Steve from rockefeller center, in the heart of new york city, its the tonight show starring jimmy fallon. Tonight join jimmy and his guests michael che, Megan Rapinoe, musical guest angel olsen, and featuring the legendary roots crew and now heres your host, Jimmy Fallon Jimmy oh, my goodness. Welcome to the show. Nice to see you, roots welcome to the tonight show, everybody. Well, lets get right to it, guysntrump is back to focusing on the coronavirus. The bad news is, trump is back to focusing on the coronavirus the president retweeting a conspiracy video, alleging that there is a cure for the virus and that masks do not work the video is then removed by twitter, facebook and youtube, because it violated rules against spreading misinformation jimmy in 14 tweets, trump undermined dr. Fauci, dismissed facemasks and boasted about hydroxychloroquine working again. What is he doing even flatearthers think this guy is out of his mind they walked to the edge of the earth and looked over. Its like crazy trump was away for a week and then someone said hydroxychloroquine three times, showtime. [ laughter ] it feels like were back to scary, misinformation trump. I prefer, person, man, woman camera, tv trump instead. I also liked point to an elephant trump. He was fun even after the fda said this drug doesnt help, trump wont give up. Hes like your friend who never stops trying to make you watch the show theyre watching. You got do try season three of 90day fiance. Dont watch season one or two. Season three watch, then you watch the first one again. Then you get it, and then you get ready for four which sets you up for two. [ laughter ] meanwhile, donald trump jr. Also posted that same conspiracy video, and twitter decide to punish him for sharing misinformation and restrict his ability to tweet for 12 hours. When the president heard about twitter and don jr. , he was like, ah yes, my pride and joy. And don jr. Yup, have twitter actually penalized jon don jr for jon junior jon dunior [ laughter ] tariq i like that one. Jimmy jon duniors pretty good [ laughter ] why did he get penalized what did jon dunior do [ laughter ] anyways, twitter actually penalized don jr. For 12 hours and said he had to actually tweet under the name eric. [ laughter ] well, the president s pretty upset with twitter not about his son, about Something Else check out what he wrote. So disgusting to watch twitters socalled trending, where sooo many trends are about me and never a good one. Really ridiculous, illegal, and of course, very unfair yeah, its illegal everyone knows theres murder, theft and posting a bad twitter hashtag. [ laughter ] oh, we actually have a little update for you guys on a story we talked about last night did you hear how trump said that he had to reschedule throwing out a first pitch at a yankees game well, now theres some new information. Take a look. Last week, he said the team had invited him to Yankee Stadium next month the claim came just before dr. Anthony fauci threw out the first pitch for the washington nationals. But according to the new york times, the yankees never invited president trump. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, everyone was skeptical when trump said hed been personally asked by babe ruth but despite trumps distraction efforts, dr. Faucis first pitch continues to get a lot of attention. Watch this a Baseball Card featuring that lopsided throw smashed sales records for the topps company. More than 51,000 cards were sold in the first 24 hours it was available. Jimmy yeah, its super popular. And im an idiot, because i already traded mine for a dr. Birx rookie card i remember as a kid getting so excited to open a fresh pack of immunologist Trading Cards [ laughter ] but the card is cool it has a picture of fauci and if you zoom in it actually says actual size. It actually says actual. Some more news about the virus i read that doctors recently confirmed the case of a house cat catching covid19, but dont worry, he made a full recovery tariq i guess you could say, that cat is feline fine. Jimmy whats that now, tariq . Tariq hes feline fine and you will be, too, because its time for my new segment, tariqs cat corner. Jimmy actually, tariq, we had to cut the cat corner bit tonight for time, sorry, man tariq oh i see. [ somber music ] well, i guess i just put all my cat toys away then jimmy come on, tariq tariq,dont be like that tariq its fine. Jimmy its just this once. I did my best but i guess my bes wasnt good enough cause here we ar before were back to being stranger wondering if we ought to sto or head on out the door just once can we figure ou what weve been doing wrong why we never last for very long oh what are w doing wrong just once can we find a wa to finally make it right oh make the magic last for mor than just one night if we could jus get to i i know we coul break through it just once we can make it just once [cheers and applause jimmy well, maybe well try cat corner next week tariq copy that. