And again, its at the early stages but i did see the announcement and would very much like that to be included in future updates. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any members of the public who would like to comment on this item . Chair, there is no Public Comment. Ok, Public Comment is closed and there is no action to be taken and so we can move on to the next item. Item 6, allocate 11,230,724 in sale tax funds and 1,043,89, 1,043,898 and double a Registration Fee fund with conditions. This is an action item. Miss leport. Good morning. Chair, are you able to see my slides . Yes, we are. Super. So the first of the three requests presented today is for the annual funding that the sale tax Program Provides to the paraprogram and weve been supporting this Program Since 2004 and there are a suite of services that mta offers as part of the Paratransit Program, most of which are still operating, of course, with declining ridership or lower ridership to the tune of 70 to 80 overall. Over the last quarter of fiscal year 1920, th 1920, include thei Incentive Program for Taxi Services to have wheelchairs, as well as other services, including the essential trip card program that was for launched to provide services to folks to seniors and disabled, as well as the shoparound shuttle, with access to Grocery Stores with assistance. The temporary suspended programs include the a inning go shuttle which provides access to cultural events and folks with common destinations. There are services that would provide for covidrelated activities to be offered by the Paratransit Program and Service Levels with increase, even if ride every shiridership is downd additional drivers is vehicles to operate the Service Levels that are required at this point. And so, we are expecting to see some costs go up, propk funds about 30 of the program overall. The next funding reques requestm the sfmta and this is for green paint and safehit post replace. Threplacement. This is foyou can call 311 oro the sf311. Org website to log a location where you would like improvements made and they are based at least for the protected bikeway network, theyre prioritized where that network currently exists and, also, for quickbuild locations are going in, as well, so that theres a safety measure that are in state of good repairs as other improvements are put into place. The last of the three requestions is for the prop double a vehicle Registration Fee fund for just over a Million Dollars for the new poles, the new bus stop signs and also for the munibranded solar powered lighting at the top of these signs. These would be improvements done on a routebyroute basis. The lines would be im going to pull up a revised map. Thithere are a map of locations that has been distributed and mta includes a couple of additional lines and they were distributed earlier or late last week and they reflect some requests that we have heard from board members, as well as additional input from the transit Operations Group at mta and so this these ar these are t would improve this funding. Overall, there are 89 lines currently in this sftas service portfolio. However, with each route taking a month to implement the new signage ad, it will take several years and mta is prioritizing the active lines that are currently operating in service right now in order to receive these upgrades, as well as prioritizing other muni equity lines. And with that, i can answer my questions or we have several project managers that are here, as well, who are able to answer questions. Thank you. Are there any questions from members . Commissioner yee . This is about the paratransit and as you mentioned, they have to worry about distancing and there would be fewer passengers per trip, i guess. And at least if the past, my understanding of how it gets reimbursed is per passenger. And so, have there been any adjustments in regards to the reimbursement for passengers loading up like they used to . I would like to ask Jonathan Chang who is the Program Manager to respond to your question. I do know that while jonathan is coming online or another sfmta staff member could address the question, there are costs that are associated with the negotiated Paratransit Service contract that are ridebased. So, we are likely to see cost savings for the program because ridership was lower and so how that would impact the 2021 contract is that if ridership is low, there will be cost savings and that is true. Prop k is a portion of the funding plan and so, the savings born by prop k would be a reflection of the proportional share of the total funding plan and so with 35 of the funding plan, the savings would be reflected into prop k. But lets see here, just taking time while sfmta staff is experiencing difficulties yes, if ridership is significantly lower, there will be cost savings associated with that. So im sorry, my question wasnt about cost savings. My question, really my understanding of how the Companies Get reimbursed for their services per ridership per person. Because i went through this several years ago to increase the reimbursements for the west side because of the distances people have to go and so if they were able to have, lets say, six passengers in the group, once upon a time, they could have two, then it makes sense that we should otherwise they will go out of business, right . Youre basically only theyre getting only a third of the money at this point. And so, the question is, are we going to adjust the payment for services per passenger if thats the case because this will cost them more to actually move one passenger from one place to another than reduce the costs . Well follow up and get back to you before the next board meeting, if thats ago, supervisor yee. Yes. Im just throwing out the question and i want to make sure they take that into consideration. Commissioner preston. Thank you, chair. I just wanted to thank the team for their flexibility and the dialogue around specifically around the signage Enhancement Program and appreciate you taking our input and we were very pleased to see them including the equity lines that they include the 22 philmore and 38 gary which were important to our office and i just wanted to convey our thanks. Thank you, commissioner preston. Are there any other members who have questions or comments on item 6 . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on this item . There is Public Comment. Operator you have one question remaining. First speaker, please. Speaker hi. I just wanted to say, im kind of concerned about the muni signage thats going on on generally the more frequent routes where theres already insufficient signage. Maybe reallocating that signage so it would go to routes like 36, that they dont have very good signage for most of the routes. Thank you. Are there any other additional comments . There is no additional comment. Public comment is closed. Is there a motion for item number 6 . Moved, fewer. Is there a second . Second, yee. Seconded by commissioner yee. On that motion, a role call, please. role call . The item passes on its first reading. Next item. Item 7, adopt the geneva san jose study final report into planning and this is an action item. Mr. Dwight, good morning. One moment to pum u pull up a s. Still no . No. Dustin, would you like anna to share for you. . There we go. My apologies. Good morning, chair and commissioners. This is dustin white. Im pleased to be here to present the report for district 11, san jose study sponsored by commissioner safais office. Just to or intelligent everybody quickly. This is known to many as the balboa park station. Its a very busy intermodal hub, one of the busiest bart stations outside of downtown San Francisco. This study was an opportunity for the mta to coordinate with several ongoing projects located directly at this intersection, notably the proposed Housing Development at the upper yard located right here, as well as barts ongoing modernization efforts and barts plans to create a new plaza, closing off a portion of this roadway here and then lastly, the ongoing efforts by the recreation and Parks Department to renovate the geneva powerhouse for community uses, located here and they are, as i understand, weret to finish construction on the first phase of that project. And a big focus of this study was looking at the mline stop expose tryinstopsand trying to t accessibility of those stops. The photos on this slide, the first two photos show the first inbound stop and its not up to modern standards. The boarding island is not long enough to accommodate a twocar train, requires passengers to walk through the middle of the street, connect to a crosswalk and the Pedestrian Access route to get to that boarding island. The accessible wheelchair lift located on this boarding island is a very dated mechanical lift system, which is prone to breakdowns in th. In the opposite direction, theres the outbreak stop where passengers are let off in the middle of the street and intend to cross midblock as they walk toward the balboa park station and this is seeking a solution to this, what we consider pretty acceptable transit situation. Ill just briefly highlight the big picture recommendations that the study is making and this slide north is to the right, so the art station is located here and this big blue area is the proposed upperyard Housing Development giving you an idea of what bart is proposing with its plaza project. And what the mta is recommendi g as solution to the mline is the construction of some very large transit boldouts in orange and that would include accessible boarding ramps. And this would enable the mline to both pick up and drop off passengers directly on to the sidewalk and it would prevent the ability of vehicular traffic to pass trains if theyre picking up and dropping off passengers. It would improve the accessibility of the stops and it would also enable the creation of sort of a new transit gateway, so to speak by taking advantage of the project area. And we think it would greatly enhance the safety and also reliability of the train because right now trains coming northbound making their final stop, if they have the person who requires the assistance of an accessible boarding platform, would have to travel an additional two blocks north to senica avenue, which is a great inconvenience to the passenger, of course, but it also has real negative impacts on muni reliability because it takes selfminutes for the traiseveras to make that manoeuvr and go back into service. The next step is to investigate the hydraulic structural feasibility of the proposed platforms. There are some Pedestrian Safety recommendations also coming out of the study at the san jose geneva intersection. In particular, theres one involving separating right turn movements from pedestrian crossings. And weve only just begun really investigating what this will cost, but a high level preliminary estimate is fairly high, roughly 10 million and were hopeful that threw the engineering feasibility, that cause potentially comes down and we do have about 1. 