Allow inperson attendance and Public Comment while Remote Access and Public Comment via telephone. The board recognizes equitable Public Access is essential and will take Public Comment first Public Comment will be taken on each item. Those in person will be allowed to speak first, then take those waiting on the telephone line. When your item of interest comes up, those joining in person should line up to speak and those on the telephone dial star 3 to added to the queue. If on your phone, please remember to turn down your tv and listening devices you may be using. You may submit written Public Comment to the government audit oversight clerk at stephanie. Cabrera sfgov. Org. You may send written comments to our office in city hall at 1 dr. Carlton b goodlett place, room 244, San Francisco california 94102. If you submit Public Comment in writing it will be forwarded to the sfr visors and included as part of the file. Items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisor agenda of september 5, 2023 unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Thank you madam clerk. Lets go ahead andactually, before we call the first item, i like to make a motion to excuse supervisor chan. On the motion to excuse supervisor chan, vice chair stefani, aye. Member mandelman, aye. Preston, aye. You have three ayes. The motion passes and call item 1. Hearing to consider the Reinvestment Working Group final goverance plan, Business Plan and viability study fl San Francisco municipal Financial Corporation for San Francisco public bank and recommend the board of supervisors accepting the rwg proposed plan and request local Agency Formation commission to report. As noted, the chair may entertain a motion to prepare a motion in committee to accept the proposed subject plan. Members of the pub lrk who wish to comment on this item and viewing remotely should call the number scrolling across the screen and enter the meeting id. If you are on hold, please dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. The system will indicate your are raised your hand. Please wait until you are unmute d and you may begin your comments. Thank you. Before we hear from presenters, i want to say a few words about this. This has been quite a road to get here and very excited that the Reinvestment Working Group completed its work that we are here today with long awaited much discussed and analyzed plan for public banking in San Francisco. I want to say some thanks to some folks, and before we get started and maybe give a little context and then well hear from presenters and have discussion about some of the details. Let me start by thanking the Reinvestment Working Group members lead by chair Kristen Evans who is here at the mic. Welcome. Vice chair marte, and members of the Reinvestment Working Group sylvia chi michelle pierce, rafael morales, indiscernible from the Controllers Office and amanda freed from the treasurers office. I cannot overstate the amount of time and energy and brain power these folks dedicated to this task over the last 18 months to create the governance plan, Business Plan and viability study around a San Francisco municipal finance corporation. Otherwise known as mfc and San Francisco public bank and well hear more details on that soon. But thanks go beyond the Reinvestment Working Group members, and i want to specifically acknowledge the crucial role that lafco has played in developing these plans, and with us today from lafco, jeremy pollack, executive officer of lafco and indiscernible pologist analyst to the reinvestment working grume. Thank you for your tireless work on that. The San FranciscoPublic Bank Coalition who lead efforts in San Francisco to get us on track not just to change state law and work with the California Public banking coalition, but move things forward locally. They have really been an incredible resource to the city and Advocacy Group to get this moving. The Reinvestment Working Group and they may acknowledge folks themselves , but i want to acknowledge the exalism ary work of hr a advisors that provided a lot of Technical Expertise to the working group, particularly indiscernible and andrea butista, the consultants who have been working on this, and also gary finly of the finly group and susanna indiscernible these folks brought a lot of expersatize to the table in really looking at how other jurisdictions around the world have successfully launched public banks and how we could do it here in San Francisco, and also want to acknowledge the Clerks Office, particularly angela c and indiscernible for all their support along the way. And last but not least, i just want to acknowledge that thispoliticians come and go and sometimes we hand the baton from one to the next and that is certainly the case with a longterm project like creating a public bank, so i want to acknowledge former Supervisor John Avalos who got things rolling in city hall around public banking. Fallowed by former supervisor sandy feur who works on the Public Bank Coalition and our current City Attorney david chui who when he was wearing a different hat in the California Assembly was the lead author on the legislation which paved this exact path for creating under state law a public bank. The path we are now on. Add to that list Ben Rosenfield and our treasurer jose cisnaros, through direct engagement with our office and there is obviouslyif and when we have a public bank, the treasurer of city and county of San Francisco is absolutely essential to implementing that work and making this a success, so we appreciate his partnership in thinking through this. I willi am going to hold off on a lot of comments on the importance of public banking, because i imagine the folks who are here from the public and presenters will talk about that. I want to make clear what we are and not doing today for both the public and for my colleagues on the committee, and others who are watching this. We are not adopting an ordinance that will create a public bank. Tomorrow we are hearing from and accepting the plans and recommendations from the body that the board of supervisors created, the Reinvestment Working Group to bring us a plan. Well hear that plan. I where believe this will set us on a path to creating public bank in San Francisco, but that will take legislative action and all leaders in city hall working together to figure out the details on the structure and the details on the funding and so forth. But at the end of the day, we remain in my office and i know from others on this board committed to working with advocates, working with all city leaders to create a Municipal Bank in the city and county of San Francisco. I also personally would like to see the city and county of San Francisco be the first city in the nation to create a public bank and the good news and bad news on that front is, others are interested, so thats good. Other cities are looking into this, but in some ways we are at the head of the pack so i like to continue the momentum and make San Francisco the first city with a public bank. I think that the key things youll hear about are the opportunities that a municipally owned bank offers to invest in the three principle areas that this plan would focus a public bank on it and that is funding Affordable Housing in San Francisco, funding Small Businesses in San Francisco, and Green Infrastructure here. Well hear more about what that means and the details how we would do that, but i think it is important that we situate this in the time we are in, where a lot of us in city hall are talking about economic recovery and what that looks like here in San Francisco. The pandemic presented a dier economic realty. We have just gotten through it budget process stairing at the hundreds of millions in deficits. We know the impact of the deficits and economic struggles in the city are not felt equally. We know that the inequities in our city that exist, particularly along racial and Socio Economic lines have been exacerbated by the pandemic and if we dont have proactive strategies stretching years into the future we will see further inequality how resources are invested in our city. Communities of color in particular have been disproportionate ly impacted by the health and economic ramifications of the pandemic and have been impacted disproportionately by the failures of private for profit banking in our country and in our city with a history of redlining and other practices that targeted communities of color and one of the many reasons that public banking is absolutely essential. Ill just note and are this is something my colleague just joined us supervisor walton in his recent introduction around bankss closing in his district. We have seen Mission Local reporting on banks closing in the bayview, as well as recent settlements by Private Banking by wells fargo over a billion dollar Class Action Lawsuit that stemmed from racist practices like redlining and wrongful for closure and pred tore loans. There is a need to make sure we serve the needs of our community how we invest capital in San Francisco and very excited at the possibilities of having a robust public bank here as we try to chart a path to economic recovery in San Francisco. With that, i know we have some presenters today and i think we willi believe mr. Samurai or chair evans, who is starting off . Chair evans. Welcome. Thank you for all your tireless work. Thank you supervisors for the time toed to deliver what is the culmination of months by the 9 member body. There are cup others of the San FranciscoReinvestment Working Group including there are also members in the audience from the San Francisco banking public banking coalition, and im sure they will be making Public Comment here later after our presentation. Im here to kick us off and hand it off to our policy experts to give you the fundamental details of the plan. The need for the San Francisco public bank is more urgent then it ever has been. Economic disparities, the lack of Affordable Housing and Climate Change are all crisis that large for profit banks have in various ways contributed to. Functionally preserving and are expanding capital for the wealthiest individuals and corporations at the detriment of our local community. For profit banks mandate generate the largest corporate profits for their Share Holders. That left many Small Businesses, entrepreneur and Affordable Housing developers without access to critical capital their need to do and scale their work. We see our timeline that took us to today. At the last meeting in may, the San FranciscoReinvestment Working Group voted unanimously to deliver you these two reports that were requested by your 2021 ordinance. The Business Case and plan for San Francisco to urgently respond with an essential tool. Public bank. A more efficient effective way for the city to fund and manage lending, loans to under served communities, under served by for profit banks in Affordable Housing, construction, Small Business lending and those green banking opportunities, which will deploy new Community Based solutions to Climate Change. Next slide, please. Following the passage of California Assembly bill 857, sponsored by our now City Attorney david chui in 2019, municipalities in california are now authorized to create public banks. Following the board of supervisors passage of the ordinance to form the San FranciscoReinvestment Working Group in july 2021, lafco convened the working group with nine members. Next slide, please. With me today are my colleagues from the Reinvestment Working Group and our consultants, hr a advisors, finly group and and findley. Ill turn it over the mic to indiscernible from hr a. Thank you chair evans. Can you all hear me properly . Yes, we can. With elcome. Thank you very much. So, before my colleagues talk more about what the public bank does and really touch upon the critical elements of lending for Affordable Housing, Small Business and Green Investment ill talk about what the public bank is, because the creation of a public bank means that this city of San Francisco would create a entity that is supposed to serve the Public Interest and serve the communities of the city, and therefore the entity itself should be structured to uphold the values of those communities and act in accordance to them. So, the Reinvestment Working Group designed the plans for both municipal finance corporation, and the public bank to be professionally run, transparent and accountable to san franciscans. Again, there is really importance of competent Management Teams with financial expertise with oversight from San Francisco residents and independent of political authority. As stewards of public funds, the Management Team and others involved in Government Entities will uphold financial industry best practice and rigorous financial management. This structure was informed by the city values, feedback from federal and state regulators, feedback from members of San Francisco communities,ic global best practices and our Team Experience in Corporate Bank and other organizational governance. I want to spend a little bit of time going through the mission and principles because i think these embody what the institutions seek to accomplish and the benefits they would deliver to the city of San Francisco. The mission of these entities is promote economy that promote equity social justice and ecological sustainability. First, being Public Ownership remaining publicly owned entities that reinvestment profits in esupport of the mission. Local control, operating for the benefit and on behalf of the communities of San Francisco with meaningful representation in community stakeholders, especially those from under invested partners and other partner institutions that operate at the local level. Community wealth building to promote Community Ownership and Community Wealth building. Public welfare and restorative finances, chair talked about the impact for profit and pred tore Financial Institutions have had and therefore it is the purpose of the institution that San Francisco would be creating to enhance the welfare of all the people of San Francisco, and especially communities underserved by main stream commercial banks that suffered from the historical legacy of disparities and harmful environmental practice. Over these entities would be designed to cooperate with existing Community Institutions and organizations. Credit unions indiscernible Financial Institutions and other similar organizations to partner with them on making and issuing Financial Products and services, because we know those institutions are the ones that are already progressing some of these in San Francisco and would support from the public bank they can do even more. Accountability and transparency to insure democratic oversight accountability and transparency in operations. Prevent corruption, selfdealing indiscernible professionalism to operate based on overall financial expertise and subject matter expertise. Acknowledging indigenous rights and act within the reparations framework to honor these institutions present on land, protect sacred sites, support land trust and uphold for indiscernible finally, harm avoidance to make sure the institutions refrain from investing in sector that indiscernible including pred tore lending, fossil fuel, tobackee fire arms, weapons prisons and other businesses that do not align with the city or institutions values. To accomplish this if you can go to the next slide, our team working with Reinvestment Working Group propose the 2 tiered governance model, where the first tier consist of the Oversight Commission, which provides for community oversight, establishing policy guidelines and over all direction for the board but not does not make day to day management decisions and the goal of the Oversight Commission is to be composed of inclusive and diverse mix of stakeholders from across San Francisco from Affordable Housing communities, Small Business communities, Environmental Justice communities and others who can inform the strategy and vision for the mixture it is held accountable to the mission and principles just described. Below the Oversight Commission there would be a traditional organizational board that oversees day to day operations, select Management Team and oversees execution of the plans and this board has fiduciary duties. Then under the board there is Management Team consisting of chief executive officer, chief credit officer and other personnel who serve to issue loans, manage risk, manage personnel and make sure these entities are operating effectively. The structure as mentioned was informed by global best practices and the Team Expertise and well be happy to explore in greater detail if the supervisors wish. I will pass it on to my colleagues for the next slide. Thank you. Good morning supervisors. My name is susanna with conteego communications. Small lbe firm focused on Community Engagement and happy to be here. Also a San Francisco native. Just felt i had to add that. What we didwhat were tasked doing is engaging community, Diverse Community representatives to help inform or gauge the need for a public bank. We wanted to understand how private banks if they are adequately serving Affordable Housing tenants and home owners, fordable housing projects, our Small Businesses, both lbe and non lbe and organizations that promote and build Green Infrastructure. We wanted to validate the need for an mfc or public bank, and so we engaged with the range of organizations. You see the numbers of organizations listed here. We actually spoke to 10 Affordable Housing developers as well as additionali think three additional organizations that work in advocacy for afoudable housing. We spoke to 10 Small Businesses, Diverse Businesses i like to add. Ethnically diverse as well as from across our supervisoral districts so not representing just one owe two, we really wanted to have the information, gathered, reflective of the experience of organizations, businesses across San Francisco. And we engaged seven organizations working in the green energy space. As well as other departments from the city and county of San Francisco and what we did was we met with them in one on one informational meetings as well as in focus groups that really helped to gather feedback for this proposal that or this plan before you. And what we learned is that, while these entities are very different and Affordable Housing organization developer is very different from a Small Business for example. They were having really similar experiences in the banking industry. They reported, they all reported having challenges with outdated underwriting rules. I forgot to mention, we also talked to cfis. Cannot forget that. Ill speak to some of what we heard there as well. We heard there is challenges with underwriting rules. They are outdated and dont take to into account the realties of the organizations applying. For example, gig economy workers are not allowed to report that income as income when applying for first time home buyer loans. We heard revolving loans are very hard to get, but essential for businesses during seasonal fluctuations as well as during startup cost when projects are