I am frank finn. I am here for the golden state warriors. It is a lot of years on that side and of course time on this side. You know i have done a lot of events for both mayors in the city. It is an honor to be here. I am a bay area guy born and raised here. We are bringing two cities together to do something positive and to make things happen in the bay area. We have the biggest champions from the neighborhoods and cities here for battle of the bay. We want to acknowledge the lovely mayor mayor london breed and from oakland to my right. It is a competition, folks. It is friendly. The smiles are great. You know we are rolling our sleeves in a few moments. Lets acknowledge from both sides. It wouldnt be a battle without or mascots. From the San Francisco giants lucille. From your oakland as give it out for stomper. [cheers. ] of course, we have Community Partners and we are going to hear from them to speak about the efforts. It is the city of San Francisco and oakland, the two cities facing off right here. It is about the greening competition to take place saturday, september 21st as part of the annual California Coastal cleanup day. There is a cool incentive that we will announce as well. Lucky folks from oakland and San Francisco will win on Alaska Airlines a trip wherever they want to go. Make sure to sign up. Get teams ready, and you might win the tickets to anywhere we fly on Alaska Airlines. It also protects the San Francisco bay. Cleaning, greening neighborhoods. Trash removal, habitat restoration, tree planting, neighborhood beautiful projects. We are going to hear more about the efforts, what the battle for the bay 2019 i is all about. We have a little coin to to see who will go first. It is a competition. This is game time. I have a coin. The mayors. Lets hear it for them. Ladies and gentlemen, from oakland to my right once again. Please welcome our mayor libby. From San Francisco your mayor london breed. Okay, mayors, we are all smiles. It is a competition San Francisco and oakland. We will do the coin toss. To my left is mayor london breed. This is heads. This is tails. Heads, you, tails you, ms. Schaaf. This is a coast guard coin. Here we go. What do you think . It is tails, lay or libby schaaf goes first for the city of oakland. That is a great beginning. We have already won. Listen, this is a battle for the bay because when the bay wins everyone wins. We are two cities, but we are sharing one incredible environmental asset, that is our beautiful bay. We really want to emphasize this year that every neighborhood has storm drains that flow into our bay so taking care of our bay is not just about cleaning up at did beach or on the coastline. We want people in our neighborhoods. We need our neighborhoods to be clean, healthy, shiny, beautiful. That is what this is about in oakland. Let me be clear with you all, we have over 2000 volunteers already signed up. [applause. ] i am happy to report oakland is in the lead as of now. However, people,na lead is narrow. Let us San Francisco has twice the population, but oakland has twice the pride. [cheers. ] there is no pride like an oakland pride, whether you are from the city or the town. I think we have to show the town shows up for its community, right . That is how we do it in oakland. I am excited after we hear from our mayor we will hear from a community leader. I want be to thank the people who dont just do picking up on earth day, they do it every day. We hope that coming out of our battle 4 bay you say i love this picking up trash. I want to do this all of the time because it makes me feel good to make my beautiful neighborhood clean, healthy, and i connect with my neighbors this way. That is what is beautiful. Now, mayor breed, we have been talking about a little wager, all right . Mayor, i dare you if you lose in the battle for who has the most volunteers, i challenge you to come volunteer with me wearing all as gear as gear. [applause. ] this is a wager. I want you volunteering with me at a charity with me wearing your as gear. Do you accept my challenge, mayor breed . Mayor breed that is hard. Wearing as gear . That is a bit much. I will accept. She accepts. I know we are going to win so she has to wear the giants gear. No, no. Nobody looks good in orange. Before i give up the microphone i have to recognize a few important supporters. The California Coastal commission facilitates this entire event all over our state. [applause. ] our oakland parks and Recreation Foundation is a fiscal agent for both cities for this challenge. Thank you. I also want to acknowledge our Council Member from oakland lauren taylor. Jason mitchell and his fabulous staff. What is your move . All right. And some of the top sponsors from oakland, Waste Management of al lameadda california, california waste solutions. Argent materials out of east oakland, andys construction, silver Gates Construction donating on behalf of the cyprus training program. I want to thank my sister across the bay, london breed. [applause. ] all right. London, show me what you got. Mayor breed let me start by saying, i have never been this excited since the Oakland Raiders and the 49ers played the last time at candlestick where we won. And we all know that in San Francisco we dont talk big, we just do big stuff. Mayor, my sister from across the bay, i