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great night. ♪♪ >> greg: happy tuesday everybody, yes! now you might not like this, time to decenter whiteness hmm. don't clap yet, tyrus. rec recently janice gasham ashare published article in "forbes" three ways to decenter whiteness. white centering a system that prioritizing white dominate culture to detriment. white center including white gays and whiteness as the default. translation: too many white people. can't say that yet. here is the simple test. replace word white with black. that will make you regret shopping on white friday. [laughter]. another tasty tidbit. regardless of employee's causing racial harm. they must be held accountable. there is the phrase, racial harm. a while wide and inch deep like if dana prino built a giant swimming pool. racial harm is whatever these hucksteres, you won't know if they used the n word or expected you to be on time. you can't cause harm if you are not white. no wonder kimmel wore black face. reducing people to immutable characteristicists is racist. >> i am done with this, racist and gross "forbes" should be ashamed of themselves. author is inclusion consultant. responding to fox, asiar shot back the senator has no idea. thanks for defining it. it is not about one white person. it is about all of those crackers. [laughter]. keeping score, if you are keeping score, one response mentions decentering whiteness, system of whiteness. white person, white people. jesus, lady if you are that obsessed with whiteness. admit you hate white people or a crush on tom shalou. nice try, i was already burned once with that scam. there is a good working definition of decentering whiteness. elevate yourself by scaring white people out of the way. when equity scammers publish articles, they won't say whiteness is white people for some reason. left with teasing out qualities of whiteness on our own. what if it is the same qualit qualities. do they not negotiate and try to get the best fee or product of whiteness. when people climb the ladder, it takes ambitious. there must be such a thing of blackness, too. clever part of the scam, creating concept of whiteness creates palpable fear. defensive reaction a person expresss when they are branded for their whiteness. dei push failed. created track independent of a company's welfare and ignored shareholders and customers. brings us to disney. they admit you can want have two bosses. one that seeks best return and pigment before profit. disney says consumer perceptions often defer widely and present risks to reputations and brands. a lot of words for boy did we [beep] up. that is what you get for dec decentering snow white giving tinker bell a weenie. audiences staying awake in droves. they prefer being entertained than ashamed. they care about extort thing company. used threat of racial accusation as blackmail, sorry -- blackmail white mail. remember when we were supposed to judge people on the content of their character not their skin. welcome tonight's guests! when he dropped the mic because his hands are sweaty. comedian joe mack ki. only thing deeper than his pockets his lap. charles bring the page. she is so wiry when she taps a toe it sends a telegraph, kat. "new york times" best selling author, tyrus. [applause] joe macky. do you care to defend your whiteness? >> not all it is cracked up to be greg. not when you have this many husbands i have been hurt for all the women that want me for my body. normally left is great at speaking. i try to think when is the only time i used desentedered in a sentence. i decentered the custard out of that e claire >> greg: how did you do that? >> just have a straw. >> greg: thank you, >> what happened to forbes? did they sell it to some zombie company? >> yes. sold a while back. content worse and worse. they are so awful. i don't know any investor should never pick it up. they have all become social comm commentary. nothing about the american dream. i never used decentralized. i don't know how to begin to use it in a sentence. black lives matter. this woman is going to end up three or four houses. probably end up married to a white guy. [laughter]. we have seen the script before. [laughter]. a year from now, my man. greg gutfeld and the lau[laught. >> on her yacht. it is a scam. i admit, i go into the meetings, trying to figure out what the people are talking about. the bottom line, you don't have an inclusion by getting rid of certain people. all things out of whack ridiculous. >> greg: cat, do you feel you need to be decentered? >> um -- like look. i am a person of whiteness myself. >> what? >> some of you may have noticed. >> do you watch "game of thrones?" >> no. >> never. gres greg >> greg: you are letting down white people, kat. >> happens a lot. three things, one of them sounded little conservative. first one, no. she says education. dei efforts, quote haven't been as successful as anticipated. she never said who would be -- education, no. studies prove that. second thing objectivity. i thought was refreshing because i thought we would be hearing for years it was racist. maybe she had some agreement. then accountability. i read racial harm. you harmed an entire race. if you do that at