It will likely increase the cost of doing business though, which is problematic because uber and lyft have never been profitable. Ubers legal officer says they negotiated in good faith, and their offer gave driver access to sick leave and injury protection among other things. Establishing for the first time ever, a guaranteed minimum running standard that would provide stability for drivers while allowing them the flexibility to earn more and to work whenever, wherever and for whomever they choose. West said the vast majority of the drivers dont want to be employees, and they are disappointed that lawmakers couldnt reach a compromise. If Governor Newsom signs the bill, which he is expected to do, it will go into effect in january 1 of 2020. The bill creates exemptions for dozens of businesses. Now lyft highlighted that in this statement saying the fact that they were more than 50 industries carved out of ab 5 is very telling, we are fully prepared to take this issue to the voters of california to preserve the freedom and access drivers and riders want and need. And again uber says they will comply with the law but will not automatically reclassify drivers, all of this though will be battled out in court or the battle box. They put 60 million toward the initiative to get voters on their side. What remains to be seen though is how this shift could impact consumers if you were and lyft are forced to comply, they could pass the cost onto passengers. Ab number five also targets other segments of the gig economy. For that part of the story we go to tom vacar who is in the newsroom. Will indirectly or directly, all of us use the services of gig workers. Back in the 1920s, jazz musicians, called any job at gig. Today it pretty much means any selfemployed worker who does not have a regular paying job, giving rise to the term gig economy. Labor lawyer of San Franciscos Duane Morris Law Firm is also a former director of the california edd. Setting up a new standard for how you classify workers between independent contractors and employees. Its really as big as anything weve seen. Conservatively, it will directly impact 3 million workers out of the total California Labor force of 19 million workers. There is 1. 5 million who do this for a primary income, but theres roughly an equal amount, another 1. 5 million who do this to supplement their income. Faced with the higher cost of fulltime employees, employers can choose to convert them to employees or convert some of them to employees and layoff the rest. In some cases, we dont know how large, the companies will cease operation. Jim brown says will become an independent contractor will be determined by the socalled abc test. The letter a factor is the right of control, does the employer have a right of control over the person . The b factor which is the most significant change, is the independent contractor cannot be performing the same services that are the Core Services of the company that they are providing, and of the c factor, which is becoming more and more important, is the independent contractor must actually operate their own business. Though Government Agencies can enforce the law, its most likely that thousands of trial lawyers will do most of it with flurries of lawsuits. I think companies that are built to model with contractors as their primary labor pool, arguably are most susceptible to seeing shifts, and how they are structured overall. Mind you, gig workers are not just uber drivers, they are found in each and every business. Makeup artists, physicians, surgeons, dog groomers, travel agents, just a range of occupations and sectors. Now the three biggest sectors that use gig workers, construction, healthcare, as well as professional and business services, thats a lot of people, many with very high ranking degrees. Tom, thank you. The Trump Administration is taking on youth vaping with plans to ban flavored e cigarette products, because of health concerns. Melania trump has been urging for tighter regulations. San francisco is one of the first cities in the country to ban the sale of vaping products. Reporter President Trump made the announcement, saying that vaping is big business, but saying that the more than 450 reports of lung ailments and the six tests associated with vaping are alarming rate we can allow people to get sick, and we cant have our youth be so affected. Health and Human Services secretary laid out a timeline. It will take several weeks for us to put up the final guidance that would announce all the parameters around the enforcement policy. Then there will likely be a 30 day delay Effective Date as is customary with fdas guidance practice. At that point all e cigarette that are not tobacco flavored will have to be pulled him store shelves. Tobacco flavored vaping product makers will have until may 2020 to file for fda approval, if they want to continue their sales. San franciscos banal vaping products, specifically calls for those products to undergo fda approval. The supervisor cowrote the legislation and says San Franciscos band has made everyone take a closer look at ecigarettes. We have made sure that everyone has seen the impact and effects of what e cigarette can do to harm communities. The city of San Francisco is also considering proposition c, aiming to replace the van with reasonable regulation. Releasing a statement we fully support any effort, locally, statewide or federally to keep flavored nicotine and Tobacco Products off the