starting. Of course we heard as well challenges with meeting loan guarantees. I cant do justice to all that we heard in our meetings here today in a short time, but i do want to share with you a few quotes that will bring those voices into the room here today. Construction financing is very expensive. What is inefficient is we are dealing with commercial line loans and have to figure how to pay for a whole portfolio of risk that a bank is managing. We are looking for the public bank to find ways to make it cheaper. Access to capital is one of the major stumbling belongs and one things banks cant and dont give loans under 150 thousand. In china town, we are our own little village. Those small mom and pop businesses did not know how to get on the web for ppe loans and the information was not in language. Many people fell through the cracks. My bank doesnt have tellers and dont indiscernible which is stupid. They just closed the branches during the pandemic. Asian inc. Stepped up and they provided the translators and Technical Assistance needed to help our Small Businesses apply. We heard very similar feedback from folks who engaged by indiscernible in the mission. Small businesses are inundated with information. If you are indiscernible they have your information and they are targeting you for products. High interest products. Businesses are told they qualify for a loan, so they get over the fear of qualification. And, what are the mechanisms to support the construction of 5 to 10 units or coopownership . High density projeths are prioritized. Where do they get the financing . Last but not least from a cfi, derisking, that is what we need. The products need to evolve with the times. The gig economy is evolving but we are still trying to loan with a 1970 model and values. Again, i cant do justice to all the voices we heard from. This is a small swath of the breath and depth of the information we gathered. I point it to the Community Engagement report submitted together with the plan before you today, and i leave you and say thank you for this project for it has been a honor to serve on the project and help inform the Business Plan that is before you today. Thank you. Thank you for all your work on this. Welcome. Good morning. I am gary fendley a banking attorney and consultant on this project. I worked on the creation of over a hundred Community Banks during my career, but this is the first public bank that we worked on. I echo the comments of chairman evans as well as my colleagues with regard to their support of this particular project. Over the past year we worked oen the Business Plan viability study and governance plan for the mfc and public bank that could be the basis for a application to various regulatory agencies for the creation of a public bank. There is not a public bank in existence in the u. S. That is fdic insured so the project is creating something which while much needed is somewhat challenging from a standpoint that we have never seen Something Like this before. It is exciting to do this kind of work. We have been working on a plan that meets the needs of the community, address concerns of various groups effected by the entity, and also fulfills the requirements of the various regulatory agencies vaurfbed in the creation of the public bank which includes California Department of financial protection and invasion, federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and possibly the federal reserve. Sorry to cut you off, i want to check if you need these slides to still be showing where the public is looking at a slide that i think was previously referenced, not at you. There we go. We correct ed it. Let us know if you need to go back to the presentation. Hes got. The first slide that i want ed to show talks about using the resources of San Francisco to funds loans to Affordable Housing, Small Business and green energy and work closely with local Community Banks, Credit Unions and cdfi to extend credit in these critical important areas. It is intended through participation lending and working together the mfc and public bank will be able to utilize the resources of local Financial Institutions to maximize these programs within San Francisco. Within the plan itself, there is a detailed description with regard to all the type of lending programs. The second slide deals with infinancial plan which focus on the initial operation of the mfc with assets growing to all most 60 million in loans by year three and transitioning to a bank with assets in year 8 of three 19 million and loans of 247 million. The capital 8 of three 19 million and loans of 247 million. The capital starts at 20million growing to 59. 5 million at the start of the public bank. The additional funding to support the loan programs would be initially notes and investments with the opportunity to bring into deposits from various sources. It isnt intended the public bank be funded by consumer type deposits, but rather municipalities and other groups to support the mission and vision and also from others that are looking for cra related credit. I must distinguish between a mfc which is non reg i lted and public bank regulated. As proposed the plan is initially start with a mfc folding into a public bank over time. The work that has been presented to you identifies the needs and opportunities, addressing the lending products and Funding Sources, how the mfc and public bank will be managed, necessary controls and ist ism for operation, and the financial models that demonstrate a reasonable promise of success within a reasonable period of time. I must emphasize that the Business Plan in the supporting documentsprinted are fluid and will change over time, but this sets the process for moving forward with the establishment of a public bank. Thank you. Thank you very much. I believe last but not least, mr. Samurai. Hello. Great to be back. So, now that you will accept this wonderful plan, what happens next, and a few things are happening right now. The first thing, well start a municipal Financial Corporation, the mfc. That is step one. Now we are working with the City Attorney office and board to find the way to incorporate the working group mission. We are also pursuing a variety of funding streams under the Green Bank Financing project and mou between sfpuc and lafco designed to do a few things. Secure funding from outside sources to start the mfc or investigate the sources including the Inflation Reduction ActGreen House Gas reduction fund. State grant philanthropy and other sources. We are getting feedback from the federal regulators. We met initially throughout the process. That is where we got some of the information that went to to the plan and other area. We sent the final plat for feedback and finally, lafco coordinating the green finance work bringing together various department s that work on the issue and make sure we have cohesion across the city. That is it for our presentation. Happy to take questions supervisors. Thank you so much for the presentations and again for all the work. I did have just a few questions and then wanted to leave space for colleagues if there are any questions and hear from the public as well. Justa couple things. One is the structure of a mfc first, and then potentially folding that into a public bank. Just to clarify, and particularly for the public because i think we throw around terms like mfc and dont think anyone is familiar with what that is and what that looks like. My understanding the primary difference is that in order to be a full public bank and basically accept deposits, become a depository bank we need fdic approval. Thats correct. And the mfc will be able to some level of participatory lending has been described will help boost up and hopefully streamline and consolidate some of the lending, some of which the city already does. Could be additional lending through the mfc, but a part of the mfc is also to be in a position where at the end of that projected three years, we have proof of concept, proof that this entity can operate without a loss, infact earning a profit and all of that will be helpful and part of the basis for establishing fdic approval. I want to make sure im conceptually getting that right but if there is anything you want to add so we make sure everyone has a understanding why this two phase process and how a mfc might fit into the formation of public bank. Absolutely. The mfc is term of art. The way to think, it is Something Like a green bank. You heard green banks across the country. This is Something Like it. We are not calling a green bank though. The mfc is the step one entity. Only issue loans does not accept deposits, and the reason we are doing this for three years is the fdic is unlikely to give a city that is trying to start a bank for the first time insurance out the gate, so we need to prove concept. We have to have a positive track record that shows we are responsible and able to turn a profit by this timeframe, and so what we ask from the consultants is the least we can start with to prove the concept to turn a profit by the end of year three and this is whatthis is the plan you saw today. It also is in our interest to start the step one entity. It is non profit organization. It might make us more competitive for the federal grants i mentioned earlier that are coming out in phase one now and the second phase early next year. So, even that step one entity, what we are trying to do the mfc, that is supported at a federal level and theres interest in opening these kinds of entities all across the country. What we want in San Francisco is go further. Once we have that step one entity and prove concept and have regulatory approve grow and support all the different areas that the city needs. Thank you. Thats really helpful. Just want to highlight one thing you said around the federal funds and i think the tension we seeobviously want to get everything right and do this in a collaborative way that is unifying and great to see consensus moving forward. At the same time, we have opportunities with the particularly around Green Infrastructure with federal funds that we dont want to lose, right . And we want to be in a position where the mfc is up and hopefully up and running as that opportunity or other federal funds become available that we actually have the entity up and running in time to really compete for and request some of those funds. I dont know ifi know the first tier is rolling out. I dont know if we have any insight into how much may be available and what timeframe. Yes, supervisor. The notice for funding came out last week, and like i said, it is distributed in two phases. The total amount is 27 billion. The amount for the lending entities i talked about is 6 billion. That phase one as i said is starting already. Phase two where it is distributed regionally will happen probably early next year, and right now it seems like the limit per application for that 6 billion dedicated to entities like this is around 10 million each so that is what we are essentiallythe most compettival for is that full amount and hopefully more. Thank you. Another question, i dont know mr. Samurai if this is for you or someone on the team, who ever has the most knowledge of this. Can you speak to the experience ofthe only public bank that we have in this country in north dakota which is a state public bank. Just at a practical levelwe dont need the whole history of north dakota public bank, but i think the experience during the pandemic in support of Small Business, what were they able to do by having that vehicle up and running because i think it may offer some insight into some of the potential here . The bank of north dakota was started to help small farmers, and still has a new farmer lending program. We invited members of the bank of north dakota to meet with the working group and learned about the history of the bank and how it evolved over time to be now a bank with more then 10 billion j in assets and are close to 200 million in annual profits. The bank of north dakota during the pandemic was able to essentially get money into the hands of Small Businesses during the peak time of shelter in place and that phase one of the ppe one loan process. That lead to a situation where they had more Small Businesses per capita receiving ppp funds in the first phase in the other states in the country. In fact, twice practically twice the amount of loans per capita then california. If i could just add something to that supervisor. When we spoke to those individuals fromhe ran a community bank, worked with bank of north dakota, we learned from them was really the way banking works in north dakota is different from the way it works in San Francisco. When a local bank in north dakota is approached by a potential individual who wants a loan, they immediately loop in the state bank, the bank of north dakota, so that they Work Together. If the loan is for the benefit of north dakota, the bank is interested. That is its mission. I want to bring back auplift something, banks in San Francisco dont loan less then a hundred thousand dollars so if you are a business that needs less then that, you are not going to be able to get it and it isnt nefarious for the most part. Certainly it is sometimes. For a single loan officer the amount of time it takes to do one loan for 10 thousand is the same for a Million Dollars so if you are a bank and Financial Institution and trying to maximize profit that is what you do. What we need in San Francisco is a entity that is focused on providingfilling in that gap that private commercial banks are not interested in. Thank you very much, and unless we have comments or questions from colleagues at this time, well open Public Comment. Thank you mr. Chair. Any members of the public who would like to comment for item 1 . Please line up along the curtain wall to your right. Remote members dial star 3 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. To insure everyone has the opportunity to speak each speaker is allotted two minutes. Those in the chamber the lectern has a visual chamber. The first chime alerts you have 30 second said left and the second is notify your time elapsed. Call in speakers, listen for the clerk to notify when your two minutes elapsed. Please note board rule 1. 3. 1 prohibits applause or vocal expression of support or opposition. Thank you. Welcome, you may proceed. Good morning members of the committee. Charley indiscernible council of Community Housing organizations. A little more then a year ago this board unanimously approved the reinvestment sf legislation. I want to thank you supervisor preston for your leadership and supervisor walton for your early support and really getting the balls in motion with our former Assembly Member david chui to introduce ab857. I are also like to acknowledge preston killgore of your staff indiscernible both worked very diligently to operationalize the vision for a public bank in San Francisco. Over this last year, 9 incredible leaders on the Reinvestment Working Group brought a diverse set of skills is and perspectives and united in one thing, a love for San Francisco and desire to see the city do its best to rise to the fiscal challenges facing our sit a. The plan before you today understands the needs to get the institution right. Asked the right questions, developed the right model and charts a path building a institution that reflects the values we have been fighting for. The structure establishes significant safeguards, oversight, checks and balances and accountability to safeguard Public Interest. It also insures the board of directors represents the diverse needs of the many stakeholders in our city while at the same time insulated from political influence. Public bank can chart a path for economic recovery, strengthening Small Businesses, neighborhood base economy. A game changer for city Affordable Housing challenges, financing projects that create good paying union jobs, financing renewable energy, Environmental Justice and Public Infrastructure projects. Currently San Francisco pays wall street banks 800 thousand a year in transaction fees. We also pay more then 68 million a year in bond debt. With a public bank we will invest that money in our community while indiscernible thank you. Next speaker. Good morning. District 7 resident and with the San FranciscoPublic Bank Coalition. Really want to thank the Reinvestment Working Group and local Agency Formation commission. Been a privilege watching this process in action. I want to emphasize this is a practical and pragmatic plan. Super capitalized. I think the level of funding we are going for. It is put together by professionals for a independent bank operated by professionals. Feel this is a policy, not a matter of progressive or moderate, just a common sense and i hope that San Francisco equivalent of bipartisan. Public banks are not a novel concept, there are 900 entities in the world. 10 of trillion assets in their control. I really want to encourage you to do the work of seeing this through. As we heard, the public bank is a potentially critical tool to meeting the crisis we are facing, but it has been a privilege to work on and push for something that is really a longterm vision. It is rare we get to work on something to prevent crisis, right . I just really encourage you to keep this going to reallythis is a legacy your are building for the city of San Francisco is for all of us. If you were a hundred years past the bank of north dakota and still there running strong. This is something what you are a part of is historic and i just had a line i wanted to use. I really am excited about the prospect of the positive feedback loop this lending keeping our tax money in our city and economy. How about we create a bloom loop . Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Good morning supervisors. Fernando indiscernible vice chair of the Reinvestment Working Group. It was a honor to work with this group. It seems a Long Time Coming to be here. Back in 2010, i was staffing City Wide Community congress that was convened by the council of Community Housing organizations and are university of San Francisco, and public bank was one of the key pieces that came out of that, so here we are 13 years later in front of you two task forces, a lot of work from the board of supervisors, the task forces and Consultant Team and what you have before you a governance and Business Plan for the public bank and mfc. The time i think right now is critical with the Green Financing. What we call a green bank but Green Financing mechanism to roll out the mfc and make those Funds Available and to take advantage of this opportunity. I want to end with comment on a letter the Reinvestment Working Group added to the work of the consultants which was a recommendation that we work towards a firmer governance structure with the Oversight Committee that is beyond advisory. Actually has oversight over policy. We know thats tough getting through the regulatory agencies to understand that type of oversight, which is common in most public banks. It will be a ongoing process, but i think it is something that we need to keep in mind and work toward as the proof of concept develops from a mfc to public bank to something that has true Public Policy oversight. Thank you very much. Thank you for your comments today. Next speaker. Good morning members of the committee. Jasmine, senior attorney at the Lawyer Committee for civil rights of the San Francisco bay area. We are a Member Organization of the San FranciscoPublic Bank Coalition. I speak in support of the San Francisco public bank plan and also thank everyone involved, especially the members of the Reinvestment Working Group for producing this plan. The plan is forward thinking, reasonable, thoughtful, exciting and necessary to address the social ills that plague the city. Through my work at Lawyers Committee alone i have seen how the pandemic disproportionately harmed local Small Businesses owned by people of color. Many of them are struggling to obtain relatively Small Business loans to pay for backrent and other pandemic related expenses. Ultimately resulting in evictions, business closures and in some cases some of these Business Owners leaving San Francisco due to the loss of their livelihood. In the next decade we could see the bank grow to channel hundreds of millions of dollars towards helping Small Businesses and other goals of Affordable Housing and ushering the city to Carbon Neutral future that benefit clients and have ripple effects in the city and state as other major cities are looking to San Francisco as a model. San francisco has the chance to set the standard for public banks in the state of california and we have the opportunity to help usher a new future that prioritize people over profit and create pathways for the city to prioritize racial economic and Environmental Justice. For these reasons, please approve the public bank plan as is. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning. Rick girling. A member of the San FranciscoPublic Bank Coalition leadership group, and i also am the communication director of the California Public banking alliance. Today is the consequence of many years of work by public banking activist in San Francisco and throughout california. It is possible by ab857, legislation coauthored by david chui who worked with public banking advocates all over california to get passed in 2019 by the California Legislature and signed by governor newsom. As a economic teacher who retired from lowell high school. Public banking is overwhelmingly popular. Every i mention says it is a great idea. The board of supervisors voted unanimously. Todays chronicle has a article for the benefit of public banking. As someone who studied banking the past 6 years, i would like to speak to the need for public banking as a remedy for the reacurrent banking crisis that we face most ly with shutting of the doors of indiscernible and First Republic which required billions of bail out money to rescue deposits of those private profit seeking banks. We need a public bank to safely manage the city receipts and use them for the benefit of residents badly in need of Affordable Housing, Climate Crisis mitigation and Small Business support. I emphasize safety because unlike Corporate Banks that can collapse overnight when spooked wealthy depositers close their accounts indiscernible because the public bank is accountable to the public indiscernible from speculation and make patient investments in longterm benefits to our communities. I urge you to send the well thought out plans for public banking for adoption by the full board. Thank you. Good morning. Max margolis, a San Francisco resident and live in the outer sunset, and im speaking today in favor of public banking. When i first heard about the concept of public banking, my reaction was, thats not how things already work. It just made a lot of sense. Many situations in life we have to deal with imperfect processes and do what we can to make the best of them, but it seems to me now that we no longer need to settle for second best. When it comes to our Municipal Banking. Honesty describing our current approach is second best is probably charitable. As i see it, we currently store our money with private banks who get to take these considerable funds and invest them to the benefit of their Share Holders in whatever way they see fit and charge us for the privilege. Includes investing money in fossil fuels that are contrary to the best interest of our people and government. That is like the giants giving money to the dodgers to take care of. It is just crazy. What we have in front of us with public banking is a opportunity to get out of this ridiculous system we are stuck in and move to an approach that is much more fiscal sound. As discussed, it is an approach massively successful for over a century in north dakota. A state who total population is little smaller then San Francisco. All needed now is your leadership. Please vote to accept or move forward with the public banking plan. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Good morning. indiscernible law clerk for civil rights and member of the Public Bank Coalition here today in support of the public bank. Many businesses both small and large have shut down at alarming rates in San Francisco since the start of the pandemic. The westville mall closure will effect Small Businesses the most. These office and business vacancies together with gentrification have horrible effects on Small Business, especially low income Small Businesses. Many sf Community Members want to see the downtown area transformed into a area that not only has office and Business Units but also has Affordable Housing which help get more folks off the streets and cut down the carbon emission from cars and Public Transportation allowing the Business Owner tuesday live close where they work. The public bank will combat the issue of displacement and institutionalized oppression because the goal is seek lending programs to promote economy that upholds social justice, ecological sustainability and affordal housing. The public bank will operate on principles of local control. For decades private banks have been in control of capital and contributed greatly to wealth disparities and harmful exnomic environmental essential housing and transportation impacts. The public bank will combat this directly by investing for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of the people of San Francisco rather then investing to increase the private wealth of share holder whose goals are not stemmed in social justice sustainability and reparations but stemmed in capitalism aimed to support the top 1 percent who do not care to give back to under served communities and who actually dont have to give back to communities at all because these private banks are not accountable to the city. Sf public bank will be held accountable to the city and insure that there are mechanisms for oversight and transparency. The public bank will directly benefit communities that own it while strengthening the lending capacity of Credit Unions and local banks by partnering rather then compete. We need to put all the efforts to the public Bank Initiative and this is the place to start. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Good morning. Thank you for your time. My name is mitch mandigan. If you havent heard we are Community BasedAffordable Housing developer based in the bayview. We are excited about the possibility of this public bank will unlock. I will highlight 2 areas. One is financing for Affordable Housing. As mentioned, we are paying 800k in trabz action fees to wall street banks and millions more going to wall street banks when we Affordable Housing developers have to take loans from them. It is much preferred to have the money back to the community and go to the people in San Francisco who need it. The second area ill highlight is the availability of credit under served communities. Like those in the bayview and black community. Through the Financial Empowerment center and Economic Development program we serve individuals and Small Businesses who are hamstrung by lack of access to credit. Many entrepreneurs are black owned Business Program have really exciting ideas and just creativity not matched by the ability to match those ideas. Public bank could meet those needs and needs of individuals eventually. Especially important in light of the Bank Closures in the bayview in the last 2 years. We lost union bank, u. S. Bank and bank of america. There is one bank remaining in the bayview for 40 thousand people. We need the public bank to step in where the private market is not living up to what it needs to do. We have successful example at bank of north dakota and if they can do it, we can too. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning. My name is nancy habeer, a resident of district 7 and member of 350 San Francisco and San FranciscoClimate Emergency coalition. I am here today to add my voice and enthusiastic support for the plan to establish a city owned municipal Financial Corporation and San Francisco public bank. The plans represent a huge opportunity to change the ways we use our Financial System to more directly benefit San Francisco and all its residents. Im excited to support city owned Financial Institutions that make possible the vital investments in our city that must happen in a timely way and with justice. Investments in Affordable Housing, Small Businesses and Green Infrastructure including building and vehicle electrification. The Mission Driven focus of the mfc and public bank in San Francisco will help insure that our citys core values of equity and social justice, ecological sustainability and labor rights will be maintained and strengthened. These investments will also help boost our economy. I appreciate the boards support of this concept and project and the hard work and dedication of the lafco staff and the Reinvestment Working Group members and consultants in putting together the plan. These are plans worthy of San Francisco. Innovative, forward looking and centered on justice. I encourage you to support the creation of the San Francisco municipal Financial Corporation, and the San Francisco public bank and move these plans forward as strongly and quick ly as possible. Thank you. Thank you for your comments today. Next speaker. Good morning supervisors. My name is joyce. I lived in San Francisco since 1948. I live in district 11. Im a core member of the senior disability action, and i participate with sf Climate Action coalition. My concern is one committee on senior disability action was called indiscernible and we know we have a crisis in the city with Mental Health and Affordable Housing. So, i can see where mfc would help Small Businesses build Affordable Housing for Supportive Housing for mentally challenged people, and i am envisioning also Small Businesses opening up to help train Mental Health professionals to help our brothers and sisters suffering from mental illness. I dont know if you know, but by 2035 seniors will be outnumbering children in city of San Francisco, so we need Affordable Housing for seniors. Also my neighbor across the way is 35 and they cant afford Affordable Housing. Myself, i love to have a public bank. I hope i will be alive in 8 years when it will come to fruition because i want to be able to divest from bank of america, because i promote listening to the cry of the earth and cry of the poor and we need to divest from fossil fuels indiscernible please start the public bank soon. Thank you. Thank you for your comments today. Next speaker. John anderson. Resident since 1992 in district 2. Speaking in support of the mfc and the Research Working Group report. The city and state are facing series of escalating crisis as we start to see the effects of massive environmental degigation and at the same time for the same reasons, we are seeing dwindling of resources, so its very important that we leverage what resources we have to meet those needs and the city bank has said in the city Climate Action program a city bank is the best way to do that to raise some capital. Basically as i see it, we got to do it, we dont have a lot of options. I also like to complement the resource working group and lafco on their excellent report and particularly highlighting the Green Infrastructure needs. Thank you. Thank you for your comments today. Next speaker. Good morning. My name is shay watson. I live in district 2 and i worked on local campaigns for Voting Rights and protection from real estate and worked for yearsi quartered here in San Francisco that applied for a National Bank charter and became a bank. I am here to speak in favor of San Francisco creating its own public bank. As huge banks like First Republican and Silicon Valley bank fail around us, it is more important then ever we create Something Better then these huge banks that dont support our community and accelerate Climate Change by funding projects outside San Francisco like the pipeline. Imagine what the city could be like if a local bank focused its service on the local San Francisco industry preserving local businesses and actualizing the funding for Affordable Housing. Businesses would be protected by accessible affordable loans and employees would be able to afford to live in the city. This dynamic is highlighted by climate activist because it reduces the carbon load created by people having to commune to work and creates healthier libing conditions for the city. Local bank use capital to serve local San Francisco interest and promote the health of the city local businesses and local communities making sure we are more resilient to capital flight that we are experiencing and all the shutdowns. They thank you for your time. Thank you for your comment. Next speaker. Good morn ing supervisors. John avalos, council och Community Housing and former supervisor district 11. Not sure what will come out of my mouth now, but first of all, i want to thank Reinvestment Working Group for their years of work putting together the governance plan andpt to go back further and thank jeremy pollack my former legislative aid, the board who did a lot of the groundwork for the governance plan and years of work with indiscernible and the Budget Analyst Office back in the day and taking up by supervisor sandy feuer and Task Force Led by muleah cohen and treasurer and supervisor indiscernible the Current Crisis that we are in or crisis we are facing the Affordable Housing crisis, the Climate Crisis, the inability of government to work effectively demand we build and create new public institutions. The public bank is one of them. What unique about the public bank is it is own ed by the public. Not living for the profits of wall street corporations that we knew had destroyed communities across the country and in San Francisco itself. The impetus for the public bank grew out of the Great Recession that impacted southern neighborhoods of San Francisco that were continuation of the urban renewal policies that we know have effected our communities of black and brown communities in San Francisco, so it is really important we look at how we build a public bank going to reparation plan. A reparation framework. How do we build Public Ownership to protect black and brone communities against all the efforts that work to remove us from our neighborhoods . Investing in public supporting municipal housing, Public Infrastructure, investing in neighborhoods and making sure Small Businesses are able to thrive, we have open spaces and indiscernible what this is all about. I look forward to your work moving it forward. Thank you. Thank you for all your work on this supervisor avalos. Thank you. Are there any other speakers in the cham ber that would like to speak before we go to the callin members . Seeing no additional speakers here in the chamber, we currently have 8 in the call queue with one in the speaker queue apology, that jumped to 3. If on the line and like to speak, dial star 3 now to be added to the queue. Thank you. May we please have the first caller . Good morning supervisor. My name is indiscernible San Francisco indiscernible we endorse the public bank plan. San francisco has a existential need to meet Affordable Housing goals and obligation to the state. Historically we failed to meet our housing goals and now they are more ambitious then ever. We need more mechanisms and financing to support development, the public bank will profoundly cut cost and increase our capacity serving as a powerful engine for Affordable Housing. If you wish to call yourself prohousing, please support and implement the public bank plan. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next caller, please. Good morning. Jesa fernandez with indiscernible San Francisco. Just a big tip of hat to everyone who worked so hard to get to this point. The Reinvestment Working Group, Public Bank Coalition, hr a and all the folks who have indiscernible helping guide this along. We believe this vision that is outlined through the governance and Business Plan is consistent with our values of the city, and also just a critical intervention to do the necessary work of addressing indiscernible burden in ongoing story of our city. We have seen disenfranchised communities left in the cold indiscernible by Corporate Banks as well as during the indiscernible we have seen perpetrated by the same corporate Financial Institutions. We believe that the diligent work underlining the business and governance plan indiscernible for San Francisco. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Seeing if there are additional callers on the line that would like to speak. That is star 3 to be added to the speaker queue. And there are no additional callers. Thank you. Public comment on this item is now closed. I want to thank everyone again for all their work to bring this forward and thanks to those who took the time to speak at Public Comment. I wanted to add to my list of folks to thank and referenced bize , the buchblgt legislative analyst which provided essential behind the scenes support on some of the analysis and research here, and lastly, did want to just specifically recognize and thank my legislative aid, preston killgore who lead our offices public bank work. I dont think that preston killgore thought when she joined our team 3 and a half years ago that he would become one of innational experts on public banking, but sometimes we end up doing what we hadnt planned to do and he is an invaluable member of the Team Moving Forward to public bank so thank him for all the incredible work behind the scenes on this. Supervisor walton. Thank you so much chair preston. I want to add my gratitude to Reinvestment Working Group, lafco and coalition and everyone fighting hard to bring this public bank into realty as you all know we are suffering from bank flight and big Bank Corporations are not kind to communities so i want to make sure we bring this into fruition, because our people and Community Need fiscal support. They need to be able to not be victims of pred tore lending. They need to be able to get home loans and loans for Small Businesses and they need to be able to do that with rates that are amenable to making sure that they are successful, versus the way the big Bank CorporationsTreat Community today. Thank you so much and thank you for your leadership on this chair preston. Thank you supervisor walton. Thank you colleagues. I also appreciate supervisor walton your strong support on this from the start. I also want to recognize that three successive budget chairs also deserve thanks. Former supervisor haney. Supervisor ronen when she was budget chair and supervisor connie chan. All of whom have not only the board has unanimously authorized the Reinvestment Working Group, but all the budget chairs and entire board and the mayor through the budget process have supported the consultants the formation of this plan, so hopefully this is something we can all continue coming together on and seeing no other names on the roster, i would like to go ahead and make a motion to request that the Clerks Office prepare resolution to accept Reinvestment Working Groups plans for introduction at the full board of supervisors. Thank you. On that motion to prepare resolution to accept the working group plan for introduction to full board, vice chair stefani, aye. Member mandelman, aye. Chair preston, aye. You have three ayes. Thank you. That motion passes. Thank you everyone. Madam clerk, please call item 2. Item 2 is hearing on the San FranciscoHousing Authority report of Eugene BurgerManagement Corp regarding the quality of Service Provided to sunnydale and tutrar o hill hope sf sites and requesting to report member. Members who wish to comment to this item and viewing remotely, call the phone number scrolling across the screen and enter meeting id. If you are already on the line and havent done so already, please dial star 3 to be added to the queue. The prompt will indicate you raised your hand. Please wait until the system indicates you are unmuted and you may begin your comments. Thank you. Thank you madam clerk. Supervisor walton who is here with us in committee is the sponsor of this hearing, so supervisor walton, i will turn it over to you. The floor is yours. Thank you so much chair preston and thank you to community for being here this morning. I are just want to start by talking about some things that have been reported to my office. What we have been hearing about Eugene Burger. Since they have taken over propertys i have been receiving several disturbing reports on their quality of services, the lack of how they take care of residents and properties, reports of excessive trash, primarily in sunnydale, lack of inspections for vacant units, which is a major safety concern, and this is primarily in potrero hill. Reports of Eugene Burger unresponsive inadequate turn around, time for maintenance and total disregard of resident needs, which we know is unacceptable, and does not just fall on Eugene Burger. The Housing Authority has to hold this contractor accountable. Developers play a role in the conditions at the site as well and additionally responsible for insuring Community Benefit from their presence in their time in community. Eugene burger Management Corporation was reportedly out of compliance in all 5 metrics tracked in january and failed 4 of the 5 metrics in february according to a report from the San FranciscoHousing Authority. The firms contract serving Public Housing units in potrero and sunnyvale. January and february, also failed all 95 site inspections at the complex. For issues like abandon vehicles, overgrown vegetation. This is disturbing and alludes to the fact that Eugene Burger is unconcerned about the needs of our Public Housing residents. Even prior to receiving the results of the audit, my office had been receiving reports about Eugene Burger neglect at both sites. Today well hear from the Housing Authority, Eugene Burger and developer, mercy and bridge at each site. I want to know how Eugene Burger has and will address the issues in the report to provide service that are mandatory for the benefit of all residents. I want to know what the developers are doing to insure residents have the support they need as well. When you build in San Francisco, benefits should be provided for the community. I also want to know how the Housing Authority is holder Eugene Burger accountable as it is ultimately their responsibility. Well start with hearing from dr. indiscernible from San FranciscoHousing Authority then hear from Eugene Burger. I believe that is theresa and lance. Then hear from Bridge Housing, susan newfield i will take the lead joined by indiscernible and phillip wong and last hear from mercy housing, which i believe ashley hearse will take the lead and i believe shoemaking shoemaker is here as well. I think it makes sense to hear from all the presenters first and are then bring everyone up for questions and discussion afterward. I do want to say before we hear presentations that not all of this is information i received is not just received from the reports from the Housing Authority. Not just from reports from newspaper. I actually spent a lot of time at both of these sites, so i hope i dont get any imaginary reports of what the site is or does or does not look like because im on site quite often. With that, dr. , thank you. Good morning supervisors. I like to take a moment to share why there is no Property Management at sunnydale and potrero and the transition that occurred thus far and ongoing process of refinement that we are vigorously pursuing together with partner Eugene BurgerManagement Corporation. Oversight of the third party Property Management company is my responsibility, which im highly invested and committed to insure residents reside in a place that is safe and livable. March 7, 2019, hud mandated the authority to contract out its Property Management responsibilities to a Third Party Vendor in collaboration and coordination with the city and county of San Francisco as heard before the government and Oversight Committee november 2019 and unanimously approve d by full board of supervisors december 2019 was a resolution to approve mou between the city and the authority to support its reorganization including the transition to private management. The resolution outlined as redevelopment continued the potrero and sunnydale developments would be operated on interim basis until the phased demolition. The Authority Issued a rfp for Property Management services and after extending multiple times due to lack of submission, ultimately closed our rfp and selected Eugene Burger for a three year contract. However, due to covid19 pandemic, the immediate transition was delayed when the authority continued it took a 4 phase approach through a 9 month period where a Authority Staff continued to work alongside evmc to insure the property maintained until over 100 building trade staff was let go as a result of the hud mandate. After the september 30 impact, those services could no longer be provided and evmc like the city and employers throughout the nation struggled to hire staff. At the start of the new calendar outline the progress and core service areas. This approach facilitates my ability to fully understand outcomes are met or not. It is also a tool to hold the authority and contractor accountable to the residents to insure that we provide a clean safe neighborhood. I reiterate oversight of the third party Property Management company is in deed my responsibility, and the cleanliness and liveability of the development is of upmost importance to me to my staff. With that said, we developed a 9 month 4 phase approach to transition to our contractor. During thatime the authority had 137 assigned staff, of which 43 laborers who primarily maintain the grounds, the remaining staff consist of various building trades. This approach was to insure there was no pause in Core Services to residents while we continue the necessary Housing Quality standards work required by hud to transition the property out of the Public Housing program. During the transition phase the authority worked closely with evmc and on site providers to the insure residents met the new Property Management company duchb by door knocking announcement and Community Meetings. The authority maintained daily reoccurring meetings with evmc and staff to insure that longstanding policies and plans were understood and adhered to which insure a clean safe neighborhood and resident housing stability. These solution driven meetings provide Ongoing Technical support and assistance around Core Services for trash hauling, vacant unit cleanup, Emergency Response and landscape and curb appeal needs. During this time the authority also supplemented significant workforce assistance until september 30, 2022 when the labor team impacted as part of the transition. The supplemental assistant was necessary during a time nation wide hiring was challenged. The New York Times referred to this as the Great Resignation despite efforts to hire including residents and Authority Staff that have been impacted at increased pay rates evmc remained understaffed impacting operations. Since the authority no longer had staff to supplement, evmc was required to subcontract until they could hire. Even with this request and appropriate funding, contractors were difficult to ascertain and this only became more a challenge with the severe storms that hit the city early 2023. In addition, i met with the president of evmc multiple occasions insisting he visit the development to better understand my concerns about the underperformance. The Management Team shifted after those meetings. Today working with evmc they staffed up providing Employment Opportunities to residents of Public Housing, list ofveneders who continuously begun to perform and are provide a responsive Management Team of which the more recent property manager reflected commitment and resolve for the residents of sunnyvale and potrero. We moved from the state of january into may where we are finding it is looking better, but yet still not where we would like to be and where we are going to be. In the posttransition we moved to daily site inspections conducted by our director of maintenance and sustainability who holds over 30 years of intimate knowledge of the sunnyvale and potrero site along with housing operation director with deep understanding of the residents, development and community relationships. Both of these individuals work closely with evmc. During weekly strategy meetings we work with contractors to find the best solutions and pathway to move towards consistency insuring a clean safe beautiful neighborhood while engaging our residents and Community Based organizations with professional courtesy, dignity and respect at all times. In culmination of all the work, the monitoring report the, score card outlines the outcomes achieved. Finally, the inspections reflected in the monitoring report are the Authority Daily inspections of the exterior, not the interior. Housing quality inspections in 2022. As required by hud and inspected by a Third Party Vendor. Like all homes, both sites received recology trash service once per week. In addition to the service, because of significant amount of trash and Illegal Dumping which includes the majority from residents due to bulky items and remainder from outside sources, evmc provides daily hauling service and 6 full time Staff Members at each site dedicated to cleaning the property. The enhanced services are the result of the authority intentional efforts to mitigate the excess trash and Illegal Dumping at both sites. The cost of these enhanced efforts between oouct 1, 2022 through present is 1 million dollar. I remain committed to making the site clean along with Service Providers who close valuable events for the residents. Working through evmc conversations have been begin how to proactively plan around events where large amounts of trash are anticipated. Evmc worked with recology to audit the contract to identify a inadequate number of bins assigned to each occupied unit. Evmc will discuss further. We recognize both developments are 40 to 60 years old. Even so, landscaping and curb appeal are extremely important to the authority. It is important to me frankly. I believe it improves the quality of life for residents. Currently evmc vendor provides Weekly Service that include vegetation clearance, mowing blowing edging and debris amoval and weed abatement. You will see from the pictures improvalment is noticeable, however as said earlier, we are yet not where we need to be. I continue to remain dedicated to insure we remain on that path forward by providing a well maintained development, and i like you supervisor walton, i go out to the sites and i look at the sites personally for myself, and i come back to the door and i mandate what im expecting as i work with my staff that is very limited. The capacity of the Housing Authority itself is extremely limited as i noted. We have lost a host of staff due to this mandated transition and we are working diligently each and every single day with our contractor to refine where we need to go to insure that our residents have a safe livable habitable place to live. It is extremely important to me and i take it to heart each and every day. I wake up with this on my mind and go to bed with it on my mind. While we are balancing all of these different needs that our community has, we are balancing the needs of getting out vouchers on the street so individuals can be housed as well. Last friday we put 50 project based vouchers into city gardens, so we are balancing all of the Different Things that are occurring in our organization, and that does not withstand that our residents are not extremely important to us. Personally they are extremely important to me. With that said, i would add that we have a vast landscape of approximately 70 plus acres between both sites, vertical sloping and aging trees combined with record storms and water fall. It has taken time to assess and address the onerous task before us and evmc. Vehicle management on any property is essential. It includes the removal of abandon, inoperable stolen vehicles and illegal parked vehicles which all can create safety concern and decrease beautification of the neighborhood. Because the sunnydale and potrero development include City Property and Housing Authority property, each ownership interest determines how vehicles are managed, as you can see. It requires the assistance of the San FranciscoPolice Department making call to the 311 department, engagement with our Community Based organizations, and most importantly, collaboration with our residents. As of today, over 75 cars have been towed across the sunnydale and potrero sites and i want to take a moment to thank the San FranciscoPolice Department and our onsite providers, sfha staff and contractor and residents working collaboratively to establish a consistent process that improves the overall quality of life of our residents as it relates to this task. Approximately 35 cars are in need of vehicle management. As of this hearing and evmc is working on the vehicles, largely at request of the fellow residents. Both sunnydale and potrero are developments part of the hope sf redevelopment. As a promise resident will not be displaced and where possible residents have the option to remain on site if relocated during construction. Due to the onsite relocation option that is part of the commitment to keep communities together, vacant units are not filled with new applicants. Over the years the authority has worked diligently to board up units using various recommended. Individuals have illegally found their way into vacant units. Additionally, Law Enforcement has made recommendations that insure their own safety when boarding up and unboarding units for emergency needs. Unhoused residents remain at sunnydale and potrero. Despite effort to refer to the navigation and despite for the emergency housing vouchers we worked diligently with and through our onsite providers to house these individuals as well. The authority is not immune to unhoused like the rest of the city is addressing the situation with the tools and resources it has in the most humane way possible. They are in the article, it stated that we were not taking care of units. What i must say is, there are units that are not allowed to have individuals in those units. They are boarded up units. They are individuals who are illegally entering those units and those units must remain empty and we must not have individuals there, therefore, we do not come through and meet individual needs who are legally not on our lease. With the transition of Property Management, we insure that management continues to walk the property. They have inviting sfpd to walk alongside management as requested by residents and assist where necessary in efforts to empty units and board them up. We had this discussion in the past around these vacant units, and the really hard task to keep them boarded up and at the same time for the safety of our Management Team, of our leadership team, when they are out there walking the property and needing to empty out the units, we require sfpd to assist us. We had our property manager actually attacked by someone illegally in the unit and it presents a major safety hazard not just for our residents, but also for our Property Management staff. The housing officers at the authority have been deeply as i said cut despite the request of residents to increase or at least maintain the previous staffing levels. Many housing officers are familiar with the residents and families as they worked for housing officers for many years from sfpd and we all as city members and employees and legislators understand the constraints that sfpd does have, and yet they are continuing to work with us. The authority continues to be committed to insuring the safe and stability of our residents throughout this interim period of development and beyond as we have been for our other hope sf and rad sites. We will continue our daily inspections, we will continue our monitoring and maintaining our presence as a Strong Partner in the redevelopment of sunnydale and potrero following through with promise to provide Inclusive Communities to all of our residents of sunnydale and potrero. In the midss of the redevelopment and continued acknowledgment, i am committed to insuring our residents have a safe and livable home until our promise of a new home is realized. Here you will see depictions of potrero and sunnydale. The first phase of potrero is complete with 1101 connecticut. You can also see depiction of sunnyvale velasco. As stated in the resolution back in 2019, the management of the properties are in the interim as the properties are redeveloped. We have seen progress since 2022 and expect further progress moving forward. My number one priority is the residents health, safety and provided the pandemic hiring limitations, Property Management adjustment and time necessary to meet and establish relationships and processes with residents, the past year and a half provided sufficient obstacles and while it has provided obstacles i dont use them as a excuse because it is true our residents deserve the very best and im committed to that. I remain committed to that and yet i must work through the system we have in place and