7 million programmed in prop k over the next two years to move this work forward and, obviously, that wont get us all the way through construction. A funding plan is something that will be required. And with that, im happy to answer any questions. Commissioner safai, any questions or comments . I was going to make a few comments. First up, let me say thank you to the sfmta and the Transportation Authority and public works and others and Community Members as balanc balk plan was started. This goes back 12 years. So essentially, what dustin was saying, designed to neatly coordinate and bring many of the different projects together in that area and it is a pretty dangerous intersection. When we move the from that disae will be have to be changes. I think with the improvement on the plaza and we got that final funding, about a 9 million upgrade and so, that will make this more attractive to everyone involved. Theres a lot of engagement of Community Members with bart and partners and all of the different groups that have been involved in this transportation upgrade. Sfmtas Advisory Committee and we had a couple of Public Forums and popups and i want to recognise and appreciate the work that has been done on that. Weve put in a significant number of speed humps and well do that with the second round. This intersection is the compliments of many different modes of transportation and many different bus lines and many different light rails, utilized by a tremendous number of students and workers and i think its the busiest bart station outside of San Franciscos downtown core. And you feel it. If youre there in the morning, you see the cars, the children, you see students and everybody coming together on multiple lines. Thank you to everybody for their hard work. Commissioner fewer. Thank you, chair. I just have one question. Where might the funding for this project come from as thi . And im wondering what are some of the Funding Sources . Mr. White . Ill have to defer to my colleagues with the Transportation Authority on that question. Ive not really been engaged in that funding discussion to date. Miss chang. I dont know, anna, did you want to pop in on this one . I think commissioner fewer, this is a hardwoo good question. Many questions could be brought to this project and its a matter of looking at it in the overall priorities. Theres a fair argument that this is a state of repair and this is what all operators get based on ridership and theres bond money that the current bond, as well as future bonds. And prop k is another source. Theres a lot of funds programmed and they are laid off already as we undergo the Strategic Plan process, the update for that might be an opportunity to reconsider where this falls within the Overall Agency priority. I will say that as a 10 million price tag, its something thats very conservative and based on just a conceptual layout. Weve engaged with dpw to bring some real numbers to that, to help us really have a better understanding of what the need will be. Ill just chime in. This is anna. There will probably be a medley of different fundin fundsmedleye and another source providing a match for phase funding so that design can be completed expect project can position itself well for competitive construction phase grants. Theres prop aa vehicle, Registration Fee safety funds, looking at reauthorization and figuring out the Sales Tax Program and where the priorities will fall and then affordable housing, sustainable communities, which is a grant that the upper Yard Development and bart plaza was successful in obtaining and those are ongoing Funding Sources, as far as availability in the future. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. Are there any members of the public who would like to testify on this item . There is no Public Comment. Commissioner safai, would you like to make a motion to adopt the study . So move. Is there a second for that motion . Second. Seconded by commissioner mandelman and on that motion, a role call, please. role call . The item passes on its first reading. Thank you, next item, please. Angela, youre on mute. My apologies. Item 8, approve the fiscal year 20202021 Transportation Fund for cleanair program of projects. This is an action item. Mr. Pickford. There is a surcharge on Motor Vehicles and this will improve air quality. 60 of the funds are managed by the air district for regional district programs and 40 by the city of San Francisco. We had 812,000 available this year and we received six applications requesting about 1. 7 million. All tfca projects must be a type defined by the air district and must meet a corresponding cost threshold. Policies do not include guidance and our local criteria approved in february instructing us to look at project type, emissions reduced expect readiness of the project, especially as most projects are to be completed in too years and zero emissions are the First Priority and this is a list of the other local expenditure criteria. Of the requests we received, we are recommending fully funding two requests and partially funding two requests to use the full amount of funds available. And first up, sf environments and purchase ride home program. This encourages commuter commuts provides a taxi ride home in case of an emergency and the idea is that people wont drive to work just in case. And so, even if theres a flat bike tire, they know they can get home to take care of a sick kid. Next up, shortterm bike parking to install about 1200 bike racks around San Francisco at locations that are requested and that are identified proactively by project managers. Our recommendation is to partially fund this project due to the suspended funds and because this is scalable and supplemented with sources such as prop k. Next is a battery electric shuttle. This was in the park that connects to various destinations including muni stops and it would replace one of the gas shuttles with a battery electric bus and we are recommending partial funding due to the limited available funds. Finally, another isn sfmta pro, the ebike owner prying 1250 towards the purchase of an electric bike for lowerincome families. They can replace car trips or school trips and other errands requiring a policy waiver from the air district. Weve shared recent research on the efficacy on ebike subsidies for reduction and we will work to address concerns that they have expressed regarding the eligibility of the project. If the air district will not allow the ebike project to move forward, were recommending a contingency list including fully funding the project and this would allow them to project is second electric shuttle bus and provide additional funds for the shortterm bike parking project to install an additional 185 racks. With that, i can take questions and we have project managers to answer specific questions, as well. Thank you, mr. Pickford. Are there any questions . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on this item . Operator there is one caller. First speaker, please. Operator you have one question remaining. Speaker i am in support this project. Thank you. Any additional speakers . No additional speakers. Public comment is clos closed is there a motion to approve the tmca program of projects made b mandelman. Is there a second . Mar. Seconded by commissioner mar and a role call, please. role call . Safai absent. Chair, should i try to read commissioner safais name again in. Why not. Commissioner s taafai. Still absent and so item is passed on its first reading. Next item, please. Item 9, affirm the San Francisco county Transportation Authoritys commitment to supporting efforts to improve cost effectiveness and to advance equity in project development is delivery for certain sanfrancisco projects proposed for 2050 and this is an action item. Miss beau. Did i say that right . So im going to share my screen now. So this is the update to our regions Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Community strategy. This is lead by mtca and mbag and the reason its required to update required toupdate every. It has two goals, demonstrating how the region will meet the Greenhouse Gas reduction targets by the state and how we will accommodate all new housing grows at all levels within the region and those are also set by the state. The first state was to adopt this broad set of Guiding Principles which are used to guide the development of a roadmap for housing and job growth by jurisdiction and an Implementation Plan to advance the housing jobs and transportation strategy, but also, to advance goals around the economic development, equity and resiliencing. What were talking about today is that the plan is required to have a transportation Investment Strategy which is constrained by the revenues that the region can reasonably anticipate to see through the Law Enforcement of the plan through the year 2050. In our role of the county transportation agency, we work with our local Partner Agencies to provide input with a focus on the transportation Investment Strategy and this is crucially important because transportation projects in the region must be consistent with this plan in order to be eligible for state and federal funding and in order to receive environmental clearances. The Investment Strategy is informed by the submissions by the counties and based on existing plans, like our sf transportation plan, and then, also, by other submissions by Regional Transit agencies like bart and caltrain. I know this graphic is all over the place, but keep in mind our local priorities are what is in the plan. Excuse me. Can you put your slides in presentation mode, please . Im sorry. Also, its not advancing as you speak. So another part of informing what ends up in the regional transportation Investment Strategy is a project performance assessment which mtv conducts on large regionally significant projects which are projects over 250 million in capital costs and that change the existing capacity of our transportation networks. And this performance assessment looks at cost effectiveness and equity impacts and alignment with the Guiding Principles on the prior slide. In prior years, projects that didnt perform well in the project assessment, they had to make the case to be included in plan bay area and this time, projects that have flags on them, instead, the counties are being asked to demonstrate how theyre going to improve those scores for those projects, which is a much better process, we think. And so thats the action in front of you today, with the star. And now that the assessment is complete, the mtca bag is asking all of the counties and project sponsors for this information. And before we move on to how San Franciscos projects. Performed, we want to flag we had concerns about the way the assessment process was conducted. It did disadvantage San Franciscos projects. So on the cos cost effectivenes, transit benefits were not captured which is important for the projects we invest in here, such as the munis red lanes. Bicycle communities are not able to be captured for Market Street and the process did not include consideration of the fact that smta has some of the most robust fair based in the region like muni life lines. On the equity assessment side, mtc had to use one moddology an. This is only part of the picture and so projects that benefit as more highincome residents than lowincome residents were flagged across the region as having equity challenges, despite the fact that some of the challenges projects might benefit more lower income residents than some of the advanced projects when you look the the absolute numbers and here in San Francisco, an urban setting with a high number of residents living close to lowincome residents, a lot of our projects were flagged for equity. And so, which of sa san franciss did perform well. We saw that projects that improved the existing Networks Performance such muni performance performed well, as well as projects improving the capacity of the core of the system like buses on express lanes and improvements to the bart transbay core system. However, most of the projects that were submitted through the process got at least one flag across the entire region and so here in San Francisco, most projects did receive this equity flag as noted, and particularly projects that flagged the system, such as the Treasure Island mobile program and downtown congestion pricing received flags for potentially increasing travel costs. What mtc has asked was for the counties to Firm Commitment to improving cost effectiveness and advancing equity in these projects. And so, the action before you today is a resolution with an attachment which has a table on each of the projects that we listed and how the ta board and the city is already committed to supporting efforts to improve cost effectiveness and to advance equity for each project that had a flag. On the cost effectiveness side, for dtx, our agency completed the Expert Peer Review Panel in 2019 and among other objectives, its wor working to improve thet effectiveness of the project. On the other considerations, the Regional Express lanes program is a collection of all potential proposed express lanes across the entire region and obviously that would be a highcost project, especially considering that most counties are considering widening projects to widen express lanes. For San Francisco, as we contemplate express lanes, were considering only lane conversions, which is a significant lane lower cost project. And finally, ill note on better Market Street, that sfmta and public