shelves and out of the hands of kids. We also reached out to juul, based here in San Francisco, they release a statement saying we strongly agree with the need for aggressive category wide action, we will fully comply with the final fda policy. When affected, it is very likely that some ecigarette many factors will challenge this in court. Today is september 11, and here is a live look now at new york at two powerful beams of light. Earlier today thousands of people gathered in new york and washington dc to remember the nearly 3000 People Killed in the 9 11 attacks. Ray bogan shows us some of the ceremonies honoring the lives lost on that fateful day 18 years ago. Reporter 18 years have passed since the september 11 terror attacks, but the memory remains fresh in the minds of many. My heart is still broken. But i come down here so we can never forget. This morning in new york, those lost were remembered in a ceremony at the 9 11 memorial in lower manhattan. The ceremony started at 8 46 am, the same time the first plane struck the World Trade Center in 2001. Those morning their loved one spoke of the importance of visiting the memorial, and being able to grieve the loss with others. I gather with everyone else and we mourn together for the same thing, they feel what i feel. President trump spoke with his feelings on that date during remarks at the pentagon memorial. It was then that i realize the world was going to change. And it could never, ever be that innocent place that i thought it was. He also issued a new warning for terrorists around the globe. We will go wherever they are, and use power the likes of which the United States has never used before, and im not even talking about nuclear power. They will never have seen anything like what will happen to them. The president also spoke of the canceled meeting of the leaders with the taliban, previously scheduled for last sunday, saying that the groups killing of an american servicemember in afghanistan showed unrelenting weakness. Today the San Francisco Fire Department pay tribute to the new york city firefighters who died on september 11. Firefighters in station five read aloud the names of the 343 firefighters who died that day. There was also a ceremonial bellringing at 6 59 am our time, the exact moment the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. San franciscos fire chief and mayor london breed were also at todays ceremony. September 11 is a federally recognized national day of service and remembrance, and also in the city today volunteers marked the anniversary by packing thousands of meals for people in need. The idea behind the event and others across the country is to honor those who were lost while promoting unity and peace. I am so happy to bring the spirit of trying to change this day of horror, take it away from the terrorists and make it a day about us. It makes you feel good to at least know that together we are all doing something to make the world a better place. More than 1000 volunteers from the bay area packed 275,000 healthy, nonperishable meals today. For those in need in San Francisco. Coming up, californias pay to play bill one step closer to reality. But the ncaa warns that if it takes effect they could exclude california schools from competing in tournaments. City officials call it a fire trap, but instead of making all the tenants move from this homeless encampment, they were given tense instead. And its heating up out there, you noticed it today, but much warmer as we head into thursday and friday. More details on the five day when i return. Plus a new twist in the saga of a judge lost his job. And heres a look at the evening commute on the golden gate bridge. Right now its 38 minutes from downtown San Francisco to mill valley. Ktvu fox 2 news at 6 will be right back. We are here to discuss jessies online time. And out of respect, we will let you make the first offer. Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes . Objection overruled. One hour. Sweeten the deal by doing the dishes and ill consider it. I wouldnt do it. I hate the dishes. One hour with the tablet, you walk the dog and do the dishes. If you insist. Congratulations. Only xfinity xfi lets you take control of your familys online time. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity xfi gives you the speed, coverage and control you need. Manage your wifi network from anywhere when you download the xfi app today. So that early retirement we planned. Its going ok . Great. Now im spending more time with the kids. Im introducing them to crab. Crab . They love it. So, you mentioned that that money we set aside. Yeah. The kids and i want to build our own crab shack. Ahhh, youre finally building that outdoor kitchen. Yup with room for the whole gang. See how investing with a j. P. Morgan advisor can help you. Visit your local chase branch. Chris for the city of oakland tore down a large homeless and coming, including makeshift structures made from wooden pallets. Rob brother tells us that the People Living in the encampment can stay there, but they have to make some key changes first. Reporter this was no ordinary homeless encampment that city of oakland workers dismantled on wednesday. The camp, which stretches along with several locks near 86th avenue in east oakland, consisted of about 20 tiny homes for 30 people, all made of wood and built by Homeless People over the past few months. Those who built and lived in them were sorry to see them go. Made