accept your challenge because in San Francisco we already make cleaning up and greening and taking care of our city a regular part of what we do. In fact, every single month mr. Clean, our director of public works, mr. Clean himself, organizations incredible groups like united players and other folks out there taking care of the streets. Here is the thing. We have amazing volunteers. We have amazing people who work for the department of public works and the rec and parks department. Phil ginsburg is here, amazing people who cleanup the bay. We have to do more. Mayor, i have seen you on more than one occasion wearing your love oak land tshirt and i love San Francisco. When people go around loving the city. Proof that you love your city. Roll up your sleeves, take care of your community, and you grew up in San Francisco, born and raised just like may or schaaf. Born and raised in oakland. One of the things my grandmother used to do is make us cleanup in front of where we lived. I did i kicking and screaming. It is paying attention to making sure my actions reflect how i feel about my city, that i am not just throwing garbage on the ground or putting Water Bottles in recycle and doing things to keep the city clean but to protect our environment. In San Francisco we have bee han doing an incredible job leading the way in a number of environmental policies. Our director of the department of environment is here. Thank you so much. The toughest band in the country, pushing for aggressive drug take off, continuing to work with the Coastal Commission to save our bay. Yes, this is a competition and San Francisco will win, but ultimately, Climate Change is real, and we have to start with young people. We have to start implementing the kinds of policies in San Francisco and throughout the world to make this planet the best place for generations to come. Just think about it. In San Francisco we never needed an airconditioner before. We have had record temperatures in the 90s that are unprecise departmented. We have to start taking care of the bay, the communities, taking care of each other, and also winning the bet, more importantly. San franciscans, it is time to step up to show your love. Step up to make sure you sign up and volunteer because you dont want to see your mayor wearing as gear, do you . You do not want to see that site. Make sure we step up on the 21st. We will come out, clean, green, do painting of murals and do other things which not only take care of our city and planet, it also brings our communities together. I want to thank each and every one of you for being here. Thanks to all of the folks who are here from the department as well as some of our major sponsors who have consistently supported projects like this on a regular basis. Thank you to recology, emerald fund and Alaska Airlines because, you know, we have to feed volunteers. You know how that works. We have to have supplies and equipment. Ultimately, getting out there, doing the hard work, making it part of your lives and what you do every day to take care of the city and bay is critical to the success of protecting our planet for generations to come. Thank you so much. Lets win, San Francisco. Well said, mayors. That was excellent. That is a rally. Oakland and San Francisco if i havent heard one like that. This is all about the pride, but we are doing this for the bay. We love the bay. No matter what side it is. We want to thank folks here and we will have a photo at the end with the mayors. We wouldnt be here if it werent for the California Coastal commission. Lets hear it for them. The battle for the 35th anniversary of California Coastal cleanup day. It is the largest volunteer day in california. On this day tens of thousands of volunteers remove litter from waterways and shorelines and a thousand locations across california. How fitting on september 21st to do this coming together. California stands as one if not the largest contributor that takes place in the bay area. Thank you to the Coastal Commission. We have folks behind me. Thanks to the mayors, oakland parks and recreational foundation. Jason mitchell, they are ready they are pumped. Joe ginsburg is here. Elaine thorn, tommy from california train, Golden Gate National park. California state parks as well. Give them a big hand. I might have mentioned there are more players involved in this effort. Right now we will hear from Community Folks to start with the oakland side. We have a leader with faith in action. Representing the east Oakland Congress of neighborhoods. Put your hands together. applause . All right. I am excited to be here. It feels awesome to be here. It is such a an on honor to represent our mayor. Good morning, everyone. I am lydia. This wonderful guy says i am a leader with action east bay. I am proud to be here representing the east Oakland Congress of neighborhoods. [applause. ] i would like to thank everyone who made this event possible, and a special thanks to the work group for all of their hard wo work. [applause. ] so as representative of the east Oakland Congress of neighborhoods including fadein action and the residents we are excited about this campaign and to clean our cities. Of course, oakland will fill up our streets, why not, right . This is going to happen on september 21st. We are going to fill up our