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we start with the fox news alert, travel advisory for new york city. conservative or republican or trump supporter beware and the weather nizam biden criminal justice system, political differences are now considered especially heinous. and if new york's powerful democrats your politics a prison cell might be in your future or some kind of conviction. something that they make up. without a second thought, these democrats so make up a crime conductor show trial and rigour conviction with a hand-picked bite and donating judge, regardless of the evidence if they can explain it. and hours ago the former president of the united states now running for a second term, donald trump convicted in all 34 sent only counts and will be sentenced a few days before the republican convention. how convenient. most americans including people in that very courtroom cannot even identify the felonies. that is because this is a conviction without a crime against joe biden's chief political rival in the middle of a presidential campaign. the only so-called evidence was uncorroborated testimony, let's say from a serial liar who emits he has an alter your it of motive that's likely caught lying on the stand during his testimony and we will see over time and is also admitted thief on top of everything. of course the left will celebrate, they will sing and dance and they will high-five, call trumpet convicted felon. they are cheering the end of what would be equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws, let me bear no doubt. this is a sad day for the country. it's a sad day for the justice system, best justice system ever created by man, the foundation of our constitutional republic, it's dying before your eyes, welfare rules the day former president running first second term with near limited resources can be treated like this, no one is safe. they should send a chill down the spine of every business leader, politician, not just in new york but because we have a weapon eyes department of justice under joe biden. you step out of line a corrupt democrat of some kind, somewhere will throw you in jail, if you beat the living hell out of a police officer or old people in new york city and it's on video, don't worry no bail needed on the slap on the wrist. is that justice to you? in this case they employed the novel knew never applied before legal theory, never try in us history, a far-fetched misdemeanour, passed statute of limitations then magically converted that into a felony with a federal law based on some nebulous unspecified federal election violation that was never charged or prosecuted of which he has zero jurisdiction. he then multiply that same charge 34 times and that's a shady manoeuvre recalled account to stacking. the case that missed dearly made its way to a large -- far left partisan judge. who, by the wait needed to joe biden. the daughter in democratic local operative that reports say may profit from this very trial. to be cause for recusal. but knowing a new york the fake justice system saw this as a conflict of interest? remember he was purposely pics for every single trump related case. rather than having a pool that they chose from as per usual, this was a dream come true for him. never even tried to hide his bias according to witnesses in the courtroom. he simply coddled the prosecution, rampant speculation, irrelevant in material smears and he encourage the prosecution to mislead the jury and insinuate that michael cohen's election crimes were tied to this case. he should be viewed as an accessory to the trump crimes before the conviction, that happened earlier today. there he different story with the defence, he actually blocks testimony and election law expert, former head of the ftc, paraded trump's team and the key witness in front of the jury, he rejected every objection made by the defence and attempted to silence donald trump with what was it clearly unconstitutional cake order and perhaps worst of all his jury instructions were completely unconstitutional telling jurors that they did not need to agree on what the phantom law was our the phantom underlying election felony is as long as they agreed that he did something wrong that was enough for a conviction. according to him, i did not need to be unanimous in the sense of what they believe. naturally the jurors did not even specify in the ruling. in other words donald trump [ inaudible ] that is because it is insane. first we know from the 2020 supreme court ruling in louisiana, there can be no question that the sixth amendment's and unanimity requirement applies to state in criminal trials equally, that's not all. cures the us supreme court ruling from andre versus the us quote, and a jury verdict is required where the sixth and seventh amendment supply in criminal cases this requirement extends to all issues. and by the way character or degree of the crime, guilt, punishment that are left to the jury, let me repeat a criminal case the requirement of unanimity extends to all issues, that is not what the judge instructed this jury. he also was a right to know what he's being charged with, he did not know the whole time. according to them the sixth amendment of our constitution grants all americans the right to know who your accusers are in the nature of the charges in the evidence against you. apparently this rule of law that does not apply to him either. he ignored all civil liberties during the instruction to jurors and of course