them little by little, wood, nails, it was hard, hard to do it. The city said the camp was a fire trap, complete with propane tanks, and it was located under bart tracks which was another reason to tear it down. You put them inside, it catches on fire, its a recipe for disaster. You add the bart line on top of it, and its that much worse. The camp gained attention when a mother gave birth to a baby here. The city found them housing, but others do want to move to a shelter. Im okay here. Ive had many years living on the street. The city cant force people to accept social services, so rather than kick the folks out and watch the move to another block, its letting them stay here, just not in wooden structures. Instead, the nonprofit east oakland collective raised money to buy new tents for the same location, but advocates say there was a better solution. Moving them to a safer place, a sanction. Rather than just taking down their homes. For businesses across the street, the new tents will mean the same old problem. The 10th they will put them in, we will still deal with their garbage, and that will not make me happy. Ive been here 40 years, and this has been the worst its ever been. Outreach workers will continue working with folks to try to get them to move indoors. Until then, and encampment, not closed down, just under renovation. San Francisco City leaders will be taking a closer look at how shows and games at the new chase center and oracle park impact commuters. Last night the Dave Matthews concert at chase are coincided with the giants home game. In an effort to accommodate the crowds going to those events, muni canceled some of the buses on the bay shoreline. That line serves the bayview and the southeastern part of San Francisco. I was promised increased buses, increased shuttle service, we were promised increased train service, what we got was decreased service, and these are lines that affect the districts. Primarily low income and communities of color. The larger issue is our concern with operator availability. In no way did we pull service, that was already existing, it meant we were not able to fill runs that were already open due to a shortage of operators. About 10 buses were impacted by operator shortages but the impacted commuters was minimal. The supervisory muni officials met today to discuss how to deal with this issue. Lets take a look at the temperatures from today. It was a nice day, a little warmer in many places, as much as 5 to 10 degrees. Fairfield takes the spot with a 94 degrees as the warmest spot. Most areas were up 5 to 10 degrees, as i mentioned. Tomorrow we come up again another 5 to 10 degrees, it will be pretty warm, hot inland. Its a spare the air day, 95 in santa rosa, 97 in concord, thats tomorrow. Fridays temperatures will come up a few more degrees, in the upper 90s, even some low 100s. Then after that its a rapid cool down. Saturday will be pretty warm, but not near as warm. Then sunday, pardon me, sunday will be a little cooler, and then monday the bottom falls out. You will see that in the five day forecast. Heres a satellite image, it really does look like fall. Thats a real deal system up there. It will generate rain up in the vancouver area, but thats where our storms are born, its a goodlooking storm, it wont bring us rain anytime soon, but as we get toward the end of the week, and into the weekend, monday and tuesday, theres a chance for a few sprinkles. So thats an interesting little caveat. Tomorrow will be warmer, significantly, and then friday warmer still, and then cooler on the weekend but the chance of a sprinkle as you get into early next week. We will see how that goes. It may have been sunny and warm in the bay area today, but this is what it looked like yesterday. Look at that, on the mount rose highway in the sierra on the north end of lake tahoe. The reno office of the National Weather service tweeted out this photo, it says that dusting of snow at the 8500 foot level was the result of thunderstorms in the area. It looks like the middle of winter. Still ahead, state lawmakers following the lead of San Francisco. The move to prevent Police Departments across the state from using facial Recognition Technology. And making sure in the east bay, making history rather as a woman heads that Richmond Police department for the first time. We will hear from her as she was named interim chief just one day ago. I judge has been fired, he was recently hired by the Fremont Union School District to coach the Junior Varsity girls tennis team, its been more than a year since persky was recalled by voters following the brock turner case on the stanford campus. After Community Members raised concerns, the School District announced that persky was let go today. Persky has released a statement saying the superintendent of the Fremont Union high School District explained that she was motivated by desire to protect the players from the potentially intrusive Media Attention related to my hiring. Although i am disappointed with the districts decision, it was a privilege to coach the team, if only for a short time. s stocks rallied after china said they will exam some u. S. Products from recently announced tariffs. The dow was up 227, nasdaq up 85, the s p was up 21. Late today resident trump tweeted that he would delay increasing tariffs on 250 billion of chinese goods for two weeks, until october 15. Produced pharma, the maker of oxycontin, reach a settlement today with thousands of