obama and class warfare because everybody is talking about that he wants to raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires and the republicans have already come out and said, hey, that's just class warfare. you're picking on one segment of the population. >> don't forget. jimmy buffett fans have to pay the buffett rule, you know. class warfare like math class against history class. >> pause there because we want to hear president obama say it's math so here goes. >> okay. >> if warren buffett believes he's not paying enough tacks today i encourage him don't wait, write a check today. the largest check you can and send it to the united states treasury. but you and the president should not be exacting warfare on the millions of small businesses on charities and on the middle class people who built this country. >> this is not class warfare. it's math. >> it's like -- okay, so here we go again. i know. it's the same argument over and over again, though, tim. >> yeah, and, frankly what this is all about is a pivot for the president because the grand illusion is what is now taking place, the grand bargain, he knows that he can't get certain cooperation with republicans, so what he's done now is gone out there to energize his base. that's pretty much what this was all about yesterday because the idea that republicans are going to all of a sudden embrace the concept of raising taxes whether on millionaires or billionaires or gazillionaires doesn't matter. this is going to be one of the arguments moving forward and does distract from the fact that we have a jobless rate so we'll see how it plays how. this is the new apresident that his base is looking for. >> kind of depressing because you're right. people's jobs or there thereof are at stake and have to work on the deficit with this supercommittee and that's, you know, the president's plan is going to affect that as well and everything could come to a halt and we'll be at the same place we were when we were arguing about the debt ceiling and whether it was raised or not. but anyhoo -- >> you should move to washington. >> being in the same place where we started. >> i know. you just want to beat your head against the wall. let's talk about michele bachmann a little more because she's getting it from all sides. another former staffer has come out criticizing her political abilities. i think we lost the sound bite but basically we lost tim farley. we lost everything. tim farley is frozen in satellite land. i apologize. >> i am. >> oh, he's back. so let's talk about michele bachmann because her former campaign manager says she can't make it much past iowa because she's out of money. >> ed rollins is the man -- you and i talked about this a long time ago. part of the early strategy to get her past iowa because if she could win there she could move along and you get something in your pocket, now you can start lining your pocks with cash. ed didn't say she couldn't but that she would have a tough time getting past iowa and that is what we thought would happen. past iowa and south carolina there aren't too many who thought she could be competitive nationwide but just wants to be considered. she would never say that, of course, but i think his comments yesterday pretty much bear that out. >> yes. tim farley, thank you and we're sorry we froze you there for a time. >> that's okay. tim farley live from washington. thanks so much. pirates making a strong showing in berlin's election. not the swashbuckling johnny depp pirates but 20-somethings in hoodies now lawmakers for the pirate party. who they are and what they want coming up. today is national punch day. not an excuse to get in a fight but actually a day that celebrates the drink, you know, punch, just so you know the first punch bowl was hollowed out on rock. somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital's working together, there's a family who can breathe easy, right now. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest healthcare questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. with two children and no way to support them. people told me i wasn't going to do anything. and i just decided i have more to offer than that. i put myself through nursing school, and then i decided to go get a doctorate degree. university of phoenix gave me the knowledge to make a difference in people's lives. my name is dr. kimberly horton. i manage a network of over a thousand nurses, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at and i am a phoenix. so to save some money... man: looks great, hun... woman: ...and we're not real proud of this. man: no...we're not. woman: teen: have you guys seen captain stewie and lil' miss neptune? dad: did you look all over the place? under your desk? all around? teen: uh, they're fish, they live in a bowl. dad: what're gonna do? anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: there's an easier way to save. teen: whatever. anncr: get online. go to 15% or more on car insurance.r:u ( singing along ) ( singing high note ) that should do it. enjoy your new shower. ( door opens, closes ) gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research, everybody likes more cash. well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] 24 past the hour. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." six documentary filmmakers are under arrest in iran accused of working for the bbc's persian language service. let's head round the world with zain verjee live from london. what was it about? >> well, it was a documentary, the bbc says that was an in-house production on the ayatollah and these six filmmakers had nothing to do with the documentary but were arrested a day after it aired. also a rights group that's come out and told the iranian government and president mahmoud ahmadinejad just stop intimidating and detaining filmmakers and journalists. they want a lot of pressure turned up on him by diplomats and journalists when he's at the u.n. over there in new york for the general assembly meeting. >> gotchagotcha. i'm really interested in the pirate party in germany. >> it's not that kind of pirate, though. they are bewear more hoodies as they pose outside the berlin parliament but it's a shocker. they are like a fringe party. you know, they campaigned on something like internet freedom and guess what, they got 15 seats, carol. in the berlin state parliament which is a really huge deal. i think they were shocked. totally inexperienced this their 20s and 30s and a lot of people are saying this was kind of a joke party. people would vote for a party like this more like a protest vote. they're saying they're serious and have a plan. they're in a tate parliament that deals with really serious issues but somehow they swept up 15 seats which is a big deal and a surprise to everyone. >> it just goes to show people aren't so happy with politics in germany either. >> no. nien. thank you. >> if you are over 40 you are probably shrinking. don't feel too bad. it's natural but lose too much height and too fast, it could be a medical warning sign. what to keep an eye out for. [ courier ] the amazing story of whether bovine heart tissue can make it from australia to a u.s. lab to a patient in time for surgery may seem like a trumped-up hollywood premise. ♪ but if you take away the dramatic score... take away the dizzying 360-degree camera move, and take away the over-the-top stunt, you're still left with a pretty remarkable tale. but, okay, maybe keep the indulgent supermodel cameo... thank you. [ male announcer ] innovative medical solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. it is tuesday, september 20th this. is your "a.m. wake-up call." i'm carol costello joining you live from new york. it's 30 minutes past the hour. we all know the toll that diabetes can take on the body. now there is new evidence of what it does to the mind. it can double your risk for alzheimer's disease. that's according to a study out of japan. researchers followed 1,000 people over the age of 60 and found those with diabetes were twice as likely to develop alzheimer's within 15 year, more at risk for dementia and scientists are still sorting out why but point to a possible link between insulin resistance and brain plaque. 25 millions are diabetics and millions more prediabetic. diabetes among the chronic diseases at the big summit. global health experts in new york sharing ideas on how to stop lung december and other diseases not spread person to person, the world's leading killers and here's dr. sanjay gupta. >> reporter: i think that's what people are starting to realize. you think of these as noncommunicable diseases such as the ones you mentioned as being diseases of the after fluent or developed country or the elderly and what you find when you look at the numbers, in many places around the world it's quite the opposite. u.n. secretary ban ki-moon said today three out of five people living on earth will die of these chronic diseases. >> this is only the second time the united nations has tackled a health issue. a decade since they spoke about the spread of hiv/aids. if you fly, you will pay more for your ticket under president obama's new budget plan. it doesn't matter if you fly in a private jet or commercial airliner. first class or coach, almost everyone would take a hit. right now you pay $2.50 for a passenger security fee. the white house wants to mesh that up to 7.50 per trip by 2017. more than a little and private jets flying in controlled airspace would also be subject to a $100 flight fee. if you woke up this morning feeling shorter. it may not be in your head. shrinking is a natural part of getting older. in fact, it's normal to lose up to a third of an inch of height every decade after 40 but shrink too much and could be a health warning sign. it ups the rick of hip fracture and in men it's also a marker of heart disease. athat's according to a study in the journal of bone and mineral research. protest the foo fighters. they might just protest back. they sear natured members of the westboro baptist church. church members say they endorse adultery and homosexuality. here's how the foo fighters answered. ♪ it takes a long time ♪ i don't care if you're black or white or cripple or green or pennsylvanian or trance sisylva. >> it's known for its protests often sticking out funerals with those signs but the foo fighters decided to fight back. it appears to be the odd man out of "two and a half men." charlie sheen settled his dispute to the tune of $100 million. he'll get a quarter now. the rest comes with sipdz indication profits over the next daek cade. a pretty healthy paycheck and learned during the season premiere a subway train in paris hits charlie harper and ashton kutcher made his debut as a lovelorn internet billionaire. there he is. charlie sheen tweeted this picture watching the debut quoting it's odd but cool. so far lots of laughs, end quote. a line roasted him on comedy central from his children to stints in rehab. no topic was off-limits. listen. >> charlie