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Welcome to the july 23 twep twenty. Im supervisor chair of the meeting. Do you have any announcements . yes. Due to the covid 19 Health Emergency and to protect Board Members City Employees and the public. The chambers are closed. This precaution is pursuant to the state wide stay at home order and complies with all the regulations and directives. Public comment will be available on each item on the agenda. Both channel 26 and sfgovtv. By calling 415 6550001. The meeting i. D is 126 4284197 press pound and pound again. When connected youll hear the meeting discussions but be on mute. And in listening mode only. When your item of interest comes up police press star three to be added to the speaker line. Best practices are to call from a quiet location. You may submit Public Comment by emailing myself the joint City School Board and city clerk. If you submit Public Comment via email it will be forwarded to the board of supervisors and submitted as part of the file. thank you. Can you please call the roll. thank you. roll call you have a quorum. thank you, madam clerk. Will you please call the first item. a hearing how covid 19 has impacted the schedules and qualities and provisions of services for the unified School District. The approach are exercising to protect both students and staff during the pandemic. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment should call the no. 4 156550001. Please press star three to speak. thank you, madam clerk. Im going to provide a brief introduction and well get started. First i want to start with a lot of gratitude for everyone who is here. I know that everyone from the commissioners and the trustees and all of the staff are just working so hard tirelessly for our young people to make sure they are protected during this time. I think that thats something that we are all on the same page about and fighting for and responding to. Since the last meeting we had a month ago, things have gotten more chal empgin challenging and than before. I think we were on some level to have control over the spread of the virus. That unfortunately has not happened in many ways. The spread has actually increased. Through a lot of changes and hard work from everyone here, i just want to really thank you all since early sincsincerely. This has been hard and challenging for everyone and everyone is responding. I also would say, and i hope we all agree, now more than ever we need to be in communication. There are a lot of people working on this. We need to be discussing these issues more, sharing information better, things are moving so quickly. I would say this committee is probably more important than ever to have this space for us to share, learn, including from the city staff to be able to share whats going on from the things that they are working on with the supersizors, commissionersupervisors, andtru. We need to utilize this on a more regular basis. Ive been reaching out to the committee and staff already. I really believe that we should be meeting as a committee at least for the next few month dollars more often than once a month. Every two weeks and keeping this hearing open to have regular updates as a space for people to have their questions answered and provide feedback. As chair, im putting out that commitment that id like to see this Committee Meet more regularly. I would really like to see for the next few months this Committee Meet more regularly and also having representatives from the department of Public Health and the department of children youth and family thats are here with us today. With that, i also want to flag with you all that well be meeting more regularly. If youre able to stay longer, i personally only have until 12 for this meeting because i have a standing event i have to be at, i want to flag that we have four presentations and i want to be able to get to all of them. Just, if we could try to raise the issues that need to be raised, questions, follow through, i will be sure to get the answers for you and work with staff to do that. We have more limited time for some of the things that we may want to say. Also that some of the staff from the city side has said they would be willing to provide separate briefings for some of the staff especially from the commissioner and School District that are here. Thrdtheres some interest in doa separate briefing for the school Board Members. Its critical that our elected official dollars and trustees and commissioners are informed and communicating. Were doing the best we can right now. Before we get to the presentations, would any of the other folks on the Committee Like to provide any introductory comments before we jump into the presentations . I see trustee randol ph. i agree with you. Especially when the cdc guidance has become more political than usual. Calling for the reopening of school and down playing the oopenninseriousness of that. Doing what is safe for our students and faculty and staff to go back to the build willingg during a global pandemic. Were looking on how to achieve that balance. You cant even believe what the cdc is saying anymore. It would be helpful to have someone from dph come to the committee and see what their guidance is saying. They have issued some guidance for schools and access to schools. I would be happy to have a conversation with dph to see what they are using as their foundation to make decisions. When we discuss this conflict at the student accept committee, i know trustees were questioning and i had somewho do you believe . Who do you use as a guidance . Do you use the cdc, the state, or the local Public Health agency . Theres definitely been some conflict between all three agencies that are all about Public Health. That would be very helpful. I see someone from dph is on the call. thank you. Absolutely. And to be clear we want to have these regular meetings every few weeks more than once a month. I would like dph and d c yf to be present at all the meetings. Today youll here from them as well. With that, are you, yes, commissioner ko co llins. I think you are here for the introduction around it. thank you. I really appreciate it both comments. Thank you so much for convening this meeting. Bringing it up all together. I agree, we need to be in communication more because theres so much information and things flying around. I also really appreciate trustee randol ph. Its non stop for Board Members because were connectors for families. We may manage different programs. People want to know what were doing as far as schools. Even that is hard amount of communication to manage. It really helps when we are all in linewe lses wan also want ta better job of communicating with you as well. When we know what is going op and help to share information in a way that helps folks feel informed and will lses help us all to stay stave and its very trawtraumatizing right now just watching news at a federal level. Thats minimum we can be doing to help us all get through this crisis. ill turn it off to sfusd. thank you so much. Good morning Committee Members. Appreciate the chance to be in communication as the Committee Members stated. Its so important nowadays. We have a team thats here. Just to spare some time, i wont go through introductions. Ill let each colleague introduce herself as her turn comes up. I would like to start by saying thank you to chancellor and we look forward to working with you. Good to see you in this meeting and thank you for letting us take the mic first. I think we owe you one. I think we went first last time too. As commissioners know, we are at a very important stage of our planning process. On the last regular board of education meeting on july 14th, last tuesday there was a threshold direction set to reopen our fall learning plan in distance mode while we monitor the health context, of course, the pandemic and make every effort to plan for the opportunity to return gradually to in Person Learning should conditions allow that later on in the fall or school year. Were going to provide an accelerated update on the planning. If you would like us to slow down, let us know otherwise were going to go at a pretty good clip. We would like to thank our partners that have been mentioned today. Both from the sfusd community and c beos and families. This is a Community Wide effort and we really appreciate all the deep engagement and hard work that people are putting into this effort. With that ill turn it over to my wonderful colleague chief of student Family Community support whom you heard from last month. This is mrs. Smith. thank you and good morning member of the board of supervisors, board of education and the trustees. I appreciate the opportunity to present. I will move as quickly as possible but if folks need me to slow down, please let me know. Do you think you guys can take the reigns and help me out with this. The San Francisco unified School Districts fall learning plan is grounded in our core values. Thats the agenda. You can keep going. Its grounded in our core values. So that we can achieve oir missioourmission to provide eacd every student quality instruction. The ultimate goal of the process is to answer four questions. What are the guiding principles, real learning options, do we have the logistics for those options, and what is the july 28th recommendation to the board of education. Our approach to that process was to create three working groups with representations from staff, students, family, labor partners, and City Partners to provide recommendations to the policy teams who will provide a recommendation to the board of education. Since may, we have been gathering input and information and continue to gather information, we are very close to the end of our time line to the july 28th board of education meeting that is next month. In addition to the stake holder information we relied heavily on the dpiedin guiding documents te from the various agencies. The California Department of health, legislation and our own San Francisco department of hell health. Next slide. As was mentioned earlier last friday an important directive was released that created space wide fie guidelines for when any California School can open. It places counties on that list if they are not meeting thresholds for particular categories including test rates, hospital capacity. Counties cannot reopen schools for Distance Learning. For those unaware San Francisco was place on the monitoring list last friday. The San Francisco department of Public Health also has released preliminary guidance. That is to provide guidance for safety and instruction. Allow schools to a reopen in alignment with the Public Health directive. In addition to the guidance that i just discussed senate bill 98 provides guidance, what are the minimum guidelines for the school year. As well as identifying the circumstances in which Distance Learning can be offered as well as Participation Requirements for Distance Learning. As mentioned by cdc and many others board of education and board of supervisors its vital that we get community engamingment as part of our fall learning plan. As part of that process what we did was we condughted seve condn hall sessions, we conducted surveys to inform our decisions. Our town halls were designed collectively with many different multi disciplinary folks. We had as diverse agenda to get as much diverse feedback as possible. We did seven town halls in four days. We hadwe used a technology called bod exchange to provide questions and rate them. We had 16000 people participate in the exchange. Thirteen questions were answer. People could put that on and people could rate their thoughts on whether they agreed or disagree. We had a lot of information coming to us. It was really helpful. We had a number of participants in all the halls. This was the count. People could participate through youtube and sfgov. This is not the full number of people who participated put the onces we could capture. We didnt ask a zip code question, of the ones that we did ask we were able to have pretty diverse representation across our city. The themes that emerged were health and safety as our primary driver for community and Distance Learning. Choice, really focusing on equity, and a lot more social interaction. In person, whether it be live interaction. The top questions that emerged that we wanted to take into consideration and the workership of what does the fall learning plan look like is what about safety questions. Employees, city and staff. How do we make social distancing requirements are adhered to. What will social lerping look like how will it be different from this frame. Choice. That was a big question in terms of what will be the choices that students, families, and staff have . Next slide. Im turning this over to deputy superintendent. we had three working groups. We had three specific working groups looking at how might we come back together for fall 2020. One of those groups i was able to lead is the teaching and learning working group. This was comprised of over 20 folks. Representative of parents and families, c bos, labor workers. Yoshould we prioritize getting l of our students back immediately given the information we have or a delayed hybrid response. As was said, we want to bring our babies back. We know thats the best place and way for them to learn. This team in conjunction with our logistics working tbreups gs suggested it was best to start off with Distance Learning and move into that model as circumstances allow. good morning, everyone. Chief facilities officer. We also convened as logistics working groups that has met about three times now comprised of the same mix of personnel, staff, labor, and parent advisory organizations to help us work through the questions surrounding the needs and assumptions to be in place to support Distance Learning in the fall. Think about the gradual return and hybrid option and what that might look like. Next slide, please. We spent time as a working group reviewing all the different guidance documents that have been provided from the local state and federal levels. Spent the bulk of our time introducing our stake holders to dee operational constraints that are shaping in Person Learning opportunities. This is just a quick set of highlights of that information has been provided. This is a complex cast of thinking about how to utilize sfusd four hundred thirty acres in a very different way. Weve been referencing the vision 2025 document that guides sfusd and the ten big shift. Reimagine time and space. We have taken that as our central challenge. As we think about that challenge, we have to think about the resources we have and how they need to be doa ploye dd differently. Square footage is close to eight hundred million square feet. On an average Normal School setting day, you have three hundred custodians that averages out to two per building. Some of those buildings are really different with the high schools being much much larger than Elementary Schools. Kufschoolscustodial was alreadyr protocol. Not just kreening th cleaning tt using the kuft ode custodial tea Single Person can cover in an eight hour shift. Thats an important constraint. Realistic we can think about using a little under half of our existing instructional Square Footage on a daily basis. Secondly there are major transportation constraints in play right now. Public transportation is projected to operate at 30 of its normal capacity by the end of august. Students and families are major users. And sfusds own transportation can double the budget to serve existing students if were moving them to the assigned sites. A choice model as students move across the district everyday from their homes, zip code of origin and rely on Public Transportation and sfusd transportation to do that. With the constraints of custodial cleaning and around transportation not just financial but the sheer number of buses and drivers that would be needed if you want to accomplish social distancing. The same protocols that apply around cohorts and cleaning, disinfecting, Monitoring School buses. All of that really requires a really different transportation approach. Sfusd doesnt have the resources to implement. Running through the feedback that weve gotten from our stake holders are one that we really need clear rules for cleaning and disinfecting. How much educators will be asked to do on a daily basis. Theres consensus that everyone at a school site has a role to play in keeping the site clean and safe. But really understanding and fine tuning what the ask is of all the different groups of staff and students who are on site everyday and what their role in in maintaining those standards needs to be very clear as we move forward. Theres a lot of concern for differently abled students and vulnerable populations about social distancing and these protocols might negatively impact their educational experience. We have a lot of personalized support for individual students that requires hands on interaction. Students and teachers and students and paras working very closely together physically. How do we continue to serve those students while maintaining social distancing and the other requirements that have been established for us. Lastly and i think this is particularly relevant this week. What are the ways to support families and kids with enrichment options that sup supt Distance Learning. Lots of ways Outdoor Learning can occur. Questions about how that would work. Outdoor learning is a wide spectrum of activities from having a classroom out side to proposals that are ambitious and engaging with the park as the subject matter itself. Theres a wide spectrum of opportunities and not to mention the fact the use of outdoor spaces to support things like eating meals and recess and recreation. Serving as a third space to the School Building in a different way than we normally would. Those are a lot of the key themes and feedback. Over the next few weeks we are continuing as an Operations Team, policy and Operations Team to vet and think about each of our sites. Quite specifically, literally reviewing the site plans for every school site with a focus on Elementary Schools and layering on different restrictions about the resources we have available, staffing band width across different groups. The sites readiness for a covid 19 school day. Thats a significant data lift. We do intend to that have entire review and have that completed by ends of august. With that ill turn it back to my colleagues. i am not the chief of hr, but he is not here with us today, ill represent him as best i can for the personal working groups that he led which was also put into interdisciplinary teams. As youve heard from all of the speakers to date. The ongoing dominant theme for the personal work group was safety and wellness of our staff and students and families is paramount. The focuses of the work group was the fact that adult to adult transmission creates the highest risks for covid 19 transmission. We talked a lot about what would we have to do for our vulnerable populations for our staff. Looking at age as one example. Im going to move to the next slide. We did crossreference the different classifications of work. You can see from this slide we have a good percentage of our staff who may be part of a Vulnerable Group and have to create systems and structures and environments and protocol it ensure their health and safety. Can you go back to the previous slide. The other questions we really looked at is what is the claire it in roles anclarityin roles a. How will we fully utilize our para educators in any reopening scenarios. Those are some of the areas explored. Im going to ask you to go to the slide after the next slide. Thank you. And finally throughout this process district leadership members were also part of city led work groups and teams. Primary childrens from the department of children youth and families. Many agencies participating on that working group. There were subgroup thats were formed out of the working group. San francisco mpa and the city administrator and sfu working together. Those groups meeting in parallel as the sfu work groups meeting. Meeting three times a week to discuss all of the difn information and bring it all together into fall learning plan ma that was presented on tuesday. Im handing this over to the superintendent for the next slide. thank you. This slide is a little bit of a nonsequitur. Just a pause to talk about state and federal funding. Ill just cover this real quick unless anyone has questions. There was a federal stimulus package passed in march for k12 scols. Ou12schools. Our share of those funds is 12 millions. Theres an active debate about next stimulus bill or relief bill. That is stalled a little bit in the u. S. Senate. The Senate Republicans are working and struggling to come to a consensus of what that package should look like. Those discussions will continue next week. In the meantime we and many other urban School Districts are part of a coalition that sought significantly more funding from the federal government and the Senate Democrats have introduced a package that introduced funding along these lines. More than the cares act included. An interim budget was passed in late jeun. A fum ojune. Features is fundings maintained including very importantly holding districts harmless for enrollment or attendance from last year to this year. However, there was not a cost of living adjustment. That was omitted. That cost us about 12 million. That would be the difference of a comfort of living adjustment which is typically included. On a bright note there was a infusion of one time learning loss funs to help support our students for additional learning time and supports as well as social emotional support. That is very helpful. One last point is that in the absence of federal stimulus funds which, again, are being debated now, the state budget concludes a very significant amount of defeferrals of paymentdeferrals to schools. Hols fiscal year. Making those Cash Payments next year. Thats another interesting topic but it does present Cash Management challenges for us and other School Districts in the state. With that i believe im passing back to chief smith to head towards a wrap up for us. Gentleman thank you. Where are we . Where does all this information take us in temple terms of res n for fall twenty twept. Distanc2020. Distance learning id as the science and data allows in school learning. A more detailed plan for the board of education meeting. What we wanted to do in designing this man and also as a caveat we know that many of the items that could probably be in the plan arewill require collaborative discussion and discussion with our labor partners. Were undertaking these discussions to make sure were meeting our obligation to bargain in good faith. These are high level ideas and deliberations as we develop the fall learning plan. All of this is from the really strong feeds that came out of town halls and strengthening families and relationships is really important. How do we develop systems and structures to ensure that happens. A few of the commissioners spoke to this in the beginning, we need to have regular and consistent communication to minimize the amount of confusion and anxiety that could be created. We have to have consistent expectations for live interactions for staff. See a difference between the spring an the fall. Instruction that connects students with each other and their instruct joors. Morors. Attending to different tf learners and how do we pivot to that in a Distance Learning mode. Critical piece is access to printed materials. Developing capacity in the only of our staff but our students and families to navigate distance instruction and really be sure that were attending to health and wellness in all of the Distance Learning because we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Thats it. With that im go to go wrap upi. We have the full report to the board on july 28th. Were working dlibl diligently n monitoring and training. Weve been surveying our staff and families regarding choice. Well continue to do that as we move forward. With that i believe im concluding our presentation. Thank you. thank you so much. That was an impressive amount of information and work in a presentation. Thank you very much to all of our chiefs. Apologize for calling you director. Our chiefs and our deputy superintendents. Thank you so much for your work and really trying to figure out a lot of thipgs all a things alm th. The commissioners will receie this preptatio presentation anda deep dive. I want to make sure that the other members of our committee has a chance to speak. thank you very much. What a wonderful presentation as always. Im so impressed with the amount of data and research you have very quickly put together in these incredibly difficult times. I want it to say kudos to you for being on top of what is really a difficult situation for a will the of students. I really only have two questions. If you can at all give us any indication, im assuming that youll go into this in more depth. What where are the students responses sm iresponses. Id like to hear from the students and what they are saying. I know weve all seen some of the articles out there and ive seen some of the data especially the k through 12 students who may have a more difficult time learning from Distance Learning. Im curious what you dpot. Got. You have a sense of who those students are. I doan know who i dont know ws of. we had a town hall of all of our students and got feedback beyond the town hall. It was predominantly high school and middle school. The trend from their feedback is they definitely want more interaction. They want more from their educators themselves and more opportunities to ipt act with ih each other. Both from teaching and learning but clubs. They wanted more systems and structures, believe it it or not. A lot more thoughts on how to deliver teaching and learning in a remote or distance format. They were the ones who said every piece of content isnt appropriate to transition into an online format. Pick and choose what we endisbaij them in and hogaugeen. Around wellness, how you are doing, resources, supports that can be offered to them. As they navigate