So moved. Second. Thank you for seconding and thank you everyone. Again, shereen, remarkable work by the department and as far as this meeting is concerned, thank you to all those who participated in setting it up and if i got through it, it means anybody can get through it. [ laughter ] thank you. Thank you, stay safe everyone. Until next month. Welcome to the thursday, may 7th, meeting of the government audit and oversight committee. Im gordon mar, the chair of the committee joined by vice chair aaron peskin and matt hainey. Thank you to john carroll and i would like to thank sf gov tv. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Yes, thank you, mr. Chair. Due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect City Employee expose ths, the chambed Committee Room are closed. However, members will be participating in the meeting remotely at the same extent as if they were present. Public comment will be available on this agenda and both channel 26 and sfgovtv. Org are streaming on your screen. Each speaker will be allowed to two minutes to speak. Comments to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 888 2045984 and entering an access code for our meeting, and thats 350. 3501008. Then press the pound symbol twice. When you are connected dial 1 and 0 to be added to the cue to speak. You will be lined up in the system in the order in which you dial 10. While youre waiting the system will be silent. The callin will notify you. All callers remain on mute until the line is open for comment. Everyone must account for time delays and speaking discrepancies that we may encounter between the live coverage is the streaming. And best practises for callers are to call from a quiet location and speak clearly and slowly to turn down your radio and your television or your streaming device you may be using to listen to the proceedings. Alternatively, you may submit Public Comment in either of the following ways. You can email me. Im john carroll, the clerk of the oversight committee. My email is john. Carroll sfgov. Org. Our office is room 244, city hall, one dr. Carlton b. Goodlet place, San Francisco, california. And items acted upon will appear on the board of supervisors agenda of may 19th, 2020 unless otherwise stated. Thank you so much, mr. Clerk, for all of that and can you please call item number one . Its ordinance amending the planning and building codes to grant legal status to existing dwelling units constructed without required permits and extending the waiver through december 31st, 2024, requiring annual reports on the Fee Waiver Program and making findings of consistency with the plan, the priority policies and finds for necessity under 302. Colleagues, i would like to continue this item to work on amendments to the reporting requirements this legislation. This is a part of my greater focus on expanding greater housing and supporting homeowners and tenants and i would like to ensure this program fits well with our larger housing policy goals. To before we go to Public Comment, are there any further comments or questions from my colleagues . Seeing none, mr. Clerk, are there any callers on the line . Mr. Chair, operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the cue. Please let us know if there are callers ready. For those connected via phone press 10 to be added to the cue to speak for this agenda item. For those already on hold in the cue, please continue to wait until you are prompted to begin at the beep. For those who are watching our meeting on San Francisco cable channel 26 or via streaming link on sfgov tv, please call in by following the instructions on your screen. Enter the access code 35010008, press the pound symbol twice and 10 to enter the cue to speak. Operations, any callers in the cue. No callers wishing to speak. So thank you so much, mr. Clerk. Seeing no the callers on the line, Public Comment is now closed. And colleagues, i move that we continue with this item to the call of the chair. Mr. Clerk, please call role. rolon the motion to continue role call . Mr. Chair, there are three ay session. Es. An ordinance amending the municipal election case code to require the department of elections to expand use of vote by mail ballots at the november 3, 2020, election and to report to the board of supervisors regarding planning for that election and to report to the board regarding implementation of the voters choice be abilit act. Members who wish to provide Public Comment on this ordinance should call the Public Comment number 888 2045984 and interact cess code of 35008 and press the pound symbol price and then press one and zero to enter the cue to speak. Mr. Chair. I would like to call mr. Binart. Thank you so much for hearing this item today. Im the aid to supervisor rone networks p. N. Could you speak up . We can hear you but could be a little better. Iif you could just speak a little loudly and slowly, well be able to hear you. Thanks so much. The legislation before you today is intended to ensure a fair, safe, accessible and secure november 2020 election and a path for future elections. Right now, only 70 of San Francisco voters are currently registered at the votebymail. We cant predict the course of this pandemic but its entirely likely people will not be congregating in groups, especially not in tight spaces and we will be maintaining safe distances measures and we cannot expect voters will stand in line and drop into their neighbors garage to volt. Vote. Im confident no one wants to be faced with their vote and casting a ballot and we need an emergency plan for november and there has to be a transparent process for the board and public to weigh in on the plan. What the legislation does is straightforward and it directs the San Francisco department of elections to mail a ballot to every registered voter for the november election. It highlights the roles of the office of Racial Equity and communitybased organizations in outreach, information and engagement with communities with historically low turnout. It directs the department of elections to present a plan to the board of supervisors by junt will be elected whether San Francisco is under shelterinorder and by directing the department of elections to bring to the board of supervisors of implementing the california voters choice act in the future and we want to pros somintroduce some amendmeny that were submitted to you. There is page 5, line 10 to 13 includes inperson voting options and early voting opportunities, and page 6, line 24 improves the language describing the outreach engages and page 6, line 1320 adds details to the expected components of the department of elections report to the board on the november election plan and page 7, line 3, at the directors request, it extends the report to the board on the voter choice acts to february 28th, 2021. Theres an additional amendment to establish inline voting but we were able to complete the necessary legal view to get the wording right and were asking if the committee adopt amendments presented to you that were submitted, duplicate the file so we can move on to the full board while our office works with the City