works are reassessing Design Delivery informed by the existing carfree Market Street which has higher bike volumes and looking at hu how to reduce business impacts. And that will help address the cost concerns. For the projects listed, sfta has the most robust in the region and now they are participating in the regionalmeans based Pilot Program known as clippers start kicking off this week and thats exciting and this addresses the flag on the garry boulevard project, the pressure island program, the downtown pricing project as well as Regional Express lanes and express bus project. Caltrain ford has approved participation in the caltrain start and they are funding a 50 discount for lowincome riders and supervisor walton has been a leader to push caltrain to improve their affor affordabilid accessibility and this helps with the equity flag on the caltrain extension. For the Treasure Island mobility program, that includes a toll exemption for lowincome current residents, as well as subsidized transit passes. And finally, the downtown congestion pricing study is evaluating the equity performance with the goal of maintaining travel costs of a percentage of Household Income for lowincome households. Were seeking a draft resolution including the table of all of the additional detail and we will collaborate with mtc to ensure that San Franciscos priority projects are in the plan and they anticipat will apa final adoption in 2021. Theres some websites for more information and if you have any questions, i can take those now. Thank you. Are there any questions . See you none, any Public Comment on this item . Chair, there is no Public Comment. Public comment is closed and would somebody like to make a motion to affirm . Mandelman. Motion made by commissioner mandelman and seconded by commissioner ronen and on that item, a role call, please. role call . The item passes on its first reading. Next item, please. Item 10, authorize the executive director to execute master agreements, Program Supplemental agreements, cooperative agreements, Fund Transfer agreements and any amendments thereto with the California Department of transportation. For receipt of federal and state funds for the westside Bridge Agency seismic retrofit project in the amount of 382,500, planning programming and monitoring in the amount of 260,000 and the San Francisco School Access plan in the amount of 164,500. This is an action item. Good morning, commissioners. Can everyone hear me . I have a routine item to approve three grants we anticipate to receive and this would anticipate compliance with the caltrain funding. Our first is the west bridges seismic retrofit project to demolish eight bridge structures and reconstruct a relined roadway, six retaining walls and new undercrossing structure. This construction project will begin in summer of 2021 and be completed by officer of 2024. Our second grant for consideration is the planning programming and the monitoring program. And these activities are captured under our Congestion Management Agency function and are related to project planning, development and oversighted projects and totals to 260,000 of funds. Our last grant is the San Francisco School Access plan. Some may recall in 2016, we worked with the katie tang, the Mayors Office to complete the child survey documenting several challenges. And as a request of commissioner mar, staff assembled a Grant Application to further develop solutions for these medium to longdistance schoolships and on june 18th, im happy to announce that we received a grant award notification in the amount of 164,500. And one of the requirements is to adopt a resolution by august 21st to execute the grant agreement, to avoid losing the funds, which is why this item has come directly to the board and has not gone before the cc for approval. This study is anticipated to begin in october of 2020 and grant funds must be spent by february of 2023. In terms of fiscal impact, if all three grants are accepted, we will include them in our fiscal year 2021 annual budget is work program and any other budgets in the future that where we would expend these funds. In addition, well bring all procurements related to the plans to the approval of the board. With that, im happy to answer any questions on accepting these three grants. Any questions . Seeing none, good work and thank you, commissioner mar. Any Public Comment on this item number 10 . Chair, there is no Public Comment. Public comment is closed. And is there a motion . Mandelman. Motion made by voice chair mandelman and seconded by commissioner mar. On that motion, a role call, please. role call the item passes on its first reading. Any introduction of new items . Seeing none. Any general Public Comment . Chair, there is no Public Comment. Public comment is closed and the sfsca is adjourned. Thank you. good afternoon. The meeting. Welcome to the committee meeting. Im the chair of this committee. Im joined by vase mayor sm thank you to the committee clerk. Id like to thank sfgovtv. Do you have any announcements. yes to protect the members of the public the Committee Room is closed. All various local states and federal orders directives and directives. You can participate in the same extent as if physically present. Public comment will be available via Public Comment the number is across your screen. Opportunities are available by phone by calling 415 4550011. The meeting id. Press spownd and pound again to be connected to the meeting. When connected youll hear the meeting discussions but be muted and in listening mode. When your item of interest comes up press star to be added to the speaker line. Call from a quiet location and turn down your television and radio device. You may commit Public Comment in either of the following ways. You may email me. If you submit comment by email it will be included as part of the matter. The written comment may be sent via u. S. Postal service. Items acted upon today will appear on the board of supervisors agenda unless it is otherwise stated. thank you mr. Clerk. I was informed that supersizor haney wasnt able to make this meeting. on the motion to excuse officer haney. roll call . thank you. Mr. Clerk can you please call item number one. yes. Agenda item number one is resolution for purposes of code section f. Revenue obligations by the Development Authority not to exceed twenty five Million Dollars. Construction, renovation, improves or equipping of educational facilities to be owned and operated by the San Francisco School Association a nonprofit organization. Members who wish to provide Public Comment should call the Public Comment number. Enter todays meeting i. D. Press the pound symbol twice to connect to the meeting. Press the star key to enter the queue to speak. Im in a receipt from a memo of your desk that this be moved to next weeks meeting. i want to note that we have mr. Jeff benet available for questions. hello. Thank you so much chair for hearing this item today. We are introducing this as we are the district seven Supervisors Office in which one of the campuses where the School Provides in. We have the pleasure of working with our school early on in the design processes. We hope the campus once in full completion will be one of the entrance points for the west Portal Community and were really supportive of this resolution to approve the issuance of the obligations. Youll see the school is comeeted and renovated. We look forward to our ongoinggo partnership as part of our west Portal Community. Thank you so much. Im here to answer any questions you may have. great. Thank you. Next id like to welcome up the controllers office. good afternoon. Thank you for bringing this it item. Representing the schools here. He can speak in more detail specifically about the project. As a reminder for you and to provide context that tax equity and i fiscal responsibility act exempt interests on certain type types of debt. The issue due to california enterprise authorize. The city and county is a participating member. The authority is authorized to issue bonds, notes, certificates of participation including refunding previously issued debt. Federal tax law requires that the governing body approves the financing and project for a duly noticed public hearing. The jurisdiction which is city and county of san fra franciscos not obligated on the bonds. The web page 2020 a public hearing was held by the office of Public Finance on june 18th 2020. No comments were heard or received through the public hearing process. Background on the borrowers that it was established in 2019. It adheres to the principles shared by the schools or north America Service and Child Development freedom of teaching and human relationships and shaped responsibility. The Education Movement stems from the off streen philosopher. Screen. San fra francisco maintains enrollment of five hundred students of precatch through second grade. Refinance costs for construction renovation. This educational facility is located at had 7 470 in san fran kisfrancisco. Ten thousand twenty Square Footage lettic and Community Center located at the high school campus. Eleven hundred square foot expansion to the lower and middle school campus. A communal space and 1400 Residential Property in san fran kisfrancisco and other related costs. The california enterprise. i dont have any questions. Im happy to send this to the board for a full report. why dont we go to Public Comment. Are there any callers on the line . please let us know if there are any caller thats are ready. For those who have connected to our meeting by phone, please press star three to be added to the queue to be added to this item. Please wait until you are prompted to begin. Youll be prompted that your line is unmuted. For those watching our meeting on channel 26 if you wish to speak on this item, please call in. The phone number is 415 6550001. Enter the meeting i. D. After youve dialed you should press the pound symbol twice and press star followed by the number nine to enter the queue to speak. Do we have any caller oz n linee line for agenda item number one. there are no caller in the queue for item number one. thank you. Hearing no further callers Public Comment is now closed. Can you please call roll on the motion to send this item as a committee report. on the motion that this item be recommended to the committee report. roll call . thank you. Mr. Clerk can you please call item number two. agenda item number two is a resolution urging public works to take immediate steps to cancel the revenue agreement with j c. Grant of advertising rights. Members of the public who wish to provide comment on this resolution should call 415655100. Press the star key followed by the number 32 three to enter the queue to speak. thank you for your leadership on this issue. The floor is yours. thank you. I really want to appreciate the fact that you not only scheduled this but at a special meeting which at least got us to forward the School Matter to the full board but i would like to ask that this item subject to Public Comment be continued to our next regular meeting on thursday jul. Theres too much going onto spend the rest of the afternoon. I do want to thank all of the parties who have sent in information since our last hearing and subject to Public Comment i would like to continue this matter to the next regularly scheduled meeting and audit and Oversight Committee. why dont we go to Public Comment on this item. Any callers on the line . thank you, mr. Chair. Operations will check to see if there are any caller nz theers e queue. Press star followed by three to be added to the queue to be added to speak for this item. Please continue to wait until you are prompted to begin. You will hear a prompt that says your line has been unmuted. Have we received any callers who wish to speak on agenda item number two . i have three callers in the queue. I will release the first caller. first caller. Please begin. hello. I just have been hearing all about dtw in the news. I understand youre going to continue this item but i feel thats a mistake. The District Attorney are investigating it seems like the contact should be cancelled for being mixed up in it. We dont know how far the corruption goes yet. I ask the committee to please invalid this contract. I yield my time to the