work you should be in trouble. >> tyrus, take me out of the picture. >> sure . >> greg: do you see racial harm in the work place? >> yes. i walk the lals. >> >> greg: you have your office by judge janene. >> what is whiteness with white? a lot of white. talking about white people? no. americans aren't even good whites. you are not ranked no. 10. you have to go to norway or finland. they perfected whitism. swim in the snow, eat pickled fish. white people stealing our [beep]. they want to dance like us. whiteness, horrible. i am just mad i didn't think about it. she knows she is -- she is trying to sell a book consulting. let's go. first of all, you need to listen to more michael jackson music. >> it is the new hustle. >> he is jewish. >> i wouldn't know about that. >> greg: i have a fine agent. god bless. happ happy hon kau hanka. dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ as a way to say thank you this holiday season, bass pro shops and cabela's club members save even more while supporting conservation during club member mondays. for the first time ever, club members receive up to an additional 15% off our best deals of the year, in-store, online, and even on sale items. every monday through christmas. plus, purchases over $500 receive 0% interest for 12 months on qualifying purchases. not a club member? join today and start earning free gear for your next adventure. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (vo) for a limited time, turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. only on verizon. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. >> greg: when a love child comes a knocking, ditch family stocking. they didn't put one up for her in 2021. 2022. that way for joe one less name to forget. little navy joan isn't the only person joe has a problem with. "new york times," usually so far up him they can taste his polly grip. he is too old to be effective z too hold to put on his own pants and handling of the israel-hamas war. just pose that among non white voters, disproportionately are young. did i read that correctly? >> sounds right. >> greg: all spells trouble for old joe. buzzards circling, heads of gavin newsom. >> that took three hours and not that good. >> 62% of voters from battleground states think the economy is in the crapper. battleground states after the victory at bull run. back to what matters, christmas stockings. they would rather ruin christmas if the other alternative to embarrass grandpa joe. no, no, look. we always used to decorate for christmas. we acknowledged all the kids. we had stockings for everybody. we have tall stockings. we have nazy, naomi. finnegan, what is the other one. she has the best one of all. look at this hcome on, navy joan. this is full of goodies. merry christmas everybody. >> greg: isn't this charles like equity in a nutshell. if one person can't have what the rest have everything will be punished across the board. why couldn't you acknowledge. it took a dna test. feel any guilt about anything. their treatment is horrendous. it is despicable. i don't get it. hang up the stockings. do what you formally do. pretty transparent. who the [beep] are they? they are so much superior to anyone else >> greg: good point. i love when charles swears. don't see that on fbn. >> time for a rebrand. >> greg: normally i don't care, dems make personal political. if you are a capitalist, morally greedy. decide to vote for trump you must be a nazi. this is open game. is that fair to say. young voters concerned about biden's age. a lot can change before the election. one thing that will not change is biden getting less old. that is not how time works. that is a big issue. that is the one thing to keep happening. he will not age in reverse. >> that would be fun, "benjamin button." tyrus, terrible. this is the opposite of inclusivity, right? >> i have to be honest, greg, i am afended. it is safe to say i am the leading expert on love children. i have three of them. same year. [laughter]. >> they are not triplets. >> i don't know about stock markets. they are all my babies. forget his age. i think you need to look at his heart and intelty. what man called himself father with any type of dignity or pride. i have six, e don't mind having seven. this says more about any other policy i disagree about. guess what? there is more american families like mine today than your perfect little facade or fantasy. i have to look around the house. i try to decentralize as much whiteness. i couldn't have my set of youngens if i didn't have one with the white mom. i had one of everything. i have asian, mexican, black, white. anything new comes out, let me know. [laughter]. >> greg: joe, a lot of people don't know this, you have seven love children. >> you son of a [beep] you get around. >> i am also offended as tyrus. [laughter]. that is so fascinating to be a grandparent. nobody is suing grandparents for grandparent child support. it is crazy biden is not attracting many young people. so much in common, both can't work a full day. can't live on their own and hasn't been that long since they pooped their pants. [applause] applause. >> greg: very good. i like the line it is free to be a grandparent. >> all