Attorney to see if we can address the outstanding questions. We couldnt have done this without the input and expertise, including Chinese Progressive Association and just cause and aclu and Asian Americans advancing justice through the asian caucus and im grateful for their guidance and on behalf of supervisor ronen, thank you to the cosponsors and we hope youll support thi in this and e it forward. Thank you so much. There would be other costs to implement the Public Health protections and Disability Access and we did not have that at the time of the ordinance. We do recommend this Committee Requests the director of elections to submit any additional cost information to the may 19th, board of supervisors meeting. We also further recommend the board of supervisors consider amending the ordinance to have more information on costs included in the report backed by the department as specified by this ordinance. Otherwise, we consider approval of the proposed ordinance to be a policy matter for the board. And im available for any questions may have. Great. Thank you so much, mrs. Campbell. And i just want to mention or i understand that we have our director of the department of elections, john arnst, here with us today and mr. Arnst, miss campbells recommendation, will you be able to submit a memorandum to the may 1 19, boad of supervisors costs to implement this . Yes, we can provide more information. May 19th. It may not be a complete scaling of costs but were waiting for the governors executive order and how the november election will be conducted, which will inform us more on how to develop the cost and also to develop a plan around this ordinance. Thank you for that mr. Arnst. Before we go to Public Comment, colleagues, any questions . This is supervisor peskin. And through the chair, mr. Arnst or binart from supervisor ronens office, what im trying to ascertain is how many ontheground polling sites elections would consider even if everybody received a vote by mail ballot. Supervisor peskin, i cant answer that question yet because theyre still waiting for the governors executive order, which will provide input on how the inperson voting will occur. Were looking at the polling place in the recent elections, trying to get a sense if we could use those locations in relation to social distancing and we could move people through the voting process to maintain the sixfoot distance. Right now, we would have the same number as we had in march because the law hasnt changed. But once the governor issued an executive order, the laws will be modified or relaxed and we might have less polling places and we could have more voting centers. I just dont know yet. Now we have one polling place per thousand, is that right . Correct. I think while vca is intended on whether they opt in or not a ballot by mail is a fine thing, but for many, many reason, as we all know, people show up on election day and theyve lost their ballots and they want to drop them off in person because they dont like to put them in mailboxes, a whole host of reasons maintaining ontheground polling places is important and i would continue to check in as we hear from the governor and as you formulate your plan. Obviously, it has to be socially distanced and presumably, youll need a lot of ta staff to do itd it may be harder to obtain this cycle. Thank you. Thank you, chair mar. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor peskin. I had a followup question, when do you expect the executive order from the governor providing more guidance on inperson voting . We expect it this month and we were hoping for it to be issued this week and i dont know if thats going to happen because time is running short and so hopefully, in the next week, if not this week but next week, but were all in the same situation, waiting for this executive issue so we can start planning. Great, thank you. Supervisor hainey. Thank you, chair mar. I just wanted to thank amy and supervisor ronen and former supervisor who cosponsored this. I think this is the right thing to ensure access to voting and thank you to director arnst, as well, for your leadership. I know in is a shifting landscape in many ways, including what the state will put forward but these are critical steps that we can take right now and i saw the letter from some of the Committee Organizations and i appreciate the amendments being brought forward and i think that sending a ballot out to everyone is the right thic thing to do and maintaining some level of inperson access that is safe is essential. I know that will be both things will be critical for the district that i represent. So thank you, amy, for your work on this and, supervisor ronen. Thank you, supervisor hainey. Amy binart, do you have a response or some additional comments . Yeah, i just wanted to say that weve heard from many, many of the advocate groups can you hear me yes. About the need for inperson voting and obviously would certainly agree with that and figuring it out this year is going to be just exceptionally challenging and we want to supervisor ronen, certainly signed on to the resolution that president yee put forward earlier last week and it was voted on this week, that established a range of inperson voting ratios as a baseline, somewhere between the one for every one thousand voters that currently exist to the one for every ten thousand voters that the vca would require. But we also wanted to tie in the potential offset for if there are lots of inperson vote locations that we want to emphasize the need for early voting. And so we want to keep that the conversation and look forward to getting more of the advocatess thoughts and working with the director to make that happen. Thank you. Thank you so much, miss binart. Mr. Clerk, think callers on the line . Mr. Chair, operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the cue. Please let us know if there are callers that are ready. For those that are already connected to our meeting via phone, press 10 to be added to the cue to speak for this item. For those already on hold in the cue, please continue to wait until youre prompted to begin at the beep. For those watching our meeting on cable channel 26 or via streaming link or sfgov tv, if you wish to speak call in by following the instructions on your screen and that would be to dial 888 2045984 and when prompted, enter the access code 3501008. And press the pound symbol twice and then press 10 to enter the cue to speak. Do we have any callers on the line for this agenda item . I do have one caller in the cue. Just give me one second, please. Thank you. Operator you have one question remaining. Welcome, caller, you have two minutes. Good morning. This is david compose and im calling in my capacity as chair of the San Francisco democratic party. I want to thank the chair, chair mar, vice chair peskin and supervisor hainey and supervisor ronen as well as preston and walton. And i think that a lot of the points that have been made and i appreciate the questions from the supervisors. While we wait for the governor to issue some guidance here, i hope that ultimately, we do what we believe is needed at San