You can beat every bear in the forest, but the game is never finished. Steve from Rockefeller Center in the heart of new york city, its the tonight show starring jimmy fallon. Tonight, join jimmy and his guests Seth Macfarlane, Evan Rachel Wood penn and teller, and featuring the legendary roots crew theyve really stood the test of time. And now, heres your host, jimmy fallon much like these majestic rocky mountains. Which must be named after the. That would be rocky the flying squirrel, mr. Gecko sir. Obviously ahh come on bullwinkle, theyre named after. Our first president george rockington [ cheers and applause that doesnt even make any sense. Mr. Uhh. Winkle. Jimmy hey. Oh, thank you very much roots. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. Thank you, everybody, for tuning in and watching the tonight show. I appreciate it. Lets get to the news and jokes. Well, guys, today is september 17th i point that out because once again President Trump has contradicted one of his medical experts and i didnt want you to think tonights show was a rerun. [ laughter ] thats right, yesterday, the director of the cdc Robert Redfield testified before congress and he was asked when a Covid Vaccine would be available to the public heres what he said. If youre asking me when is it going to be generally available to the American Public so we can begin to take advantage of vaccine to get back to our regular life, i take an extra 15 off. Mr. Uhh. Winkle. Get 25 off nine west. Mens flannel shirts are just 16. 99. And save on koolaburra home musthaves. Think were probably looking at third late second quarter, Third Quarter 2021 plus, take an extra 10 off during the fall style event. Plus, get kohls cash plus, free store pickup. Find a little more this fall. Jimmy trumps staff saw that and was like i better put kohls. Another pot of coffee, its going to be a long one tonight meanwhile, americans looked at knowinits hard. Re is hard. Their sweat pants and were eliminate who you are not first, like, i guess its going to be me and you for a little while longer. And youre going to find yourself where you need to be. Let me put this in perspective for netflix generation by the time theres a vaccine, the race is never over. The journey has no port. The students at cobra kai will the adventure never ends, be older than mr. Miyagi [ laughter ] because we are always on the way. Well, later that day, trump was asked about redfields vaccine comments check out what he said i think he made a mistake when he said that. Its just Incorrect Information and i called him and he didnt tell me that and i think he got the message maybe confused jimmy he got the message maybe confused man, could trump sound any more like a mob boss . Yeah this guy, redfield, maybe he dont know so good, capeesh . [ laughter ] next, hes going to send eric and don jr. With baseball bats down to the cdc. It looks like you misremembered. Maybe we can help jog your memory. Yep, the head of the cdc was confused trump was like, the vaccine is right around the corner according to my experts, Chuck Woolery and the my pillow guy. [ laughter ] basement where theres just a pullout couch and dr. Fauci. At the same press conference, trump said something pretty shocking about the number of covid cases in the united states. Listen to this when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. If you take the blue states out, were at a level that i so, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. Dont think anybody in the world would be at. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. Jimmy also, so if you dont count the racial tension you can save for an emergency from here. And the economy its been a pretty smooth six months wouldnt you say . Or pay bills from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. And trump was like, and if you also take out the red states, boom, we have no cases at all, or heres my bank. So basically no virus. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, you cant just not count certain states your bank is virtually any place. Thats like eating a salad for lunch and a cheeseburger for visit chase. Com mobile. Dinner and you say if you dont count the burger im vegan all this covid stuff is so depressing, do we have any lighter trump news cnn has learned the Trump Administration considered using a heat ray against protesters in Lafayette Park back in june the heat ray makes people feel like their skin is on fire jimmy sorry, what . A heat ray who are his advisors, a bunch of minions stacked on top of each other even kim jong un was like, thats pretty messed up, dude. A heat ray apparently he ripped out a page of the x men comic and was like, this. But despite everything thats going on, trump spent the morning complaining about twitters trending page. He believes trends are rigged against him. I dont know about that, but i do think that sometimes seeing a doesnt tell the whole story, so, we decided to