he likely was not a problem for the jury, they barely deliberated despite the complexity of the legal theory at play. and they probably all hate donald trump. so it was an easy sell, new york city voted against trump 9-1. god forbid he got the change of venue that would've been the right thing to do. not one applicable persecution is in the works, that's not in the cards. many democrats equal justice under the law is now completely tonight meaningless. they just take conservatives and they hate republicans and they hate anybody with a last name trump above all else. they are desperate for one party rule in perpetuity, they are hell-bent on using our justice system as a political weapon. we talked about the weaponization of the justice system, a dual justice system. it's all for them and a means to an end. new york city far left democrats here's the best part of tonight. they don't have the final say. president trump moments after the verdict, listen closely. >> it was a disgrace a rig to trial by conflicted judge who was corrupt a rigged trial in a disgrace that would not give us a venue change, we were at 5 percent or 6 percent of this district in this area and this was a rigged disgraceful trial in the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here and you have respect, da and the whole thing, we did not do a thing wrong and i'm a very innocent man and it's okay, i'm fighting for our country and our constitution, the whole country is being rigged right now, it was done by the biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent and i think it's just a disgrace and will keep fighting and fight till the end and we will win because our country is gone to hell and we don't have the same country anymore we have a divided mess, the nation in decline, millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and mental institutions, terrorists and their taking over our country, we have a country that's in big trouble. it was a rigged decision right from day one with a conflicted judge who should never have been allowed to try this case. and we will fight for our constitution, this is long from over, think you. >> sean: the case is far from over and you will get to render the final verdict in this case and 150 days, the case we'll be appealed and donald trump we'll be vindicated, i see no scenario in which is not overturned, that's almost a certainty. but will it happen before the election or after? all afternoon all evening people up and asking me, what can we do, as president trump said, the real verdict will take place on november 5th and by the way, voting early, voting by mail, overcome your reluctance and resistance the system we're stuck with, we need legal ballot harvesting to max the efforts of democrats and surpassed them partisan observers to watch the voting all day and the vote counting all night. but if you want this law fair to continue election joe biden, if you want the border crisis to continue, people coming from china, russia iran, syria, yemen, egypt, afghanistan, kazakhstan go for joe. they are unvented. if you like defund, dismantled nobel laws, if you want more biden inflation, reelect the guy that caused it, joe biden. if you're happy with the wars in the carnage overseas joe biden is your guide. if you want all this you get to decide. not 12 jurors in new york city, ultimately it is your choice. americans who are rightly outraged by this verdict they need to take away one major thing. 158 days you get to decide and voting early, you get to decide if the ballot box. you get to deliver the final verdict. so whatever you're feeling today, may i humbly suggest that you channel that into action on november the 5th, otherwise this is the america and you will hand off to your children and you're grandchildren and it will be assisted steep uphill battle to reverse course. joining us with reaction, fox news contributor, host of sunday night in america fox news is with us, good to see you both. you've been with us from the beginning i was pretty realistic , we both communicated often on air and off air. i think it's a culmination of the weaponization of our system of justice and now for a long time for people, i think it's an extraordinarily dangerous time for america if you look at everything that we talked about and the judge in the conflict that he had. and the judge being a biden donor. and what the judge allowed in closing arguments and jury instructions, the way he treated the defence in this case, when you put it together, it really is not surprising, is it? >> no, it's not surprising. the instructions called into a column where you shoot game in a cage because in defence of some of those jurors, they may not have seen any alternative but conviction. keep in mind the judge allowed the government to repeatedly tell them that it was a fact than election violation occurred in that trump had ordered it. the judge stayed absolutely silent during that statement over and over again even though it violated his instruction and stay we won't know what the jury really decided on the conspiracy, i was in that court room listening to 34 guilty verdicts. but they did not say what the jury thought had happened, they are unanimous only in that some crime, some secondary crime occurred, the judge did not require them to reach unanimity on what that crime was. so it's going to go on appeal in the appellate court won't know more than we have in terms of knowledge. as to what is an election violation, and other falsification of