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A youth activist. And the opposition hits out at the government for breaking their promise to protect renters from eviction during the crisis. Welcome to r. T. You can the Health Secretary has issued a plea for an n. H. S. Volunteer force to help tackle the coronavirus along with a new temporary hospital in london thats after the death toll in the u. K. Rose to 422 a jump of 87 in a single day. To everest joins me now with the latest hi there she is so talk us through the latest announcement well the latest briefing saw the house secretary matt cock our call on the public to help with the coronavirus effort as the government is now setting up a new temporary hospital today we launch and it just fall into is. Were seeking a quarter of a 1000000 volunteers people in good health to help the n. H. S. For shopping and for delivery of medicines and to support those who are shielded to protect their own health the n. H. S. Volunteer responders is a new scheme set up so that people can come and help and to make sure that the n. H. S. And the local services that are needed get all the support that they can we will next week open a new hospital a temporary hospital the n. H. S. Nightingale hospital at the xcel center in london. The n. H. S. Nightingale hospital will comprise 2 wards each of 2000 people with the help of the military and with n. H. S. Clinicians we will make sure that we have the capacity that we need. Well he also reiterated the fact that the public should stay at home but theres much confusion still about workers and what work is deemed necessary and essential remember of course Boris Johnson just last night saying to the public to stay at home because that can save lives and will help the n. H. S. From being overwhelmed however there is still clearly a disagreement about what is deemed necessary essential plus no what he is addressing the situation when it comes to the selfemployed the government of course has been under scrutiny and under fire for not protecting the south employed despite that huge financial alleviation package that was announced just last week but there is a huge gap when it comes to the selfemployed chancellor was answering questions about this very matter today in the house of commons and said that the government is working on a solution to try and help them out but the system is very complex it will require the government to look into tax returns to see what solutions can be put in place and even fell short of giving a timeline and time scale when it comes to that so with the government to ing and fro ing over policy when it comes to the south employed it seems like theyre still trying to get to work and despite it being day one of the National Emergency many people are still taking to the Public Transportation system here in the United Kingdom weve seen that commuters are flooding on to the platforms flooding on to the carriages not maintaining that to meet a distance but in fact were seeing commuters shoulder to shoulder sitting in all seats of being occupied as well so it certainly really resembles a rush hour scenario as opposed to a lockdown one many of which could indeed be self employed much of the blame is being pointed at city com for restricting to File Services at this time many of which directed from the government level but now in this latest press weve seen a 360 degree u. Turn when it comes to this policy as it seems like the t. F. R. Will be remaining will be brought back to a full service as of tomorrow will see many more trains on the platform so potentially it will actually give a huge huge alleviation to those people going on to the platforms they will not 2 have to be in close proximity as weve seen in the last 2 days. Shadier thank you very much indeed for the update thank you well the 1st minister of scotland nicholas sturgeon has reiterated Boris Johnsons calls for the public to remain indoors and only leave the house if its absolutely essential as if you were news last night we had no significant new measures to slow the spread of covert 1000 let me quickly via to the these are because i want people across scotland to be very clear what is expected of all of us effectively scotland is no in lock down people had already been told that the most whom we know said more stringent limits to that so the only permissible reasons for leaving your home are as follows to shop for basic necessities but only once a day at the most societies again no more than once a day and this should be done alone or with your hosts who are not in groups for medical reasons for yourself or of providing care or to support a Vulnerable Person and to travel to essential work if that work absolutely cannot be done from whom. Well the Scottish Parliament plans to sit one day a week from next week with westminster still sitting there are growing calls for it to join the shutdown with some m. P. s suggesting online voting to use m. P. Jim shannon told me it would be easier for a regional columnist to operate westminster. And the kitchens at this moment would. Confirm that theyll be no buses and thursday at the high school for this tomorrow the debate on thursday was a life on their made up until their buses coming forward but i think the day confirms the conclusion of the coronavirus. Legislation and all the discussion so i think by and large things will called their conclusion to morrow night and not all probably else until after easter and relation to meeting in parliament on i wouldnt be surprised and take a holiday or an extra week after easter you have to give us back to say i mean some m. P. s have suggested electronic or online voting what do you think. I was a kid i mean old to dishonest i like the idea of doing a vote by by by person and by hand i not sure if were at that stage yet we do have to adopt a new circumstances but i know it has been mooted by some in the chamber by maybe the green party and by the scottish nationalists but i think we do want to resume business. When it see if to do so are not to go back to the old system not doesnt mean that we may not be called to the parliament for a bit short notice for us who live in the periphery of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern its a bit further to come and were dependent upon