right now on "ana cabrera reports," ivanka trump's turn on the witness stand. donald trump's eldest daughter just arrived to testify in the multimillion dollar fraud trial. we've got live breaking news coverage. plus, big democratic wins on election night. contentious races in ohio, virginia, and kentucky all go blue showing the issue of abortion access is now a major liability for republicans. so what does that mean for 2024? . and happy debate day for all who celebrate. five candidates make the stage, but can any of them get out from under trump's shadow? thanks so much for joining us. it's 10:00 eastern. i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york, and we begin with the breaking news shaking the political world this morning after big wins scored by democrats in key races in ohio, kentucky, and virginia all revealing the issue of abortion access is a major liability for the republican party. nbc's priscilla thompson in ohio where voters enshrined abortion rights into that state's constitution. gary grumbach is in virginia with the issue led to a blue wave in the state house, and steve kornacki is here to take a deeper dive into all of this. let's go to priscilla first in ohio where voters cast ballots to protect abortion access, in even districts where biden lost in 2020. so how are abortion rights supporters reacting to this sweeping victory today, priscilla? >> reporter: yeah, ana, i was in that room with abortion access supporters as that news came out, and it was -- it erupted in cheers. there were a lot of hugs, a lot of tears. these were the folks who had been organizing on the ground in ohio for months. they spent yesterday knocking doors up until polls closed, and i want to play some of the conversations and the reactions that i heard from them last night. >> just so ecstatic and so happy for every ohioan who has freedom over their own body now. it's just months and months of hard work, relief, deep relief. >> i think this is a resounding message that when you put abortion on the ballot, it wins. >> reporter: and the other message i heard from them is that they are going to stand with other states where abortion is on the ballot, coming in 2024, tell them about their messaging, about their organize and how they can see win there is too. i also want to note we are hearing from antiabortion advocates as well saying this decision is heartbreaking but also saying they're going to continue to fight. one of them said they waited 50 years and fought 50 years for roe versus wade to be overturned, and they will continue to fight this. ana. >> gary, virginia republicans of course wanted to get total control there in richmond, but instead, democrats held the senate. they flipped virginia's house of delegates, and again, the abortion issue may have played a big role here too, right? >>. >> reporter: yeah, this was a total repudiation of everything that governor glenn youngkin wanted to get done over the next few years, on the economy, on education, but chief among them on that issue of abortion. governor youngkin wanted that 15 weeks with exception abortion ban. and voters ended up being very clear what they want, which is no changes. currently here in virginia you can get an abortion up to 26 weeks in a single day, and they say they want to continue that. this is really going to be over the next two years a real big test of what kind of politician governor glenn youngkin is because for the first time in almost 30 years, the governor is going to be a different party than the entire state legislature. it will be a very interesting thing to see. >> a lot of momentum for democrats last night. steve, what does all of this portend for 2024? >> yeah, i think there's a couple of things to look at. number one is simply you look at that ballot measure in ohio that passed on abortion, and you look at the very specific language that was in there because there have been a couple other state initiatives since the fall of roe v. wade that have been pushed through by abortion rights supporters that were a little different than what you saw in ohio last night. for instance, in california and vermont, two deeply blue states last year, they simply put the right to abortion in the state constitution with no limiting language. there was limiting language in this ballot initiative in ohio last night. it said right to an abortion is in the state constitution and the ability of the legislature to restrict that right after point of fetal viability, about 22, 24 weeks was also part of this. i think that was a nod politically to ohio being a reddish state, once a swing state, where maybe the sense of supporters of this was there needed to be a nod to some kind of limiting -- to some kind of limit on it. so they put that limit on it. it passed overwhelmingly last night, and i think you're going to see in 2024 a whole host of ballot initiatives in states, red states, swing states that now look to what was that language in ohio and employ it there. you can take a look at what's -- we have ohio here. that's done now. it passed, but look at the states where campaigns are underway right now to get similar initiatives on the ballot. arizona a swing state, florida a swing/reddish state, nevada a swing state. south dakota's, you know, a red state here. all of them right now, abortion rights supporters are teeing up initiatives that would put abortion rights into law but the state constitution, but would also have that fetal viability language that you saw in ohio. so i think abortion right supporters saw a state like ohio as a testing ground. can you -- in a red state n a swing state, if you give that nod to a limit late in the pregnancy, is it going to be easier