documents? at tax violation? that is just simply not in the record. >> sean: let me bring you in here, this was the point that jonathan made and i've made over and over again, jury had been told dozens and dozens of times that the payments were campaigned by violations especially enclosing that six are closing, the judge left all of that go uncontradicted in this case. then you have the issue of the 4-4-4 where he's guilty you could have one group thinking he's guilty for four think he's guilty, four for whatever. that's a direct violation of the us supreme court decision, 2020 decision. but again this was a loud. i believe it's overturned on appeal to when is the appeal can happen? did you see anything like this. your prosecutor, i don't think you ever lost a case. >> the jury was unanimous in the lack of unanimity. you are right, i tried cases where i had to prove an additional crime, every death penalty case you have to prove murder, plus something else beyond a reasonable doubt. and the jury has to specify what that additional crime is. as we sit here tonight, we can't tell you whether was one of those three, whether it was some other crime that's nebulous that we don't know about. i came last week to this courtroom and i heard rumours of the judge was pro- prosecution, i was a prosecutor as you pointed out, i spent four days in the courtroom, not just pro- prosecution, i cannot, i would struggle to think of a significant objection by the defence that was actually sustained in the tone in which he treated counsel was disparate. he let the prosecutor, andy and jonathan i were talking about the defence, i think they failed to object during the prosecution closing argument because they had battered lawyers syndrome, they had just been beaten up for weeks and weeks. so will it be overturned on appeal? i can think of five different ways that it can be but i do not think that it will happen before the election which to your other point that best revenge is success. if you want to just assistant that does not elect a district attorney who promises to go after a political opponent that you need to win at the ballot box. alvin, late naming of the crime that he's got really exercised about? it's not shoplifting, it's not stealing, it's not getting people on the street, it's alleged hush-money to keep someone quiet about a sexual encounter. that is what gets his attention. >> sean: 8-year-old case, 130,000-dollar payment, it does boggle the mind and a misdemeanour and a statute of limitations had run out but somehow when did a local new york city courtroom become a place to try federal election crime because that seems rather novel to me as well. or federal tax crime. >> that is what was so maddening about the comments tonight, when he kept on saying its just standard stuff. at some point you have to admit that this has never been attempted before, even other networks and said that. other networks and said that this would not have been brought against anyone except for trump, and that something that if you're an honest person you have to accept. this was a political use of the criminal justice system to create this novel effort and i think in the end what you have to tell people that are upset about this is that manhattan is not the entirety of this nation. we are bigger than this case being that this district, we have a system that's proven itself over and over again in history but we all had to take a leap of faith to take a breath. >> sean: let me ask you -- we have a weapon's department of justice under joe biden the thirst -- third-highest rating official left a prestigious present position to work on this case. youth agree with me that that the doj's weapon eyes, i think it's clear it is. >> this case, i think has really fulfilled the argument of many that you've weapon system. the fact that he came from the third position in doj really were reaffirmed that. but being in that room since history. the question is what history, the convicted of precedent but they may have also gotten this country to focus in a way that is never happened before the misuse of the legal system. and so his streaming galvanized american inks do not like donald trump. but they don't like what was done in this case to get donald trump. i had a feeling sense of history both ways. >> we'll give you lost form, what you think the outcome of this is the professor will join us later. thinks that this is really a precedent-setting moment and that this law fair is going to continue because they were successful using. >> at some point has to stop. and look, do i blame allegedly progressive prosecutors and defence attorneys masquerading as prosecutors? i do. but i really blame voters who will elect people to go after certain targeted individuals, prosecutors go after crime, they do not go after people and there is a reason the lady wears a blindfold. there's a auric. she's not supposed to care whether you are republican, democrat, black, white, male or female, if you don't get back to those days you ask the professor about weaponization of doj, just look at what was done to chats and then look at what was not done to the us attorney in the district of massachusetts, they had her on a full statement and nothing happened to her. treat people the same, be fair, if we lose that that we lost our justice system. >> sean: hillary clinton no reason for prosecutor to prosecute, 3000 e-mails, take money give it to a law firm and funnel to enough research in higher a guy in a dirty russian dossier. use