Ranso boostose. Rosales. Buff this is a regular meeting on the commission of Community Investment and infrastructure for tuesday, june 2, 2020. I would like to welcome the members of the public who are streaming or listening to us live, and to the staff who will be participating in todays meeting. Following the guidelines set forth by local and state officials during this health emergency, the members of this commission are meeting remotely to ensure the safety of everyone, including the members of the public. Thank you all for joining us. Madam secretary, please call the first item. Clerk thank you, madam chair. The first item is business is item one, roll call. Commission members, please respond when i call your name. [roll call] clerk the next order is business is item 2, announcements. A, the next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on tuesday, june 16, 2020, at 1 00 p. M. B, announcement of procedures. Please be advised that each member of the public has up to two minutes to address the commission unless the chair designates a shorter comment period. To call in, dial 18885578511. Dial the access code 7500645, press pound, then pound again to enter as a participant. This number will also show up on the screen during each Public Comment section. When you are connected, listen to instructions, and then when prompted, dial one and zero to be entered into the queue to speak. During waiting, the line will remain on silent. All callers will remain on mute until their line is open. It is best to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. The next order of business is 3, report on actions taken at previous closed session meetings, if any. There are none. The next item is 4, matters of unfinished business. There are none. The next item is 5, matters of new business, Consent Agenda. There are no Consent Agenda items. The next is item 5a, workshop on ociis fiscal year 20202021 budget. Madam chair . Thank you. I just want to thank the staff for putting this presentation together. The normal time for submission is june 1 so they can present the budget to the mayor and then the board of supervisors. Because of covid, that timeline got delayed. Because were required to submit our recognized payment obligation schedule to the department of finance for approval, you were able to have a preview of our budget back in january, and since then, the department of finance has responded to us with some reallocation and reduction in property tax request. So what you will see before you is a reflection of what the department of finance instructions were to ask, as well as the city controller, and that is reflected in our budget. And more specifically, staff will be presenting on the item, but we also have representatives from our various divisions, project teams to present on their respective items. Again, i want to thank the staff for working diligently on the on certain times, particularly remotely, knowing that these budget processes and the extensive double monitoring is definitely needed for the kind of work that we do, but were kind of able to put a budget together that were happy to present on. As you know, this is just an informational item. Well take your feedback during this process and then come back on june 16 for approval. With that, ill turn it over to nina to present on this item. Thank you. Thank you, director sesay, vice chair rosales. My name is nina chu. I am the budget and legislative analyst for ocii, and i am here to present to you the 2021 budget. So ill go over the budget timeline, our uses, and then, the project managers will speak to our budgets, and then i will go over more facts. So the department of finance approved our r. O. T. S. [inaudible] so our total budget for fiscal year 2021 is 527. 3 million, the majority is funded by prior f. R. E. , and theyre continuing to disburse over a multiyear period. Our second largest source is property tax, followed by fund balance. So this shows 2021 broken out by uses. Were spending 362. 2 million on direct programatic schedules. Infrastructure and nonhousing encompasses our nonhousing work in our major approved project areas in mission bay, hunters bay, and mission rock. Ill provide a couple of high level perspectives. Next slide. So this is a high level overview of our infrastructure and nonhousing budget of 237. 5 million. You can see the majority is for Development Infrastructure reimbursement, so we typically partner with our developers to do the on the groundwork, and we submit requests, and they revise and make these payments. Next slide. So in 2021, ocii will complete several park projects, and the project managers will talk about these in greater detail. And with that, id like to introduce mark slepkin, who is our mission bay project manager. Good afternoon, vice chair rosales, director sesay. Im mark slepkin, director of mission bay. The mission bay work plan will include finishing construction of the last streets in Mission Bay South and turning our construction on three parks. Three parks, p3, p19, and p27 will be completed, and p22 will be worked on throughout the year. The reimbursement for infrastructure, so the 178. 3 million we are budgeting includes not just reimbursement for the proposed work plan but for work that was completed in prior years. Were budgeting 2. 3 million for plan and permit review for future parks, housing, tenant improvement for future space, most notably, the uber headquarters. Weve been working with the Arts Commission on an m. O. U. For them to create art in our own space, and in the upcoming fiscal year, we will be bringing an m. O. U. Before the commission for approval for an m. O. U. And then begin doing work, creating art in the open space, and well be budgeting 1. 