plans are others not to see of problems but there may be a cold by some time may probably come at the end of people i suspect well its going to probably meant appearing one day a week from next week coming in the same day for westminster. As probably easier for the Scottish Parliament for the northern arent assembly and for the Welsh Assembly to make once a week but the part of. The queen. Of all part of the word the one that we saw the probably just sitting in comes peter drawn from every corner of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern and so therefore for also so weve got harder to come together and meanwhile the n. H. S. Is under increasing pressure as medical workers in intensive care departments are forced to take on more patients than the rules previously allowed for according to the Health Service journal intensive care nurses are now being told to look after 6 patients with help from 2 normal specialist nurses and 2 Health Workers well under normal circumstances one nurse will be responsible for each patient also intensive Care Consultants are being asked to look after 30 patients assisted by 2 middle level doctors guidelines dictates the ratio between a consultant and patient should go beyond 1. 8 to 1. 15 there will absolutely be a lot of concern about this in the profession but its the only option weve got available we simply dont have the capacity to increase our stuffing levels quickly enough it would dilute the standard of care but thats absolutely better than not having enough critical castoff theres also a massive issue around the ability of Critical Care nurses not only to care for their patients but also monitor what the nonspecialists in the teams are doing meanwhile the dean of the faculty of intensive Care Medicine says the measures taken will enable staff to respond in an effective way thats as the n. H. S. Claims Health Care Workers will adapt to such changes sensitively. N. H. S. Staff are working round the clock gearing up to deal with this unprecedented Global Health threat and as the professional bodies have said doctors nurses and other Health Professionals will rightly respond flexibly and compassionately in the meantime the public absolutely must now play their part by staying home to stop the spread of the virus and save the lives of former n. H. S. Trust chairman roy many tell me that its inevitable medics will be out of a stretch weve seen whats happened in italy we know whats coming weve seen pictures in italy of beds in corridors of people ventilated in warehouses effectively and its going to happen to us as well there will be more people than we have nurses and doctors to look off to using their normal ratios this is why this new guidance is coming and its not being imposed actually on the doctors nurses it has been has been introduced in consultation with leaders of doctors and nurses who understand that were likely to be overwhelmed and by thinning out the have the talent that we have is the only way that were going to be able to look after people who are going to be very sick looking after people on ventilators is a tricky thing to do vent to lay to people is difficult to do i mean mechanical ventilation not to sort of disguise it means putting it shoot down someones throat and inflating your lungs and breathing for them then thats not something that every nurse can do so they have to be trained and in the meantime then roy how do you think its going to get another government measures going to work. Well as far as the government measures are concerned of social distancing and all the rest of it frankly i dont think so i think a complete lockdown is going to have to come i think it was food issue jones is ready to study i mean clearly hes been studying this all the way along weve noted that the 1st step was the 2nd step and the 3rd step sorry frankly i think yesterday should done a complete climb down i mean we still go Building Work is going to work on that shoot mixing up with n. H. S. What is going to be the way the mayor in london is limited the number of. Means that more people are packed closer and closer together its a policy policy life use of is it going to get worse well yes of course it will on me while some on the front lines say the public arent being told the full story one clinician working in accident and emergency he wishes to remain anonymous told r. T. You k. The true numbers of those with the virus up being suppressed and there was a shortage of personal protective equipment you from perth will be my hospital we can only patients that are meant to prove the hospital but not the persians who are prepared to move the department of charcoal so always a war of. War would be preferred. Which prevented refraction operation for you prevent to be Emergency Department. I feel these people 3 the magnitude of patients presenting to the Emergency Department for treatment and note of how much of these patients actually positively can make all of us care. In terms of trust in the staff being a complete ban on that including the thoughts whove been treating call with 1000 patients and have consequently for them. Are treated as having a flu like illness and are told not to label themselves as covert one thing because they have not been tested and even upon the only quit for the night i am expecting an explosion of cases to come out but rather than this even making the statistics because of the lack of testing were just going to get over old. Inundated by patients coming in and we were already got lots of stuff going on fluke as a result of not having the correct p. P. And another thing that i think is happening is people are not realizing how real the patients are when they come in a lot of him are not recovering they dying in the department and then never ever swapped because they never make it onto the ward and theres no autopsy thats going to be done on these patients because the coroner has decided over the one thing to have cost as natural death so nobody will ever know the patient died of course the one thing. If i were due to think on the side of a policymaker probably the shortage of mosques or the shortage of p. P. D. But in terms of not testing no justification for that that is bad practice anything thing its dangerous. Well weve asked the n. H. S. For comment and will let you know if and when they respond previously they have said they will ramp up testing for covert 19. Now coming up after the break. A report says social distancing could fuel Gang Violence or foreign demand for drugs as experts warn School Closures could mean more children being exploited. Critics hit out on the government for turning its back on going to promise to protect tenants from addiction during the crisis. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this on off and spearing Dramatic Development the only really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Isolation the community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallowness. Welcome back social distancing could increase in Gang Violence due to a fall in demand for drugs thats according to a report that says experts also warn School Closures could leave children exposed to county lines gangs or form this r. T. As more he said thanks for joining us tell us more about how all of this is related to corona virus. Well you see in the release of a report by the policy Exchange Think Tank called policing the pandemic and in it there are a number of warnings now according to this report corona Virus Outbreak could see an increase in tried and get in line and. Another is criminals compete for what i do and link resources not according to this report there are crimes such as step forwards and destruction burglary which are likely to increase in things for people to be on the lookout for is for example fortunate emails claiming to be from the n. H. S. Or something asking for bank details or people coming to the door especially if people are elderly knocking on the door to claim that coming to test for example and then breaking in all of these things people should be aware of and the 2nd thing for people to be aware of is also of course a rise potentially in Gang Violence because were going to see it reduced the norms for drugs a small market small pot of money for these guns to make that income from because of course now comes a close fence of being Council Festival council and so on and we could see as gangs get more desperate they get little violence and also of course youve seen last night the Prime Minister announced a number of measures and police could end up being distracted as they try to enforce those lockdown measures Commission People arent going out without a valid reason because of that police could be distracted and then give an opportunity for gangs and you know criminals to go out and to do as they please now and there are other factors which could contribute to this which is for a stop gangs jockeying for position so when the market has picked up in the economy in general picks up that these guys might want to be best placed to control it its a trade of drugs and other items but also so last week the government announced the closure of schools except for the children of key workers and special Education Needs children and what i mean is is there many children who are at home at the moment some of them may be different. Sure there are 2 reasons for parents to keep the total to intro them those children could be more vulnerable to the socalled county lines gangs who keep children take them and send them to the countryside a lot of them suit at taking cheap drugs on them instead of so drugs in those areas and of course we know that the Coronavirus Crisis is having a massive impact on the economy children from poor backgrounds could be more vulnerable again because if they see Household Incomes have been squeezed and they might see a way to make some quick easy money they may be drawn into what is a very dangerous lifestyles all of these factors potentially could be contributing there as a result of this corona virus issue its alarming its whats there isa thank you very much indeed and for more on those issues are now joined by youth antiviolence activist paul mckenzie. Paul thank you very much indeed for joining us gangs and violence are always a hit and but this pandemic that has just put even more of a spotlight on them hasnt it. Its definitely certain some shade on whats going on on the streets are a step to go have an impact in a lot of different ways as well well paul how do you keep kids safe. But this is a good because im a stones with young people im interviewing people and so i my method is to distract them from the obvious street violence from selling drugs from leaving home just from and actually encourage them to stay in school and so with the closure of schools and the country running around because everybodys now talk about self isolates in and not going out in public and listening to what the report says about willie increase the demand for that drug market its absolutely going to have an impact on in some way because a lot of young people that i work with who are been trying to distract and now not even with access those people that actually saved their lives so theyve returned to the streets of where theyre trying to make spear money into a pool at that point yes going to say Vulnerable Children that are more protected on by as they are allowed to keep attending school absolutely i mean one boy in particular i spend over this 67 hours a week with engaging him in different activities and its really having an impact on his life so my it actually my worry is what he would do because were only one day one you know and to be to be told that you are to stay home indefinitely im not quite sure what the impact is going to have on the my after you know up probably a week inside where were not he wants to go outside where were not you want to find these friends social media is doing a wonderful job you know the Online Gaming community is right its now everybodys online but in a weeks time that the excitement will die down and then you have a lot of young people that are you know who engaged in criminal activities before or who havent seen the other gang members you know weak and looking to go out to actually find them so thats my main worry in day and paul i think is as its been said before it takes a village doesnt it to raise a child say and look at the other side yet looking at parents i mean they have to take response. Ability as well dont they especially now when they have extra time to spend with their kids in the