odd and unprecedented times. Did i miss any . no. That was perfect. That was exactly what we heard in every way in which we listen to students those were the themes that emerged. thank you. the second part of that question is all data seems to point to the possibilities that students from lower incomes are going to actually suffer much more than students who may have more resrs a resources at their disposal. Kids from black and brown neighborhoods, they might be behind, those kids may be behind ten or two months mplet this was in the New York Times article recently about math in particular. Im wondering, do we have any thoughts about how were going to help these students get back what theyve lost in terms of learning . were still in perfects he is of fiemizing our ways to assesfinalizing what we canasse. How do we make sure that the ways in which teachers interact with students and the work we are having them do is rigorous and designed in value. That tier one of first level of instruction is always the most important instruction. Make sure quality instruction is delivered and shared regardless of the format. How do you do the tier two, and tier three. What might Small Group Instruction look like. How do we support our teachers and educators to make sure they are ready to provide that support. We know that were going to have to do more of a deep dive around that learning loss that is tippic cal itypical in the summw you have the covid 19 loss as well. thank you so much. Supervisor fewer. thank you so much. Thanks for the presentation. I just have some questions. I think that trusteebrings up is on the forefront of my mind. That learning loss should be the first thing we are thinking about. I understand how to reopen and all that stuff. If youre go to go start Online Learning then they learning loss and veiling what the learning loss and who is the most vulnerable. I think thz a strong commitment to equity and in times hike this this is when equity really kowny counts. People who come from English Speaking families and College Educated families definitely have more of an advantage. A third of families come from families where a language other than english is spoken. The majority of our students are actually free or reduced lunch. This creates a learning challenge and an equity challenge. My first question is, i think that what i wanted to observe is that, i hope that were moving on and focus with equity. I i know theres an overarching gel of racial achievement gap. That continues to actually exacerbate under this covid 19 if we dont really talk about the Racial Equity that is involved here p. Also, if theren evaluation tool that was actuallactually given to studenn the spring for them to fill in about their own living experience during the spring Distance Learning or was that done separately . I thought it was a Good Opportunity for all of our students actually to participate in maybe an Online Survey during the spring to jogi also wanted to say about custodial care. This is the time now that more and more stews ar are needed itn opportunity to work with the janitors to help pick up the jobs and could we use other custodians to keep it clean. Also we wont be able to bring back students if we dont make sure that those spaces of learning are sanitized properly. I just wanted to say that are we doing anything aroundevery teacher and commissioners are also mandated reporters of child abuse. Many times our teachers and schools are the first reporters to c ps around suspected child abuse. Im wondering if theres a mechanism for that under these situations to make sure students are safe also. You mentioned that you really folk you can want to close thisl achievement gap. When were looking at k through two those crucial years of learning. What is the focus now . We cant just give them the packets that we mentioned at the last meeting. It has to be much more robust. I just want to say that dofor some of of our High School Students in 11th and 12th grade, they are actively taking College Level courses. Could we have our seniors and this is a Good Opportunity to start rethinking about the resources that we have on hand and how we can also give them a brief to college. There are other jurisdictions that their senior year they all graduate with one year of city college under their belt. Could our students instead of taking calculus at high school levelmany classes of calculus are at a College Level any way. We have a lot of students that take ap classes could be taking online classes and giving them a boost up and opportunity for them to be educated at a very high level to prepare for four years of college. Many of our students are First Year College goers. If they can get that experience in high school, they can boost their confidence and resiliancy and fulfill the requirements that we require of them. We have learned a lot of things. We are able to be a model for the nation. I would love to hear more. If you see Going Forward that you are going to call for a greater dependency on the communitybased organizations. The city is looking to cut funding for many of those organizations. If you feel those services are imperative for you to deliver instruction in particular to the students, in the warning Early Warning signs or whatever the whole thing is about your assessment, then you should have a strong working relationship with the city on how imperative the work is. They are positioned to take massive cuts during this budget process. I think the closest that we Work Together, as a city we have more resources. The majority of the board feels as we do on this committee that it is the responsibility of the city and county to get people back to work. People cant get back to work if caring for children. We know not all children have the same opportunities as others. If we want to talk about changing. We had a lot of talk about defunding police. We have to look at why is crime committed . Why are people turning to crime to survive . Also, we have to look at education because it is really about an opportunity gap. Quite frankly, it is a rational gap. I wanted you to know we have an office of Racial Equity doing a lot of equity analysis. It would be helpful to work with them. One of the things you are looking at are education at outcomes. I know we have a short period of time. I wanted to bring those to your attention. I am hoping we can actually work with some of the resources we have in hand such as city college to educate our students so they are not so they dont miss out on opportunities to succeed, and especially the students that we serve are students of color, students in poverty, students who are marginnally making it. In a nut shot i want to thank you for your work. We want to focus on equity. Lets Work Together as city and county to use Resources Available to be most effective for our students. Thank you. I want to flag we have less than an hour and three more presentations. Unless we are able to recess or supervisor fewer if you are able to stay longer, i want to flag that for the time we have. Also, we did invite mta. We hope they can be at the next meeting. It is important to have them for many of the points raised. May i suggest usd colleagues, thank you, supervisor fewer for giving us a lot to think about. Good news as we think about those same questions. Perhaps my colleagues could not attempt to respond to every question that was just raised but if there are quick responses on a couple of them that stood out or if supervisor fewer if you had specific things to prefer to hear from us about in realtime, then we could narrow. I know the deputy superintendent and chief smith had specific responses to share. I will try to respond. One of the things you said that i want to respond to. You hope sf usc we have our focus on equity. We keep that focus and hold all things that we do. I did hear you made a comment around desire to focus on assessments to figure out the learning loss. I home my response we have not figured out what assessment of learning loss will look like. Tools will be developed with our labor partners. We will have to figure out what learning loss looked like and prioritize that. We want to prioritize the wellness. This experience has been traumatic for educators and students and families putting together the 30day plan to make sure in those first 30days that we set expectations clear and take time to assess where students are to make sure whatever learning opportunities we provide are responsive to that. The other question is around prek through 2 and how we will do that differently. One of the things is that it requires nondigital approach. It is print based. We will not have the packet we gave before. We have a series of workbooks teachers will use for Early Education students. We picked resources that are accessible to families. Those are available in multiple languages. Many teachers will use those versus the packet you saw in the spring. We are still doing the learning kits and we will distribute devices. For that age group it is new. We are doing professional education for educators as families transition to using the digital devices. We will have more detail later. Thank you. Thank you. I want to say in specific because we are short on time. Have you considered the High School Students taking online classes at city college . Thank you for that question, supervisor fewer. We are exploring those options. We have a dual enrollment through the Postsecondary Program through city college and we will lean on that heavily with partners at city college. I think that is fine. I feel like if i have further questions or we can set up a meeting. We are short on time. The two other institutions i think have Powerpoint Presentations. Commissioner collins. Thank you. I just want to say that the other thing i dont think was covered this idea we want to build capacity for families. There is a lot of work happening already. Kids are relying on families, especially younger children, to get connected. There is a lot more resources online and i know commissioner lopez is working with the latin x task force and there is a lot of other teachers and parents working on ways to help families educate other families and create support structures so that families can help their kids get connected and learn to do that. Your comment about cbos is important. They are a link. When you have a teacher that is teaching families in different languages. Doing zoom with families in latin and viet nam in the classroom. I have done more work with cbos to bring them up to speed as partners. We need the city and we also need the cbo partners and family leaders and volunteers to help us make those connections, especially for the vulnerable communities. We are rely on. Part of the resolution as well talking about violence, supervisor fewer was mentioning about. How we prevent, you know, how we support Community Wellness and prevent violence. We wrote a resolution to remove police from schools. We wanted the money from sro to helping schools to really connect families with resources. We were asking for a Community School coordinator. What we saw the two schools that pivoted the best online were schools identified as Community Schools. Mlk middle school had staff and infrastructure when families were in need they got them devices and helping them get online. If there is anything you can do outside of the infrastructure such as muni or testing to help us help our communities by investing in the cbos providing services to families directly and have contact with those families directly and they can help us be a link with those families most out of reach and help us get nor Community Schools to the system to have an infrastructure within our system to help connect both our resources and resources from the community and resources from the city. We are all having trouble making those links, dedicated staff in the system to help families and School Communities make connections is going to be a huge resource. That is the missing piece when it comes to those most vulnerable communities. I appreciate the questions and i look forward to partnering with you and city leaders to figure out ho to do that. Thank you so much for those very important points and questions. I have one question. How much is Outdoor Learning part of what you are looking at we obviously are aware that some of the Public Health guidance has said that people, young people, children being outdoors is a lot safer environment. That is true for what we have done over the summer with rec and park and things the city is doing. Outdoor learns is part of the planning and phasing in and hybrid model . Could you speak to how that is being integrated . I am happy to take that question or at least start a response to that question. When we think about Outdoor Learning, yes, i think that has to be integral to the approach. It is complicated. We actually have a lot of schoolyard space that is most often times under utilized over the school day. We have tremendous space. We are lucky to have a number of schools immediately adjacent to parks that are under the jurisdiction of the recreation and Parks Department as well. We are looking on a site by site basis at each school that will likely be a site for in Person Learning to evaluate and rancoreddiness for in Person Learning within the context of covid19. That is a screen check of the sites to rank them based on in classroom sinks, refrigeration in cafeteria, how big is the schoolyard . How many entry and exit points between the classroom spaces and outside . We think it is not just about the location but also the schedule of the school day is going to require the creative use of outdoor spaces to have kids moving kids and staff moving safely and in an organized fashion throughout the school day and maintaining stable cohorts. To have kids outside, we can do that. If we want in the San Francisco micro climate make that comfortable with shelter, shade above and maybe screens so kids arent completely distracted, hopelessly distracted in a schoolyard with 30 classes out there. Once we create a structure associated with that classroom space the department of state architect has jurisdiction. What i am working on now is developing prototypes that meet department of state architecture requirements for being safe. This is not the same as going to home depot and buying event tents for a picnic or barbecue. We are working to develop that and engage with the department of state architects to get feedback and approval so we can start really working this into eventual schedules and layouts what the school sites will look like when we resume in Person Learning. I have been in touch with former colleagues at recreation and Parks Department. They are supportive. As we identify school sites where, i was thinking of flynn elementary that in some places where the schoolyards are not sufficient to support what it would mean to have all prek through 2 kids on the site in one day. We can think about ways to spillover into the parks. There are a lot of dimensions to this idea. That is the most basic idea of using classrooms outside, and there are more ambitious ideas which i am happy to let the the deputy superintendent use about using park spaces as subject material for instruction as well. Deputy superintendent did you want to add to that . That is a long conversation. That is a foundation. Thank you. Well, if it is okay with i wh everyone i am moving to city college. Thank you to th to to the s. F. U. Staff. We want to make sure the city and county are stepping up to support you. It cant just be on you. It has to be on all of us. Whatever we can do to be supportive and help with communication, i think we are committed to that. With that we are going to thank the folks and move to city college presenters. Interim chancellor and senior vicechancellor who are here from city college. Thank you again, s. F. U. S. D. Good morning, supervisors, commissioners and trustees. Thank you for having me here today. As the incoming interim chancellor it is a great pleasure for me to come to the meeting and to see and meet with you and talk about promoting education in the beautiful city of San Francisco. As i was listening to the commissioners presentation and questions, i was reminded of a few things. We are going through a major pandemic right now, and even good teaching in the classroom the gap between high performing students and low performing students gets wider. Now at this period in time with technical difficulties and instruction is done remotely, we are adding an additional layer of difficulty to the students. The gap. [ inaudible ] technical difficulties. To the chair. Do you have his contact information. It can help if he turns his camera off. I just sent a text message and he is on campus practicing social distancing. He is there by himself. What you are seeing some of the challenges we have with our technical i fro infrastructure. I am coming back now. Back to what i was saying, with good teaching in the classroom the gap between higher and lower performing students gets wider. When we add to that the technical difficulties now with remote learning, that gap would get even wider. It is so important that we do everything we can to provide the necessary support to the students so that gap cab narrow. City college is working diligently with the district to see how we can better promote dual enrollment and the pathways to get students to move from k12 to the college and help the students. I have heard you mention ap classes and taking Community College classes. It is so important to promote dual enrollment. Community College Credit will do much more for the students than ap classes. Community College Credits are the same credits you will be earning at the state university, private colleges and universities. Ap credit is not necessarily transferable. As we move forward, it is also important for us to realize that the disparity that exists in successful Completion Rates of students of various groups is not exactly the same. We need to be able to bridge that disparity. At city college we are working with faculty and staff to see what Additional Support we can provide our students so the successful Completion Rate of students, transfer rate of students will be more or less equal across the board, across ethnicity and diversity. Today we will be telling you a little more what we are doing at the college to address the needs of our students as we do remote instruction is going to play an important part again this coming semester because of covid19. I am going to turn over now to our senior vicechancellor ms. Diana gonzalez to tell you what we are doing at city college. Thank you. Also with us today for city college is the chancellors chief of staff and mary who is going to drive for me for the presentation. What we have for you today. This is an update from the last meeting which everybody remembers the data we presented. I am slightly joking. We have more focused and brief presentation in terms of what is happening since the june meeting. The impact with respect to covid19 on instruction for summer 2020, we were almost entirely online. The difference between the delivery of instruction that took place when we had to do remote instruction during the Spring Semester was converting most of our in person classes to remote delivery. For the summer session what we offered was two things. An already reduced schedule because of the budget situation. Is summer offerings were half what they were the previous year, and they were classes that were already designed to be delivered online. The primary focus of summer session was dual enrollment and the Credit Recovery. Partnering closely with San Francisco unified. We were engaged and i will show you a few details at the end of the presentation. We were diligently working towards in Person Instruction for fall of 2020. We created a task force in late april to do just that. Much like s. F. U. S. D. We engaged with employee groups and unions and started to prepare for a great deal of in person classes, but then the shelterinplace continued, and we took a more gradual return to campus approach. Then as other Community Colleges, primarily in the bay are partners at the csu also delivering remote instruction. As the state was also slowing down their reopening, we responded accordingly. We are responding mostly to the city and county of San Francisco department of Public Health guidelines. We recently received a memo dated july 7. We received it july 14. It prohibits nearly all in Person Instruction. We tapped the brakes slightly. We are continuing to plan for a very gradual return to in Person Instruction this august. Our remote instruction, unlike spring, will include credit and non credit classes especially for esl students. As i mentioned we are taking a phased in approach starting first with city build because thethey have a earlier start tie august 3 and the allied health such as denssuch as dentists an. There is a lot of work to be done by hands on, and we are also being responsive to the mayors Economic Recovery Task force discussions in terms what contribution can city college make to the economic recovery for San Francisco . We are anticipating additional state and local guidelines in the next few weeks as well as just paying close attention to what the city of San Francisco does from the department of Public Health. Changes to instructional policies. These were derived from the state chancellor in spring and summer. We implemented changes from the state Chancellors Office, automatic withdrawals and reimbursementses to our students. We provided pass or no pass to the classes. We provided the data in terms of numbers in the june meeting. I am not repeating here. If we repeat same policies for fall depend upon the state chancellor. They are coordinating with four year institutions. We dont want to add versely impact students who opt for pass or no pass or withdrawal that could impact their transcript. We are continuing to provide faculty training during the summer months and the cares funding we received is paying for most of the training. As you know our faculty are not required to work during the summer. We have gotten a lot of cooperation from the aft and individual faculty members. I want to shout out to the dean of Online Learning. He staff pivoted in a heart beat and continue to provide an incredible amount of resources to our faculty. As you can see, the topics during the summer, the use of canvas. That is the learning management system, being able to document the continued interaction and reagaregular interaction is cril from the federal department requirements. Thaning on the best practices use the best practices using zoom and making sure everything is complete with federal and be state requirements. Over 700 faculty have been trained full and parttime. Both in credit and non credit classes. Student affairs. We are focusing on retention and outreach. Because of the number of students that withdrew from spring, Student Affairs led these efforts working with Academic Affairs and institutional research. We targeted student groups. Communication by text, email and phone calls following up with those students. Retention plans developed to go through audit the education plans originally developed between the student and counselor and updating accordingly and connecting students with Career Education program, work force. We are also focusing on students in these programs that you see here who tend to be sometimes our most vulnerable population. Eops, extended opportunity and program services, cal works and the working adult degree program. These are cohorted. Meaning the students go through the program together as a group. We are also advising as to the course repeat ability. There was a relaxation of the rules from the state level so that students have the ability to repeat courses in the following semester. Also identified short term Certificate Programs in high demand and outreach engaging in aggressive outreach for those particular programs to also have grow our fulltime equivalent students, otherwise known as our enrollment. I am going quickly. I want to be mind full of the time. I will wait for questions afterwards. Students and faculty and staff and administrators had access to the rp group survey. It is a Nonprofit Team every sevenners and annual of temperature researchers. They work with Community Colleges in different initiatives and efforts to improve delivery of services and success rates for students at the Community College. The local results are available. I am not sure if the link will work. I will leave it. We will give you a quick preview. The rp group is working on statewide report in conjunction with state chancellor in early september. We will provide to our board of trustees at the Student Success committees and the joint select committee. Greg, if you would like to preview the student results. Actually it was the link on slide 7. This is whether othis is what ty looked like. They did this for each Community College in the system. This shows number of participants. I wont go through this completely. There is a lot of really good data. This gives an idea. This is how much experience they had previous with distance ed. You can see the majority had at least one class they had taken remotely. This question which is the following challenges faced right now and this is in response generally to how students are reacting to the shelterinplace and how it is impacting their education. The biggest thing right now is for our students they were not able to concentrate on school. We have a large number of parttime students in our college. You can see it drove down to some of the details. Fortunately, a majority of students but slim majority are comfortable using canvas. 