yes, it has taken us time, and i understand how that feels, because i myself when i walk the properties i want them to be in great condition. It is important to me and that is what i work towards each and every day when i sit with my staff, when i sit with evmc and they can all tell you that we have many many calls regarding this situation. My work i speak with our Service Providers because i believe that it is going to take all of us to make this work work in every facet of every area of the things that must take place on this site. I dont meanthank you i was going to say i dont mean to cut you off but we have more presentations and well bring you back for questions. Now well hear from Eugene Burger. I believe we have theresa pelger. Thank you. Thank you very much for this opportunity to speak with you. Eugene burger Management Corporation has been engaged in the daily oversight of the communities, and as such tasked with day to day responsibilities. We have committed to our primary focus to be 100 percent of insuring the residents are stablely housed. We reg urally work with the residents getting work orders taken care of, leases executed, daily needs taken care of, their parking needs taken care of and insure that they have Good Communications surrounding the changes in the process to the project based voucher system. That communication has been a personal outreach by our staff and team members, both to the individual households and the community as a whole. We communicate with them with work orders need in the home and personal needs that need to be uplifted including good communication surrounding residents that may be experiencing a difficulty in paying rent and or opportunities if the rent amounts become burdensome connecting them with services to be able to have other subsidies that would be available for them. We also are working diligently on all of the lease documents insuring everything is reviewed, approved and will be satisfactory to hud inspection. We alsocommunication also incorporates fliers and mailers. We have a reg ural distribution of information to the residents. When we were going through the lease execution process we did absolutely everypulled all stops and did every effort to insure the houses had the information they needed so they did not have a opportunity lost for their subsidy. Eugene burger had prepared a Lease Agreement is only 40 pages for these properties and we distributed over 20,000 documents, individual pages that were printed and distributed over and over in multiple languages getting every person every opportunity, knocking on doors, 16 hours a day, 7 days a week to insure that their lease was secured for hud and the continued subsidy. Additionally, we engaged with there partners on a weekly basis. Lance attends all those meetings both with the Community Based partners, the Police Officers and that communication is consistent and when needed our teams are there on saturdays. It isnt just mondayfriday operation. If there is a need for meeting with the pd to take care of parking, take care of towing, special pickup because of community events, we do address those matters. When it comes to the progress of the trash and Illegal Dumping, evmc did work with recology and we did conduct hundred percent hodt audit of waste containers on the property. Ecmc assumed the contracts in place prior to the San FranciscoHousing Authority contracts. The types of contracts that were there, we just continued under our supervision and direct contract. With that, we are going through the bills and going through the audit jz going through the properties seeing we were billed for things such as, Recycled Materials being billed as trash which those things prompted hundred percent audit of the trash. While doing that, it was discovered there were containers that didnt braung from the property and removed and migrated off the property and there was approximately 30 percent at one time that were insufficient in containers for the property. We had been working dilliantly with recology. They still have 141 bins to deliver to us. They are providing those bins to us. They are committed to getting them to us by the end of this month. Additionally, evmc has engaged in bringing in outside vendors as touched on with regards to the regular hauling and pick up and we have experienced extraordinary level of Illegal Dumping to the point where we have now engaged watch tower to also be watching for the Illegal Dumping on the properties. We are working with Community Based organizations to do cleanup before and after the food pantry events and reached out and had Community Engagement with property beautification days, et cetera. Our teams do walk the property every single day. We have a Maintenance Team that walks the property. We address the concerns. Things are documented. If it is units appeared to be compromised that were vacant are immediately addressed and work orders are prepared. When it comes to progress on illegal trash and dumping we have a schedule. We have a am and p. M. Schedule. When it comes to potrero we have one truck load that is picked up every monday and the truck itself has a 10 thousand pound capacity of Waste Removal and it is to capacity. Monday after they pick up the potrero, they also move to sunnydale and pick up Illegal Dumping over the weekday from sunnydale. This is after our teams have gone through the properties a. M. And p. M. To pick up waste. Tuesday potrero does have the recology pickup and the subcontractor can focus on sunnydale one a. M. And one p. M. Waste removal and the staff continues to daily cleanup. On wednesday, the i think to move forward, we can see the schedule. Im sorry. You want me to slow down . No, speed up. Very good. Thank you. As you can see, there is regular trash regular hauling, regular pickup so there is mondayfriday so there isnt a weekly discrepancy. We also go back and do the cleanups on one of the photos also incorporated in our slide as was the authority slide, was a example of the before and after of that. On the next slide well talk about our progress on the curb appeal and lan landscape. We entered into thirtytwo new contracts with Landscaping Service for the both locations and these are recent photos of what the condition of the properties are. We also have through the storms worked with in preparation of storms and after have aging trees and very large treesthality over 40 have been removed. If we can move to the next are more photos of what the ongoing progress with the curb appeal and landscaping and these are additional photos of what the Current Conditions of the properties are. When it comes to the vehicle management, our teams actually have been very progressive when it comes trying to take care of the trash and waste. As outlined, we worked with 311 taking care of both on property and property items, vehicles that were abandoned, stolen, whether if they are residents and not working, we work with the resident to the point where theres a method. What we want to make sure is not removing vehicles the residents is in process of fixing or just waiting for something, a part to come in so their vehicles are back and operable. We work with them on a three notice process where we give them the first notice, allow 72 hours, give a second notice, allow them another 72 hours and after the third, 72 hours notice of the vehicle towed giving the resident communication and expectations of what the vehicle removal processes are. As such, we had 75 cars towed, and working through those 35. Going through the notification process on both properties. We had progress on vacant units. This is a daily ongoing challenge. We work both with partner collaboration property walks. Walks on the executive team on a daily basis as we comei have my executive team members that from a corporate level at the property minimally 3 and 4 days a week depending on the property and site and location and typically go to both sites when they come to visit to insure there is eyes all areas of the community. With regard to our work orders, we were experiencing a problem within our system of the work orders which is why the scorecard reported what it was. We have been able to take care of that. We now have a report that we work with the Housing Authority and do havegiven them all the scorecards with the dates with adequate closeout times and dates and notes that are on there, and you will see it is much different track record. It was just a problem we needed to work through within our system. And as such, here is a example of the work orders we have with 1259 work orders. To date for potrero, at the end of the period of june 30, there were 11 work orders open. With sunnydale, we had 794, closing the period with only 8 work orders open. The average statistics are there, so as you can see it was a much different picture then what you may have experienced previously. And i do want to speak to the days beyond the 43. 8 days that is with us working with permitting department trying to get permits. I dont want to give the impression that immediate remedy was not taken care of, yes a immediate remedy was done, but the repair to the roof itself needed more capital involvement and permitting process, which is why you see that elevated date. Our ongoing commitment is we continue to try and find qualified adequate staffing. We did an exhaustive search with residents. We tried to bring on the hundred of the craftsman. All those were offered positions to be available. We continued to post and screen applicants on a regular basis to continue to add to the capacity. We also are working on tenant ledgers and reconcilization. We are working on insuring units pass inspection, and we have already addressed the work orders system and Housing Authority is now receiving those reports precovid to the stanards we have established. With regards to our Community Support and commitment to the residents and the community, i want to reiterate that Eugene Burger absolutely is committed to these properties. It is commit today the Relationship Building within the jurisdiction and municipalities to continue to build with the Fire Department and Police Department. That was a bit of a adjustment on many levels with switching over from direct reports to the Housing Authority for them to start recognizing evmc, but we have gone through those learning curves and Relationship Building and now we are a point where both ourFire Department, building department, the authority, the Police Department, the Mayors Office of housing, shanti care, mercy, all these Community Services we have great relationships that we continue to build on on a regular basis. To the point where staff are incommitted to engagement of the team and community as the staff contributed to and sponsored the care Program YouthInitiative Program for college readiness. We have examples for you very briefly as we round out here just examples of what is done even while we are ready to pick up trash and in advance of trash pickup days. Our team members are going through the property and as you see before and after taking the things that the bulky items, break them down and ready for the vendors to be hauled away. On this slide here you are going to see this is a typical just before. This is within hours of each other that the photos are taken. We have Community Area is together, waste combined and prepared, tralsh trash is picked up. Same day before and after trash service so that is the level and volume of waste we are removing from the property. And this is a sample Property Condition for sunnydale. This is also something i wanted to point out. Sample conditions of the Mission Local article. This photo was taken and published Mission Local, but this is a condition of the property before the article is published. It is a ongoing daily rotating thing we are constantly taking care of and we do have the focus to insure the residents needs are taken care of, the community as a whole are taken care of, and that the property is maintained. Thank you. Thank you so much. Now well hear from representatives from Bridge Housing. How do you pronounce the last name . indiscernible sorry. Good afternoon. Thank you for inviting us to come and comment. I am a Senior Vice President with Bridge Housing and pleased to be here with colleagues. Bridgei want to say bridge is a really very willing partner in the eco system of potrero hill terrace and annex. Our responsibility is redevelopment physical redevelopment of the campus, as well as partnering with all the existing partners on the campus that includes the Housing Authority, Eugene Burger, as well as the myriad of Service Providers that work on the hill. We do not have direct oversight over evmc scope with San FranciscoHousing Authority, however, we try to partner as much as possible around the best interests of the residents, and that includes hosting a Monthly Community meeting where all parties invite to attend. We have noticed since lance joined the Eugene Burger team that he shows up at these Community Meetings as well as the San FranciscoHousing Authority staff and these are forums for residents not just to understand the timeline for the redevelopment, but also to express concerns and complaints about the experience of the redevelopment and all of its operations. Ill just share that we had several meetings where residents expressed complains or concerns to Eugene Burger and we have found lance to be incredibly responsive and desires to repair the relationships. Similarly, as issues get brought to our attention, whether it is through a Property Management at bridge, Community Development or our service partners, we forward to Eugene Burger and San FranciscoHousing Authority. We believe in the guiding principle of no wrong door so whether the concern is directly targeted towards our scope of work or a members scope of work on the campus, we make sure we advance those concerns to resolution. We are here to support every stakeholder that is part of the potrero eco system. This is really challenging project with a lot of complex parts and partners and our role is be at the table to lend voice of the redevelopment including current Property Management across the campus. We believe that Eugene Burger is making progress as they reflected in their presentation, and we believe that the Housing Authority and Eugene Burger are doing the best they can with the resources they have. Thank you. Thank you susan. Now wellare youis that it for bridge . Okay. Thank you. Now we have representatives from mercy. Ashley hearse and doug shoemaker is here as well. Thank you very much. Im here but i am not at sunnydale 45 days a month, im not there every day, and so i thought it is much more helpful to hear from the site staff there on a regular basis so introduce ashley, director of Community Life. Thank you. Thank you doug and good afternoon supervisors. Ashley hearse, director of Community Life for mercy housing. Mercy housing our partnering with residents city and shfa on sunnydale hope sf. Privilege supporting the team which includes 40 Resident Service and Property Management professionals who provide trauma informed care. We also have a team specifically positioned in a unit, 1711 sunnydale to provide advocacy and housing Stability Support for residents who live in homes managed by Eugene Burger. Over theest laseveral years opened two new building with 22 homes for over 600 plus residents and currently building a Community Center that opens next summer. We raised 45 million and excited for that to open and 167 homes and retail spaces neighborhood shops and Wellness Center and greengrocer. We felt it was imperative to partner with Eugene Burger and Housing Authority to insure quality Resident Life for residents. Our team was in consistent communication with indiscernible point of contact for the Housing Authority and lance our lead for Eugene Burger. The transition from the Housing Authority to Eugene Burger has been challenging. Our team consistently meets with lance on a weekly basis thursdays to have a standing meeting. We review needs and concerns and document them and also are in Constant Contact with them in regards to residents who have concerns. Our team at 1711 often meets with residents and act as advocate. Meet with us when they have challenges understanding their lease or if issues with work orders not processed or general concerns about the site and we reach out to the Housing Authority and Eugene Burger to address the issues. We share the concerns residents and leaders convey. On a Positive Side we have seen improvement on the following issues. Eugene burger become more responsive over time especially with the transition to lance and increase staffing and subcontractors. We also have secured the vacant units and scheduled for demolition next month and believe that will increase safety and neighborhood. Unfortunately the conditions of sunnydale are still not acceptable. Giveren the conditions of the person neighborhood and home profoundly impact mebtal health and wellbeing, we believe the following things need to address. Residents report the homeerize not properly maintained and work orders are not addressed in a timely manner. Cestant issues with trash and consistent trash removal and issues with landscaping and diseased trees. There is also needs to be continued efforts to remove abandsened cars. Improve the communication with residents and Community Members. We understand that residents interact with the Property Managers can be triggering, imperative to speak with residents with care respect and understanding. Committed with residents the city Housing Authority and Eugene Burger to inform them of the challenges in the neighborhood and want to continue to partner with our residents and partners to insure that the quality of life of residents will improve in sunnydale. Thank you. Thank you. I want to thank everyone who did come in to report today and just want everybody to understand my perspective. Everybody who is in the Development Working on properties, developer, contractor, Housing Authority, hope sf, you all are responsible for meeting residents needs, period, points blank. That is the only thing i see, so you all have to figure how to Work Together to make sure residents needs are met. Pointing finger at another entity, indiscernible not your responsibility nottioning im concerned about because all of you are in that position to have to meet the needs. I do have a few questions i want to start with the Housing Authority. I know you talked about improvements on behalf of Eugene Burger at both sites. Where does Eugene Burger stand with the scorecard and last audit . 