it to require, no problem. and joe biden has problems with classified top-secret document, he did not get rated. this is what americans are seeing tonight and it's a scary moment i think for the country. but thank you both, we appreciate you staying up late tonight and i know you been working late, here to react to the verdict, former president trump legal spokeswoman, not former, she's president trump's legal spokesperson and she's been the courtroom the whole time. everybody i know around president trump says that he is completely stoic and some of this comment, i guess it was clear in his comments about mother teresa. however, i'm sure it doesn't take the sting away and based on the actions that this judge, one has to wonder, four days before the rnc, is he going to release president trump on his own recognizance pending appeal is he going to declare he has have home confinement and can go to a debate over to his own convention pending appeal. or will he want to send them to jail? nothing that judge decides will shock me. >> it will shock me. let's remember who the judges. let's be very clear and i'm so happy to be on the show on such an important day in american history because if we do not stop this we are done, and i don't need it now, i mean right now as it yesterday. the judge today watched my client, i watched him and the jury say guilty 34 times and i watched him. and he looked at my client any covered health. he covered his mouth probably because he was smiling. let's be very clear, this judge has has no shock to me trump. and he is 100 percent a man that should have recused himself that our justice system is so broken right now. and i also want to remind the american people one thing, i'm a legal spokesperson, and also an american and i'll be voting for trump not because of president trump who i obviously support. because i support america. and so does he care our country is currently in a series of state and we cannot look at this as anything other than a serious state of affairs, will become an issue, were people are using takes in illegal courtroom, it cannot happen anymore, i've seen it and i have been in courts over, trial after trial after trial for 15 years i have been practising law and i've never seen anything like this in my life. and that judge intentionally would not even allow pretrial proceedings of the court will not report, they would not allow us to bring up president trump did not even take deductions, he didn't do anything wrong,'s cfo, the trump organization family, nothing. that evidence was kept away from the jury and intentional. it's not america. and i'm speaking to msnbc viewers and cnn viewers, it is time to come together because this ministration does not care about us. they do not. they care about themselves. >> sean: they don't care either because they got what they wanted. and for them it doesn't matter, it bm will say this. and i've said there's a number of days ago fox and friends on the show. this is not can impact the election is my prediction 150 days, i don't believe it is. it's amazing, michael cohen himself testified that he told many people that he did this on his own. at that point stop right there. that should have whatever novel legal theory that they're putting out. and i said also donald trump cannot get a fair trial in new york city. and he did not get a fair trial in new york city, and by the way aisle find the money and i'd love to by monologue over $18 million and turn around and sell it for 1 billion because that is new york city's legal system, how sad and pathetic is this. >> it's not about trump and i want everyone to understand that. i am a lawyer and i see the wounds in the hearings. it before the trail started that they do this to us, before we can go in, it so that his legal spokeswoman's cake so his campaign's gag so he's gags. and i'm still gagged and so is he and you know why because they do not want us to speak the truth, that's called censorship and that is not our country and we do not do that, let americans vote for who they want and you know what they don't want? they don't want what is going on right now, i assure you. when i walk in the streets of new york by myself i am praised and loved and i will tell you president trump, what we saw today was people streaming up and down the streets waiting to seem to give him a thumbs up. we drove down into the numbers don't like the polls, where anna serious state of affairs, americas under siege in a different way than i thought was possible people with the law license that would be doing it, judges that would be doing it, it's a disgrace. >> sean: let's be clear on one thing, i don't want a weapon system of justice to go after democrats and treat them the way donald trump is been treated. i want will justice. equal application, i like to have our constitution and republic back and that's what i think most good decent honourable americans want. you been very generous with your time throughout this trial, thank you very much. joining is now texas senator ted cruz is with us. rule if you look at this cumulatively, i mentioned hillary clinton and no reasonable prosecutor will prosecute, top-secret classified information, of course if you want to talk about reelecting violation, give money to a law firm, they give it to enough research firm, a higher guy he comes up with dirty misinformation russian dossier, use it to get four pfizer warrants to spend a candidate of a transition team trump and president trump. you don't write anything