local government in a class action lawsuit, stemming from the opioid crisis. The deal reportedly involves an estimated 12 billion payout and would require the owner of the company to give up control. A lawsuit alleged that perdue ruthlessly marketed and misled the public about oxycontin. A bay area woman receiving lifesaving treatment at an oakland hospital, facing deportation under new immigration rules, testified before congress today. Isabel bueso of concord travel to washington dc to advocate for herself and others. She delivered a statement to the House Oversight and reform committee, sub committee, on several rights and liberties. Buesos doctors and the staff at the Childrens Hospital in oakland gathered to watch and listen to the testimony. The 24yearold bueso left guatemala with her family when she was seven years old to take part in Clinical Trials here in the bay area. Bueso received a letter last month saying their stay had expired and they had 30 days to leave the country. Ive been here legally for 16 years. This is the first time that this has happened to me and my family, so we both cried. The Trump Administration has said that the case will be reviews, bueso says she is still unsure what that means for her saturday deadline to leave the country. Ktvu fox 2 news at 6 30 is up next with a move that could set a nationwide precedent for College Athletes. The latest on the pay to play bill now headed to the governors desk in the stern warning from the ncaa. The 49ers got their first win on the road, practicing this week in their team owners home town. After months of protest and heated debate, location is chosen for free months first Homeless Navigation Center. But opponents say this fight isnt over yet. Download the new ktvu fox 2 app today. I mean, if you havent thought about switching to geico, frankly, youre missing out. Uh. The mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. Your marshmallows. Get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. My bad. Geico. Its easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. Can i trouble you for another marshmallow . And out of respect, we will let you make the first offer. Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes . Objection overruled. One hour. Sweeten the deal by doing the dishes and ill consider it. I wouldnt do it. I hate the dishes. One hour with the tablet, you walk the dog and do the dishes. If you insist. Congratulations. Only xfinity xfi lets you take control of your familys online time. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity xfi gives you the speed, coverage and control you need. Manage your wifi network from anywhere when you download the xfi app today. In the human brain, billions of nefor people with parkinsons, some neurons change their tune, causing uncontrollable tremors. Now, abbott technology can target those exact neurons. Restoring control and harmony, once thought to belost forever. The most personal technology is technology with the power to change your life. Not to our tops doors, is the 18th anniversary of the september 11 attacks, people all over the country pause to remember those who were lost on the day. Loved ones read aloud the names of those who died at the World Trade Center, and in washington dc, the president and mrs. Trump later reef at the pentagon memorial. The pentagon announced they are working to ban e cigarettes, after investigating at least six deaths and lung illnesses reported in people using vaping devices. Companies who make tobacco flavored Baby Products will have until may 2022 for fda approval if they want to continue sales. In california the state assembly has passed a bill that will give new wage and benefit protections to gig academy workers. The bill will make it harder for them to classify workers as independent contractors. Uber remained defiant, saying the legislation does not apply to their Business Model and they will not reclassify drivers as employees. You are watching ktvu fox 2 news at 6 30. California could become the first state in the nation to allow College Athletes to benefit financially from their accomplishments. The state assembly passed a bill clearing the way for that to happen, and is now waiting on the senate to take similar action. The ncaa opposes the legislation saying it will upend nationwide College Sports competitions. Jesse gary has more on the bill and who it could benefit. To the average athlete it will mean much, but if you are a superstar, it will mean a whole lot. Reporter potentially a whole lot of money for College Athletes to become household names and subsequently brand names. Californias assembly recently amended and passed senate bill 206, also known as the fair pay to play act. Under it, 24,000 College Athletes from 54 schools would no longer be barred from earning money from the use of their names, images, or likeness. Lebron james is because of this bill you can work with everyone to create National Policy that is fair to the athletes. Treatment green heads finally getting this thing right, kids going to sleep hungry, yet these universities are profiting. A lot of athletes are men and women of color, they come from poor backgrounds, and a lot of them will not make the nfl, maybe 2 do. Or the nba. So this is a way for them to make money. The ncaa board of governors see a slippery slope starting in the golden state. Members wrote governors and saying in part sb 206 would raise the critical distinction between college