40 are not that comfortable. We have a lot of work to do not only with faculty but with students. Again, you can see it starts out with drilling to the detail. Then if you keep scrolling there are questions about their comfort level, similar to what was asked of the students, challenges and so forth. If you want to go to be information. As we started the return to campus efforts, we sent a survey out in preparation for two things. One is getting campus ready as well as making and anticipating those employees who were on High Risk Group themselves or caring for somebody in High Risk Group. This is the breakdown who responded to the survey. How comfortable do you feel returning to work. The majority of the folks between somewhat comfortable and uncomfortable. They are hesitant about returning to campus. Then we asked what initiative would make you feel more comfortable coming on campus . Check all that apply. Their concern to coming on campus was getting exposed to the coronavirus. Getting exposed to the virus and potentially spreading it. What would make you feeling more comfortable given these concerns . The leading response was Wearing Masks on campus, limiting the number of people that are within the area, hand sanitizing stations. It is consistent with what we were already planning to follow based on the cdc guidelines and Citys Department of Public Health. We continue to put into place training and protocols for employees that are faculty, classified, returning to campus, same for students as well. Such as requiring all employees, all students to do a symptom check online every day before coming to campus. They are also agreeing to abide by the protocol such as wearing Face Covering while on campus and they must whether they are an employee or student take the Safety Training which is about a 15 to 20 minute video before coming on campus. We are also working closely with aft and fdiu to ensure employees are safe. That concludes my presentation. Thank you so much. Trustee randolph. Thank you. I have a couple questions. I think they tag on to what supervisor fewer said earlier around the support for High School Students. Supervisor haney and others know we have been discussing dual enrollment for several years now and have seen a pretty positive Partnership Growth in support for High School Students and access for High School Students at city college of San Francisco. My concern is how are we ensuring continued access to city college during this weird time and new way of doing things because i dont want to lose momentum. I understand we might have to lose some of that momentum that we built and the strength we built. I dont want this year plus to be a lost year. A lot of students graduating from high school over the next year still need access to affordable education. As we know Higher Education is getting more expensive every year. If you have a year or two under your belt when you graduate from s. F. U. S. D. That is thousands of dollars our students wont have in Student Loan Debt to inflate them for most of their life. I have 80,000 worth of Student Loans to pay off for years. My question for both is to go into detail is the support for dual enrollment students in the new world. I dont think you touched on that specific piece that we are interested in. I dont know who wants to take it. I can provide you with an answer right now. The Pathways Program which is between the unified School District and the college will continue regardless of the remote situation of learning in place right now. That path was programmed the dual enrollment and current enrollment will continue and students will be encouraged to keep taking those classes. As you mentioned earlier on with the College Credit they will be earning they are in path for the transfer to San Francisco state university. This is what the legislature wanted to happen and what the faculty have been doing. We have been working closely with the unified School District to make this a reality so the students will have access to that education. They dont have to pay for it. When you complete those units they are good for your whole educational career. You do not have to worry about those classes again. I just want to make sure and the question asked was are we maintaining the same level of classes, cutting back in changing the type of classes we are offering or no change in the schedule of classes . I will turn it over to the senior vice chancellor. She has it. If we dont have it we will provide it. Chancellor gonzales. We are continuing to focus on classes that provide more access to s. F. U. S. D. And other high cool programs. During the summer most classes were for the Credit Recovery and classes we partner with with San Francisco unified. That was 90 of the classes. We have also restructured between academic and Student Affairs. The dean of dual enrollment who used to be in Academic Affairs is now part of Student Affairs to focus on efforts for outreach. The dean is responsible for dual enrollment and High School Programs and outreach to ensure that we have solid pathways. I dont mean by way of the program the doctor spoke of but access. Providing access in these challenging times to those students. Similar to the free meals, a fair number of students used to have access to food banks and Farmers Market on campus. A lot of students are food in secure even before covid. It has made it worse. Some of the students lose their jobs and now with the federal and State Government ending in a couple weeks or a week from now potential eviction our students or families are facing because they wont be able to pay rent, how are we shifting our support in a Digital World to those students facing Food Insecurity who dont have access on campus and facing potential eviction . Are we strengthening the outreach to make sure they know there might be some programs or things the city is offering around eviction protection and preventing them from becoming homeless. The worst thing to happen now is losing your job, healthcare and Food Insecurity and homeless. I want to do everything we can to prevent that from happening and partnering with the supervisors who have done incredible work around emergency legislation to protect tenants. Are we plugged into those resources . Yes, we are. We received 3. 5 million from the cares act and federal funding. One of the reasons why we were unable to join in the lawsuit was because unless we received the funding we distributed funds to those eligible students by way of grocery cards, gift cards and other means of getting more direct support to them, and we are also looking at partnering with a couple of the food banks to provide we used to have a food pantry on campus. We havent been able to do that. We are looking at in addition to continuing with the gift cards for groceries is partnering with food banks to provide not just for students but surrounding community. For the homeless we were talking about still making our facilities accessible. Especially for the students. We are working on that. Showers and locker rooms so they have access to a place to come in and clean. I know that we have pretty much spent the 3. 5 million quickly. That is demand for gift cards and other grants. It far out paces the funding we have available. Are there plans for us to see and i know that the supervisors would like to support efforts around the covid emergency. Do we have an estimate of the budget needs to support these students moving forward . This was spent for the last half of the Spring Semester and part of the summer students. Fall is starting next month. They will need additional food gift cards and other grants. Is there an opportunity or do we know how much money we might need that we can ask outside entities for that support . Yes, we can get that information you. You are spot on with respect to the basic needs. Food and security, homelessness. Some of the moneys from the cares act was spent on chromebooks and hotspots for students. As you may recall, the cares funding was initially we were not able to use it for daca students. That was a challenge. The other thing to point out the state Chancellors Office eliminated hunger free campus funding for the current fiscal year. The expectation is that the student equity funds, the student equity funds support that. It is not enough. We can get that information for you for the committee in terms of the financial need for those programs. Last question through the chair. It would be great to have some type of Digital Resource fair. We cant do it in person any more where people can go meet with city agents and nonprofits helping students in housing and food. It would be great to figure out a way to partner on Digital Resource fair where students can log into and learn about the resources the city has available to them to prevent eviction and homelessness and connect our students with resources they might need to prepare and be successful over the fall semester. We partnered in the past on physical resource fairs that were really helpful to students. There is a way to figure out how the committee and different agencies can do that as we get ready for fall. It can happen in the near future. In the interim, if we are not able to provide the service, we, mening city college, we river students we refer students to the closest food pantry. Along those lines is communication is a challenge to get the word out. A lot of the information i am sharing is on our website. It may not be easy to find or if the students dont have access to a website. It is a great idea. To broaden the communication and let folks know where they can go for additional resources. I think you make a good point it is available on the website usually only in english. We have a lot of limited englih speakers facing these situations. Having a translation or digital conversation with these groups is more helpful. Seeing if the Key Resources could be translated to other languages. We have done that including what i mentioned earlier. Engaging in out reach to students, phone calls. We have identified rigs. Vietnamese, languages that we need for esl and non credit classes. We are find full of the reach diverse population in the city and make sure we are accessible to them. Thank you. Thank you very much. I will be quick. I appreciate you bringing forth this survey. I would love for us to talk about it during a City College Board meeting as well. Some of the things that you werent able to mention because you were trying to go so fast struck me when i was looking at this survey. First is request number 26. How often in the past week have you been bothered by the following problems. Anxiety to no sleep to worrying to becoming annoyed andirtage. What shocked me about it and mirrors my own Mental Health state is that a large percentage of people out of the 1300 surveyed are feeling a lot of anxiety from several days to every day on the 70 to 80 of the students who responded. I want that out there. I am sure the students at s. F. U. S. D. Are suffering from this. It is something piggybacking on to commissioner collins comments. Mental Health Assistance through the Public Health department and finances is something we could all Work Together on. Something else that i know students have lacked. That is jobs. We were able to continue their jobs in the spring and continue to pay them even though they werent working. I dont belief all of those on campus jobs but i would be curious if those jobs will continue and financially we are not able to do that. Is there something we can do to help 25 of the students who are essentially homeless as far as i can tell. They have different issues with housing of the ones surveyed. That is pretty high. Anything to do to help students who are able to work on campus or get some sort of tie penned during covid to help them to be able to continue. The last thing i wanted to point out was request number 30 which is given my current understanding how safe it is, i am most likely to reenroll at the college if. The results are certainly people want hybrid or in person much more so than they want to be clear about this. This is a survey that it says fully online, you have people okay with it. Do notary open campus 37 . Hybrid and in person is 63 , i believe. I think that is something that we really have to think strongly about. Of those not continuing the number one reason was because the clas class is online and tws safety. Number one is because the classes are 100 online. I want to just put those out there recognizing that we are in a difficult situation. We also need to figure out a way to help our students ability to learn. Recently the members of the federal group of Community College and trustees came to us and asked us to help at the federal level. I would like to present a resolution. Community colleges dont receive the right amount of funding. The way funding is done at the higher ed level is ftes. Ftes assumes that students are going to school fulltime. Many of our students have family, multiple jobs and dont go fulltime they go as much as they can. We missed out on felt ker federg we will miss out if we dont allow Community Colleges to be counted by head count as opposed to fte. I would like to have a resolution to that effect. I would love it if the board of supervisors and perhaps s. F. U. S. D. Could join in support. What will hand is Community Colleges, the backbone of the economic recovery, are going to see less funding than the c su and sds. It is being used instead of head counts. If there are comments on the Mental Health and jobs, i would love to hear it. I want to note that supervisor mar is here and will take over for the next 30 minutes as chair. We do not need to pause until supervisor mar takes over and then i will return and continue at 12 30 p. M. Excuse me i have a meeting at noon. I may be able to return would that upset the quorum . No, as long as supervisor mar can be here and chair for 12 00 to 1230, i wil i will be back ad would love you to join us. As long as there is no gap in between you will be okay. we have received clearance to be able to hire students again. Were working with the supervisors and primarily the Department Chairs in each of those areas to be able to hire lab aids and so long as they are able to work remotely. In the Mental Health, one of the areas were looking to bring back in person is the Student Health center. They are working to get that started august 16th and students will be able to get Mental Health services through our student helming center. Either online, zoom appointments, but the Mental Health will be available. thats wonderful. And my question really then is is this something that we have funding for . I mean, we can be completely transparent here city colleges are in dire straights. One of the reasons to have these joint meetings is to see if theres something we can pull or supervisors can maybe pull some money out of city funding to assist sfu and city college funding. The students who are suffering from a variety, according of that survey, anxiety, sleeplessness, enab inability to relax and all of these things, would it be helpful to potentially Work Together on this to try and make sure that theres funding for it . the short answer is yes. We can all agree that education as a whole is under funded whether its eu unified k12 or Higher Education. We can work with our office of research and Student Affairs to identify the unmet need. Well get that information to you. thank School District. Maybe we can move onto the third presentation. That is frl the departmen is frf Public Health. i do not have a slide deck. I was asked to come and answer any questions so i do not have a presentation. Im happy to answer questions. commissioner kol inns. its critical to maintain social distancing. Parents are worried about what they are going to do in the fallhang on one second. Sorry. Im working from home. This is a struggle for a lot of families. Some of what families are doing is whats called pods. When they are saying that theyre talking about a variety of Different Things. Some of them are talking about nanny shares. Thats families sharing a nanny. Theres parents talking about joining park groups. And hiring teachers to actually just teach a group of six to ten kids and rotate. Im hearing about them in garages and also in peoples homes. Its a National Phenomenon that educators are dealing with. The department of Public Health im not seeing that. As a parent that is concerned for spread and concern for families i wanted to know if the dedepartment of Public Health hs any recommendations for this activity. thank you, commissioner collins. We are aware of this National Phenomenon and seeing National Headlines related to this. We dont have any recommendations at this moment in time but are discussing it internally. We just received the state guidelines for schools last friday and are revisiting all of our guidance as a result of what the state has issued into the state as to whether any guidelines they will be releasing on the micro School Dollars or pod pods. Its a phenomenon thats not occurring just in San Francisco but throughout the state and nation. We are experiencing community spread. We are in the middle of a surge. Were definitely working on this. The Health Officer is considering it and whether and how it can be done safely. We dont have any recommendations at this moment in time. great. I have one more question aroun aroundfirst off, micro schools is what im learning is the actually nawm for these groupe actually the name for these grouped kids in families. Time thinking they can set up day care and liability issues. As educators were all mandatory reporters for sexual abuse. Im just wondering if some folks may be handling those logistics but families thinking they can do their own thing. As an educator im fully aware theres a lot of requirements that relate to taking care of other peoples children as well as for Young Children there are even more requirements. I was wondering if you were pre vieding goidance o guidanceprovu are the agency or maybe not, ad hoc child care that is shared among groups of families. i think what we can say is we can inform on the health and safety aspects of these micro schools. Whether or not we have the governing authority on reporting asereportaspects such as child. I can find out and get back to you unless anyone else on the call has a better answer. perhaps when we have the presentation from the dep of children andepartmentof children hear a response to that question. i had a couple questions. Is dph and c yf working in collaboration or folks in their own departments to support sfusd. Im just trying to get some clarification to prepare the rest of the questions i have in place. were working with the School District and representatives from city college. okay. Thank you for that. My question is then what is dphs ideas and will they sup or sfsup orof sfusd. Do you have a plan or are you only fielding questions today. today were only fielding questions. Were building the health and safety aspects of covid 19 prevention and mitigation for San Francisco unified School District as well as the Community College. what do you have going on specifically out side of what you just mentioned . our department has many initiatives with the san fan sis koa unified School District and im not sure i know all of them to be honest with you. specific to covid 19. the guidelines that were released in early july, the states guidelines have superseded those. Also developing and giving Technical Assistance for testing, Contact Tracing and case administration, what protocols need to be in mace if and when schools open in order to be safe. my last question before we move own in terms of communication, i wanted to followup with things weve had discussioned around in the School District. What a partnership would look like when folks use these recommendations and policies so we can have a dialogue on what folks are seeing on the ground versus Public Health. Is there an opportunity to tighten that communication process up and make it more transparent but so the parents and School Leadership is aware of it. yes, of course. great. im sorry. Can i piggy back on that. I field a lot of questions from families and district leaders and i dont even know how to contact your department. I dont know where to go sm i do want to representif you are getting information and guidance, i want to support that. I dont knowif i doapt know im assuming most parents and families dont know how youre reaching decisions. I think its important to pre vied the basis on which you make those decisions. Todays question and a are dprait. Agreat. Things are rapidly changing, if we have opportunities to engage with you in the public so we have transparency and people can see how we are collaborating and how were being informed by yourthe work you are doing and forming our planning. Do you know how we mieg be able thaveconversations about that. not that we can discuss right now. We want to be on top of everything and minimize the amount of confusion that the public is experience. All of you have mentioned earlier in the call. We can take this conversation of offline and figure out how to do that. supersizor mark can you help with that as well. I dont know what is the next step. i just would like to piggy back and say city college would like toif you figure out a system, we would like to participate. id be happy to participate and say we havedid you have a question . thank you supervisor mar. I wanted to make a quick comment if i may on the recent discussion. Just by in a way vouch for the frequentsy of the conversations that do take place between sfusd staff and our partners at dph i dont have a whole lot to say about the specific question that commissioners and truste trust d people of the public are facing. In the meantime, many of our staff work rally closely with the dep of numbe departmenti do leave anyone with the question that there isnt frequent contact because there certainly is. i apologize if i was implying that. That whole process is not transparent. That makes it hard for Community Members to understand. And its difficult for me because its not transparent for me. Were all public servants. I think our public processes should be visible. People should be able to understand how we all Work Together. If meetings are happening and no one knows when or how they are happening. Folks are really anxious. Part of what helps is this all calm down. People need to know who is making the decisions and how its being decided. They know who to knoll up with and who does what. Thats hard for public, is understanding all the roles and how we Work Together. thank you, commissioner. This meeting, this committee since there has been discussion of meeting frequently. This does seem like an opportune place for that discussion to take place. thanks. If addition to make sure its in language, whatever is out there we need to make sure that the message gets out there, thats it. thank you. I did have one question oni understand on the dph data dash board today that if you choose 10 of individuals under 18 years old sm this number is this number is prizing. Rising. Do you have the demon graphics of those cases race, age, zip code, neighborhood . the most that i can share at this moment in time is that we are definitely seeing a risewere seeing evidence of community spread. We have seen a rise in cases for ages zero to 18. Were taking that as evident of community spread. Four hours of praik down i doapt have that data readily availabl. if you go to our data tracker, it shows you a breakdown of the demographics. Its not broken down by age, i would have to go internally to get that data. it would be helpful to understand especially if the numbers and percentages are rising. Are there any other comments or questions . i just have to say, i mean, i dont know, maybe this isnt a normal thing. You know, this is really important and this is an opportunity to communicate with the public and for us to ask questions publicly. I guess i was hoping to interact with some type of information. I really appreciate that the public of health is here but im also kind of disappointed. This is an opportunity for us to react. You referred to things you are working on or trends you are seeing. Im really hoping that next time we can have a more robust conversation based on information that you can share. absolutely. thank you commissioner collins. Let me move on from the presentation from youth and families. it has been really great working really closely with dph on all things related and services for children. Particularly her entire tea teamCommunity Learning hubs. What these are are neighborhood based centers, hubs that will be available for sfusd families, i have a slide here on rational and youve heard all of these things shared already by our School District partners and before i jump in further about this, i just want to recognize that working with sfusd has been really good. We have regular conversations all the time. I fully recognize the heavily lift they have to do. Not only are you thinking about the children and families and how to support teachers to do their best in Distance Learning and all of these other things as well. I know how difficult it is and i just wanted to make sure on the city side we were there and available to provide whatever Additional Supports that we could offer. The other things wefor the rational why were creating these learning hubs. We know for the most part teachers work really really hard this past spring to do Distance Learning. A lot of our children had a really hard time with it. We wanted to make sure that, once again, we did our part to support Distance Learning. Regarding a lot of the reports around the American Academy of pediatrics and reports under the importance of in also considerig social emotional support and think about how we move into the fall. And of course, on the city side, as were working with dph opening up industries, we wanted to make sure as we open up industries and parents have to go whac back to work there are e places for children to go to as parents go back to work. Our own Public Transportation infrastructure will not be at 100 at the fall. It will be closer to 30 because of a number of things. So what our Community Learning hubs exactly . They are neighborhood based facilities. Were very intentional with the neighborhood based piece. We wanted to be sure that children could walk to these places primarily because we dont want to increase congestion on our streets and having parents deal with these things. These are rec centers. Public libraries, cultural centers, hopefully city hall facilities and other city owned buildings that provide in home support for chiropractor in