Good morning. This is the may 6, 2020 budget and finance committee meeting. I will be calling the rescheduled committee. I am supervisor fewer. Our clerk is ms. Linda wong. I would like to thank sf governosfgovtv. Madam clerk, do y announcements. Due to the covid19 health emergency, City Employees and the public the board of Supervisors Committee rooms are closed. Members will participate in the meeting remotely as if they are presently present. Public comment is available for each item. They are streaming the number across the stream at sfgovtv. Each speaker is allowed two minutes. Comments to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 888 2045984 access code 3501008. 3501008 press pound. You will beelined up in the order you dialed. While waiting the phone will be silent. All callers will remain on mute until the line is open. You must account for timely days between life coverag cover coved streaming. Turndown your radio. You can make Public Comment by emailing me linda. Wong at sfgovtv. If you submit via email it will be included as part of the matter. Written comments may be sent through your Postal Service to city hall. Finally, items acted upon today will be forwarded for full consideration on may 12 unless otherwise stated. Supervisor fewer thank you, madam clerk. Please read items one and two together on the budget and finance committee agenda. 1. Resolution authorizing the director of property to exercise lease amends for leases of Real Property at 3119 Mission Street and 3120 Mission Street for office and Service Space with klw investments as landlord each for fiveyear terms to commence on july 1, 2020 to expire on june 30, 2025 at the combined Monthly Base Rent of 203,231. 60 for a total annual base rent of 2438779 with base rent increasing 3 per year. Two. Resis solution authorizing the director of property to exercise an option to extend a lease of Real Property located at 2 gough street for office space with rachris, llc as landlord for fiveyear term. Call us to line up to speak. Thank you. You may remember the two items one and two were continued from last weeks agenda. We heard these last week. I believe last week we had supervisor peskin also joining us. You might recall that last week we heard these items and asked the director of real estate to go back to the landlords and ask if we could renegotiate at a lower rent. I believe you are joining us today with an update. Thats correct. Good morning, chair fewer and supervisors, i am the director of real estate. As you just stated. I was before you last week seeking positive recommendation on these leases. You asked that i go back and talk to the landlords because you were concerned that the rate that was proposed did not reflect an anticipated downturn if option in the market. I am pleased to announce we had those negotiations. The landlords are not very happy, but we were able to achieve a 15 reduction in the proposed rate for each of these leases due in large part to the willingness of the landlords to continue the partnership with the city. As it relates to 2119 and 2120 Mission Street, the current rate is 46. 75. The proposal before you last week was 48. 45 per square foot. The new proposed rate is 41. 18. I would note in this case, the new proposed rate is below the current rate and represents an almost 20 reduction. 2 gough street it is 39. 40 per square feet. New rate today is 44. 78. This concludes my presentation. I am available to answer any questions that you may have as well as robert walsh from hsa. Do you estimate the total cost savings is over the time of this rent, how much we are safing total . I do not have that figure in front of me. I believe in the resolution it gives the annual rate, but it doesnt give the annual savings. I would be happy to get that to you. That would be great. Any comments or questions or congratulations and our appreciation . Supervisor mandelman. I want to extend congratulations for taking this back to the lessor for willingness to have this conversation. It is a weird moment to enter a lease extension. That was correct last week and i think this is clearly an improved result to the city, allows the space to be used for important City Services and also recognizes the fact that there has been this economic downturn. These coffers will be strained Going Forward. Thank you. Seeing no other comments. Could we have Public Comment on items one or two, please. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. If you have not done so press one and 0 to be added to the queue. Madam chair, no callers are wishing to speak. Public comment is closed. I just want to say thank you for negotiating on behalf of the citizens of San Francisco. I would like to mention as budget chair i would accept before we are looking for any extension of leases that there would be a conversation about reduction in rent so we know we are in economic downturns. Thank you so much. I appreciate it very, very much. I would like to make a motion. If supervisor peskin is listening, thank you very much. I would like to move to the full board with a positive recommendation. Could we please have a roll call vote. Thank you. Due to the new rates, i want to ask if the resolution is to be amended . Yes, could we have the City Attorney weigh in, please. Good morning, chair, members of the committee. I expect the resolution would require amendments to reflect new terms of the lease. I have not been sent amendments. To the extent be they would reduce the amount of the money the city is approving they wouldnt be substantive. As suggested by the clerk i would expect the resolution approving the leases would have revisions to reflect changed terms. Would we be able to vote today or have to wait for the amendments . Madam chair, we did provide red lines and clean versions of the amended resolutions to the clerk. If those are available and you want to continue this item to later in todays meeting, i think we would have a chance to look at them so the committee would vote today if they are available for review. Okay. Madam clerk, have you been able to find that legislation . Yes, madam chair. My apologies. We do have the amended legislation. I will forward it to the members of the Budget Committee now. We can take item 3 and come back. Would you please send a copy to the City Attorney. Lets go to item 3, madam clerk, please read. Resolution approving modification number 14 to airport contract for the San Francisco International Airport Terminal One Development program with t1 to increase by 6 million for a new not to exceed amount of 38 million for services and extending the term through july 7, 2023 to commence following board approval. Members who wish to comment on this item should call us at 8882045984. Press one and zero to line up to speak. Thank you. We have cathy wagner from the San Francisco International Airport. Good morning. Cathy wagner from the San Francisco International Airport. The item before you would approve modification to an existing project Management Support Services contract with t1 partners for the airports t1 program boarding area b project. The modification increases the contract by 6 million for a new total contract amount of 38 million and extending the contract through july 7, 2023. The original contract was the result of a 2013 competitive request for proposals and was approved by the board for the current 32 million not to exceed amount. T1 partners provides Program Management services to the terminal milk project including Program Planning and Program Costs and schedule controls, cord nation of Program Management with Construction Management and other program services. The original Contract Term was one year with nine one year options to extend. The airport previously exercised six of the nine oneyear extension options through july 2020 within the originally approved 32 Million Contract amount. This proposed modification would increase the final three one year options to extend. The second phase of the t1 program opened last week with nine gates in boarding area b as well as south side tickets lobby. While the airport has reevaluated Capital Improvement andy layed projects based on the covid19 crisis. The harvey milk project is a priority and will continue as scheduled. The airport has 1 billion of capital im provement Funding Authority and we have adjusted so this will blast for 18 months with the hope that it goes through a recovery period. The budget analyst has reviewed this modification and recommends approval. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Thank you. Could we hear from the bla, please. Good morning. Budget legislative Analyst Office. This approves the 14th amendment to the existing contract between the airport and t1 partners to provide Program Management services to harvey milk terminal renovation project. This would be approving the final three one year extensions of the contract. It was a 10 Year Contract to 2023 and increasing amount by 6 million from 32 million to 38 million. We summarize the 6 million increase in the contract on page 15 of our report. We also did have discussions with the airport about the cost of the contract, cost of the project and funding sources. There are some Revenue Bonds that would pay for the final part of this project which would cover the cost of the contract, also, as you look on page 16 of the report we do note there is cares act funding and passenger facility fee Funds Available to the airport to meet the revenue shortfall at the airport which is estimated at 200 million in the current fiscal year. Because the program is ongoing and this has been a performing contract that we do recommend approval of the resolution. Thank you very much. I see in the queue supervisor walton. Thank you. I have one question in terms of with the decrease in revenue for the airport, does this have any effect . Do we continue to monitor this . Just to clarify. Do you need to continue to monitor the capital plan or this contract specifically . Capital plan, this contract specifically, i know this wont be the last similar request we have. I am wondering with decrease in revenue how does that affect item three, and quite frankly Going Forward items that are going to be similar . This contract will be the final modification. This 6 million will closeout this contract for terminal 2 project. You will see some ongoing Capital Project items coming before you. As i said that entire project has been reevaluated with some projects delayed or removed so we can make our existing 1 billion authority in Capital Spending last for 18 months. I would be happy to get you some updated information on what projects we will be moving forward with andy laying if and what projects we will delay if that is helpful. Thank you very much. I will provide that to the committee. I have to say the airport did not reach out to us about this before. I didnt have an opportunity be to voice kernels. I am concerned about this contract. The airport is going to be in a slump more than 18 months. You have the buffer. We dont know how the economy l bounce back. We know if you need funds that most of the time happens that there are layoffs of workers. Actually, i think i would like to see that information before we actually have a vote on this. I would like to open this for comment and make a motion to continue this item into the next meeting of the budget and finance committee. Can you please call for Public Comment. Operation is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. Please let us know if there are callers ready please be added to the queue. Madam chair, no callers are wishing to speak. Thank you. Public comment is closed. Ms. Wagner, i would like to learn a little bit more about how the airport is going to meet the shortfall. I would extend a shortfall to even after 18 months. We are looking into the next two or three fiscal years to get an understanding, deeper understanding how you are going to meet these shortfalls because airports have been hit very hard and also the airline as. We dont know which airlines will recover financially. I dont have any idea on what your plans are. If you could provide some information to us that would be great. Supervisor mandelman. I want to make sure there is no client sensitivity acting on this rather than next week. No, that is fine. I would like to make a motion to continue this item to the next budget and finance committee and could i please have a roll call vote. On the motion supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Three ayes. Item four ordinance amending ordinance 17019 the annual salary ordinance fys 20192020 and 2020221 to add active military Service Related to the covid19 pandemic to the enumerated events that qualify for supplementary military pay. Supervisor stefani, i think you are the speaker today. Thank you. Good morning. Before you today is a minor amendment to the annual salary ordinance which i have put forth to make sure everyone who responds to covid19 is adequately compensated. The annual ordinance provides the city to pay employees on military leave the difference between the city salary and military pay. The city pays the retirement contribution while on leave and other benefits to about which they are entitle if it is over 30days. This only applies to terrorist attacks. These do not apply to unit training or similar events. My amendment expands to include members of the military called into active duty for covid19 response authorized by the federal government in march. This came to me after i heard from two individuals who are currently served in this capacity with diminished pay and benefits. They are doing the work, most vital in our country right now. I dont believe it is right they suffer additional Financial Hardship for doing so. As the budget and legislative analyst pointed out this will cost approximately 55,000 for employee deployed. San francisco has a very low number of individuals deployed. I have identified only two individuals in San Francisco. There may be others. We know only about 1,000 people actually meet this definition statewide which is only. 2 of one percent or two people per 100,000. This will have a tremendous impact on the lives of the individual families but small impact on the county. I want to thank those who drafted this so quickly. Thank you for your consideration. Members of the committee, supervisor stefani. In response to what is presented this would amend the annual salary ordinance for 19202021 for those called up for military pay. Based on information provided by the department of Human Resources we estimate the cost for individual 55,000. This is generally paid out of existing City Department budgets, not an additional budgeted cost to the city. The number is not known at this time how many San Francisco employees would be eligible, however, as supervisor stefani pointed out based on data from the state legislative analyst only about 1,000 individuals have been called upstate wide as of early april. We consider approval a policy matter for the board of supervisors. Any comments or questions . I am sorry. I am on by phone. Hi, supervisor yee. Do you have a question or comment . Yes. I know that in talking abou ther day when the numbers that San Francisco had that were deployed, i think they were saying 2018, 2019, somewhere around there were out of the whole year there were 23 deployed from San Francisco. I dont know what the number states on there, but right now they have deployed about 1,000. Is that the same ratio you are seeing for those whole year deployment in which a small number of San Francisco residents were involved . I think 23 or something. The two that supervisor stephanie seemed reasonable in terms of the sort of the ratio San Francisco versus california . That is a question. Is that a question for supervisor stefani, is that correct or the bla . Bla. Reasonable percentage. 