STOCKTON — Asparagus lemonade, elote style asparagus, strawberry and asparagus smoothies are just some of the new items that will be at the rebranded San Joaquin Asparagus Days celebration this year.
Last year's event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and sudden lockdowns. San Joaquin Asparagus Days, presented by the San Joaquin Asparagus Festival owned by The Noceti Group, announced this week their return with a new name, new location and an extra day this year.
“This is the crown jewel of Stockton and San Joaquin County since 1985," said Tony Noceti, owner of Noceti Group, Inc. and the promoter of The San Joaquin Asparagus Days. "Last year, we were two weeks out from having the festival when the virus broke out. So bringing it back and getting it going this year is so important to the community, all the nonprofit groups showcased in Stockton and San Joaquin County.”