5 million for that. Finally, well continue to see the art in the open space in mission bay. This slide shows the sources used in our budget. You can see property tax is the primary source of funds. For infrastructure, well be using 45 million in bond proceeds and 130 million for property tax. 900,000 for other professional services will also be paid from property tax. For public art, these funds come from developers who have chosen to pay the 1 park fee instead of Building Public art on their 1 art fee instead of Building Public art on their site. Heres some pictures of the mission bay projects. P22, which will be under construction in the next fiscal year. P3, which should be completed by december. We have the soma hotel, which will be open in early 2021, and the uber headquarters which will also open later this year. That is the budget and work plan for mission bay, and up next is sally orth to discuss transbay. Thank you, mark. Good afternoon, commissioners. This is sally orth, deputy director, and ill be presenting the transbay budget portion. So the budget is approximately 51 million for the next fiscal year, and that can really be brokendown in three categories. First, 27 million is going to costs related to various Infrastructure Projects like the fulsom stateowned project. And then, finally, the remaining 3 million is other costs for transbays portion of staffing, operating costs, consu consultants, and various Legal Services. So heres another cut of the same expenditures but really shown by the revenue source, and the developer payments and the property tax columns represent the new funding that would be coming in in the year. You can see the majority of the property tax will be the pledged increment to the transbay joint powers authority, but the remaining funds such as the bond fees and park fees are fees that we already have in hand, and well are funds that we already have in hand, and well just continue to draw those down for existing contracts or additional work that we have through the scope of the fiscal year. So ill just close by just showing some images of some of the streetscape and open space projects that we will be working on and will be continuing to work on. The top image, the fulsom Street Project is closing up. The remaining two pictures on the right, youll see the transbay conceptual design. This is a block holder for what we call the park three project. We have hired d. P. W. To be doing design work, and weve begun our Community Outreach process, and well continue to do that throughout the fiscal year and work on designs, and the underramp park project, we have done a lot of work on the sche schematic designs, and well continue to advise the commission through the this fiscal year as we make progress. Ill hand it over to Leila Hussein for Hunters Point shipyard and candlestick point. Good afternoon, commissioners. Leila hussein for Hunters Point shipyard and candlestick. So both phase one and phase two of the project are both in a lot of predevelopment and Infrastructure Development phases, and a majority of the work that you see here is for plans and permit review that you see associated with construction happening on hilthill tops and hillsides of shipyard phase one, and that is a lot of the work that staff at ocii is engaged with with our partners, budget park and len 234nnar. We also have some grants from federal and State Government to complete work, which ill go over on the next slide. And then, we have a grant for shipyard phase one that will be used to pay for the operation of maintenance and parks within phase one of the shipyard. So if i can go to next slide, ill get in a little deeper. So you see staffing and operating costs funded through the developer. We have development and infrastructure costs thats happening both on shipyard phase one and phase two. We also have consultants helping us as well as we have infrastructure support consultants. We have a grant to help us improve the building 101, the artist building, from the federal government, to help us rehab the building. We are entering into contract with p. P. W. To go out and bid and actually implement these improvements that have been in the planning stages for many years, and then, we have the grant to the communitybased organizations, which is mainly monitored with very closely with the c. H. B. And the legacy foundation, and they are overseeing the various funds that are under this line item, and we will be coming to you shortly with one of the grounds for Home Ownership assistance that falls in this bucket to you shortly. And then, Infrastructure Development, as you know, we are very much in the infrastructure phase for both shipyard phase one and phase two. We are still building out there, and this amount of funds, this potential bonds that ocii will go out for to start canvassing for Infrastructure Development. And then, we have Workforce Development, which were able to go into into greater detail. The last one is payment agencies. The last payment we got [inaudible] as well as the lease payments we get from the artists who who currently occupy also shipyard phase two parcel b out there, and those are lease payments made to the navy because those ones have not transferred yet to ocii, and that concludes the dollar amount, and then, i have some images on the next slide. Phase one park, inness core park. The second right hapicture is rendering of the candlestick center. We will be working with our Development Partners to see that design and building enhanced. And the last building, building 101, which is where we have the federal grant that we have to rehab that building so we can improve life and safety issues and make it more accessible. And thats where the studios happen that every quarter that youve gone to. This will be a great amenity for the public to make not only the building for accessible to these events but make it more safer for the artists working in that building. So with that, ill transfer the next slide over to jeff white to talk about Affordable Housing. Thank you. Thank you. Im jeff white, Housing Program manager. Im going to review the fiscal 2021 Housing Program with you. This image is our project Mission Bay South six west. Its a rendering. Its under construction. 