Francisco, that they can be helpful, but at the end of the day, we need to make sure that we address our needs. And what i would say about what we are asking and i think supervisor ronen is trying to do is, one, make sure everybody gets a ballot, which is critical and two, that contrary to any understanding that some may have, we actually do want to have the option of inperson voting. Having everyone get a ballot doesnt mean were against that, to the contrary. The question on that is how do we have the most inclusive inperson voting process and what i would say is that as we have that conversation that we remember that its not just a number of voting places, but its actually how long people have to vote inperson. The vca provides interesting opportunities to increase voting by certain communities including communities of color because they may have fewer places to vote and they may end up voting more often because theyll have more time to vote, as long day days, in some cases and that can be a game changer for many of the communities that historically have not been voting, as much. I think this is a great opportunity and ironically covid presents the opportunity for us to really transform how we vote in the city and county of San Francisco so that we especially concentrate on communities color and other disenfranchised communities for whom the voting process has been so cumbersome, but i think it requires a local conversation and a broader understanding of how people actually vote. And that having the largest number of precincts is not necessarily the best way to maximize community of color and others. If you do the right combination and number of days theyre allowed to vote that you, in fact, have the potential to have unprecedented engagement in San Francisco. So thank you very much for the consideration and i look forward to working with the board of supervisors, the mayor and anyone housing voter participation, especially in the disenfranchised communities. Thank you. Thank you very much for your comments. Operator you have zero questions remaining. That completes the cue. Thank you, operation and thank you mr. Clerk and hearing no further callers, Public Comment is closed. So i just want to thank supervisor ronen, amy binart, democratic party, chair david compost and for all of your work. The path to the future is through a stronger democracy and increasing voting is one of the most important steps to strengthen our democracy locally. We need to ensure everybody in the face of a pandemic has the ability to vote, vote early and safely and i appreciate the amendments presented today, particularly the emphasis on voter education. This is an important reform for Ballot Access and it does lead to some increases in overvoting and undervoting behaviours in improvinandwe need to ensure vor expansion is a success and i would like to add myself as a cosponsor for this item. Thank you. Thank you. Ive heard amy binart request that we nee need to duplicate ae and i would like to make a motion we duplicate a file. The file is duplicated. Thank you. And then i would move that we accept the amendment as presented. Mr. Clerk, please call the role. For my clarity, mr. Chair, are we hearing a motion to amend both versions . Or just a motion to amend the original version, leaving the duplicated version as it is right now . The motion is to amend both versions. Ok, thank you. And so on a motion to amend as offered by chair mar, to both versions of the agenda item, vice chair peskin. Aye. Member hainey. Aye. Chair mar. Aye. Mr. Chair, im hearing three ayes. Thank you, mr. Clerk and then i would further move that we send this item as amended to the full board with positive recommendation. And mr. Clerk, please call the role. On the motion to send the original agenda item as amended to the full board of supervisors with the positive recommendation, vice chair peskin. Aye. Member hainey. Aye. Mr. Mar. Aye. There are three ayes and thank you to everyone. Mr. Clerk, please call item number 3. Mr. Chair, there is still the question of the remaining duplicated and amended version of the ordinance. Would you like to continue that to the call of the chair . Suddenly appearing that supervisor mar is frozen on my computer. Chair mar, can you hear me. Can you hear me clearer now . Yes, we can hear you. Great. So yes, i would like regarding the duplicated the amended duplicated file, i would like to move that we continue that to the call of the chair. On the motion to continue to the call of the share, the duplicated and now amended version of this ordinance, vice chair. role call . Please call agenda item number 3. Agenda item number 3 is a resolution declaring the intention of the board of supervisors to renew and expand a propertybased business as the castro benefit district and the multiyear assessment on all parcels. Approving the plan and engineers report, setting a time and place for a public hearing for the board of supervisors as committee of the whole, on july 14th, 2020, at 3 00 p. M. , approving the form of the notice of public hearing and the assessment ballot, directing environmental findings and directing the clerk of supervisors to give notice as required by law. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this resolution should call the Public Comment number which is 888 2045984. Enter access code which is 3501008. Press the pounds symbol twice and then press 10 to enter the cue to speak. Mr. Chair. Thank you, mr. Clerk, i would like to invite supervisor mandelman to present on this item. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you for considering this resolution and 15 years ago with the strong support of the then supervisor and Castro Community, the Castro Community district was formed and since then, it has provided Critical Services to this neighborhood helping to keep our streets safe and clean, our Small Businesses successful and our public spaces vibrant and activated. Now and the cbd is seeking renewal for another 15 years and proposing a modest expansion of the boundaries to allow the Core Services in the neighborhood. I want to to thank the consecute director of the cbd who goes above and beyond for all of the their work to support the neighborhood and i would like to thank chris corgas and tom copmrano to bring this resolution to you today. Good morning, chair mar and supervisors. Im the Senior Program manager with the Workforce Development and i oversee the Community Benefit districts on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco. Today were hearing a resolution to renew and expand the Castro Community benefit district. As mentioned, this district was initially formed in 2005, at the enact oenactment of the businese and is one of the original cbds in San Francisco under that ordinance. This will authorize the department of elections to initiate ballot proceedings to renew and expand for a second 15year term. The initial district assessment budget under this renewal will have an assessment budget of 819,403. 41 and the total budget of the cbd will be 866,274. 97. The general benefit, which is funds the cbd must raise is 5. 