4 of the 5 measures are met where we see progress. Where we remain severely at deficit is reconcilization of all the leases and paperwork, which is very important as it relates to the subsidy side of the house, if you will. While as i said in my presentation, and as ashley has noted, and everyone noted, there is still much work to be done and i will not shy away from the responsibility and need to do that work and i fully wholely agree with you. There is no need to point fingers and we are all in the Work Together and the question for each and every one of us is, how are we going to get it done because what is most important and at stake is the residents. Simple as that for me. While yes there is progress, we are still not yet there. Do we have corrective action on behalf of the Housing Authority to Eugene Burger, because of the lack of do we have what . Proof of corrective action . Proof of reprimands, anything from Housing Authority to Eugene Burger . Our corrective action request are part of the monitoring process. It is a tool that says these things are not being done, we need this done, we need to continue to improve in these areas so forth and on. Part of the work on a daily basis is staff going out to the site, surveying the sites, taking picture of the site and speaking what is going on and finding what should the solutions be to insure these things are done. This is a real live ontime process on a daily basis. It is not a week, a month. It is every single day we are having these dialogues and we are looking at what the property looks like, how work orders are flowing, and as kendra and lance are having meetings evidenced by ashley, their conversations that come back to me and we are talking what has to happen, so this is every day process for this work right now currently. My question is, do we have any proof of them given any corrective action . The corrective action is all the dialogue and our reporting. Nothing written and documented . No, thats not true. The corrective action is this process. This is a written process. Then, i keep hearing this from Housing Authority and Eugene Burger about capacity. It is troubling to have conversations about capacity when we have residents on site some are probably capable doing the work and doing the job the Housing Authority and Property Management company are asked to do, and i just cant for life of me figure why we cant find a way to hire residents on site to do work to take care of their community. That is something i want to mention. I like to address that question. indiscernible as well. So, there is a hiring process, and currently to date from my understanding on each site there are currently for both sites two residents hired. I dont believe from my perspective that anyone is being precluded to hiring and i do believe that not only where impacted staff surveyed and i believe that has also been done on each of those sites, and i believe from both of our perspectives, i dont believe that Eugene Burger any point in time is unwilling to hire staff from either of our sites. In fact, we encourage that staffsorry, that individuals from our sites are hired by any of our contractors. It really advan tajs to do so. I say to Eugene Burger, john stuart, mercy, related, bridge, as someone who worked in community and had to hire from community, had to come up with innovative ways and strategy to make sure a community is working there is no excuse for residents not to be fully employed on those sites, and any excuse to or any impediment put in place for making that happen is really bs, because at the end of the day if you want residents working in the community youll figure a way. With all the non profits we have and all the contractors and folks we have you figure out a way to make sure workers have a opportunity to be responsible and trust me, im not say tg is to you, everyone in the room and all the Property Management companies throughout the city and county of San Francisco. More then willing to have the dialogue further with anyone and to do it in a way that is appropriate. We have no problem and dont believe that this contractor has any issues in hiring individuals from our site. Again, i think it is important, it is appropriate, and we will continue to work alongside our Service Providers to make those request. Are there any individuals who would like to have a job . It is not impossible to make it happen if there are individuals who would like to be hired by Eugene Burger, so i speak they dont center have to work for Eugene Burger to work in community. Im done with questions for Housing Authority. Thank you. Im not sure if colleagues have questions. Supervisor stefani. Thank you supervisor walton. Vice chair stefani. Thank you chair preston and thank you supervisor walton for this hearing. It is very disturbing and i would love to take a at the contract and really understand their contractual obligations and whether or not they are breach of contract and what the city can do about that. Based on what i read, what is presented here today, it seems like there is a failure on their part and i am always curious and seems to happen with other non profits. I know this isnt a non profit, that when we engage or contract with certain entities, it isnt always clear to me that they have the staff in place to do the work, and after when we realize there is a problem there are staffing issues and i dont know if that continues to be a problem or a problem at the outset and i like to better understand that if that is a problem and supervisor walton talked about hiring from the community. I dont understand why we continue to engage and ask people to do the work if they are not able to perform it. I wonder if they have enough staffing to do the work. This is difficult work, but it seems to me that there are more inefficiencies at the r very start. Am i correct to assume that . Ill have Eugene Burger answer. Thank you. Initially we had phases, so as our staffing plan initially was to take over the first phase was roughly 200 doors. And then another 200 doors was another 60 days later so it was wasnt a progressive thing, and so as we were looking to try to bring individuals and people on board and staff up, we had through the difficult period, through a hiring crisis, we had a very large attrition rate where folks with temps and agencies would come and try to bring individuals in and be trained and have them on board and stay, because it is a big task. How many are on staff for this particular work . There are 16 Staff Members at each property currently, and it is also augmented with tempary agencies also having a crisis. With you realized you were having issue with people quitting orwas there any point you advised the city you were having issues not to fulfill the contract . We had regular conversations. Staffing is a weekly conversation we have with them and share what we are doing to be able to constantly seek. What were the remedies at that time when you realized you didnt have the staffing to meet the needs of the residents . What were the remedies in that time . Done our best to augment with temporary agencies and outside vendors so vendor contractors were put in place so craftsman, haulers were brought in. So service continues just not directly with employees. Did you document what you were not able to get to based on the staffing shortages, the complaints and what services that remained unrendered . Were you able to document all the complaints of mice, rodents, broken windows, all the issues coming up . Absolutely, absolutely. We went through our work orders system and went through the work orders and performed analysis. In the contract it is set you are paid a certain amount even if you are not able to perform the contract . The contract is based on per occupied door, so in true fact, aEugene Burger is paid by the occupied door even though we manage 300 vacant doors on top of it. Wow. Are there metrics in the topic to fulfill of meeting the needs of the residents there or just paid per door no matter what . The rfp and contract developed so it was paid on a per door flat rate. indiscernible okay. May send me the rfp and contract and ill review that. Thank you. Thank you vice chair stefani. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you chair preston. The Housing Authority can explain because im out of my element. What the Funding Source for maintenance of Housing Authority properties is . Thats probably not city generalis that a pass through of hud . The Housing Authority isnt funded by the city and county of San Francisco. The Housing Authority is federally funded by the feds, hud. Which iswhat were the reasons in 2019 why hud said we will stop managing these properties Housing Authority you need to contract these out to somebody else . The Housing Authority in 2019 of march was declared by hud in default of its housing choice voucher program, known as formally known as section 8 and the low Public Housing program, which is Public Housing. As a result it was 3 36 million or more in shortfall and why it was mandated that those contractsthose two programs along with the last two standing Public Housing developments would be actually sent or given to third party contract, and with that was a request ask and requirement that the city would provide oversight. I am a City Employee who is providing some of that oversight, along with another individual who is the cfo for the organization and through the four years of work that we have been putting into this agency it is no longer in shortfall, no longer in default. This is one piece of it, and yes, it is a lot of work and yes, it has been not an easy road that we are clearing. How does hud decide how much money it gives to pass through for maintenance on these properties . There is a formula. I dont know the exact formula. I apologize. If you like to have it, i can make sure you get it, sir. I imagine it is notupdated somewhat based on the labor costs and how much it would cost to employ folks, but im going to guess without knowing that it is not a generous contract for the hiring of excellent staff in abundance to provide Great Services to low income folks living in these units . No, its not. So, we are hiring an outside for profit, third party to provide a service that hudwe have to provide, but we are not given enough money possibly to doto have that work done in the way the folks deserve . The contract is aboutwhat is it . It is 3 million for 3 years so Million Dollars per year, and the cost of that contract includes the operating budget as well. Imagine you have 72 acres you are managing on each site approximately live units, 300 on each site about 300 along with all the other things going on. I want youit isnt acceptable for those folks to be living the way that they are having to live, but also think it iswe just need to remember and you need to be holding our contractors accountable and also think we need to be holding the federal government accountable to insure there is funding for Housing Authority properties to be maintained in a adequate wait. When they are not, over time those properties fall apart, and even when we spend a lot of money to redevelop those properties and make usable and habitable, over time it wont work if we dont have the funding to keep the properties up. I fully agree and i believe that anyone who knows about Public Housing this is partially one reason why for the city and county of San Francisco we moved to rad, as well as the very fact that moving out of Public Housing so it becomes project based voucher and as it moves to the new development theres more funding for those new developments, and this is notit is a transition. It is a hard transition because we remain in very Old Buildings while development is occurring and where possible rez krnts a opportunity to move to a brand new unit offsite, but the fact is true and very true that part of this work is to Keep Community together, and people having the opportunity to stay in their beloved spaces where they have grown for many years and have had decades of families growing there and so forth and on. This whole development and transition is definitely difficult, but that does not as you stated negate the fact that we do need to have a place that is livable, that is conducive for families and individuals to live in and that fact does not escape any time and any moment. Thank you. Before we go to Public Comment, i just really wanted to thank supervisor walton for calling for this hearing, and appreciate this having this discussion here. We had similar discussions in this committee around plaza east previously. I think from my observation that is a newer use of the government audit Oversight Committee to hold hearings on some of these Site Specific on Public Housing and subsidized housing and think it is totally inappropriate and good use of our time. I want to say we spend a ton of time debating the latest changes to permit requirements on market rate housing and to hours upon hours and meanwhile we have folks who are living in public or rad converted or other forms of subsidized housing who are not getting the habitable homes they deserve and the level of service they deserve and i think its goodthere are hearings at the Housing Authority commission and other bodies that look at this, but i also think it is important that the board spends the time and exercises some additional oversight. I will say that there is, it is frustrating for everyone involved and i think that both dr. indiscernible and the Housing Authority and a lot of the folks working on this who are feel understaffed, underresourced and think we all fully understand or hopefully understand how the federal government has completely for now half century abandoned investment in Public Housing in significant ways and we are seeing the results of that. That said, i think it is important how we resolve within that climate and how we resolve some of the conditions and i would say it is frustratingi will speak for myself but sure true for other supervisor, we are often hearing directly from constituents woo whoo have a lot of condition in their homes that we are talking about. What we are not hearing whether the Housing Authority and non profits is here is what we need from the mayor and board of supervisors to solve the problems. It is one thing whether in the monthly meetings in hearings orit is notthere is a staffing vices and resource crisis. Thats all true, but i think what i want to encourage is not accept that as a given and i say what is frustrating from our perspective, i think you is a board that wants to step and hope you have mayor that wants to step up and do quhaurfb we can on these staffing and funding issues. The board acted and beenwe acted to fund housing repairs. It a year later the administration has not issued a rfp or get the funds out the door, so for this body where we do the hard work to allocate the money and there is more we may need to do and i just want to encourage you and folks involved to be more vocal about what the needs are and how we as supervisors may be able to help in that, because otherwise what we get is the same thing each time, which is, folks talking about the resource constraints, and working within those, but without takingwithout having the proposals how we will meet those needs. I appreciate you pointing out and do think it is especially acute in the sites that have substantial problems and are in a period of time before and anticipated redevelopment, where those pose additional challenges and certainly the case of plaza east and case of the sites we are discussing today, but we also need to recognize that these are multiyear processes and people can get sick from the conditions in their home over the course of the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years in which we are working hopefully collaboratively on redevelopment or new development plans. I will leave it at that and before we head to Public Comment, supervisor walton. Thank you chair preston. I apologize are alluding to the fact i did not have a bunch more questions. I are was just done with dr. indiscernible and Housing Authority. If we could have mrs. Pigler did these properties just fall at your doorstep or did you respond to request for service . There was rfp. When you responded to request for service you said you had the ability to do certain things i believe . Yes. And so, there is a lot of information on these slides that simply say Eugene Burger is not able to provide Quality Service because of so many other elements, which is very problematic. I want to talk about just some thingsif we go to slide 13in your presentation, im really interested as why you presented this slide as a positive for Eugene Burger, because you didnt walk through the site and say, i see trash and community and let me make sure it gets picked up. That came from a direct result of email from my office to dr. indiscernible im curious to know why you put this slide and say we cleaned it up magnificently, quickly. This is to represent the method that the teams do, they go through the property, they pick up, they bag trash, they are bringing to the central location, and then it how do you see this as a positive. Thats the problem. We have a different view of whats positive in and for community. Seemed like this should not happen at the site, and this is not a positive thing. I really want to make sure we pull slide 13 up, because thatnow i understand where the problem lies. We think quality of service for residents is different then what Eugene Burger thinks. I dont feel it is a positive, just representative of the trash of the day, and that was removed. I notice you stated that there was a average for making maintenance responses, which was a pretty good average in terms of response. What is the longest time period residents had to wait for maintenance request to be met the one represented outsideif we pull up the slide, you have the minimum and maximum times there. The maximum was 43 day said . 43. 8 days was the maximum involving a repair. We know for a fact that there information reported now, 2. 