streets. Sorry, San Francisco. Sorry. Residents who are part of the congress have been organizing for years to bring resources to increase capacity for the Public Works Department in oakland. We are proud of this work and what we have accomplished so far. Thanks to this effort oakland has new street cleaning cruise and equipment to address the illinois leg gal dumping issue. We need each one of us in the city. It is not only oaklands responsibility. It is also our responsibility, right . Our city and our families and our streets they are affected with this garbage. We must all come together as a community and show our love to our city and our community. So i am here today to challenge one of our City Residents to come out on saturday, september 21st. Invite family members, friends, neighborhoods, students, educators and Community Members to clean our streets, parks, Community Centers and sewers in every corner of our city. [applause. ] so we deserve to live in a clean city. Our children and seniors deserve to stay healthy and walk along a safe street. Lets put our action in oakland and our community. We love our city. We must be part of the city. Thank you. God bless all of you. Lets hear it for lydia leone. I love it. Our other community side. This is a Community Organizer who has been involved with more than 100 neighborhood cleanups in San Francisco. He has worked extensively with young people to clean up neighborhoods. He believes a Clean Community is healthy and it takes all of us to make that happen. Please happen for the San Francisco side the reverend. Please come on up. San francisco, are you ready . Lets do this. We want oakland to know we won it all right. A men. Dont forget i am a preacher. I need folks to talk back to me. Are you ready, San Francisco . Clean it up . Thank you, thank you. It is a great day to be in the midst of two great women doing a wonderful job in San Francisco and in oakland. Lets give them a hand. First time, first time. I am part of the trash trackers in San Francisco. What i do. I track down trash. Somebody auto say yeah. I track it down. I locate it, find it and clean it up. I have been doing that for 30 years. We have been doing this a long time. We are glad to have oakland come to be a part of this. Guess what . We are going to win we already won it. Mayor breed, we got this. We accept the challenge and we are going to do it. I am reminded of a homeless friend of mine. He has been sleeping in tents three years. He is a sad looking guy but a happy looking guy. Every morning at 8 30 a. M. He gets up and cleans up around his tent. Then he goes to the other block and cleans other homeless men and womens tents. That is a good example of a community. We are going to have the homeless folks get out and cleanup, too. Understand this. Our homeless folks arent the only ones that are making the city dirty. That is not the truth. It is construction workers, churches, ymca, it is all of us. It takes the whole community to clean up the community. Wouldnt you agree with me . That is what we come to do today. I am proud to tell mr. Smith on september 21st right here in San Francisco you can come out and help us cleanup the city. applause . You should be happy about that. I want to say that our lovely mayor. We really appreciate you. laughter . You are our friend and oakland is our friend. We love you also much. What we are going to do. Once we win, we are going to come back over to oakland and help you all. We will help you out. We might go with you to all get together and cleanup. Am i right . This is our city, this is our california. Lets do it, San Francisco and oakland, lets do it. I have a new thing to look at. I wish i had music. We pick it up and bag it up. You have to get rhythm. Anybody have rhythm. Here we go. Pick it up, bag it up. Pick it up, bag it up. Pick it up, bag it up lets go San Francisco that is catchy. Bag it up, pick it up lets hear it for the communities in San Francisco and oakland everybody. This is fun. In conclusion before the photos, give a big thanks to our community sponsors, ricology. They are bringing out hundreds of volunteers to serve lunch. Thank you. A round of applause. Waste management of Alameda County and the Solid Waste Service providers, give them a big hand. Argent materials hosting the cleanup. Alaska airlines for the round trip tickets. There will be four lucky winners, two on each side of the bay. Go to the battle for the bay 2019. Org. Sign up. We are still signing up for september 21st. We want to thank andys construction in oakland. A round of applause as well. [applause. ] clear channel, emerald fund, warriors and black and veatch and for hosting us here today. Treasure Island Development authority. Yes, thank you so much. What a beautiful sight to see the bridge, the bay, both mayors here. The city is coming together. Battle for the bay for this friendly competition. I will close with this. Encourage everyone to go on the website. Battle for the bay 2019. Org let the competition begin. Shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their business in the 49 square files of San Francisco. We help San Francisco remain unique, successful and right vi. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . Im one of three owners here in San Francisco and we provide mostly live Music Entertainment and we have food, the type of food that we have a mexican food and its not a big menu, but we did it with love. Like ribeye tacos and quesadillas and fries. For latinos, it brings Families Together and if we can bring that family to your business, youre gold. Tonight we have russelling for e community. We have a tenperson limb elimination match. We have a fullsize ring with barside food and drink. We ended up getting wrestling here with puoillo del mar. Were hope og get families to join us. Weve done a drag queen bingo and were trying to be a diverse kind of club, trying different things. This is a great part of town and theres a bunch of shops, a variety of stores and ethnic restaurants. Theres a popular little shop that all of the kids like to hanhang out at. We have a great breakfast spot call brick fast at tiffanies. Some of the older businesses are refurbished and newer businesses are coming in and its exciting. We even have our own brewery for fdr, ferment, drink repeat. Its in the San FranciscoGarden District and four beautiful muellermixer ura alsomurals. Its important to shop local because its kind of like a circle of life, if you will. We hire local people. Local people spend their money at our businesses and those local mean that wor people willr money as well. I hope people shop locally. [ ] all right. Hello, sunny day. [cheers. ] so, so excited to be here with each and every one of you. I am sorry for those we dont have chairs for. We didnt expect a big crowd, but when you talk about the city budget, i guess everyone shows up. I am so glad to see the residents here. Thank you to everyone who joined us on the tours earlier of the unit. Today we, of course, through the tours saw the challenging conditions that people are living right in this neighborhood, just a few miles from our thriving downtown, and yet a world apart. As someone who grew up in Public Housing, i have lived these conditions. I know these conditions. I dont expect everyone to understand the challenges of Public Housing the way that i do or the way the residents of sunny dale do, but i do expect everyone to put in the time to understand. I wanted department heading and elected officials to come see for yourselves the hard work that we have to do. Thank you to everyone who joined me today, especially the members of the board of supervisors and we have the president with us, norman yee, thank you so much. [applause. ] thank you for being with us. Supervissupervisor per visor gor and earlier we had supervisor safai, and he had to take off. Why arent you in your seat . You know, today is not just about the investments we are making in our up coming budget, it is about the commitment behind those investments. Commitments to communities like s un nydale for those who have been left behind. San francisco is a city with a heart but we also have to be a city with a memory. A memory not only for the commitments we have kept but also the ones we have failed to keep. For too long our Public Housing communities were one of those failed commitments. We are changing that with our programs where we have rehabilitated over 2500 Public Housing units. [applause. ] and through hope sf, which is revitalizing and france forming communities in hunters view and right here in sunny dale and with the reconstruction of the long overdue transformation of the San FranciscoHousing Authority. We are building and rehabbing housing, creating stronger and healthier communities and investing in the people who live there. We owe it to them to keep our commitment and make a difference for this community and those across the city. With every decision we make, i want to make sure that equity and accountability are at the forefront of our minds. We have to be focused on people in all neighborhoods, like the people who live here, who for too long have been living with broken pipes, mold, infestations, dilapidated conditions. People like breanna, a Third Generation resident. She and her Three Sisters have lived through the conditions you saw today. Despite these challenges, breanna is a leader in her community, and she is fighting for the next generation. She has not given up on this community and we will not give up on you. We have to be accountable to the thousands of residents across the city living in Public Housing and our low income communities. Our budget would be accountable to them both by continuing our work to improve the conditions here and our continued commitment to provide funding to keep thousands of Housing Authority residents secure in their homes. Yes, Joyce Armstrong and happy birthday. Also by recognizing that we need to do more to keep people in these neighborhoods safe and supported. For too long this was not a safe community. Families were torn apart by violence, gunfire, crime, tragedy, frustration. This community has lived with that. That is why i wanted to come here to acknowledge the past, yes, but also to make a commitment to a better and brighter future. To make communities like this safer. It is not just about enforcing the laws to make sure we have more officers on the streets. It is about giving people opportunities and investing in changing peoples lives. [applause. ] it is about interrupting the cycle of violence and despair. That starts with doing more for our young people and so that the next generation