is a self-contained unit. he is dependent upon no man and no things except crack, jack, crank, meth, lewds, dust, hash and this [ bleep ] medicine from norway. as you may know his original spanish name is senor drugs. >> if you're winning then something is wrong with the [ bleep ] scoreboard. come on, man. charlie, if you're winning then this must not be a child custody hearing. at least the only time your kids saw you was in reruns. >> i'm 80. you're what, 47. >> 46. >> how come we look like we went to high school together. if i may give you my most important piece of advice tonight, never, ever forget to book your next rehab stay through >> there you have it. a few hours ago he tweeted his response saying he was speechless and grateful. another sign that americans are worried about the economy. a new study shows 40% of consumers are cutting back. we're live from the nasdaq marketsite with more on that but first our get smart question of the day. according to new research, would the majority of americans rather text or talk on the phone? the answer in 60 seconds. at exxon and mobil, we engineer smart gasoline that works at the molecular level to help your engine run more smoothly by helping remove deposits and cleaning up intake valves. so when you fill up at an exxon or mobil station, you can rest assured we help your engine run more smoothly while leaving behind cleaner emissions. it's how we make gasoline work harder for you. exxon and mobil. 37 minutes past the hour. back to our get smart question of the morning. would the majority of americans rather text or talk? if you said text, you would be wrong. the answer is "b," talk. according to a new research study 56% said they prefer to talk on the phone, 14% said, hey, it depends on the situation. right now european markets are in the black despite yesterday awe news involving italy's debt downgrade. carter evans, tell us about this downgrade. >> reporter: it's a downgrade from at q plus to "a." s&p basically says its weakening economic growth are damaging its financial stability. right now growth estimates for italy at 0.7% for its gross domestic product. political gridlock. that's the lame response to the challenges. italy could accumulate more debt and warrant another rating slash so s&p is warping it is not over for italy right now. look at the main page. there is a map of europe, color coded map and italy, the possibility of a default is at 33% right now. >> and they only went from an "a" to -- >> an "a" plus to an "a." >> as if we needed more proof there had a new study to tell us how worried. >> yes. retail sales in august essentially flat from july so know people weren't spending that much. now there is a new study from suggesting 40% of consumers cut spending by 60% in the last two months and all of it due to worries about the economy. this affected americans across all income groups. they all reduced spending. also, this study finds that more americans over the age of 30 reported a lower net worth compared to last we're and job security is a big concern right now. 23% of respondents under the age 30 say they feel more secure in their jobs. only 23%. if you're talking about people between 50 and 64, only 10% feel more secure this year than they did last year. >> that's a shame. carter evans, thanks. we'll get back to you. we'll have a quick look at sports coming your way in a couple minutes including an expensive tackle costing one player $40,000. can you not violate rule 12, section 2 article 9 of the nfl rules and expect to get away with it. so you earn 50% more cash. according to research, everybody likes more cash. well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] woah! somewhere in america, a city comes to life. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. [ male announcer ] executor of efficiency. you can spot an amateur from a mile away... while going shoeless and metal-free in seconds. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. now this...will work. [ male announcer ] just like you, business pro. just like you. go national. go like a pro. ♪ ah, a splitting image. let's bring in paul stein haaha live on the phone. >> carol, how are you? >> i'm just dandy. i'm hearing that vice president joe biden is taking a little trip today. going to go to ohio to tell president obama's jobs plan. >> ohio, your home state, carol. and, listen, if you need pore proof than ohio, you know how important it's been. it put george w. bush over the top in his re-election. joe biden and obama won it last time in '08. he can go back there. president obama going back to ohio this week later this week on thursday. he was there last week, as well. do you need more proof that ohio, a major battleground state will be so crucial to this white house for their re-election plans. all about location, location, location, carol. >> yeah, but don't you think ohio voters kind of realize they're being used right now? they did kick out the democratic governors and elected a republican governor although they're not very happy right now. don't voters get tired of politicians traipsing through the state once they know they're only doing that because they want their vote at that time. >> there is a flip side, as well. the more attention a politician or a sitting president brings to a state, the more good you can do by that, as well. yeah, of course, there are tough economic times in ohio as well as many states in the midwest and that's why you'll see the president there later this week and vice president there