1,000 deployed so far for the pandemic. Supervisor stefani said possibly two versus some concrete data we have for the Previous Fiscal Year in which 23 san franciscans were deployed. Yes, president yee through the chair. We did not have any kind of estimate on how many San Francisco employees would be called up and qualify. 123 that we put in the report was basically we requested information from the department of Human Resources over the past two years how many have been called up and calculated the average cost. That was 123 San Francisco employees over the past two years called up or receiving military pay in an average cost of 55,000. There is no number in terms of those who would be called up for covid19 response. What we did get is state legislative Analyst Office state wide about 1,000 were called up as of april 8th. We assume if 1,000 were called up the actual number in terms of San Francisco would not be very large based on that information. We dont have a specific estimate. So i get the number i am after is for those two years in which there were 123 deployed. How many were deployed statewide . I do not have that information. I am sorry. Do you have that information . Thank you. I am not understanding the question. My understanding was 123 were deployed for active conflict. It is not statewide or for covid19. Go ahead. Can you please repeat the question. Thank you. I am trying to get a sense of proportion of the San Francisco versus statewide. What is the typical proportion. Since we dont really know if it is 1,000, i think that is in the state right now. What we dont know are the true numbers for San Francisco. We do know the true number for San Francisco deployed over the two years for combat was 123. I thought we had the numbers for how many were deployed statewide for those two years. Then we could get some idea of proportion. You are saying two out of 1,000. It could be true, i dont know. I am trying to find out if that is close to what the proportion might be. We dont know the proportion. You dont have the number, nothing we can do. Okay. Thank you very much. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Are there any members of the public to comment on item four . It is breaking up. There are no callers in the queue. They have to fill it out on their timecard. We would follow up. Okay. Madam clerk, is there something wrong with my speaker . Then i would like to make a motion to move with a positive motion to the floor. Roll call, please. On the motion. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Fewer. Aye. Three. Ayes. Can i ask to see if they can get how many in california were deployed over those two years. So i have a better sense on this at the full committee, full board. We will provide that information prior to the Board Meeting next tuesday. Thank you. Thank you very much. Would it be possible to go back to items one and two before the next item which is lengthy . Back to items one and two. I have the information you asked for previously. For the Mission Street leases, the savings over fiveyear term is 1,942,000,840. For the golf street lease over the 5 year term the savings 586,215. The total savings for all three leases is a little over 2. 5 million. All right. Every dollar helps. Thank you very much. Are these amendments substanti substantive . Madam City Attorney . No, they are not. I make a motion to approve the amendment roll call vote, please. On the motion to approve the amendments for items one and two supervisor walton. Aye. Mandelman. Aye fewer. Aye. There are three eyes. I would like to make a motion to move items one and two as amended to the board with positive recommendation. Roll call vote, please. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Chair fewer. Aye. There are three ayes. Thank you very much. Madam clerk, did you read item 5 already . Item 5. Resolution authorizing the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute a standard agreement with the California Department of housing and Community Development under the Affordable Housing Program Total award of 20 million to the department sponsor of 100 Affordable Housing project at parcel c31 and 6. 2 million to be disbursed as a grant from hcd to the authority for Public Transportation improvements on Treasure Island for the period starting on the execution date of the standard agreement to june 30, 2039. Members of the publicsual call the 8882045984 access code 3501008 and press one to line up to speak. Thank you. We have bob beck here from tie a and the San Francisco tda. Mr. Beck, are you presenting . Thank you, chair. Yes, members of the committee, bob beck. I have a half dozen slides to present, but eric of the Transportation Authority and mercy housing are also on the line if members of the committee have questions. Okay. Can you see my presentation . No, we cannot. Let me try again. As mentioned. We have an except and expands resolution for a 20 million grant award from the state department of housing and Community Development. The Affordable Housing and Sustainability Community Grant Program is administered by the Strategic Council and implemented through the department odepartment of housid Community Development and provides grants for transportation and housing and infrastructure housing to achieve Greenhouse Gas reductions and deliver community benefits. The nofa was issued by the department of housing and Community Development november of 2018, and in january of 2019, the board of supervisors approved resolution 3919 authorizing tida to apply jointly with mercy housing under the Grant Program. We filed an application in february of 2019, and hcd issued award announcements on july of 2019. The resolution before you today authorizes tida to execute the standard agreement and related documents to accept the fundin fundings. Of the funding and the application, approximately 13. 75 million is directed to mercy housing to help fund the development of our second 100 Affordable Housing project on the island in partnership with Catholic Charities. It will be 138 apartment units, 71 replacement units for existing Catholic Charities households on the island. 23 transition units helping tida fulfill the obligation to existing market rate residents on the island. Additional new 44 affordable units. It has a mix of one, two, three and four bedroom units. Our predevelopment loan was approved by mohcd in february of 2019, and their target start for construction is the First Quarter of next year. You can see the renderings of the proposed building that mercy is designing along with the architects and where it will be located on Treasure Island. The transportation elements which will be implemented through tida include funding that we will direct to the Transportation Authority for bike and ped elements within the limits of the recently awarded south gate hillcrest interchange project. Those elements will connect the east span bike path with bike and ped improvements by the master developer on mic collow road. A c transit buses will serve the islands and some funding to help support the construction of the intermodal hub improvements serving bus and ferry improvements at the front of the island. A small amount of funding for tod partnerships, 189,000 will go to mercy housing to support the purchase of transit passes for residents for the first three years of occupancy and 40,000 to go to the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition to help fund bicycle education and advocacy efforts. That concludes my presentation, but i would be happy to take any questions that you may have. Thank you very much. Colleagues, any questions . There is no bla report. Public comment first. Could we please hear Public Comment on item 5. Operations is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. If you have not done so please press one and zero to be added to the queue. For those on hold waits until you are prompted to begin at the beat. Madam chair no callers are wishing to speak. Public comment is closed. I would like to make a motion. I see no one in the queue. I would like to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. Rolling call vote. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Chair fewer. Aye. Three ayes. Thank you very much. Madam clerk please call item one of the budget appropriations committee. Item one please review the budget process and related updates and request the Controllers Office and Mayors Office and the budget and analyst report. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment should call is 8882045984 access code 3501008 and press one and zero to line up to speak. Thank you very much. We have with us ashley from the mayors Budget Office and ben from the Controllers Office. Good morning, supervisors. Thank you for having me this morning. As the chair said i am ashley, deputy budget director in the mayors Budget Office to provide a brief update on spending in the citys response to covid19. I have one slide. Can everyone see that . No. Now we can. Okay. As of monday, may 4th, the city has expended im sorry. This seems to have an old number. I am not sure what happened. 68. 9 million on the covid19 response effort to date. That is a 5. 4 million increase from the prior week. Much of that increase is made up for an increase cost of ppe and additional spending on noncongregate shelter. To remind you of the big cost drivers here. The city has expended 31. 7 million in salary and benefits for staff involved in the response. This is mostly reallocation of existing budgeted staff time. The second largest category we are tracking is 19. 9 million for health response, which includes additional nurse or physician staffing, supplies such as ppe. We have spend 8. 1 on noncongregate shelter and Homeless Support Services increase from the prior week. Lastly, this other category which i will resend the slides. 9. 2 in other costs that is mostly for cost related to it or maintaining the Emergency Operations center, things like that. That is a very brief update. Our office in conjunction with the Controllers Office will provide additional detail in the coming weeks with a little bit more of projection for how the city will spend through the remainder of the fiscal year and some Additional Information on state and federal revenue. That concludes my very brief presentation. Thank you very much. Does the controller have anything for us today . Hi this is reesa from the Controllers Office. We are working with the Mayors Office within the next week or so. Thank you very much. Supervisor ronen. Yes, thank you so much. Last week you or kelly and ben had mentioned that the majority of these costs were going to be covered by federal and state reimbursement. I am wondering if that still continues to be the case as you prepare this report. We will get it next week and have the full picture. In terms of update from last week is that still the case . As part of this big report that reesa mentioned we are getting a lot of matching sources and uses so there is a lot of information out there. We are hopeful that fema will reimburse us for many of these costs and that we can fill other remainder gaps with other sources, but, like i said, we project the cost for the remainder of the year to see if fema and the money we received from the federal government to date will be sufficient. That exercise is very much happening. We will have a much fuller update for you at that time. Thank you. I think, also, that mr. Delarosa mentioned that they will submit reimbursement every two weeks. The actual number so we can get an update how much we received, how much has been approved and what they are submitting for. That would be a good thing for us to hear, also. Comments or questions, colleagues . I have a fewments few comments. For the last few weeks i have asked a standing weekly item for updates in realtime and ask questions. The next few weeks we will get significantly more information about the budget. It is my commitment to ensure that the board of supervisors is prepared to participate in the budget process. My office will send out the final updated calendar today and posting on the website. Colleagues there is room for additional hearings in the coming two months. I will work with your office to identify the top pressing budget related issues that we must prioritize as a committee. I wanted to lay out what the next few meetings of this committee will look like. Next week, may 13, we will go back to regularly scheduled 1 0d Appropriation Committee meeting. May 13th will be a presentation on the updated joint report from take mayors on an legislative age list will provide an update. May 20 the committee will hear the proposed new balancing plans to address the deficit in the current fiscal year and plan to hear the mayors budget instructions for the coming two year budget. In the month of july and june we will hold Department Hearings to inform the boards priority and how to engage in the budget process. This caused by the covid19 is rocking San Francisco, the country and the world, particularly our city. Incredible particularly for or city which has seen incredible Economic Growth consistently for several years. This is requiring us to think differently. I want to be clear. While we are facing tough decisions, San Francisco is still a city of immense wealth. In the previous worse Case Scenario posed the city will face a 1. 7 billion deficits over 2. 