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] jimmy moving on. Moving right along a lot of people are talking about this over the weekend in the hamptons, the chainsmokers held a concert thats now being investigated by the States Health department. Watch this officials in new york state are investigating a drivein concert in the hamptons that appeared to violate social distancing guidelines. Posts on social media show crowds of fans leaving their cars, gathering in front of the stage, many not wearing masks. Governor andrew cuomo tweeted about the event on monday, saying, i am appalled. Jimmy good lord, it would have been healthier to actually chain spoke. [ laughter ] after spending the last few months in quarantine on their computers, people needed to get out and see two guys perform on their computers. Its not just concerts starting up again, i read that pools on the east coast are starting to reopen including eight over the weekend here in new york city. It seems a bit risky, but officials insist it will be safe if everyone follows proper guidelines which brings us to a new segment, called, so let me get this straight. So let me get this straight wha so let m get this straight jimmy so, let me get this straight you want me to show up to a pool, wearing a mask and gloves, and then go inside and, you know, awkwardly open the gate with my elbow, get a wristband, get changed and all tha then take off my mask and gloves before hopping into a pool with 30 strangers so, just to be clear so im now in the water with 30 people. 30 people who have chosen to go to a communal pool during a pandemic and then what do i do . Stand there, i guess i splash around in the urine of these 30 people . Trying to stay six feet away from everyone. While a drunk dad, does a cannonball, which splashes urine water into my mouth because i was yelling at someone to keep their distance do i have that straight . Just, were on the same page so when im done, i dry off, wiping away all the germ water into my towel, and then i take the towel home with me [ laughter ] just a recap show up with mask, take off in pool urine water in mouth germ towel in trash bag, go home okay, let me think about it. So let me get this straigh what so let me get this straight jimmy well, guys, heres another big story. Earlier today, attorney general william barr spent three hours before a committee being grilled by democrats on the federal response to the nationwide protests over Police Brutality and things got pretty intense. Check this out you used pepper spray and truncheons on american citizens. You did it here in washington. You did it in Lafayette Square you expanded to portland and now you are projecting fear and violence nationwide. In pursuit of obvious political objectives shame on you, mr. Barr can i just say shame on u. Jimmy damn, make that one more barr that just got shut down [ laughter ] and that was the fun part of the hearing. Man, seeing jerry nadler and william barr together, they look like two guys who keep showing up to the same audition. Gout sufferer commercial . Me, too. And finally, tech news a Company Released a new device called the alexagate that stops your amazon alexa from listening to you take a look at this thing. Yeah thats right, even alexa is wearing a mask that looks like every lamp shade my grandparents owned. Meanwhile, your smart tv just looks at alexa like ill fill you in later. [ laughter ] we have a great show for you tonight. From saturday night lives weekend update, michael che is here [ applause ] soccer superstar, Megan Rapinoe is here [ applause ] and we got music from angel olsen. [ applause ] its time for tonight show Hashtags Hashtag hashtags jimmy hey, we do this thing where i send out a a hashtag and we ask you guys to respond to that topic. So for this week i asked you guys to describe your summer best describe your summer using the hashtag my summer in six words. For example, i sent out a tweet that said, feel the heat, smell the breath. Within minutes, the hashtag became the number one trending topic in the u. S [ applause ] so thank you for playing along we want to do their every week here so now i thought id share some of my favorite my summer in six words responses from you guys this first one is from lopeywopey. She says, didnt know noses sweat, until now. They do. Chins, too this one is from taylorlynea. She says, trash goes out more than me. Smart. This next one is from melodybutler. She says, the best summer ever, says my dog. This one is from vansha2017 they say, lets hang sending you the link. That sums up the summer. Lets hang out, ill send you the link were all gonna log on at 7 00 pm. This one is from capnomysoul. Kind of romantic kind of . Well, if it was captain, it might be more. Capn makes it feel like a cereal tariq you gotta say it fast, like kirks name capn. Jimmy captain of my soul tariq just the capn part. Capn of my soul jimmy capn of my soul tariq yeah jimmy but its like, capn is kind of spelled like the cereal tariq yeah, capn crunch captain kirk jimmy capn kirk takes me out a little bit. Is captain kirk tariq its capn, capn. Jimmy its not captain tariq no, its capn [ laughter ] like the