youth. We are thinking hubs will open from 8 00 a. M. To maybe 6 00 p. M. Hub rs are operated by rec and park facilities and staff. Hubs will be providing children youth and families access to technology and will be aiding the Distance Learning that are very capable that teachers will be providing. Theyll be providing social emotional support. Main components. I do want to emphasize that we are doing this in full partnership and guidance with dph. Right now were only standing up the hubs for kindergarten t to fifth graders. We understand how difficult it is for our sixth graders to transition going from a small school to a middle school. Theres lots of Different Things going on. We wanted to be able to provide some Additional Supports for them. Once again, business learning supports. Well also be providing meals and Family Support and Mental Health services. These hubs are operated by both rec and park ep surensure that they dont experience that covid 19 slide on the academic side as well as the social emotional side. Which for me as a psychologist is really important. I want to continue to support our childrens well being and social emotional development. The next couple slides are School District slides. These are data that we received from our School District partners regarding number of students. Number of students in each cohotter. Because of our limited facilities were only projecting upwards of 6000 children total. However sfusd has close to 56,000 children that they serve. Were go to go have to make some really hard decisions as we are standing up for these programs. Administer information and data around the populations that i referenced earlier. This is data that shows the number of students in each of the zip codes and are broken down by age group or school grade. Time lines. We announced the hubs yesterday. We are planning to have registration start on august 15th. It will close on september 4th. Between now and august 15th anyone who is interested in these hubs want to learn more about the hubs please go to d c ys dot org care to fill out an Interest Form to let us know where you are, where your address is. Also how many children you have or what grade you are interested in. Were going to go after these hubs and meet the needs of our families. That is the end of my slide show. thank you so much for the presentation director. I noticed supervisor had haney is back. Im going to have to hand this off because i have to leave for another meeting right now. Thanks everyone. im here so we can continue. Commissioner collins, i see thank you so much for your presentation. I really appreciate it. Ive been hearing your name and youre like on the other side. I mentioned before, our c bo partners, rec and park, ive always been a really big fan of the park system before i was an advocate. Library programs, now that my littles are big i missed the fact that we couldnt do the Summer Library kind of thing. Im happy to meet you and got to hear your presentation. Im excited you guys are thinking about this but i didnt know anything about this. Im the curriculum chair. Im really excited that you want to partner with us because we need help. Youre that connector in a way for us. I alsoone of the things that weve been doing and were trying to be really intentional about it and i do really want to celebrate our district is weve been having a lot of town hall so that as we were reflecting on plans, we were working on really taking input directly from families and sharing out plans sm for many families it may have solvedsome people want to know now and how to include everybody. Build a labor plan. Im struggling to understand how we fit into your plan thats supposed to be supporting us. Does that make sense . Were the educators, i know youre talking educators sm the commissioners are also helpful in setting policies and directing staff so they can work in alignment with you. Im just wondering why nobody reached out to me personally. Theres also two other commissioners that are also educators on our school board. once dpen, this is the citys desire to support our most Vulnerable Children i totally support that. I think thats awesome. Im asking why didnt you communicate with us while developing these plans. i guess i am now. in the future i gres i would appreciatguess iwould appd text me. Commissioner lopez has been holding meetings. Were all really in the community. It would be really great if we could know what you guys are thinking so that wewere also fielding a lot of questions and we can inform and share that, us as commissioners can november also what were thinking and hearing so we can work more collaboratively together. d c yf works closely with our c bos. We have regular conversations with our c bos. We hear from them we talk to parents though, directly. We all just have to be communicating together. Same kind of question. What kind of structure, i think were waiting for these meetings were not going to get into the nuts and bolts, were pressed for time. What is the structure to have regular meetings to talk through what you are planning to do. conversations with chair haney he suggested for this body to meet and have a higher frequency of meetings. I committed to him that we would come and provide regular updates on what is happening with d c yf. He sz bb amaz has been amazing f this as well. were really nuts and bolts on our side. We like to talk really specifically about what were hearing from staff about how c bos can help us expand our out reach and support us. Would you be willing to come to a curriculum Committee Meeting and havewe run meetings less formerly and listen directly to families and talk abouttalk directly with our staff but its all public. Families have an opportunity to see how those conversations happen and they can come and peek during Public Comment. Those are opportunities to make those opportunities transparent. One more opportunity for families to share their concerns, thoughts, and questions. sure. Thats perfectly fine. Deputy superintendent lee is here. We are not providing teaching or academics. We fully acknowledge that teachers will be doing their best in Distance Learning. We want to help with that. Thats it. i have one more question if thats okay. I guess the other thingmy question is a lot of the materials in your slide presentation you show a bunch of kids together in the presentation. None of the kids are socially distancing. i will remove those pictures. one of the questionsits concerning there was a news story and there were news photos and mini love play ground. I shared that. If were messengering out where the communityim an educator and we learn most through modeling. What we say is what we do. What we show folks, im really considerate about are we six feet apart and wearing a mask. I want to make sure were communicating to folks in the images that we share of children and staff that were also doing that as well. noted. i dont know if supersizor haney im here. Did you want to jump in to make a comment . i just wanted to sayjust to give a tiny bit of background to conversations that we did have and commissioners apologies if we should have been giving you more information about this, but i just want to share that dr. Sue and a couple of her colleagues at the city county did give usi think it was fairly recent but did share information about these, the concepts and some of the plans about ten days, a week, ten days ago. We had some discussions and i know dr. Sue had a conversation with dr. Matthews as well. Were notwe werent comeetly cy caught off guard by the announcement yesterday. We will note that we could have done a better job of sharing that information with commissioners. Apologies for that. We were surprised and impressed by how quickly the plans were, you know, were designed because weill speak for myself. The one or two conversations i was in did not anticipate the speed of the public announcement being ready so quickly. Credit to dr. Sue an the team for doing a lot of work quickly just in the interest of operationallizing. I just wanted it provaid that typy by of pacprovide thatbit on initially. first of all, i want to thank you dr. Sue for mentioning something im particularly concerned about which is the Mental Health. I would love to know if you are considering something and i understand the need to start with k through five and six through nine. There are a lot of students who are coming from similar back grundbackgrounds sfusd studentsy may be in worse positions. Not getting the support they normally would through fak you. Online learning has a different cosine of ko contact. Im wonnerring if you have any plans on including city colleges. I know we dont need after school prodprams sm you mentioned mentaprograms. Im wong to be keeping the other students in a different parteverything. Those are two questions and i have a followup question that has nothing to do with this. yes, i would love to talk about partnerships. Its been amazing to work with dr. Gonzalez over the last couple months. She has been very helpful to making the college initiatives. Thank you for this offer. I would love to followup and figure out way it support. We do acknowledge that particularly our higher age transitional age youth for students have similar problems in terms of connectivity and access to devices. We want wabt to figure out weighs to provide Public Health. Jfor each is city its going to be so important in this upcoming year. Related to funding, could have. Were hoping it can both funnel students in a way of learning that doesnt break the bank as trustee randol ph alluded to earlier. All the skills building classes that we have including city build that was refer to before. We want want to ensure people have access on that. we think its great profrm sm we appreciate his leadership in making sure we continue that program. We had an oversight meeting with the board of trustees there and we can followup with you. i can followup with trustee will yans sm that will. Thats fine. Thank you for continuing. great. Anymoreany other folks have comments. I know we held director sue over her time. Appreciate that. Do any of the other comightsers ocommissioners have questions . I apologize for having to step out quickly. thank you very much. do you have anymore final comments director sue. no. I look forward to working with you and the select committee. I guess ill see all of you more frequently now. Thank you. Take care. thank you. I think what is clear that we need a lot more conversations together. That was something that came up again. Director sue, you and i can Work Together to make sure the city schools and college are working together in the partnerships. You offered to meet with them directly as well. We can facilitate that in some way. The next meeting is august 14th. I hope we plan to meet every two weeks essentially keeping this hearing open. Madam clerk, whats the right process to keep this hearing open and continue to the next Committee Hearing . mr. Chair. I believe erica should be there. She may be muted. I do believe we need to take Public Comment still though. oh, okay. I wasnt sure if that happened. Okay. Can we open it up for Public Comment. yes. thank you folks who are waiting for your patience. We will make sure to prioritize Public Comment in the next set of meetings as well. I apologize for that. okay. For members of the public who are waiting on the line and interested in providing Public Comment for this hearing. The phone number is 415 6550001 meeting id press pound and pound again. Once you are connected please press star three to be queued up to speak. We have four individuals listening and two on the line. If there are any individuals who would like to speak, press star three now. Could you please queue up the first speaker. hi this is julie roberts. I appreciate having this hearing at this time. Its really become clear that our families exist across the various systems and for communication and coordination and open democratic public ways are really important. I want to appreciate everyone that presented today and echo the sentiment p having more on going and public communication. Especially appreciate supervisor marks question. Ive opinion watching the zero to 18 infection rates for covid 19. They have been increased. If were talking about learning hubs, or school restating or families trying to figure out how to support themselves to understand the age ranges and demographics of children under 18 getting covid 19. Neighbors that are impacted and Contact Tracing to understand where these cases are being initiated. To understand if its safe at all. Im a little concerned with c bo staff who has been terrific. I want to encourage folks to look at the tender loin as you come up with these plans. We have the second highest rate of covid 19 in the city but have continued speakers time expired. thank you. Next speaker. If you would like to line up to speak, press star three. Youve been unmuted and may begin your comments. yes, hello. This is peter with equity for older students. We can be reached at equity for older students. I have three main concerns to bring up for the meeting and im sorry there isnt more time for you to consider theming. Policies and services that covid 19 has impacked. Impacted. Theres a disenfranchisement for remote meetings. Anyone without a computer. Surveillance capitalism. Libraries. All the city libraries are closed with maybe opening in august for only curb side pick up. The only thing thats available for people to have access to the internet and therefore the Library Programs online is a shrunken Telephone Service hours. I appreciate all of you working on and discussing how thats going to be. thank you. Next speaker, please. mr. Chair, that completes the queue. thank you to the Public Commenters. We agree about the importance of these meetings s. We will have our next meeting august 14th and expect to have more regular meetings. Thank you to all the departments and special intuitions. Do we need a motion to continue this hearing is that correct . yes, youll either need to continue to call to chair. as motion as stated. roll call you have four ayes. all right. Thank you again so much for your time and well see you in a few weeks. Ill followup personally on making sure some of those other meetings happen. Madam clerk, are there any further items . no. thank you. This meeting is adjourned. This meeting is adjourned. Shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their business in the 49 square files of San Francisco. We help San Francisco remain unique, successful and right vi. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . Im one of three owners here in San Francisco and we provide mostly live Music Entertainment and we have food, the type of food that we have a mexican food and its not a big menu, but we did it with love. Like ribeye tacos and quesadillas and fries. For latinos, it brings Families Together and if we can bring that family to your business, youre gold. Tonight we have russelling for e community. We have a tenperson limb elimination match. We have a fullsize ring with barside food and drink. We ended up getting wrestling here with puoillo del mar. Were hope og get families to join us. Weve done a drag queen bingo and were trying to be a diverse kind of club, trying Different Things. This is a great part of town and theres a bunch of shops, a variety of stores and ethnic restaurants. Theres a popular little shop that all of the kids like to hanhang out at. We have a great breakfast spot call brick fast at tiffanies. Some of the older businesses are refurbished and newer businesses are coming in and its exciting. We even have our own brewery for fdr, ferment, drink repeat. Its in the San Francisco Garden District and four beautiful muellermixer ura alsomurals. Its important to shop local because its kind of like a circle of life, if you will. We hire local people. Local people spend their money at our businesses and those local mean that wor people willr money as well. I hope people shop locally. [ ] hi everyone, thank you for joining us today for the Panel Discussion on the covid recovery. I am your moderator today, megan, the policy share for the San Francisco womens political committee. I would like to welcome our panelists carmen chu, joey jackson morgan, and veronica shepherd. Thank you for being here today. I would like to open up the discussion with a question. Please introduce yourself and tell our audience what you are currently working on the covid issues in your field. We can start with carmen. So good afternoon everybody, so glad to join all of you today for this great panel. I want to thank you megan for helping to host this and making sure this important conversation comes forward. I serve as San Francisco elected assessor. Like many of you, we had to quickly change to a remote work scenario with our office when we had the shelter place be put in place in march. We were able to do that relatively quickly and 98 of our operations is happening off site and not in person. Weve been working hard to make sure we try to continue to do our work, primarily because we know that the revenue impact of our work has been very, very large and disperse impact to the city, from the types of programs were able to support people with us specially during covid19. Were continuing to do that. I think on another note, i think i also serve as the Economic Recovery Task forces cochair, so very much excited to speak to you about the work of the task force coming up in our additional conversations and the last thing ill say in terms of introduction is that im a brand new mother of a 14yearold i mean 14monthold, not year old, but she is growing very quickly and i think more than anything i really am truly seeing and appreciating what it means to be part of a working family, especially during covid19 because there are so many different challenges associated with worklife balance among other things. I want to recognize that i consider myself in a very fortunate place because i have my health, i have a job, and i think that is so much more than a lot of people are facing at this moment. I think we always have to count our blessings in terms of things we do have and recognize that there are many people who need much more in terms of help than where we are. Im happy to be part of this conversation and i look forward to hearing from the co speakers today as well. Thank you. Thank you carmen. Lets go to joy next. Good morning everyone, my name is joy jackson morgan. Im the executive director. Im a unicorn in the city, a San Francisco native. During this time third street has really focused on our young people in addressing the needs that youth have been coming up with, primarily with housing. That has been a huge issue for our young people and food has also been an issue. Weve gone from having our food pantry to having food delivery for our youth and their families. Were currently serving about 50 youth and families per week. Were also trying to keep our young people engaged. This has been a hard time for them adjusting to Distance Learning and not having the certain outlets that theyre accustomed to. So we continued our Youth Development program. We have been keeping our young people engaged, and active, and connected to their peer groups. This is not the norm for any of us. We are use to be being able to go outside and going where we want and now were confined to zoom or many of the platforms we come to be recognized with. Its been difficult for young people, i think, because this is their time in development where theyre suppose to be social and not having these normal things has really taken a toll. So weve been trying to make sure that our behavioral Health Services is available to them, our clinic has been closed since march, and were in the process of trying to get our clinic reopened in the next few weeks so we can start delivering some of our medical services as well. So really trying to stabilize our young people the best way we can and help them through this difficult time, both economically, food, sheltering, heal health. Definitely, thank you joy. Last but not least, veronica. Good morning everyone. Good morning to my panelists. My name is veronica shepherd. Im with the San Francisco department of Public Health. My primary work is around Food Security and Racial Equity. I support primarily the African American faithbased coalition. Its a coalition of 21 plus churches across the city of San Francisco with primarily African American congregants. Covid19 through the population of people were put into a whirlwind. Shelterinplace hit and there were not a lot of city plans on how people would be sustained. The coalition i work with, because of its infrastructure, we developed a partnership and was able to provide meals immediately across the city. As of todays date, they have delivered over 110,000 meals across the city. Theyre feeding almost 1,000 households each week. Its been quite a challenge. For those of you listening that dont know, the African American community, joy kind of spoke to it. We have been suffering precovid and theres been huge disparity issues between racial inequities. So the shelterinplace and the coronavirus had just added another additional issues on top of what was already going on, on top of the heightened Racial Climate. Its like this stew of a lot of issues that people are facing. We have seniors who this isolation is impacting them mentally and emotionally. We have hunger, issues that hit immediately but were addressing that. We have children in households that cant go out as joy was talking about. I have families where there are ten people in a household and only one person is working. I mean there are so many issues that are spiraling all at the same time so part of my work and role is to support people, help them to stay safe, provide resources and information, and continue to just be that light as a beacon for people who were living complex lives precovid and continue to live complex lives in this pandemic. Thank you veronica. Thank you everyone for those good introductions. I also wanted to quickly note that anyone watching from home, you can feel free to leave a question in the chat box or if youre watching on facebook, leave a question there for our panelists and well get to those at the end. So i wanted to shift it over to carmen. If you can talk more about how was the Economic Recovery Task force created and what is the purpose of this task force . Sure, absolutely. So the i think maybe folks may have heard that the task force is a convening of the mayor, as well as the president of the board of supervisors normen yee. I think as we started to learn more about the pandemic, learn more about the disease and how it was spreading, i think the picture has become that much more complicated and i think you see that with the most recent resurgence with covid19 and the Health Indicators coming back to a negative when it comes to hospitalizations, as well as the number of people who are contracting it. So, it is going to be a big challenge in terms of how it is that we deal with it as a city. I think in general, San Francisco has been really trying to take a measured approach on how it is we have been thinking about economic recovery and making sure were grounding how it is that we are approaching both where were directing or services, house were making sure that were providing different support, based on information on the ground. So actual data, statistics, information that helps us understand whats happening from a health perspective. I think as veronica and joy mentioned also, i think there is a really strong recognition that covid19 really is, is even though the disease does not discriminate, what were seeing is some of the underlying inequities that exist are being exacerbated by the disease. We are seeing instances where people who have the least income security, the people who are at least able to take a break from their job, people who are not able to tell commute, people who dont have savings or have poor Chronic Health conditions who are the ones that are the most impacted by covid19. So we see this from the latinx community, where they are 15 of San Franciscos population, but they make up half of the people who are testing positive in terms of covid19. We seen a disproportionate amount of deaths being asian, pacific american, and the impacts to the African American community and were also seeing in the asian community, a rise in terms of xenophobia, a lot of people being blamed for the creation of covid19 and the spread of it, even when we all know that thats untrue. So i think we see some of these disparities. I think one of the partners we have Going Forward in our w challenge and recognizing women is the department. Im not sure if folks have seen but they put out a report that was telling which spoke to how covid19 is exacerbating inequities amongst women. So again, women tend to be concentrated in lower wage jobs and jobs that may not have as much ability to do telecommuting or some of these other options that people currently have. We are also typically people who will be primary caretakers for Young Children, and our seniors, and our children, and there is a disproportionate impact among women. Were concentrating on what kind of policy decisions can we be pursuing as a city to enable recovery and think of equity while were at it. If we will have scarce resources, we need two different programs to support our workers, families, and san franciscans as a whole, where should we put that understanding there is a disproportionate impact on how covid is miimpacting our city. S there this is such a significant challenge to us. A lot of the work in terms of spre spreading and food securities are some of the other things. We still have to think of intermediate term. Thats what the Economic Recovery Task force is trying to do, putting the on the ground experiences together, coming up with a coherent plan and strategy on how the city may want to approach reopening going into the future. Definitely, very impactful. I want to bring it to veronica and knowing that Health Disparities are tied to systemic racism and this is a Public Health issue that disproportionately effects people of color and black and brown