5 years. The San Francisco budget last year exceeded 12 billion annually. Yes, we will need to make sufficient decisions. As the city will be okay. As this pandemic pulled back the curtain on the disparities. Iit is important to protect our residents who are hurting the most. How we prioritize will be telling what kind of city we want to be. We could be a city that continues in the great inequities precovid19. I will be asking with regard to spending in the coming weeks. Some of this will come through the updated joint report that will be heard at this committee next week. The Controllers Office will compare how this compares to the two prior recessions so we have historical context. I will be also working to ensure the most transparency on the budget for departments to consider service in the coming years. I am asking the office of Racial Equity to help provide analysis of any proposed reductions in services or staffing. Colleagues will continue to be in the process in the coming weeks and months, dont hesitate to reach out to get ideas or thoughts how to spend our time as a committee moving forward. Any comments or questions, if not we will open it up for Public Comment. Can you see if there are any people in the queue to speak. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers. Please let us know if callers are ready if you have not done so please press one and zero. If you are on hold continue to wait until you are prompted to begin at the beat. Madam chair, no callers are wishing to speak. Public comment is closed. I would like to make a motion to continue to the call of the chair. Second, please. Second. From president yee. Roll call vote, please. On the motion. Supervisor walton. Aye. Mandelman. Aye. Aye. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Chair fewer. Aye. Five. Ayes. Any more business before us today . No further business. We are adjourned. Thank you. I want to thank all of you for joining us here today. We know that this is a very challenging time during this pandemic, especially for many people who have not only lost their income, but have had their hours reduced at their various employment sites and also lost their jobs completely. As of today weve had over 83,000 people in San Francisco apply for unemployment. What that says is that even though we locally are doing everything that we can to provide resources to the public, we know that theres so much more that needs to be done. We cant wait for a federal stimulus check in many cases, people who are living paycheck to paycheck and need money to pay their bills. And we know, especially our hairdressers and our nail salons, our barbershops, theyre probably suffering the most. Because if they dont work they dont have any income. So this is a very challenging time for all of us. And as we deal with the protecting of Public Health, we need to always protect the Financial Health of our families and communities. After were able to reopen what is that going to look like . And how will we be able to continue to make sure that everyone has a decent paying job with benefits . Thats the foundation of our city and its necessary for us to figure out ways in which we can help to support one another and uplift one another. Just a few things that we have been doing here in San Francisco include providing additional sick leave for private sector employees and also making available funding that employers have paid into our fund that establishes the support for Health Care Benefits and were able to give that back to the employees to use for important things like rent or food, finding Creative Solutions to give to s. F. , where were using those resources to help to pay for food for lowincome families and undocumented families. We know that may not qualify for other benefits that are available. Making sure that people who are very concerned and will not be able to generate revenues that theyre able to get some resources and some relief to help to pay rent. For their ability to stay housed, our Small Business community is the foundation of our city and we know that, sadly, whats happening now is that people are impacted financially, but we know that theres going to be a real challenge in the future. And its important that we make smart decisions, that we make investment in the people who work so hard for our city so that they are able to get over the very challenging time and are able to emerge from this in a way that moves our city forward. So today what we wanted to do was to take this opportunity to have a webinar specifically for workers. Because even though we have made a lot of announcements here in San Francisco about various programs that are available, it can get quite confusing because there are local programs, there are state programs, there are challenges with unemployment and other things. And we wanted to provide this as an opportunity to reach directly out to workers. And to talk to the community about ways in which we want to be as helpful as we possibly can. And also to solicit feedback because we may not have all of the answers, we may not know exactly whats going on in every sector of every part of this city, and we want to be a resource to make sure that were investing the dollars in the right programs that are going to directly impact peoples lives. So today im joined by a number of folks here who are here to serve employees of San Francisco. The workforce director josh arce works for our office of workforce and Economic Development. And for more information about what were doing and if you have any other questions or concerns, not only can you call josh directly and hell answer your call. But go to oewd. Org or call 311, and he is available. He is very dedicated to helping workers and to helping people find Job Opportunities. So thats one of his roles here with the city. And were so grateful for his commitment and service to the city. We are also joined by rudy gonzalez, the executive director for the San Francisco Labor Council. And as you know the San Francisco Labor Council represents all organized labor here in San Francisco, but they dont just fight for the groups that are part of their collaborative. They fight for better wages, they fight for Better Benefits so that people have can live with dignity and can take tear of their family take care of their family. I have a uni union family that m blessed to be part of and we know that organized labor in San Francisco is critical to the safety net of many of our lowwage workers and people who make San Francisco strong. And i want to thank you, michelle, who michelle lenardbell who is agreeing to moderate this conversation. And they have been my goto for Employment Opportunities since i mean, its been theyve been around longer than this, but its been over 20 years. When i have someone who is struggling and needs an employment opportunity, and they provide the wrap around Supportive Services and the training necessary to get people on their feet and back to work. So were glad to have an incredible network of people who are here to help to guide this conversation, help us to answer some questions, and the goal is to make sure that we are connecting our resources to the people that we know that need it the most. That is why were here. And we want to thank you all for joining us. At this time i want to join it over to josh arce, with oewd. Thank you, mayor breed and thank you for convening us here and for everything that youre doing for workers. I want to say at our department under our director, we are a team of 54 men and women who are committed working with at this point 48 communitybased organizations to support workers out there at this time and to prepare for our recovery. So as you said, so we can emerge from this even stronger. Thank you. Mayor london breed so, thank you, josh. And rudy gonzalez, the executive director of the San Francisco Labor Council here in the city. And also i want to mention our Economic Recovery Task force, because not only do we need to help workers now, and what happens in future when we start to reopen the city, hes a cochair leading that charge on the San Francisco economic recovery. So, ladies and gentlemen, rudy gonzalez. Thank you, mayor breed and director arce, and michelle, its great to be in your community. Were grateful for the opportunity to be part of this discussion and bringing together not only organized laborer but as you said, mayor, ways to lift up all people. So were happy to get to work on our recovery right now. Mayor london breed all right, michelle, we can turn it over to you so we can get started. We probably have a lot of folks on the line who have a number of questions and thats what were here to do, to answer the questions. And also to take feedback on just suggestions that people who are in the middle of these experiences might have. So ill turn it over to you. Thank you so much again. Thank you, mayor breed, thank you. Im michelle leonardbell and im the general manager of mission hiring call. We have been putting people in San Francisco to work with quality employment since 1971. So were going to get started here. Mayor, thank you so much for everything that youre doing. We believe that lives here in the city and the region around the city have been saved because of your Decisive Action and your administrations work. Thank you to all of the participants who sent in questions. We received many, many questions around workforce. What were going to try to do is to select the questions that were asked more than once. And also to request the diversity of the things that you would like to know. Our first question was one that was very common. And ill share this one with mayor breed and then with josh. So many people are frustrated with the challenges of applying for unemployment. What is the latest status on the state and federal unemployment resources . Mayor breed . Mayor london breed well, ill turn this over to josh because he has a lot more detail. But, you know, again, weve had 83,000 people in San Francisco alone and over 2. 5 million in state of california, of people who applied for unemployment. I know that the Governors Office is working to increase the capacity in order to try and be as responsive as possible to people because we know that people need their money now. We dont have direct local control over Unemployment Insurance in general but were definitely partnering and working with the states to be as aggressive as we can to get unemployment in the hands of people right away. It has definitely been a challenge. And ill turn it over to josh. Yes, thank you, mayor breed. And we work very closely with the state Employment Development department, or e. E. D. And they have an unpri unpreceds only 50,000 who had applied for employment and three million ever since. And so as the governor and the labor secretary julie siu increased staffing to the unemployment phone lines and emails, what weve been doing is running a hotline. We have been working closely with the Human Service agency, Community Partners including selfhelp for the elderly, and the Mission Economic development agency. And a whole lot of the staff to answer phones. Our team takes calls seven days a week in multiple languages. And its really around whatever supports that we need during covid19 and, of course, most of the calls around unemployment. Many of our Community Partners are doing the same. So in nearly 2,000 calls that have been received to date since march 16th shelterinplace order, and independent contractor questions, and what we do is that we gather information from those callers and the staff works directly with us. Were grateful for that to get the answers and to call folks back and email them with those updates. We do twiceaweek Rapid Response virtual online webinars to get a group of folks and workers laid off in a room to share those resources with the state, with the Labor Council, with cover california. And thats about an hourlong process that we do twice a week. As the mayor said, were just here for you and we want to stay connected. Our website is www. Oewd. Org. And the phone number is 41570 4157014817. And go to our website www. Oewd. Org and thats a great way to get the number and all of the resources that well talk about today. Thank you again, mayor breed. Thank you, mayor and josh. Of the nearly 350 calls they recently provided services to, unemployment questions were the main questions. So thank you again for this. Oewd. Org and you can get assistance around unemployment. And the next question here is for rudy. Rudy, before people go back to work, they are understandably concerned about the safety and ensuring safety for themselves and their families. Will the city be providing guidelines and giving back to the office back to the office to ensure that people are safe when they return to work . Thank you for that question, michelle. The short answer is yes. The department of Public Health, the county Health Officer have been working diligently to provide clarification and guidance where weve needed it. I think that a good example of this came to the City Administrators Office and the mayors administration with respect to industries and the construction sector. So, yes, the city is providing that guidance. Its something that is a top priority for the Economic Recovery Task force in our effort to support not only jobs and jobs and businesses and Small Businesses, but we also want to support workers by collaborating around what those safety protocols are. Theyre going to look and feel a little different in various industries. But we trust that the department of Public Health is going to provide us, you know, timely guidance on those things. And i think that its also important to recognize that the situation is fluid. And so we have to be dynamic in how we respond to these concerns. This is an area that im particularly interested in developing feedback through the Recovery Task force, their Community Engagement team. Im very interested in what some of the specific needs will be from some of our small and mediumsized businesses along these lines. But, yes, well continue to work with the City Partners and the Industry Partners to develop clear guidance that allows people to get back to regular work, to continue the essential work, and to do so in a way that promotes Public Health. Thank you for that, rudy. Our next question is for mayor breed. Will more people be eligible for testing as more people return to work, mayor breed . Mayor london breed oh, definitely. The only way that were going to be able to get back to life as we knew it in some capacity is to ensure that testing is available to people. And the good news is that we announced that all essential workers for the city or even in the private sector, you are considered an essential worker, whether you exhibit symptoms or not, you can be tested. So, please, reach out to us. You can go on to sf. Org citytestssf. Or call 311 if you would like to be tested and youre an essential worker. But the other thing is that we will test anyone who exhibits symptoms, whether you have insurance or not. I think that is important. Because we never want testing to be a barrier. If you are not an essential worker or just a San Franciscoian or anyone, you know, from our immigrant community or anyone you dont have to have insurance to get