Shouted that they want. Democracy they want action they want racial and social justice. In light of the latest shooting which happened in kenosha wisconsin kron fours reyna harvey is live in oakland with more on the protests reyna. Darya and james good morning. Well you saw this happened as a Ripple Effect out of kenosha wisconsin. The Police Shooting of jacob lake in the back 7 times family now says hes paralyzed, but then you also saw the shooting of protesters who was shot and killed 2 of them now again this happening last night in oakland were going to show you a lot of the damage that was done throughout the city last night you can see this is here at the whole foods in downtown the windows busted here in this restaurant also there were reports that people were also breaking in and stealing items. Also several other buildings were vandalized as well including several vehicles along with the Alameda County courthouse. All being set on fire according to police. Theyre saying that numerous fires were set across the area of downtown dozens of windows were broken and multiple businesses, especially in the area near lake merritt were also vandalized now its important to know like you mentioned the protesters had several request and the protest started peacefully, but things escalated as the night went on yet about nearly 700 people demanding justice for jacob blake and also asking for some Police Accountability along with fundamental change nationwide through out Police Departments now Oakland Police Department Says protesters also temporarily shut down traffic on the i 5. 80 and the bar in downtown on 19th street also closed their downtown doors now Oakland Police Department Says that no Police Officers were injured, ive reached out to them to see if any protesters were injured they actually just got back to me and said those going to be following up on those requests that i had so as soon as they give me information well make sure we bring it to you at home for now reporting here in oakland Reyna Harvey Kron 4 news. Thanks a lot of rain or rain and also a followup to the big protests that happened that turned deadly in kenosha wisconsin, a teenager has now been arrested for opening fire on protesters killing 2 and injuring a 3rd so weve got video actually of this morning of the shooter Walking Around with a rifle in hand will play some of that and talk more. There you see him in the background and after the gunshots were fired. The suspect runs down the street areas putting his hands up to police passing by. As if they just going to be arrests. Yeah they just drive on by did see him as a threat clearly had an Assault Rifle hanging off of him. The suspect 17 yearold Kyle Rittenhouse actually had to turn himself in to police. Wednesday morning after that shooting and heres some pictures he posted on his social media accounts, hes now been charged with firstdegree intentional homicide meantime, the officer who shot jacob lake on sunday. Is Ruston Sheskey hes a sevenyear veteran of the kenosha Police Department the Wisconsin Attorney general said blake said that he had a knife at the time of the incident and that police were responding to which was a Domestic Violence call that blakes girlfriend had made. Now blake is in the hospital in milwaukee, his family says hes paralyzed from the waist down. Well now to the latest on the wildfires burning here in the bay area crews are making some progress and we put up here on the screen. Some of the latest containment numbers for you the lnu lightning complex fires burning in the north bay now 33 comply contained. The scu lightning complex fires in the east and south bays now 35 contained and the czu august lightning complex fire in san mateo and santa cruz counties now 21 contained. We have Team Coverage of the czu lightning complex fire in san mateo and santa cruz counties and you can see in red here the circle around the area thats been burned by this complex of fires covers will tran is live at the Cal Fire Base Camp at Scotts Valley with more on whats going on there today. Well. And harry behind the color red on that map that you showed are acres and right now were sitting at 81,333 acres and thats up about a 1000 acres in the overnight hours so once again they are not seeing the explosion in terms of the number of acres and theyre very happy about that theyre not too happy about the marine layer look over my Left Shoulder you can clearly see just how much fog is here. They hope that list soon so they can get their aircraft. Back up in the air and do more work because theres still weeks away from getting this fire out and contain now i can tell you. 23,000 structures are still threatened at this time the very latest number as far as homes and barns and other structures destroyed 646 that number has gone up in the overnight hours not necessarily because the homes are burning as we speak, but instead theyre sending their investigators into areas that they could not reach before and theyre counting those places and thats why that number continues to go up and up. They are however getting more muscle behind this almost 2000 firefighters are being thrown at this and that is why they believe theyre making inroads on this fire. And the past a few days of mentioned weve had a lot of good success about establishing more control lines around the fire. Being able to get deeper into the fire continued extinguish a fire around homes mister to creating a more safe environment as we are entry more towards repopulate shun potential down the road. So you heard him talk about the population some neighborhoods will be allowed to return in a day or so some weeks off late bonny doon because that area was decimated and it is a