with hillary, you don't grade anything with joe biden but you go after donald trump, and you add to it russia, russia, russia, three years and all debunked, all the lies told by the media and the democrats, all the conspiracy theories. impeachment, impeachment. and it just culminating in this and you know something more and more people are reaching out to me and saying what the hell is happening to our great country. they see this for what it is. i believe that donald trump when in part because of all of this. my confidence is higher than it was yesterday because of all of this. and this outcome today. i'm speaking too much your guest you have to say. >> i think you are exactly right. we saw that day was an absolute travesty of justice. it was not law, it was not criminal justice, it was politics, a political smear job and attacked job, this is what you see in banana republic's, and i am both curious and heartbroken at the same time, and furious what we saw but i'm also heartbroken for the rule of law, i'm heartbroken for our justice system, last night i was on with you and i suggested that may be there was hope for the jury, maybe one or would hold out and i gotta say you shook your head and said no, new york is too far gone, i'm sorry to say that you were right, there was not one out of 12 that stood up and said that this is garbage. this is election interference, these are lies, this is a kangaroo court, we do not singled her that said that. you look at the rulings from this judge, this partisan judge, they were so biased, i'll tell you right now that the chances that this decision is overturned on appeal, i believe are 100.0. this will be overturned by the way the judge knows little be overturned and that is the whole point, he does not care. the objective today with to get the word that we saw the biting white house say in their press release today, convicted felon between now and november the democrats in the corporate media will use the word convicted felon about a billion times, it's all about politics and influencing the election and it's a disgrace. >> sean: doesn't come down to, as i said, the real verdict can be rendered now by the american people in that verdict will be rendered on november 5th and these early voting and voting by mail ahead of time which i strongly encourage as much as i don't like it. i think that verdict will be this coming election, do you agree? >> i do. and listen, i hope and pray that people care about the rule of law care about justice are all right. maybe you love donald trump or you can't stand him. but if you care about our system of justice, you care about democracy, saint democracy seemed strange because every democrat runs around like a peacock, squawking about democracy. but this is an assault on democracy. and i really hope, i've seen the senate we have 51 senators, not one has the kurds to stand up and say that this is wrong, i would respect a democrat senator who says i disagree with trump, i'm not supporting him. but this should not be what we are doing, we should not be abusing the justice system to go after enemies and not a single one of them is willing to say that. they'll say felon, felon, felon. and they are complicit in the corruption of our system and my hope is that it opens people's eyes and that this is rigged in corrupt in the way that is dangerous. >> sean: thank you again for being with us, joining us now, i got your immediate reaction on my radio show in realtime. and you were extraordinarily passionate about what we are living through and what this means, let's talk about it. >> this is what you see in communist countries, this is what i grew up having people in these community tell me about happened in the days after the cast revolution, those light executions, this on the other hand is an effort to interfere in election, joe biden, let's be clear about what's happening, joe biden is clearly senile and declining, clearly week which is why the world is on fire, he's incompetent which is why we have runaway inflation in a border that is being invaded everything all day and add to all of that, he likes to live, he tell them lies all the time about how great the economy is doing and how there is no problem at the border, guy is behind the pool, he can win the election, one thing he could do is keep donald trump tight courtroom and in this case they found themselves a democrat lawyer, a guy who gave money to joe biden in 2020, the lawyer -- the judge gave money to joe biden in 2020,'s daughter is a campaign consultant for democrats was actually out there marketing convict trump stuff. then you have a da that basically said that i'm gonna go after trump and put them away when he was running for office to get elected. he did not know what to put away for but he promised way for something. then you have a jury, we don't know who they are, they live in manhattan about 85 percent joe biden and so you you put them on, we charge them with? he signed checks and when the label to checks payments to his lawyer by the way serial liar and a key witness in this case, he put legal expenses and that's what they convicted him on, but that's not the goal, the goal is to keep them tied up in court and you think the judge's set that days at a coincidence. he knows what he was doing. it's the most outrageous travesty i've ever seen and the problem here is that democrats have crossed a line in which now the court system is a political weapon and it's and be very hard for her to not come back the other