to pass. i think they're going to try to roll that into a bunch of other states next year. i think the other thing to keep in mind that's interesting is, if you looked at virginia, if all the states last night really, the turnout relative to 2019 was down in virginia, in kentucky, and in mississippi, and in ohio nothing really to compare to because it was only a ballot initiative, but what was striking is we had an exit poll in ohio, so in terms of the meaning for '24, the pro-abortion rights side gets a big victory here, there's a temptation to say it has a big boost for biden. that's a big, you know, knock for trump maybe heading into '24. we do do an exit poll in ohio, and i think we found two things of interest. number one, asking people who they voted for in 2020, trump or biden, remembering that this was a state that trump won by eight. the exit poll actually said the electorate said they voted for biden by two points. i think there's some evidence that democratic votrs were more motivated on this issue. more motivated to turn out. extra high democratic participation but there's some indication that when you look to 2024, the folks who were not voting in elections like last night in off year elections, when you expand the electorate like that, it gets a little more trump friendly, and it offset it is. i think that's the caveat you should take from a race like this, when you start looking ahead to 2024. >> steve kornacki, priscilla thompson, and gary grumbach, thank you very much. we're joined by former new york democratic congressman, max rose and former florida republican congressman carlos curbelo. good to see you gentlemen. let me start with you, congressman rose. if you are inside a democratic campaign right now heading into 2024, do you look at last night's results and say abortion access has to be issue number one for voters across the board? >> so i think it's actually a mistake to look at abortion access as a singular isolated issue. what we saw yet again yesterday was a complete rejection of the extremist republican agenda, which represents a war on people's freedoms. yes, women's right to control their own health care decisions, but also their freedom and access to a democracy through and through and that has to be the basis of the democratic attack. people -- elections are about choices, and in 2024, people have got to understand, yes, president biden's record, record of saving the economy, record of investing in our future, but also who the other option is. and you know, yes, abortion at the state level in a post-roe world is absolutely a state level issue, but it is a quintessential federal issue, and donald trump cannot evade that. he is certainly the republican nominee, and the republican base remains absolutely committed to a nationwide abortion ban and every single voter needs to be made aware of that. >> don't forget the importance of female voters, which make up the majority of the electorate. we know ohio was the seventh ballot measure. all have been victories for abortion rights supporters. so what's the likely readout inside republican campaigns this morning? it looks like we have a frozen camera with congressman curbelo. so you know what? i'm going to head back to max here, if you were to look at last night's results, what are the red flags for democrats? >> one is that, look, if it is -- abortion is not on the ballot in terms of a constitutional amendment of sorts at times it appears that people are less likely to turn out. we have to also think about new york. new york had elections yesterday, and new york has multiple republicans representing congressional seats that joe biden won by nearly double-digits if not more, and we did not see a similar blue wave in new york just as we did not see a wave in 2022. new york has to get its act together as well, otherwise the democrats' chance of flipping the house is significantly reduced, but look, winning is always better than losing in politics. >> yeah. >> last night was a win. they have to double down. joe biden's campaign has spent over 10 million dollars on advertising in the last 60 days, and that advertising is rightfully focused on his own record, but it is also time for them to transition and make sure the american people understand the choice between them. the choice is between normalcy and extremism. >> okay, so congressman curbelo, do you agree and what do you think were the red flags for republicans? how should they be looking at these results last night? >> look, ana, a lot of this is unique to the abortion issue. it's remarkable how much this script has flipped in recent years, just a few years ago before the overturning of roe v. wade. it was republicans who would use the abortion issue in swing districts and suburban districts all over the country to gain the support of a lot of those voters. that has completely changed. conservatives got what they wanted, they overturned roe, and now they are on defense politically. that is going to continue however, i don't think democrats should assume they can continue riding this issue. for example, in states like ohio, the abortion issue is now off the table, so the biden record is going to come back into focus. there are a lot of victories there to point to, but clearly the president's numbers, especially on important topics like the economy and immigration are very low in a lot of these swing states and swing districts, so this is still going to be a very difficult campaign for joe biden, which is why you hear some democrats raises doubts about whether he should even be on the ballot in 2024. >> let me ask you about the kentucky race for governor, congressman curbelo. that's another one we were watch where the