bodies, what can our leaders do and those in power do to change this tide . I dont think we have enough time. [laughter] ill give it my best shot, okay. Its a loaded question. For our community and im specifically talking about African Americans, we as leaders in this city, particularly at the higher level has to be honest about the Structural Racism and violence thats been perpetuated by our people ever since slavery. We have to be honest on how it looks and how it shows up in each of our systems. We have enough data on the black experience to build cities about, but we dont seem to shift on how the racism and its structure is continuing to keep these barriers and these hurdles high so our communities cant thrive unless we change the Program Project mentality. Were not really pulling out the roots of the racism. Were just doing check boxes. Theyre always like a band aid. They never really resolve the problem because were not going deep enough and were not being honest enough to say were putting systems in place that perpetuate the inequity. Until we as leaders all come together at the highest level and have honest conversations that will be very uncomfortable, because t going to reveal how our own biases stand in the game, to be honest. We have to own up to the fact that a lot of the systems in place, were protecting them at the highest level. People who make up 5 of a population, but have the highest Health Disparities, the worse education outcomes, the highest rates of mass incarceration, i mean i can go on and on. Something is intentionally wrong there. Half of the Homeless Population is black and there isnt even that many of us. What structures continue to perpetuate this and how are we protecting it that it keeps going . We got to be honest, otherwise we are going to continue to Fund Programs that are not sustainable because theyre not designed to be. Theyre not going to dig out the deep root of the problem. The entire country has been functioning in systemic Structural Racism and violence against black people. Now we just got to own that. So it comes back to checking ourselves with our own bias i cant say biases, and you cant tell your community were here to help you and you need a heart transplant, but you give me a band aid. How does that help my community . Yet we continue to do this. So somehow until we as leaders at the highest level can sit down and be honest about what were actually doing to black people and particularly right now with the Racial Climate that were living in, its been unleashed and against us and yet were fighting to get basic needs, food, housing, struggling to get testing out here in our community and yet as karmen spoke, the need is huge. Were not being honest. I think weve been so conditioned to operate in our different slices of the pie, we dont see the whole picture. We dont see how the ingredients are combined to create the recipe we want to build. We need to have conversations that dismantle the racism and make sure that everything were doing is connected to some policy or some ordinance that dismantles the barriers against African American. Absolutely, thank you. Joyce speaking on that, i know that you spoke a little bit in your intro about how this effected your organization right now. How has covid affected your ability to provide Behavioral Services to youth . Both carmen and veronica, i dont know how i get to come after both of you. You spoke so well about this. I think Health Starts in community. It is a community response, a neighborhood response, right . When you start to take away some of the things that were accustomed to, to have this sort of response, on top of the social determinants of health we already had, it definitely puts us at a disadvantage. We need to acknowledge the roles and how that relates to the disbursement of resources and the response from the city. As veronica eluded to before, we are scrapping for resources, for testing. We had to do all telehealth for our behavioral Health Services. Thats not a community model, right . We depend on relationships. We depend on each other for our needs. We build a rapport with you and then that gets taken away. They trust us. Its like were a boutique clinic. It was designed and created by the community and youth to be the beacon for their needs. So i think when we talk about policy, i think we need to look at how there is racism in the Decision Making and that we need to look at whos at the table and who has the power at the table to make these decisions and to help Bring Community to the table so theyre at the forefront of the Decision Making, the solution and the progress. How do we hold the city accountable for try to address our needs without the community there . So when we look at these things moving forward, as veronica said and carmen said, we have to put our leadership and the Community Leadership to help with some of these policies and Decision Making Going Forward. Thats the only way were going to crawl ourselves out of this hole were in. Yep, definitely. I hear that and agree. Speaking about policy and good policy, but just often the foundation of good policy. I want to open this question up for all three of you. How have you seen this city or your organizations budget effected by this pandemic . Can i just start by saying i want to appreciate what veronica and joyce said. I truly think that when we talk about economic recovery, i agree with joy in terms of the Community Based approach. Its really important there are community leaders, network, and existing relationships that can only strengthen and either make that work or not work. I think that is really important to acknowledge. I think to veronicas point as well, i really appreciate the comment she said about how we need to be willing to confront those Difficult Conversations because i really feel whenever it comes to the conversation around race, its really, it is very hard to talk about. Its very hard to be vulnerable and talk about what you dont know or to be fearful of saying the wrong thing and then that makes the conversation around race hard. When we start to see the outcomes that we talked about, whether its economic outcomes, health outcomes, so on. Theyre tied to race. So how do you say that its not connected . So i do think that its important for us to begin taking those steps. Its hard to do, but im hopeful that were going to start to have more conversations and the more conversations we have and sustain conversations, not just for this month or next month, that we can actually see progress. I hope thats going to be the case. I know that its going to be the leadership of the city, but also in our community and how we all interact and what kind of personal responsibility we can all take with dismantling the system we have. In terms of budget, you know, budget is incredibly tough for the city right now. You know, i think what were seeing is a 1. 7 billion deficit because a lot of the revenue has been drying up, all these things tied to Economic Activity has pretty much stopped. So i think thats been a big challenge for us from our organizations point of view. Were trying to figure out the best way possible to continue our work because for folks who dont know, the Assessors Office is responsible for property taxes and our operation brings in about 3 billion of funding to the city year after year. That helps to fund our social services. Its the largest source of general fund revenue for the and Public School and education, which is also important. We want to make sure to continue those operations, but its not going to be easy because if were going to defeat this budget deficit, it looks like potentially cuts. I think all of us are looking for areas where we can cut to help make balance and wont impact people and services, but for an organization like mine where 80 of my expenses are people, thats hard to do. I think that youre going to see that to be really true, especially with so many of our nonprofit partners, where it was already hard to begin with in terms of being able to run the operation to recruit, and to keep talent and people in your organization, to pay them something that will help them survive in a high expense city and now that were in this situation, its even harder. So i just want to acknowledge that its true. Its true for the city and its even more true for a nonprofit partner. I will imagine that were going to have a really challenging time. With that being said, in my point of view, were committed to doing everything we can to continue to bring in the revenue that is fairly due to the city and we will see a lot of challenges to that. We are already seeing a lot of commercial properties and others saying covid had an impact. It certainly has an impact, but from a Property Value point of view. We dont think it has an impact for the fiscal year upcoming. So that is just in my mind understanding where were going to have challenges coming forward as a city. Its going to be tough. Thank you. Im going to jump in. For me the answer is twofold because i work for the Health Department and lot of the budgets were redistributed because of covid. Then i work for community and people on the ground, and their budgets were just pretty much destroyed by a lot of this work. So from the citys lens, from the Health Departments lens, the new guidelines, the Mental Health money has been drastically reduced, which impacts our commune huge because there wasnt enough resources for black people and their Mental Health needs before covid. With the reductions i saw from Gavin Newsoms office, its going to have even a harder hit for our community because as i stated earlier, all of this impacts our mental and Emotional Health and wellbeing. We have people who are seniors that are isolated and are just not doing well because of this intersection of us being around people has impacted us all. So from the community lens, its a huge struggle because youre trying you got funded to do certain programs and certain projects that are going to sub support people and yet people are sheltered in and cant come out. Our Community Also doesnt have access to Technology Like a lot of other communities. Those resources arent always available. As black people, many of us live multigenerational. Our programs are for the seniors or for the kids or for the working poor. We arent looking at Household Level responses. Were all impacted. If grandma is getting the grocery bag, all the eight people that live in that house are going to live out of that gross bag, which is probably going to be gone the same day they get it. So the programs have been impacted by the pandemic so the resources arent as great as they want them to be. It has changed the last few months, but its been a huge impact on trying to connect resources. As joy said earlier, we as Community People know each other and try to build upon what we know we all have, but were all still fighting for the same bread crumb. Its not like joys program got an abundance of stuff. Our wonderful baby y here, a great resource to our community yet theyre trying to engage our community, families, seniors, all the people they serve from an extended reach. The question about the budget has to do with the people on the ground compared to the Health Department who are trying to take resources and redistribute them in an equitable way, but the need is so great. Theyre trying to figure it out each new day. Things keep changing. We have federal guidelines that impacted our budget. There are layers upon layers of things that people have to think about daily. Thank you. All right, im going to answer this question wearing two hats. Im going to start with the first hat as being cochair. So this is my third year. Every year we put out these recommendations, trying to be as equitable and Community Focused as possible. As a cochair, i am worried about this plan shrinkage in the city. When i say that, when we think historically when these things come up, black and brown people are always at the tail end of this. This is who is going to get hit the hardest. It will come out of the Police Department or fire department, wherever it is, its in our neighborhood. Trying to make sure in every decision being made around this planned shrinkage that were taking an equitable lens or equitable approach. The director put out a Covid Response not work book, but i cant think of the word. She put out a great report about how we should approach our recovery as a city. I recommend people should read that. Also my other hat as a leader of a nonprofit, im terrified because by this point in the process, nonprofit leaders will know what were working with. This delay is adding another layer of stress. Youre trying to keep your staff calm and make sure you have money to pay for the things you planned for. Now were waiting for your city counterparts to know if this is going to happen. Youre trying to keep your population to conserve calm. Its a whole level of stress for nonprofit leaders because we dont know whats going to happen and all the things that we grown to trust and depend on are all at jeopardy. I just want to say that health is involved in all policies, whether its education, transportation, whatever, intentional or unintentional. So like we really need to focus on how all of these policies and event the way these budget cuts come down and what impact its going to have on communities of color. Yes, definitely. That is so true. Speaking on that, in todays debate, the Public Health recovery and the economic recovery are often times pinned against one another. So, how do each of you envision a community where these two could be integrated to create prosperity . Lets go to carmen. I was going to let someone else take the lead. In terms of tracking this, when you look at the reproduction rate of covid19, in march it was something above 3. That meant for anyone with covid19, they were basically spreading it to 3 other individuals. San francisco in the bay area took Decisive Action to do shelterinplace in midmarch. They were faster than many other places and it helped slow the spread pretty quickly. When you look at the trajectory of reproduction rate, it dropped dramatically after shelterinplace went into order. For a long time it was under 1. Thats a good thing. You want the number to be under 1. Around the beginning of june or so that started to inch up and now were likely above 1. Thats where we are in terms of the reinfection rate. We want to bring the number down or we will see spread in our communities. I tell you that because what happened that drove that number down was two things. We closed a lot of businesses, reck recreation was also shut down. The second thing, i know for myself, psychologically we were seeing what was happening across the country and around the world and new york. We thought we better take precaution because we dont want to see that happen here. We dont want to see lines of ambulances going into the hospital with us having to make decisions on who to treat and who not to treat. Many of us took a lot of precautions and then that flattened the curve when we reopened the economy in midmay or so, i think a few things happened. I think you know, number one more Economic Activity was happening, so more people were coming in contact with one another. I think a lot of people let their guard down. Weve been cooped up and people thought it wouldnt hurt if i just saw so and so. Overtime as you start to be social, you forget you shouldnt have give someone a hug. I think its hard is see what of the resurgence is related to Economic Activity and what is he rated to our social behaviors. I think the one thing ill say is that im still hopeful that we can open up more of the economy so we can get our budgets back online and our support back online and to help people too. There is a cost to shelterinplace. We heard a lot about the cost to business, the cost to losing jobs, which is not small. Those are big things when people lose their incomes. There is social and emotional challenges, Mental Health challenges. Veronica spoke about social isolation amongst our seniors. We are seeing more Food Insecurity. There is also the typical ability for us to be able to detect things like abuse. Were not seeing kids go back to school. Were not seeing more avenues for some of these things to be daylighted for example. So it is not without other costs associated with it. I just wanted to say that because part of reopening the economy and getting back to as normal as possible is because there are other impacts we have to see. I do think that we can continue to do it, but we really have to double down in terms of our own social behaviors. Thats hard to do because were use to being the social people we are and seeing your own family. I do think thats what needs to happen in terms of the city and other actions that need to occur to make this a not a here or there or win or lose situation. We have to take more personal responsibility. All of us do. We have to remember to buckle back down again right and not try to get back together and do as mump as we can to social distance and wear masks. Those are things we can take on ourselves to do. As a city we need to think harder about how do we support people during this time . So if we want people to not spread, it means we need to support people who get sick, to make sure they have a replacement income, and they are not going to lose their jobs when they do that. I think there are a lot of policies that need to happen that support Economic Activity so people can have good health behavi behaviors. I just want to say we all have work to do on the policy side to help people who get sick and making sure our Public Health has the resources they need to help with Mental Health, with Contact Tracing, and testing. The last thing i have to say is that we need to think more regional. I think we started off really well in terms of coming together as a region to slow and close things down. When we started to open back up, counties did it all different ways. So there was a lot of confusion on what is open here and what is open there. When things are open in another county, people from our county and rightly so were saying oh, ill meet you over there to have dinner or whatever it was. You know, it just shows you that spread isnt contained within our county, right . People go, they work in other counties. People come here to work. So i think our lack of having a regional approach when it comes to opening really hurt us. I hope we can get back on track with some of these things so we can come together and be more coherent and cohesive on how were moving together. I could talk for hours about this stuff. So for me megan and thanks carmen. That was wonderful. The question has a different turn for me. When i think of economic recovery or Public Health recovery, i have to ask for who . Our health was terrible before covid. Our Economic Life was very poor precovid. So, when were talking about the recovery of these things, if were talking about black people, we have to have a whole different conversation. The Median Income for white people was 101,000 and for black people it was 29,000. Our Health Disparities are the worse across the city for every group. Its a different discussion. Again, everything all the racism that black people and people of color just in general experience is connected to economics, period. So its not just about the pandemic but for my community, it heightened everything that was already in place and occurring. So when we talk about recovery for people who are already oppressed, already impacted by the social determinants of health, the conversation has to take a different nuance. We need honest conversations on what does recovery look like and for what population are we talking about . If youre already twothirds of the food chain and the issue for you is this pandemic, but you still have food, housing, your bills are still being paid, that recovery will have a different outcome for those at the bottom of the barrel. Right now what we see and i know carmen and joy have seen it, its the despair in everyone were seeing. How long will this go on . I have people that i know that dont have jobs and are so afraid because theyre going to end up losing the place theyre renting because they cant pay. I think of recovery for those who are marginalized already and its a different conversation. I agree with carmen. It has to have a regional approach so were not all doing our own thing based on the communities we live in. We do have to think about that. I learned last week because of my exposure to data in the Health Department. I currently live in the census track, in the bay view. Im a native here, born and raised here, that has the highest cases of covid. Oh god, im scared to leave my house even for a basic need. There are people that are Walking Around and theyre not thinking about Public Health recovery. Theyre not thinking about economic recovery. A lot of these people dont even wear masks and theyre not just the black people. It has a different layer added to it in our community. That recovery requires the voices from our community to be leading those conversations. What recovery looks like is not the same as in the bay view. Thank you. I very quickly. Go ahead. And i think that was a perfect segue into one of my points about the community aspect. I was thinking since young people are now one of the fast ers populations to be contracting covid, i have this crazy idea, why not hire them to be our contact tracers . They know who are around and who is going to be somewhere and all this other stuff. Have them help us track this for us. Its their population that is now entering into this. We didnt do a great job with our young people in messaging. They have all kinds of messages going on, does the mask really help, i thought we can go here, is this real, all these Different Things. So now getting them involved, getting them educated on whats really happening and helping them be a part of the solution is going to engage them, is going to help them in economic recovery. Its going to give them experience that hopefully later on you now have your new Public Health team. Even hiring young people to be Community Ambassadors or captains to help with the Data Collection in specific neighborhoods. I think about whats happening in sunny dale. Hire young people to help with that. Even in the shelterinplace hotels, how can young people be part of the stat . I think there are ways that we can include community and im using my youth lens because i run a Youth Organization but community in general. These are ways we can incorporate the community in a way that doesnt make them feel tokenized and you understand what youre going to do and youre going to sit here and this is on the checklist. This is having them feel a part of the solution and helping their community that is also uplifting them economically. Can i add to that too . We have a Seniors Group called network for elders out here. I know the president and she says theyre trying to communicate because so many of them live alone and they dont even have laptops to do that. They used to meet monthly before covid. I asked how many laptops do you need . She said eight. They dont have the money to get it but its a way to stay connected and to be able to engage and feel like they are also part of what they can do to shift the narrative. It could be small but its so critically needed. Yeah, i love what joy had to say about engaging the youth that way. The city has a huge need for contact tracers and well have a huge need for a while. I think thats an idea we should be exploring as a city and to veronicas point. The Digital Divide is terrible. Youre seeing thats playing out in terms of education. If you have parents or kids that dont have access to technology or the connection, or dont know how to use it, youre seeing theyre falling further behind. Thats a huge challenge. Yeah, so really quickly, i guess a follow up to this is what are some of the red tapes that can be addressed. Youre shaking your head veronica, theres too much red tape. Thats something to think about and maybe theres Community Building down the road. A question we have from an audience member, denise asks how has the covid crisis effected or complicated the housing prices . Hi denise, thanks for your question. We saw an uptick in young people trying to escape Family Violence just in a weeks time. Before the city was allowing them to use Emergency Hotel vouchers we said were going to use them and ask or forgiveness later. So we tried to get our young people somewhere where they could get safe. It started as a week, then growing into a months time and we thankfully were able to sustain them during this whole shelterinplace time. It ended up being 12 young people we had to do this for outside of trying to house i think during this time we were rapidly trying to house all the youths on our list. In addition to the emergency housing youth, we housed close to 20 young people during this time. It looks like rent is going down but there is still a huge need. There are a ton of young people still in the queue and we had to slow down because of resources. Its been strapped because all the money that had to go into hotels, food, just making sure that everyone has the electronic stuff like laptops, hotspot, all of that. It just put a huge strange on our resources strain on our resources and there are still a lot more people in the kuwaiting to be housed although rent is dropping. This is like we went into this crisis with homelessness being one of our huge issues at the city and weve done a better job of trying to address it, but its only going to like its a deep hole. We need if i can advocate for anything right now the two things would be housing, food, and Mental Health. I can say that as a homeless response system in general, everyone not just youth, everywhere faces this crisis during shelterinplace and even now. Definitely. Does anyone else want to answer that question briefly . I guess just quickly for me, its just thanks denise for asking that question. Its so complex. Our housing, our homelessness shot up. I mean we got hundred times more Homeless People here in the bay view than we had before because resources shifted. Things that use to be available