Group Decision according to cal fire because we want to make sure power is restored this Running Water and the roads are safe and area is big enough that they have plenty roads for the evacuees to return and the firefighters to continue coming and going. More good news to pass along to you the missing persons cases, james and darya 24 hours ago, he was sitting at around 6 cases. Now theyre down to 2 they found one man who was lost in an evacuated area and all the other people that brought down from 62. They either were found or theyre calling the Police Department saying wait are you looking for me dont worry about it, im safe and sound back to you ok, thanks a lot. Well another breaking news story that were following this morning is the latest with a powerful hurricane hurricane laura thats currently hammering. Louisiana, the surrounding states after making landfall near cameron. Louisiana overnight look at some of the latest video you see big rigs on their side thats how strong some of these winds were and that is just one aspect that this storm brought with it catastrophic storm surge was another flash flooding. And unfortunately deaths as well local media reporting a 14 yearold louisiana girl was killed when a tree fell on her home in lees ville the storm was a category 4 when it slammed into the gulf coast and thats what a category 4 storm does with winds it brings down power lines and rips apart homes. 600,000 people now without power across louisiana and texas, the vast majority of those in louisiana. The storm has weakened. But its still ravaging communities as it continues its march through the nations midsection with john trouble in the Weather Center with a closer look at where the storm is now and where we think its headed john yeah, youre right james it made landfall a category 4 last night at 01 00am and now only a category one storm but still very well formed. As it pushes even further inland now the most devastation can be expected. Right there along the gulf coast where these low lying areas were really just battered by those winds and that devastating storm surge now that the suns up crews are going to get out there and be able to see what kind of damage was done still a risk of flash flooding across northern louisiana and now into arkansas as well as the storm remains a category one storm as it crosses the state border, there like that are a result in some travel delays as it pushes further and further north flash flooding, the biggest risk as it does so. Now back here at home an update here air quality its not looking so good out there for the north bay nor the south bay, a lot of the east bay and peninsulas actually great right now you had over the golden gate though, and up in summer and sonoma lake and napa counties it is definitely not so good smoke having mixed in with some fog up in the north bay also down into the Santa Cruz Mountains, south of san jose, some of our worst conditions. Good news is fog is starting to lift a touch air quality well have an impact there also is visibility beginning to clear out. Temperatures in the 50s and 60s right now here in the east bay in the peninsula get out there enjoy your clear air right now id advise against it in the north bay as it is smoky, wait until things improve later on in the day for you. James, all right, thank you very much john coming up next nba teams boycott. Their playoff games over the shooting of jacob blake in kenosha wisconsin and then teams in other sports followed super going have the latest on all of that in just a moment. Heres a quick live look outside of the san mateo bridge as we see traffic on highway 92 here at 8. 10 in the morning, well be right back. Hey, my twitter is blowing up dear jack box, bring back the spicy chicken strips, still waiting for the spicy chicken strips, so many about spicy chicken strips. Wow, i hear you. So im bringing back my juicy 100 allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99 is it the juicy 100 allwhite meat . Or because you can spice them up or cool them down . Or because a little birdie told me you wanted them back really bad. Get my spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99. With the last few days in our home state of wisconsin weve seen her in this video taken place being shot in the back 7 times by Police Officers notions. The additional shootings protesters despite overwhelming plea for change there has been no action. So our focus today cannot be best. We take the court rivers in milwaukee, wisconsin. We are expected to played high level. You only 2 other counties. We hold ourselves to the stand in this moment we are demanding the same from lawmakers and law enforcers. Were calling for justice for david blaine and demand all be held accountable. For this to occur. It is imperative for the west across the state legislature to reconvene after months of inaction and take the meaningful measures to address issues of Police Accountability without criminal justice reform. We encourage all citizens to educate themselves take peaceful response will action every member to vote. The Milwaukee Bucks decide they cannot played basketball while their brothers are dying at the hands of police bringing a halt to the nba playoffs and almost every other sport underway in america except for hockey. In case youve been living in a bubble. These wnba players is spelled out why jacob blake, the black man who was shot in the back 7 times by police in wisconsin. After the Milwaukee Bucks park the nba to postpone their playoffs. Theyll Milwaukee Brewers did the same in baseball in all 3 games were postponed yesterday, including the giants and dodgers to decided theyd rather play a double header today then play on a day when much of the sports world was making a statement. My individual actions are to come by both peaceful protesting with meaningful positive action to promote real change. And again i i just dont think my place is to force and he wanted to do anything but rather to share and consistently share what i believe. Conversations and try to change things where i can as a white player on this team is how can we show support with something tangible that we can do to help. Were like brothers on this team and this was close to home is not too far away from from where we we live for a majority of the year some guys are from here. This is is. A person tough lesson. 