democratic incumbent was able to hold on to his seat. he won bigger than last time around despite opponents trying to tie him to biden who lost that state in 2020. what does that tell you? >> it tells us, and i agree with congressman rose, that because of issues like abortion, because of issues having to do with election integrity, democrats right now are winning the middle. the trump maga agenda has been on the ballot now consistently since 2016, and you look at 2018, 2020, and 2022, trump and his candidates were defeated soundly in swing states and swing districts. democrats are doing a better job right now of claiming that political center, which of course we know is critical. that's what determines elections in our country. that's what we saw in kentucky last night, that's what we saw in virginia. in virginia, even in a state when glenn youngkin has tried to distance himself from trump. you still see that trump effect keeping republicans down and boosting democrats. >> got to leave it there for now, stay close for us, and thank you so much former democratic congressman max rose. good to have you here. up next in our breaking news out of new york this morning, ivanka trump is testifying in the sprawling new york fraud case against her father's business empire. and unlike her father and brothers, she is not a defendant in this case. she tried hard to avoid having to testify today, but the judge ordered her to appear citing documents showing that she still has ties to some of her family's businesses. nbc's lindsey reiser is outside that courthouse in manhattan for us, lindsey, what can you tell us about what's happening insides courtroom right now? >> reporter: ana, ivanka just began her testimony, and according to our producer adam reiss inside the courtroom, today's atmosphere is a lot more relaxed. it was much more tense on monday when the former president was here. so far he says ivanka is very calm, collected and in control. now, we know that she's a little soft spoken as well. the judge has already asked her to speak up and we know some of the defenses we are going to hear, similar to her brothers. she's going to say that while she was involved in some of these projects, she wasn't involved in drafting these statements of financial condition, that she's not an accountant and she's going to try and distance herself saying she left the involvement with the trump organization when her father became president. we know from the attorney general's office, they want to hear from her today. she's been dropped as a co-defendant because of the court of appeals statute of limitations, but the a.g.'s office says she has intimate knowledge of these business dealings, that she herself profited off some of these deals. she was the main liaison between the trump organization and their biggest lender deutsche bank. we're likely going to hear a lot about deutsche bank. we're likely going to hear about the old post office deal in washington transformed into a luxury hotel. she captained that project. and also we're likely to hear about a pair of apartments at trump park avenue. in fact, our cameras saw her leaving that residence today. she was essentially offered an option to buy those apartments at well below what their stated value was in these statements of financial condition. letitia james addressed the cameras before going into court this morning. this is what she said. >> ivanka trump secured, negotiated loans to obtain favorable terms based on fraudulent statements of financial condition. and she will attempt today to distance herself from the company, but unfortunately the facts will reveal that, in fact, she was very much involved. you cannot hide from the truth, and the facts will belie the truth and the evidence. >> reporter: the former president for his part, posting on truth social last night, tomorrow my wonderful and beautiful daughter ivanka is going to the lower manhattan courthouse. he repeated a derogatory term that he has used to refer to attorney general james that we will not repeat here, and says it is letitia james and the judge who are fraudulent for setting such low valuations nrd in order to undermine and discredit my financial statements thereby making me look bad. he went on to say now they are trying to bring ivanka into the case despite the court of appeals ruling she cannot be charged. now, we could expect to see, unlike some of the other trump family members, some cross examination today should the defense have any cross that they want to do. they're trying to limit the amount that she has to come back. remember, she appealed to having to come at all because of the burden it would place on her school aged children and also appealing on grounds of jurisdiction and relevance. they also asked for no court tomorrow. could this testimony bleed into tomorrow, yes, and then the defense says they will begin their case in earnest on monday and hope to wrap up by december 15th, ana. >> lots there, thank you so much, lindsey reiser, please keep us posted. joining us is msnbc legal analyst, danny cevallos, and criminal defense attorney caroline poe lee see. so nice to see both of you. ivanka's not sitting at the defense table because she is not a defendant in this case. she won on appeal to of her part of that thrown out. however, she did have to testify today. what do you think the a.g. is hoping to glean from her testimony and bring to this case? >> a lot of the same information that lindsey just told us about, including the fact that she was the connection between deutsche bank and deutsche bank, the information that may have been provided to deutsche bank is certainly going to be interesting to the a.g. to some degree, you may see