in certain parts of the city werent anymore. We even have people that are in sheltered environments without food and going to the Homeless Services to eat. So its just very complex and i ditto everything that joy said. All these of these intersections have to be addressed because theyre all happening at the same time. Definitely. So i want to open it up to our Closing Remarks and last questions here as were coming to time. How has each of your personal experiences guided your strategy to recovery and what are some resources that you can provide to our audience and try to keep this under 2 minutes. I think well be good. Ill go very fast, which is you know my parents were immigrants here so my parents i grew up most of my life where my parents think racism because they couldnt speak english well and they worked in low income jobs. My mom was a seamstress and my dad worked in a kitchen. It always colored my perspective because when i think of policy and how we respond to economic recovery, i think of the people who cant make it to the table. I think of the people that cant come out and advocate because they have to work or i think of the people that cant or dont feel they can speak up. So, i think that is something that will always be with me. Its always keeping that perspective on who cant come here to say what they need to say and we need to be thinking about them too. I think in terms of this pandemic, its even more clear about how it is that we need to be protecting, especially our most vulnerable communities. Joy, if you want to go. Yeah, ill go. I dont think you come out of Hunters Point without being an activist. One of the most overused but appropriate words to describe our neighborhood is resilient. So i think weve learned how to, you know, make something out of nothing. I think again as i talked about earlier the village model of really making sure that we all were helping each other no matter what, even if we had something little. Let me help you get this. I think thats been sort of the beauty of all this, seeing how San Francisco has come together to make sure that we are at least trying to address our most marginalized. I seen people come out to help our seniors like veronica was talking about with the Faithbased Community and serving all those meals. That came from just conversations, very organic conversations. Seeing that and seeing how the networking has i have really been amazed at how everyone has come together in all different fronts. In terms of resources for the audience, i just really want people to get out here and advocate, right . Weve talked about all the things that need to happen. Get engaged. Look at the next budget meeting. Look at the next Police Commissioner meeting. Look at all these different meetings where we need folks to come out and advocate for the things were talking about. Were going to need your voices to make this happen. This is where the community is at the table. This is where we shift the power in the Decision Making. We need you all to show up and advocate for these things. Ill leave you with that. And im going to end with very little. The resources i bring is food. People know me as you need food, call veronica. I pretty much know where all the food is and how to get it to people. More than that, i bring grace. I bring dignity. I bring values and humanity to peoples lives who are suffering in multiple ways and spaces and places, whether they speak english or not. I think that hope and joy said, the resilience we have helps keep people helps people know that somebody cares and somebody really shows that they care about how were experiencing life each day. I dont care whether youre giving a person a napkin or referral. Do it with dignity. Do it with hope. Do it with grace and remind people that theyre not alone. To me thats the most important. If we dont stand for the values that we say we represent, it doesnt matter what we have to offer. You can treat people very badly for something they really need and theyll walk away from you because you disrespected them. So i think that is critical of how to engage people, specifically in this pandemic. Thank you. Thank you veronica, carmen, and joy. Your comments are much appreciated and i hope the three of you collaborate down the line. I just want to plug for summer in the city is their next event, august 6th. This is a big event for all women to celebrate and i know that carmen also has the w challenge coming up celebrating the 100 Year Anniversary of woman suffrage, both are tied to womens suffrage, keeping it in line with womens rights and of course what that means for women of color especially black women and brown women. Thank you again for everyone that is watching from your homes. A remind to make sure that you are socially distant, wear your mask, and stay informed. Thank you. Are from any announcements . Yes, due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect Board Members, City Employees and the bubble the board of supervisors such as chamber and Committee Room are closed. However, members will be participating in the meeting remotely and this precaution is taken purpose to local and state and federal orders and directives. Committee members will attend through Video Conference and participate in the meeting to the extent they are physically present. Public comments are available on each item on this agenda. Call 415 6550001, meeting i. D. 416 1617499 . Press pound twice and when connected, youll hear the meeting discussion and youll be meeted and in listeningmode only. When the item of interest comes up dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. Speak clearcall clearly and slo. You may submit Public Comment in either of the furthering ways, email or if you submit Public Comments via email, it will be forwarded and included as part of the official file and items toda. Can you please call item nr 1. Item number one, motion orders submitted to the voters at an election to be held on november 3, 2020 and the business and test regulations to impose an additional gross receipt tax on businesses greater than the ratio of the compensation of the businesses. Members who wish to provide Public Comment call 415 6550001 and meeting i. D. 146 1677499 and press pound twice. If you have not done, dial star 3 to line up to speak and a system prompt will indicate you are there. Thank you. Supervisor hainey. Thank you chair fewer and thank you for having me back and for hearing, again, the overpaid executive tax and i want to thank or cosponsors chair fewer, supervisor ronen, walton, mar, preston and mandelm man for ther support and the San Francisco labor council, local 21, local 1021 and all nurses, doctors and Healthcare Professionals for their support. If this measure passes, any company that pays Top Executive one hundred times more than the median worker, well have a. 1 surcharge added to the payment and the more inequify between the Top Executive and workers, the higher the surcharge. The tax will raise up to 140 million every year and this measure not only raises muchneeded funds to fix cracks in our Healthcare System but incentivizes the companies to invest in their workers and not executives. Businesses can avoid the tax by paying executives less or by raising their employees wages. Big businesses, i hope, will be on the right side of history here and this is a very targeted tax only on businesses that are still doing very well, Large Businesses that are still paying Top Executives millions of dollars. We need a little more support as we face one of the worse budget deficits that weve seen to ensure we can hire nurses, doctors and essential Health Workers to fight this pandemic on the front lines. I hope you will support this overpaid tax because this is a critical measure to boost our services and protect our services and ensure that we recover economically during this difficult time. Thank you very much. We heard this last week and we are to practise today, assuming we are all sponsors of this, but madamadam clerk, lets take pubc comment on item number 1. Operation is checking to see if there are any members in cue. Iqueue. Press star 3 to be add and for those on hold, please continue to indicate. Mr. Clerk, please let us know if there are any callers who wish to comment on this item. Clerthere are no callers in e queue. Public item 1 is closed and i would like to move this. role call . Are three ayes and madam clerk, can you please call item number 9 out of order. Item number 9, reason actme f number 20, with third party to provide staff and maintain restrooms equipped with toilets and handwalking facilities and one restroom per 50 and concentrated in areas with the greatest need within one thousand feet of my encantment. The board of supervisors approve these Service Agreements forestroom equips wit equipped s and handwashing facilities. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item, call 415 6550001 and meeting i. D. 146 1617499 and then press pound twice. And if you have not done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak didnt. Please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comment. Thank you very much. Supervisor hainey. Thank you so much, chair fewer. Again, i want to thank you all for supporting this ordinance the first time it came around and i think all of us have benefited from it in terms of the public bathrooms and handwashing stations that have been greatly expanded and the hours expanded and i can tell you youve been there a lot on the tree street streets lately. Even with some of reopening, there still arent Public Restrooms opened. As a result of that, these public bathrooms out there right now are as critical and essential as ever, especially for the people who continue to be homeless on our streets, but not only for the people who are Homeless Partnership know that many essential workers are relying on public bathrooms. Every time i walk by them, theres a line and its been hugely critical and an essential part of our citys frontline response to prevent the spread of the covid19 and especially as we see a surge of covid19 cases throughout the city, including in places like the tenderloin which now has one of the highest infection rates and i think it is critical and essential that we renew this emergency ordinance so that we can continue to provide access to ban bathrooms and handwashing station which are key to maintaining Public Health during this horrific public Health Emergency. As i understand it, the costs of implementing this ordinance are reimbursable through fema and i hope that you will consider supporting this ordinance and extending it so that this essential service will continue to stop the spread of covid19 amongst our residents and also provide an essential service that needs to be there tor peoples human dignity. Again, this is something that people are relying on all over the city and i hope its something that becoming standardized, but ultimately, theres to doubt in my mind that we need to extend this emergency authorization for another 60 days which will continue to provide services for the 63 pitstop locations including the ones that had been added over the past fewmans. Few months. I hope we can put this forward and extend this emergency ordinance further. Good morning. Im from the Budget Analyst Office and as supervisor hainey said, this would extend the pit stop locations for another 60 days. We show on page 16 of our report, the current budget for all of the pitstop programs, not just the ones that are extended through the emergency ordinance, but also the ones that predated the emergency. Our estimate is that extending the emergency by 60 days would cost 200,000 per week or 1. 7 billion over the term of the extension and we consider approval to be a policy matter for the board and im available for questions if you have any. Any comments or questions from my colleagues . Seeing none, madam clerk, can we open this up for Public Comment, please . Yes, operations is checking to see there are any callers in the queue. Operations, please let us know if there are callers that are ready. If you have not done so, press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, please wait until the system has been muted and please let us know if there are callers who wish to comment on item number 9. Madam chair, there are no callers in the queue. Item 9 is now closed and i will make a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. Role call, please. role call . There are three ayes. Can you call item number 2. Resolution authorizing the pull utilitys commission to execute amendment number 2 to Planning Project Services Agreement for a specialized planning and Engineering Services for the proposed work facility at the southeast Water Pollution plant between the city and increasing the agreement by 21 million for a total not to exceed agreement amount of 54. 5 million and with a time extension of two years for a total Agreement Term of 11 years from december 1st, 2014 through november 30th, 2025. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 415 6550001 and meeting i. D. 146 1617499 and then press pound twice. If you have not done so, press star 3 to line up to speak. Please wait until the system indicates you have been muted and you may begin your comment. Thank you very much madam clerk. Today we have with utoday we hac and i believe theres a powerpoint in front of us. Good morning, budget and finance committee chair, supervisor fewer, supervisor walton and supervisor mandelman. Im the project manager for the sfpuc. Thank you for providing the details on this proposed amendment resolution and explain the planning and engineering needed for the southeast plan facility. First, ill provide a brief project background and function of southeast plant and ill then provide project evaluation and then dive into scope up Engineering Services and then explain the need for an amendment and will take any questions you may have at the end. As you are aware, the southeast plant is located in bayview and the southeast plant is bound by evans avenue on the east and south street on the south. Caltrain on the north side and oakdale on west side of the facility. I want to make sure my slides are progressing. Southeast plant is the largest of the three waste water facilities in the city and they treat 80 of the sewer flow in the city and some of the southeast plant facility processes operations have been in operation since 1952. Its an aging facility and poses significant risk of regulatory noncommines annoncompliance andh and safety if not addressed. To address this, our commission endorsed a multi phased program known as the sewer System Program with the specific level of Service Requirements to meet with the program. And the three red boxes on the slide that you see signifies the item, namely headworks project elements and its one of the many projects in the Larger Program in the southeast plant. Headworks is the head of the plant and all enters from this facility and the table items and other debrises that come with the wastewater flow to the plant. The process equipment is operating well beyond its useful life and inefficient in moving debris currently. Part of the commitment to the community, this will maximize control of orders and improve the visual aesthetic quality of the plant. To meet the regulatory requirements, the new facility will provide the liability and flexibility to the Plant Operations and most importantly, the new facility will comply with latest seismic codes to meet condition and bring service back within 72 hours of seismic event. And at the last capacity, it will remain to the current level that is at 250 million gallons per day. And so, this slide depicting the project components. Due to an active treat facility, the project construction needs to bees phased by radio scopes and thats why you see three distinct scopes on the slide. Scope one includes relocation of utilities and readout pipe on evans and demolition the wet weather facility to make room to build new headworks. You will see some photographs to give you an idea of enormous nature of the work and scope two, which is across from the street, from the main headworks known as the pump station and thats also part of this project and lastly, the scope is the main facility with the stateofart and ordercontrol technologies. This next slide provides overall project cost, scope and schedule and the anticipated total cost is 618. 8 million and the scope is described in the early slide. We have completed scope one and were at 95 on scope a and just started the foundation for the main headworks which is scope three. The project is anticipated to complete by december 2024. So if you see the mark at the bottom, we are in the middle of the construction currently. Next, ill go with a construction project at the plant and so this photo exhibits the demolition in progress of wet weather facility to be able to make space to build a new facility at this site and you ts is a construction in progress. The next photo is for scope twoway, which is the pump station and what is shown is the large pushes, th pumps and the g facility and that is for order control and the facility being install at this time. And as i said, once the site was cleared up to make a space to build a new headworks facility, the photo exhibits the current work going on for the main headworks facility. Once the facility is completed, this is the rendering how the new facility will look like when we are done with this project. The public realm will have art please wall and aesthetics that does not look like an Industrial Facility at all. The art features and architecture have been blessed by civic designreview committee. And so let me next walk you through the project evaluation. And so Large Infrastructure Projects of such a size and magnitude and complexity to reduce the construction risk as well as to control the capital cost and headworks project has not been a different case. The left side is what the project looked like in the middle of 2019 and significantly evolved as it looks like right side of the graphics and as you can see, there are two major differences in the graphics, the tall older control super structure, which is sort of north on the left side is now turning to a low profile onestory structure slightly west of the headworks facility. I dont know if you can see my curser, but this is a new resign facility. And the second difference is the lift station and existing lift station for building a separate new pump station. So let me come to the topic about Engineering Services. The engineering experience is required for this type of project in the field of waste water process engineering. And geotechnical engineering, order control design and construction startup and testing and the scope of services are delivered in three phases. Not the phase one is to complete the conceptual engineers and design phase. We completed that in 20162017 and we pleate completed with the original design and the third phase is for engineering support during construction and value engineering to reduce the cost of the construction. Also, you will notice on the photographs, we are in the middle of the construction phase while continuing to operate the facility with minimal equipment until this new project is complete. So the need for this amendment is basically twofold. The first major component relates to engineering support during construction and the original amount of 4. 6 million was mainly used for scope one because the level of effort needed for scope 3 was not clearly defined at the time of last amendment. Due to the evolvement project, the evolvement of the construction project as i explained to you earlier. So now we have better resigned 100 stine of the main headworks and we will be able to determine the Engineering Network to determine the construction. The second component has to do with the value engineering and resign in order to control the construction costs. So the value engineering we begin late last year required to design the control facility that i showed for you and the liftstation resign and if you approve this amendment today, it will allow us to control capital cost by resigning the two elements i discussed earlier. And the amendment resolution in front of you today is to amend the Engineering Service contract by 21 million which will result in not to exceed the value of 54. 5 million and in the analysis report is equal to 8. 8 of total project costs, which is, in fact, in line with our past capital project, as well as the industry standard. With that, im happy to answer my questions that you may have. Any questions . Yes, supervisor mandleman . Im maybe left with this particular amendment but the josepoverall project which has e to 600 plus million and now valued, i would love to understand what mechanisms the puc has in place to sort of keep projects like this on time and within a budget and if those have worked here or how weve gotten so far off of being 200 million projects that was supposed to be done by 2020. Supervisor mandleman, thank you for asking that question. And so this type of large Infrastructure Project is looping duis longdur eight, duration, as you can realize, taking 12, 14, 15 years. The budget is based on conceptual design. Its not detailed out at all and the requirements are not set and we learn about geotechnical conditions when we do the preliminary drilling of the site to determine what kin kind we wl need. So the way the project budget is set is based on very minimum information at the beginning and we do have a puc controls project where we go through change management process and get approved by our commission, and so we have so far been to our commission for two amendments and that is the process we use for any change for original budget and, also, we have a process of realigning and so as the Detailed Design gets developed, we find out more about the ground condition and we find out about the conditions underground and those things have to be included in the project. And so those are some of the main reasons about knowing more detail as we progress the design phase. Thank you for that, but when you initially select the contractor, if presumably youre going through a competitive process and youre evaluating bids or Different Companies coming in and saying theyll get the work done for different costs, right . Supervisor, you make great point. One thing i like to correct, the project is not ending in 2020. I think there might be a typo somewhere. It will end, as i showed in my slide in 2024. Coming to your question is about Competitive Bidding and one of the things were doing in this project is not the lowbid, designbid build. Were using something called cmgc, construction manager general contractor. So what we do is bring the contractor early on at about 35 design to get the input into the constructability, sequencing. One has to realize the complexity of the plan because we have to keep the flow alive while constructing this new facility and so its complex construction and so its not a lowbid contractor as a city is used to. So this project did go through the Competitive Bidding for cmgc and as they get in the design phase, they give the input to reduce the risk of the plans with the regulatory and then the project gets divided into bid packages. So on this project, we have Something Like 80, 90 bid packages and thats beat out and then we take the low bid on those bid packages. So its not a one huge package that gets bid out. Ed it gets bid out as a trade package along the way and our cmgc contractor helps to time it out. If the work was going to happen in 2023, you dont want to bid out in 2016 at the start of the project because market condition could be different, lower or higher may that be, right . But we want to bid out the bid package at the right time, not bid out everything upfront. And so thats the reason that its not a lowbid contractor. And so is corolla the cmgc . No, the design engineer and so, i dont want to say much about the matter, but there are two basic matters. One is the design build where the designer comes under the contractor. Sow would hire a design builder and in this case, this was the design build project and we would help corollo work under the contractor as a team. We hired on a different track, the designer, brought them in 20132014 and hired cmgc as the contractor. And they came on in what year . Cmgc came on in 2016 and the designer came on board in 20132014 timeline. And the incentive or accountability for the general contractor to keep costs down is what . So the packages are being done, as i said, in multiple phases and so the cost depends on the current market condition at the time they bid out, right and so, you are right if this was the design build or guaranteed maximum prize model, we would have been in better control. But with this one packages being bid out, the bid is still the low bid we select out of all of the packages and the means of control, you can achieve this by guaranteed maximum prize which we do not have the ability in this project. We beat out the trade packages to get the final price. Do you do some sort of evaluation after a contract is finished to sort of i mean, youre trying this cmgc method and whether thats been effective in controlling the costs . Yeah. And so, you know, its good you mentioned that. So the project is divided in three scoped scopes, one, two ie and scope one we completed in may and we are taking a Lesson Learned in the project and apply that on scope three and not even waiting until the whole completion of the project. We are including what Lesson Learned on scope one and scope 2a which is at 95 construction complete and take the Lessons Learned from that and include in scope three and its ongoing value engineering, as well as the Lesson Learned implementation. Ok, thank you. Thank you, supervisor. Madam chair, youre muted. Chair so sorry. Supervisor walton, do you have any comments or questions . I know this is a really big project in your district and it looks like it will go on for many years. Do you any comments or questions to ask about it . Actually, i dont. I stay well versed and i am well informed most of the way. Realizing the phases and realizing why the cost change was explained to me several times over and i have concerns just like supervisor mandlen man and im sure you do with the costs of this project, very concerning. This is not new information and ive had an opportunity to talk with some of this through the puc. Chair thank you very much. Could we have the bla report . Yes. Item number 2 approves the Second Amendment to the existing agreement between puc engineers for the headworks facility at the southeast treatment plant. The amendment increases the contract amount by 21 million to 54. 