chair. thank you for your comment. Can you connect us to the next speaker please. hi, i was hoping this item would be heard today. I dont understand why you are tipping it. Has anyone thought about asking the city for paying for[indiscernible]. A french Advertising Company that doesnt care about our city. This community should vote on this context. Thank you and i yield my time. thank you very much for your comments. Could you connect us to the next speaker if we have one. hello. Im a resident of this city. Im been following this story. This contract is clearly part of one of his corrupt practices. Im not sure why you are continuing this as its clear he is doing this personally and not for the good of the city. This seems like a huge mistake. I would urge the committee to invalid the contract when heard next and its clear that dbw needs some oversight to not be so gullible. thank you so much for your comments. Could you connect us to the next speaker police. chair, that completes the queue. hearing no further callers Public Comment is closed. Thanks for making the motion to continue this item. I did want to note that the jull meeting not a regular meeting. Were also in the pros h procesf scheduling some special meeting just to handle the volume of items that are coming before us. thank you, chair. If i may make several comments. Thank you for the edfiction for the july 30th meeting being a special meeting and not regular meeting. Im happy to withdraw or amend that it be continued to the call of the chair. With regard to the comments from the members of the public that we just heard, lets be perfectly clear. This is a contract that was laid. The resolution that i introduced that we heard at the last meeting or meeting before last was a government audit and Oversight Committee was urging its cancellation. My line of questioning has, i think, discovered or highlighted isnt the contract that we entered into but the cancellation of the previous rfp which is actually a quite complicated matter as it relates to how the scoring was changed as it relates to other revelations that came out when one of the original bidders called in at our last meeting. That is going to take quite a while to delve into. It is very complicated subject matter. Given everything that is going on between taxes and budgets this friday afternoon, i think that we would be better off if we heard this in the days ahead. In either event this is a resolution urging the cancellation of said contract. thank you for the clarification. Again, mr. Clerk, i guess theres a motion to continue the item to the call of the chair. Can you please call the roll. roll call . mr. Clerk is there any further business . there is no further business before the committee. this meeting is adjourned. aye. this meeting is adjourned. Mayor breed today we have 4935 confirmed crisis of covid19 and 52 people have lost their lives. I will provide an update i tested negative for a second time after be exposed to someone with covid19. This does not mean that i am immune or can let my guard down moving forward. I will continue to keep my distance from others, wear my mask and frequently wash my hands just like everyone else should be doing. As you know, San Francisco has recently seen a sharp increase in cases in hospitalization as a result of the virus, and we had to pause scheduled reopening. On april 11, we had 94 people hospitalized. By midjune we were down to 26 people. We are back up to 80 people in the hospital. Today we want to provide an update on how we are moving forward as a city. As always, we will continue to be guided by the science in our data and Decision Making because we know how fast this pandemic can get out of control. As dr. Colfax outlined we have a small window of time to get our cases under control before we could see the large outbreaks that we are seeing around this country. We are continuing to pause our reopening indefinitely until our Public Health indicators improve and none of them are in the red. As of today, San Francisco is on the states watch list due to our rising hospitalizations, meaning we need to follow the state restrictions even though we were given a variance not too long ago to move forward more quickly with our reopening. We followed almost all restrictions. The main change is that indoor mall and non essential offers must now also close. If the state adds more restrictions we will follow them. If conditions in our city dont improve, we can also choose to close additional businesses and activities as well. We have flattened this curve once, and we must do it again. What i am afraid of is the complacency. People are tired of the virus. The virus is not tired of us. What we know from our Contact Tracing is that a large part of the new virus spread is coming from people having gatherings with others outside of their household. One of our Disaster Service workers, a person working on our disaster response, was recently infected due to one of those gatherings. She lives with a roommate and the roommate decided to go camping with 15 friends. They figured camping was a safe socially distance activity, they would wear masks and be fine. They didnt expect anyone in the group to have covid. After a few days, as is human nature, they got comfortable, started sharing meals and food and sitting closer during dinner and stopped wearing masks. One person in the group started to show symptom. They figured it was just a cold. When the roommate got home she started showing signs of a cough. She scheduled the test. The Service Worker had to quarantine taking her away from her important role. The roommate tested positive. The Disaster Service worker tested negative. The point is that gatherings remain dangerous. You need to give a lot of thought if they are worth it and how to do it safely. Can you wear a mask . Can you be socially distance . Can you wash your hands often . If you cant, you are not only risking your health and health of others but further pushing back the date when our city can open because we are not reopening until we get this under control. We need to redouble efforts to limit gatherings and wear masks outside of your household. The other major area of spread is among people going to work. Latino residents in particular in the eastern and southeastern neighborhoods are struggling. We are continuing to focus further expanding access to testing in these communities and conducting targeted outreach. We opened a new site to add to the expansion of testing sites in tenderloin, mission and sunnydale and bayview. The steep cant conduct all of the testing by ourselves. We need private care providers to step up. That is why we will be issuing a health order requiring private Healthcare Providers to increase testing by providing same day testing for patients with symptoms and close contact of people confirmed to have covid19. Additionally, private hospitals must provide testing to a symptomatic workers in jobs with risk of exposure. The delays in testing cannot continue. They must step up to do their part. The main message is that we need everyone to do their part. We have to get this virus under control right now. We dont be have months. We barely have weeks. Every decision you make affects everyone around you. If you choose not to wear a mask when you go out, you are delaying reopening further. If you are going to a barbecue and acting irresponsibly you are preventing children from being able to return to school, forcing parents to stay home from work or miss shifts at the job because you are not taking basic steps. Most importantly, you are endangering peoples lives. We want to move with reopening. We know we are going to be living with covid19 for the next 12 to 18 months. What we all do matters. How we all respond responsibly makes a difference. We have proven that time and time again in the past. We cant do that right now. We are all able to do our part. If we are going to get to where we are able to open and let people get back to work because they are financially struggling, allow kids to go to school and engage and interact with one another to learn and grow. We will see our elderly parents and grandparents in the nursing homes. How to get back to things that make life more meaningful has everything to do with everybody being part of the solution. Please know that we are not out of the woods. Know that we are seeing a spike. Know that you, only you can make the difference. Please wear your mask. Wash your hands. Socially distance and do everything to be part of the solution. That will make a difference to the city. I will turn this over to dr. Grant colfax for a update from the department of Public Health. Good morning. I am dr. Grant colfax, director of health. Thank you, mayor breed. In the past weeks, San Francisco has been experiencing a surge in cases and hospitalizations that have forced us to pause reopening plans. Increase our testing and Contract Tracing and care for many more covid19 positive patients. Unfortunately this is happening all across california. As of today, we join more than 30 counties statewide including most bay area counties on the states watch list based on the rising hospitalization numbers. I want to emphasize that the people in the hospital in San Francisco today as we speak are not only the elderly and the most frail. In fact, at San Francisco General Hospital the average age of the person hospitalized since july 1st with covid19 has been 41 years. Young people, middle age people, older people. We are all at risk for this disease. We are all at risk for serious consequences. With our designation of being on the states watch list, we are required to close malls and non essential offices again starting this monday, july 20th. We will continue to pause our reopening indefinitely. San francisco, we can do better than this. We know we can do better. We have proven that already. The virus is moving quickly. We must accelerate response. It took 38 days, more than a month to go from 2000 to 3,000 cases in our city. Now it has taken 13 days, less than two week goes to go from 4,000 cases to nearly 5,000. There are several key steps that we can take and that we must take until the Health Indicators improve and our information shows that the virus is subsiding and slowing in San Francisco. We dont have a lot of time today so i will keep my remarks short. I would like to highlight a few key points about the Current Situation. We know the pandemic affects some communities more than others. We must continue to focus on equity in our planning and response. In San Francisco the lat inx community makes up 50 of cases even though they represent only 15 of the citys population. Another Group Workers who must leave homes to take risk are more at risk of getting infected and are getting sick in greater numbers. The neighborhoods on the eastern and Southeast Side of the city continue to have higher rates of cases. The surge is making all of these disparities worse. We are working with Community Leaders and Community Members to improve outreach and communication. That work includes targeting Testing Services where they are needed most. In the past two weeks we have expanded low barrier testing in the mission, bayview, tenderloin, potrero hill and sunnydale neighborhoods. Testing has been a reoccurring issue since the beginning of the pandemic. We have come a long way. At first there were no tests at all. Then there were extreme short ages of supplies. After that we had to let people know how and where they could get tested. Today we are acceding our testing goal of providing 1800 tests each day in the city. Now providing an average of 2599 tests per day. As demand grows, access to appointments is getting harder and test results are taking longer. While testing challenges are a National Issue as a result of lack of federal leadership, we need to improve the situation where some san franciscans are waiting a week or more for an appointment and sometimes as long as that for results. More than 95 of san franciscans have some form of healthcare coverage. Private providers need to do their share in our testing effort. The citys public test sites are current bely conducting an average of 60 of all of the tests that are being done in the city. Therefore, on monday we are issuing a health order requiring private