similar testimony as you saw from don jr. and eric, but the a.g.'s going to want to know what, if a s did know about the information contained in the statements of financial condition. look for her to not be nearly as combative as her father and probably not even as combative as don jr., but at the same time, you saw from letitia james' statement there, they look at her as somebody with information and likely is not, the implication is clear, they would have named her as a defendant had they still been able to. >> could what she testifies today impact the penalty in this case because we know, obviously, fraud has already been determined. >> that's right. so this portion of the trial is all about penalties. there are six remaining causes of action, however, in those causes of action, they do have to show tish james and her prosecutors will have to show intent, materiality, and inducement, so i think as danny said in terms of that deutsche bank, the lending, the loan conditions, those sorts of things, ivanka has tried to distance herself from sort of politically as well as legally from the trumps for a very long time. she fought as we just heard, she fought, you know, this case as a co-defendant, and then she was successful, she caught trying to testify at all, she was not successful. i think she's going to get in and out. try to do as little damage as possible while maintaining sort of an air of having a wall between herself, the trump organization and the other trump. >> to that point, "the new york times" iorti that she even hired her own lawyer that she is sarate completely from the legal team representing her family, a move tha rankled some in the former president's camp apparently, a person with knowledge of the situation told "the new york times" what do you make of that? >> i think that makes sense. after all, she's not a defendant. i think it would be weird if she was hiring the same lawyers as the defendants in the case. consider a criminal case where one of the prosecution's chief witnesses has the same lawyer as one of the defense attorneys? that would be strange as well. i think that makes complete sense. of course she's not going to sit at the defense table today. she's going to wait in the back the way other witnesses do. that's not just symbolism. that's not just her cultivating her look. that is really what should happen whether you're ivanka trump or some witness that nobody's ever heard of. so no surprise she's hired her own lawyers. yes, that may be part of her personal campaign to distance herself from the white house, from presidency, from the campaign, but at the same time, someone who is only a witness and not a party, it's probably not a good idea to get the same lawyer as the parties unless you're interested in becoming a party, and clearly she's not. >> but this is family and we know how much that means to her father, mr. trump, and he's been upset that any of his kids were dragged into this case, as we reported out. we've seen ivanka break with her dad before, like when she testified before the january 6th house committee and her response when asked about attorney general bill barr's assertion that the justice department found no fraud sufficient to overturn the election. here's a reminder of that. >> how did that affect your perspective about the election when attorney general barr made that statement? >> it affected my perspective. i respect attorney general barr, so i accepted what he was saying. >> so caroline, if you are at the defense table and the lawyers representing the rest of the trump family, are you worried about ivanka's testimony right now? >> yes and no, as danny was saying in a case like this with co-defendants, she's not a co-defendant, but it is sort of typical to have who's known as antagonistic defenses. meaning it's a finger pointing exercise. it wasn't me. it was them. in this case, don jr. and eric trump have sort of pointed the finger at the accountant saying i had nothing to do with it. i was ignorant of these false valuations. so i think ivanka will be in keeping with that, but you know, after that testimony in january 6th, trump shot back on truth social saying ivanka was checked out at that point. so i think, you know, if they cross her, they will sort of go down that line saying, well, you really had nothing to do with this, what could you possibly know? so less of an antagonistic strategy and more of a complete ignorance, you know, you don't have anything to add to the state's case. >> danny, one of the things ivanka expected to be questioned about in part is this valuation of a new york apartment that she and her husband rented more than a decade ago in trump park . state lawyers claim that their rent was significantly lower same building with an option to purchase a unit there for $8.5 million despite trump's financial statements valuing that same unit at $20.8 million. is it illegal to give sweetheart deals to family members. >> here's where i think you're going to see testimony diverge between ivanka trump and her father as her father made a point of essentially arguing that, look, new york real estate and the trump brand are intangible. they're worth whatever you think they are. how many of us have looked on zillow and said i can't believe those people want that much for that shack there. and this is really sort of the same argument. it's whatever you think the property is worth. that was donald trump's argument. i think you're going to see more from ivanka trump. i don't really know about that. that's not really my area of expertise. maybe that's the valuation someone else assigned to it. that's not a valuation that i assign to it. in terms of gifting things to family members, it's