can transform their futures. Offering stipends to teachers who commit to teach in Public Schools facing those challenges. And fully funding Free City College so that everyone has a path to higher education. [applause. ] we are expanding Public Health recreation and nutrition programs for kids, including Mental Health services to provide support for kids experiencing trauma so that he can build up their lives and thrive. All of our young people, no matter where they live should have access to the amazing opportunities that this city has to offer. applause . And as we work to support the next generation, we also must do more to help those who sadly are living on our streets. In this budget, we are following through on our commitment to add 1,000 new shelter beds by 2020. We are also using our funding to create 820 new units of permanently supported housing over the next two years. However, reducing homelessness means more than just creating places for people to go. We need to do more to prevent homelessness and keep people housed. That is why we are adding 5 million to increase Homelessness Prevention and diversion efforts. We are fully funding our tenants right to counsel so they have a right to Legal Defense when they are threatened with eviction. We are providing housing for transgender who are 18 times more likely to experience homelessness than the general population. We are creating a new five Year Pilot Program to provide rental subsidies subsidies for seniors to keep them secure in housing so that rising rents dont force them out of their home in the first place. With these commitments, we can keep people stable, keep them housed and prevent homeless necessary for ever becoming a part of their live. We are helping those with Mental Illness and Substance Use disorder by adding 10 new behavioral 100 new Behavioral Health beds including 50 at San Francisco general for homeless residents with Mental Health challenges and 50 beds for those suffering both Mental Health and Substance Use disorder. [applause. ] combined with the 100 beds we announced earlier this year, that means we are committing to 200 new beds for our most vulnerable residents. There is the most significant expansion of Behavioral Health beds in a generation. And, chief nicholson, we are expanding the emx Emergency Response crew helping those on the streets suffering Mental Health and substance disorder issues. This will provide coverage 24 7 so the city can help people every day of every minute. These are some of the investments we are making to help our residents today. We have to be accountable to the next generation. We have to have vision and not lose sight of what is going to happen to San Francisco 10 and 20 years down the line. We know the crisis on the street is not just about a place for indoors or Mental Healthcare. It is about housing. The costs of housing are too high. We know these challenges did not develop overnight. It wont be fixed overnight. It is going to take fundamental change. Lets start increasing funding for Affordable Housing. I am proud to be working with so many members of the board of supervisors to place a 6 million Affordable Housing bond on this years 600 million Affordable Housing. Thank you, president yee, for working with me on this. It will be on this years ballot. This is the largest Affordable Housing bond in the citys history without raising property taxes. [applause. ] we are providing support not just for low income households and seniors but also for middle income residents. We are increasing investments in the budget to add over 140 million for the production and preservation of Affordable Housing so we can buy moreland, fully fund more projects and preserve our much greater rent control housing stock. [applause. ] all land through this bond our current budget, our previous spending and other efforts over the first year since i have been in office, we have identified 1 billion in new funding to build, preserve and support Affordable Housing. [applause. ] thank you for your help in building housing. This builds on top of the over 900 million that we already have committed to build and support Affordable Housing throughout our city. However, our support for housing cant just be about funding. If we are ever going to make a difference on housing, we have to make changes to how we build housing. We cant fear solutions that make it easier and faster to build housing. If we say we support Affordable Housing, our actions have to follow our values. We have to cut the red tape to barriers not just for some Affordable Housing and not just for some homeless shelters but for all housing for everyone. [applause. ] and was we build we must expandr transportation and infrastructure to support outer neighborhood goes like here in the southwest. Every neighborhood in our city needs better and more reliable access to public transit, and they need better and safer streets. This budget adds 30 million to fund transit operations, including speeding up the purchase of new light rail trains and modernizing the train control system so we see fewer delays in the subways and so that we know that we can get to where we need to more faster and more reliable. applause . We have also added 2. 