can be what working from home i believe more so now ive got my children that. You know stay one its sort of to be or not. However up for me the key thing is that those parents who are abiding by the law and know that they should be out on the streets know this whole self isolate. Law is in place is to actually talk to their children to make sure that they are literally living by the law because 8 you know if you have a peer and they are allowing their children to go out and we dont know what there are indeed be done as i dont care or we dont paul im afraid im going to have to jump in now were running out of time to thank you very much indeed for joining us thank you very much. Well the shadow housing secretary has hit out at the government for turning their backs on renters john healey says the coronavirus bill thats currently being debated in parliament wont give tenants the protections they were promised with this legislation Boris Johnson has broken his promise to the countrys 20000000 renters this is not a big as labor argued for and renters were eventually promised by Boris Johnson this legislation does not stop people losing their homes as a result of the current a virus it just gives them some extra time to pack their bags. Well last week the government said no one would be evicted from their rented property during the ongoing crisis however the coronavirus bill only extends the eviction notice period fire month meaning landlords will now have to give tenants 3 months notice the government maintains that protecting rentis is a priority. And finally the spread of coronavirus and unfunny journalist by the current virus many theories about how to stop or protect yourself from the disease have been circulating online but to separate truth from fantasy r. T. U. K. s Martin Landers has been testing some of the viral rumors. Are you suffering from information overload lets debug some myths and get the lowdown we have to separate the facts from the fiction. Globus will keep me safe but it depends on how you use them because its all about not transferring the coronavirus your face if you are in gloves whilst in abouts and still keep touching your face which we can do up to 20 times an hour theyre useless while gloves provide a barrier in a medical environment if you dont keep replacing them and if youre not very careful they would help. Drinking water will kill the virus Drinking Water every 50 minutes has been heavily debated on social media the theory being that swallowing the virus will kill it sadly professor treated like at the university of oxford says theres no evidence to back that up you cant wash away or spirit virus while its good for Overall Health to be hydrated drinking too much water can also cause Health Problems to. The piracy is mutating. With 19 will act like all viruses in the fact that they all accumulate me tensions over time create a virus is no different a recent public study suggested that it had already me take to twice into one more aggressive strain and one milder form but some experts on convince all viruses might like. People of old over time as you say in the case of viruses like into and so they need to. Change. Over the seasons but also even within any given season next year will be variations within a population. And this is this is what the virus does to me and she walks all over it so she could extract the crude virus will will change. As of tomorrow says do news as the humans do. It will be gone by the summer summer months can mean fewer transmissible illnesses but thats often because in the winter were more likely to be enclosed spaces being we can spread them but while something also weather by actually kill off the virus its simply not the case its true viruses do thrive in colder conditions and covert 90 appears to spread faustus 8. 00 degrees celsius but the World Health Organization says that it can be transmitted in all areas around the world including hotter climates like africa and australasia that are in trouble too and you can forget about taking a hot bath so a long soap might give you a mental boost. I can diagnose myself there are many rumors about self diagnosis flying around the internet what is the viral selfhelp check and its thought to be trusted in a post circulating on whatsapp and facebook the post claims to be from Stanford University the posts are 6 readers to take a deep breath and hold for 10 seconds if you can do without coughing tightness or discomfit your lungs are free from fibrosis and ultimately free offer infection its nonsense pivot 19 can affect people differently the only thing to remember is if youve got a High Temperature or you continuous cough stay home and go on to the n. H. S. 11 online for more information dont go to the hospital g. P. Or pharmacy you might pass it on thats the lowdown for today be safe because i wash your hands. I colleagues it all to america will shortly be taking over from the team here in westminster see you jim. You know when im going to be at their school i dont think about that i dont mean a guess at the moment not new dorp or. Kind of where i wonder. If im not big now i think its higher than i. Have to come i feel. Safe and quick passage to europe but once they. Leave they count speech util. Were not some of them may be a mom and i couldnt you know if this unit were going to doubt it i mean. They sold the. Home court of the united. Because the persona that i cant even use can be the norm. In a free for underage prostitutes are controlled by a pimp d these traffickers exploit on average 4 to 6 girls at any one time the investigators are going to try to find danielle belongs to a pimp personal phone could contain Vital Information you know were going to end up keeping your phone. Because no no no no no no no no no its not over it like theres nothing to hide you guys are trying to some of our parents and this is a fun to work. On. Track while home ready. The young female is refusing to unlock her cell phone without a doubt so that she can protect her pimp with a tattoo on her hand has caught the detectives attention well explain some of these that doesnt mean. Its crimes out of you dont know. If you have to. Earn. Their property. To other people notice who you with. But about the

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