take a look at whats trending and more importantly, why. Ill show you what i mean. First up, snuffaluffagus was trending you may think its because of sesame streets back to school town hall, but snuffaluffagus is actually trending because of jimmy my next guest is an how trump kept pronouncing emmy and golden globe nominated stephenapolous actor that you can see in the new movie kajillionare which is in select theaters friday, september 25th next up, cocaine was trending. Here is Evan Rachel Wood you may think its because a a cocaine ring was busted in brooklyn, but cocaine is actually trending because its evan, thank you so much for coming on what red lobster uses for the salt rim on their dug a rita coming back, i should say. Last time i saw you, you learned how to play the piano which was awesome and i was [ laughter ] like i loved it have you had time to learn anything new since up next, emergency was trending you may think its because people are preparing for a yes, you know, it is the time to learn new skills and so a second wave, but emergency is actually trending because its many classes are online now, so ive actually always wanted what trumps been using as ive always been fascinated by Life Coaching so im actually makeup since the virus started studying to be an academic life coach right now. Jimmy oh, wow, that is phenomenal and finally, 10. 9 inches was trending and you may think its actually trending because of chris evans. [ audience groans basically, if youve ever watched queer eye, its basically what they do i didnt even get the maybe i can jog your memory a bit. When somebody comes in, they ask you really powerful questions to sort of unlock whats holding you back or yes, exactly right and so m basically learning to do that toothpick. With high school and College Students check this out of today theres a big announcement from and its really fun. President obama, listen to this former president barack obama announcing that he will be releasing his president ial im a month into it now. Its basically learning how to memory be a professional listener and i realized that im a terrible listener it will come in two parts. Were all awful listeners when the first volume a promised you actually go to a class and land will hit book shelves on that like breaks down what listening actually is and what being empathetic is, you realize what a horrible human tuesday, november 17th being youve been. A Promised Land is the f two volumes and get [ laughter ] 768 pages. Jimmy yeah, i actually wow. Im sorry. Mane while trump already i wasnt listening to what you claimed he read both volumes said last night and it was boring 768 pages. [ laughter ] no, just kidding ha ha. I wish i had a drum. Thats not a Coffee Table Book i wish i thats a coffee table. But anyway, i love are you wearing a wired head phone 768 pages, thats like my new book plus another 768 pages. I havent seen wired head phones so long i lost my ear pods right before this and so im tangled up in knots trying to do my tonight show interview jimmy come on, you may make it look so cool. I actually plan on buying both volumes just in case i ever need to block myself from a heat ray i try, you know i try. Heat ray jimmy your band evan and zane performed a virtual concert a few weeks ago. This is interesting. You was this your first time doing a virtual show i saw that amazon has launched it was. Yeah a new invite only section of its site called luxury stores. We had so many shows lined up this year and obviously i dont know when were going to be thats nice. Able to go see bands in venues again and so yes, we streamed now you can order a 5,000 gown our show and you can probably relate to this actually. And have the package hurled over your fence. I think what we didnt prepare for was the fact that no one would applaud after we played yeah, its about time you can songs so its just this so youre like singing your heart order a designer dress that out and then its just, okay, i guess the next song. Comes in your same box as your ragu sauce and lucky charms. And he came up with an interesting way of protecting himself from the virus watch this in other news a man in england was spotted on a public bus using a live snake wrapped do we move on . Around his head as a covid face mask but the best was we sang our theme this time because we do different themes each show meanwhile the guy was this time was machines screaming, somebody help me help help me and so of course we sang rage against the machines, killing you know someones on facebook and is still like you got to in the name. Use the snake to cover your mouth and your nose so it doesnt and which was chosen by my band mate who completely forgot that the end of the song is just me screaming f you, i wont do unfortunately chaos erupted when another guy put a mouse on as a face mask what you tell me like over and over and over again. We have a great show, everybody. Give it up for the roots jimmy