cereal. Questlove you look disappointed jimmy yeah im bummed out tariq its been 12 years [ laughter ] jimmy i dont call him captain. That would be weird. Hey, captain i guess it is. Anyways, capnomysoul, he says, yes, netflix. Still watching always watching. Stop asking me this one is from cleankiller. He says, tell us about outside again, daddy. [ laughter ] this one is from melissabuntcake you think thats her real name [ laughter ] jimmy buntkick. Tariq buntcocky [ laughter ] questlove hey, hey hey. [ rim shot ] tariq come on, they get you every jimmy oh, yeah, maybe, yeah. I didnt see the line over the e. She says, melissa, can you mute your mic . [ laughter ] [ laughter ] this one is from catmomto8. She says, didnt we already watch this episode . Yeah, but watch, its ozark. Come on, man every episode is good. Have you seen that, by the way questlove yes. Tariq yes. Jimmy im only on episode three. Tariq of the most recent season jimmy no season questlove oh, wow. Jimmy oh, wow. Questlove youre going to have fun jimmy really tariq yeah jimmy i love it. I love every second of it. Everyones like a great character. Tariq batemans the man. Jimmy hes crushing it jason bateman. This last one is from seawolf510. He says, can someone please yell jumanji already . [ laughter ] perfect. There you have it, those are our tonight show hashtags. To check out more of our favorites go to tonightshow. Com hashtags and hey, well be right back with michael che, everybody. Another look. And saw a future of differences celebrated. Every voice heard and advocated. Where everyone can show their pride. cause love should never have to hide. Theres a world of possibility that cant exist with you versus me. It will take work, thats indisputable. But oh man it could be beautiful. This world where we are we. hold on one second. Sure. Okay. Okay safe drivers save 40 guys guys check it out. Safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him hes here. Hes right here. Hi hi. Hey thats totally him. Its him thats totally the guy. Safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. But i bet i love kelloggs frosted flakes more than you. Come on buddy my picture is on the box. Its the truth tony tie breaker, whos got the deeper voice . Theyre grrreat i win i win ohhh, youre cute when youre wrong. Thyou cant claim that because its inanimate people ask me what sort of a person should become a celebrity accountant. And, i tell them, nobody should. Hey, buddy. Whats the damage . I bought it the waterfall . Nope a new volkswagen. A volkswagen . I think were having a breakthrough here welcome to caesars palace. Thank you. Jimmy my first guest is one of the head writers at saturday night live and a coanchor of weekend update he is a very, very funny standup as well. Here is michael che michael che, it is great to see you. You look fantastic, buddy. Man, do i really . Jimmy yeah you really look great. I think this might be the best youve ever looked man, you know what its weird because im in the house mostly by myself and i dont hear a lot of compliments, so when you say it, it almost feels sarcastic. But i really appreciate it you look good, too [ laughter ] jimmy thanks, bud. I appreciate it. I follow you on the socials and stuff and saw that you were doing some standup i think youre the first comedian i saw do standup outside. I think technically, dave was a day before me, but we started that same weekend, and we was talking throughout the week. So, it was really weird. Hes doing shows out in ohio, which i went out to do as well, and i was doing them in the queens parking lot so, you know, thats where we are as successful comedians. Jimmy how did you figure out to do one in the parking lot and was this a response to the protest . Well, actually, no. It was i just wanted to do comedy, man. I was really, like, just stewinin the house. I just wanted to get out there and do comedy, and everything was happening. The protesting was happening all the tension was going on i just wanted to be able to Say Something to an audience, and i put on instagram, i have something to say. I dont know how, but some people from the protest, the organizers, put it on the black lives matter website, i guess. And, so, all these people came that thought they were going to see a protest, and i literally just wanted to try a couple jokes about my nether regions, and that was it. I didnt know that i had to Say Something important. So i faked it, you know . Jimmy start writing right there, start writing jokes you l. I said i was going to Say Something important, there were signs and stuff. Im like, thats maybe a little more than i bargained for. But it was a fun turnout, though it was awesome we went to a Long Island City parking lot, and it was like right over the water you could see the building you could see the city i looked at it as, like, my uso tour i felt like bob hope like, the protests were the troops and i was just entertaining them to keep morale up and then theyd go protest right after that thanked them for their service and i went back in an uber home. Jimmy what is it