providers to test their patients with symptoms, those in close contacts of known cases, and a symptomatic workers at higher risk of exposure. This testing must be done on the day requested. This will help and will free up the capacity of San Franciscos public Testing Program with the goal of allowing residents who are uninsured or members of impacted communities to get tested from a more timely manner. We need to realize that while testing is a key tool and will continue to be a key tool in our response, we are not going to be able to test ourselves out of this pandemic. Iin fact, the more the virus is around the harder it will be for us to keep up. We will fall behind. That is why prevention is so key. Today a covid positive person in San Francisco is expected to infect more than one additional person causing the disease to spread. A positive test means that prevention did not work. This is important. A negative test is not a passport to do what you want. Dont get complacent and take risks because you tested negative. Gatherings are opportunities for the virus to spread and must be avoided. If san franciscans stop gathering, wear face mask at all times and socially distance, we will be able to get the situation under control. It is that simple. We know how to slow the spread of the virus. We know how to do it. We just must do it. We must do it quickly. The key next step if everyone something to do to flatten the curve. This includes residents, businesses, Healthcare System and the city. First, we will continue to pause reopening until the Health Indicators and other data show that the virus has subsided in San Francisco. Second, we will abide by the states restrictions as a watch list county, and i emphasize this we reserve the option to go further than the state in closing additional businesses and activities while continuing to pause reopening if our local and regional conditions call for it. Third, to reenforce the mayors comment. San franciscans need to change their behavior. Do not gather. Cover your face. We know many of our new cases can be traced back to social gatherings of families and friends. Think about that. The Birthday Party or barbecue can spread the virus and get many people sick. Remember half of the people with the virus dont show symptoms. You cannot tell by looking at somebody or asking somebody how they feel if they have covid19. A symptomatic spread is a key part of the surge we are seeing. These gatherings can and could delay the first day of school or the chance to go back to work and worse than the inequities we are seeing in this pandemic. Do your part, please do your part. Our individual actions have a big impact on the entire community. Fourth, we will continue to focus on equity and the communities that are most affected by the pandemic. We are working with Community Leaders to expand testing, outreach and partnership. We are conducting extensive multi media campaigns to reach people in their own neighborhoods and languages. 5. We will continue to expand Testing Capacity and access. The health order coming out monday be will guarantee providers do their share while the city continues to expand testing in the neighborhoods most impacted. We will, we must continue to follow the data, science and facts. Together we have the power to flatten the curve once again. We can emerge from this pandemic with strength and pride in our communities and our collective effort. The work we have done together has saved lives and improved health and will put our city back together. The time is short. It is up to us to take action now and i thank you, San Francisco, for doing just that. Thank you. We will now begin the q a portion of the press conference. We have the first set of questions for dr. Colfax only. From mission local. Before going to work and latino residents are struggling. Why only 300 tests at the hub. Why were people turned away yesterday for lack of tests . I was at the hub yesterday. It was remarkable to see the work done there. We have been partnering with the Latino Task Force since the early days of the epidemic to expand testing. We need to expand testing, particularly in the mission and lat inx community. We are continuing to build that capacity. As i said we are requiring providers to provide same day testing to workers and people symptomatic. We also have other testing sites in the Mission Neighborhood including the zuckerberg General Hospital and continuing to work the Mission Neighborhood Health Center offering popup testing and ensuring people understand when and where to get tested and expanding the Contact Tracing. Half of our cases are among latin x residents and half of temperaturofthe exact tracing i. People understand if they test positive and they qualify, they can access the right to Recovery Program to have the support and resources necessary to keep themselves and their families were safe thank you, doctor. Next set of questions janney harwith associated press. Most School District start with year with Distance Learning. Governor will issue the orders soon regarding schools. Under which conditions do you feel comfortable allowing in person classes . Would all county wide indicators have to be at certain level and the safety conditions vary by age or class size . What do you tell pris private schools. The city issued guidance with regard to schools. We are going to need to see indicators improve before School Openings would be allowed. The complexity of the question is addressed by the School Guidance we issued. We want to ensure that schools do make the decision to reopen that they are following best evidence in terms of reducing transmission to people most vulnerable for the virus and that children or families and school staff are as safe as possible. It is a very complex issues and rapidly evolving issue. We will follow data, science and facts to ensure when schools open they are doing so in the most safe way possible. From crown 4. The city is giving mixed messages. In noey the tables and chairs are return causing people to it is next to each other. How many sites have had tables and chairs returned . Doesnt this send the wrong message. Outdoor activity is much safer than indoor activity. The science has shown that being outdoors is much safer and people need to get outside for mental and physical health. We cant stay inside for long periods of time. When we are outside, we need to follow the guidelines. The people need to stay at least six feet apart. It is very clear our health order makes it clear that people need to wear facial coverings, including mask or other facial coverings when they are within three feet of each other. The message is clear. The mayor was clear and i am clear. If you are outside within 30 feet you need the facial covering to keep the community safe. Thank you, doctor. From melanie from abc 7. Can you clarify the change to San Francisco around testing as of the monday health order. Had private providers not been testing people previously . Will they have tests and supplies to do so . They have been doing testing. I would emphasize that across the city of all of the tests done, 60 are tests supported by the Health Department or other city departments. That investment is huge. Providers have been doing testing. What this health order will require all providers to offer testing to people who are symptomatic, who have been in close contact with a known covid positive or who are workers at high risk for the virus. That will be required to be same day offering of the test. Their Health Systems that have the ability to get the supplies and to do the testing and if that is not the case, certainly this order will require that they get them. Thank you, doctor, thank you may or and director colfax for joining us today. This concludes todays press conference. Good morning. The meeting will come to order. Welcome to the thursday, july 16 meeting of the government oversight and audit committee. Im joined by vice chair aaron peskin and Committee Member matt haney. Thank you to john carol and i would like to thank sfgovtv. Mr. Clerk, any announcements . Yes, thank you, mr. Chair. In order to protect board members, City Employees and the public during the covid19 health emergency, the rooms are closed. This is taken pursuant to various local state and federal orders. Committee members will attend the meeting through video conference. Public comment will be available for each item on the agenda. Cable channel 26 and sfgovtv are streaming a public calling comment number. Its available by phone calling the number on your screen, th entering the i. D. When connected, you will hear the meeting discussions and muted and in listening mode only. When the item of interest comes up, dial star followed by 3 to be added to the queue. Turn down your television, radio, streaming device. Everyone must account for potential time delays and speaking discrepancies between the live coverage and screening. You may submit Public Comment in the following ways. You may email me, john carroll. If you submit Public Comment via email, it will be included in legislative file as part of the matter. Your written comments may be sent to me by u. S. Postal service in city hall, 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place, San Francisco, california. Mr. Chair, those are my announcements. Supervisor mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Can you please call item number 1. Hearing on the grand jury report entitled act now before it is too late, aggressively expand and enhance our High Pressure firefighting water system. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call the Public Comment number, it is 415 to enter the queue to speak. Colleagues, much has happened since this item was last before us. So nothing has happened or removed or substantially reduced the risk of city faces in the event of a catastrophic fire caused by earthquake or otherwise. As were reminded by the fact were conducting this hearing remotely due to historic pandemic, disasters or unexpected are not only possible but ininevitable. Were holding this hearing today because its better to expect them, anticipate them and do all in our power to prepare for them. Since we last heard the item and gave our responses to the civil grand jury on the recommendation, i authored an additional resolution on the topic that was enacted on november 27 of last year. Among other things, resolution 48419 urged the department of emergency management, sfpuc, the Fire Department to provide consolidated report to the board of supervisors on the state of the citys preparedness for major earthquake and fire, including planned funding for efws. These are due by june 30th and the first such report was issued within that deadline. So as a reminder for the public, there are four related documents relevant for this discussion. The 2019 civil grand jury report act now before its too late, aggressively expand and enhance our firefighting water system, resolution 42219, the original resolution the board of supervisors prepared responding to the findings in that report, resolution 48419, the additional board resolution urging, among other things, the completion of the report being presented today and, of course, the report were really here about today. The fiscal year 20192020 emergency firefighting water system report. Finally, before i invite our presenters, i just want to say this can sound dry and bureaucratic and technical, but what were talking about today is that as our city burns, as it has and will again, that we have fire to put out the fire. Its that simple, but it is never that simple of course. As a policy making body we declared a state of emergency to rapidly expand the firefighting water system to protect all neighborhoods in the event of a major earthquake and fire. So what i hope were all looking for today is that sense of urgency and that shared commitment to a rapid expansion. Colleagues, as we begin this hearing, know that there are additional staff in attendance and available for questions from the Fire Department, office of resiliency and Capital Planning and sfpuc. Id like to welcome our presenter, manager of policy and Government Affairs and the Capital Planning director and resiliency officer. The floor is yours. Thank you so much, chair mar. We are happy