right. up next, stats reveal major drag. nobody wants to defend our flag. and brush-it-offs? enough with good enoughs. don't stay hiding or hurting. ♪ when your lotions and creams don't do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, it's time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? i feel like it's good. you feel like it's good? how do you know when it's time to check in on your heart? how do you know? let me show you something. it looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card. that is a medical-grade ekg. want to see how it works? yeah. put both thumbs on there. that is your heart coming from the kardiamobile card. wow! with kardiamobile card, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think that costs? probably $500. $99. oh, really? you could carry that in your wallet. of course you could carry it in your wallet, right? yes, yes. kardiamobile card is just $79 during our holiday sale, that's a $20 savings. get kardiamobile card for yourself or a loved one today at or amazon. 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"the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. my mom's life is the most important thing to me. hi mom! i called my mom, "i have this gene and i think you need to get tested." she feels like it was truly lifesaving. ♪♪ >> greg: americans enlist to protect our right to exist. 72% of u.s. adults wouldn't be willing to join the military. multiple branches failing recruitment goals by several thousands. why does no one give a damn to fight for uncle sam. be all you can be didn't used to mean a dude with tits. were some strange reason young men aren't attracted by free breast implants. only time will tell if america's dwindling america will become a bigger issue. our enemies could thwart invasion with stares. charles you were in the air force, correct? do you think this is modern technology making recruits less important? >> a lot more then that. go back to row plan empire. they were using mercenaries. you get fat, lazy, comfortable, entitled and lose everything. i think a lot of these kids don't know. siding around eating avocado toast. my father was army. he went to vietnam. came back, completely different. separated. family fell apart. tough life after that. finally got a chance to talk to him. twice he went on tour, twice everyone died by him. he was mad at god. he died a month later. what we cherish is not, they have to >> greg: very expensive, that avocado. you are a fine spes minute of a man. >> my brother was upset about bailing out student loans now you can get that if you wine a lot. interesting because tu pigs you can get. interesting to me, now, we have also devalued pride in our country, lowered standards including in the military. try to better yourself. now be all you can be means they went kick you out if you get fat. [laughter]. >> it is the slow joke. >> greg: tyrus, do you think they can't imagine there would be a reason to fight? maybe they see the world, who is our enemy? our enemy is here. >> that is a great point. you have spit in the face of law enforcement. you have spit in the face of military personnel. you look at afghanistan. you look at the people they are put in place to make decisions. if i wasn't playing sports i was going in the military. two places for three hots and cot. either one were fine choices. third was in the streets. ended up in jail or dead. when you went to recruiting office, you saw men standing there proud. you saw a general on the wall. now when you go in there, you are not seeing those things. so when they see that. they look on tv. they look at afghanistan. soldiers families can't get honored. my grandfather served. when the soldiers come home h. they are coming home to enemy territory. that comes from this woke movement. traditions don't mean anything. hope is we'll turn and see. i have a hard enough time speaking english. i don't think i will make it. >> greg: i love their oranges. kat, you were married to a veteran. >> i have no optimism. i think it is people are disillusioned. i think by the repeated failures and lies and no accountability from military leadership very, very, i want to distinguish from troops. from the people who brought you afghanistan. come sign your life away. sno accountability for it either. my husband did go to afghanistan. who wants to sign up for that. >> we haven't won in a long time. world war ii. >> that is why we have to invade france? >> i was thinking something smaller. >> is there a law of invading one of your own states? >> wisconsin gotten mouthy. >> greg: coming up, reporter flops because of the names she drops. [applause] >> greg: today's video of the day. did she have in depth conversation with stevie wonder. >> i had in depth conversation with stevie wonder. who is asking, requesting meeting with the president. is the white house amenable to sitting to with stevie wonder. april only dropped wonder's name five times. we get it. you are important. kat, you know, i was just talking to meryl streep about this. why did she do that? >> so interesting. so transparent what she was doing. i highly doubt he would have problem orchestrating that. >> yes. >> reminding me on dating apps. they are hoping