like to be on stage and hear people laughing again it was strange because everybodys in masks it was, it was pretty dope because after a while you still feel it, you know, you still feel the energy from people. Jimmy is that its over at chappelles barn as well or wherever hes performing in ohio hes literally got all these celebrities there with all these people there were performing and everybodys spaced out everybodys in masks everythings safe. Its bizarre, but its really needed because after about 30 minutes, youre at a show you forget all that stuff. You forget youre in a barn. You forget youre out on a farm or whatever, youre just having a good time. Jimmy and i heard you got to visit colin jost, your weekend update costar, coanchor. Yeah, i went to colins house last weekend, and he was in the hamptons i dont know if i should say that, because he keeps it very private, but he lives on the hamptons, on 124 no, no [ laughter ] but he does live in the hamptons no, i went to his house. He got a vacation house in the hamptons i was like, we have the same job, but yet we dont make the same money i dont know if thats fair. Im not going to say its unfair, but it doesnt seem fair jimmy that is not right. I heard that you might be buying a house. I am i think im going to do it id like to. You know, hanging out with dave in ohio and stuff and seeing that kind of life, that country life and going to colins house in the hamptons and seeing that kind of country life, i feel like i want to move to the country. I finally did, you know. I want to buy a house. You know what i do i go on zillow, because im addicted to zillow now i went on zillow, and i mark every whole foods, and i look for neighborhoods around there because if whole foods built there, its definitely a decent neighborhood, you know i found a whole foods around there, and ten minutes out theres like a nice Little Country place, and its beautiful. Its like, also, country to me is like if theres no cvs around, its country jimmy how country because i grew up in upstate new york. Theres, like, dirt and people go camping and stuff, its really country thats country. No cvs, thats country. If i need cocoa butter 4 00 in the morning i got to wait until noon or whatever yeah, its very, very country. Very quiet my neighbor has chickens and peacock. Jimmy like, peacock. Peacock, thats what i said like literally peacock you know what i found out about peacock, jimmy jimmy whats that . The screams sound like man screams. [ laughter ] did you know that . Jimmy no, heres what i would do if i were you i would start thinking of a new noise to yell that wont be confused with the peacock in case you are being trapped or you need help, is there something you can go, like a woop or a something that doesnt look, well talk after the show. Ill work on sound effects i could just i could just yell im a man. Which is the saddest thing the saddest thing to yell with tears flowing down your face im a man. Jimmy im thinking of sound effects, im going like beep, bop, beep. Yeah, of course just yell im a man. Oh, dear words. Jimmy im trapped. Yeah, smarter. Human beings, we discovered language and all that. Itd be awesome. Yeah jimmy lets talk about your new hbo max show, what can you tell us about it man, first of all, im really excited to do did. And its dope to be able to do any show you know, i mean, like, thats kind of the dream, right to get airtime, or stream time now as they call it. Jimmy yeah, exactly. Stream time sounds like ive got to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. But jimmy stream time. Yeah joe biden has takes pills to get stream time. But, no im excited, and i was so excited for the announcement and all of that. They announced it and they said this whole show about the black experience and its going to be blackity, black, black, black. And i got really nervous, because thats how i pitched it. Because i wanted them to give me money, but i didnt know id actually have to do that so now im a little worried. I wish they kind of would have been vague about it and let it be a surprise, but im, you know, you dont want to be too, uh jimmy i know, just try to make people laugh, thats all. Thats really what were trying to get at. Im just trying to have a good time. Im just trying to pay for these peacocks, man. [ laughter ] jimmy hey, can you stick around cause id like to get your opinion on a few things. If thats all right. Hell, yeah. Im here Jimmy Michael che and i are doing something fun when we come back stick around, everybody up at 2 00am again . Tonight, try pure zzzs all night. Unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. And longer. Zzzquil pure zzzs all night. Fall asleep. Stay asleep. Cheei must be dreaming. Read. No, no. Its actually a real thing. You should try it. Its delicious. Mmmm. New stuffed crazy bread with crazy sauce, just 3. 