great song, but so we did that. Great song but i think thats the first time rage against the machine is ever been performed to no one and so we do this whole thing and its like rah okay i guess jimmy we have a great show for you tonight. You know him from family guy and american dad jimmy you hear sound effects. His new album great songs from stage and screens is out now you just start shuffling around and hes an executive producer you get to feel what zack taylor wrote the feels on the fox show cosmos possible worlds, Seth Macfarlane is here just practicing that song in like a studio. Tonight, plus starring in the new movie kajillionare Evan Rachel Wood is here and weve got some zoom magic from legends penn teller tonight. So you finish and you scream ah all right. Nothing and you must make jokes and no one laughs you know jimmy i was doing that with it is time for tonight show hash tags an audience, though. Ive never stopped doing that. Lets talk about your new movie. Kajillionare. Great title and its directed by miranda july. How is she how cool is that customer . Oh, my gosh. Jimmy we do this thing every week where i send out what a great a hashtag and you guys ask shes incredible. You guys to respond to this topic so with football back in full swing i started a called newfootballtraditions jimmy artist shes one of those shes just is her art. She just lives and breathes it every day of her life and shes so multifaceted. I asked you to tweet out some new ideas. And ive been dying to work with her ever since i saw me and you and everyone we know. It was a trending topic so thank you for playing along. Ive just kind of been obsessed and really got into her art and i appreciate that and now i thought id share some of my favorite new football visual art and Performance Art traditions responses the t from you guys and writing and shes a trip people ask me to define this movie, is it a comedy or a a drama. This is from at harley g i say its just a miranda july film she says, running through the lyosol tunnel before kickoff much like wes anderson movies are wes anderson movies. Actually a good idea she creates her own worlds for you to sink into and this film we should get one here is certainly no exception. Id do it. This one is from j. E metal head 96 jimmy and i loved your character in this and i loved your voice in this he says instead of tackling players shout gotcha it was very deep voice were you inspired by anyone or some of the shows that miranda has done i kind of based the voice a off of this one is from grundy. But i also have a naturally low grundy voice but because im a singer i had to learn how speak in a higher register. You would say this grundy . Grundy. But if i would just speak normally id probably be a a little down here id probably be a little lower jimmy i havent heard you jimmy all right. Do that before i think youre right this one is from grundy. Yeah, i told miranda that i had a naturally low voice and she goes, let me hear it. He said interviewing the winning coach with one of those im like, well you know its long price is right mikes to maintain social distance kinda here. And she goes, can you go lower than that . Im like, you mean like here . Sixfoot mic and she was like, thats it. Jimmy it worked. Its perfect but i cant wait to hear all the impressions. This one is from c ann 57. Even the one you just did, it makes me so happy. [ light laughter ] 50 cardboard cutouts standing in line for the bathroom jimmy in the movie, you and your parents run schemes to i was like oh, you got to be get theyve raised you to be to just be a schemer and kidding me fraudulent and its and i was wondering if i dont got to make the experience know if you you must have authentic. But i knew youd been famous for so long. This one is from t. Mom erling she says face masks no longer a penalty. Thats a good one right there. This one is from kerry smith 1123 she says instead of marriage proposals the have you done anything like jumbotron will just be used to face thyme players that where you got away with grandparents something or you had a fake id i didnt have a fake id i think borrowed someone elses id once. But the only real con was the stadium can only see your nostrils. Going to coachella with my friends as a teenager and id get a backstage pass and then this one is from liberal nacho wed go to kinkos and xerox it and like, make a perfect like copy of it and cut them up and turn them in to wristbands and id get like a huge group of my friends in backstage with a bunch of fake backstage passes he says coronavirus tip, wear a new york jets jersey and you wont catch anything whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa this last one is from in the zane in the zane. Yeah so i did that for a few years in a row obviously, sorry coachella. Getting in the lane, auto zane and then they started this whole chip system where now theres like a chip on the wristband that you have to put into a