a girl will see that, she knows shaq, i would be an idiot to not have sex with them. >> greg: i hope joe would meet with stevie wonder. >> it would be the one time biden missing a hand shake he can blame it on the blind guy. >> stevie wouldn't take it for the word. even if they didn't meet. i am going to stop there. >> do you ever shamelessly name drop me? >> other day i am buying these diarrhea tablets for my boss. [applause] >> when i name drop greg it is subtle. i only use first or last name. other day hanging with my boy connick jr. the other day z ma donna put your shirt back on, no one wants to see that. >> i remember that. it was amazing. >> you know sesy too. charles. i don't even have a question. i love this story so much. ironically, she said stevie wonder met with almost every president including ronald reagan. why the hell us he need you? he calls the white house. what the hell is going on? really. battles of yesteryear. taking down confederate statutes. next 20 years do or die. we have to be focussed on fourth and industrial revolution. country in trouble. we are in trouble. we need to focus on education. stevie wonder demand democrats get black people stronger ij kags, so they don't grow up, graduate high school with 7th grade reading level. stop with affirmative action. why will the rest of the world dominate us? they are not worried object keeping people down. this is old stuff. i am sick of it. looks student. more important it is dangerous. we have to get off this path clock the sicking. >> just about anyone can see this. >> just about. >> unless you are blind. >> >> greg: up next, his mouth needs a zipper so he doesn't misquote the giper. and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. 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,Ooh ,Exit ,Card ,Ekg ,Kardiamobile ,Thumbs ,Anywhere ,Atrial Fibrillation ,30 ,Causes ,Stroke ,Heart Rhythm ,Bradycardia ,Costs ,Fda ,Tachycardia ,99 ,Kardiamobile Card ,Wallet ,Holiday Sale ,Course ,Savings ,Kardia Com ,Amazon ,20 ,79 ,Rapture ,World ,Video Footage ,Globe ,Strange ,Concern ,Clouds ,Mind Boggling ,Christ ,Lord ,In The Air ,Planet ,Billions ,Eye ,Twinkling ,Instant ,Disappearance ,Incredible ,Chaos ,Glimpse ,Announcer ,Chapters ,Glorious Joy In The Skies ,31 ,Life ,Books ,Event ,Questions ,Dr ,Calendar ,God ,The Great Disappearance ,Gene ,Hi ,Military ,Adults ,Americans ,72 ,Branches ,Several Thousands ,Recruitment Goals ,Damn ,Didn T ,Tits ,Dude ,Uncle Sam ,Men ,Breast Implants ,Enemies ,Stares ,Invasion ,Air Force ,Recruits ,Mercenaries ,Technology ,Plan Empire ,Fat ,Siding ,Kids Don T Know ,Lazy ,Father ,Family ,Toast ,Army ,Vietnam ,Aseparated ,Everyone ,Tour ,Chance ,Avocado ,Spes ,Fine ,Brother ,Student Loans ,Bailing ,Country ,Standards ,Pigs ,Kick ,Joke ,Enemy ,Law Enforcement ,Military Personnel ,Place ,Afghanistan ,Decisions ,Wasn T Playing Sports ,Places ,Streets ,Third ,Choices ,Jail ,Cot ,Recruiting Office ,General ,Soldiers ,Tv ,Grandfather ,Enemy Territory ,Home H ,Movement ,Traditions Don T ,Hope ,English ,Oranges ,Failures ,Veteran ,Optimism ,Troops ,Military Leadership ,Sno Accountability ,Go To Afghanistan ,We Haven T ,World War Ii ,France ,States ,Law ,Reporter ,Names ,Coming Up ,Mouthy ,Wisconsin ,Video ,Stevie Wonder ,Conversation ,President ,Meeting ,Times ,Five ,Meryl Streep ,Dating Apps ,Girl ,Shaq ,Idiot ,Sex ,Hand Shake ,Stevie Wouldn ,Boss ,Day Hanging ,Day Z ,My Boy Connick Jr ,Wants ,Shirt ,Story ,Question ,Shell ,President Reagan ,Battles ,Yesteryear ,Statutes ,Do Or Die ,Industrial Revolution ,7th Grade ,High School ,Ij Kags ,Grow Up ,7 ,Stop ,Affirmative Action ,Student ,Stuff ,Object ,Sicking ,Path ,Doesn T Misquote The Giper ,Mouth ,Baby Grand Piano ,Save ,Bibu ,Mustache ,Liberty Bibberty ,Liberty ,Pay ,Limu Emu Squawks ,Beat ,Heart Failure ,Ability ,Entresto ,Side Effects ,Blood ,Angioedema ,Death ,Baby ,Aliskiren ,Ace Inhibitor ,Arb ,Weathertech ,Floorliners ,Blood Pressure ,Holiday ,Kidney Problems ,Potassium ,Sfx ,Cards Shuffling ,Laser ,Child ,Pet Feeding System ,Seats ,Sink ,Vehicle ,Car Seat Protector ,Messes ,Friends ,Sinkmat ,Gift Card ,Weathertech Com Greng Greg ,Holidays ,Cardona ,Calls ,Language ,Reagan Didn T ,Nine ,Education Secretary ,Secretary ,Speech Writer ,Context ,Administration ,Sense ,Can T Leave ,Schools ,Reading Level ,Front ,Pasta ,Olive Gadden ,Fire ,Air Force One ,Tep Help You Land ,1100 ,Show ,Dumb ,War Room ,Say Anything ,Democrats On ,Interview ,Job ,This ,Hispanic ,Grant Doesn T ,Pothole Pete Incharge Of Transportation ,Performance ,Ink Business ,Premier ,Products ,Coffee Grinder ,Beans ,Borders ,Smarter ,Who ,More ,Cash ,Breakthrough Card ,Genius ,Breakthroughs ,Ideas ,Spending Potential ,000 ,02 5 ,5000 ,2 ,Ink Business Premier Card ,Reality ,Chase For Business ,Design Business ,Internet ,Business Internet ,Business Grade Internet ,Exploding ,Bobby ,Heartburn ,Business ,Stomach Growling ,Nausea ,Switch ,Indigestion ,Upset Stomach ,Diarrhea ,Soothes ,Pepto Bismol ,Gifts ,Traditions ,Gourmet ,Memories ,Harry And David ,Gift ,Where ,Joe Machi Tyrus ,Closer ,Trace ,East Coast ,Studio Audience ,I Love You America ,Trace Gallagher ,Fox News ,Los Ange ,8 ,11 ,

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