3 cops one guy theres got to be a better way to him getting shot in the back right now my head is like ready to explode like just in the thoughts of whats going on. And for me i think the biggest thing now is to kind of. As a black man as a former player. I think its for the best of me to support the players and just not be here tonight. Heres what weve been talking about. And as well well continue to talk about. You know having you know 2 boys them all. And me being africanamerican in america and to see. What continues to happen with the Police Brutality towards my time. Continue to see what the will goes on with the they just in just. Is this is very troubling very troubling you know we play a beautiful game which brings so many great Families Together and people be able to rejoice in and enjoy it. But at the same never lose track of what it was really going on in our world, especially in america, so. No my prayers go to the family and then hopefully we we could have some change. Big as you could hear of the response from people in all walks of life in sports. And if you asked le bron its over the clippers and the lakers. They walked out of a 3 hour meeting last night telling the other teams were done. And now the nba board of governors. They just started a meeting at 8 oclock our time to decide whether this boycott means an end to the bubble playoffs, an end to the entire basketball season and. What about next without the football season. That starts in a couple of weeks several teams are voicing their support some have even taken action washingtons Football Team with the nfls first black president at the helm. They canceled their practice today. How big this will get depends on how frustrated, we see the players and those in power again and i think clippers coach doc rivers, that what he said about all of this really reverberate so im going to end with just a bit of that. Its a maze. Why shes loving this country. And this country does not look back. Humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. All right were back time now 8. 20 lets get a quick check of the forecast we have john trouble standing by in the Weather Center with that good morning john good morning. James you can see mount diablo behind you with a little fog shrouding the base of it, but its a lot fog year out here at the coastline this morning at the Golden Gate Bridge where you can see not only fog but theres actually a lot of smoke sold into the north bay this morning right now our worst of air quality is in the north bay and then once you head south of san jose into the Santa Cruz Mountains down dirt santa cruz in gilroy the rest of us peninsula east bay actually looking at some good conditions right now so enjoy that wont last because as winds shift today, were likely to be seeing air quality good in some parts and not so great in other parts so another hazy one with some fog at the coast. We are enjoying a nice cool down though think you dip in the jet stream for pushing in some nice cool air and opening the door for some nice ocean cool there to push right in across the bay were going to see that throughout the course of the day today a nice westerly wind pushing on in cooling things off even to the interior valleys of the bay area. Were not going hold on to that into tomorrow so do saver today slightly cooler conditions. Tomorrow were going to be on the warmer side to kick off the weekend. 50s and 60s for highs at the coast that includes San Francisco today. Well 70s for most bayside areas Millbrae Burlingame south through seeing carlos a Mountain View all the way through santa clara all in the 70s while 80s down into the south bay for san jose that will be 81 degrees today. 70s from fremont to hayward eventually up to oakland. Well 80s in the tri valley through while the creek and up to concord berkeley and richmond in the 60s while only to 90s on the map. Thats pittsburgh in vacaville today. Sonoma 84 while santa rosa through center fell in the low 80s today. Now tomorrow temperatures will climb compared to todays saturday we drop down just a few degrees before climbing again into sunday sunday monday and tuesday of next week do look to be a little bit warmer than this week on average with highs back into the mid 90s for inland valleys. 80s for some spots along the bay watch out for hazy areas at times and like were seeing this morning clear areas of times as well. James all right john. Thank you quick check of the bay bridge toll plaza as we look at traffic around the bay. Nice and light so its an easy smooth commute for you if youre heading this way at this hour in the morning were only tracking one issue in the east bay right now and that was an issue on 8. 