machine and they she says, after winning probably did that because of people like me going to kinkos playering say im going to disney plus. In the mall. There you have it. Those are our tonight show hashtags jimmy you made that happen i think i may have sorry, go to tonightshow. Com hashtags everyone i know, i know jimmy i used to do a a thing i had a fake id well be right back with Seth Macfarlane i was a different person, it was a different guys name and i actually would move my face to look like the face on this fake id that i bought from somewhere somebody like it was like, you know, and try to get in there, try to look like the dude and theyre like, they would just let me in yeah, just get in jimmy can you explain what kajillionare is about . So theyre a family of con artists. Really not good con artists. Or insanely great value. Low level crimes but theyve rejected sort of any societal now, with tmobile for business, theres no compromise. Norms. They feel above it network. Support. Value. So my character has been very choose. All. Three. Much isolated most of her life and very devoid of any kind of tmobile for business. Unconditional love or affection. Ready when you are. And she knows something is missing in her life but she cant quite put her finger on what it is until gina rodriguez, lovely actress, does a wonderful job and she kind of turns her world upside down it ignites our imagination. In search of inspiration. And daring new ideas. Jimmy i want to show everyone a clip. Heres Evan Rachel Wood in kajillionare. Dont go, hun at lexus our greatest curiosity isnt a machine. Hun. Its you. Youve never called me that. Experience the rewards of our curiosity. I have. I have called you that there are memberships for all kinds of things today. But what about being a member of the family . Oh call me hun then what is that. Huh what about being a member of the community . What is this . Newborn to 18 years. What about being a member of humanity . I cant do it bet you could if it was a job though, right . What if there was a membership that gave us the time to celebrate the things that connect all of us . 1,575 to call me hun. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. Jimmy Evan Rachel Wood everybody. Kajillionare will be in select theaters friday they will, but with accident forgiveness september 25th allstate wont raise your rates we have zoom magic from penn teller when we come just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Back stick around cut thank you, evan. Sonny. Thank you so much for coming back be safe. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. 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John stamos to knit you a scarf . peter walsh people came and they met and they felt comfortable. All finished, jean. Its what we did with coogans. Enjoy you felt safe and, if you were safe, you could be joyful. Thank you. I give. The stitch work is impeccable. Everybody has a coogans. Its just a double fleck pattern with a reverse garter stitch. And almost half those small businesses, no big deal. They could close if people dont do something. Is your hair this soft . We have to keep our communities together. Softer. Geico. Save an extra 15 when you switch by october 7th. Thats how we get through th upbeat music jimmy you know my first shes doing it again. Guest as the creator of the long running animated show, family guy. No coverup spray here. Its the irresistibly fresh scent of febreze air effects. He has a new album out called great songs from stage and [harsh aerosol spray] cheaper aerosols can cover up odors, screen and hes also an buryiodors in a flowery fog. Executive producer on cosmos possible worlds, which switch to febreze air effects febreze eliminates even the toughest odors from the air. Premiers september 22nd at 8 00 p. M. On fox and it uses a 100 natural propellant here is Seth Macfarlane. To leave behind a pleasant scent youll love. Use anywhere odors can spread. Seth, welcome back to the show freshen up, dont cover up. Febreze air effects. He, we almost like similar kind of backgrounds too now. I know. Jake from state farm, i cant thank you enough i know for getting me those serena savings on my insurance. Jimmy are we in the same building yes, we might be in the same place. There would be no way to know. Can i get you 10 free minutes in the broth bath . Jimmy seth, can you hear me yes whispering serena, with state farm, oh my god. Oh my god, youre here everyones offered surprisingly jimmy wait, im just going to great rates. [ laughter ] whispering yeah sure, how about a complimentary wet moss wrap . Yeah, hows it going, man whispering jimmy put your arm through the thing. Heres the deal, these savings are for everyone. at full volume seriously . What was that yeah shhhh whispering shes just jealous. Jimmy yeah whispering when you want the real deal. Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. ® tell me what you want me to do jimmy thats you thats your hand yeah. Is this bit working . Jimmy yeah, we should go on the road we have penn teller on tonight. We could open up for those guys by the way, i love penn teller jimmy ive always i love everything they do jimmy me too i totally agree. Did you ever see the one you had to have seen the one on snl from the 80s where they were whispering when you want the real deal. Right now, at metro get one line of unlimited for just 40 bucks when you switch. Things were levitating out of his hands and everyone was like, how is he doing it, and with nationwide 5g at no extra charge. The camera pans out and theyve been hanging upside down on monkey bars and the camera was upside down. Thats the best unlimited plan in wireless. Metro. Empowering you. To rule your day. Oh, wow no, i hadnt see it. Jimmy its fantastic there are memberships for all kinds of things today. Oh wow. Wow. Jimmy its such a good bit but what about being a member of the family . You go, oh my god, theyve been hanging upside down the whole time. Is brilliant, man how are you . Hows everything aember of the community . Im happy youre safe. Youre clearly working from home and doing stuff what about being a member of humanity . Yeah, its been ive been very busy. I mean, its ive been stock piling scripts of all kinds and what if there was a membership that gave us the time there is some work obviously on the animated shows that we can do from home to celebrate the things that connect all of us . I have a Recording Studio here, so i record family guy and american dad from the house so things can kind of keep moving its you know, were just getting our ducks in a row as far as getting back to the orville, thats the one that is still kind of up in the air but were hoping that well be back soon. Jimmy oh, hopefully. Speaking of family guy, by the way, youre about to premiere the 19th season and its 350th episode. Yeah. Jimmy 350, thats insane it feels like just yesterday it was brand new on the show and everyone was talking about it and like, oh my gosh, this is such a cool show, and it was 20 years ago yep i i never thought, or believed or hoped that the show would go this long jimmy have you held on to any of your early sketches for the show i have i have well, its funny you ask, jimmy. In this spontaneous moment an army family who is always at the ready. So when they got a little surprise. Jimmy yeah two . You know, i found some. They didnt panic. They got a bigger car somewhere theres an old for their soontobebigger family. After shopping around for insurance, stewie, theres an old peter they called usaa the only thing i could find here at the house were these who helped find the right coverage for them sketches from when i first started at Hanna Barbera and i did this short called larry and and even some muchneeded savings. Steve and these are from like what, like 1995, i guess that was the easy part. Usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it easy. Jimmy oh, my gosh. And yeah, i was you got me digging through a lot of old stuff in that box. Jimmy Hanna Barbera, i didnt even know you were from Hanna Barbera. Yeah, that was my first job jimmy legendary. Yeah. Jimmy our next guests are two of the biggest magicians and entertainers on the planet jimmy i think i felt like at one point every show i watched was Hanna Barbera. Their show, penn teller fool us airs monday at 9pm on yeah, yeah. They were it the cw i mean, there was no place better to learn tv animation here they are, penn teller jimmy but you were drawing hey, jimmy, how you doing, ever since you were a kid. Man . Jimmy im great. We talked about it last time thank you so much for being here you have these comic books that you made as a kid that you put on instagram you know, we always love it when you guys come on the show i personally love it yeah. You know, i think ive said this before, youre one of the reasons why i have a career is jimmy one was a was it because of you guys and this karate something karate force goes back to the well jimmy, i happen to have them here with me. Jimmy did you bring them and dont ever forget that, yeah. Yeah jimmy. [ laughter ] jimmy never i had to have been like this must have been like ten or 11 never, never years old. No, please, but it was the montreal comedy festival i dont its something yes called the cosmic karate force jimmy years ago and i remember it was new faces and i was brand new and i i had a a manager and no agent jimmy the force is born. The force, which is like yeah, theres a lot of old comic books that i did when i thats how life is so weird at the time was a kid that i found that have the word like, the beginning or everything i did was the Remo Williams the and i go and she said, adventure begins. Look, when you get off the stage theres going to be a lot of agents that want to sign you so let me handle it. Theres no part 2. Okay, i go, okay, absolutely. Like i just clearly didnt follow through with