tested. If you are exhibiting at least one symptom, we will test you. So you can go online or call 311 and we will get you tested. So i think that the good news is that we expanded our testing casity. Scapacity. So were able to provide the opportunities more than we ever had before. So theres no reason for anyone in San Francisco to not get tested right now if they need to, if they exhibit at least one symptom of covid19. And i also want to be clear that our essential workers can get tested in general. So what we want to be able to do is that we want to expand that even further. Because ultimately the goal is to make sure that as people get back to work that we have Testing Capacity to get people tested. In general. Because even if i get tested today, its negative. Well, im around people tomorrow, and the possibility of me getting the virus is possible still. So it doesnt just go away because of a test. So we have to make sure that testing is readily available at any given time for anyone. So im really excited about our Testing Capacity. So, again, no reason that anyone cant get tested who exhibits symptoms or our essential workers for any of these reasons. Thank you so much for that, mayor. One more followup question as well with schools remaining closed through the rest of this academic year, will more Child Care Services be available as more people return to work . Mayor london breed yeah, and i believe so for sure. The good news is that were offering child care for essential workers right now in our Health Care Industry and our Public Safety industry. And our goal is not only to expand that as we have space available, but it also is to expand it as we have more testing. And so right now were having conversations with our Public Health department about what does it mean for summer camp. What does this mean for things that we want to be available to kids but we also want to not only protect the children that we want to have these opportunities, we want to make sure that the workforce and their parents and others have access to this testing. Testing, Contact Tracing, those sorts of things are going to be key when we start to allow various industries to reopen in San Francisco, along with the guidelines, just like what were doing with construction, just like what were doing right now with Outdoor Services like a number of flower shops and nurseries and kiosks and outdoor businesses, setting guidelines in place and allowing those industries to open. We want to do that with more industries. But that happens as we have also more testing capacities which we are seeing occur. And im really excited about that for the future. Thank you, mayor breed. Director josh arce, would you like to add anything . You know, i thought that, mayor breed, this might be a good place to say to any students or parents that might be watching that you can apply for the mayors opportunity for all Summer Internship Program which is preparing to launch again in june and taking applications for online internship through the Human Rights Commission. Should we share that link with everybody . Mayor london breed i hope that you know the link. [laughter]. And from director davis its www. Opps4allsf. Org. And well have these links posted at the end of the video feed. Mayor london breed and then also i think that, you know, if you have questions and theres a lot of information overload, you can always call 311. Thank you, mayor breed. We have had several questions around skills and Training Programs which are going to be essential to getting folks back to work who have lost positions in this crisis. Lets start with this question with rudy and then josh. How are we preparing people who have lost their jobs for Employment Opportunities when the city reopens . And its going to be such a tight market. Thank you for that question. The first thing were doing is identifying where the greatest needs are. And in some industries the road will be longer to recovery. So its important that we get into those workplaces and identify who needs reskilling or upskilling and different forms of training. And i think that its important to note that some of the existing models that the city has worked very closely with organized labor and our Public Education institutions Like City College and departments like joshs and city build, provide a good framework for us to start modeling this. In fact, just recently director arce and i were part of a collaboration and the city was able to directly address some workers at munch sconi center that will have a longer road to recovery in the trade and show sector. They accessed funds through the state of california and set up a collaborative model where well be partnering with a high road Union Apprenticeship training to help hundreds of workers at musconi to transition into viable career paths in the construction industry. So i think that unique to this recession is that we are going to have certain sectors of the economy continue. Some will even thrive. And its going to be up to us to collaborate to make sure that we deliver those Training Programs directly to the workers who need it. Im particularly excited about this opportunity of musconi, because i think that it shows a Great Partnership not only the city and organized labor who have these Training Programs already set up, but it also highlights the importance of San Franciscos role with respect to the Governors Administration and the e. D. D. Without those partnerships, these kind of models wouldnt be possible. So were really excited to think through how do we provide some of those skills in a new virtual setting and how do we model then so they can be rolled out at scale. While some workers are just kind of waiting for the next round of orders to come out, we know that others will face a much tougher road and will have a longer ways to go. So we want to get into that segment of the workforce and Many Industries so that we can provide not just new skills or certifications, but real career paths. So that people can recover, you know, in their own family life. And, thank you, michelle. This example that rudy mentions, because mayor breed has in so many ways primed the workforce for this moment. And i think back to not much more than a year ago when the chariot drivers lost their drivers and mayor breed convened our office and m. T. A. , Teamsters Union and mission to meet these workers who had been driving private shuttles and to train them through a new program, city drive, to become muni Bus Operators and commercial drivers. When we got the call from rudy its a logical next step to have that coordination and to connect with the Workforce Development board and e. D. D. And to really think of options here. Its only at the end of last week that we i think that 10 days ago is when we started this conversation and just at the end of last week, as rudy said, the state e. D. D. Announced theyre awarding one Million Dollars to train several hundred of those men and women to become Union Construction apprentices through city build. So that kind of work with labor, Community Partners, to think of new Training Programs is something that i know that were focused on every day, Nonprofit Service provider partners are out there. And most Community Partners that we support are still operating virtually. Neighborhood job centers, i have mentioned some already, as well as Success Center and the young developers, and hospitality house in the tenderloin, and the inner city youth, you can connect to these great organizations through oewd. Org. And theyre working through the Service Agencies right now to hire onsight monitors at 24anhour each which is a great opportunity and our hospitality is working with one fair wage and the state of california to support high roads to kitchens and working to support restaurant workers in partnership with our Human Services agency. The cannabis industry is hiring and they really need our help, but, again, its just about most importantly that were connected and that our website is oewd. Org, as mayor breed said, you can call me, call any of us, were just here to support you and stay connected as we have been charged by our mayor. Yes, thank you so much. Another thing that id like to add is that during this time is that you felt that you were underemployed or just existing in employment, this could be a perfect storm for you. And when we say underemployed we mean if you were working fulltime and partners in your household were working fulltime and you were not making ends meet with the employment that you were in, this could be a great time to go to oewd. Org and check out the training. Most of these trainings are not over 18 weeks and it will land you into quality employment. Next question ill ask of josh. Given the changing landscape of work, what sort of retraining and reeducating programs is the city developing to equip people for jobs . Thanks, michelle. Mayor breed has spoken of the need for us to adapt our workforce to the new normal. And the fact is that we get notices from employers laying off workers. And since march 1, we have received nearly 300 of such notices of companies laying off employees in San Francisco and that impacts more than 33,000 workers out there. Nearly half of these companies are in the accomodation and food service industry. So we know that these are areas where we need to focus and we have talked about some of those ideas and well look forward to connecting with our partners to do even more of that. Health care and tech are still hiring and we think that those are going to be Key Industries that well hear through the Economic Recovery Task force where we will see opportunities. And Health Care Academy partners are signing up and theres tech s. F. , and its still taking applications to train in the tech industry. And theres free training thanks to Linkedin Learning and zen desk where you can certify for free and their platform, which opens up more opportunities for you in recovery. And opportunities for all that we mentioned is a really important way as mayor breed has said to plant seeds for our young people. Both in an ordinary economy, and certainly postcovid. And apprenticeship, not just in construction but tech and health care and commercial driving, we expect to be a key to our workforce strategy during recovery. And, again, our Community Partners are out there doing the work to support you. We have received an additional 675,000 from the state e. D. D. For general Supportive Services to support workers that are laid off to be able to do these kind of trainings and thats something that you can learn more about, again, to upskill or reskill and to really prepare for this through our website oewd. Org. Thank you, josh, for that. And also if you go to mission missionhiringcall. Org you can apply for city build at that website. And you can apply for the Construction Administration and training and professional services academy. This is an answer for folks who do not wish to put on a tool belt. You can work inside construction companies. And the training is just 18 weeks. And we also Security Guard training free of charge. And we also offer placement into hospitality positions. This question, the next question that we have here is about the impact to our most vulnerable workers. Ill ask this one of everyone. Starting with mayor breed and then josh and then rudy. How is the city helping workers in sectors like arts, nonprofits and other fields where the workers may have already been struggling before the coronavirus pandemic . Mayor london breed ill tell you the one thing that weve been able to do, fortunately, with not just our city workers, but with many of the nonprofit workers that the city has contracts with, we have been able to honor our commitment to those contracts which have allowed us to continue to pay many of our nonprofit providers. And so that has been incredible. We have not had to stop funding even though our city faces a 1. 1 billion to 1. 7 billion budget deficit. We actually repurposed i think that i cant remember the exact amount but i think that it was around 2 million or so for art support to give to arts organizations and to give to artists. Because, you know, these musicians and people who this is their livelihood and they dont have the ability to get by. If you, for example, play live music once a week and thats how you make ends meet, and now youre not playing live music anywhere anymore, these artists are suffering. Theres a number of arts organizations that are suffering. So we have repurposed some of our dollars and grant money that were not directly committed and we are digging deep to find more to support artists and people in our arts community. And, in fact, give to s. F. , they may qualify for, give to s. F. , we started to partner with both to partner with the private dollars and the public dollars for food security, for housing, and for Small Businesses. And we work with many nonprofits to try to distribute the Resources Available to get the money in the hands of people right away through some of these particular programs. But it continues to be a challenge because we have had money that we put into these pots and it runs out quickly. And we have, of course, wait lists of people who need resources, which is why im constantly not only raising money, but trying to scrap up city money in order to combine those resources to provide that to people that we know that are already struggling. So well continue to do that. Thank you so much, mayor breed. These are all great resources. Keep in mind that the small the communitybased organizations all over the city are working hard and theyre ready to go to work as soon as we unshelter to help to you access every one of these services and trainings that we talked about here today. Mayor london breed well, a lot of the nonprofits, just so you know, are still working. Theyre still helping us in various xa capacities. Definitely those managing our shelters and those working with the Homeless Population, they have not stopped working. They are putting themselves in harms way in order to take care of people on a regular basis. So there are some organizations, even before the pandemic really hit our city and they were out doing the work around outreach and educating people about what is what the coronavirus is and some of the recommendations and things to do or not to do and who to call for resources. So our relationships with our nonprofits is really important in not only communicating but distributing the resources that we have through give to s. F. Were working with organizations to identify the people who are most in need and who to contribute those resources to. So we appreciate that. And were hopeful that we can maintain it. But we are looking at a very challenging future for this city with our anticipated budget deficits. Thank you, mayor breed. We have time for one