80. Northbound just south of 23rd avenue offramp there was a car one seoul, a vehicle accident in the left lane cars got turned around sideways so theyre running a few traffic breaks. So the little little after getting around that, but otherwise youre doing all right the san mateo bridge also looking pretty good. Weve got a shot of that this morning with traffic moving along just fine at the limit on the span. No problems as you make your way out toward the peninsula. Abc has changed its guidelines on coronavirus testing and some Health Experts are concerned about it now theyre saying that if you dont have symptoms. You dont need to be tested even if you were exposed to somebody who you think has coronavirus and thats a big change from the previous guidelines which said that you should get tested. If you had symptoms or you were exposed to somebody that had the virus or you saw it might have the virus. Now with that not being the case. Some Infectious Disease experts and Health Experts are shocked and concerned including Santa Clara County Health Officer doctor sara cody. I first heard about this change in guidelines. I actually didnt believe it for it seemed entirely bizarre in that it under pets are very basic tenants of how we control an Infectious Disease. Testing and having individuals know their status is foundational to our ability to control an Infectious Disease and certainly our ability to control covid. Infectious disease expert doctor Anthony Fauci says he had nothing to do with the cdcs change in the recommendation about testing. He was having throat surgery when the cdc made this change to their website and what they recommend an and fauci says in fact he is worried about the new governor gavin newsom says hes a bit worried as well doesnt agree with this new change to the cdc guidelines, hes promising to double down on the daily number of people getting tested for covid19 affect our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala has more on those efforts. California leaders announced wednesday they into new deal with a major Diagnostics Company to start processing an extra 150,000 tests a day in an effort to disrupt the Testing Market and improve reliability and access for everybody in terms of getting tests and getting more importantly test results back in a timely manner the one 0. 4 billion dollar contract with perkin elmer would more than double the states current daily Testing Capacity to about a quarter of a million covid19 tests a day with the turnaround time of 24 to 48 hours the state is currently processing more than 100,000 tests a day averaging results within 5 to 7 days, but it will be months before the new program is up and running state leaders say the ramp up testing would begin november first and run until march of 2021 Health Officials say this program will also test for the flu to help us move not just schools, not just businesses. But really to create a level of insight into how the transmission of covid19 is moving interstate wednesdays announcement comes as the cdc issued new testing guidance no longer recommending asymptomatic people get tested even if theyve been exposed to the virus. I dont agree with the new cdc guidance period, full stop and its not the policy in the state of california. We will not be influenced by that change the update comes as the governor prepares to release a new reopening strategy in california. He said those new guidelines will be out friday in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. Well take a break here at 8. 27 this morning, still ahead though. A catastrophe that is what louisiana and some of the surrounding states are dealing with this morning as hurricane laura makes land Police Shooting in kenosha wisconsin sparks a protest here in oakland at least several businesses vandalized whole lot report up next. People who live in napa county are finally allowed in the see how their homes are doing after the hennessy fire ripped through here and in the meantime firefighters are still trying to put out flames and live with the details coming up. And hurricane laura is weakening as it continues to move inland. But thats after making landfall last night leaving devastation your forecast to come. So a lot of news to get to this morning were going to begin this half hour with the very latest out of the east bay that is where protests broke out over Police Brutality and all of this in the wake of the Police Shooting of jacob blake. Theres yet jacob blake in kenosha wisconsin. Kron fours reyna harvey is live in oakland and she has details about the protesters and what they would like to see happen ran. Exactly good morning well that protest here started largely peacefully were actually going to show you the nearly 700 protesters that took to the streets in downtown openly see them walking down the street here very diverse school. And if you listen to them you can hear what theyre asking for. No justice. Nope hes now they are also demanding justice for jacob lake like you mentioned who was shot by a Police Officer in kenosha wisconsin in the back 7 times his family says that hes now paralyzed from the waist down there are also asking for Police Accountability throughout departments nationwide. Now again were going to move into what happened as the night continued on. There was some damage that was done to several businesses down here police say they even have to ask some of the protesters and what theyre saying our educators in the crowd to stop setting fire to trash cans and pointing lasers. Throwing objects at officers and crossing barricades as well as lighting illegal fireworks you can see from the video here several buildings were vandalized and not just buildings even some vehicles were set on fire as well, we know the Alameda County courthouse was also set on fire. Now the buildings and the vehicles were not the only areas protesters made their way to also dot on the i 5. 