to be here. Im going to share my screen so everyone can see our presentation. Give me a second. Can everybody see my screen . Yes, we can. Excellent. Good morning, supervisors. This is john here with the sfpuc, im joined by heather green from the office of resilience and Capital Planning and colleagues from the puc and Fire Department to assist with questions the committee may have. Thank you for calling this hearing and allowing us to report out on our first ever annual report which we submitted on june 30th to the board. The report was written by the Fire Department, the puc, and the office of resilience and Capital Planning. I will begin the presentation and pass it to heather to close out the presentation. Before i get started on the report, id like to provide a brief description of the emergency firefighting water system, which ill refer to as the efws. For those tuning in, who are not familiar. The efws is a High Pressure water system built after the 1906 earthquake, mostly in the northern, central and eastern portions of the city as that is where the city existed at that time. The primary source of water for the system is the hetch hetchy system, with the bay water as a second source via two pump stations. The ownership of the efws transferred to puc in 2010 and its been a Great Partnership with San Francisco Fire Department being the end user of the system. As such, system improvements and expansion must be approved by the management Oversight Committee consisting as the chief of the Fire Department, the director of public works, the general manager of the puc and the assistant general manager of water for the puc prior to the implementation of any project. Finally, we use robust hydraulic modelling to inform the decisionmaking of the Oversight Committee. The last fiscal year, the grand jury prepared a report on the efws. That report subsequently helped to inform resolution 48419, which was referenced and that was unanimously passed with supervisor mar sponsoring the item. That resolution urged the following. Complete a study analyzing efws Water Supplies with the folks on the west side by june 30, 2021. Were making Good Progress on that item and look forward to discussing it with the board, the puc cac and the public once it is further along. Were not quite at this point yet to have a detailed discussion on it, but we look forward to doing so in the future. Item 2. Complete a more Detailed Analysis of neighborhood firefighting water demands by june 30, 2021. Were working closely with a professor on this item and looking at neighborhood demand out to the year 2050. Were for the first time including the parks, like Golden Gate Park and mclaren park. Item 3, complete a plan by december 31, 2021. We continue to work on this as well. And obviously integrate findings and make revisions to the plan based on the two aforementioned studies. Finally, the resolution urged the creation of an annual report to be submitted each june 30th detailing the efws work the city agents completed over the fiscal year. This report is the focus of my presentation today. Ill begin by discussing the fires that utilize the efws this past fiscal year. There were two fires that utilized it. Fire number one, occurred on february 29, a fouralarm fire in the bayview in district 10. The Fire Department utilized the efws for ladder pipe operation. On may 23 at a fouralarm fire at pier 45 in district 3, the Fire Department utilized the efws for ladder pipe operations and connected it to five inch hose for a hose tender. The fire boat was utilized. The staff can add more details about these fires as needed by the Committee Members. We also had a busy year completing Capital Projects for the systems. We do recognize and agree with the urgency to implement Capital Projects. We completed four Capital Projects this past fiscal year including finishing critical upgrades to see station number one. Weve upgraded pump station number 2 which is the base of van ness. Were also gearing up for another big construction year this year and anticipate breaking ground on three projects in the near future. We also continue to complete planning and design for a westside project. That potential project is undergoing Environmental Review, a state requirement. We want to thank supervisor fewer for her leadership in this project and all the collaboration from supervisor mar and yees office on it as well. Were excited for this project. Finally, we are also currently bidding on a project to continue motorizing efsw around the city. This adds resiliency to the system. In addition, the puc and San Francisco Fire Department also work with Development Projects in San Francisco to ensure that they, too, install efws infrastructure within their boundaries and adjacent neighborhoods. The pier 70 and hope sunnydale projects installed infrastructure. Additionally, the board approved Development Agreements with efws Infrastructure Requirements for the potrero fire station. Feignly, the pending approval agreement, requires installation at efws infrastructure as well. The puc in coordination with the San Francisco Fire Department completed over 27,000 hours of maintenance on the citys firefighting water structure this past fiscal year. Our report includes the details on all of these maintenance activities, but id like to provide highlights. In partnership with the Fire Department, hydrant inspections were completed as well as corrective actions on those hydrants based on what we found. Additionally our two agencies cistern, reservoir inspections and took action based on these inspections. We fixed pipeline leaks, which not only saves water, but ensures the water pressure the Fire Department needs to fight fires. And finally, we completed inspections and repairs of pumps, generators and valves. This year the San Francisco Fire Department in partnership with multiple agencies including the puc undertook important drills, special projects and hosted key meetings. The Fire Department, including their fire boat crew, and the puc completed a pier 90 drill. During this drill, the fire belt pushes water into the efws pipelines. For the First Time Ever the Fire Department and puc completed the bay bridge pump station and pipe drill. This simulated a large fire on the western span of the bay bridge. Based on this drill, the Fire Department has developed new procedures for combating fires on the bay bridge. Its a very key drill and im sure the Fire Department can provide significantly more detail on it. The Fire Department completed hose tender drills and they completed planning for a joint hose tender drill that will occur this fiscal year. The Fire Department is working with the port to schedule dredging adjacent to the seawater inlets located on the piers. This is to ensure that they have adequate draft through a 24hour tide cycle. They have to be able to draft. So its low tide, high tide, and everywhere in between. The Fire Department has also requested that the area near the pump station number 1 inlet tunnel also be included in the ports dredging boundary to ensure that inlet tunnel is kept clear and seawater can flow as needed. Finally, there are key discussions with rec, park and the Fire Department. As stated early, rec parks are now going to be included in professors post earthquake fire dema demand calculation. Those look at the earthquakes and the fires that break out in the city and then determine the water demand to fight the fires. For the first time, parks are going to be included in the demand. One of the places where this has large implications is Golden Gate Park. So discussions have begun regarding additional hydrants within the park. The potential proposed efws westside project has two new highpressure lines that go through Golden Gate Park. Also, at discussions between puc and the Fire Department occurred, our two agencies agreed that interagency efws drills will be conducted on a quarterly basis going forward. Finally, the puc and Fire Department are currently working with the City Attorneys Office to update the 2015 memorandum of understanding between our two agencies that details the operations and maintenance of the emergency firefighting water system. Were doing so to better detail and memorialize exercises and drills our two agencies will complete together. We were aiming to have this done by june 30, 2020, but the schedule slipped due to the pandemic, however the memorandum of understanding should be updated and well share it publicly. We have landed on quarterly interagency drills and that will be noted in the under to the memorandum of understanding. At this point, i will pass it over to heather green for her to close out the presentation. Thank you. Good morning, supervisors. Thank you for having me. Pleasure to be here. I just want to echo johns remarks about the civil grand jury. Thank you to all members for all your work. It was a pleasure. I have a few notes on where weve come in fiscal 20. So youll recall in march, the bond passed. The ballot with 82 of the vote. You can see here the history of the geo bond program over the last 20 years or so with the three historical bond, 2010, 2014, 2020. Our most recent bond at the end. And this is a reminder of the programming included in the bond. So it was 628. 5 million, our largest bond to date. 153. 5 million of that was estimated and marked for the emergency firefighting water systems. Among other Public Safety priorities, but that one came to the fore during the planning process and with the leadership of supervisor fewer and all the support from supervisors mar and yee and everyone, we were able to pass this historically large package for our Public Safety improvements. Next slide. And then the last slide i have here is just an excerpt from our bond report about the of eser 2020. It shows the projects will be guided by the Technical Steering Committee as well as the management Oversight Committee, which is the fire chief, public works director and the puc and the assistant general manage over the water enterprise and the puc. That is the Decision Making body for the project and i just wanted to make that clear. Sometimes its not always. And that is it. We are excited about the prospect of having all these resources to invest in the system and following the good planning work that is currently under way, we expect to see real improvements in safety, especially on the west side which is where the investments are going to be dedicated. Thank you. Supervisor mar thank you so much for the presentation. Do you have anything else to present . Great. Thanks again. I just have a few questions on the report and your presentation. Just on the ms. Green, on the 2020 eser bond and the 153. 5 million that is allocated to the upgrading and expanding the efws, can you just state a little more about the time line and the process for determining what which projects will be funded with that 153. 