the same for rich people as it is for regular folks. you can gift things, but there are sometimes different tax consequences. there are different paper trails that result from that, but does it go to valuation and her specific knowledge of valuation, i'd be surprised if she's willing to commit too strongly to knowing that much about valuation of real estate. >> danny and caroline, stay close. we're going to check back with you as well as lindsey, as this testimony today continues. and we'll also cover what's happening tonight in miami, third time's the charm? will tonight's gop debate clear up who the best candidate is to take on 2024 gop front runner donald trump? but first, the candidates share the music they listen to before a political showdown. >> so for the first debate, my song was under pressure by queen. >> my default is always to listen to bruce, but i need something a little bit different. i think bruce would understand. d [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. 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[ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. welcome back. in just a few hours, republicans face off in miami for their third presidential primary debate. just five gop hopefuls met the qualifying rules this time around, and there you see them, florida governor ron desantis, businessman vivek ramaswamy, former south carolina governor nikki haley, former new jersey governor chris christie and senator tim scott from south carolina. and tonight will also mark the third time the party's front runner skips the debate. instead donald trump will be about 20 miles away hold ago rally in hialeah, florida. nbc's garrett haake is backstage at tonight's debate site. also joining us is nbc's marissa parra who's live in jacksonville beach, florida. garrett, with just hours to go until the debate, what kind of preps are underway? >> reporter: you heard from some of the candidates about their rituals, their last minute preparations to try to get in the zone ahead of debate night. all these candidates are hoping a smaller stage means a bigger spotlight for them. our team has been here for weeks putting that stage together. i want to show you around, give people a little lay of the land here for how this is going to go. this is our debate stage with five lecterns for five candidates on the left chris n desantis. if i were betting where the action would be i'm betting those podiums between haley and ron desantis. they both want to be the alternative to donald trump. that's where i think the fireworks are going to be tonight. over here our moderators set up ready to go. they've been prepping down here for at least the last week or so to try get everything ready, and out here is a factor that i think gets forgotten about until this debate starts, and that's the audience. we've got about 1,500 people expected to be in the room tonight the, and how many times have we seen in these first two debates and going back cycle after cycle where the audience plays a factor, where they step on a candidate or where they raise somebody up in the room. i'm very curious to see how that plays. one other thing i want to show you that's a little tough to see, out in the stage here, out in the house. be aware, there are lights built in behind those signs back there that are going to tell the candidates when their time is up, in the second debate this was a huge problem for the moderators. they couldn't control the candidates. they were stepping all over each other. these folks are going to know when they've got 15 seconds left, when their time is up. our moderators have a little bit of flexibility to basically avoid going back to people who blow through their time. there's a big emphasis on making sure people get to say their piece and that the fireworks are contained on stage here tonight. our team's putting the finishing touches on it now, i've got to tell you guys, looking pretty good. >> it's fun to see what the candidates themselves will be seeing as they look out from that stage. thanks for sharing that with us, garrett. marissa, what are you hearing from voters ahead of tonight's debate? what do they want to hear and see from these candidates. >> reporter: hey, so, jacksonville's an interesting place to talk to people because we have a military base nearby. there's a lot of veterans. we have a lot of unique interesting perspectives. just in general talking to florida voters, they're in a unique position, especially the republican florida voters because you have two of florida's own, if you will, up against each other. i mean, just anecdotally speaking, the people we've spoken to who were enthusiastic about mr. trump before he was elected and remained so during his presidency remained so today. they're excited to vote for him once again, but then there is the florida governor, ron desantis, is hugely popular, especially among the veterans around here that we've spoken to. so a lot of them have lamented the fact that they're pitted against each other because they used to be considered one and the same, but in terms of how voters are feeling, what they want to see from the candidates particularly tonight, well, ana, we asked exactly that. listen for yourself. >> i just want to hear what the foreign policy is. i want to hear their feelings on the israel issue. >> i'm looking for someone who has a good viable plan for economic empowerment for the african american community. >> i'm also looking for candidates who are going to unify the republican party. >> reporter: so that last bit there is something that we also heard across the board. i mean, all the people that we spoke to had different ideas of what they want to see from their candidates tonight. a lot of them showed a lot of diversity in terms of who they're leaning towards right now, but one thing that we heard time and time again is all of them saying we're going to end up backing whoever ends up being the final republican pick, ana. >> okay, thank you so much, marissa parra, we appreciate that and a reminder to tune in to msnbc following the debate tonight for all the post-debate analysis. up next here on "ana cabrera reports," israel's troops say they are now, quote, in the heart of gaza. plus, a new warning from the white house about israeli occupation of gaza after the war. also ahead, why the only palestinian american lawmaker in congress was just censured by the house. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ knock, knock. number one broker here for the number one hit maker. -thanks for swinging by, carl. -no problem. so what are all those for? 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today it was five hours, given the state of the roads and whether hamas is actually allowing them to get where they need to go. we did hear from a u.n. agency saying that yesterday they believe that as many as 15,000 civilians in the north of gaza were able to make it through israeli check points and into southern gaza. we don't know how many will make it through today, but that is progress from the smaller numbers we were seeing earlier in the week. >> so roughly 570 aid trucks, we know, crossed into gaza in the month -- at least in the past couple of weeks since all of this began, but before that around 500 would enter each day. what more do we know about the effort to get aid to civilians of gaza and why more aid still isn't getting in? >> reporter: yeah, still a tiny fraction, ana, of what needs to get in there. we heard from authorities at the border that yesterday somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 trucks did make it through. that's way more than the dozen or so that were making it in in the first week that the rafah border crossing was open. but we also heard from aid officials that it's not just a problem with the border crossing. it's also getting those trucks safely to their destination once they get into the gaza strip given the continuing air strikes. we heard from the international committee of the red cross saying they had a convoy of trucks trying to bring medical aid to one of their hospitals in the north that they say was actually struck by israel. they say that two of their trucks were damaged, one of their drivers injured as they tried to deliver that critical humanitarian aid, and so that is just one of the challenges as the humanitarian crisis really continues to escalate with all of the bakeies in northern georgia now said to be out of service, and the u.n. saying that at one of these shelters in southern gaza, there are now 600 people using one toilet. >> wow, that is perspective for us, josh lederman thank you for your reporting. back here in the u.s., the house has voted to censure michigan democratic cardiology woman, rashida tlaib the only palestinian american in congress, over her rhetoric on the israel-hamas war. >> on this vote, the yeas are 234, and the nays are 188. the resolution is adopted. >> 22 democrats joined nearly all republicans to censure talib, a punishment one step below expulsion from the house. nbc's julie tsirkin is with us now from capitol hill. julie, democratic leaders told members to vote against this censure, but they did condemn talib's remarks, yet 22 dems still voted with republicans. can you just walk us through what talib has said and done and the divide now this this party? >> reporter: there's a divide in this party more broadly when it comes to this conflict. you heard more progressive members, for example, who have criticized the president's approach when it comes to this war. some who have demanded even for a cease fire. we've seen that rhetoric increase, one of those democrats was, of course, congresswoman rashida tlaib of michigan. she's one of three muslim members of congress. she is the only palestinian american serving in congress, and she has frequently -- even before this war -- taken to the side of palestine. she has spoken against the israeli government. she's done no different in this situation. this was the second attempt to censure her after congresswoman marjorie taylor greene tried to do that last week. it failed on a broad bipartisan vote. last night was an emotional night for talib on the floor. she spoke passionately about why she's standing in defense of palestinians in this fight. take a listen to what she said, and we'll talk about it on the other side. >> the idea that criticizing the government of israel is anti-semitic sets a very dangerous precedent, and it's being used to silence diverse vote voices speaking up for human rights across our nation. i can't believe i have to say this, but palestinian people are not disposable. we are human beings just like anyone else. >> caller: you saw her emotion there. she was comforted by her colleague, congresswoman ilhan omar, and other progressive members sitting around her, but there were 22 democrats who voted to censure talib. those indicated, for example, democrat brad schneider of illinois who posted on x after his vote, he said it wasn't something he wanted to do. it wasn't an easy vote for him, and this wasn't the perfect vehicle to do it, he said, but this is the only one available for him to be able to make his position clear in saying that her rhetoric, including her embrace of the slogan from the river to the sea over the weekend, is something that would not be tolerated by the congress. >> julie tsirkin on capitol hill, thank you. up next on "ana cabrera reports," the latest from the new york city courtroom where ivanka trump is now testifying in her father's fraud trial. ♪l with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? 