anything jimmy the adventure begins yeah, what were they about i was so nervous kind of the karate class that get some summoned by an alien to go fight a ninja in a i was ironing my shirt and getting it all ready and i was a castle on another planet probably 21 and i got on stage and i had the worst act, the worst performance i ever had i just bombed. Jimmy sold it was terrible and i got off by the way, sold the stage and no one was waiting for me i love it. I mean, thats its just and my manager was there and bizarre. She was like, she was trying to signal agents and no one wanted to see me. I love that when youre that young, you end up being who you but the guys that were running it willy mercer and are, but at the time youre just playing and hoping and dreaming, and its like yeah. Bruce hills, said, hey, we know that your act is better and we showed it to penn teller and so we asked them, jimmy now youre like oh, yeah, 350 episodes, no big would you like to open for them at the st. Denis theater deal tomorrow night at the and i go, are you kidding me . Wait, whats going on . When did it all become real . Yeah. Jimmy i saw you announced this week that youre producing an animated version of good times. Id be honored, and i opened yes for you guys and i had a great night. I crushed. And i got off the stage. Yes, thats right. Jimmy talk to me about this you sure did. You were great this is a its steph curry, norman lear, jimmy and there was my carl jones whos gonna be the show runner, who you know from agent i signed with apa at the time, danny robinson, and the the boondocks. Rest is jimmy yeah and its its great. So i always mean to bring it up its like this this is a Legendary Program and and just say thanks again because that meant so much to it just seemed like a perfect me when i was first starting out, but i love you guys and i fit with the animation medium in this day and age, and you love what youve done and now know, were all im an ep youre in season 7 of fool us, which i love, but were you able to finish filming before the quarantine im not physically working carl jones as i said is the it was incredible is going to be the brains behind it. Jimmy is norman lear involved we wrapped on march 12th which was a thursday hes eping as well. Yeah jimmy i mean, legend march 13th the everybody cant wait to see what carl finally was finding out about the pandemic comes up with. Jimmy well look out for that on netflix. Speaking of netflix, by the and then saturday we were way, i dont know if you saw this, the western comedy you supposed to have a live show which we chose to not do for did, a million ways to die in the safety of our audiences and the west . Then weve been locked down ever since yes jimmy its in the netflix top ten. So when you see fool us, its all this idealic prepandemic yeah. Time jimmy did you see that i have. You came up with something fun to show us tonight ive been getting a lot of emails and notifications about have you is zoom magic, is that this a i mean, youve been doing this for 45 years. Yeah, thats an interesting one because i when that movie came out it was very much a victim of its Opening Weekend and i you know, we worked so hard on it is this a curveball that you didnt see coming . Jimmy yeah its harder to do tricks when the people cant touch the props back and forth and we thought we had a a fresh take and i was like oh, god, what happened . Weve got something that you know actually weve got a card what went wrong . Trick for you and when i say, we, im kind of wrong teller is 11 miles away from me. And you know, my producer said, look, ive been through this before, just give it time. People will find it. Hes going to do the card trick for you and jimmy, im just here to help as kind of your guide through this, to make it just, you know, maybe not right a little better, but tellers going to do the trick for you. Away and sure enough its now like blowing up on netflix so yeah, i texted charlize and i said, hey, lets do a a sequel. Cause our problem is we think card tricks are often very very jimmy did she say yes . Wimpy. She hasnt texted me back jimmy yeah so weve got a trick called jimmy her number changed the card stab. Shes like, yeah no, shes a pal were going to start with you picking a card, jimmy. Teller will riffle down the im optimistic shed be up for it deck and you just have to yell jimmy so stop whenever you want i saw that and i wasik thats so cool cause i remember you had some great jokes in that mant jimmy stop talk to you about including the album. Can you stick around a couple of more minutes . Okay. Thats the card you chose right there, the 3 teller, we the yeah, sure. 3 of clubs is the card we always use when were forcing jimmy more with Seth Macfarlane when we come a card i have a 3 of clubs ready all back, everybody. The time thats kind of our signature card still driving the old model huh . Its kind of an insult to jimmy to force a card on him that