5 million . Yes, so our office doesnt implement so much, so if i can, ill kick it over to john to talk about the decisionmaking ahead. Of course. Puc. The way it works, we have developed clearly weve done a Needs Assessment, but that Needs Assessment continues to be updated obviously. And based on the Needs Assessment, we select potential projects to move forward. We present those to the management Oversight Committee. We have really focused on potential projects for the west side along with projects along the piers in the north and eastern side of the city for this particular bond. Those projects, potential projects, then need to go through ceqa, so basically Environmental Review. It is hard to say how long ceqa takes for each project. With that said, we are moving forward through as quickly as we can and i hope we can break ground, if not this fiscal year, early next fiscal year. But its hard to predict how long the Environmental Review will take, but were moving quickly as we can. Supervisor mar great. Thank you. And i had another question. Actually a few questions. Maybe there is more for the Fire Department folks to respond to, but i had a question about the hose tenders. In the board resolution i think it was also in the civil grand jury report we urged the purchase of new hose tenders and apparatus and equipment for so so we could expand the interim sort of firefighting capacity in the unprotected neighborhoods. I know there were some funding for the purchase of new hose tenders even in the past years budget. I just wanted to get an update on the expansion of the hose tender apparatus. There is chief velo. Ill pass it over to him. Thank you. Good morning, supervisors, chair. The update on the hose tenders is theyre now out to bid. This is their brand new vehicle that is not commonly built in the fire service industry, so it will require a lot of time to bid. So were waiting for the manufactures to come back with the bids and move forward with that. Thats where we are right now. Supervisor mar how many i guess, how many hose tenders additional hose tenders are being yeah, is it planned to purchase in this year, in the coming years . So, that is going to depend on the bid, what the price of the vehicles come up with. Our plan was to buy five for this year. We know there are budget reductions that happened, but were waiting for the bids to get the number of hose tenders we need. Our goal is to get more in the future years. And obviously the budget concerns we have is going to put obstacles on that, but were going to proceed and move forward. Chief velo, is it correct, i remember when we were doing this, the idea was to procure one to check the design and confirm that it was okay, because it was an unusual vehicle. One to work out the kinks and secure more in the future. Thats correct. We do that for any apparatus. Any apparatus we bid out, we buy one, bring it to the city, make sure it works fine, the hills and demands here. Then a brand new apparatus, were going to do the same process. Once you get one built, its faster to get the next one built. Yes, heather, that is the process were going through. Thank you. Supervisor mar thank you. Just another question for the Fire Department. I know in the report actually even in the news reports for the pier 45 fire, the efws system was used to help put out that fire. And my question is in your professional opinion what would have happened if that same fire happened in a different part of the city where efws isnt available, for instance, in my district . Well, obviously, the Emergency Water supply system help a lot in the fire. As did the fire boat which saved part of that structure there, too. Im not making assumptions here, but not having that system, we always have backup system, so that is a backup system for us to have it there. Its on the end of the line for that particular branch of the system, so we had to augment it with the tank. We have three tanks to supply the system and we had to amend the pressure. But not having that system with that kind of fire, were resilient. We overcome and adapt to all the needs and the structures, its hard to predict what would happen, but it helps to have that system in place to augment our lowpressure system to fight fires. But we always able to overcome and fight fires if we need to. Supervisor mar thank you. I just have one more question. More for john. I was hoping that you could speak a little more about the progress that has been made on the key priorities identified in the board resolution declaring a state of urgency to rapidly expand the efws and the priority to complete a study for adding an efws water pumping station on the west side of San Francisco and the priority to complete a more Detailed Analysis of the emergency firefighters water needs by neighborhood. Im going to ask my colleague, dave mireson, who i believe is on the call to give a highlevel overview. Ill start and then pass it to dave with a little more detail. Ill start with the neighborhood analysis. The professor is deep in the works of looking at the upgrades to fire demands within those neighborhoods and dave and his team has updated modelling, which dave can talk about. Theyre moving along on the pump water station study. I will pass it over to dave. Are you on the call . Yes, can you hear me okay . Supervisor mar yes. Very good. Yes, the professor has been working on the postseismic water demands for early months. Well be wrapped up this fall. Were looking at demands over the next decades, the Current Situation, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Were trying to figure out how much water will be needed in each parts of the city. The other feature of the studies is to have where we need water piping. Well be considering that as we look at the overall expansion plans for the efws, which will also well be reporting back on. On the seawater sources, its not just the west side, but for the entire city. We have a proposal from ae. Com and they brought together people to work on these types of facilities across the world. So were trying to get the cask order in place to begin the work. This wont have all the answers for us. Its more of a general overview and description of what issues need to be resolved if we were to try to move forward with seawater pumping stations. Supervisor mar thank you. Just a followup question to that last point. Is that the study on the seawater pumping station, does it specifically include im looking at the salt water pumping station on the west side because that is what we called for in the board resolution. Yes. Yes. We will look at the west coast of San Francisco as well as the northern and eastern areas to see what other options we might have. Supervisor mar okay. Thank you u. Thank you. Thanks for all the responses. I dont have any additional questions. Colleagues, any questions . Before we go to Public Comment . No. Why dont we go to Public Comment. Mr. Clerk, are there any callers on the line for Public Comment . Thank you, mr. Chair. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Let us know if we have callers that are ready. For those already connected to the meeting by phone, press star followed by 3 to be added to the queue. For those already on hold in the queue, continue to wait until youre prompted to begin. The system will tell you the line has been unmuted. For those watching, if you wish to speak on the item call in following the instructions on the screen. 415 6550001. 1463183499 meeting i. D. Press the pound symbol twice and then enter the queue to speak. Do we have any callers . Mr. Chair, there are no callers in the queue. Supervisor mar great. So thank you. Hearing no callers, Public Comment is closed. So i would like to make a motion to just continue this item to the call of the chair and i also wanted to say that intend to call for a followup hearing in approximately six months on this item. And at that time, we can hear a little more progress on the key priorities that were identified in the board resolution, particularly on the study to look at a potential salt water pumping station on the west side of the city and also the analysis the more Detailed Analysis of the emergency firefighting water needs by neighborhood. And additionally, i did call for a budget and legislative Analyst Report on this issue which we expect to receive some time this fall. So i think a hearing in about six months would be good timing. Thank you, supervisor. That would be fantastic. I think by that time well have a robust conversation on those two reports prior to them being finalized for the june 30th deadlines. Thats great timing. Thank you. Supervisor mar great. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, chair mar. I just want to appreciate the fact that you have really taken up the mantle of awss, which is something i did in my first many years on the board of supervisors as it was transitioning out of the Fire Department into the puc. And when i came back to the board in 2015, i identified some infirmities and i want to thank you for taking that up. Having redundant capacity on the west side of the city is exactly what we need when we had the fouralarm fire at pier 45, we once again remembered why our offshore apparatus, the phoenix, and the as the francis, are Saint Francis are so important. We live in a seismically challenged area. I really appreciate your attention to that. I want to thank the advocates, mr. Morton and ms. Wurfle and other members of the Fire Department who have been a constant voice for expansion of the auxiliary water supply system. I really want to thank the puc who have stepped up and are taking this very seriously and look forward to our next hearing in six months. Supervisor mar thank you, supervisor peskin. Supervisor haney . Okay. Supervisor haney im okay, thank you. Supervisor mar can you please call roll . On the motion offered by chair martha the hearing mar that the the hearing about to the call of the chair. Peskin aye. Haney aye. Mar aye. There are three ayes. Supervisor mar thank you. Mr. Clerk, any further business . There is no further business before the committee for today. Supervisor mar this is adjourned. Bye. Sorry about that. Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us today. Just a friendly reminder for those who are joining us for the first time. This platform is only for members of the press. If you are member of the public, watch the live stream on sfgov tv on the youtube channel. Keep yourselves on mute and also keep your videos off as well so we dont distract from the remarks. If you have any questions at the end, i do want to let everyone know we do have a hard stop at 11 30 to be mineful of the directors to be mindful of the directors time. If you have any questions, please submit them to us by chat and well receive those questions and try to submit as much as we can with the time that we have. Please remember to give your full name and outlet and no more than two questions. And depending on time and the type of question we might take it offline as well. Thank you, all, if for your patience, and i will pass its on to you director colfax. Well, good morning, everyone. Im dr. Grant colfax, director of health for the city and county of county. Tos today im going to provide an update on the covid19 pandemic in San Francisco looking at health ind kaytors and other data. Unfortunately, we are experiencing a surge in covid19 infections that is affecting our communitys health and our reopening plans. As a result, we are forced to continue to pause our reopening plans until conditions improve. We are, we have been, and we continue to be in a period of uncertainty, and i want to acknowledge that is a really hard place to be. We all need to continue to do what we know works. We can flatten the curve and we can do it again, but if we do not, the consequences could be dire. In terms of where we stand today, both locally, regionally, and nationally, in San Francisco we have 4,696 cases diagnosed of covid19 and sadly, 50 deaths. In the bay area region, approximately 37,500 cases and 667 deaths. Across the state, 346,000 cases and over 7,000 deaths, and across the nation, cases and deaths continue to rise. 3. 4 million cases and nearly 137,000 deaths. The virus is not only still out there, it is out there more than ever before. It continues to spread locally in our community and throughout the bay area region. We are working with researchers who are seeing the reproductive rate of the virus continue to claim above 1. Right now we estimate that that number is now approximately 1. 3. That means that each person who is infected with covid19 is passing the virus on, transmitting the virus on on average to more than one person. It is key that we get that reproductive number to 1 or lower. It is key for us to move forward. Now, 1. 3 doesnt seem that different from 1, that far from 1, but if we do not do better, we are looking at major problems by late august and september with an average peak an average peak of 900 hospitalized patients by early october. And just to put this in some frame of reference on the last surge in april, we peaked at 94 cases. This average scenario of 900 cases is nearly 10 times worse and it is certainly not the worst Case Scenario that we have by that time. Models show that we could have thousands of hospitalized cases by then. Todays tracker show that there are 92 covid positive patients in San Francisco hospitals. That includes 76 San Francisco residents and 16 transfers. Lets look at the Health Indicators we are using to monitor our covid19 response in the city. These are available on the San Francisco data tracker, and you can reach them from our departments website. They are scored by color. Green, yellow, orange, and red to make it easier to see at a glance where we stand and theres detailed Data Available for people who want to dig a little deeper. Right now the indicators show that we have reason to be concerned. Our cases per 100,000 and the case rate has increased to 7. 