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>> reporter: good morning. this is the culmination, this is it right now, of the long good-bye that washington has been involved in, saying good-bye to the pandas at the national zoo. all three pandas are coming out in these crates. here is the first crate right now. and this is the female panda, inside that crate. they're bringing them all out individually from their habitat at the national zoo and then loaded on to the fedex truck, the fedex truck goes to washington dulles airport, loaded on to a 777 for a long flight to china, going through alaska to refuel. this is a sad morning for a lot of folks who have come to love these pandas, who thought they were going to be leaving in mid-november, but they're leaving now. for 51 years, those black and white balls of fur have been the biggest stars at the smithsonian national zoo in washington. at times, it has been pan panda mania. >> we're excited to seat pandas. >> reporter: as visitors have come from around the world to see them in person and on the zoo's panda cams, at the frozen birthday cakes and bamboo delicacy, to toy juggling, tree climbing, snow sliding, to cuddling a newborn. >> they look cuddly and we just watched this little guy climb up into a tree. >> reporter: amber and cody potter came here on their honeymoon. >> i planned on bringing her here. she talked about how much she loved the smithsonian zoo and getting to see the pandas. >> reporter: there is 25 year mei xiang, 26-year-old tian tian, and 3-year-old xiao qi ji. >> i think pandamonium is going to break out here at the zoo. >> reporter: a diplomatic and panda conservation breakthrough. since then, zoo visitors have met eight pandas, including four cubs born in d.c. now the three remaining bears are heading back to china. for weeks, they have been getting used to their travel crates. a fedex panda express plane is this morning ready for the 19-hour flight. each crate filled with inflight dining, 80 pounds of bamboo, butternut squash, sugar cane, and pears. animal keeper mary lally will make the trip with them. >> the bears sleep for most of the flight. that's what we're anticipating. but pandas have to eat for 16 hours a day. >> reporter: their return part of an agreement signed back in 2000. though it does come amid heightened tension between the u.s. and china. but for the zoo's staff, which just held an emotional nine-day farewell celebration dubbed panda palooza, this is the morning they have long dreaded. >> i just -- i'm going to be a mess. i will be a puddle of tears on that day because i know these animals, i know them as individuals, they mean so much to me. >> reporter: lori thompson is the assistant curator. >> we spent so much time with the pandas, holidays and, you know, every day we're here, and so it is a little bit heart breaking to not have them here. >> reporter: as one native washingtonian said, it feels like a family member is leaving forever. so, this is a sad morning in washington. a lot of folks thought maybe they had a few more days because they learned that the pandas would be leaving around mid-november. but the zoo was afraid of a crush of people coming here, maybe kind of getting in the way, they decided they needed to expedite and leave this morning. by the way, panda merchandise has been flying off the shelves here at the national zoo. there are still two more pandas in america, they're at the atlanta zoo. they are supposed to leave in 2024, next year. but all of that, of course, the atlanta zoo would love to negotiate an extension of that agreement. back to you. >> tom costello, thanks much. to those beloved pandas -- that's going to do it for us today. jose diaz-balart picks up our coverage

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,Caroline Poe ,Information ,Connection ,Degree ,Statement ,Somebody ,Implication ,Penalty ,Fraud ,Action ,Causes ,Portion ,Trial ,Penalties ,Prosecutors ,Six ,Sort ,Loan Conditions ,Politically ,Lending ,Inducement ,Intent ,Materiality ,Trumps ,Lawyer ,Point ,Iorti ,Trump Organization ,The New York Times ,Hair ,Damage ,Team ,Person ,Situation ,Camp ,Move ,Tha ,Rankled ,Lawyers ,Defendants ,Defense Attorneys ,Chief Witnesses ,Prosecution ,Witness ,Witnesses ,Symbolism ,Someone ,Presidency ,White House ,Nobody ,Surprise ,Idea ,Parties ,Bill Barr ,Dad ,Assertion ,Break ,Response ,Kids ,House Committee ,January 6th ,Upset ,6 ,Perspective ,Election ,Reminder ,Justice ,Department ,Attorney General Barr ,Trump Family ,Rest ,Co Defendants ,Finger Pointing Exercise ,Finger ,It Wasn T Me ,Saying ,Line Saying ,Valuation ,Strategy ,Anything ,Apartment ,Add ,Ignorance ,Husband ,Estate Lawyers ,Unit ,Brent ,Building ,Family Members ,Sweetheart Deals ,20 8 Million ,8 5 Million ,0 8 Million , 5 Million ,Many ,Real Estate ,Trump Brand Are Intangible ,Zillow ,Doral ,Argument ,Shack ,Area ,Same ,Tax Consequences ,Gifting ,Expertise ,Result ,Paper ,Trails ,Stay Close ,Will Tonight ,Charm ,Miami ,Candidate ,Music ,Showdown ,Something ,D ,Default ,Song ,Queen ,Bruce ,Camera Shutter Sfx ,Car Screech ,Car Door Slam ,City Ambience Sounds ,Skin ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Flaky ,Flaking ,Otezla ,Ned S Plaque Psoriasis ,Itching ,Patches ,Ned ,1 ,Blood Tests ,Doctors ,Psoriatic Arthritis ,Depression ,Thoughts ,Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ,Nausea ,Vomiting ,Diarrhea ,Weight Loss ,Headache ,Movie ,Ting ,Crowd Gasp ,Doctor ,Hopefuls ,Qualifying ,Ron Desantis ,Tim Scott ,Vivek Ramaswamy ,South