yeah. Ive been looking but i just need someone weve forced on him before to tell me what a good price is. Get the card out of here im sorry, jimmy just use autotrader, jimmy no problem tellers its the only one with kelley blue book. You deserve more respect than that tells you if the price is good. Youll have a real card selected say stop again jimmy sure hey, how is she doing that with the door . Stop what is she some sort of goddess . Okay. Athena . Persephone . Hera . Dionysus . No, im claire thats a legitimate card there the 4 of spades so remember and remember that, jimmy, thats important for the card stab and now, what the hell was that, is that one . No clue. Agh teller what the hell was that you put your shoulders up like take an extra 15 off. You were trying to fly i mean, even on zoom that get up to 50 off baby and kids. Looked like a move take 20 off all beauty and fragrance. Teller, show us the top card, and save on cuddl duds home musthaves. The top card of the deck show it to us. Plus, get kohls cash plus, free store pickup. Yeah, he moved it right to the top. Find a little more this fall. That was that move it was like he was trying to teach somebody the move. Give them a real shuffle, teller aty . Scratchy . Give them a real shuffle, and lose the card sorry, jimmy. Well do this right. Family not getting clean . Jimmy no offense and show us the top card. Show us the top card get charmin ultra strong. Okay thats not the card. Got get em it just cleans better, were okay, jimmy, thats fine with a washclothlike texture your family can use less teller whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whats in your right hand, while still getting clean. Teller show us your right hand. Goodbye itchy squirm. Hello clean bottom yeah, he palmed off the damn card and youve even got your thumb sticking out so youre pointing to the idiot thats palming a card, so put that we all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin. Back in the deck and then shuffle them up and youve got to watch him, jimmy. Show us your hands empty not palmed there good okay so, now the cards really lost in the deck and now hes really putting them there now, the trick starts, jimmy now, its the card stab. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Go ahead do the i wish i could shake your hand. Jimmys not believing that granted. Youre looking down by your nose just do the trick, teller. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Oh, you didntve teller, hurry up were dying here go, go, go im a verizon engineer. And im part of the team building. Okay what are you thats not the card, teller he picked a black card. Its 5g ultra wideband,ce fo thats a red card. And its already available in parts of select cities. Just do it and do it fast. Like los angeles. And in new york city. Hurry, teller dont oh, my and its rolling out in cities around the country. Oh [ groaning ] with massive capacity. Its like an eightlane highway is that your card, jimmy compared to a twolane dirt road. The 4 of spades . 25x faster than todays 4g networks. Is that your card right there . Yes, teller, are you okay in fact, its the fastest 5g in the world. What is go there wasnt a knife there. From the network more people rely on. It was just a jimmys a a little bit nervous about this is 5g built right. Only on verizon. Ripping your fingers off so be careful there. Show that its a trick there there you go. See, i just was here to help i just helped. Jimmy i love you guys so much teller, please stay safe, oh my gosh i love you guys. Come back whenever, and hopefully next time were in person okay yeah, i hope so too jimmy stay safe, penn teller everybody check out penn teller fool us monday nights at 9 00 p. M. On the cw. More tonight show after the break. Stick around give you my world imagine the places well go. Together. Expedia and sure, some renovations can require a bit of compromise. But, theres no settling here. At floor and decor, she gets to fulfill her vision while i get instock products at budgetfriendly prices. All in one trip. Plus, we get the installation materials we need to get it done right and right on time. Its a winwin. Now thats shopping like a pro. Explore floor and decor, now open for safe instore shopping and curbside pickup. Jimmy welcome back were talking to our pal, Seth Macfarlane. You have a new album out right now, great songs from stage and screen. I love that you did this how can i, when you wont take it from me you know, im im a fan of of your singing as well. Did this come from ur your parents how did you get into this the crooning and the singing it does, yeah you can go your own way you know, that was something that my parents always felt was a very important part of of childhood, allowing the brain to develop properly required go your own way the inclusion of music your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. So jimmy would they have parties or would they just have records