41 . With me today is executive director of the Castro Community benefit district to provide a brief presentation on the map and vision for the renewed district. If there are no questions, i would like to invite miss iello up for her version of the presentation. Miss iello, the floor is areas. Great. Yours. Thank you for this time, supervisors and thank you to the staff for putting this together where you can make Public Comment while were all virtual. Im sure it was a lot of work and it seems to be working, so thank you. In addition to grants, weve been able to raise 600,458 from donations and sponsorships, as well as merchant sponsorships and contract for services. So total over the past 15 years, weve raised 9,000,009 95,709. Directl 5,709. With this fundinge providing Supplemental Services, services above and beyond the citys baseline level to keep the castro clean and we hired patrol special place for Public Safety initiatives and general walking the beat and we also use the money for public Space Management and activation, most notably the Jane Warner Plaza and a limited extent, harvey mill plaza and we have spent some of these funds on neighborhood beautification efforts. All along and in line with our current management plan. Next slide, as far as the largest part of our budget is for cleaning services. We average 8,760 pounds of trash and we remove gr graffiti, bothn public and private property and so sidewalks, city trash cans, mailboxes, fire hydrants, everything and we steam clean each parcel once every other month and we have a cleaning dispatch telephone number that we have spread around to all of the merchants, Property Owners, neighbors, that people can call for spotcleaning. Next slide, please. Public safety services, as i said before, we hire the San FranciscoPatrol Special Police and we collaborate with other nighttime merchants to help fund a patrol special officer who patrols on foot and in vehicles seven nights a week. Anthe patrol focus special on quality of life infractions and uniquely combine compassion with enforcement. Next slide, please. Our public Space Management and activation, as i said, is primarily focused on Jane Warner Plaza, which is the intersection of 17th castro and market, where the fline end expos flis around and between may and october, we have Live Entertainment every saturday and sunday in the afternoon and it brings lots and lots of people out. Im not sure, actually, what well be doing moving forward, but i think well be working with the city to organize and to figure out how public Space Management will work in the future. But in the past, weve had it has become a place to go on a weekend afternoon. Other strategies we provide a neighborhood beautification and we have found out that our best efforts at neighborhood beautification is when we collaborate with existing city projects, so, for instance, the streetscape widen project, the cbd came in and we funded the rainbow crosswalks at the corner of castro and 18th. There are led celebrity lights that the castro street, both blocks in the evening, and theres also a history walk that was implemented at the history of the Eureka Valley starting from the days when the American Indians were in the neighborhood all the way up to the present and we have public art. If we go to the next slide, chris, theres an example of the crosswalks and then the next slide is on the left, i believe, is your celebrity lights and then the public art that was funded through a grant in the Jane Warner Plaza in the evenings. Next slide, we move into our renewal and expansion and in year one, which would be januarf 2021, as chris has said, we will be raising 18,304 for the assessment revenue and the general benefit will be 46,872 for a total budget of 866,275 and next slide. And this is our map one of the things were doing differently in our renewal is that we will be having zones for cleaning and we have learned over the past 15 years different parts of the neighborhood require different amounts and levels of cleaning and so, the assessment rates are based on the zones in the amount of cleaning that each parcel will receive. We are expanding a very small amount, but as you can see, the zone one is where the heart of the castro Business District is. Castro street 18th and that will be receiving the highest level of cleaning services, and zone two is down Market Street from castro down to deloris. And it includes Church Street where safeway is and down to 15th. And that will be receiving a middle level of service as far as cleaning is concerned. And then, zone three is the eastern end of the neighborhood, as you come up from octavia street up Market Street and extends from deloris to oktive a and we felt this was as fair as possible and to make sure that Property Owners were paying for the services they received. And then the next slide is as chris had said wil said, asse collected beginning on july 1 and beginning july 30th, 25. Expenditures could continue six months after the end of the election. So this would be through december of 2035. And the next slide is the annual budget in year one, cleaning services are 582,483 worth of service and landscaping is very minimal, 2500, Marketing Services is at 9,000 and we have contingency and administration, 22,339 and total is 866,275,000. And then the next slide, the Supplemental Services with these funds that will be provided are cleaning services, primarily, landscaping, marketing, and then we have contingency and administration. And next slide, there are pictures of cleaning, powerwashing and graffiti removal. This is an example of landscaping that board approved will be taking place. Cbd takes care of and landscapes the planters between castro street and the rainbow flag and also, the landscaping in jane warner and then, as funding allows, we might be doing some sidewalk planters or other kinds of things and that will be board decided. And as far as marketing, the cbd has a program, a volunteer program called castro ambassadors and those are the fellows on your left, im here to help, talking to you visitors and we anticipate we will be having that program and some of the money goes into running that program, materials and uniforms, et cetera. Well still be paying for the electricity for the celebrity lights and hopefully, well be able to do some Shoplocal Campaigns. These are little welcome bagged, like the Old Fashioned welcome wagons where were distributing Shoplocal Campaign to new residents that have moved into the residential neighborhoods. And then as far as contingenc contingency next slide, please through contingency and fundraising and we have a variety of expect meetings and this is an example of one meeting and those things will be paid for through contingency and Administrative Services and thats a summary of the cbd renewal and expansion and if you have any questions, i would love to answer them. Thank you so much for the presentation. After aland for all of yourgoodo mr. Corgis for your support of the program and supervisor mandle man or mr. Corgis, anything to add . I would like to thank tom prentano that i forgot to thank. Thank you, mr. Corgis. Great work, mr. Corgis. Thats an honor coming from you, sir. Mr. Chair, i am getting delays from your microphone again. If youre able to hear me, may may hear you more clearly if you turn off your camera. Are you there, mr. Chair . Yes, im here. Sousupervisor pesk irkin, did ye a comment. Nothing that mr. Corgis beard and im delighted that the cbd is up for renewal and congratulations on their first 15 years. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Why dont we go to Public Comment. Mr. Clerk, any callers on the line . Thank you, mr. Chair. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the cue. Please let us know if there are any call thats are ready. Forethose connecteplease press r this item. For those already on hold in the cue, please continue to wait until youre prompted to begin at the beep. And for those who are watching our meeting on cable channel 26 or via a streaming link through sfgovtv. Org, if you wish to speak call in by following the instructions that are on your screen and youll dial 888 2045984 and enter the access code 3501008 and enter the pound symbol twice and then press one and then zero to enter the cue to speak. Are there any callers . Mr. Chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. Great. Thank you again, operation exposoperations andmr. Clerk. Public comment is now closed. Colleagues, can we send this item to the full board with positive recommendation . Mr. Clerk, please call the role. On the motion to send the item to the full board of soup supervisors with the positive recommendation, vice chair role call . There are three ayes. Please call item number 4. Agenda item number 4 is a resolution declaring the intention of the board of supervisors to renew and expands a propertybased district known as the Fishermans Wharf landside and a year assessment on all parcels in the district. Approving the district plan in engineers report and proposed boundarys map for the district. Ordering and setting a time in place for a public hearing of the board of supervisors and sitting as a committee of the whole as july 14, 2020, approving the assessment ballot proceeding, the assessment ballot itself and directing environmental findings and directing the board of supervisors to give notice of the hearing, members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment, should call Public Comment number at 888 2045984 and enter 35008 and press pound symbol twice and 10 and enter the cue to speak. Mr. Chair. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, chair mar. Like the castro cbd, this was one of the earliest districts after i originally passed enabling legislation into 2004, this came along in 2005 and it has served ably for the first decade and a half. It was the first of what is now five cbds in the Northeast Corner of San Francisco in district three and now under the very capable leadership of the relatively new executive director, randall scott, who hails from the flagship Business Union district and this is actually half of the Fishermans Wharf cbds plural. There is a landslide before us today and a waterside district coming before us later this ye year. There is a slight expansion which consists of 189 parcels in 27 square blocks or portions thereof and generates a million and a quarter dollars a year for cleaning and marketing, very similar to the work that is done by the castro cbd for the area free covid19 that generated millions and millions dollars for the city and county of San Francisco through our robust tourist industry which i know will return and mr. Scott and members of his board are already thinking and planning about how were going to reattract people from the region and around the country and the world back to the incredible tourist experience and that is Fishermans Wharf. With that, mr. Chairman, i will hand it to mr. Corgis. Thank you. Good morning, supervisors and i would like to thank supervisor peskin and his office for all of their assistance on this renewal and expansion of the landside cbd. It was initially formed in 2005 after the enabling legislation was passed into the city and countys business and tax regulations code and this item will authorize the department of elections to initiate ballot proceedings for a second 15year duration and there will be an assessment budget of the 1,223,783. 20 and the total budget will be 1,346,000. It general benefit or funds that the cbd must rate in addition to the revenue is 9. 08 of the budget. With me today is randall scott, the executive director of the wharf district to provide a services map for the renewed district. If there are no questions, i would like to invite mr. Scott for his portion of the presentation. Mr. Scott, please proceed. Thank you, chair mar, and vice chair peskin and supervisor hainey. Nice to be here before you today virtually and here to discuss and go over, you know, what the what landside cbd is. As supervisor peskin said, were a unique hybrid of cbds because of the port property where, you know, were not allowed to assess the port directly. But anyway, so this is a landside and again, the landside essentially is bay street north to jefferson street and the embarcadaro and thats generally speaking what that is. In a later slide, i have the boundary outline. So, chris, mr. Corgis, if you would like to go to the next slide, please. please stand by . So a little history. 20192020, the landside assessments were 758,600. And the 2007 and 2013 and 2006 one cleaner seven days a week. 2013 to 2018 was when the clean and safe program really ramped up with three ambassadors originally. 2018 to 2020 we were able to secure the funds for four ambassadors and some partial private security to do the safety aspect, if you will. So that 758,000 covered, you know, all three areas of our budget, which is which is currently district identity and street scape improvements. Soho which is sidewalk operations, beautification sidewalk excuse me. Sidewalk operations and beautifications order. Beautification and order. There we go. I apologize. Those acronyms were new to me when i came onboard. So that so, you know, the clean and safe portion of the budget has kind of chipped away at some of the other programs that have been here in the past, while still in alignment with, you know, with the budget guidelines that are outlined in the original management plan. The next slide, please. So those clean and safe families with four ambassadors, we have some highlevel metrics here to give you from the past five years, where the program has really ramped up. Business interactions, 45,000, hospitality were tony stewartistbased 17,936. Graffiti mitigation, which is a pet peeve of mine, was 32,000 incidents. Quality of life addressed, 37,000 and pounds of trash collected, 136,000 pounds of trash. As you can see, our staff is busy and highly efficient at, you know at collecting trash and making sure that quality of life for everybody is maintained. So next slide, please. So here this is our marketing. And if you anything that you see with Fishermans Wharf on it, that is us. That is what we do. We have one of the largest Marketing Budgets out of any of the districts. That is because