49 its not a dream pizza pizza [ chuckles ] so, what are some Key Takeaways from this commercial . Did any of you hear the bundle your home and auto part . I like that, just not when it comes out of her mouth. Yeah, as a mother, i wouldnt want my kids to see that. Good mom. Dont kids see enough violence as it is . Ive seen violence. Maybe we turn the word bundle into a character, like mr. Bundles. Top o the bundle to you. [ laughter ] bundle, bundle, bundle. My kids would love that. Yeah. Bundle, bundle, bundle. 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After shopping around for insurance, they called usaa who helped find the right coverage for them and even some muchneeded savings. That was the easy part. Usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it easy. Jimmy welcome back im here with michael che. Instagram, i love how when you talk about just things that annoy you, and stuff like that people get so mad, but its so funny to me. And anyway, just as you know, im a big fan of it, and even though i dont like it all the time i dont want to be a stalker yeah, thats for the best jimmy thank you. Well, i think, id like to play a new game, its called go off. Go of go off go off jimmy all right, heres how it works a random topic will appear on screen, and whatever it is, youll have to go off on that topic for 30 seconds make sense all right jimmy all right, here we go. Heres your first topic. Oh, man, thats easy. Yogurt with fruit on the side. Jimmy thats the first one to come up thats easy man i hate yogurt with fruit on the side you know it looks it reminds me of those you know those motorcycles with the little sidecar . It sounds good nobody wants to be in the sidecar. Also, you can never get all of the fruit out of the side to put in your yogurt, so theyre skimmin fruit put all my fruit at the bottom so i can have it mixed up. I like to shake [ laughter ] i shake the yogurt, im a shaker you cant shake fruit at the side jimmy oh my gosh, the sidecar. Its the second worst thing to happen to yogurt other than that little sweat that sweat that comes on the lid. You know the sweat on the lid . Jimmy thats a little bonus juice. Yeah. Jimmy sorry about that lets try another one. The next topic here we go fake crowd noise at sports games. Oh, my, first of all, i dont know how theres any sports games right now in the first place. But the worst part, dont patronize me with fake crowd noise. Its bad enough you get arguments with people that play sports or that think they can coach better than the team and now i got to i dont even know what these fake people are bo something really important youre a real heckler. Youre booing, i dont know, one of, some bad guys speech. I dont know [ ding ] that was a hard one, im sorry, jimmy. Jimmy hey, man, thats whole thing, man i couldnt think of a bad guy. Jimmy i think the crowd noise i would get rid of, too, but also, i dont like the cardboard cutouts of the people. I hate em. Its dumb. Its like, come on man jimmy come on dude at one one of the things i saw, there was like a giant dog in one of the chairs yeah, were watchin sports because we miss sports and we like sports. Just let us watch the game we dont need to watch the crowd. Jimmy thats not what im missing. Im not missing distractions were good we understand, i agree with you. Very good. Here we go, lets do one more or a couple more. Here we go oh, toasters with six this is first of all, if youre making more than four pieces of toast, nobody wants that much toast. All right . Nobody and if you are, you can wait can you wait on toast, its fine you dont need six spots unless you have lineage from lynnwich do they have lynnwich all over the country . I dont even know. Jimmy no, i know lynnwich its a very new york think i thought you were gonna say its a very new york thing . Jimmy i was gonna say, if youre not jim gaffigan, you shouldnt have a toaster with six. [ laughter ] if you cant get toast right in four tries. [ ding ] [ laughter ] [ clapping ] jimmy i always think that, too. That was a good one. Though you did it. That was a great one lets do one more. Here we go ready . Thank you for doing this lets do it oh, scuba diving jimmy scuba diving ive never i cant swim, right . Spoiler alert. But i dont like scuba diving because, i dont first of all, i dont like that, really just the oceans big foot if you think about it. Because you walk down and though the fish dont know what you are. And you just in this weird rubber suit with this mask you must freak them out. And youre going into them freakin them out, you know youre big foot. Youre big foot for the ocean. Right . When aliens come down, i dont know if bigfoots an alien but when aliens come down and theyre just like hangin out and they go back, thats what were doing to the ocean and it sucks. [ laughter ] jimmy that was great perfect. Thats all the time we have for go off. You are a good man thank you so much for coming back on the show my thanks to michael che well be back with more tonight show. Hope to see you soon bud that was fun as hell. Thank you. Family, all in this together family, were taking a chance family, like birds of a feather family, kick off your sho family, like birds of a feather. 