last question and its about economic recovery. Id like to go,a round to al, af the panelists, starting with mayor breed. How can we ensure as the city begins its recovery that every San Franciscoians has a chance to succeed in this new normal. Mayor london breed im sorry . How can we ensure that every San Franciscoian has a chance to succeed in this new normal . Mayor london breed well, unfortunately, thats going to be very challenging. Its going to be challenging, sadly, because of our deficit. Because of whats happening with our economy, and it doesnt mean that we dont try to come together to figure out ways in which we can really focus on, you know, making sure that exactly what josh and what rudy talked about is looking at people in various industries and making sure that if their industry is going under or those Job Opportunities are no longer available, and then how do we help them to shift what theyre doing. And thats going to be really important. Thats how were going to be able to ensure support for our city workforce. Its going to be tough. There are no plans in the near future. Tourism is going to continue to be very challenging. So when you think about it, the people who work at the Convention Centers and the people who work at the hotels and the folks who work at restaurants where well need to make changes to the restaurant industry. A lot of folks are going to suffer. What we have to be prepared to do, exactly what josh talked about, when the chariot drivers lost their jobs, well, they could drive one of those big vans for chariot, they can drive muni. So what a great and they get paid more. So i think that thats a lot of what were going to be doing is helping to make it easier for people to shift whatever industry they might be working in and making sure that the programs match what is available. So, for example, were not going to be out of the woods on the coronavirus for some time until theres a vaccine. And Contact Tracing along with testing will be a critical part in trying to help to keep people safe. Well, we need thousands of people to do Contact Tracing. So training people and getting them equipped with what that entails could be a stepping stone to another opportunity. But its the kinds of things that well need to do in order to try to support everyone. It will be challenging, but we are committed to this, and thats why im i have a lot of confidence in the Economic Recovery Task force with a number of people from labor, people from academic world, folks with the City Departments, folks from nonprofits and from the communities and from the arts communities. Like, the goal is to come up with the right plan of action for people in various industries so that we make it less challenging on people than im sure that it already is. And thats what were committed to. Thank you, mayor. Josh, would you like to chime in . Yeah, thank you again, thank you again, mayor breed and to the panel because a few of the ideas that we talked about here and then we have heard in the questions are some cues for what we can think about in recovery. 10 years ago we had federal stimulus dollars and economic stimulus resources that we may see again, i know that were all advocating under the mayors leadership and to our speaker and governor to make the case for any resources that we can. The mayors example of Sick Leave Fund was a partnership between our office and Human Services agency. And with the 10 million fund we saw applications to support nearly 21,000 different workers giving us a framework to think about. If we could have those stimulus dollars again to implement those programs, and it could be built out again. Supporting our immigrant workers, and families that give to s. F. Dollars that mayor breed has helped to secure that will soon deploy to those workers who may not be eligible for any other form of relief because of immigration status, working with partners such as the Human Rights Commission and Latino Task Force and the Labor Council and others wh that are some of e ways to do what mayor breed charged with us each before this started to leave no one behind. We were just starting a collaborative right before this started under the coordination of hospitality house and joe wilson, his team and Tiffany Jackson with the homeless advocates and workers advocates of formerly homeless job seekers to really create a new system, a multidepartmental system working with the community that weve got to return to that too. And it was also policies and our local hiring policy for construction started 10 years ago. And ideas that we can obviously catalyze a return to the Economic Prosperity that we had, and we will have once again. But using these policies to truly make sure that no one is left behind because by the end of that moment of prosperity we saw disparities such as unemployment within the African American Community Disproportionately low compared to everyone else in this city. And many of our women of color, and Public Housing residents who are not able to share in that income and that wealth as we rebuild. And its going to be tough as the mayor said. But as we rebuild weve got all of the right partners from community, labor and businesses and mayor, and the supervisors and the agencies and everyone coming together to do this through the task force to do these kind of policies, to come together and well look forward to that hard work to get us back. Thank you so much for that, josh. Rudy, would you like to chime in with a closing statement on recovery . Sure, thanks, michelle. In terms of the Economic Recovery Task force, i think that the frame here is that we have to be deliberate. So if were going to talk about a recovery that serves everybody and provides opportunity, you know, were going to have to focus energy on that question. And the Recovery Task force framework, theres sort of three areas or three work areas around job and business and a work group dedicated to that, and Economic Development and a work group dedicated to that. And im proud that theres a vulnerable Populations Work Group to think about these questions and these issues, through an equity lens, right and to think about how do we lift people up. I dont think that it will happen on accident or by chance. Its going to happen because of political leaders, of Community Leaders and overall a level of engagement that brings everybody into the conversation. I want to say that i think that it also counts on some of the outcomes that were seeing at the federal level. Im very proud that our national aflcio is mobilizing our 12. 5 million members to lobby and to push to make sure that local government gets taken care of in the next stimulus package. All of the extraordinary efforts from p. P. E. To testing, to making sure that nonprofits and Vulnerable Community groups are being taken care of at the city level requires that the federal level of our government recognize that and then to provide resources, funding, money. So were fighting for that very hard as an organized movement. And i also want to say they think that our local government will play a key role in defining what recovery feels like for all people. Our local government really has an opportunity, not only as the representatives of the people, but as the largest employer in San Francisco, well have an opportunity to speak our values in this recovery. And i think that it starts with health care. I know that the city has been a leader on that. The mayor has been working diligently as she said with the ahcao and money and there are policies that we can look to really make sure that everybody recovers in San Francisco. So were excited and were ready to get to work on the Economic Recovery Task force and thank you again for the opportunity to participate in this panel. Thank you, rudy. And thank you all who have participated in this today. Mayor breed, thank you for having us. And one last thought on recovery. As we go back to work and everyone else joins the others now working, lets keep in mind our safety. This isnt the kind of skim over emails from our employer and advising us of policy and procedures. Weve got to keep safety as paramount and at the utmost top of our minds while we go back to work. Because weve got to keep families safe. As the mayor said were not through this yet but weve got to keep working together. Thank you, mayor breed and i turn this back over to you. Mayor london breed thank you. And let me say, michelle, i know that you have a lot of questions and i want to make sure that were able to answer them. So feel free to turn them over to josh. And hell followup. We want to be a resource for people and so if theres any questions, please reach out to us. The website is oewd. Org. Call 311, and we understand that it is probably frustrating to go through this process of applying for unemployment on your own and needing documents and not getting a response. Though we dont have direct control over this particular state agency, we want to be helpful. For example, if youre struggling for unemployment and youre waiting for a check and if we have a resource to provide support or food or something of that nature, we dont want you to have to wait for unemployment to get help. If theres something available in our city we want to help as much as we can. And so we appreciate the opportunity to be here. Well continue to do everything that we can to support our workforce. As we go through the challenges of our budget, keeping people employed and making sure that people have employment options is really so important to taking care of the people of this city and also our economic recovery health. That is so desperately needed. So were counting on all of us to do our part in providing information as well as getting information and making the decisions based on whats best for the people that were here to serve. So i really appreciate all of you and all of the work that youre all doing on the frontlines. We really are in this together. And i want to see us emerge as a stronger, better city for our workforce more than ever as a result of this unexpected pandemic. And i think that by working together we will. So thank you all so much. Thank you. Thank you, mayor. Thank you. It did take a village. I was really lucky when i was 14 years old to get an internship. The difference that it made for me is i had a job, but there were other people who didnt have a job, who, unfortunately, needed money. And they were shown to commit illegal acts to get money. That is what i want to prevent. [ ] today we are here to officially kick off the first class of opportunities for all. [applause]. Opportunities for all is a program that mayor breed launched in october of 2018. It really was a vision of mayor breed to get to all of the young people in San Francisco, but with an intention to focus on young people that have typically not being able to access opportunities such as internships or workbased learning opportunities. Money should never be a barrier to your ability to succeed in life and that is what this program is about. Theres always these conversations about young people not being prepared and not having experience for work and if they dont get an opportunity to work, then they cannot gain the experience that they need. This is really about investing in the future talent pool and getting them the experience that they need. It is good for everyone because down the road we will need future mechanics, future pilots, future bankers, future whatever they may be in any industry. This is the pipe on we need to work with. We need to start developing talent, getting people excited about careers, opening up those pathways and frankly giving opportunities out there that would normally not be presented. [ ] the way that it is organized is there are different points of entry and different ways of engagement for the young person and potential employers. Young people can work in cohorts or in groups and thats really for people that have maybe never had job experience or who are still trying to figure out what they want to do and they can explore. And in the same way, it is open for employers to say, you know what, i dont think we are ready to host an intern yearround are all summer, but that they can open up their doors and do site visits or tours or panels or conversations. And then it runs all the way up to the opportunity for young people to have longterm employment, and work on a project and be part of the employee base. Something new, to get new experience and meet people and then you are getting paid for it you are getting paid for doing that. It is really cool. I starting next week, i will be a freshman. [cheers and applause] two of the things i appreciate about this program was the amazing mentorship in the job experience that i had. I am grateful for this opportunity. Thank you. Something i learned at airbnb is how to network and how important it is to network because it is not only what you know, but also who you know to get far in life. During this program, i learned basic coding languages, had a had to identify the main components and how to network on a corporate level. It is also helping me accumulate my skills all be going towards my College Tuition where i will pursue a major in computer science. For myself, being that i am an actual residential realtor, it was great. If anybody wants to buy a house, let me know. Whenever. [applause] it is good. I got you. It was really cool to see the commercial side and think about the process of developing property and Different Things that i can explore. Opportunities for all was a great opportunity for all. We were aiming to have 1,000 young people register and we had over 2,000 people register and we were able to place about between 50 and did. We are still getting the final numbers of that. Over several weeks, we were able to have students participate in Investment Banking they were able to work with our team, or technology team, our engineering 20 we also gave them lessons around the industry, around financial literacy. There are 32,000 young people ages 16 and 24 living in San Francisco. And imagine if we can create an opera skin it just opportunity for all program for every young person that lives in Public Housing, Affordable Housing, low income communities. It is all up to you to make that happen. We have had really great response from employers and they have been talking about it with other employers, so we have had a lot of interest for next year to have people sign on. We are starting to figure out how to stay connected to those young people and to get prepared to make sure we can get all 2400 or so that registered. We want to give them placement and what it looks like if they get more. Lets be honest, there is always a shortage of good talent in any industry, and so this is a real great career path. For potential sponsors who might be interested in supporting