7. That is in the red zone. Our goal is to keep the case rate around 1. 8. We are red. In terms of our Hospital System, the rate of covid19 infections which really represents the slope of that curve that we work sod hard and successfully early on to flatten, that rate is now increasing at a 33 rate. That is red. That is cause for grave concern. Our goal is to keep that curve increasing by less than 10 . Our other hospital indicators are thankfully still green. Black is our capacity to take care of people across the nine Hospital Systems in the city. Right now we have 27 of the acute care beds available and 28 of the intensive care units available. With regard to testing, our testing indicator is green. We are coveraging 2,950 test day across the city. With our that is far exceeding our goal of 1800 tests. Certainly as we are seeing across the region, across the state and nationally, our testing system is experiencing delays in access and getting results both within our city system and with private providers. Our numbers are high at 20,950 in the green range. With regard to Contact Tracing, we are at level yellow reaching 85 of cases and 85 of contacts. We expect that that indicator to turn orange this week due to delayed test results reporting and our increases in cases. The Contact Tracing team is working hard to catch up and will continue to expand staffing of that program. In terms of our personal protective equipment or ppe, we are on level orange with 78 of the Health Department having a 30day supply of ppe. Im sorry, let me rephrase that. Across the Health Department, we have our ppe supply is 78 . Our goal is 100 . We are experiencing some issues in terms of obtaining ppe likely due to the increased National Demand for ppe supplies. San francisco and the challenges across california the virus is spreading at Dangerous Levels and this week the state announced a roll back with additional restrictions for counties on the states watch list. Approximately 30 counties are on the monitoring list as of today including several in the bay area. We know the bay area region is an interdependent region where they live, work, and play across and covid19 knows no county lines. If any county in the region is in trouble, we are all in trouble. That is why a regional approach has been key ever since this pandemic started, and we continue to be in touch with the hub area officers sharing data and solutions to keep all the communities as safe as possible. And it is certainly possible if our conditions do not improve, a roll back may be necessary in San Francisco in other parts of the bay area as well. Whether thats a roll back through local action or through state determined access rules will continue to be watched. But this is a tool to control the situation and we have always known that this is the possibility given the unprecedented situation in the uncertain situation we continue to face. No one wants to be in the situation were in. And as we look at the rise in cases, many of them are because the people have started to gather with friends and family and others to socialize. And i realize how hard these months have been for us and the sacrifice that all of us have made. These visits are really hard to resist but the truth is that they are spreading to covid. The birthday parties and visits with parents or grandparents, cousins, the barbecues, they are contributing to a delay or rollback in reopening of businesses or even the first day of school. Another key behavior that we all need to do is cover our faces indoors and outdoors when people are around you who are not part of your immediate household. This is critical. Research shows that masking significantly lowers the rate of transmission and 80 of people wear them. Adherence to facial coverings and masking is so key. One cannot tell by looking at someone if someone has covid19. We know that people are asymptomatic at some stage of their disease and they can transmit it when they are asymptomatic and being safe and wearing facial coverings and social distancing and using good hygiene is key to our success. And the simple act of wearing a mask will slow the spread of the virus and lead to lifting shelter in place restrictions. For those who are wearing masks, we are truly saving lives and those who are not taking precautions, you are not helping. The situation is becoming more serious every day. Please wear a mask and do not gather. Stay 6 feet apart. And wash your hands. These basic acts will make a huge difference if we do this together. We have flattened and we even crushed the curve before and that curve is now escalating and we all need to do better. And until then, our real thing is on pause. And until then, our reopening is on pause. We are not able to open up personal services, indoor museums, aquariums, outdoor swimming pools, Indoor Dining, outdoor bars without food, real estate open houses, and other activities that encourage people to gather and make it harder to wear a mask and social distance. And while it is hard to slow down the reopening and that we all want so badly and the price we pay for moving too quickly is very high. Remember, this virus has no timeline. That is why it is up to us and now is the time despite very curious numbers that i reported to you in terms of our hospitalization. We have a window to make a difference. We can still drive that number to one or lower that reproductive number by the interventions i just went through. We have a window to do this and it will make a huge difference in our hospitalization rates and the number of lives saved. We have shown that we can join together to make a difference, and we need to do it again. Truly, the power is in our hands. And even in the Uncertain Times we know for certainty what are the right steps that we need to take. We can have a thriving city with the healthy population and a renewed economy if we work together. Thank you. Thank you, dr. Colfax. This should be better. The first question and i do just want to say to everyone joining us today that we did receive another question and we will take them in the order they were received. And any others that we cant take in time we will simply take offline. Thank you for your patience. Dr. Colfax, the first question is from christian captain. Can we please explain the role schools could play in the state of covid19 infection rate . The School District announced that students will be Distance Learning when School Resumes august 17. Theres been a lot of talk on federal and local level about local kids getting back on campus. What will it take to get San Francisco kids back. One thing it will take is for us to be confident to reopen schools safely for the buildings to reopen, and certainly we are going to need to see a decrease in that reproductive rate and continue to follow the data and science to ensure that the support systems are in place and that people are able to physically distance and that the most vulnerable are protected in the settings and emphasizes the need to have the safety protocols in place and followed using the best evidence we have in terms of transmission. So we will make the decision about whether it is safe to reopen the physical spaces depending on where we stand with the virus and where with our surge in the city when the time comes. Thank you, doctor. Next question, the governor issued new order this is week to try to wrestle the california surge back under control. The order includes statewide closures of bars, Indoor Dining and other activity but those werent happening in San Francisco anyway. What places or events are currently the main source of infection and how are you in addressing the sources . We think it is a combination of factors and increasing the number of cases in the city. And there is clearly increased activity in terms of social gatherings that people are having and we really need to insure that people are taking the precautions and not making those and not having those birthday parties and barbecues moving forward as much as possible. And focussing on the prevention, education, and neighborhood by neighborhood and street by street and going to be so critical. And we are reinforcing the work with Community Partners to insure Community Champions that people have the resources and the knowledge they need to be safer. The other key components of this are that we continue to see infections among essential workers and we think that may be do to certain work place conditions that safety precautions are not being followed. We will be looking at that and enforcing and increasing our oversight and enforcement required precautions and the Health Orders that have been established and we will also be looking at the existing businesses and looking back at the data and potentially what is on the table for that. And i will also add that we have known since the beginning of the pandemic that crowded conditions that promote the spread of the virus and really again working with Community Members and multigenerational households to ensure and getting people tested and taking precautions to protect themselves as well as their family members. Thank you, doctor. Is the country considering the Outdoor Dining and reverting to takeout only as a way to reduce gatherings . Are there plans to cite businesses for Health Order Violations in your counties . We are taking one thing that is clear from the data is indoor activities are riskier than Outdoor Activities overall. We know that the virus spreads more easily and more quickly in indoors than outdoors. And we are taking a look to determine whether this increase in cases is driven by some of the Outdoor Dining and Outdoor Dining and we think this is more due to the noninsurance of some of the businesses rather than rather than the risk thats taken and the relatively smaller risk that is there and if the proper precautions are taken. And outdoors and dining and drinkings and not adhering to the masking and social distancing rules and is at a higher risk. And looking at increase in enforcement and in businesses and institutions and focussing on individual enforcement and enforcement of individuals but really looking at the potential enforcement of institutions and businesses that are not complying and doing the enforcement and the institution and right and Small Businesses are not able to necessarily comply at baseline and what can they do to improve their compliance and support and workers to be more safe during the challenging time. Thank you. Next question, doctor, are you ordering residents to stop gathering outside with masks if groups are keeping to under 10 or 12 people . So at this time we are encouraging people to minimize gatherings as much as possible, to wear a mask if you are in close contact with others and to socially distance whenever possible and certainly if people do better in these small groups that they gather outside is much, much safer. So those are the key components to this right now. And we know theres a lot of need to improve that appearance to the facial coverings of the social distancing. I think we know and we have seen particularly when people know each other and good friend or family members but not members of the immediate household, it is ward to wear a mask and keep socially distant. We want to hug people and we want to engage. We dont want to think a loved one who is not a part of the immediate household or good friend may be infected with covid19 which is why we really need to get the messages out and support the communities most affected by covid19 to drop this reproductive rate below 1. Thank you. Next question. How will the Current Situation effect decision to reopen indoor pools for summer camp . So we have put a pause on any additional and include outdoor pools at this time. Thank you. Next question, and what surge sites are ready to be set up and the Hospital System reaches capacity and when will that be done . Right now we have Hospital Capacity per indicators and ag

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