7 and one day average to close work orders is in place now . Correct. What specific steps are you taking to address the trash at sunnydale . I saw the schedule for ph and you talked about the changes being made, but what you are presenter at the hearing and what i still hear from residents particularly in sunnydale around trash is not jelling. Sunnydale is the community that has the underthe 141 bins being delivered. It is predominantly sunnydales delivered by recology, and we conducted that audit, we held them to task, we asked for them to be delivered, they have given us a commitment by the end of the month to be delivered so we are hoping that dramatically reduces the offset. You do understand telling me we are waiting for recology is very unacceptable . What im saying is you are saying we have a sunnydale trash issue because recology hasnt delivered certain things. Thats not my concern. What are you go toog do to make sure the trash is clean pick up and maintained until recology comes or until superman comes . What do you do to make sure the residents are taken care of . Im uncertained whether recology is or not delivering because our contract is with Eugene Burger. Correct. We have vendors there now and the vendors are hauling on a regular basis. I just have to say this, because now im going to potrero hill and there was a fire on the hill and lead to the tragedy of a death in one instance. I visited the scene, visited the fire and the first thing a representative from Eugene Burger wanted to do is try to hide the fact there was a loss of life at the site. Supervisor walton, please if i may. Im sorry we have a lawsuit and we have a ongoing i understand that but i still have a job to do. You dont center have to respond. Thank you so much. It was a loss of life, and when i had conver sations about what happening and taking place onsite, talk about inspections happening frequently to make sure that we dont have folks living in units or responses to do when we have folks in units that are unhoused. Are the inspections happening and what is the proof of the inspections taking place . The teams walk the property every day and as they walk the property and see anything that is compromised or somebody gotten in a back door they go into it. The frequency ofrecently we have a unit that required police involvement. Those individuals were trying to get four times in one day had to be tresspassed by the Police Department in one unit. I met with Housing Authority after this particular incident, and they didnt report you were making inspections every single day. indiscernible somebody is not accurate with their updates and reporting. At that moment in time it was not happening occurring every day, because as i explain ed to you in our conversation, we required and needed the help of sfpd and that continues to be true. We work with limited resources as it relates to having the help onsite. As i explained in the conversation, the reason we had to have sfpd is because staff had been acosted by individuals who do not have legal right to be in our units. We have a safety concern. Not just for the staff, but we also have a safety concern for individuals who illegally enter into our units and it really is a very hard balance about how we board, what types of material we use in boarding because of the very incident you just mentioned about a death of someone who did not legally have rights to be in that unit. That is a loss of life and it is important and this is what we as a Housing Authority are faced with and we are balancing each and every day as we speak about these vacant units, sir. Necessity of having a officer on site or Police Department on site about inspecting or removal . It is around removal, safety reasons. So we cant inspect without pd . We inspect them, but we cannot remove people safely, and if a unit has been accessed, we have no way of removing those individuals that are there. And that is very important is removal of those units and keeping thes boarded up each and every day. We used very many many methodologies to do so. I definitely want to godont want to go in circles. The main thing from the hearing is we have a contractor in place that failed to meet objectives. We have communities where folks quality of life are not being addressed, because the contractor has not been delivering and so we need to make sure that that doesnt continue to happen. We are having conversations about changing and things that have been instituted and implemented, but also we also need proof that these changes and these things are improving for residents because there is a lot of miscommunication across departments and on behalf of residents of what is and is not actually happening on site. I just have one more question just in terms of mr. Witenburgs role. Are you at both sites or just potrero hill . Mrs. Pegler did you say you have 16 people at each site . Yes. That is average ratio of about 120 Staff Members per resident. It would seem to me that that is a formula for success, and so something is not jelling, because if you have a Staffing Ratio of 120 we should see mor aculous objectives made. I do want to say that. Chair preston, i think at this point we can go to Public Comment, unless you all have more questions. Thank you supervisor walton. Lets open for Public Comment. Any members of the public who like to comment for item 2 . Line up along the curtain wall to your right. Members that are calling in, please dale star 3 to be added to the queue. Those on hold continue towait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. You may begin. indiscernible 75 years old, i was conceived and born in potrero hill. The bull crap i heard here today is unacceptable. I live on turner terrace. There is trash all over. They do whatever they want and leave it there. I have been harassed all most 9 years by one neighbor in my unit and now my friend at the other end is harassed too. There is no indiscernible that needs to be removed from turner terrace. I was all most attacked by the drug addicts if it wasnt for the paratransit i would have been hurt. I called and said i cant meet them on missouri, they have to come to my house and get me. It is terrifying to know all the tenants on turner terrace is terrified of the drug addicts, of the excess cars, of people not cleaning up turner terrace. In the back of my building they mowed it, but left the trash there. In front, i got a ipad that i have taken document pictures of. Im the president of the potrero Hill Association and i have to deal with the tenants there, and they know what im going through racially. I have talked to Housing Authority, i talked to bridge, i talked to Eugene Burger. I have gotten no where no help no time. And to get anything done in your house you mine as well sit down and pray on one hand and crap in the other because it wont get done. My bedroom door gets mold every 2 months. In my family there is a cancer. I have to deal with the contaminate place that has mold and im not moving. No way in gods earth i will move but you need to take a closer look. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I have been a sunnydale residents 52 years. Mr. Walton he basically asked all the questions and concerns i had. However, with lance over there, he is trying, but he needs more man power. As far as the equipment they dont have enough materials to keep up the place. They dont know the zones real well, so they all in a pack cleaning up one area. They dont know the area good so they need to get trained about that and one truck over there, that isnt enough to clean up pick up the trash. They have a uhaul they rent and another truck that goes around once or twice a week but thats not enough. Another concern i have was about theshe saidi dont know her name, but said she put money into the gardens over there,b the funding for the garden, i lost my job june 30, so i dont know how she put funding in the garden for work for the residents and stuff like that. We do need more work for the residents. They are not try toog hire us. They never ask did we want to get hired or other residents. However, as far as the cleanup, it is bad. Like i said, he dont have enough man power or have them trained enough to know where the zones are to pick up the trash. They dont have enough equipment. They use a picker and bags instead of garbage cans. Like i said, mr. Walton asked all the questions and concerned i was coming to speak on, so thats basically it for me right now. As far as the Eugene Burger management, lance he is trying, he does be out there, he is trying but it isnt enough, and the workers out there dont know what they are doing. They cant keep everything clean because they are together and not spread out. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Elaborate on the indiscernible my name is indiscernible care program and great grand mother and resident of potrero hill. Real quick, before lance got there the person there before him was not hiring residents and she was indiscernible since lance has been there things have gotten better. We can talk off line what he is trying to do with the unhoused residents and the beautification allowed to happen in potrero hill and also the trash was really bad. indiscernible correct it was really hard and took them over a year to get a man out the utility room who locked himself in and terrorizing residents. Things were bad but they are getting better. Every forget about the lady who lost her life. I dont understand how anybodys scoor card pass when 1101 has garbage piled up to where the residents cant put the garbage inside the shoot and woman died because the alarm system kept going off. They more trucks and able to hire more people. It was said they couldnt hire residents. The person did say. He just worked with a man and got him to where he could be hired and talk fast because i only have two minutes. I like to send you a long list. You all should come to the resident meeting that will happen at 1101 next thursday which is community meeting. If you really care and having this meeting if you want to hear from residents bring your behinds to the meeting at 1101 which starts at 6 oclock or 5 oclock . 6 oclock at 1101 and then you will hear from residents, but we want to know about 1101 and then you will hear from residents, but we want to know about the 20million for Public Housing. More residents need to be hired. There are residents willing to work. We are able indiscernible Housing Authority, been able to do a lot of beautification in potrero hill and know theyp to do that in sunnydale as well. Thank you for your comments. It isnt where it should be, but it is dam n sure not where it used to be so therefore you need to come out i apologize for the interruption. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon board of supervisors. First i want to thank you guys for calling this hearing and finally letting it be known the city is paying attention what is going on in sunnyvale. I hate it had to be under these circumstances to focus. I will say that this was a bigger problem. This is accumulation of decades of the trash is the final black eye to the face. We have decrepted facilities, violence, squatters, crime. We have mold, we have old pipes and part of this stuff i hope the rebuild is going on will help alleviate in terms of bringing better facilities and morale up, but i think the transition was under estimated in terms of the scope of work. People were overwhelmed, everybody wasnt listening at first, however i know kindra indiscernible will pop and walk the grounds and greet the squatters and tell them to get the resources. indiscernible we are on the ground but it is a bigger problem and it is like trying to repair a big build wg a piece of tape, it isnt go toog work over night but i can say that the people in this room can make it better and i believe that they will make it better but now that you are paying attention it will change. I just need more followup and the supervisors to be more vigilant and Holding Accountable the contracts and things that are negotiated that the residents are impacted by. I trust entities in place and optimistic when i say it is in your court so it can roll the right way and everyone can wen. Win. Thank you. We are allotting 2 minutes per speaker. If you have more information email to me stephanie. Cabrera sfgov. Org. Thank stephanie. I got your email and recording at home so ill email you. My name is Sharon Hunter a legacy member of the potrero hill residents in Public Housing, a product of potrero hill housing so speaking from 53 years. That is how old i am of experience. I have never seen potrero hill look the way it has been looking ever. Transitions happened a lot of times there has always been Illegal Dumping in potrero hill. The level of neglect that is allowed is Illegal Dumping continues and on a scale it happens because we are not really paying attention to the physical space that our people and my people live. Also want to share that as larry said, this is much bigger then just the Illegal Dumping. This thing we call the hope sf transition and turning the buildings into a beautiful space but if we are not pouring into the residents we are not addressing the trauma and harm that happened generation frz the last 10 years hope sf has been the lead in this transition we are only putting tape on a building problem. We are only using tape and talking masking tape, not talking building tape. Again, if we are not looking at there larger scope what is happening and not potrero hill and sunnydale but transition from hunter point and Alice Griffith it is a bigger problem. My ask is look where are we at the hope sf10 year mark and figure what is working and not working . Thank you. Thank you for your comments today. Any other speakers in the chamber . Feel free to line up now if you like to speak and you may proceed. Thank you. Good afternoon. indiscernible i think the biggest thing with the trash is that as we transition to the new homes with people still in the old homes shouldnt have to transition with the trash sitting on the streets all day and they pick up trash like once a week, so the trash sitting on the block and kids got to walk by it and pipes and stuff is bad already. That doesnt have anything to do with Eugene Burger. We have sewage down the street, the kids go down the centers and buildings and this isnt a concern, it should be something that is immediate concern. This was brought to the attention to people 10 months ago and like larry said, this is probably overwhelming for them and didnt realize this was as big a project it was going to be, but please dont lie to us about what is being done and we sit here and be in the Community Every day. That is the biggest thing. That is more hurtful to the people in the community is when we being lied to in our faces when we are told what the Community Knows look like and know it doesnt look like. Dont lie to our face. Find a way to make sure we get the trash up and are talk to the people from the community that can help get the trash from outside of our community while we make the transition from the old to new, but dont lie to us. Thank you for your comments today. Any other speakers in the chamber that would like to speak before we call to call in members . No additional speakers in the chamber, we have 8 callers with 4 in the queue. May we please have the first caller . Good afternoon. My name is indiscernible i am also a longterm resident of potrero hill. Calling indiscernible to hold all the stakeholders accountable. Families are suffering, children are suffering, residents are overcome by rodent infestation, living next to vacant apartments that are Health Hazard and breeding grounds for violence and crime. It hasnt always been this way, but when we have Community Based organizations that want to step to help provide solutions, we are silenced and just saying enough is enough. I like the photo shared but i am in potrero hill every day and never seen it cleaned that nicely. It feels the goal is push the residents through undesirable Living Conditions so only effect substantial change once mixed income families marketed to have arrived. Im grateful for supervisor walton for calling out inequities in the community. I ask you address them. I seed the rest of my time. Thank you. May we please have the next caller . Good afternoon. This is indiscernible speaking because we indiscernible residents about the inadequacy of service in potrero hill and sunnydale. I live in the brick homes next to sunnydale. These is my neighborhood and my neighbors. We have seen the trash bags sitting for collection as much as 6 months without pickup. indiscernible windows left to residents to manage. 7 units without functioning heating that can reach low temperatures for children in the home. The Children Play area is unuseable. All the swings are unusable. indiscernible Eugene Burger is overwhelming. In terms of resident employment i have done outreach in my career. If staff are walking communities as frequent as said, i dont understand why a more robust outreach hasnt happened. It isnt hat challenging. Given interaction regarding concerns, these are engagement opportunities to promote these programs. Seems strange this isnt happening. I dont want to be harsh but im disturbed Eugene Burger as a contracted property manager of two beloved Public Housing communities expressed a lack of faith in Public Housing. Maintenance will continue to be a need in newly developed units. indiscernible will deteriorate if we continue to have incompetent management thank you thank you for your comments. We have 8 callers in the queue with 2 in speaking queue. May we have the next caller . You are muted. You are unmuted. May we please have the next caller . It appears that line is unattended. May we go to the next caller and circle back to the unattendeded line. It appears that we are unablemay we please go to the first unattended line and try that again . Hello. We can hear you. Hello. Wonderful. My name is hattie indiscernible here to echo some of my Community Partner concerns, and voices you heard before me, and residents of how they are impacted by this condition and Living Environment throughout this construction phase. Keep mindful, be mindful families are impacted, childrens are impacted, households. There is a lot more that needs to be done. As far as community, if you invest in the community and work with the community, we can help find the solution with the community. You have to make sure we are part of the conversation as well as the solution. With that being said, we need to see more residents on site taking advantage of these opportunities. Open them up to us. Make us part of it and thats what i all i have to say. In order for us to be impactful and see change you got to let us be part of it and stop telling us what you are doing. Thank you. Thank you very much for your comments today. If you are intending to speak and on the line, please dial star 3 to be added to the speaker queue. If you have dialed star 3 and waited to be unmuted dial star 3 to lower your hand and star 3 again to raise your hand to see if that resets. We are attempting to unmute. Caller, thank you, we have one caller left in the queue. May we please have the caller er . My name is shelly and resident of sunnyvale. I have two things that i am concerned about. I am concerned about the lights on santos and indiscernible . Concerned about the lights on the building. It is hecky dark with you get off the bus and walk up the hill. Two, i like to speak about a ledger. I requested a ledger back in january for the ymca and Eugene Burger sent a letter stating i owe 19,000 backpay in rent and requested another in june and now up to 22,000 and im concerned because that will effect my credit and i want to know how come the ledger isnt corrected or sent out the way it should be . Thank you. Thank you for your comments. We had another caller join. Next caller, please. Hi. Im resident of potrero hill and just calling for my frustration about the impact of there trash in the area , continued leases given, our information being lost, having to report to different offices, no one communicating. It is like the blind is leading the blind. We just need a clean wash and have a new start of staff take over. It is sad. As we speak now, the development is nasty. You walk around and look and it is gross. Thank you. Thank you very much for your comments. We are checking to see if there are additional callers. There are no additional callers in the queue. Thank you, Public Comment is now closed. Supervisor walton. Thank you so much chair preston and before i just say some concluding remarks, i do just have one big question for the developers and as you come up you can hear the