152 units and will be completed and occupied by the middle of next year, the end of the fiscal year. Next slide. For fiscal year 2021, the total housing budget is 124 12 5 124. 5 million. It includes six new Housing Loans for a total of 96. 8 million. Two are construction and four our development. The existing runs are projects from prior period authority and range from predevelopment to under construction to pending asset transfer to the Mayors Office of housing and community development. Next slide. At a more granular level, these are six new these are the six new loans for the fiscal year. Two are construction loans. One is Mission Bay South nine, and the other is Hunters Point shipyards blocks 52 to 54. The other predevelopments are for developments in all of our immediate areas, Hunters Point shipyard and Mission Bay South. These are existing loans to 124. 9 million. They include projects that were previously funded the way that nina described before and in different stages of development, and the total number of units that these one touched is 910 Affordable Housing units. Next slide, please. And this slide shows highlights of our Affordable Housing work, and the top slide is Alice Griffith phase four. As you know, its a completed unoccupied project, and its pending asset transfer. Then, weve got Hunters Point shipyard blocks 5254. Thats construction loan. We anticipate that project starting construction toward the end of the fiscal year, and then, to your right is Mission Bay South, block nine. Thats the project thats 100 for formerly homeless adults and anticipate starting that project at the beginning of the fiscal year. So with that, next up is raymond lee, the contract compliance supervisor. Thank you. Thank you, jeff. Good afternoon, vice chair rosales, director sesay. The fiscal year 2021 support contract staffs work plan that includes the disbursing of Community Benefit funds. Also in our budget of funds to the office of economic and Workforce Development or oewd to assist us with the Administration Workforce compliant efforts. Included in our work plan for next year is a business compatiblity study. I thought ill spend a minute or two on our accomplishments. Since the establishment of ocii in 2012, we have awarded over 5. 5 billion in contracts with over 1. 6 to Small Businesses. This constitutes over 6 of s. B. E. Participation with over half going to San Francisco s. B. E. S. For this current fiscal year, our awards include Small Businesses of 20 million, which equates to a Small Business participation of 56 . Over 7,700 workers have performed work on our projects with 17 of those from San Francisco. Notably in the latter part of 2019 under the Mission Bay South o. P. A. And the first source hiring requirements, 128 San Francisco residents were hired by the chase center through cooperative efforts with oewd and other Community Based organizations. A special training was held in the latter part of 2017 to train special Alice Griffith residents on abatement work. With that, id like to introduce odi manal to talk about asset management. Thank you, ray. Good afternoon, commissioners. Nice to see everyone. Again, im toby miles, real estate and services manager. This part of the work plan includes implementation of the long range Property Management plan which directs the transfer of ociis assets to the city and private parties both within and outside of the major approved project areas. Currently, we are in conversations with our City Partners around priorities for transfer of assets in 2021. In the coming year, we will continue our work to transfer ociis completed Affordable Housing assets to mohcd. Included transfers include Alice Griffith, phases one through four, in Mission Bay South, projects 6 east and 7 west, and in transit a, blocks 6 and 7. It also includes the ongoing management obligations, including the 606 project in yerba buena is expected to be completed later this summer. In this past march, the board of supervisors approved legislation authorizing the transfer of three propertied to the city under the p. M. P. The actual closings on those properties will occur during the remainder of this year, 1920, and into next year. Those Properties Include the south of Market Health care center, which is in soma and part of the mixed use Housing Development which will be under mohcds management, a portion of aaron rogers park in the bayview, and the Grocery Store at 333 williams. During this past year, ocii transferred assets to mohcd. In summary, progress continues on winding during our obligations and transferring the assets. I would like to turn the presentation back over to nina yu for the portion of the debt presentation. Thank you. So well be spending 118. 