way, i heard you say that earlier in the show. but i think we need to understand that they've crossed a line and let a genie out of a bottle and ob hard to put back in place. >> i tend to agree. charge has a lot of latitude going on. i guess they begin the penalty phase of this case and four days before the republican convention while this charge in fact put donald trump in jail? we'll he give him house arrest, he can't go to his convention, he can go to a debate and can go campaign. nothing -- but nothing passed the judge. normally first defence, somebody would literally be released to their own recognizance especially if you've secret service agents around all time you're not a flight risk. and then you would be out on bail pending appeal. and i put nothing passed this judge based on this conduct up today and including today. >> i think that we should expect the judge. it's unfortunate to have to say but that is the case, at the end of the day best way to deal with this is go to donald trump website and sign up to volunteer and donate because we need to win the election, real verdict will be in november will win the election and then down the road will have to look at away democrats and republicans together. but i don't know to prevent this kind of thing from happening again the future, we cannot become one of the countries where people, when they leave office are targeted throughout the court system by their political opponents, that's what happens in peru and brazil and all these countries, it cannot happen here. and that is the direction we are headed right now with what's happening here today, i know voters we'll be outraged, she'll win the election but we have to make sure never happens to anyone else ever again. >> sean: well said, i can't say better. thank you. as expected by didn't waste and no time trying to fund raise off the guilty verdict writing, it's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office, at the ballot box. echoing a statement from his campaign which immediately pounced on today's verdict despite biden's team effort to capitalize it was trump's donations soared an effect so many outraged americans flooded the gop primary fundraising platform, website crashed for an extended period of time surely after the verdict was announced. here with reaction is trump national press secretary and fox news contributor kelly and conway. you've been there mostly time, let's get your perspective on today and the entire trial. >> the trial has been rigged from the beginning and it has been concocted by joe biden and the corrupt democrat party, the case was brought by far left during democrat prosecutor and it was overseen by a leftist democrat judge that was highly conflicted and recuse himself and they brought it here in manhattan a democrat jurisdiction that they know voted for joe biden 88 hyphen 20 in the last election. and if they can do this to president trump they can do it to anyone. so americans out there if you were to stop this weaponization of our justice system, if you don't want four more years of this tech tater and true threat to our democracy, joe biden, and the white house that you have to vote for president trump on november 5th. he says it all the time, november 5th will go down as the most important day in our nation's history, and that's ultimately work you be vindicated and he will win but we need hands on deck. joe biden shamefully is fundraising off of the political persecution of his opponent and that tells you everything that you need to know about this current regime that is empowered, go to the website and support president trump, stand on the side of democracy of law and order, we need people to volunteer, we need you to get your friends to volunteer and everyone needs to get out and vote on november 5th, that's ultimately one victory will prevail. >> sean: interesting mark tweeted out and put on ask, watch democrats have no problem threatening supreme court justices and the legitimacy of the court, suddenly attack anyone that disagrees with this court. pretty predictable. your reaction? >> it is indeed. i'll be forward looking at this point because i know how resilient and resolute president trump is. used to be stuck in the courtroom now, he's gonna go free to go out there campaign for the selection, they released a poll is donald trump's lead independent showing the highest on record for them, i don't think this verdict will change them at all, independence look at themselves a victim in the system, they don't like politicians or the way washington operates, they prefer this incumbent donald trump who has the incompetence record of four years in a strong economy and energy independence in a strong border, much safer at home and much more prosperous at home and that's what they're gonna want again, if i were presidential but focus on the debate, my running mate and making america great. they should be the three big messages forward. all the people who were rumoured to be on this long shortlist for vp, they're not hiding, there on your show and on other shows, they're coming on and say we need to rally around and support. and by the way this verdict will not change one fundamental thing. it will not make joe biden less years old, it will make kamala harris smarter or more inspirational it won't excuse the fact that joe biden is crushed the american dream for so many people particular younger people any less mad at biden over his position israel and hamas, and it certainly won't have stopped millions