80 and they temporarily shut that down according to police and the bart the on 19th street that station was also shut down for some time now police made an arrest in this police said that no officers were injured, were still waiting to hear back from the Oakland Police department on the number of buildings that were vandalized and how much damage was done. Were also waiting to hear were back on of any protesters were injured in last nights protest for now reporting here in oakland raider harvey kron 4 news. Thank you reyna. Well now to the latest on those wildfires that continue to burn across the bay area crews are making some progress as you can see here weve got the containment numbers up for you the lnu caught the lightning complex fires in the north bay, 33 contained the scu lightning complex fires in the east and south bay is now 35 contained and the czu august lightning complex fire. In the san Mateo Santa Cruz areas thats now 21 contained. We do want to start our in depth coverage by going to the north bay the lnu complex fires again you can see where theyre burning 2 separate areas. One around Lake Berryessa and the other in Sonoma County. But the fire also spans nap and solano counties as well kron 4 Sarah Stinson is live in napa county now with a closer look at the damage done there sarah. Reporting live off of highway one 28 thats where you can see acres and acres of burn land and homes that look like this one cars that are skeletons of themselves and just rubble and today people who live in this area will finally get to see it for the first time. Were in for a lot of people. A life way to go. With americans 10 days ago people in napa county evacuated as fast as they could when the hennessy fire came raging through the hardest part has been not knowing if your home is left in rubble or if its Still Standing and the Highlands Community above lake area so we know 103 or so homes have been destroyed. Yesterday i saw the National Guard and sheriffs deputies escorting a caravan of cars on highway one 21 towards the burned areas. The residents were only allowed in for the day since Evacuation Order is still in place. All the while firefighters are still trying to gain containment on the ellen new lightning complex. Theyve kept it contained at 33 . Despite the fire growing to nearly 369,000 acres. This complex is comprised of the hennessy fire, burning 84 of the total acres and the walbridge fire in Sonoma County there are still 30,000 structures threatened 1080 have been destroyed and nearly 300 have been damaged. If you live in one of these areas you can stop by a road closure and be escorted from 8 in the morning until 5. Right now these residents are heading through those a road closures to see their properties but if youre not ready or you cant come out here. Theres a link on our website kron 4 dot com you can head there and see an interactive map that we can see if your property your home is damaged or destroyed. Reporting in napa county ill send it back to you. Thanks a lot sarah now were learning more about one of the 5 people who died in the lnu lightning complex fire 64 yearold Solano County resident, leon james bone. His body was found in his home that he used to share with his parents who has since passed away and his family says now that hes on his own and almost blind. He had no way of knowing that there was a fire and he should get out. He had no Running Water. No electricity, no telephone. And he had no way of being alerted. So were just assuming that he probably was so overcome by smoke and this guy there on the property in the bed. As friends and family couldnt get in to check on him and even the you know the First Responders it took them days a couple days before they could go in because it was so hot and they went in and searched the rubble and found his body and his home was the only one burned down neighbors in that neighborhood their property was also destroyed by the fire. Of course, were also following the latest out of the gulf coast were powerful hurricane is hammering that area this morning you can see here the damage left in the wake of hurricane laura. A category 4 hurricane that came ashore. Early this morning and brought with it incredibly strong winds which caused a lot of damage in fact word that a tree was knocked down into a home killing a 14 yearold girl. And that right now the only confirmed deaths related to this storm but more than 600,000 people without power right now, john trouble in the Weather Center with a closer look at where the storm is now john yeah making its way inland james that made landfall last night as a category 4 hurricane. Having gradually weekend throughout the course of the morning still category one system as that center of begins to move northward towards arkansas. Still the most of devastation that is expected to be seen as right there along the gulf coast where. Areas are sitting right at sea level and that storm surge overnight as expected have caused a lot of devastation once crews do get in there right now winds weakened to 75 Miles Per Hour 140 mile per hour gusts were seen last night as the storm made landfall and as it continues to push northward, itll remain a category one storm all the way into arkansas before after that reaches Tropical Storm status main threats right now are flash flooding and even tornadoes in the northeastern part of this storm back here at home what were seeing today is some fog and some smoke smoke the thickest up in the north bay in marine sonoma lake and napa counties as well as down south of san jose towards morgan hill and into santa cruz other areas like the peninsula in the east bay actually doing pretty good this morning. So in those areas get outside and enjoy your break from the smoke in the north and south bay. Id say stay inside and wait for conditions to improve. Fog will start to burn off between 09 10am and then weve got a lot of sunshine to expect ther rest of the day. 50s and 60s are your current temperatures with oakland and san jose some of our for spots in the low 60s. Daria. Thanks a lot john its 8. 