opportunities for all , there is an opportunity to make a difference in our city. This is a really thriving, booming economy, but not for everyone. This is a way to make sure that everyone gets to benefit from the great place that San Francisco is and that we are building pathways for folks to be able to stay here and that they feel like they will belong. Just do it. Sign up for it. [ ] [ ] right before the game starts, if im still on the field, i look around, and i just take a deep breath because it is so exciting and magical, not knowing what the season holds holds is very, very exciting. It was fastpaced, stressful, but the good kind of stressful, high energy. There was a crowd to entertain, it was overwhelming in a good way, and i really, really enjoyed it. I continued working for the grizzlies for the 20122013 season, and out of happenstance, the same job opened up for the San Francisco giants. I applied, not knowing if i would get it, but i would kick myself if i didnt apply. I was so nervous, i never lived anywhere outside of fridays know, andfridays fresno, and i got an interview. And then, i got a second interview, and i got more nervous because know the thought of leaving fresno and my family and friends was scary, but this opportunity was on the other side. But i had to try, and lo and behold, i got the job, and my first day was january 14, 2014. Every game day was a puzzle, and i have to figure out how to put the pieces together. I have two features that are 30 seconds long or a minute and a 30 feature. Its fun to put that altogetl r together and then lay that out in a way that is entertaining for the fans. A lucky seat there and there, and then, some lucky games that include players. And then ill talk to lucille, can you take the shirt gun to the bleachers. I just organize it from top to bottom, and its just fun for me. Something, we dont know how its going to go, and it can be a huge hit, but youve got to try it. Or if it fails, you just wont do it again. Or you tweak it. When that all pans out, you go oh, we did that. We did that as a team. I have a great team. We all gel well together. It keeps the show going. The fans are here to see the teams, but also to be entertained, and thats our job. I have wonderful female role models that i look up to here at the giants, and theyve been great mentors for me, so i aspire to be like them one day. Renelle is the best. Shes all about women in the workforce, shes always in our corner. [applause] i enjoy how progressive the giants are. We have had the longer running until they secure day. Weve been doing lgbt night longer than most teams. I enjoy that i work for an organization who supports that and is all inclusive. That means a lot to me, and i wouldnt have it any other way. I wasnt sure i was going to get this job, but i went for it, and i got it, and my first season, we won a world series even if we hadnt have won or gone all the way, i still would have learned. Ive grown more in the past four years professionally than i think ive grown in my entire adult life, so its been eye opening and a wonderful opening and a wonderful learning this is my computer . This is your computer. Lets go on the internet. Lets go. Click it . Yes. Ok. I cursor in between the r and the e. When i say dot, i want you to just push the period. Shes going to love me all over again now. Thats it jamaica here you come here we go. All right. Good job. Thank you. Thank you. I did it. By myself. Feel smarter. Im joined today by the director of the department of Public Health, the department of emergency management, and the police chief, and the director of the Human Services agency, trent roher and the director of homelessness and supportive housing. Thank you all for joining us here today. As of today, may 4th, we have 1,624 cases of the coronavirus here in San Francisco and sadly, we have lost 29 people to the virus here in our city. And if you want more information, you can please visit datasf. Org covid19. Its or tracker with detailed information around testing and other helpful information by zip code that people may be interested in seeing. And today, i had a couple of things to talk about specifically, the new health order issued on friday by our county Health Officers and i really mention this on friday, but i think this is really exciting, that even though we still have challenges that exist, the ability to allow people to get back to work is so important. And construction in our city will be allowed, as well as outdoor businesses and today, i just want to express, again, my appreciation of the outdoor activities, outdoor businesses and how important it is to make sure that we start to gradually get back to business. We know our governor announced a plan that he will release on guidelines, as well as timing of when some of our Small Businesses, our book stores, small retailers can get back to work and i think its important that we provide some guidance. To be clear, the whole point of the Health Directive has everything to do with limiting our ability to be in contact with people so that we can avoid not only transmitting the virus or contracting it ourselves in the first place. And the ability to do that is critical, but we also realize there are a number of people out there that are struggling financially and if there is a way to accomplish the Public Health goal of keeping people safe with also allowing businesses to operate but to operate differently with certain guidelines, i think that we can definitely Work Together to achieve that goal and get to a better place. In fact, this weekend, i spent a lot of time in a lot of neighborhoods, all throughout the city, and actually, there was a flower shop on chestmut thachestnutopen and and availabe its considered an essential business. I dont remember being happy when i stood in line at a sixfeet distance and i didnt even care. I purchased flowers and i was so happy to purchase these flowers that in my house, i take them with whatever room i decide im going be in and thats the room that the flowers will travel in and its just, you appreciate things a lot more, but, also, i was so happy for the business that was able to open and when i looked around the area, i thought, with some of the retail businesses, why cant they do the same thing. They werent allowing any customers to come within their inside within their shop area. Its an outdoor flower shop and there was a divider up and a gate. And there was no way anyone was entering the business but the ability for people to stand in line and to purchase and get flowers was absolutely incredible. And the good news is, in in health order that was just issued, a florists are able to deliver flowers for mothers day and i hope many of will take this opportunity to either go online or call your local florist or put in an order for flowers, not just through this weekend for mothers day, but just in general because we want to continue to support that industry. We know flee market flea markete open again and youll see food trucks. Oftentimes, its one or two people working in these food trucks and they dont have the ability to manage a line and so, again, this goes into, you know, asking everyone to be supportive of maintaining your distance, wearing your mask and being respectful of one another so three cannot only continue to allow Street Vendors and all of these other great things, florists and gardeners, we want them to stay open and the only way tie lo we allow them to stan is when people follow the rules. As we look at other opportunities to allow nonessential businesses like our book stores and our Retail Stores where you can buy clothing or toys for kids or things of that nature, as we start to look at those opportunities, were going to be paying close attention to what weve already allowed. And if were not able to manage and maintain those wit with the distancing requirements, it will be difficult to start to get back to business. And so i just want to express my appreciation to all of the Small Businesses out there and, also, understanding that we know youre struggling and its going to be important for us to look at and implement new guidelines, but to also make sure that youre able to get back to business without compromising the incredible gains weve already made as it relates to flattening the curve, not reducing the curve. We still see the number of deaths go up and we still see the number of cases go up and we are by no means out of the woods on this, but we also recognise this there is a possibility to provide opportunities for Small Businesses to open safely with certain guidelines and we will continue to work with the governor and work with our Public Health officials to try and do it in a responsible way and we appreciate your patience and your cooperation. And, you know, again, as i spend a lot time in a lot of different neighborhoods all over the city just to get a feel for what was happening in the castro is by the beach and in other places, i did notice something really upsetting, and that is the number of people who were not socially distancing themselves at the deloris park. Deloris park continues to be a challenge because we know on nice days that is the place to be for so many folks. Its a great place, good energy, good weather and, unfortunately, again, we had a real challenge with people who were coming together in groups and not socially distancing themselves from one another and the work, the folks, our park rangers and other security, they had their work cut out. Were all adults here and theres no reason to send in any of our Law Enforcement or anyone to tell people what they should be already doing. And so, i bring up deloris park, because today is a nice day in San Francisco and our goal is to monitor deloris park within the next couple of days. And if we see that that behaviour has not changed, we will close of park and i want to be clear. This is the last thing i want do and we know that people need fresh air. They want to be out but if we continue to see that behaviour become problematic at deloris park, it will no longer be available. So im asking everyone to be cooperative and to make sure that theyre following social distancing. People are wearing their masks when appropriate do so so that we are able to continue to enjoy this incredible open space and, again, making sure that we do our best to enjoy open space within our own neighborhoods. And the other thing i want to talk about that i think is important is the fact that street cleaning has been a problem. And people are not moving their cars and what weve tried to do with the public, because there are certain people that may have contracted the virus and cant leave their homes, certain ederly people who, for whatever reason, cant move their cars and we were sensitive to that. But there are a lot abledbody people who are able to get up and move your car. And the problem that were having right now, a lot folks are not doing that, and at a time where we need to clean our streets the most, we dont environment luxury to allow this to continue. So, again, here is another warning. Not only will we start to implement ticketing around street cleaning, we will look at other ways in which we can address this particular issue if we dont see a change. So for those of you who are abled body and are not economic casick andget up and move your r street cleaning, im asking you do this. Or we will have no other choice to reimplement or ticketing procedures around street cleaning before this expires. Im counting on you to cooperate and to understand that there is a need to make sure that we keep or streets clean. And the fact is, we have people who are out there cleaning the streets, but passing blocks at a time because people are not moving their cars. And this is a real problem and its one that we cant continue to tolerate and so, were going to monitor the situation very closely around street cleaning this week and well have an announcement. If we think that nothing has changed to provide a plan of when we will be going back to ticketing. Lets involve making suri also t about our testing expansion for essential workers. As you know, what we are doing as we get the materials that we need and the Testing Capacity, we know that based on the tests that we do, whether or not we can expand those opportunities to more and more people, the ability to expand testing capacities is so important as we start to look at opening more businesses and reopening our city and having the ability to get people tested is so critical to that success. And today, we just want to announce that we are able to test all essential workers whether they exhibit symptoms or not. And this is definitely significant. This is a game changer here. The ability to allow Grocery Store clerks, our munidrivers and other people who are on the frontlines, our firefighters, Police Officers and nonprofit workers who were working with our Homeless Population in the shelters and if you are an essential worker and you exhibit symptoms or you dont significant symptoms, you still arexhibitsymptoms, you still ge. We want to encourage those who would like to be tested if you think youve been exposed or if you think you exhibit symptoms or not, please go to sf. Gov slash citytestsf and we have several locations were doing testing, including zuckerburg, San Francisco general, the Castro Mission health center, the Southeast Health center and maxine hall in the western addition. We dont want you to just show up but sign up and youll be directed to a specific location to be tested and this is going to make a world of difference in ensuring that we are aware and we keep the public safe, but i just want to remind people that just because you get tested, it doesnt mean that youre out of the woods. We still need you to socially distance yourself from folks. We still need to follow the order because you could be tested negative today and two days later come in contact with someone and later on be tested positive. So it doesnt mean that youre completely clear if you test negative on these tests. And this is a no means substitution for wearing your mask and socially distancing yourself from other people. The other thing this doesnt do is tell you whether you have the virus. If you think you have the virus and youve been in contact with people that might have or you exhibit symptoms, reach out and call 311 or check on the website i mentioned earlier. I also want to talk a little bit about our new testing policy at our Skilled Nursing facilities which you have probably all heard about already. Our goal is to try to focus on many of those congregate living settings where we know are the most vulnerable populations and starting this week, we will begin a new program to test all residents and staff at la goo la hospital and well be issuing a health order requiring yourself testing at the 21 private