we are a massive Tourist Destination for now were known internationally in our we had a canada media tour that came down here last year. We gave them the full tour. Clam chowder, waterfront experience, pier 39 and they went back and wrote very glowing articles. And we wound up getting over 2 million hits on facebook and our website, as a result of that. And thats just one of them. We also had a program called gate out of the u. K. They came and did a full morning show from here at the wharf. So we get we attract a tremendous amount of tourism and visibility. And that Marketing Budget were not touching. So its been very successful. Its you know, its a very efficient and wellrun program. You know, our staff is great, as you can tell. Its a very effective area. In the upper lefthand corner, youll see thats the district in the gray. So thats the area of the city that we occupy and look after and curate for both locals, californians, americans and abroad. So thats again anything that saw see with the Fishermans Wharf or the crab logo, that coming out of the c. B. D. So briefly this is before and after renewals. 758600 broken down with the contingency, admin and thats these are actual assessments collected. This doesnt include the portion of the budget that we contribute. We received over 250,000 in grants last year. So i just wanted to keep it clean, so you understand where the budget is coming from. On the right is what were increasing the assessments to. And as you can see, the marketing so dizzy is on the left. And thats the Marketing Budget. 356,000. That was 47 of the budget. To the right i took out the streetscapes and left the marketing dollars in there. And that equites to 318,000. So i just want to make sure were comparing apples to apples here. As you can tell, that percentage drops to 26 of the budget. Although the number is staying the same. The clean and safe program, which pulled from both sobo and dizzy, because part of its identity, goes up to 550,000, which is 45 of our budget. Again we have a very robust Marketing Budget. But as i believe everyone here knows why that is. And then the administrative goes up. And thats by adding a services manager. Thats actually creating a job. And again thats 20 . Contingency reserves, those go up. And, you know, those are going to be things, for instance, if the pandemic does continue, well have the funds in reserve. For example, when this covid when the shelterinplace came onboard, we were very concerned about breakins and about graffiti and everything. So we actually, out of our reserve funds, we put on an overnight patrol. And so were actually providing overnight over watch over the district out of our own funds to protect the Property Owners and so forth. The vale of the c. B. D. Is that collective those collective dollars that you go to work to really augment, not what the city does, but what the Property Owner dozen. So last slide. That concludes my presentation. I wanted to keep it brief but informative. And as you can see, this is my staff. And we will be adding back our marketing director. We lost she resigned and went to visit durango in colorado. Well be hiring her again. So we just received a p. P. P. Loan, which will allow me to start working on that project. Are there any other questions . Mr. Chairman, i have no questions. I do want to compliment mr. Scott and his staff and his board for their years of fantastic work. Thank you, supervisor peskin. I echo your commendation and thanks to mr. Scott and everyone involved in this really important c. B. D. When we go to Public Comment, mr. Clerk, are there any callers on the line . Clerk mr. Chair, operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Mr. Coup, please let us know if any callers ready. For those who already connected to the meeting by via phone, please press 1 and 0. For those already on hold in the queue, please continue to wait until you are prompted to begin at the beep. For those who are watching our meeting on cable channel 26 or via streaming link or sfgov tv, if you wish to speak on this item, please call in by following the instructions on your screen. Dial 888 2045984. And enter the access code of350 1008, press the pound symbol twice and press 1 and 0 to speak. Mr. Coup, are there any speakers . Mr. Chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. Thanks again, operations and mr. Clerk. Hearing no further callers, Public Comment is now closed. Colleagues can we send this item for the full board with recommendation . Mr. Clerk, will you call the roll. Clerk the motion to send this resolution to the full board of supervisors, with positive recommendations. [roll call] member haney . Aye. Clerk chair mar . Aye. Clerk mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Thank you, mr. Clerk. Before we proceed with the remaining agenda items, i did want to ask deputy City Attorney to speak to the interdependence of items 5, 6, 7 and 8, well be considering in close session item number 9 and 10. Good morning, chair mar, members of the committee. There are four leases before you that are to be discussed. And there are two settlements as well. The leases are related to one of the settlements and i understand that you have considered the possibility of taking things out of order, so that the settlements may be discussed first. And the leases taken up afterwards. Thank you. Thank you so much, miss pearson. Yes, i am going to be calling these items out of order. And well be going into closed session to consider the Settlement Agreements, before considering items 5 through 8. I just wanted to explain that, like why i think this sequence is better. There are over there are well over 500 car rental workers represented by teamsters local 665 and 856 covered by the Lease Agreements ant the related legal settlements. Imconcerned about what the terms of the Lease Agreement for the workers. Specifically the change in terms of the agreement from the prevailing wage rate of roughly 24 to s. F. O. Mr. Chair, im sorry to interrupt. But these items are not yet called. So it might make sense for us to call the items and then have the commentary. Thank you. Okay. Im sorry about that. Mr. Clerk, i guess so i will i do want to again oh, if you can call items 9 and 10 for closed session. Why dont we do that first. Clerk well handle the close session items 3 agenda items 9 and 10 are two ordinances against the city of San Francisco. Members of the community should call the Public Comment number, the number is 888 2045984. Enter the access code of 3501108. Press the pound symbol twice and dial one and zero to be entered into the queue to speak. Thank you, mr. Clerk. So im sorry. Again i did want to just briefly explain that the reason why im calling these items out of order is because i am concerned about what the terms of the Lease Agreements mean for these for the well over 500 rental car workers. And their economic security. And specifically how the change in terms of the Lease Agreements from the prevailing wage rate of roughly 24 an hour to s. F. O. s minimum wage of 18 an hour. And how that represents a loss of over 1,300,000 in annual income for fulltime