today touting the jobs plan. their idea, their plan to boost up the economy and create jobs. republicans obviously, they sing a different tune, carol. >> how do you suppose ohioans will feel about this? >> i think ohio just like the rest, it depends where you come from. you'll think they tax on anybody, even the wealthy, especially they will argue wealthy americans who help create jobs is a bad idea. the president in his speech yesterday saying this is not class warfare. a little sound of the president polit making another push for his jobs plan. >> a week ago today i sent congress the american jobs ago. it's a plan that will lead to new jobs for teachers, tor:con instruction workers, for veterans and for the unemployed. it'll cut taxes for every small business owner and working every working man and woman in america. >> reporter: that's the what the president says. that will be pretty much dead on arrival in the republican-controlled house. what is all this? the beginning of the 2012 presidential election? no doubt bit. >> you're right about that. paul steinhauser, many thanks. let's take a quick look at sports. check out the hit dashgs daunte robinson -- this left a mark on his head. the nfl fined him $40,000 for violating safety rules. oh, that's just hard to watch. you know, they know they're illegal but it's just the culture, but $40,000 fine on robinson. a major change in the military goes 00 effect. we wi we'll have more on that. back in 1984, "the cosby show" debuted. they were on the air in its original run eight years. tv guide said it almost single landedly revived the sitcom genre. o0 c1 2 o0 what's going on here? hey, whats up guys? this is not how witness protection works! when we set you up with that little hardware store we didn't intend for your face to be everywhere. but fedex office makes it so easy. not only do they ship stuff, they print flyers, brochures -- everything i need to get my name out there. that's the problem. now we need to give you a third identity. you're paul matheson. and you're gonna run your business into the ground. erik gustafson would never do that! there is no erik gustafson. hey that's erik gustafson!!! there is no erik gustafson!!!!! [ male announcer ] small business solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business. good morning, this is your "a.m. wake-up call." i'm carol costello joining you live this morning from new york. thanks for waking up with us. 48 minutes part the hour. yemen is on a knife edge of civil war this morning. that's according to amnesty international. that's how they put it. security forces are cracking down on protesters spilling blood in the process. dozens of people killed in the capital city of sanaa. let's head around the world with zain verjee. things getting worse in yemen? >> yes, things are getting worse. there's a real fear the whole place could just descend into civil war. some of the latest report, there's been heavy firing in a the southwest. it's a city in that region of yemen. also, sanaa, the capital, medics are reporting two people were killed fired on by security forces. medics here. 57 people have been killed and more than 500 injured they say. the crackdown has escalated and seems things could get uglier. important for the u.s. there's a real fear that al qaeda operates in yemen and effectively so and they've really tried to crack down so hard that there's this kind of chaos and civil war in yemen it's going to make it a bigger security issue for the u.s. >> here in new york, zain, president obama will meet with the head of libya's national transitional council. that would be the first time. what can we expect? >> reporter: can expect a lot of questions about how to move forward, how to create a real sense of reconciliation and unity and what is the transitional national council going to be doing to push forward. where is moammar gadhafi? nobody really knows yet. the u.s. said he's probably still in the country because there is no indication that he has left. president obama also has a bunch of meetings about libya that are going to be hosted by the u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon and one other person on his dance card today, california, he'll meet hamid karzai and that's important because the u.s. has to hammer out the security handover to troops to afghan forces. you will have a lot of traffic jams in new york, carol, i think because of that. >> thanks. i know they have already begun. i'm just walking everywhere. thank, zain. the don't ask, don't tell policy is history today. for the last 18 years it has kept gays from serving openly in the military. the defense department formally repeals it today. check out what top lead. >> reporter: saying. quote, from this day forward gay and lesbian soldiers may serve with the dignity and respect they deserve." president obama started it last year. here's a blurb from one of those hearings. >> as one special operations force told us, war fighter, we have a gay guy in the unit. he's big. he's mean and he kills lots of bad guys. to one cared that he was gay. >> a legal network for service members estimates more than 14,000 people were booted from the military because of don't ask, don't tell. there's worth of a possible settlement in the uk in that phone hacking scandal. the publisher of the do you defunct "news of the world" paper might pay $3 million to the family of a murdered goal. they hacked into her voice mail when she disappeared and rupert murdoch would pay upon to charity as part of the