skillednursing facilities in San Francisco. So we are taking the lessons that we learned and responding to laguna honda and how we address that outbreak to make sure that we are supporting other nursing facilities in our city, whether we are directly responsible for it or not. Its important that everyone ensures the safety of not just the workers who work at these Skilled Nursing facilities but the patients, as well, who are amongst what we know are some of the most vulnerable when it comes to covid19 and this is really an incredible step forward. As i said, as our capacity increases for testing, we are going to continue to make sure that were focusing on areas where we know need it the most and prioritizing those areas. And i also want to be clear that any member of the public, whether you have insurance or not, whether youre documented or not, you can also get tested if you exhibit symptoms. So please dont let that be a barrier to your concern about your health. We are here to identify anyone who is covid positive so that we can proceed with either making sure that they are quarantined and protecting other members their families and that they have a place to actually quarantine. This is our priority, insurance or not, for anyone in San Francisco who exhibits symptoms. Again, you can visit our website or call 311. Ithe last thing i want to mentin is something that i am very concerned about and that is people, again, who ive mentioned before, people not Law Enforcement treating other members of the public like they are Law Enforcement. And we do not need people to get into alte altercations because y dont believe theyre following the direction of the Health Orders. So, for example, ive seen a lot of notices and a lot of concern that people have expressed about runners who are not Wearing Masks and the fact that that if you are running outdoors, youre not required to wear a mask. And i know that everyone thinks that run irs who are outdoors running should wear masks, but our guidance for who should and shouldnt be wearing a mask is coming from our Health Department is im asking you all to follow the guidance and, again, worry focus or yourself and what youre doing and make sure that youre wearing a mask, youre keeping your distanc distance and proteg yourself and families and please do your best to not try to inflict or police other people, especially when you are communicating the wrong message about what the order is or is not. That creates a lot of tension. That creates a lot of negativity is were all struggling with this and were all in the house and we dont want to be there. Im sure many of you have kids and youre children are driving you crazy right now and everyone is having a tough time. The last thing we need is people who think they are the Coronavirus Police and are here to tell everyone what to do. Because when you do that, it creates drama and it creates tension and we know that not everyone is following the rules. We understand that it has been challenging in some neighborhoods more so than others and that probably frustrates us all to no end. But i ask that you, again, focus on yourself and let us do our job to do us address the other challenges that exist, especially because in some instances, inaccurate information is provided as it relates to face covering. I want to focus on the fact that you can wear a mask or something that covers your nose and your mouth as a face covering. It doesnt have to be a mask. And you dont have to wear it when youre outdoors unless youre in line for an essential business. And so i just wanted to remind the public that i get that these are challenging times and all of us want to get out of this, you know, stayathome order as quickly as possible. We get through it by staying focused and following the Health Orders ourselves and second of all, we get through it by making sure that we are not engaging in really devicive and negative behaviour that can make this order prolonged or worse. And we are really in this together and what impacts one Community Impacts us all and we know that as great as San Francisco is doing, else those following the Health Directives, we know that not everyone is doing it, right. We know that there are some people who, for various reasons, are not following the Health Directive. And i know that in some cases, weve had businesses that the Police Department have shut down and theyve tried to implement social distancing in various neighborhoods, where we know we have problems and as we see the problems persist, well make adjustments. So i ask, again, for your patience, your cooperation, and i want to thank you all of you for continuing to support these Health Orders and just know that we are in a better place and we want to stay there and we are mindful of the need for so many people to get back to work because their livelilihood and the city is counting on it. We hopefully will have some better news after the guidelineses are issued to announce to get our city back even though it might be different when we open distances and restaurants and other places, we have to start somewhere. So thank you again for all of your cooperation. I would like to now introduce dr. Kolfax. Thank you, mayor breed. Im director for the city is county of San Francisco. Sadly, 29 people in San Francisco have died and i send condolences to their loved ones. 25,165 people as of today have been tested and an average of 9 have tested positive for covid19. We have made significant progress toward our goal of universal access to testing for all people in sanfrancisco and that is what i would like to focus on today. But first, i want to acknowledge that today is the first day of our new regional stayathome order for bay area residents. As we embark on the month of may, for some of us, it is with mixed feelings. While the data show that most people support ongoing and aggressive efforts to slow the virus, it is not easy for so many of us to do so. Believe me, i know. Not only because of how i feel at times, but because of the phone calls, the zoom meetings and emails and other communications that i get everyday. I share the frustration. I share the concern. And we are restless. It has been six weeks staying mostly indoors and as the weather grows nicer and summer becbeckons, people want to get outside and rejoin society. We miss our friends and family. , or coworkers and our normal live. We are anxious. For many people in San Francisco, the emotional and economic stress of the situation is continuing to build. For parents who are home schooling and workers with no paychecks, there are serious consequences to the shutdown. Yet, i feel and we also feel pride. San francisco has done a tremendous job and it is thanks to all of you that this crisis is not worse. We have built an impressive response infrastructure that was not there before and now we are using it everyday to continue to fight the spread of the virus and to protect our families, our community and our most vulnerable populations. And this could not have happened without each and everyone of you doing your part. And at the same time, we feel cautious. Even though we have made Real Progress as a community to slow the spread of the coronavirus, it is still here. It can still spread easily as it did a month ago and it will thrive as we let it. So despite our frustration, our concern, our anxiety, we must lead with firm determination. San francisco and the bay area, lets use the month of may to solidify or gains as much as possible. And we have saved lives, reduced harm and we must keep up the good work. Let me assure you there is reason for hope. As this new health order takes effect, i would like to point out some ways that life will get a bit better right away. Basically, we are opening the outdoors as long we can do it safely. And believe me, i find this personally welcomed news. Food trucks, flea markets, construction are back. We can send flowers to our mothers on mothers day because florists can deliver again. I highly recommend sending flowers to your mother. Speaking of flowers, plant nurseries, gardening and landscape businesses can reopen. Those are just a few things i am looking forward to with social distancing and face covering, of course. And as the mayor said, we are working very hard to find ways to continue to open more businesses and activities safely while sustaining the progress we have made. With guidance from the cdc, the state, and local health and business leaders, i am confident we will determine how and when opening responsibly and safely and as quickly can be done. Now i would like to talk about testing and reinforce the mayors remarks. Indeed, we have exciting news on this front. As San Francisco has announced, our vision, our goal is universal access to testing for all. To achieve this, weve continually expanded testing based on where the need is greatest and the availability of resources. First, we focused on testing people with symptoms, among travelers and outbreaks, vulnerable populations, case contact investigations and among essential workers. And we reached the point where we can test everyone with symptoms and respond to the testing needs of outbreaks. This was significant progress. So now, we continue to expand as the circl. As the circle keeps we can test people without symptoms. We added close contact without symptoms and then as the mayor said, last week we announced that all residents and staff of Skilled Nursing facilities would be tested, as well. Pout this ithis is a key vulnere population and it was key that we expand testing there as quickly as possible. Today, the mayor has announced that all essential workers in San Francisco are eligible for free tests, regardless of symptoms or exposure. The message is, if youre going to work during this stayathome order because youre an essential worker, you can get tested regardless of symptoms. Essential workers have been showing up everyday and they are healthcare workers, first responders, grocery clerks, construction workers, drivers, childcare workers and others who continue to leave their homes to serve our city during this challenging time. These essential workers interact daily with other people and cannot always easily maintain social distance by staying home. For these workers, they can decide when they want to test, but it is important for them to test immediately when they feel ill or have symptoms consistent with covid19. Or if they believe that they have been exposed to covid19 or if they are otherwise concerned and wish tested. No doctors note, no Healthcare Providers note will be required and the test is free. I encourage social workers who want testing to start with their own healthcare provider. We are recommending all private providers make universal Testing Available to essential workers. And this will be the best way for people to stay connected to care. And, also, starting today, essential workers can get tested for free at one of the two city test sf sites at the embarcadaro in soma. These two sites alone have the capacity to test 1500 people per day. The Departments Community test sites are also providing free tests at Southeast Health center, in the bayview, Castro Mission health center, mac c. Nmaxinehealth center and the. Appointments for these tests are Still Necessary in order to ensure social distancing and reduce lines. If you want to schedule a test, you can call 311 or visit sf. Do vgettestedsf for more information. Its good to now announce todayt all essential workers can be tested. Testing is a key component of our overall recovery. And i am grateful to the team ot the Health Department including the teams of dr. Susan philip and amy lockwood for expanding our Testing Capacity in an unprecedented, rapid fashion, to the port, especially port director Elaine Forbes and her team and the university of california San Francisco and our many other partners in the private Healthcare System and the community for pulling together to make testing more possible for people in San Francisco everyday. We will continue to build our testing program. We plan to expand testing to shelters and other congregate settings and expand testing options in communities that are most impacted by health despairties, inequality and discrimination. But remember, a negative test is just an assessment of your status at that time. , at that moment in time and it does not mean that you are immune. And it does not mean that you are protected. Testing is important. But it is just as important not to get sick or exposed to the virus in the first place. So please, continue to take precautions. We must all continue staying home, continuing to cover our faces whenever possible when we go out and continue to keep six feet away from people outside of our house holds. Holds. If we do that, when we do that, we are in for better times. Thank you. And it is my pleasure to introduce chief bill scott, a key partner in our covid19 response. Thank you, ill begin with thanking our mayor ron don breed and dr. Grant kolfax for their continued leadership during this challenging time. I would like to start with what happened over the weekend and ill start with, basically, reiterating some of mayor breeds points. Although were generally pleased with what were seeing as our city and people if sa in san fro continue to shelter in lace pla, weve seen issuing worth repeating and ill start with deloris park. We anticipated we would have more people out this weekend with good weather and weve had reef learelief and we put out me officers and more volunteers and work with other city entities. But deloris park and other popular parks in the city, we cannot let up. Now, it is ok to go to the park and be with members of your own family, make sure that you have your face coverings with you as the health order calls for. Whats not ok is to be in large gatherings or groups with people outside of your household and that is still not ok. And we are asking that you continue to social distance but what were seeing in deloris park and other parks is that people are having picnics in large groups and some of those groups go outside of the household. Were not at a point where were relaxed to that level yet. So i want to remind everyone of the mayors words, of dr. Kolfaxs words. We need to stay the course. If youre with members of your household, thats fine, but now is not the time to have large picnics or gatherings and even though the weather is congratulate and i know everyone have to stay the course and we have to do whats being asked of us by the medical professionals and what the data is telling us. And the data is telling us that social distancing works and face coverings will help to prevent the spread of this virus and we have to continue to do that. So please, were asking and again, i want to reemphasize, we had a team of officers that weekend dedicated just to address the