5 million and extends the term to 2025. We showed this on page 5 of the report and theres a Powerpoint Presentation. This is an increase in the overall budget. The approved budget is 194 million. The forecasted budget is 619 million towards the end of the project. It is funded through the sewer System Program and we recommend approval. Thank you very much. Chair lets open this up for Public Comment. Operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Operations, please let us know if there are callers ray. Icallers that areready. Madam chair, no callers in the queue. Chair im two is now closed. I would like to move this with a positive recommendation and may i have a role call vote. role call . There are three arc yes. Item number three in the amount of 3 million on the budget and finance committee reserve for a settlement to the condemnation arising out of said damage during major rainstorm in december of 2014 and winter of 2016 through 2017. Members of the public who wish to comment on this item should call 415 6550001, meeting i. D. 1467499 and press pound twice. If you have not done so, please dial star 3 to speak and wait until the system indicates you have. Unmuted and you may begin your comments. Chair thank you very much. And this is a hearing for the approval of the release of funds from our own budget and finance committee that was put on reserve and so, we have with us greg norby and megan imperial. Good morning to all. Im greg norby and im the assistant general manager for the sfpuc waste water enterprise and thank you, chair fewer, for scheduling this hearing on the release of the 3 million from the budget and finance committee reserve for the purpose of the waste water enterprise flood claims. And some items here with a brief background for the supervisors. In april of 2015, by ordinance 184115, the supervisors aappropriated 5 million for the public utilitys commission waste water enterprise to pay claims and settlements and Legal Expenses and costs related to the extraordinary expenses incurred as a result of the december of 2014 rain storms. And then later, in may of 2017, by a similar motion from ordinance 11417, the board of supervisors appropriated 5 million for the waste water enterprise designated for general reserves, for the commission, Public Utility Commissions to pay claims and settlements and Legal Expenses related to claims from the 20162017 winter storms and in that action, the ordinance also placed 3 million of that 5 million into the budget and finance committee reserve. And the request before you today is to have that 3 million in reserve be released, be used for paying the settlements reached totals 4,395,000. Upon the relief of the reserves, if approved, those would go to paying the 19 settlements reached out what is referred to as the david alfaro et la versus the city and county of San Francisco case, relating to the inverse condemnations costs arising from the flood damage relating to the winter storms. There are currently no additional outstanding claims from those events and though, i do think generally, theres expectation that there are some coming our way but there are none outstanding. Some of this includes the Floodwater Grant Program for which Grant Programs can get up to 100,000 for improvements to their property to make them more flood resilient and we also have a one hundredyear flood risk map officially adopted and a disclosure ordinance for property transactions within that defined risk zone. And there is also an ongoing rainready Public Awareness and Outreach Program that is used to build awareness and preparedness for those Property Owners and residents within the flood risk areas. And we want to assure the board of supervisors that the Public Utility Commission takes these resiliencecy efforts extremely seriously and we look forward to continuing our work with the board of supervisors to reduce the flood claims exposures that the city has and we are requesting today, again, that the board of supervisors approve the release of the reserves to fund these 19 settlements and if that is the result from todays consideration, those settlements will be introduced for consideration by the full board of supervisors in the near future. And with that, i will stop and be happy to answer any questions that you have. Chair thank you. Supervisor fewer. Will there be more claims higher than the 1. 2 million that is needed right now . Yes, supervisor walton. I would call this an incremental request and we would anticipate coming back in the future for additional requests as needed so the 3 million takes us as far down the road as we can see with the settlement of the latest batch of claims. And the reserve is the only area of the budget that is allowable for the type of expense . My understanding, theres a line item, as i would generally refer to it, in the puc budget that we use for settlements and that budget item gets replenished partly through these actions and we are pulling both from the existing balance in that budget item and we would be utilizing this release of reserves that is the topic today. I would love to know the other areas of the budget have been looked at before we jump into any reserve. Ok, certainly. Ive been to hearings where the flooding in certain spots that is consistently throughout our city and talking about rona and then 17th and fulton, i think, the three areas. Now, what we have her is that some of it is actually topography of San Francisco and in this mitigation and plus, you know, were seeing more stores thastorms with our climae and we might be anticipating heavier rainfall and so homes ae flooded repeatedly during these storms and some of these floods are actually significant to the waterflow. Im wondering, weve had many discussions about this in the city, about the homes there and iwhat is the probability even with mitigation, even with homeowners learning how to shore up their homes, that we can actually address this issue since its part of this . Yes, so i think let me try to answer that, chair fewer. So in terms of is topography contributing the floods, i think the short answer is yes. The three general locations you just referred to, we know historically from the city mapping and topography that these were areas, they are essentially along significant waterways and they are at typically at the bottom, so to speak of the watershed, where the rainfall and the resulting runoff accumulates quickly and so those physical elements of those small portions of the city is not something that we obviously have the ability to change and it is a big part of the risk profile. The general consensus is its difficult to build your way to anything approaching 100 assurance that you will not have flood risk in these or similar types of areas and so i think the best Public Policy approach, you try to use a layer of resilient actions to reduce the risk as much as you can, to what you consider reasonable as a community and thats a very Important Community decision, is to what is that acceptable level. And so, when other item i know, again, youre well aware of this, the very ability we face and the severity and frequency of precipitation of storms is an uncertainty for the hotspot areas. Not a simple answer but these are contributing factors to the risk. Frustrating to say the least. Could we have the report, please . Chair fewer and members of the committee, item 3 approves the release of 3 million on budget and finance reserve to pay 19 claims related to the storms in 2014 and 2016. We show the spending on page 8 of our report. We estimated given existing funds that the need is 2. 1 million rather than 3 million and were recommending the release of 2. 1 million which would be retain about 165,000 on reserve. Were available for questions. Thank you very much. And so, you heard the recommendations from the bla and are you in agreement with that . We are in agreement with the bla recommendation. Thank you very much and having said that, madam clerk, can you please open this up for Public Comment. Operations, please let us know if there are call es ready. If you have not done so, press star 3 to be added and for those on hold, continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Please let us know if there are any callers who wish to comment on item number 3. Yes, i have one caller in the queue. Is. Chair welcome, callers. Speaker im francis ko fraa decosta and i see you are not paying attention to what is happening right now. The fbi is investigating this case and you are looking at this in a very general way. I dont give a damn if somebody is representing the city on any level says yes. We cannot begin the outreach at this time, at the 11th hour with this pandemic going on. You have no clue what happened to azul. Its p about the runoff and the flooding. I dont even have to comment as im doing now. I can go directly to the fbi because i have more information. Thank you very much. Thank you. Madam chair, that completes the queue. Chair so colleagues, this item does not need to be forwarded but we need to have a volvote to release the funds. Im making a motion to release the funds. Supervisor walton, so sorry. Thank you, chair fewer. I would like to get a response that this is the only Resources Available to address the lawsuits. Mr. Norby. I dont have an answer this morning but i can get an answer as soon as possible and provide that back to the supervisors. Chair fewer, im wondering if this is something that has to be approved today, because before we start dipping into reserves, i would love to see if there are any opportunities for resources within the puc budget to address this revenue. Supervisor walton and chair fewer, if i may, megan imperial here and i just want to give a quick overview of the Available Funds. So right now, we currently in our budget from our analysts have notified me about the Available Fund balance from the puc is 2,763,857, which is why the additional funding is required as a 2. 1 million, give or take. And so, we work with this with the bla and we came to that number due to that conclusion. Thank you so much and i have no discrepancy in the numbers and i understand that quite clear. My question is, is the reserve the only place in the puc budget where you have to take out the 3 million or the exact amount of 2,131,243 that is owed to cover lawsuits at this time . Is there another place in the budget where these dollars are available, is my question . I think what hes asking for, is there another source of funds besides this reserve . And then i see, if you dont minmind supervisor walton, i see supervisor mandleman in the queue. Do you have a question. This is a finance committee reserve that we put on reserve and i guess, utley ultimately, s the board of supervisors. But the reserves were asked to dip into is a budget and finance committee reserve because the budget and finance committee has not previously wanted to be sending more money over than was definitely and thats right, right . Am i getting it . Thats my understanding. As you know, supervisor mandleman that has happened where the bla will recommend and back to money in our own reserve. So, indeed, you are correct, that this is our budget and finance committee reserve and this has been, i think, suggested, im assuming, by the bla, that we would hold this in reserve and so, this is what is coming back for, the release of the funds and i do think that supervisor waltons question, though, is even if we decide to vote on this today to release the funds from our own reserve in the puc, is there another fund that helps to pay for these sort of expenses . Is that correct, supervisor walton . Correct, or would even allow for revenue to be released for these expenses. Sure. So i think that what he is correct me if im wrong we were wondering, there is a timeline for this or this can be continued to the budget and finance committee, and is probably getting crowded right now or is this something you would accept in writing from the sf tv or to the committee, that they could answer this question if we were pass this on to committee, pass this today, that they could respond to you in writing and respond to the full committee, quite frankly . Thank you, chair fewer. I would accept that writing and i want to get the departments to get in the habit of trying to use other resources before we dip into the reserves, to cover any expense. And so i am satisfied with getting this in writing of what other options are available for future conversations. But i want all of our departments to be mindful of that. Chair i have mr. Norby and supervisor walton, what this committee is asking. Very much. Chair we look to see that in our mailbox and with that, i would like to make a recommendation to approve the release of 2,135,000 from the budget and finance committee reserve. Call the vote, please. role call . There are three ayes and could we please file this hearing . Yes, i would like to motion to file this hearing. role call . Chair madam clerk, can you call item number 4. A revolution approving the issuance and sales of revenue obligation by the california statewide Community Authority and aggregate principle amount not to exceed 10 million to refinance the rehabilitation and improvement of educational and related facilities operated by school for boys. Members who wish to provide Public Comment call 415 6550001, meeting i. D. , 146 1617499 and press pound twice. If you have not electric done so, dial star 3 to line up to speak. Chair today we have the controllers office. Supervisor stephanies office is available. Speaker good morning, im from the office of Public Finance and ill be giving background about the process and as chair fewer mentioned, we have Sophie Hayward and they can speak if there are questions. Tax equity and fiscal responsibility act allows for the Tax Exemption of interest on certain types of debt and in in case, the proposed finance is issued through the california statewide communitys Development Authority or cscda to which this is a participating member. The authoritys authorized issue bonds and other forms of indebtedness including previous issued debt. So this resolution is before you because federal tax law requires the governing body which the project is located approves the financing after providing the opportunity for a duly noticed public hearing before the bonds could be issue on taxexempt basis and the jurisdiction is not obligated for payment on the bonds. A hearing noticed was published on june 18, 2020 and Via Teleconference on june 26, 2020 and no members were heard or received through this public hearing process. A little background on town school. Since its founding in 1939, town school for boys has educated boys k8 to developing a lifelong love of learning and celebrating boys at each stage of growth and as an allboys school, theres rigorous educational addresses Energy Levels and developmental styles of boys and being a diverse and exclusive community nurtures sensitivity and respecting its boys and prepares them to be productive and contributing members of an ever changing world. There are 415 students in grades k8 and the town school intends to use the procedures to refinance taxes and certain obligations on august 7, 2013 for the benefit of the bar in amount of 10 million. The pro sees of which were applied to finance acquisition and construction, renovation, and eequipping of the education and Rehabilitative Services at 2750 jackson street which in the resolution is referred to as at 2013 project. The 2013 project is owned and operated by the bar or town school. Assuming all required approvals are retained, cscda expects tax exempt obligations in an amount not to exceed 10 million and its Rose Fullbright and approval, again, of the legislation will have no fiscal impact of the city and county of San Francisco. The original project was located in district 2 and the legislation is being sponsored by supervisor stephani and we appreciate the help of their office and coordinating this. If you have any questions, im here and also represents of the school and supervisor ste particulaphanisoffice. Chair do you have a Powerpoint Presentation to share with us . We do not. But im happy to answer question. We have statistics if youre interested in things like ethnic diversity, Tuition Assistance, the students we serve and how we serve them across the city. Chair sure. If you would like to share that data with us, that would be great. This is primarily from San Francisco and moran and 45 of the student body selfidentify as students of color. The ethnic breakdown of our students is 8 africanamerican, 28 asian, 34 biracial, 5 latino, hiss tan nick and 4 eastern and 17 multiracial, 1 native american and 3 are the other ethnicities. And we have a Tuition Assistance budget of approximately 2,126,000 and that serves approximately 20 of our students. Our tuition is about 37,964, but the average Tuition Assistance award is 24,464. A couple of other things were proud of at town school, we have leased a field for the past 15 years allowing us to make this available to many union organizations, including the San Francisco little league, biking, soccer, San Francisco boys and girls club at no cost to them. And in adig, about 30 years ago, town school launched the new Teacher Institute which is a twoyear Teacher Training Program and 200 individuals have completed the program to date, town underwrites the cost of the program as part of the operating budget and its graduates go on to teach in both public and private schools across the city and county and country. And i think thats all i was going to address in my comment. Thank you. Chair colleagues, any comments or questions . Seeing none, lets open this up for Public Comment on item 4. Operation is checking to see there are any callers in the queue. Operations, please let us know if there are callers that are ready. If you have not already done so, please press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those oare there any callerh to comment on item number 4. Madam chair, there are no callers in the queue. Chair thank you very much. No comments or questions, i would like to a motion to move this with a positive recommendation and can i have a roll call vote. role call . Item number 5,. 5. Pair indiscernible . This commences following board approval and execution of modification number two and with no changes to the term expiring on june 30, 2021. Members who wish to provide Public Comment should call 415 6550001, meeting i. D. 1461617499 and then press pound twice. Dial star 3 to line up to speak. Chair Kathy Weidner from the international airport. Thank you, chair fewer. Im Kathy Weidner with the San Francisco airport. The resolution would approve the second modification to the airports ground lease with United Airlines to recapture aircraft parking space through an exchange of parcels between the airport and united that would result in a net decrease of the united plot 6 premisses by approximately half an acre and a decrease in the annual rent payable by united by 95,000. And as a part of the airports ongoing efforts to maximize the use of ramp space in and around our terminals, the airport developed additional aircraft parking and made other related improvements to the area of plot 6, which required the proposed adjustment to the leased premisses for the airport to recapture portions of the space in exchange for slightly less space to accommodate aircraft parking. The terms of modification to provide for the exchange of parcels between the airport and united that results in a net decrease of the united lease premises and decreases the and rent payable by united by 95,000. The fiscal impact of this modification does not meet the threshold for a budget analyst report, but i would be happy to answer questions if you have them. Chair thank you very much. Any comments or questions from colleagues . And there is no billing report on this. Lets open this up for Public Comment. To. Operation is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. Operations please let us know if there are callers that are ready. Please press star 3 to be add. For those on hold, continue to wait until the system in case you have been muted. Please let us know if there are callers to comment on item number 5. There are new callers in the queue. Chair i would like to move this with a positive recommendation. Could we have a role call. Pair role call . There are three ayes. Chair 6. Professional Services Agreement, criminal 51895 for the operations and maintenance of the baggage system in the harvey terminal for a total not to exceed 21 million for a term of two years and commencing august 1st, 2020 through june 30, 2023 and members who wish to provide Public Comment should call 415556001 and 166117999 and press pound twice. Chair Kathy Weidner from the San Francisco international airport. Yes, Kathy Weidner, the proposed resolution would approve a maintenance contract in the airports terminal one between sfo and gleamer Life Management through june of 2023 in an amount not to exceed 21 million. The contract has a one twoyear option to extend through june of 2025 which would be subject to future boardch supervisors boa. The current contract is the result of a 2015 competitive request for qualifications and proposals process for a design build contract for the terminal one baggage handling system. The design build contract was partially funded by the federal transportation administration, security administration, tsa and stated that the airport would enter into an operation and maintenance contract with the baggagehandling system provider through the guarantee to repair period for up to five years after the start of the system operations. They provide the individual carrier systems for baggage handling technology and equipment and the proposed contract will provide operational availability 24 7, as well as labor, materials, parts and equipment to perform operations and Maintenance Services related to the baggage handling system. The scope of services includes scheduled and preventative maintenance, oncall, unscheduled maintenance and input and performance report. There are performance standards that are a part of this contract which include 99 for availability, 98 for the checked baggage inspection accuracy standard and 97 for the floatation subsystem practicing accuracy standard and 98 for preventative maintenance and routine inspections. This is given to the current downturn in operations due to the covid19 impact, as well as the need for physical distancing of employees. The Budget Analyst Office has reviewed the contract and recommends approval but i would be happy to answer questions. Thank you very much. Could we have the daily report, please. Members of the committee, item number 7 approves a new contract between the airport and beamer for the operations and maintenance in the harvey milk terminal and 21 million through june of 2023. As miss weidner said, this is a contract under the original design build agreement between beamer and the airport. There was a fiveyear guarantee to repair period in which beamer would continue to be responsible for the operations and maintenance of the baggage handling system. We show the budget for this contract on page 12 of our report and revenues of the airport and we recommend approval. Im available for any questions you may have. Any comments or questions from my colleagues . Supervisor walton. Thank you, chair fewer. Just a quick question, does this add or take away any jobs at the airport . Through the chair, supervisor walton, not city jobs. This is contracted jobs and they add some jobs to keep up the system that this company installed. Thank you. Last week, they approved the baggage handling system maintenance and whats the difference with this contract . The contract that was approved last week was for baggage handling in terminal two, as well as the boarding bridges throughout the airport. As you know, terminal one is the new construction project and this is an entirely new system for that terminal and this contract relates only to our heartvy milourouourharveymilk t. When you negotiated this new contract, you kept in mind that our airports may not be capacity as it was precovid, correct . Correct. Are you telling me that this contract reflects that, the price of this contract reflects the downturn at the airport in. The price of the contract that includes the labor, the staffing thats required reflects a lower amount than the staffing that would be required if we were to be at full operations and, again, this is one of those contracts where we only pay for the services provided, but in this case, the negotiation with gleamer happened during the downturn and all of that was taken into account. Madam clerk, lets open this up for madam comment. Operation is checking to see there are any calls in the queue. Please level us know if there are any calls that are ready. If you have not done so, press star 3 to be added. For those on hold, continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Are there any callers who wish to comment on item number 6. Madam chair, there are no callers in the queue. Chair Public Comment for 6 is closed and i would like to move this board with a positive recommendation and can i have a role call, please. role call . There are three ayes. Can you please call item number 7. Resolution authorizing the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development on behalf of the city to execute a Grant Application under the department of housing and Community Development, local housing for an amount not to exceed 5 million. Call 415 6550001 if you wish to provide Public Comment. If you have not done so, dial star 3 to speak. Chair we have ann romera. Im ann romera and