6 million on our debt program for 2021 . Our bond portfolio includes about 20 bonds. We have 998. 5 million outstanding of which 860 is tax allocation bonds that are secured by property taxes in our redevelopment project areas, and the debt service on this is on average about 100 million a year. Our nontap debt includes the issuance of the new shipyard bond of 3. 8 million. We have 13. 4 million of funds on hand that we will use to pay down our c. F. D. Number four bond in mission bay north. We also have hotel taxes that will be used to pay the Hotel Occupancy tax refunding bond. Next slide. So our operating budget next slight. Our operating budget is 20. 6 million for 2021, and the bond proceeds will be used to fund fast timer issuer bonds. The uses are broken out here, but well go into more detail on the next slide. So of the 20. 6, 10. 4 is for existing staff salaries and benefits. This encompasses 55 f. T. E. S. This is no change from the current year. Next slide. So as i mentioned, we have 6 million in our nonlabor expenditures. The largest order is for city departments at 3. 6 million. We also have some Consultant Services and other expenses. The Legal Services are for legal costs in not significant areas. So of the 3. 6 in work orders, the largest is with the Mayors Office of housing, followed by the City Administrators Office for our rent and mail services. We have costs for oewd, and then smaller portions for the controllers, planning, b. P. , and then, the tax collector. Next slide. So again, our 2021 budget is 527. 3. In this table, the incorporated housing costs are included in the verticals for the project areas, and then, our nonproject costs are primarily made up of our Debt Services debt portfolio costs. Next slide. So under our developer agreements, our developmenters develop parts, and we use the taxes collected under those c. F. Parks, and we use the taxes collected under those c. F. D. S. The commission does act as a legislative body, so these are preempted here today along with our presented here today along with our budget. So again, we have seven c. F. D. S, and the payroll shows those seven by project area and the estimated 2020 tax levy. We issued three bonds for Infrastructure Improvement in mission bay north, Mission Bay South, and hunters park Shipyard Candlestick park phase 1, and then, we have an amount outstanding for which well be paying about 11. 6 million. Well be back on you on june 16 for the action item, and then, well be submitting our budget to the Mayors Office on july 30, and then, the board of supervisors on august 1. And we have staff here to answer any questions. Thank you for your time and attention. Thank you to you and everyone who presented, but before we take commissioner questions, madam secretary, do we have anyone from the public who wishes to provide a comment . Operator your conference is now in questionandanswer mode. To summon each question, press one and then zero. Clerk at this time, members of the public who wish to provide comment on this item should call 18885578511, then enter the access code 7500645, then pound, and pound again. To request to speak, press one and zero. If there are any participants who called in ahead of time and are listening to the meeting by phone, please press one and then zero if you wish to submit a Public Comment. Well give them a few minutes to allow callers to submit their request. Miss nguyen, do we have any participants on the phone . Operator madam secretary, there are no callers on the line. Clerk okay. Well give it a few more seconds just to allow them time to call in. Thank you. Madam vice chair, at this time, there are no members of the public on the phone wishing to comment on this item. Okay. Thank you. Hearing that, unless theres a member of the public that calls in late, i will close temporarily close Public Comment at this time, and well turn to my fellow commissioners for any questions or comments they would like to make. I can see commissioner scott on the screen, but your conference is now in questionandanswer mode. To summon each question, press one and then zero. Clerk sorry. Okay. So do we have can i invite a comment or question by commissioner scott . Yes, madam vice chair. Thank you so much, and thank you so much for this presentation. The only thing i thought as i began reading the material was in light of the pandemic crisis and the reality of it and all the, you know, disappointments, changes, do you believe that this is going to cover and be sufficient for the needs Going Forward without knowing what all those needs might be and you may know and be aware of what to foresee out of this post pandemic and even now. Im going to have bree or nina . Im happy to add on, as well. Good morning. Im bree mahorter. As director sesay mentioned, normally, our budget process, we do all of our thinking in february and march, and we come to you in april, and we delayed with the city our budget process for two months. And during that time, weve done a lot of thinks what we need to support our staff as they continue to work under these challenging working conditions, and weve thought a lot about what is possible out in the community, and we have already adjusted the budget accordi accord accordingly so we can continue to meet those needs . All of that is to say that within our limited mandate, we are funded to do the best that we can to support the community. Thank you. If you have any further questions, id be happy to answer them. Thank you so much, bree. Any further questions, commissioner scott . No, thank you. Commissioner brackett, any questions or comments . Not at this time. Okay. I have a couple. Thank you again for the presentation. Ive been on the Commission Many years, and each year, you know, the presentation gets more detailed and allows me to integrate all of the detail in a concise fashion, so i appreciate that. I did have two questions, and one of them has to do with basically an addonto what commissioner scott asked. In looking at the slide on contract compliance, slide 30, my only question was given the shelter in place orders, what, if any, impacts were there on existing Infrastructure Projects, like our Housing Development projects . Were those temporarily halted in any fashion . This is raymond, compliance supervisor. The projects did not halt for what were considering essential projects, so housing projects continued, and our contractors continued working at those particular projects. There were impacted to nonAffordable Housing construction activities, and so those activities did pause where subcontractors were impacts. Youre correct. There was a lot of impact to the Small Business community. I think, if anything, our progression in terms of continuing our work certainly helps, but the impact to the Small Businesses, particularly when other private projects are on hold. Thank you for that for that response. And so maybe at a different time, ray, you could give us kind of a general review of those impacts. Like, are those folks that were impacted, for instance, ad versely back adversely back on the jobs . Anything that would give us information about those impacts because i think it does dovetail into the information that weve been working on as a commission but as laborers and contractors, as well. Okay. So thank you. The other question i had was with the city m. O. U. S. I just one question was is the budget that we have the same, less, or more than last year . Good afternoon, commissioners. Bree morhorter. Because the needs of the departments dont change from year to year, the budget is largely the same as prior years. There are some small adjustments in particular departments. Like, for example, rent is higher, our Technology Costs are higher because of the timeline of the lease up work and the marketing work with mohcd, thats slightly lower, but all in all, i would say things are sort of roughly the same. Great. Okay. Those were my questions. Any other questions by commissioners or do we happen to have any member of the public that came late and would like to speak to this item . Clerk miss nguyen, do we have any late participants . Operator there are no callers on the line. Clerk thank you. No additional callers, madam vice chair. Okay. Well, this item is not an action item. Its a workshop, and when its before the commission at the next meeting, perhaps commissioner bustos will also weighin on this item, which is a very critical one for underwriting all of our activities. But thats in the breadth of all those activities. Its very important. So thank you again to the staff. Madam secretary, please call the next item. Clerk thank you, madam vice chair. The next order is business is item 6, Public Comment on nonagenda items. Do we have any speakers for this item . Operator madam secretary, we have no speakers on the line. Clerk okay. Let me allow them a few minutes. Again, members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 18885578511, enter access code 7500645. Press pound, and then pound again. Press one and then zero to be entered into the queue. If there are any people listening on the phone, please press one and zero to provide a Public Comment. Well allow them a few provide them a few more seconds to allow them to call in. And miss nguyen, just to doublecheck, making sure there are no callers who called in a little later . Operator yes, no callers on the line. Clerk madam vice chair, at this time, there are no members of the public on the line wishing to comment on this item. Okay. Thank you. Please call the next item. Clerk one moment. The next order of business is item 7, report of the chair. Madam vice chair . I do not have a report. Clerk the next item is business is report 8, report of the executive director. Madam director . I do not have a report at this time, but i do want to just express my gratitude and thanks to the staff just showing up every day remotely and doing what is needed so that we can continue to fulfill our obligations and then also respond to our Community Partners and Development Teams as well as trying to be supportive and volunteer as best as possible during this challenging time. So i do want to express my gratitude and thanks and thanks to the commission, as well, for constantly requiring that we do our best and be as resourceful as possible in supporting our constituents, which includes Affordable Housing residents as well as Small Business partners. Thank you. Thank you. Clerk the next order of business is item 9, commissioners questions and matters. Madam chair . Yes. Commissioners, do either one of you have questions or matters that youd like to bring up at this time . No questions or matters for myself, dr. Scott. Commissioner brackett . No questions at this time. Okay. I would like to bring up a question just as an addon just to what we were saying, and commissioner sesay. In my time on the commission, im proud of the civil rights and equity and fairness work that we do in all the fields that we talked about today housing, Small Business, Workforce Development, community development, community empowerment, and while im very proud and i think weve done a lot, theres you know, im not trying to sing our praises