issues at the parks. And we will continue to do that and well add officers as we need to to make surneed to makee course but we have challenges and we have to get through those challenges to stay safe and healthy. I think people in San Francisco take enormous pride to this point, but we have a long way to go and as dr. Kolfax and the mayor said, please, please follow the Public Health orders. Now, i want to again explain the San Francisco Police Departments posture on enforcement and what youve heard me say, the progressive compliance pathway and that begins with education and next, we ask for voluntary compliance and next we warn didnt if that doesnt work, we cite. And we have begun to cite individuals and that is an option of last resort and its not something that we want to do, but if we have to, we will. I think weve shown that, but please, again, were asking for voluntary compliance. This pandemic has been tough enough on us all to this point already and we dont want to make the situation worse is dont make it worse for yourself by not following Public Health orders. We know this is new for people and we also know in many ways that as we reopen and slowly and first of alllget back to normall be many questions. We expect questions and were happy to answer those questions and thats why we have Disaster Service workers out, assisting us and we give everybody a chance to understand a we knee to before going to a level of more aggressive enforcement. We would like to follow that model. We want people to get exercise and get some air and enjoy these great places in our city, but we have to do the right thing in order to be able to continue to do that. As far as our enforcement enfore up to 21 citations with 11 businesses and ten individuals. Weve also admonished 57 businesses and 45 individuals and as i said, there have been hundreds upon hundreds of informal warnings and education provided to members of the public and that will continue. As far as our crime this week, another week of reductio reductn property crime, down 24 and Violent Crime was up slightly and that includes several shootings at the end of last wednesdays press conference and we did have another shooting in the mission district, that,ism, unfortunately was hit and struck and was said to be a bystander. San francisco was working hard to do everything we can to solve that particular crime and bring that to a successful resolution, but we need your help. We need your help to report crime when you see it. We need your help if you see people that are out doing that type of violence in our community, call 911, please. Well be there to assist and to take action. If its a nonemergency or crime thats occurred, particularly a property crime thats already occurred, you can call our report number or our nonemergency at 415 5530321 or you can call 311 or use our website is make those reports online. We do have a call center set up to take reports which is allowing us to be more efficient in our use of resources. So please call us and report these occurrences as you see them. With that, i will end my comments and thank you for your cooperation and lets stay the course. First questions for you, chief scott. Chief scott, this is from dominick vacasa, San Francisco chronicle. Question has sf tv rendered any uptick in individuals or groups defying the stayathome orders . Well, what i just mentioned, dominick, is what were seeing and by and large, people are compliant. When i got the feedback from our officers, we had a detailed setup, just to work on this issue over the weekend and the feedback i received from the officers is that when they engage by and large, people became compliant they werent and so, were happy to see those results and thats why were out there. We expected to see more people out this weekend than we did. And thats why we stepped up our deployment. But people are compliant and there are some that arent and those, in the worst Case Scenarios, weve issued sky issd citations and we will continue to do that. If theyre not compliant, they immediate fall into compliance and that is what were seeing. Thank you, chief scott. The next questions are for mayor london breed. This question is from nbc. Governodoes San Francisco plan o follow to reopen on friday . I want to be clear, we are definitely going to be working with the governor on phase two of looking at what retailers can be open, but we well do that in collaboration with our county Health Officers so that we can ensure Public Health and Public Safety as we begin to implement opening procedures for various retailers. Were really excited about it and we want to see people get back to work, especially, but we want to do so responsibly. And the governor also said for places less heavily impacted by covid19, phase two would include reopening of restaurants with social distancing measures and other safety practises in place. Will San Francisco be able to reopen some restaurantses i rese city as early as friday . If not, has the city been able to renegotiate with landlords . Just to be clear, i would love nothing more than to open restaurants and to go to a restaurant myself right now. [ laughter ] more than anything. And i look forward to the day when were able to do that. But i want to be clear that whatever is decided as it retes relates to reopening efforts, we have to do so responsibly. So, for example, were talking about new guidelines for restaurants now. Were talking about new guidelines for gyms and other places. But can we say definitively that those businesses will be open this friday . No, we cant. But it is important that we rely on the facts. We rely on the data. We rely on the advice of our county Health Officers so that as we push to do these things, we do so responsibly . And we want to also give these businesses time to know exactly what is expected and, also, to know what are the things that they need to prepare for as they begin to reopen . Because one of the conversations was centered around whether or not they can have the capacity they once had . What does that mean for their workforce and getting people back to work . Its a little bit more complicated and the goal is to do it and do it responsibly whenever the opportunity presentresponsibly. Whenever thee the first one to make sure it is announced and what we need to do to ensure Public Health because of the last thing we want to see is the last time weve spent on this lockdown, we dont want to see the city go backwards in terms of numbers and things get worse. So i want to make sure that we are striking that balance. Madam mayor, the next is from joyce cutler, bloomburg law. How much will San Francisco seek from the state to back their lost revenues . Well, to be clear, we are going to do everything we can to get as much state and federal money as we can get. Because right now, what were doing in redirecting our existing resources to help manage and pay for this is very costly to our city. It is going to be a correctin ag factor and well do everything we can to get as much money as we possibly can from the state and from the federal government. We have received a payment so far that is just a fraction of the cost of what weve already spent, but were going to do everything we can to get every single dollar. The next question is from the associated press. Were entering the eighth week of the regional stayathome order and the tenderloin is crowded with tense people. What is your reaction to the lawsuit filed by hastings law to enforce social distancing in the tenderloin and how quickly do you plan on addressing the issue there . Lets just be clear. The challenges that people are experiencing in the tenderloin, the challenges with people who suffer in some instances from Substance Abuse disorder and mental illness, they dont just go away because theres a pandemic and i dont think its helpful that we have people who, unfortunately, are taking this route rather than trying to work with the city to resolve these issues. They are so coml complicated and frustrating. When you think about the history of homelessness, think about it, every mayor has tried to solve homelessness. And the fact its not as simple as providing housing. Housing is a critical part but there are so many people with complicated issues and Law Enforcement alone, social work alone, all of this which we invest money in supporting a lot of our Homeless Population, those things are a collaboration, a way in which we try to propose solutions and how we Work Together to do it. Easier said than done, but the good news is, this week, i think the end of this week, we expect to release blockbyblock plans, specifically targeted at the tenderloin and it looks at what we need to do to push for the social distancing, the pit stops and the wash stations and the handout amount. I mean, weve done these things over the course of the past couple of weeks consistently, but sadly, theres a real challenge in trying to force people who are exhibiting what is not appropriate behaviour during a social distancing period when were trying to keep everyone healthy. A Law Enforcement component is not the only thing that will work in this case. And so this detailed plan and what were trying to do in order to address the challenge of the tenderloin, im hopeful that it will work, because it is a challenge and it will continue to be a challenge but were doing everything we can and we have to make sure that the workforce of our city, that were asking to go out there, including our paramedics, our Police Officers and our Nonprofit Service providers and our Homeless Outreach time and our social workers, our healthcare professionals, all of these people on the frontline every single day, its important to mak make sure they are safe d protected. Because when theyre out there, you think its as easy as saying, here is a mask, can you please put this mask on. Theres a whole argument that occurs and a request, wait a minute, sir, can you keep your sixfeet distance. Just imagine being out there, trying to help someone whos, you know, lunging at you or who tries to spit on you or whos not following the order and all youre doing is try to help that person. So theres more to this than were going to be able to open up all of these hotel rooms and well able to clean up every block. The department. Public works, different folks who work for that department and clean the streets everyday, theyre out there everyday, especially in the tenderloin and people who are specifically picking up needles and cleaning up after grownup, grown people. People who are adults who should be cleaning up after themselves. So i get that Everyone Wants to see something different. I want to see something different, but were not housekeepers, were not babysitters. And were being treated that way. By people who have some challenges in some cases and some difficulties and some who are just downright defiant. So lets give the people out there who are putting their lives on the line some credit for the work that they have done and continue to do despite the disrespect that they get when theyre out there everyday. Thank you, madam mayor. The next questions are for dr. Grant kolfax. Thank you. It was mentioned last week that after the testing in the mission, random testing in the bay area would be done, as well. Can you provide more details . Are there any planned big testingests beintesting plannedn the mission. As we move through universal access, any essential worker in the city can get tested regardless of. Symptoms and for free is broadening of our testing. With regard to the mission study, its important to emphasize that this is a Research Project and that has been lead by ucsf in collaboration with Community Stakeholders in the mission as well as with the Health Department. That important work and the results of that work will help to inform the program, the discoveries of that research and will help inform our ability to strengthen our testing both in the mission, as well as in other communities at risk in San Francisco. And in conversations with the ucsf investigators, there are lots of ideas about how the work of that study could be done elsewhere in San Francisco and i know they are talking with a number of key Community Leaders and stakeholders about where that type of research could be done next, to again, help better inform the Health Departments testing strategies, as well as other provider strategies across the city. And so certainly were looking at that work and then were collaborating with ucsf researchers and other institutions across the bay area where research is being done in communities and extensive testing is done and how does that help better invest inform our programs moving forward to develop our culture of testing and to ensure theres universal accessing for testing for all in San Francisco. Thank you. The next question is for abigail kahn, homelessness and supportive housing. Mayor breed has said the homeless who come to San Francisco from other countries are not eligible in they are infected and the chronicle has reported there are people who have come to the stay hoping to be housed in hotels. How many people does the city believe come here for that reason . How will the city determine when a housed person is eligible . Thanks for the opportunity to clarify. I know theres been a lot of coverage around this. So generally speaking before covid19, we know that approximately 30 of individuals experiencing homelessness in San Francisco comes from not from San Francisco or where they became homeless was not San Francisco, which means 70 , which is the vast, vast majority are from here originally and became homelessnesbecame homele. Homeless folks are from here, or theyve been here a long time. What we know antidotally, we are hearing from people unsheltered on our streets right now is that they are not from here. So what is very important to me is that those individuals who tell our system of care, they were told to come here and get a hotel room, that they hear the message in a very clean way because i think its very important for us to be honest with our homeless neighbors, which is that if you were not known to our system before covid, meaning ar meaning you an our databases, then you are not first on the list for the unsheltered hotel rooms and this is not because we dont care about you. This is because there have been people who have been waiting here in San Francisco, known to our system of care for a long time and we are rapidly expanding our hotels and, in fact, weve opened more though s and we need to figure out where to start and the city has chosen to start with the people who have been here before the pandemic and waiting for ten, 20 years to receive support of this kind. Thank you. Thank you. The final question is for Mary Ellen Carol with emergency management

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