deal. let's head to atlanta to check in with rob marciano. any delight delays. >> we'll probably have a few. fall official arrives in the next few days. 90s and 100s, pretty much gone. rain across the spine of the appalachians, there it is on the radar, light stuff. shouldn't cause any sort of flooding but certainly bringing up reminders of weeks past and binghamt binghamton down through scranton and into new york city. should be light but may cause delays there and atlanta seeing rainfall. here are the areas that we'll see delays, philly, new york, d.c. and chicago and detroit, some is pretty thick so a slow go not only for air travel but also for just driving around. that's your couple of front, the next one that comes down will bring a reinforcing batch of cold air. folks have come with an ongoing problem, what do you do when men otherwise wants to spend hours and hours there. now they have a man land in some stores where you can play video games and watch the ball game and hang out on a la-z-boy and chill with the others until the rest of the family is done making its way through the maze that ikea is known for. they even give your man a buzzer that the wife can buzz the man when she's diane shopping. they're trying to deal with it as best they can. >> just proves the fact that childr men remain children their entire lives. >> this i won't argue with. >> thank you, rob. the word of the day is sociogenic. find out what it means. we beliee that is better than today. since 1894, ameriprise financial has been working hard for their clients' futures. never taking a bailout. helping generations achieve dreams. buy homes. put their kids through college. retire how they want to. ameriprise. the strength of america's largest financial planning company. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you, one-to-one. together, for your future. ♪ today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business. it is just about two minutes to the top of the hour. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." word of the day would be sociogenic. here's what it means. this is the definition from mer yam webster that means produced or determined by society or social forces. you need to know this today because there are mass faintings going on and some say it might be a mass sociogenic illness or even mass hysteria. according to "time" magazine, hundreds of women have been hospitalized in several clothing and shoe factories. now, let's head to the nasdaq marketsite and check in with carter. how are the markets looking. >> the red you saw behind me yesterday, might see a little green today, carol. reports on housing starts and building permits. that's about it as far as economic news. futures in the premarket pages, dow futures up 13. nasdaq up 5.5. s&p futures up about 4 points. hopefully we'll bring things back to an up note. >> let's talk about an up note before you go. apple, apple is setting a new high. >> apple is hitting a new high. take a look, in premarket trading up again 416.$416.25 a share. more valuable than exxonmobil if you can believe it. analysts say shares are worth a whole lot more than this. it is sitting on piles of cash and a lot of people are saying what is apple going to do with all this money? maybe it will share the wealth and pay a dividend or give them an iphone 5. >> i don't know, maybe hire5. i don't know. >> hey, hire somebody. >> what an idea! >> it's a concept. "american morning" continues right now.

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Battleground State , 08 , Location , Governors , Re Election Plans , Realize , Think Ohio Voters , Don T You , Democratic , Politicians , States , Politician , Times , Flip Side , Vote , Attention , Good , Midwest , There Today Touting The Jobs Plan , Ohioans , Wealthy , Anybody , Polit Making Another Push , Speech , Jobs Ago , The American , Veterans , Teachers , Unemployed , Congress , Tor Con Instruction Workers , Small Business Owner , Arrival , Daunte Robinson , Sports , Beginning , Paul Steinhauser , No Doubt , Dashgs , 2012 , Safety Rules , Mark , Left , Change , Military , Culture , Effect , Fine On Robinson , Tv Guide , Hair , 1984 , Eight , Hardware Store , Office , C1 2 O0 What S Going On , Face , Sitcom Genre , Whats Up Guys , Landedly , Witness Protection Works , O0 , Business , Flyers , Erik Gustafson , Brochures , Paul Matheson , Identity , Financing , Ge Capital , Restaurants , Banking , Small Business Solutions , Wendy S , 165 , Engineers , Lighting , Junior Stay , 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Couple , Front , Chicago , Detroit , Air Travel , Folks , There , Man Land , Cold Air , Others , Stores , Ball Game , Maze , Video Games , Ikea , La Z Boy , Buzzer , Diane Shopping , Rob , Word , Futures , Bailout , Generations , Buy Homes , Clients , Dreams , College , Ameriprise Financial , 1894 , Planning , Heart , Future , Company , Advisors , Strength , 10000 , Definition , Sociogenic , Faintings , Society Or Social Forces , Mer Yam Webster , Factories , Shoe , Women , Hundreds , Magazine , Mass Sociogenic Illness , Pages , Building Permits , Housing Starts , Red , Up Note , Nasdaq Up 5 , Apple , Dow , 4 , 5 , Thigh , Share , Take A Look , Premarket Trading , 416 , 416 25 , 16 25 , Shares , Wealth , Piles , Dividend , Analysts , Leaders , The Don T Ask Tell Policy Is History Today , Statement , Army , September 20th , Marmolejo , Hire Somebody , American Morning , Maybe Hire5 , Iphone 5 ,

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