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And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. So visit chase. Com mobile. Grab a box of 15 or try them loaded. Get em now with no contact delivery. Jimmy you know our next guest as a captain of the u. S. Womens National Soccer team shes an olympic gold medalist, a twotime world cup champion, and the 2019 Sports Illustrated sportsperson of the year here is Megan Rapinoe. Oh, my gosh. Im so happy pump the crowd noise in now. Yeah, exactly jimmy im so happy that youre on the show i got to tell you, im a fan i was screaming at the tv, so proud of you and proud of our country, and i was seriously, like tears, was like watching one of those awesome sports movies, except it was real life. I could just imagine what it was like for you yeah, i mean, honestly, i feel like it was a little bit the same for me as it is for you, but like i have to keep it together a little bit because im like, were supposed to be here. And like, were doing the winning thing, but like jimmy yeah its like a childhood dream come true, but then it actually comes true, and then youre like, wait, what do i do now . No one ever talked about the what do you do when you do did it part. So then i just had as much fun as possible, basically jimmy oh man, the world was watching you, man, and rooting for you. Right now, you actually would have been in tokyo, correct . You would have been at the olympics yeah, mmhm yeah jimmy bizarre times we live in are you prepping for the olympics for next year or not yet . I mea jimmy too soon kind of yeah, its a little too soon its a really weird like training sort of spot that were in cause like you cant really go hard and stay at like your highest level, because you cant do that all year round, and so jimmy yeah its actually really bizarre, were used to having everything planned out in our lives pretty much for years at a time and si when the pandemic hit, it was kind of like, well, are we just were working out for health i guess, got a peloton, doing yoga, doing pilates, im just trying to like stay healthy. And you know, do all jimmy put on the lululemons and go for it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have to. Yeah. Jimmy youre also known for activism as well, which i really to take a knee, and you got a lot of heat for that one and now i see a lot of sports are supporting taking a knee i know Major League Baseball did did it, wnba did it. I think the nba has a thing. But what was the shift there you think . I think the pandemic, honestly, sort of laid bare a lot of the lies that were told we dont, oh, its going to be too much for health care, and too much well, we found like 3 trillion, like really easily, i was like, did we just have this the whole time like, we just had to like vote on it . So i think people are kind of starting to connect all of the different dots i think weve seen whats happened to colin over all of these years and how much backlash hes got, but then all of these things come into fruition, literally what hes talking about being played out, you know, for all of us to see in these videos. I guess my hope is that people are starting to connect the dots and realizing that we dont have to live in a world like this we dont have to live in a world where, you know, we dont have healthcare thats adequate and our schools arent adequate. Were one of the richest countries in the world like, we can do better for ourselves. And we can do better for the people that are living here. Jimmy is that what youre going to talk about when youre now a talk show host. You should have called me for advice now were now in the same club this saturday at 10 00 p. M. On hbo. What, who, what do you talk about on your show what is it about its called, seeing america. Im sort of on this mission to make politics cool and i feel like politics is always this thing, and its sort of meant to be like this or its packaged as, oh, this is not this cool thing. Its difficult to get involved in, just like kind of stay out of it. And then people are like, well, i dont really want to get involved. And its like, actually, politics is engaging with you whether youre engaging with it or not, all the time no matter what your whole life is political, especially if youre a black person, or a black trans woman or a gay woman like myself or a gay female athlete. You know, our lives are political in so many ways. And so, trying to break it down for people, to make it a little bit more relatable and then get people energized about getting involved in the civic process and getting involved, and, you know just being more active in their communities, but also for themselves as well obviously, voting is a huge one. Were coming up on the general election, which is, you know, i mean, definitely in my lifetime the most important one, but certainly a hugely consequencal election jimmy yeah, 2016, i think, cause i was looking at the website, when we all vote, and it said, 100 Million People didnt vote. 100 Million People didnt vote jimmy did not vote, so lets change that. Its free, you just have to register and have your voice heard. Why not do that . Yeah. I mean, when we all