question. I know mercy and bridge both have resources for services in sunnydale and potrero hill. How are the resources being used . How much of your own resources are being used and are you hiring people from community . Thanks for the question supervisor walton. Just going to make sure i heard it back. What resources do we have that are used relative to this issues flagged today . Really just also just report back of b okay, sur. Services you are providing. Thanks to partnership with the city, we have a pretty robust team of folks that include a number of residents hired over time, and continue to be on staff in that role ofthat ashley described which some are involved in the Housing Stabilization work which involve issues like the ones mentioned earlier. Someone comes forward with a problem with the lease, if it is something we can handle without legal aid, the staffs help with the work. If we need a legal aid attorney we make referrals to folks with more skilled training in that regard then we have. We are also there to work i think as ashley mentioned with residents as they deal with issues both with our own buildings with the Property Management and also Eugene Burger so the weekly meetings occurring. In terms of hiring residents and the other principle area obviously is in construction. We work to train and hire folks on the construction crews, not work for mercy but work for the general contractors on site. I believe there is a training coming up relatively soon for the latest round of work. Thats not going as well as i think we would like it to go, but we are taking steps to move in a better direction. I think that there are opportunities as you described for Community Based organizations not necessarily mercy but other Community Based organizations to work with Eugene Burger and Housing Authority to remedy the issues. My view, i think there is a model out there similar to the way green streets works as plaza east and other locations like that where you have entities or agencies that have deep familiarity with residents to hire them indirectly through those social enterprises to deal with issues like the ones laid out before. We had conversations about at sunnydale and think there is opportunity there and like to see it move forward on some of the issues. Mercy probably spends anywhere between 400 and 700 thousand a year of our own money on the projects despite the fact there is a lot of support from the Mayors Office of housing and others, but the task ahead are much larger then the funding made available and i think supervisor preston you asked earlier why we havent come to the board of supervisors and just say generally speaking we have made our request directly to hope sf and mayor office of housing. I dont know what is communicated to you. We are about to open a large Community Center that supervisor walton was instrumental securing the capital from the city along with the mayor. Raised 30 million in private funds for that, including over 7 million from mercy housing board and staff, private contributions as well as corporate contribution from mercy housing so i like to think we are trying to match the expectations of putting our full effort behind it. I think as we open this Community Center which i think will be a really important piece along with the new Recreation Center you helped us secure funding for, one key thing is make sure the operating hours are extensive. As you know from personal experience, there isnt been a gym in visitation valley for residents as far as i know ever. Larry and drew both testified and told me they advocated around the issue or drew and brother did. This is the first time we will have a gym in the neighborhood. Rec and park is committed to that but think the other piece is just making sure that we have adequate support for the Community Center. It will have a greatly expanded boys and girls club. They put a lot of money into that effort and quadruple the number of spaces in the boys and girls club for youth in the community and a key thing Going Forward is able to work with city departments to make sure there is support behind that. I really wish that there were more private individuals and foundations interested supporting the work in the southeast and visitation valley and sunnydale but it is hard to find philanthropy committed to that part of town as other parts of the town. Appreciative of the ones that stepped forward, but what would be fantastic is to see more of it and i think for us to really fulfill the promise hope sf made to the neighbors, i think we need to continue a real mix of public and private support because i think the needs are profound. I think they are multigenerational and think they are not just the ones we talked about today, but tromy related issues that have come about for generations. Thank you. Thank you. indiscernible i want to start by saying that listened very intently. I was a former project manager with office of Economic Workforce Development and had the opportunity to work on the implementation of sunnydale hope sf and potrero on the city side and when i got the opportunity to move and work with bridge to be in the director of development, after what was clear change of staff because this work is very challenging, and supervisor walton i will get to your question what our bridge service, what are the provisions they provide and i think they very closely match what sunnydale described. I think accept for the fact that we partner closely with Community Based organizations to meet the needs of residents and there is tons of work to be done on that front. I would say that we have a master loan with the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development in order to work with shanti project and also with care indiscernible with the indiscernible i will meet mr. indiscernible to help us collectively engage in the shared responsibility to meet everything outlayed today. I think that i stepped into this role and the focus is moving forward with the Development Project but we dont see that as inseparateable of what is necessary. The responsibility of the residents is the primary goal and think dr. indiscernible it is a balancing act and but it isnt one that allows to shirt the responsibility. Our priority is with the resident concerns, anddo you mind if you repeated the question . You answered everything accept for what is the investment thatwhat is bridges own investment . Bridges investmentthere was a recent trip to washington dc with a number of dollar figure. I dont have a dollar figure but will provide to your office. Well follow up by email if thats alright and we have quarterly meetings with your staff, which iswe are looking for the very touch points with all partners including the city and i think we arei want to provide the facts and figures and sorry i wasnt prepared to respond today, but i will have that to you. Thank you. I just want to start by saying, ultimately the responsibility of the Housing Authority and the leadership of the city to insure our Public Housing residents are taken care of and make sure Eugene Burger does their job. They or should not serve our families. We made so many strides in the Public Housing community and we cannot allow a bad actor to set our residents and communities back. I do want to thank everyone who came to report today and really just need to see the commitments that have been made here today turn into concrete improvement for our residents. I want to give a big thank you to the residents who came out and spoke today and advocated on behalf of themselves and their communities and i do want to thank the Service Providers, the developer and of course Housing Authority for coming in and reporting and just want to make sure that we are honest about where things stands, honest about the work that needs to be done so we can move forward and provide community with the quality of Life Services that they deserve. I am looking forward to meeting more with folks on the ground and have more conversations how we can be helpful because i see our Office Responsibility to make sure things happen doing what we can to provide the support to make sure our residents have their needs met, and also have to be real about what exists and what has happened so we can move forward. I will be asking the Housing Authority to provide quarterly status report on Eugene Burger and developers to track progress and guarantee improvements are being made, and i would love for this committee to continue this hearing to the call of the chair. Thank you everyone. Thank you supervisor walton. Thank you again for your leadership on this and calling the hearing and thanks to everyone who presented and came out to speak. I like to move to continue the item to call of the chair. On the motion [roll call] you have three ayes. Thank you. Motion passes. Please call item 3mentf item 3 is a hearing on strategies for Apartment BuildingFire Prevention and support for victims including current city protocols and Resources Available for those facing displacement and requesting the San FranciscoFire Department and Human Service agency to report. Members of the public who wish to comment and viewing remotely call the public call in number across the screen and enter the meeting id when prompted. If you dialed in dial star 3 to be added to the queue. The prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Wait until the system indicatesioahave been unmuted and you may begin your comments when we go to Public Comment. Thank you. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues i will move to continue this hearing at the request of the fire marshal was not available and able to be here today but in close contact with our office so looking forward getting this on calendar after the august recess, and would like to open this up for any Public Comment on the continuance madam clerk. Thank you, any members in the chamber that would like to speak on the continuance of the item . Line up along the curtain wall to your right. Those on the line dial star 3 to be added to the queue. We have zero speakers in the chamber and zero speakers online. Thank you. Public comment on this item is closed. I like to move to continue this hearing to the call of the chair. Thank you. On the motion to continue this item to the call of the chair [roll call] you have three ayes. Thank you. The motion passes and please call item 4. Item 4 is the motion directing the budget legislative analyst on priority basis to audit the Public Utility Commission rate setting and contract oversight process with focus reducing rate increases. Members who wish to comment on this item and viewing remotely should call the number scrolling across the screen and enter meeting id. If you are on the line dale star 3 to be added to the queue and wait until you are unmuted. Thank you. Thank you madam clerk. This item is sponsored by supervisor safai. Heard last week and continued to today. His chief of staff bill barnes is joining today. Mr. Barnes, the floor is yours. Chair preston, members, thank you for hearing the item. In the interest of brevity let me thank the chair and staff working with us. This audit wouldnt begin until spring next year evefen we were able to get it organized so what we like to request today is continuance to the call of the chair and well continue to work with the chair office. I also note that coalition of environmental organizations submitted letter in support. We will continue to work with them on their policy issues separate and apart from the audit request and thank the committee for its help. Thank you mr. Barnes. We look forward continuing to work with supervisor safai and get the oversight i know hes seeking here, and why dont we go ahead and open this item or openrequest for continuance for Public Comment. Thank you. Any members of the public here that would like to speak on the continuance of item number 4 . Those on the line dial star 3 to be added to the queue. Please dial the call in number scrolling across the screen and enter the id. The system will indicate you raised your hand. Please wait for the system to indicate you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. Seeing no speakers in the chamber, we have five callers on the line with one in the speaking queue. May we please have the caller . Eileen boken and speak in support. Speak is urging the indiscernible struct the bla to audit the puc beyond rate increases. Rate increases are the symptom, not the route cause. How the puc conduct the business and spends capital dollars has a direct impact on rate increases for customers including city departments such as rec and park. How the puc stores water in wet and dry years has a direct impact on the capital spending. Capital spending has a direct impact on rate increases. To avoid a ever ending cycle of rate increases, urge to struct the bla to audit the following Capital Projects contracting procedures and cost controls going back at least 7 years. The legality of the puc of bonds based on state law. The filing of lawsuits against the state agency without authorization by the commission. The puc Water Management policy compared to other utilities including Water Management in wet and dry years, also known as design drought. The accuracy of the puc water demand projections versus actual demand going back at least 7 years. Going back 10 years, what years has the puc raised rates and what percentage . In the next 10 years what years does the puc anticipate raising rates again and by what percentage . Thank you. Thank you for your comments today. May we please have the next caller . Good afternoon. This is peter deckmyer, Tuolumne River trust. Surveys have shown the biggest driver for people to conserve water is to benefit the environment. The people are shocked when i tell conserving water in the service area provides very little benefit to the Tuolumne River because during droughts the puc only releases the minimum base flow. Water people conserve is behind dams and has to be spelled in wet years like this one. During the recent three year drought, the puc never had less then 4 years worth of water in storage and maximum that could be stored is 6 years worth. This year the puc was intitedal entitled to 10 years of water and had no place to put it because the reservoir is filled early in the season. Now the puc is projecting may need to develop 92 million gallons per day of very expensive alternative water supply such as recycled water that cost about 300 million per year but the water wont be needed. The puc is forced to spill it in wet years. Strongly encourage to audit the puc drought planning scenario known as the design drought. This would be very straight forward and quite easy. We could provide all the evidence design drought needlessly harms the environment and rate pay er jz the puc can provide evidence they have as prudent. There isnt much. We need a judge to weigh all the evidence. A big problem is commissioners aret noelected so there isnt much pressure to represent the values of the constituents. All too onthey differ to stoof who dont provide the best value for san franciscans. We need the board to intervene and lead on a path of sustainability and affordable rates. Thank you for considering our request for an audit of the design drought. Thank you for your comments. Checking to see if there are additional callers in the queue. There are no additional callers. Thank you, Public Comment is now closed. I like to move to continue this item to call of the chair. Thank you. On the motion to continue to call of the chair [roll call] 3 ayes. Thank you, motion passes. Madam clerk, please call items 59 for closed session. Todays closed session is 59 which are three ordinances and two resolutions authorizing approving various lawsuits or claimsism members who wish to comment on these items dial star 3 to be added to the speaker queue. Those in the chamber please line up along the curtain wall to your right and well go to you when we go to Public Comment. Seeing no in person speakers, well go to the dialin line. There are zero callers in the queue. Thank you closed session is now closed. On the motion to convene in closed session, please call the roll. On the motion to convene in closed session [roll call] you have three ayes. Thank you. Well now convene in closed session. [closed session] [meeting reconvened] we are back in open session. We are back in open session. Thank you for your patience. Please report on closed session. Today in closed session the committee motioned to recommend item 59 to the full board with positive recommendation. Thank you. I like to move to closed session deliberation closed. On the motion to not disclose closed session deliberations [roll call] three ayes. Thank you. Any further business before the committee . No further business before the committee. Then we are adjourned. Thank you very much. [meeting adjourned] long it was in fashion, oshaughnessy water system has been sustainable. In addition to providing water for the bay area, it also generates clean hydroelectric power to run city buildings and services. And more recently, some San Francisco homes and businesses. Satellite electricity is Greenhouse Gas free, so we see a tremendous benefit from that. We really are proud of the fact that, weve put our water to work. Even with the system as well coon received as hetch hetchy, Climate Change has made the supply of water from the sierra vulnerable. And requires new thinking about where and how we use water. We have five hundred million gallons a day of wastewater being dumped out into San Francisco bay and the ocean from the bay area alone. And that water could be recycled and should be recycled for reuse through out the bay area. Were looking at taking wastewater and reading it to drink watering standards. Were also looking at our generation and looking at onsite water reuse looking at the technology and strategies we have available to us today. The very First Recycling plant in the state of california for landscape irrigation was built in San Francisco. Weve just developed a new recycled water plant in the ocean side wastewater facility for irrigation purposes in golden gate park, lincoln park and the panhandle. A century ago, San Francisco built a dam to create bunched znswer of fresh water to ensure the future and ensure the taps will flow for future generations, it will take as much vision when it reflects a fundamental change about how we think about water. I think we recognize theres going to be change in the future. So were going to have to have the flexibility and the creativity to deal with that future as its presented to us, its a matter of how to see it and say, okay, lets make wise use of everything we have. This oshaughnessy centennial moment is made possibbbbbbbbbbb good upon afternoon, everyone this meeting will come to order. Welcome to the july 24 regular meeting of Land Use Committee of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Im supervisor melgar chair of the commit each joined by vice chair supervisor preston and board of supervisors president supervisor peskin. The Committee Clerk today is erika major. I would like to acknowledge gene math