38 and still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news mike pence officially accepts the republican nomination for Vice President will highlight from night 3 of the rnc after the break. And local Health Officials are sounding the alarm on what could be another deadly flu season in the middle of this dea so youre a small business, or a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. And were back time now is 8. 41 doctors are sending out warnings right now about the potential impact of this years flu season happening while were in this covid19 pandemic doctors at ucsf say the flu shot is key this year to keeping infections down because theyre worried that if people with the flu and up in the icu then theyre going to take up resources that will be desperately needed by patients who are struggling with Coronavirus Health care professionals are also anticipating a slightly different set of problems for patients with the flu this season. Were worried about looking at this primarily through the lens of influenza youre going to have problems with that and a confusing diagnoses since they both present in the same way. And again if theres a large surge in covid there may not be as many available beds for patients with influenza. And doctors say patients who have both covid and the flu are at higher risk of getting pneumonia which could then lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome. So they say make sure you get your flu vaccine. One updated look at our air quality right now we have seen some improvements in the north bay, but the south bay especially south of san jose down towards santa cruz in morgan hill, not looking so great with port a very poor conditions for your forecast is and as a port if i want to get a look at the weather because every time the winds shift and we have a different than a weather pattern. Any other causes more smoke or less smoke depending on where you are john and this past 30 minutes got this kind of adjusted that smoke map quite alive. Because we have seen some good news in the north bay which is improving smoky conditions obviously still foggy this is your view and timber on right now and it is gray as can be out there in the Marin Headlands but we are seeing now moderate air quality sure beats the very poor conditions that you may be woke up to earlier if you are up early. We are seeing some of the worst of air quality in the Santa Cruz Mountains in Santa Cruz County itself in southern san mateo county. South of san jose is where youll be running into some poor air quality too peninsula any space Still Holding up just fine at this moment. Now skies remaining pretty foggy through the morning use should see some clearing later on this morning on top of the bay and then we will have a lot of sunshine to look forward to this afternoon eventually. This nice seabreeze that has been pushing in with this dip in the jet stream will continue on through the day. This is going to help to keep the coast a little on the foggy side even as our inland areas clear out this steady breeze continuing through the afternoon cooling off for inland valleys, a very welcome cool down. Thats not going to be in place tomorrow so appreciate it tomorrows temperatures are going to start to climb so today, our coolest one of your forecast, 50s and 60s for your highs at the coast that deep in marine layer keeping things really cool at the coastline. 70s for most bayside areas really comfortable nice day ahead palo alto at 75 redwood city at 78 today while the south bay, some upper 70s to low 80s, san jose 81 degrees for your high 70s from fremont to hayward while 80s in the tri valley through all the creek to concord oakland at 70 while berkeley and richmond in the 60s. The way how and napa nicely in the 70s today while pittsburgh in vacaville or 2 or hotter spots at 9092 degrees. Santa rosa through center fell in the low 80s. So tomorrow a little warmer as i promised you a daytime highs rising around 5 degrees for much of the bay cooling just a touch on saturday before rising again into sunday sunday monday and tuesday of next week looking like our warmest of the forecast. James okay john thank you, lets check the roads quickly as we gauge traffic here 8. 48 this morning, the richmond sandra fell bridge looking good westbound 5. 80 no problems reported really anywhere through richmond. Across the span or into Marion County so things are good on that front and the Golden Gate Bridge has been a nice ride all morning long no reports of any problems other than occasional patchy fog. Which you can certainly see here in this live shot so maybe give yourself a little extra time because of that but theres nothing on the roads themselves that will slow you down and thats what were seeing all around the bay, the chp logs really quiet at the moment. A 48 right now and mike pence is officially the republican nomination for Vice President the 3rd night of the rnc took place in the midst of the massive hurricane 0 on the gulf coast and protests mounted by athletes over a Police Shooting karin caifa has more. Vice president mike pence with President Donald Trump in attendance at marylands fort mchenry signaling optimism President Donald Trump believes in america and in the goodness of the american people. The boundless potential of every american to live out their dreams and freedom but also echoing other republicans dire predictions of chaos should the biden harris ticket prevail. You wont be safe in joe bidens