DOWNLOAD HI-RESLieutenant General LeRoy J. Manor is the chief of staff, Pacific Command, Camp Smith, Hawaii. General Manor is responsible to the commander in chief, Pacific for management of key military staff activities requiring coordinated Air Force, Navy, Army and Marine Corps operations throughout the Pacific Command area. The Pacific Command is the United States’ largest unified command, encompassing some 100 million square miles from the West Coast of the Americas to the East Coast of Africa and from the Arctic to the Antarctic.
General Manor was born in Morrisonville, N.Y., in 1921. He graduated in 1937 from Cadyville High School, Cadyville, N.Y., and then received his Teacher’s Certificate from New York State Normal School in 1940. General Manor entered aviation cadet training in November 1942 and received his pilot wings and commission upon graduation in August 1943.