of people pouring over report of the donald trump once about nine years ago with people from the terror watchlist, people and chinese nationals so people are already feeling that we are not prosperous, they want that back. and this will not affect their wish list. and by the way, joe biden is obsessed with donald trump, he can ignore him and try to be him based on the record simply can't. people do not like one person being insulted, investigative, impeached, indicted and convicted. but one person in that person projects strength at a time of weakness. people want strength and fairness in this country and we saw today a lack of both and will seen president trump both on full display until now november. >> sean: let's get your ticket, turley. >> i was struck by the white house's response to this verdict today they were talking about accusing him of vengeance and campaign of revenge and bringing back chaos think it's beckons the white house, could you imagine more chaos and more vengeance on display we see right here right now, since donald trump left office three years ago, over three years ago, we had taught when you were stricken invasion of the border, it an economy that's not working for people, inflation has skyrocketed, energy prices have gone up, americas lost its place and its dominance and energy independence. but all because of the policies of joe biden, meaning young people are getting a college trying to get their first home and trying -- they can get rent because joe biden so busy paying for free rent for millions of illegals, that he's allowed country. and people in the frustrations boiling over and what is of the democrats are focused on? paper crime happened years ago that had something to do with rigging and election that help had already happened, it's absurd when we look back at this in 10 years, 20 years, your neck and be able to explain this. to people were not alive this time because it be like water that he donald trump so much? and you won't be able to explain it. but this is what we are, and people do not stop, democrats in the election from whinnying by doing this, they will never run another election for all of history any other way but like this. and so if you don't want to stop democrats with a good policy reason, just stop them to see the country. >> think you will. joining us now with reaction, house judiciary committee, you are adding up the weaponization of justice investigation. i don't think you get any more clear than this, people need any more evidence. >> you are right. but i still think that the best lines were taking from president trump and you said it already. but what he commands at the real verdict will be on november 5th, he could not be more right, that day we the people will decide who was going to win it will be our president, not some partisan judge, not some political prosecutor not 12 people from manhattan. but we the people, 330 million of us get to decide on that day, that meets the real takeaway here and i think that the american people we'll be clearly and strongly for president trump, you can feel that you saw what happened with the website today, he uses aligned that i think is so good when he's out the stop in at these rallies, they're coming after my freedom because i'm fighting for yours. and i think the countries that even more clear today. and that's why i think he's going to win because they see this for the political -- never forget that he said this, first to campaign is that houston get trump office and sees how ridiculous the case is, he doesn't want to bring it, even says i cannot envision a world where i indict president trump and call michael cohen is a prosecution witness. but he switched after president trump declared that he was running for president of united states. i think underscoring just how political this whole thing really was. >> sean: unbelievable. we will see what happens with this weaponization, what do you think you will conclude your investigation? >> we keep going. we called mark, the guy who envisioned the strategy that they used to go after president trump, this idea the misdemeanours morrison to some crime that the never defined, that was mark, we brought him down for a deposition and we had bob testify and then the very next week trump defence team put them on the witness stand and told us how long michael cohen was and how much he is a liar. we'll keep everything on the table because as many of your guess have said we cannot allow this to continue in our great country. >> what a novel thought that you let people talk and not stifle what they cannot cannot say. ob interested in hearing more about what costello has to say about alvin break and his team and were told by him by information before they went to the grand jury to get the indictment pick up the interest in the outcome of that as well. congressman thank you, we come back mark weighs in on the trump guilty verdict straight ahead. whether dad's vehicle is his prized possession or the family hauler... he needs to protect it. this father's day, give him the gift of weathertech. from laser-measured floorliners and cargo liner to keep his interior pristine. to seat protector to guard against stains and sunshade to block harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father's day! ♪ my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife... i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. ...look 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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: here with reaction to the verdict is cochair laura trump with us. great to have you. you've been in the courtroom for a lot of this trial and we had discussed his car? so what happened with the judge in that sense i was not surprised i wish i would be surprised but it was not not. i felt like once the defence guided michael cohen, guided him across. from that point on the judge how to throw a lifeline after lifeline after lifeline, shut down the defence as witnesses, then followed up with a temper tantrum and then of course allow the prosecution to make allegation after allegation in the close followed by the ridiculous charge to the jury and jury instruction, and in that sense its like putting cinderblocks on the scales of justice, it was obvious what was happening. >> it was so obvious and i think donald trump himself said it best, this is a dark day for our country and for america, it truly is. i think it's become very clear to people that there is no bottom for the democrats at this point, there lily willing to do anything that they need to hang on to power, even if it means destroying the very fabric of our country, it's exactly what they are doing right now. and you have to think that first second how is the rest of the world looking at america right now, facing the same pulling and they see that by every metric in every pool donald trump is beating joe biden, they know why this is happening we're supposed to be the pillar of freedom and democracy for the rest the world to look up to. and look at us tonight. it is shameful to see this and i hope americans are paying attention because america they think that you were stupid. they think that they can pull one over on you, that they can intimidate you into voting for joe biden so make sure november 5th that we prove them wrong. people responded in such a way and donations. if anybody wants to go donate, people were donated not by the thousands or the tens of thousands but the hundreds of thousands in by the millions. we had thousands. people are donating who have never donated to our campaign. that speaks volumes about how the american people are interpreting this. november's coming in our verdict will be rendered on the fifth. >> sean: thank you, we appreciate your time. we don't have as much time as usual. >> no crime or jurisdiction or no due process conflicted judge. i spent most my legal career not as a federal prosecutor but i spent most my legal career fighting these people the doj, treasury department, suing campaigns one thing i do not think that our audience understands. we too many lawyers that are risk adverse that will whine and complain i've spent 40 years sitting down with people who put on legal brass knuckles and take these bastards on in court and i'm at the appellate and supreme court level and that's where my focus has been my entire career so what they need to do now is to go up the appellate chain in new york and need to stop whining about how long that will take and seek any emergency, immediate appeal that you can possibly, one lane and the other is to try like hell to get the supreme court. they're not gonna take. you know what? if george patton said i don't think i can get to the battle of the bulge in time we would've lost world war ii, i'm sick and tired of this legal defeatist, we need to stop whining and stop complaining, we know what we are up against and it's not use and it's a fact. we have to fight these people with our smart, we have to take some risks. we need to push the edge of the envelope. i don't mean in a way that kooks do it, we need to look at bhushan why did the supreme court take that case from the florida supreme court. we need to look at common law grids which i know the audience do not understand but a lot of lawyers do. but come on law grids based on judicial decisions, we need to give the supreme court the opportunity to fix this, why? we cannot have local acting judges 15,000 district attorneys because god knows how many state judges destroying our federal election system influencing how we elect the president of the united states and if we have a pathway to bring it to the supreme court even if it's rarely used and by god we use it, we use every legal quiver that we possibly can muster. rather then sitting around and saying, it'll take three months, follow that, preserve this state appellate system and asked for this idea that i have faith in the system, what is a judge? flesh and blood. he's a person and a lawyer who happens to have a rule. if the judge does not respect the rule of law watch i respect the judge. if the prosecutor does not respect the rule of law i should i respect the prosecutor. so far the judicial system, so far has let down the american people and the supreme court needs to step up. is a federal matter and a presidential matter and it's gonna get worse before it gets better. >> a great book, we needed dusted off, thank you. more "hannity" straight ahead. h. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. it cuts for over an hour on a single charge. ego - exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: remember this day, the day that you know how the opportunity to give the final verdict. that's the election day in the days early voting. i hope you use a pic that's all the time we have left this evening, never miss an episode and please also let not your heart be troubled, "gutfeld!" standing by, have a great night. [ ♪♪ ] [ applause ]

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