workers. So this is a really significant negative impact for hundreds of rental car workers at s. F. O. So i do want to understand the circumstances of the significant change in the Lease Agreements and would like to consider the Settlement Agreement first in closed session. Mr. Clerk, lets open up Public Comment for the closed session. Members of the public who wish to speak actually mr. Clerk, yeah, can you please see if theres any callers on the line for the closed session. Clerk thank you, mr. Chair. Operations will check to see if we have any callers in the queue. For those callers who have already dialed in, if you wish po to speak on items 9 and 10, press 1 and zero to connect to the call. For those watching our meeting on sfgov tv or streaming online, the phone number to call, if you want to give Public Comment on these items, 888 2045984. Enter the access code of 3501108. Press the pound symbol twice and 1 and 0 to enter the queue to speak. There are no callers wishing to speak. Thank you again, operations and mr. Clerk. Public comment is now closed. On the motion to convene in closed session, mr. Clerk, please call the roll. Clerk on motion to convene in closed session, choice a chair peskin . Aye. Chair mar . Aye. Mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Thank you, mr. Clerk. We will now convene in closed session. Clerk thank you, mr. Chair. The members will now be leaving this live meeting and will connect to the closed session. After the closed session is concluded, the members will reconnect to the live meeting in a summary of actions taken during the closed session will be reported. Members of the public may remain connected to the live meeting and await our return. Thank you. We are now back in open session. Thank you all for your patience while we were away. Mr. Clerk, please report on the deliberations. Clerk thank you, mr. Chair. During the closed session deliberations, the committee took the following actions on agenda item number 9, the committee acted unanimously to recommend the item to the fuel board of supervisors. And on agenda item number 110, the committee acted unanimously for it to be approved by full bd of supervisors. I would like to make a motion to not disclose the closed session discussion. Mr. Clerk, please call roll. Clerk on the motion to not disclose the closed session deliberations, the vice chair peskin. Aye. Clerk member haney. Aye. Chair mar. Aye. Clerk mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Thank you, mr. Clerk. Can you please call items 5, 6, 7, and 8 together. Clerk hang on just a moment while he reorganize. While i reorganize my script. Called together agenda item number 5 is a resolution approving the onairport ren calcar operations louisiania number 180343 between Avis Budget Rental car and the city and county of San Francisco. Acting by and through its Airport Commission for a term of five year, with two twoyear options to extend and and a minimum annual guarantee of 11,076,378 for the first year of the lease to commence upon board approval. A resolution approving the onairport rental car operations lease number 180342 between enterprise rentacar company of San Francisco, l. L. C. And the city and county, acting by and through the Airport Commission for a term of five year, with two twoyear options to extend to the minimum annual guarantee of the contract. Agenda item number 7, is a resolution approving the onairport rental car operations lease number 180341 between the Hertz Corporation, as the tenant, and the city and county. For a term much five years with two twoyear options at an annual guarantee of 16,501,462. Finally agenda number 8, resolution approving the onairport rental operations. For a determine of five years with two twoyear options to extend and a minimum annual guarantee of 3,501,004. 32 for the first year of the lease to commence following board approval. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on these four resolutions should call the Public Comment number. That number is 888 2045984. Enter the access code. The access code is 3501008. Press the pound symbol twice and then press one and zero to enter the queue to speak. Mr. Chair. Thank you, mr. Clerk. Id like to welcome the Government Affairs manager for the San FranciscoInternational Airport. Shes here to speak on these items. I also do want to note, colleagues, that deputy City Attorney general Jeremy Goldman and Christopher Stewart and trevor are also available for questions. Miss widener, the floor is yours. Thank you, chair mar. Chair mar and members of the committee, Kathy Widener with the San FranciscoInternational Airport. The proposed resolutions would approve rental car leases between the San FranciscoInternational Airport and the following tenants in the airports rental car center. Avis budget rental car with the minimum annual guarantee of 11,076,378. Enterprise rentacar with a minimum annual guarantee of 16,087,548. The Hertz Corporation with a minimum annual guarantee rent of 16,501,462. Sixt rentacar with 3,501,004. Each term has an initial term of five years to june 2025 with twoyear with the two twoyear options to extend these four leases are the result of the 2018 competitive request for bids proposal process, to select up to nine rental car brands to operate at the airport. The airport received ten bids from five companies, and these following four companies were awarded leases for their nine brands. Avis for the brands of avis and budget, enterprise for the brands alamo, national and enterprise. Hertz for the brands hertz, dollar and thrifty. And sixt. The Airport Commission approved the four leases. However, the leases did not come to the board of supervisors at that time, due to litigation filed by the rental car companies, about the wage rate included, which has now been settled by the courts. Under the leases, the rental car operators would pay the greater of the rent or a percentage formula, 10 of gross revenues. Based on the rent structure, the airport would normally expect to receive approximately 343. 5 million over the initial fiveyear term of the leases. However, given the current covid19related decrease in passenger traffic, the airport Standard Lease language suspending mag, when it falls below 80 , will be in effect. And these companies will pay percentage rent until traffic returns. The Budget Analysts Office has reviewed the leases and recommends approval. And i would be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Thank you so much, ms. Widener. I would like to invite campbell from the budget and legislative Analysts Office to briefly summarize her analysis on these items. Yes. Chair mar, members of the committee. As ms. Widener says, the four resolutions are for leases between the airport and hertz, avis, enterprise and sixt. The terms of the leases are summarized in table two on page 10 of our report. The initial rent over the first five years is estimated to be 343 million. However, as noted in our report, and mentioned by miscellaneous widener, the leases do provide for suspension of the minimal annual rent, in the event that passenger and payment falls below 80 , 217th