america. The speech a convergence of 2 themes that this rnc one highlighting trumps humanity to counter criticism of his character he has stood by me. And he will stand up. For you the other a dark outlook on what happens if hes not reelected the leaders who stand up to the lawlessness supported by the radical left as rnc programming aired in prime time there were more protests in kenosha wisconsin where a black was shot by police this week. And hurricane laura barrel toward the texas louisiana border eventually making landfall overnight as a category 4 storm to the families and communities in the path of hurricane laura. And prayers are with you tonight. And our administration is working closely with authorities in the states that will be impacted. The crises on top of the coronavirus pandemic raising stakes for president trumps speech tonight capping a week of republicans making the case for his empathy and capacity for leadership. In washington, im karin caifa. In the north city leaders are looking to install a black lives matter street mural in front of city hall. This as the city is dealing with the impact of deadly Police Shootings. In its Police Department most recently 22 yearold Sean Monterrosa was shot and killed by officer jarrett on who fired 5 shots from the back of a police car as monterrosa was kneeling with his arms raised in fact in the past decade, the city of atlanta has had 18 deadly Police Shootings. And some people in the city dont think that a mural is enough. Theyre looking for more meaningful changes specifically there are more than ever to arrest who activists have called the fatal 14 the officers that are they want to see detective jarrett on Face Criminal Charges for the killing of Sean Monterrosa you know theres a big Different Police movement thats going they want those type of actions rather than some pain on the street. Up to this Point Council members have not taken action yet at the meeting that they just had but they are going to address this item at their next meeting they say in september. All right, heres a quick live look outside weve got our camera here at San Francisco International Airport where we are as you can see still see low clouds and fog here over the airport in over a good bit of the coast and the media day as weve been doing that nice surge of marine air bringing with it some cooler conditions. Some this some fog and also some clear air to breathe for some in the bay area, not all. But john troubles been keeping an eye on our air quality will be visiting with him and for the rest of the morning show getting another look at that as it continues to change as the winds shift so hopefully youre going to get some relief this morning as you step outside of the 5 year look in san jose showing you some pretty gray skies sitting over head right now we do have a low cloud cover sitting about the south bay. And air quality to the south of san jose, not so good while in city limits. Not at its worst 50s and 60s for your current temperatures thats a cool start san jose are at 61 oakland at 60 degrees right now thats cooler than yesterday for most of us by just a few degrees. Mountain view down 4 degrees this morning. Were keeping the cool weather around into the afternoon to making today, the coolest one of the forecast ahead. Id say keep checking that are quality through the day and if its looking good where youre out head outside and enjoy it. 70s from oakland, hey were down to fremont san Jose Livermore concord in antioch all the 80s today daria. Thank you johnny 55 and coming up next on the kron 4 morning news protests in the east bay with people denouncing Police Brutality and the shooting of jacob lake in wisconsin will take a look at them demanding action and the damage done in a live report. Plus the damage done by the fires that continue to grow but the firefighters are gaining and have a better handle on the fires will tell you about containment efforts in Team Coverage. Plus were going take a look at the damage done so far from hurricane laura which made landfall overnight and is still pummeling the gulf coast with winds and rain. Frias local news stations. Were covering 3 big stories at this hour overnight in oakland. There were protests for social justice and against Police Brutality in the shooting of jacob lake in wisconsin. Plus a major hurricane is devastating the gulf coast right now with flooding and wind damage and were continuing to follow the wildfires raging around the bay area. Well have all of those stories as we go through the next hour starting in the east bay where the protests broke out overnight for the shooting of jacob blake in kenosha wisconsin. Vocal but peaceful as protesters shouted that they want to see social reforms and justice kron fours reyna harvey is live in oakland with more details on how the night unfolded reyna. Lori im glad you mentioned it mostly peaceful. They were very vocal. But the messages they wanted out there, but again many people out here in oakland saw that viral video of jacob late being shot why an officer in the back 7 times and so a lot of people were upset it did not sit right with them and so they took to the streets, but police are saying at detainers really are responsible for the vandalism that you saw overnight live right here on this whole foods in oakland that was broken into there are some reports thats a legal also stole items out of that whole foods store in addition to breaking the windows out there though several other buildings were also broken into and some cars along with the Alameda County courthouse were also set on fire while pointing to police there say multiple businesses are sane

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