Published on April 27, 2021
Challenged by a surge of COVID-19 cases in early April, the college dug in its heels, implementing 11 days of in-room restrictions for all students.
With an understandable spring in their steps, students sprung from their rooms when the restrictions were lifted, embracing with delight all that April can offer during a pandemic: thesis binding, live theater, athletics, and a beautiful campus heading toward full bloom.
Thesis Bound
Phyllis Graber Jensen/Bates College
Africana major Joshua Redd ’21 of Brooklyn, N.Y., savors a rite of passage: binding a senior thesis with friends in Ladd Library.
“I felt like all of the work that I’d done towards this moment had finally paid off,” said Redd, whose honors thesis explores the experience of Black students in several New York City charter schools. “I’m just so happy that I got the chance to apply what I’ve learned to a project that I genuinely care about.”