level. Rent will, in fact, be less than the 343 million that is originally estimated. Wed recommend approval of the four resolutions, pending approval by the board of supervisors, of ordinance 200330. And im available for any questions you may have. Thank you, ms. Campbell. Before we go to Public Comment, are there any further comments or questions from my colleagues . Seeing none, mr. Clerk, are there any callers on the line . Clerk thank you, mr. Chair. Operation is checking to see if any callers in the queue. Mr. Coup, please let us know if there are any callers that are ready. For those who have already connected to our meeting via phone, please press one and zero to be added to the queue to speak for this item. For those already on hold in the queue, please continue to wait until you are prompted to begin at the beep. For those who are waiting sorry, for those who are watching our meeting on cable channel 26 or via streaming link or throughsfgovtv. Org, if you wish to speak on the item, please call by the instruction on the screen. Dial 888 2045984. Enter the access code, it is 3501008. Press the pound symbol twice and one and zero to enter the queue to speak. Mr. Coup, do we have any speakers who have called in for agenda items 5 through 8 . Mr. Chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. Thank you again, operations and mr. Clerk. With no callers on the line, Public Comment is now closed. Colleagues, i would like to recommend we i would like to move that we recommend items 5, 6, 7 and 8 for the full board with positive recommendation. Mr. Clerk, please call roll. Clerk on the motion offered by chair mar, to recommend agenda items 5 through 8 to the board of supervisors, vice chair peskin. Aye. Member haney. Aye. Clerk chair mar . Aye. Clerk mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Thank you, mr. Clerk. Is there any further business . Clerk there is no further business before the committee. Great. This meeting is adjourned. Thank you, everyone. Clerk thank you. [ ] i just dont know that you can find a neighborhood in the city where you can hear music stands and take a ride on the low rider down the street. It is an experience that you cant have anywhere else in San Francisco. [ ] [ ] district nine is a in the southeast portion of the city. We have four neighborhoods that i represent. St. Marys park has a completely unique architecture. Very distinct feel, and it is a very close to holly park which is another beautiful park in San Francisco. The Bernal Heights district is unique in that we have the hell which has one of the best views in all of San Francisco. There is a swinging hanging from a tree at the top. It is as if you are swinging over the entire city. There are two unique aspects. It is considered the fourth chinatown in San Francisco. Sixty of the residents are of chinese ancestry. The second unique, and fun aspect about this area is it is the garden district. There is a lot of urban agriculture and it was where the city grew the majority of the flowers. Not only for San Francisco but for the region. And of course, it is the location in mclaren park which is the citys second biggest park after golden gate. Many people dont know the neighborhood in the first place if they havent been there. We call it the best neighborhood nobody has ever heard our. Every neighborhood in district nine has a very special aspect. Where we are right now is the Mission District. The Mission District is a very special part of our city. You smell the tacos at the [speaking spanish] and they have the best latin pastries. They have these shortbread cookies with caramel in the middle. And then you walk further down and you have sunrise cafe. It is a place that you come for the incredible food, but also to learn about what is happening in the neighborhood and how you can help and support your community. Twentyfourth street is the birthplace of the movement. We have over 620 murals. It is the largest outdoor Public Gallery in the country and possibly the world. You can find so much Political Engagement park next to so much incredible art. Its another reason why we think this is a cultural district that we must preserve. [ ] it was formed in 2014. We had been an organization that had been around for over 20 years. We worked a lot in the neighborhood around life issues. Most recently, in 2012, there were issues around gentrification in the neighborhood. So the idea of forming the cultural district was to help preserve the history and the culture that is in this neighborhood for the future of families and generations. In the past decade, 8,000 latino residents in the Mission District have been displaced from their community. We all know that the rising cost of living in San Francisco has led to many people being displaced. Lower and middle income all over the city. Because it there is richness in this neighborhood that i also mentioned the fact it is flat and so accessible by trip public transportation, has, has made it very popular. Its a struggle for us right now, you know, when you get a lot of development coming to an area, a lot of new people coming to the area with different sets of values and different culture. There is a lot of struggle between the existing community and the newness coming in. There are some things that we do to try to slow it down so it doesnt completely erase the communities. We try to have developments that is more in tune with the community and more Equitable Development in the area. You need to meet with and gain the support and find out the needs of the neighborhoods. The people on the businesses that came before you. You need to dialogue and show respect. And then figure out how to bring in the new, without displacing the old. [ ] i hope we can reset a lot of the mission that we have lost in the last 20 years. So we will be bringing in a lot of folks into the neighborhoods pick when we do that, there is a demand or, you know, certain types of services that pertain more to the local community and workingclass. Back in the day, we looked at mission street, and now it does not look and feel anything like mission street. This is the last stand of the latino concentrated arts, culture and cuisine and people. We created a cultural district to do our best to conserve that feeling. That is what makes our city so cosmopolitan and diverse and makes us the envy of the world. We have these unique neighborhoods with so much cultural presence and learnings, that we want to preserve. [ ] mayor im San Francisco mayor london breed. I want to thank you all for joining us here today. Im really excited about this Small Business forum that is so desperately needed for so many businesses in our city. This pandemic has had not only a tremendous impact on our overall city and our Public Health, but it has also had a tremendous impact on our financial health, and especially many of our businesses in the city. The people who own these businesses, the work force of these businesses, it all will be very difficult as the few as the months to come, when we begin to look at ways in which we can open and provide new guidelines around opening businesses. We know tha