5 million for vision zero improvement projects to make our streets safer. We have seen too many traffic related deaths on the streets. This funding will help double the pace of the protected bike lane and make the streets safe are for pedestrians on the most dangerous corridors through the capital plan we will spend 130 million over the next two years to improve our roads. This will get you excited. That means fewer potholes. [applause. ] and smoother rides for buses and bicycles and drivers. You are the one who have given us the potholes. We will invest in strengthening the support for cultural centers, libraries, health centers, Public Safety facilities and improving parks and open space. We will also continue to support improvements to making neighborhoods cleaner, safer and more vibrant. We are adding 12 million to our existing cleaning budget to expand our street cleaning in the tenderloin and soma and chinatown. We are fund being 80 more big belly trash cans and adding new pit stops including expanding the hours so people can use the bathroom with dignity. This is on top of 74 million that we spend every year to keep our streets clean and not only are we going to invest money in keeping San Francisco clean, we are all going to make sure people know we wont tolerate dirtying up our streets. We are supporting our plan to hire more Police Officers to get more officers out walking the beats in the neighborhoods and we are going to continue the work to reduce violent crime, property crime and auto breakins in the city. We are committed to 9 million to support Small Businesses and commercial corridors which builds on the work to streamline the bureaucracy that gets in the way of growing businesses. Our Small Business owners should focus on serving customers not navigating the bureaucracy of city hall. These are just some of the priorities we are funding in this budget. I am proud of the investments we are making and proud of the city we are working to build. I really want to thank everyone who put time into helping with this budget including the budget team and budget option director kelly. Thank you for your hard work and thank you to ben from the Controllers Office and your work. Thank you to harvey rose and the budget afternoon r analyst analyst team who is not going to touch the money i am proposing in the budget. You know, so many people have been working tirelessly day in and day out to get the budget done, and i am so excited about this. I want to end by talking about a young man named wallace pullet. We are so proud of wallace. You know, life hasnt been easy for him. He grew up with the violence i talked about earlier. He faced challenging times, including his own challenges with the law. Unlike so many others, we lost to violence or the criminal justice system, wallace worked through all of those challenges. He is now focusing on doing what is right including raising his daughter right here in sunnyda sunnydale. Now, just down the hill from here is a construction site. It is the first new building being constructed here at sunnydale as part of hope sf. It is a bright sign for the future of this incredible community. Wallace is a member of this construction team. He is building up this Beautiful New Community with his hands and with his heart. He is being accountable to himself, his daughter and his community. He is being accountability to the next generation so they have a sunnydale to grow, live and thrive and building a better San Francisco. I am committed to this community. I am committed to this community because people likua like wallae committed. Let us remember our job is to be accountable to everyone in the city, not just those who have time to show up and advocate at city hall. We have to be there for those who have hope, those who need hope, this budget is part of the commitment and represents is very best of our values in this city. By keeping those commitments, we can and we will build a stronger, more resilient San Francisco, a city not just for some, but for all of those in San Francisco. Thank you all so much for being here today. We are celebrating the glorious grand opening of the chinese rec center. 1951, 60 years ago, our first kids began to play in the chinese wrecks center rec center. I was 10 years old at the time. I spent just about my whole life here. I came here to learn dancing. By we came we had a good time. Made a lot of friends here. Crisises part of the 2008 clean Neighborhood Park fund, and this is so important to our families. For many people who live in chinatown, this is their backyard. This is where many people come to congregate, and we are so happy to be able to deliver this project on time and under budget. A reason we all agreed to name this memorex center is because it is part of the history of i hear to name this rec center, is because it is part of the history of San Francisco. They took off from logan airport, and the call of duty was to alert American Airlines that her plane was hijacked, and she stayed on the phone prior to the crash into the no. 9 world trade center. I would like to claim today the center and the naming of it. [applause] kmer i actually challenged me to a little bit of a ping pong the mayor actually challenge me to a little bit of a ping pong, so i accept your challenge. It is an amazing spot. It is a state of the art center. Is beautiful. Quarkrights i would like to come here and join them