Ranchi: Ten students of Delhi Public School, Ranchi have qualified in the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE), which was conducted by NCERT on June 13. The successful students are Aditya Prakash, Anupam Gaurav, Aviral Singh, Shiv Ratan, Pratyush, Manas Ranjan, Piyush, Mehwish Naaz, Om Raj and Indradeo Rai Munda.
School principal Ram Singh said, “I wish the students a bright future.”
Notably, NTSE is a national-level scholarship scheme that aims to nurture talented students.
Meanwhile, the Jawahar Vidya Mandir Shyamli said that six of its student have also cracked the examination. School principal Samarjit Jana termed the achievement as a positive news during the Covid-19 pandemic.