and professional professional athletics, and that it gives those schools in california and unfair recruiting advantage, resulting in them being unable to compete in ncaa competitions. The threat hits home in the land of the rose bowl, and collegiate powers such as stanford, sc, and ucla. That will never happen. You have huge schools that draw in huge amounts of dollars. There is no way they will exclude them. They make so much money. The California Senate passed the amended version of ab 206, now goes to the governors desk for signature into law, it would take effect in 2023 if the governor signs it. Also Stanford University put out a statement saying they are opposed to ab 206 because they when one set of rules for the entire nation, not a separate set just for california. Another bill that advanced in sacramento today would bar California Law enforcement agencies from using facial Recognition Technology and body cameras. San francisco recently became the first city in the u. S. To ban the government use of facial Recognition Technology. The aclu says they tested the technology and found it incorrectly matched 28 members of congress with crime suspects. Opponents to the bill say the state should put restrictions on the technology instead of a pan. The bill, preventing Law Enforcement from using facial Recognition Software cleared the state senate today, now goes to the assembly. The Fremont City Council has decided to build their first Homeless Navigation Center right behind city hall. Its a controversial choice. What happens now . Ann rubin tells us that some residents are considering legal action to stop the project. Reporter after plenty of protests and lots of heated debates, a site for free months first Navigation Center has been chosen. The city Council Voted unanimously to put it here in the parking lot behind city hall. The homeless who already camp here say it will bring much needed services to downtown. We all struggle without that because there are certain hours of the day where there is no restrooms open, we have showers that we have to travel to get to instead of something here. Local Business Owners are frustrated. With the number of homeless already camp here, and with the possibility that the Navigation Center will bring more. They sleep in the tense right over here and then in the morning we have to pick up the human waste after that. And in an area where businesses are booming, they worry about what kind of impact this will have. Do we have a choice as Business Owners, we cant close down and go out, we have leases signed over here. Business will go down for sure, it will happen and we will see a difference. What are we going to do after that, sue the city . Thats exactly what what one group of residents is considering. We have received a lot of response from anything okay this is not right, lets do something. We are approaching the legal firms anme Legal Consultants about our options. City officials hope it does not come to that. They say they will work hard to allay residents concerns. The police chief has promised extra patrol and prioritizing evading nearby encasements. The mayor said there will be an emphasis on outreach. She believes the Navigation Center will help downtown, not hurt it. Because we are focusing on this area, we will have more efforts from within our police and community to ensure that this is successful. This being the first makes is very dedicated to ensure this is a model that is successful. Nest steps involve getting the design approved and submitting to the Building Department and outside utility agencies. The hope is to get the project completed in under a year. In fremont, ann rubin, ktvu fox 2 news. Coming up, police in the east bay searching for two women stealing from an elderly woman at safeway. And a shakeup at their Richmond Police department, we are hearing from the interim chief, she is the first woman to lead the department. Mornings with ktvu means more power to you. Mornings on 2, on fox 2. Walnut creek police are looking for two women caught on Surveillance Video stealing the wallet from an elderly shopper at a grocery store. It happened on monday at the Safeway Store in the rossmoor shopping center. The victim can be seen looking at items in the Meat Department with her purse in her shopping cart. Police say two women worked in tandem to sneak behind her and take her wallet. Surveillance cameras got the two women as they walked out, anyone with information is asked to contact walnut creek police. As we told you last night the police chief in richmond has resigned just days after an overwhelming no confidence vote by members of the police union. Our Crime Reporter sat down with the new interim chief today, she is the first woman ever to lead the department. Im excited to have the opportunity to take over as interim chief. Its also a little sad the way it happened. Said bisa french says, because her friend quit as top cop on tuesday, just days after a new confidence vote by the police union. For him to end a 35 year career the way it ended here, is not necessarily the terms in which i wanted to become chief. That jacob happen so quickly, frenchs badge still says assistant chief. The sign on her door already outdated. Now she is the first woman to head the department. I dont look at myself as the First Woman Police chief, that might be what it is historically, but i look at myself as the police chief of richmond. Chief french says her goals are simple. Its a