im here to authorize on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco to submit a Grant Application to the California Department of housing and Community Developments, local Housing Trust fund program, notice of Funding Availability for funding up to 5 million. They authorized the bon act allowing for the allocation of 57 millions of bond proceeds for state and local Housing Trust fund program and this Program Provides matching funds to house funds established by city and counties like San Francisco under the Charter Amendment and the notice of Funding Availability was released on april 30th and the applications are due on august 3rd. Theres a maximum application amount per county of 5 million. And they propose to match state funds with an equal investment of the San Francisco Housing Trust fund and Construction Financing of 100 affordable new construction rental housing. Projects would be currently in our pipeline and would be affordable and restricted to households at 60 and would include 30 restricted to extremely lowincome households with incomes defined by hcd and if awarded, we will return to you with an acceptance resolution identifying a specific project as well as loan approval request for that site. I have one request from a minor amendment to the resolution and if we could please strike out the reference to adopting findings under sequa which is not applicable for this approval. Thank you for considering this resolution to increase Affordable Housing investment in San Francisco. This concludes staffs presentation and i am available for any questions if you have them. Thank you. Thank you very much. Chair i see, supervisor walton, youre in the queue. Just a quick question looking at the dollar amount. Why have we not identified a site . Yes. So that is a good question and we were looking at sites in our pipeline to see if we could identify the appropriate site and we have one that we think will work well. However, we want to apply these funds for units online as quickly as possible and we want to see if they are competitive e state funding. In addition, the requirement is that theres a dollarfordollar match and so we need to make sure that the housing San Francisco trust fund is a good match for that project. And we are zoning in on one that we think it will work and we are hoping to put it all into one project and that would be 5 million from the grant, 5 million from San Francisco, Housing Trust fund and we would bring that project to you when we come back. So we just werent ready yet to commit in application because all of the details werent nailed down yet. Thank you. Chair thank you. And then, madam City Attorney, i am imagining that the amendment is not substantive . You are correct. Chair seeing no one else in the queue, let open this up for Public Comment. Madam chair, operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Operations, please let us know if there are callers ready. If you have not done so, press star 3 to be added to the queue and for those on hold, wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Are there any callers who wish to comment on item number 7. Madam chair, there are no callers in the queue. Chair thank you very much. Public comment on item 7 is closed and no daily report on this and i think that you will get back to us once you identify and every little bit helps. I would like to make a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation and if we could have a role call vote, please. role call . Chair i make motion to adopt the amendments. role call . There are three ayes. I would like to move this to the board with a positive recommendation as amended. Thank you. On the motion role call there are three ayes. Chair item number 8. For this grant was issued on february 6 and that is the reason for the troat active requesretretroactive act. We wanl to immediately assist in covid, but threaten then hopefully, a e will become available and we will have this person move to other Communicable Disease needs and this may include tb, working with the Communicable Diseases or working with std and hiv work. But the idea would be to have this parole added to our workforce to be able to better serve the people of San Francisco. This is for 660,000 and what you said is that this is really to fund im assuming a nurse isnt making 660,000. Thats correct. That takes into account the indirects with the salary and, also, the general administrative indirects that the city has for budgeted positions. This would be for about a threeyear period that we would be funding the nurse through this grant. Chair any comments or questions from my colleagues . There is no bla report on this. If not, lets open this up for Public Comment, item number 8. Yes, madam chair, operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Operations, please let us know if there are callers that are ready and if you have not done so, please press star 3 to be added to the queue and for those on hold, wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Are there any callers who wish to comment on item number 8 . Madam chair, no callers in the queue. Chair thank you very much. Public comment on item 8 is closed and i would like to make a motion to move this to the board and a role call vote. role call . There are three ayes. Chair madam clerk, can you call item number 10. Declaring an emergency under the administrative call during the may 2020 fire improving emergency contracts and enter into the port of San Francisco to take all necessary and appropriate measures to perform repair work to pier 45. Members who wish to provide comment should call 415 6550001 and meeting i. D. 164 1677749 and press pound twice. If you havent done so, press star 3. Chair thank you. Do very a representative from the San Francisco port today, katie pichioni. Im the Deputy Director of port finance. Im here this morning to ask for the boards approval of a resolution declaring an emergency under chapter 6 and chapter 21 of the administrative code in response to the fire that occurred at pier 45 on may 23rd. As you know, both chapter 6 and chapter 21 authorize a Department Head to award a contract in case of an emergency without engaging in a normal competitive bid process. The administrative code requires that the board of supervisors subsequently declare an emergency and an affirm the work done protects the public safety, health, welfare and property of people in San Francisco. On saturday, may 23rd, a fouralarm fire broke out at shed sea on pier 45. Thankfully, no one was injured, but the fire completely destroyed the shed. On june 3rd, the ports acting executive director who was actually me at the time, declared an emergency under chapter 6 and then a week later, we amended the declaration to include chapter 21 services, as well. And the declaration defined possible Contractual Services includes design and historic preservation, Hazardous Material abatement, engineering and construction, stabilization repair and restoration work at pier 45. To date, the port has used this authority to procure restoration and Cleanup Services at the remaining three sheds at pier 45. We have engaged a contractor to demolish shed c and also engage contractors to assess the site of the fire, to project manage the demolition and to perform Environmental Monitoring during demolition. Thank you. Chair please let us know if there are any callers in the queue wishing to speak. Are there any callers who wish to comment on item number 10 . I have one caller in the queue. Chair welcome, caller. Speaker supervisors, im francisco decosta, ten years ago, i attended a number of meetings at the San Francisco Port Authority and there was talk that they would report on this warehouse. And so some general statements have been made that this fire took place, but what about the sprinklers . It was Due Diligence to have the sprinklers in place. And having said that, one of the reasons im calling is, im good friends with the board to the fishing boat, Pioneer Foods and you have treated Pioneer Foods very badly. And ive spoken to them many times. On occasion, ive gone over there to the pier to buy fish and now and youve told them they can no do their business over there. And so, they are going to do their business even though you were kind of at fault for having no sprinklers. Speakers time has expired. Thank you, speaker. Is there anyone else in the queue . Madam chair, that completes the queue. Chair Public Comment is now closed and so i think i probably should ask you with this remodel, are you putting in any sprinklers . Well, the shed itself was completely destroyed and so, we will be rebuilding the shed and at that point, yes, i would expect we would install a Sprinkler System in the building. Chair having answered that question, i would like a motion to move this to the boar with a positive recommendation. Could we have a role call vote, please. role call . There are three ayes. Is there any more business before us today . No further business. We have adjourned and just for listening public that are meeting later, budget in Appropriations Committee has been canceled. Thank you very much. Hi. Im Chris Mathers with channel 19, and youre watching coping with covid19. Today, im going to be talking about exercising during the pandemic. First, im going to tell you what ive been doing, and then im going to be checking in with some friends and family. Ive been riding my bike. All i take is a pair of gloves and a mask if i come into contact with anyone. I try to ride my bike during the time im sheltering in place. I try to ride for at least 30 minutes. Surfing is my other regular outdoor activity. California state guidelines recommend you dont drive more than ten minutes for a spot to exercise, and although im close to ocean beach, im a bit wary to go there, so im using the time to do some maintenance. Filling in gouges and dings, and sanding it down. Im also repairing holes in my suit. Fellow sfgovtv producer chris took his first yoga lesson a couple of years ago and used to go to a class regularly before the lockdown. He and his wife set up a space in their garage for exercising. This routine is from an online class by power yoga. Deann and andy have been using the ping pong table that they bought off craigslist and set it up in their back yard. Ellie has been using this home gym to stay fit. It has everything she needed. And lastly, if the weather is bad outside, you can exercise your mind by doing a puzzle, sudoku, or just by reading a good book. Heres a quick recap. Since i started this episode, the guidelines have changed. For instance, jack may be able to go golfing with some restrictions. Go to sf. Gov to get the most thank you all for joiningu. As of today we have four thousand sixty nine confirmed cases in San Francisco and sadly people have lost their lives. We averaged testing three thousand two hundred twelve people each and everyday in San Francisco. This exceeds our goal of conducting eighteen hundred tests per day. We also know we need to do more. Now especially with people facing longer wait times to get their results and also to get tested in the first place. Covid 19 in the bay viewpoints and in the valley and mission demonstrate that we clearly have a real disparity. Early on in our responses to covid 19 we created a field care clinic at the Community Health crepter to bring testing to people. Recently we announced the opening of a testing site of a latino testing hub. Im excited to announce an expansion that will bring test to go areas of the city that have been especially hit hard. To do this, were going to make three major expansions. First, we will expand our city tests site by adding four hundred new slots a day where we can continue to on focusing on essential workers who need testing the most. Our fire fighters, police officers, Health Care Workers and people who are taking care of San Francisco. We will launch two mobile pop up sites that can test up to two hundred fifty people per day. One will start this week, the other next week. They will rotate to different neighborhoods in the city that are seeing high rates of covid 19 and need more testing options. Third, were creating a third city test sf site at the south east of the city. The location is still being developed with community input. It should launch in august with the ability to begin tests five hundred people per day. In total well have an a additional fourteen hundred testing slots per day. Thats nearly a 45 increase over what weve been averaging over the last week. This new testing along with the requirement for private partner it do their part will help us make testing more easily available especially for symptomatic or high risk individuals. Resources for people to test positive, right to recover, hotel room it isolate. Those are all the things we need to go hand in hand with our testing capacity. To find out more information on how to get tested please go to the website or call 311. Im really proud of the work were doing to expand testing in San Francisco. We know that we cant test our way out of this pandemic. We need people to be responsible. To keep their distance from others to avoid gathers, and to wash their hands. Getting testing is not a passport to do whatever you want. You can still get infected at any moment. When i see people acting irresponsibly or on some of our busiest commercial corridors, im really disappointed. What youre doing when you gather with friend friends and t waring a mask. Youre making our recovery longer, youre making it more difficult for kid it go back to school. Youre making it more difficult for folks to visit senior homes. More difficult for people to get back to work. Our nail salons and barbershops. Massage and tattoo parlors and things like that. You are making things more difficult for others not just yourself. I know its hard. Im tired of living in this covid 19 world just like you are. The sooner we can act responsibly, the sooner we can get back together in a more real way. At this time id like to introduce dr. Grant c olfax. good afternoon, thank you, mayor. Im dr. Grant director of health for the city of San Francisco. As the current surge continues our reopening plans must remain on pause. Last week, we told you that it took us 38 days to go from 2000 to 3000 cases. Its taken thirteen days to go from three thousand to four thousand. We are averaging seventy nine new cases everyday diagnosed. We know there are more cases out there as the virus continues to spread. These numbers put us in the red zone of one of our key Health Indicators. As of tomorrow well have been in that red zone for a month. Since monday San Francisco has been on the state watch list that restricts reopening. The reason for the watch list is our rapid increase in hospitalization. We remain on high alert. Our goal is to keep the rate of hospitalizations of covid 19 patients to less than 10 . In San Francisco we can slow the spread of covid 19. We have flattened the curve before. We must do it again. Lives are at stake. You know what to do. Wear Face Coverings out side of your hous household. Stay six feet apart from others and avoid gatherings. While you do your part, the city is doing its part too. The testing expansion is one of our strategies. Its an important one and especially paired with Contact Tracing, it can help us contain covid 19. But testing alone will not bring us out of the red zone. Id like to talk today about the role of testing in our citys pandemic response. Five months ago San Francisco had never conducted a single test for covid 19. On an average day this month, we conducted more than three thousand. Building our testing infrastructure has been a tremendous effort that involves hiring staff, ordering supplies, deploying testing sites across the city. A severe lack of federal leadership has made testing a significant challenge across the challenge. Faced with limited resources San Francisco prioritized testing for the people with greatest needs. Its important to understand that the testing universe is much larger than the tests that people are seeking out for themselves. We test all residents and staff in San Franciscos Skilled Nursing facilities. We test as part of out break response in many studies across the cities. We test all people with symptoms and hospitals and clinics. Because of the strategy we have been able to slow down the spread of the virus. And we are doing well compared to other places. San francisco has the lowest rate of covid 19 cases and deaths and the highest rate of testing. I will say that again. San francisco has the lowest rate of covid 19 cases and death and highest rate of testing when compared to other jurisdictions including los angeles, seattle, denver, boston, new york, and other big cities. Therefore we have a foundation to build upon and we are doing exactly that. Today demand for testing is growing because were experiencing a surge for demand for testing and surge in cases. Its getting harder for individuals to book an appointment and taking longer to get test results. As we expand capacity, we must target our effort. We are not going to test our way out of the pandemic. This is an important point, test sg a limited resource and we must use it wisely by focusing on people who are most likely to be exposed, we increase our ability to find cases. Through Contact Tracing, we can further reduce exposure and spread. Testing is not prevention. A positive test means that the virus has already spread. And a negative test is not a passport to take risks or it to do whatever you want. We have a vision of realizing universal access to testing in San Francisco. But we cannot get there alone. A surge is making our circumstances more challenging all around. Private providers need to do their share. The city is conducting nearly two thirds of all covid 19 test tg right now. We know that many of the people seeking testing from the city have private insurance. That is why we have issued a health order requiring businesses to test people with symptoms and those with contacts and those residents at highest risk of exposure. This order aligns with the state which is requiring that insurance plans cover testing. Represent only 15 of the citys population. In addition workers must leave their homes to take on more risk are getting sicker in greater numbers. And the neighborhoods in the eastern and southeastern side of the city continue to have a higher rate of cases. The surge is making all of these disparities worse. In the past two weeks, we have expanded testing in the mission, bay view, tender loin and sunny veil neighborhood. We administered twenty two hundred tests to date. In the weeks to come we will continue to expand test inning the south east and deploy mobile testing in neighborhoods that need it most. And well continue to prioritize people with symptoms, people referred to testing by contact tracers and workers that are greatest risk of exposure. Such as first responders, disaster workers, and Health Care Workers. While the city is doing all of this, here is what san franciscans can do. If a Contact Person reaches out to you to say you might have been exposed to covid 19. Please take that call. Contract tracers can help you track your symptoms and get tests and get you resources like food and cleaning supplies if you need to isolate. If you have a Health Care Provider, please try to book your testing with them. That will help the people with out insurance, Health Care Workers and people most effected by the pandemic. And of course, if you are feeling sick, please stay at home. If youre not feeling sick and going out, you must cover your face. Stay six feet away from people out side your household and please, please avoid gathering. Gatherings are part of whats driving our current surge. If you are gathering with people who dont think they are sick or dont look sick, that doesnt matter. You can still transmit covid 19 without symptoms. Even if people have gotten a negative test recently, that doesnt mean they are negative that day. We have seen increases in covid 19 precisely because people are gathering more. This is a critical time for all of us to come together as one community. Take the precautions as we have asked for many weeks now. We can all do our part. Ask your Health Care Provider for a test. If you have symptoms, have been instructed by a contact tracer or at higher risk for exposure because of your living or working continues. Lets show the world that San Francisco can flatten the curve again and resume our ohmings ops together. Thank you. thank you madam mayor, and thank you doctor for your time. Today we have a few health care and testing related questions for director c olfax. Thank you director the first set of questions are from michelle king. Is San Francisco going to start fining people for not Wearing Masks. Will they set up a test line. were looking for ways to increase enforcement across the city. We know from Public Health work that the best way to get people to comply with doing whats right in this situation including wearing the Face Coverings, its really chaifnged the social norm, the messengers are trusted Community Members who provide the support and information needed and in cases, the actual facial coverings so people can cover their faces and take the right steps. At the same time we are looking at enforcement options not so much at the individual level but looking and ensuring that were working to increase enforcement across the city of various institutions that may not be complying with health orders. We really need to protect each other so that we protect others. thank you where does the city stand on hair salons similar to people meeting outdoors such as restaurants. certain outdoor personal services. Were taking a look at that. Were reviewing the criteria and will make a derptio determinatid when those personal services can be opened outdoors and with the state guidelines. thank you. The la times. What lessons are we learning from new yorks experience with the pandemic. i think there are two things. Certainly we have learned from the new york situation how bad it can get and how rapidly it can get bad. When we look at the mortality rates when the Health Care Systems got overwhelmed. We can see sophisticated and Health Care Systems, when they get overwhelmed, more people get sick and more people die. Its impossible to take care of people in those situations. When we talk about the surge, im very concerned as cases increase, its plausible we can get in a new york type of situation in the late summer or early fall. Thats why everyone need it do their part to flatten the curve. The second part that weve learned from new york is that its possible to flatten the curve with the facial coverings and social distancing and high general staying at home that we encourage. I hope we can do that before a massive surge. New york has unfortunately had to do that after a surge. with regards to our private partners doing their part, what are we talking about . What are we asking of them . How are we holding them accountable . when talks about private partners. From the beginning of the pandemic weve been working with Health Care System as cross the city to ensure a unify response. Its really strengthened our ability for instance, to ensure people with covid 19 are getting the best care possible in the Health Care Facilities across the city. What we need to do with regard to testing is ensure that low barrier testing is provided to people per the health order from the many Health Care Systems across the si city. We know San Francisco is fortunate and most people have insurance and a provider that is covered by a health care entity. Per the health order the requirements are there so low barrier testing is provided particularly for people with symptoms, people with a known close exposure, close contact with a covid 19 positive person. For people what have been asked to get a test per the Health Department. There are a lots of opportunities that we hope will be opened up through this health order. City has done 60 of the covid 19 testing to date. In order to realize this vision of expanded testing, we need all providers to do more. thank you dreghtor. Director. Do you believe that private testing labs are keeping up with the ever growing need for city wide testing . part of our goal is to encourage providers an providerh care systems to expand their testing just as the mayor announced today. Were investing in more testing so do other Health Care Systems across the city. Theres the meeting demand for testing and prioritizing the neighborhoods for demand for testing. We need to do our part there. Theres the situation where labs are getting behind in terms of processing tests. To a large extent thats a national and state issue because the large lab entities that are processing these specimens are getting further and further hand. We all need to Work Together to ensure that labs are turning tests around as quickly as possible so we can flatten the curve by dpettin getting tests e quickly. thank you. What are the turn around time for test results in san fran francisco. testing turn around time varies demanding on where people get tested and the capacity of wherethe capacity of the lab of where those specimens are going. In some cases the specimens can be turned around within 72 hours but were seeing back ups especially with our provider labs and some of our own labs within the city. We are backing up seven days, ten days at this point. Thats something were seeing across the state and across the country. thank you director. Thank you madam mayor and dr. C olfax for your time. Any followup questions or questions after this meeting can be directed to dem press at sf dot org. Thank you for your time and that concludes todays press conference. Concludes todays press july 15th, 2020 remote meeting of the San Francisco board appeals. Shes join by daryl honda, rick swig, Rachel Tanner and eduardo. Also present is deputy City Attorney brad russy who will provide the board with legal advise. At the control is the clerk and the boards legal assistant. Im Julie Rosenberg the boards executive director. Well be joined by representatives from the city departments that have

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