because i think our results speak for themselves, given the climate that were in, both economic and political and policy, and just from a community fairness standpoint, i would like to ask the executive director if i and any other commissioner who wants to join that doesnt constitute a quorum of the commission, meet to review informally the commissions programs and policies in these areas just to ensure that were doing all that we can for our constituent communities. If theres a need to redouble our efforts or be creative or reach out to our Community Partners so that they can be creative, i think that were going to see certainly fallout economically to our Small Business partners, and i just want to make sure that we stay ahead of those issues and that we do everything we can. So that is a request to the executive director. Thank you, vice chair rosales, for this request. Were happy to assemble a small team from my group that includes bree and other directors to work with the commission. I know last year when we were in front of the commission for developments on candlestick point, we had discussed creating some small committees, but because of covid and the delay in projects, we havent instituted that. But we could create a Small Working Group specific to this issue to kind of help review all our policies, how creative we can be, and how we can connect the dots with City Partners to provide resources that can support our constituents, particularly the workforce and our Small Businesses. I do want to note, i think ray mentioned, that we were doing the capacity study s. I kn. I know were trying to get that back out as quickly as possible, but more specifically, what resources specifically exist and what constituents and residents have access to that. This is an opportunity for us to review and see what we can do to enhance that so that no one is left behind and were able to weather this short hopefully difficult times. And i know that director brackett had been interested in participating in that. I expect you two, and then, we can rotate others in and out, depending on when we have the schedule and follow ups. Excellent. Thank you. So madam director, i wanted to thank you for bringing that. That was one of my thoughts when i asked about the budget earlier, and im glad you brought up in that way. I would also be interested in being a part of this to ensure that as we come out of this, that no one is left behind. Thank you. I appreciate that. Please call the next item. Clerk the next order of business is item 10, closed session. There are no closed session items. The next order is business is item 11, adjournment. Madam vice chair . Yes. Do i have a motion to adjourn at 1 51 p. M. . Yes. I move that we adjourn the meeting. I second the motion. The adjournment motion has been moved by commissioner scott and seconded by commissioner brackett. I dont know that we need to do a roll call, but the meeting is adjourned at 1 51. Thank you. Thank you, commissioners. Appreciate it. Thank you, everyone. It. Shop dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their shop dine in the 49 within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local services in the neighborhood we help San Francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so were will you shop dine in the 49 chinatown has to be one the best unique shopping areas in San Francisco that is color fulfill and safe each vegetation and seafood and find everything in chinatown the walk shop in chinatown welcome to jason dessert im the fifth generation of candy in San Francisco still that serves 2000 district in the chinatown in the past it was the tradition and my family was the royal chef in the pot pals thats why we learned this stuff and moved from here to have dragon candy i want people to know that is art we will explain a walk and they cant walk in and out it is different techniques from stir frying to smoking to steaming and they do show of. Beer a royalty for the age berry up to now not people know that especially the toughest they think this is i really appreciate they love this art. From the cantonese to the hypomania and we have hot pots we have all of the cuisines of china in our chinatown you dont have to go far. Small business is important to our neighborhood because if we really make a lot of people lives better more people get a job here not just a big firm. You dont have to go anywhere else we have pocketed of great neighborhoods haul have all have their own uniqueness. San francisco has to all when i open up the paper every day, im just amazed at how many different Environmental Issues keep popping up. When i think about what planet i want to leave for my children and other generations, i think about what kind of contribution i can make on a personal level to the environment. It was really easy to sign up for the program. I just went online to cleanpowersf. Org, i signed up and then started getting pieces in the mail letting me know i was going switch over and poof it happened. Now when i want to pay my bill, i go to pg e and i dont see any difference in paying now. If youre a family on the budget, if you sign up for the regular green program, its not going to change your bill at all. You can sign up online or call. Youll have the peace of mind knowing youre doing your part in your household to help the environment. Good afternoon. This is the ann moeller case caen. Im the president of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission. I would like to call this to order. Towe. role call

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