transitional period, and my goal is to stabilize things internally, look at the issues that were brought forward, and work with our Police Officers association to come to some resolutions. Police Union President agrees with the new chief. We are hopeful, we have to give her her chance, and we hope she will do well, we are committed to working with her diligently on behalf of our members. There is a lot of work to do after some rough years as there Richmond Police department under chief brown. He was criticized in the handling of a sex scandal. A former worker went to a rehab with the help of Richmond Police, and brown denied allegations, even after investigations were ongoing. They also complete of low morale and people do not feel like the talents were being used correctly, they do not feel valued by the police department. They didnt feel management fostered a culture of inclusivity. This last year particularly has been a little rocky. The mayor says the city will get through this change in chiefs. These things happen. I like to look at the future, not the past. I think we will be fine. Interim chief french will lead the department until at least january, thats when a new city manager will come on board. Getting ready for a warm day tomorrow, its a spare the air day already going into effect for thursday, it most likely friday as well. Heat back in the forecast we will take a look at some of the stories we are working on for the 7 00 news on ktvu plus. We will tate tell you about a major victory in sacramento for tenants all across the state. The legislation capping rent increases that is now sitting on the governors desk. Also, San Francisco central subway system hits a roadblock, why the grand opening is now being significantly delayed. We will have those stories and much more coming up tonight live at 7 over on ktvu plus. First a message asking for help in a water bottle after three campers were stranded. Now after being rescued they are searching for the people who help them. And taking a live look outside, mostly clear skies across the bay area, for anyone who is sending out an sos. This afternoon authorities announced that divers have recovered the body of the final missing victim from the dive boat fire in the channel islands. Salvage crews are also working to recover the ship which caught fire and sank off the Santa Barbara coast on labor day. 33 passengers and one crewmember were killed. Authorities are hoping to examine the boat as intact as possible to determine where and why the fire started. A criminal investigation is also underway. In the bahamas survivors of Hurricane Dorian are waiting and struggling as relief organizations work to get help on the ground. U. S. And United Nations personnel are helping distribute food, water and medical supplies. Electricity has returned to freeport as workers continue to fix powerlines. Some communities in the islands are still struggling to get help. The real challenge in operating on the ground is essentially labor, fuel, vehicles, trucks, short clips, the machinery you need to keep supply chains moving as well. The bahamas government says 2500 people are still reported missing. The death toll stands at 50 but is expected to rise. Lets talk about our weather, what a spectacular day out there, although it is getting a little hotter. Weve had a few days of some mild to cool weather, and it will really ramp up as we go into tomorrow and then friday. When i say ramp up, these are the highs from today, but tomorrows temperatures, instead of upper 80s in antioch and mid90s, those will all be upper 90s. Friday we will see low 100 and those inland bay valleys. So the warmup is occurring. If you look at the spare the air day that is going into effect tomorrow, and for sure on friday, hot inland, first day of the real heat tomorrow, and then the graph does an interesting pattern, and then it heats up for friday, and then cools off real quick, just straight down on saturday and sunday. Significant cool down, right after some big heat on friday, its a shortlived 48 hour deal. When i look at the system i say well, its looking like fall out there. Youve got snow showing up in the mountain regions, and then youve got this spinner out here, producing some significant as well for our surf. This thing is generating swell, but also its an indication of new storms being developed, it doesnt look that good. We may have an early winter. In the meantime, the fog has been chewing away at the coast, because of the high pressure. Fog gone, that means temperatures all the way to the beaches are in the 60s. Tomorrow temperatures will be in the 70s during the daytime at the beaches. Then on friday they can easily be in the low 80s. Then you go outside, youve got the air quality thats not going to be too good. Its a spare the air day, and then forecast highs, reds are 90s, so they are all there. Yellows on the beach, 70s. And then a significant, kind of rapid cool down as we get into monday and tuesday. Some models suggest a chance of a sprinkle or two on monday night tuesday. So well see. Its hard to say, the models will move around between now and then. Warm to hot thursday and friday, thats the weather headline if you will. The heat is coming, but i wouldnt call it a heat wave because its only a couple of days, and it should go away pretty darn quickly. More temperatures in the south bay, and in the five day forecast, so you can make your plans. Friday is hot, saturday is not, but cooler