or they yeah, their parties you know, my dad played the guitar. I a friend of my parents started a church choir when i jimmy wow. If you can picture me in a church choir jimmy i cant. But nonetheless, yes. Jimmy i really cant [ laughter ] wow. But and are these songs are inspired by them or just songs you like these are all just its just a hodgepodge of of songs all from films or shows jimmy yeah that i just felt like you know, had never really had a a proper arrangement written for them in a pop format so, you know, its a very light bubbly album jimmy it must be fun to do this with the orchestra. I mean, its a big production. It sounds amazing. Yeah, i love it i mean, its my favorite part of the film process is the score. But yeah, we recorded this at abbey road jimmy no yeah, yeah. Jimmy did you did you you had to cross the street im assuming cross the street . Oh, yes, yes jimmy you did the whats on the other side of the street oh, yeah oh, the beatles. Yeah jimmy the beatles. Yeah, yeah yeah. Jimmy you got to do that i think its the fourth or fifth album that weve done there. Jimmy oh, really so youre used to this yeah. Jimmy what is it like inside ive never gone inside its really its a cool place. I mean, its its and whats interesting about it is m theres i mean, theres carpeting. Theres wood paneling, at least when i was there jimmy thank you all for structural elements that look like you know watching stay safe out there. Jimmy theyre from wash your hands. If you were in someones dont touch your face. House, you go, might be time to replace this floor or this stay tuned for late night with carpet seth meyers. Goodnight, everybody it looks like its been there forever. [ cheers and applause and its just filthy. But jimmy yeah but theres sort of a a feeling that look, we dont know what makes these acoustics so magical, so were not going to mess with anything. Jimmy wow. I think part of it is part of it is superstition and part of it is just you really never know what that x factor is and so best not to mess with it jimmy did you get to the roof at all or no . No, i didnt go to the roof jimmy oh, yeah you got to do is there something on the roof jimmy well, thats the beatles. Right . Thats where the didnt they do it on the roof of abbey road oh, is that where they is that where they jimmy reported let it be. Yeah. Jimmy and thats where they got stopped by the by the police and it was yeah, thats well, if you make another album, ill ill meet you out there. Was it sgt. Peppers that they they released they just put a speaker in the window and just blasted it out in the street and that was how they introduced it to the world . Jimmy i mean, its just that may be i remember reading that story is that they they just they opened a window heres the new record, and people just stopped and listened jimmy that must feel so cool to record in abbey road it was fun. Jimmy yeah it was fun. Jimmy i love the cover by the way, as well its with this type of music, i feel like it is a solo mission. Its almost, you want it to look lonely or something but was it done precovid or prequarantine . Yeah, yeah. Theres some stuff that we had to do back here because obviously we couldnt get back there. But most of it was done there prior to prior to all this mess jimmy well, congrats on the album. As if youre not busy enough, executive produced cosmos possible worlds. Tell everyone about this season this season cosmos possible worlds, ann druyan once again is back as showrunner along with brannon braga. Neil degrasse tyson, obviously, is back. And this is great. You know, its its taken us a long while to get this thing back on the air. Its been a long wait for for audiences and yet here it is and you know, we sort of feel like at this point in time, theres nothing thats that feels more necessary or relevant than than something that that elevates the enterprise of science. I think i think its we can take all we can get right now. So its much like the original, its fun its colorful. Its lively. Its surprising. I think people are going to dig it jimmy i want to show a a clip heres a look at cosmos possible worlds. Check it out the dna double helix. Star stuff oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, elements cooked in the hearts of distant stars combined with hydrogen for the big bang to become alive on this little world. Through random changes, mutations in the genes, some of which led to more successful life forms, what we call evolution by Natural Selection the ladder grew adding more and more rungs it took another three billion years for life to evolve the complexity of the plants and animals that you could see with the naked eye. Jimmy my thanks to Seth Macfarlane. Cosmos possible worlds premieres september 22nd at 8 00 pm on fox and check out great songs from stage and screen out now. Evan rachel wood joins us after the break. Stick around, everybody

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