vote is amazing. Its bipartisan, and voting in general should be bipartisan we should try to be getting as many people involved in voting as possible. You know, its one of the greatest things about our country. We live in a democratic country, and so everyone can participate and have their voice heard you know, this is coming from me, but theres a reason why certain people or certain parties work so hard to keep people out of voting i think that the more people vote, the more the policies of the country reflect the people that are voting and ultimately take care of the people that are voting from, all the way from the presidency downballot were seeing in this pandemic in general were seeing how important mayors are and how important the governors are. Jimmy yeah you know, its like gavin newsom and, you know, the governor from new york, cuomo, theyve become like these superstars in this way, but its like, theyre really important they have a huge job and so all of these things and so to get as many people registered so their voice can be heard, so their policies can reflect their needs and the needs of their communities, i think, is the most important thing that we can do right now jimmy megan, before we leave, do you want to move your scarf out of the way i dont know if it was covering your shirt, but i just thought it was pretty important that you see it yes jimmy thank you so much for coming on my show. Im a big fan. Please come back, and id love to see you in person yeah, lets do this in person again, and its a great time to arrest the cops, so, say her name, breonna taylor, rest in peace, you went too soon jimmy Megan Rapinoe, everybody. Check out whenweallvote. Org for more information on how to get involved well be right back with a performance from angel olsen stick around dear ms, when we first met. I thought youd control every part of me. Overwhelm me. Define me. But i found a way to give myself more space. I met ocrevus, an infusion treatment thats two times a year. For adults with relapsing or primary progressive forms of multiple sclerosis, ocrevus is proven effective in reducing relapses in rms, and slowing disability progression in rms and ppms. Dont take ocrevus if youve had a life threatening allergic reaction to it, or if you have hepatitis b. Tell your doctor about vaccinations or if youve had hep b, as it could come back. Ocrevus can cause infusion reactions that may require hospitalization. It can increase your risk of infections. While no cases of pml were reported in clinical trials, it could happen. An increased risk of cancer, including breast cancer, may exist. 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Jimmy performing the song whole new mess, from her upcoming album out august 28th, heres angel olsen wont be long no before its really showing its every season where it is im goin i stretch my bones out on the floor i think ill really do the chang oh ill really do the change really do the change back home gettin back on track gettin back on trac when it all fades to black ill be gettin back on track back to my own hea cleared ou til the time comes make a whol new mess again make a whole new mess again make a whol new mess make a whole new mess make a whol new mess again make a whole new mess celebrate the bes take a photo for the pres again it wont be lon before its really showing its every seaso where it is im going i stretch my bone out on the floor i think ill reall do the change oh ill reall do the chang really do the change back home gettin back on track gettin back on trac when it all fades to black ill be gettin back on track back to my own hea cleared ou til the time comes make a whol new mess again make a whole new mess again make a whol new mess make a whole new mess make a whol new mess again make a whole new mess make a whol new mess make a whole new mess again jimmy thank you to angel olsen. More tonight show when we come back. You want coffee. But you also want to not spend money. Get 7 cups free with 7rewards. Is that what you want . Oh, we know. We might know you better than you know yourself. 7eleven. Always open. An army family who is always at the ready. So when they got a little surprise. Two . They didnt panic. They got a bigger car for their soontobebigger family. After shopping around for insurance, they called usaa who helped find the right coverage for them and even some muchneeded savings. That was the easy part. Usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it easy. Jimmy thank you all for watching stay safe out there. Wash your hands. Dont touch your face. Well see you tomorrow announcer tonight on late night with seth meyers. Cameron diaz star of fxs pose, actor and singer billy porter, music from jason aldean. Featuring the 8g band with fred armisen and now seth meyers. Seth hows everyone doing tonight . I had this weird dream last night that men with clubs competed against each other in empty arenas so im going to try not to watch baseball before bed. Lets get to the news. President trump claimed yesterday that if former Vice President joe biden is elected,