towards monday and tuesday. A family along the central coast, want to find the people who helped rescue them during hiking trip this past summer. Curtis wilson was camping with his girlfriend and son when they get stuck near an isolated tributary. They sent an sos message in a plastic water bottle and threw it down a 40 foot waterfall, hoping someone would find it. Well two hikers did find it, they called for help, but they didnt want to give their names. A helicopter crew later plucked wilson and his family to safety. That is an incredible story. That someone found it and did something right away, look at that. What a great story. Good outcome. Coming up, the 49ers like being on the road so much last week that they didnt come home. They now practicing on the owners home turf. You will also hear from jim e. G. , coming up next in sports. In a brandnew episode of our bay area people podcast with margaret cho, she opens up about everything from being bullied as a kid to being an Asian American in the entertainment industry. E talks litics as well, you can listen to that interview by searching for bay area people in your podcast player. The power of 2 continues to work for you. Mark is here now with an update on Jonathan Abram. You practice the whole year to get ready for this day, and then the first game. Thats the thing with all sports, but in particular football. This is a guy, if youve watched hbos hard knocks at all, as frank didnt, Jonathan Abram made quite a name for himself, kind of a brash guy, and he brings the energy, and the talent as well. Sometimes a little overzealous, but he will not bring that energy for the rest of the year. He suffered a torn rotator cuff, he will reportedly have surgery on thursday. To show you how tough this guy is, he sustained that injury, he remained in the game and finished it read you can imagine he was in quite a bit of pain, he had five tackles and a pass breakup, but that will be it for Jonathan Abram, one of john grudens favorite so far. Meanwhile they were good things to talk about in regards to the raiders, and one of them, as everybody loves, come back story. Its the tight end who had eight targets monday night, made seven catches, hes in absolute physical specimen, 66, 255 pounds, and this guy has come back from severe Substance Abuse problems, he cleaned up his act, made it happen, and he earned a spot on the roster. Trying to make everyone forget last years tight end, jared cook, and hes developed great chemistry already. Hes helped me already as far as communicating, asking me what i saw, and that communication goes a long way. I didnt have to do anything spectacular, just doing my job really, i definitely appreciate the confidence they have in me. The 49ers still literally out on the road, they are training this week in nearby ohio, youngstown ohio, and the penguins of youngstown state, thats where they are practicing. Getting ready for the Cincinnati Bengals who lost their game to seattle, Jimmy Garoppolo has mixed reviews, this is probably his worst play, he completed 18 out of 27 passes at a very low passer rating. One interception, one touchdown pass, believe me hes well aware of the fact that hes got stuff to work on. I missed a couple of throws that i wish i could have had back. Little things, they are fixable, too. You try to break it down as much as you can, whatever it is, but yet, youve just got to make those throws. We try to be perfect, you are going to make mistakes, but you try to eliminate them. Meanwhile, no metal, no nothing for team usa in basketball no less, in the world cup, to be played in china. This is donovan mitchell, he had 29 points, very close game, gets the jam they are, but france takes over, too 52 left in the game, rudy, who is Donovan Mitchells teammate, 23 points, 16 rebounds, and to finish things off, add insult to injury, he will block his teammate, mitchell shot late, and they come out empty in the world cup in china and 8979 is the final, team usa is out. A little more of a normal game you might say after some 43 runs were scored in the first two with the as and astros. 10 houston in the fourth, Marcus Simeon continues to have an incredible year, and hes got 28 homeruns, that tie things up at 1 apiece, and now later we get into it. This is a nice play, down the right field line by ramon liriano, and gets jose at the plate with a good play. All right, mark thank you, and thanks for joining us. Ktvu fox 2, where the power of 2 comes from you. Big dreams start with small steps. But dedication can get you there. So just start small. Start saving. Easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. Chase. Make more of whats yours®. Its pretty late. You think ive got time to run some more simulations on the cooling system . Sure, im still figuring out the thermoacoustic expander. Sheldon oh, while you do that i am going to pump cerebral spinal fluid through my brain cells to remove the metabolic byproducts of the days thoughts. What . Its called sleep and its my bedtime. Nightynight, yall. Hey, hey, hey, youre not going anywhere. We only have two months to deliver this to the air force because of you. yawning i know, i was there. Well, wake up were gonna put in a lot of late nights. How late . Well, i dont know, midnight, 1 00. One oclock . Im not a raccoon. If youre tired, have some coffee. What . You have some coffee. I am having coffee and look how irritable its making you

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