Carolina ,Former ,Chris Christie ,Nikki Haley ,New Jersey ,Marissa Parra ,Runner ,Debate Site ,Garrett ,Garrett Haake ,Hialeah ,Jacksonville Beach ,20 ,Debate Night ,Preps ,Preparations ,Zone ,Rituals ,Debate Stage ,Spotlight ,Lay ,Land ,Lecterns ,Podiums ,Alternative ,Chris N Desantis ,Moderators ,Factor ,Fireworks ,Audience ,Debate Starts ,1500 ,Back Cycle ,Debates ,Somebody Up ,Cycle ,Signs ,Problem ,In The House ,Tough ,Flights ,Each Other ,Emphasis ,Bit ,Flexibility ,Blow ,Piece ,Touches ,Fun ,Jacksonville ,Marissa ,Veterans ,Place ,Position ,Perspectives ,Military Base ,Speaking ,Mother ,Feeling ,Plan ,Israel ,Foreign Policy ,Feelings ,Empowerment ,African American Community ,Ideas ,Diversity ,Backing ,Pick ,Heart ,Northern Gaza ,Troops ,Analysis ,Warning ,Quote ,Skyrizi ,Palestinian American ,Congress ,Lawmaker ,Study ,90 ,4 ,3 ,Risk ,Infections ,Starter Doses ,2 ,5 ,Infection ,Symptoms ,Vaccine ,Places ,Chronic Kidney Disease ,Psoriasis ,Ga Farxiga ,Dialysis ,Kidney Failure ,Side Effects ,Ketoacidosis ,Blood Sugar ,Perineum ,Dehydration ,Yeast Infections ,Urinary Tract ,Reaction ,Stop Taking Farxiga ,Astrazeneca ,Medication ,Hit Maker ,Knock ,Broker ,Swinging By ,Carl ,Wow ,Guitar ,Schwab ,Uh ,On My Own ,Wealth Management ,Oman ,Service ,Trade On Thinkorswim ,Phone Rings ,Drums ,Advice ,Gotta ,Business ,T Mobile ,Feedback Rings ,5g Solutions ,Grand Prix ,Las Vegas ,Members ,Partners ,Network ,Stay ,Back On The Road ,Power Operations ,Racing Events ,Game ,Mlb ,Aaa ,Magic ,Effects ,Food ,Dog ,5g Network ,Step ,Pep ,Farmer ,Coats ,Dog Bark ,Pet Food ,Chicken ,Prawn ,Shellfish Allergy ,Prawns ,Chicken Wrong ,Truffles ,Season ,Art ,Bank ,Hamas ,Hostage ,Israel Hamas War ,Tribute ,Guests ,Parliament ,Photos ,239 ,Secretary Of State ,Leaders ,Meeting ,Need ,Defense Minister ,Gaza City ,G 7 ,Antony Blinken ,7 ,Governance ,Occupation ,West Bank ,Idf ,Civilians ,Preoccupation ,Evacuation Corridor ,Josh Lederman ,Latest ,Calls ,Pause ,Pauses ,Answer ,Government ,North ,Residents ,Borders ,Southern Gaza ,South Thoroughfare ,Windows ,Israeli Military ,South ,South Gaza ,Split Gaza ,North Gaza ,Territory ,U N ,Roads ,Route ,15000 ,Aid Trucks ,Progress ,570 ,Aid ,Least ,Effort ,500 ,Trucks ,Isn T ,Border ,Somewhere ,Fraction ,Authorities ,Neighborhood ,80 ,Week ,Aid Officials ,Border Crossing ,Destination ,Air Strikes ,Rafah Border Crossing ,Convoy ,Hospitals ,Drivers ,International Committee Of The Red Cross ,Bakeies ,Shelters ,Challenges ,Crisis ,Northern Georgia ,Reporting ,Toilet ,Michigan ,600 ,Rashida Tlaib ,Vote ,Rhetoric ,Resolution ,Woman ,Nays ,Yeas ,188 ,234 ,Capitol Hill ,Julie Tsirkin ,Punishment ,Expulsion ,Censure Talib ,Divide ,Remarks ,Censure ,What Talib ,Talib ,Dems ,Progressive Members ,Conflict ,Cease Fire ,Rhetoric Increase ,Side ,Serving ,Palestine ,Muslim ,Three ,Floor ,Different ,Marjorie Taylor Greene ,Attempt ,Fight ,Sets ,Standing ,Palestinians ,Human Rights ,Precedent ,Nation ,Voices ,Human Beings ,Caller ,Congresswoman Ilhan Omar ,There ,Anyone Else ,Emotion ,Colleague ,Brad Schneider ,It Wasn T ,Sex ,Vehicle ,Illinois ,Weekend ,Sea ,Slogan ,River ,Embrace ,Cup ,Stop Taking Jardiance ,Story ,Fraud Trial ,A1c ,Sugar ,Day S Staaart ,Seee ,24 7 ,Death ,Adults ,Urinary Tract Infections ,Heart Disease ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Genital Yeast ,Kidney Function ,Jardiance May ,Sulfonylurea ,Insulin ,App ,Footlong ,Deli ,Pill ,Heroes ,Subway ,Kinda ,Store ,Godaddy Website ,Cheesecake Cookies ,Chookie ,Sales ,Partner ,Antidepressant ,Serrano ,Family Heritage ,Ancestry ,Gift ,Lift ,Depression Symptoms ,Vraylar ,Weight ,Studies ,Impact ,Help ,Saw ,Fever ,Muscle Movements ,Antidepressants ,Confusion ,Muscles ,Dementia ,Stroke ,Behavior ,Patients ,High Blood Sugar ,Appetite ,Cholesterol ,Restlessness ,Weight Gain ,Coma ,Fatigue ,Dizziness ,Sleep ,Stomach ,Movement Dysfunction ,Abbvie ,Treatment ,Eye ,Manhattan Courthouse ,Trump Business Empire ,Member ,Stand ,Trump Family Attorney ,Phase ,Microphone ,Communications ,Contact ,Financing ,Recall ,Renovation ,Recollection ,Interest Rates ,Guarantor ,Net Worth ,3 Billion ,6 Billion ,The Ag Contends ,Questions ,Defense Strategy ,Responses ,Hand ,Nonresponsive ,Objecting ,Document ,Substance ,Those Asides ,Jury ,Objections ,Attorney ,Appeal ,Motion ,The End ,Most ,Damages ,Trump Team ,Bag ,Sons ,Allen Weisselberg ,The Zoo ,Giant Pandas ,China ,T Pandas ,Turn ,Carolers ,Apple ,Iphone ,Wife ,Pro ,Wreck ,Tv ,Verizon ,Aaannnnnddddd ,4k ,Titanium ,Apple Tv ,Vo ,Mhmmm ,System ,Diabetes ,Glucose Level ,Activities ,Glucose ,Libre 2 ,Fingersticks ,Morning Ride ,Medicare ,Confidence ,Visit Freestylelibre Us Medicare ,Fries ,Workplace ,Burger ,Soup ,Salad ,Retirement Savings ,Benefits ,Decisions ,Voya ,Well Invested ,Bearer ,Capital ,Bad News ,Flight ,Zoo ,Diplomats ,Sendoff ,Tom Costello ,Four ,Pandas ,Crate ,Panda ,This Is It ,Crates ,Culmination ,In ,Truck ,Habitat ,Fedex ,Mid November ,Washington Dulles Airport ,Alaska ,777 ,Seat Pandas ,Balls ,Stars ,Fur ,Black And White ,Panda Mania ,51 ,Visitors ,Snow Sliding ,Bamboo Delicacy ,Tree Climbing ,Birthday Cakes ,Panda Cams ,Amber And Cody Potter ,Smithsonian Zoo ,Tree ,Newborn ,Guy ,Honeymoon ,Pandamonium ,Mei Xiang ,Tian ,Xiao Qi Ji ,25 ,Zoo Visitors ,Bears ,Diplomatic And Panda Conservation Breakthrough ,Cubs ,Plane ,Travel Crates ,Bamboo ,Dining ,Sugar Cane ,Butternut Squash ,Panda Express ,19 ,Agreement ,Pears ,Trip ,Animal Keeper Mary Lally ,16 ,Tension ,Staff ,Panda Palooza ,Farewell Celebration ,2000 ,Nine ,Animals ,Individuals ,Mess ,Assistant Curator ,Puddle ,Lori Thompson ,Family Member ,Crush ,Shelves ,Atlanta Zoo ,Panda Merchandise ,Extension ,Jose Diaz Balart ,

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