and happy thursday day,so g everybody. >> so great to be here. so ireat to be youf you want a k example of hysteria, look no further than the pronoun just years a handful of years ago. >> this was never a thing. no was one talked about it. it was as rare as hunter biden wearing pants. a su then all of a sudden it became a thing. it grew, multiplied even exponentially. it was like mold or rabbits. d >> mitt romney's family. and the reason for thi thiss abu is pretty simple. kids create a craze that's about themt ho that brings attention to who they are and why wouldn't they embrace it? it beats eating tide pods o reading a children's book written by julie banderas that'll sell a copy. suddenly it became compulsory, specifically for the peopllye, the kids who had to play along. >> it wasn't just. hello, i'm grehat are g. and i'm busy. it's. hello, i'm greg. and if you don't refer to me yog to reportn you to the principal. >> which is weird because i should be out of school, especially with the restraining order. >> but what pronouns offered was an option for trulnouns ofyn but needy people to gain attention and power over anyone in theirpower ov t vicinity. no longer did you have to do anything interesting or becomeo in an area that might impress people. it was jusit me, me,t me, me, me disguised as they them ord lang theirs, which destroyed language. imaginuaimagintelling e tellingm you're having a friend over for dinner and she asks what tim ti and you say, oh, they'll be there at seven. and your mom mom scr? then, of i didn't make enough meatloaf for that many people. rse,and then, of course, she stg drinking and crying and drinking and cryin g. >> and the next thing you know, you're covered in blood and cake mix. >> you see how it screws up? basic communications. but it's worse because that bece it's not about pronouns. it's about people. ot and people connect not through differences, but similarities. and you neveanr frontload a fira impression like, say, at a job interview with personal demandio that makes it about you. which is why i can safeluty. on >> i've never metha one interesting person who led with their pronount because they didn't have to. but thankfully, this fad is dyingthis fads dying., are ws madness. take the school system in newportn , vi news, virginia. according to a new school sch policy, the facultooy needs usea written permission from parents to use a different d name ord'si pronouns than the ones on a child's official record. >> now, true, in the good old days, parents only had to sign a permission slip for field trips, not power trips. but at least nowve a have a say, which means if little tommy has be into believing he's a girl, you can't call him tammy unless his parents say so . >> and the school says nobody be fto use ad to use anybody pronouns. so you can't be coerced into g this gender hokeendey. god bless newport news for having some or ovaries. >> i didn't check. they're kind of the same thingbu ,but thankfully, no, they're not. >> but thankfully, b the school recognizes that they don't have more rights than a child's parents. and once that's done, you stop feeding the flames of a stupides fad because that's the nature of hysteria. >> it arrives and.human >> ihit scares people into obeying, even if there's no foundation for it. examn is filled with examples.s >> the salem witchwi trials, the monkey men in india. >> the disturbing growthurbingpe of recipe books by annoying morning take the dancing plague of 1518. it began in strasbourg, france, when one woman started dancing in the streets and didn't for almost a week. >> within a month, four hundred with afflicted with the i urge to dance, often passing out from strokesnfh th, attacks and exhaustion. authorities had no idea what caused this like state, but they tried to exorcize this demon affliction tried by constructing a stage in hiring dancers and musicians .ic but by indulging it, it only made it worse. so the madnessians to germany, . holland and switzerland. i believe we have an example of oh, they ha.d tape of thoseee times. n. of course, they never found the root cause of this affliction. does it sound familiar? well, just a few years ago, none of this pronoun, no existe. all we had was this pesky thing called biology. it just never even occurred to anyone to second guess that. but by 2023, it changed, and we indulged the change. change this performative identiy theater flooded social media, poinh is the pusher all pointless trends and in infected schools and the workplact e. you could get fired from your job for making the wrong guess about a pronoun pronoun. and it's literally a federal case to call somebody he just because he is one. >> but the bigger story is that years ago none of this existed. now its. does because like most trends, it's easily amplified. it greed it w fast because thers a low bar of entry and it made people feel special and feeling special trump biological facts young whespecially among the yog who are already at odds biologywith biology, especiallf they have red hair and it saddled you. you can't find a kid smiling with red hair. >> doesn't exist. we look spent hours not and it addled the rest of us with new nd crules customs to accommodate the afflicted. but now we see the whole thing's artificial thing. n bun we realize that pronouns are now like mad bonds, a tren d that would have happened if david beckham just focused on soccer. >> but the fact is interesting. people don't need to lean into their preferred pronouns. >> they are just who they are. but for a while, gender ideology gave the needy something to set them apart. i exist outside the boundaries of science. they declare your gender binary doesn't apply to me. now do exactly what i say or i'll make trouble for you. but the hysteria is waning. perhaps the whole grift got one day. and let's hope it won't be long. everyone will lookth're just bas era and wonder how a mass psychosis convinced so many people that biology doesn't exist. and we can go back to judging people by what really matters, how much money they make, because nothing is more gender neutral than an very literally, literally gender neutral. let's welcome tonight's guests . as a matter of fact, his dates to accept pal, comedian and co-host of the jim norton and sam robert show, jim, she must hate the surgeon general because she's always smoking. >> financial analyst heather's on my radar. he enjoys cooking libs like a full rack of ribs. chef and restaurateur andrew gruel. >> he's like vanilla pudding, cool, white and popular in nursing homes. >> "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf. >> jim i never tire of saying, i'm so happy to see you. >> i'm delighted to be. here, greg. thank you for having me on your show. oh, my pleasure. my pleasure. can i ask question that was written for me by one of my writers. sure. i'm a cancer. >> jim, if you are a cancer i society. yeah, that's right. that's okay. jim, as someone whose pronouns are can't sell tickets, what are your professional opinions on? this topic? that sounds like it was a really biased, mean spirited question, probably written by a comedian who doesn't sell many tickets as you. >> well, then he's selling zero tickets, you know, to zero. how do i feel about this? i kind of have feelings about it. like a lot of the people. like, one of the things they said in the article was that you can't tell teachers refer to them as a pronoun because it's their first amendment right. and a lot of the which is kind of correct, but people believe that then they should also feel that way about people who kneel during the star-spangled battre or people who burn the american flag. like if you're going to use the first amendment, then use it to crush things that you disagree with to yeah, i don't have kids. i think that there is like a fat fanaticism with pronouns. i respect them. i don't like to be legislated into respect. i don't want to be forced into, you know. so good comparison might be oc they do the pledge allegiance and you don't. it's like compulsory, compulsory language. so saying like i'm going to say the pledge of allegiance is consistent with not using pronoun. kind of. yeah. i mean, or kneeling during the pledge of allegiance which is making more of a statement than using a different pronoun. but yeah, i mean, i'm fine with all the speech. i don't really care. i don't have kids, so i'm not concerned with how they this. >> all right. i'm well, what about everybody else? that's their problem. >> and when they're paying bills, then jim will care about their. ir >> that gives you an idea fo r a new segment called back to their problem. on that's great. it doesn't affect anybody at utp on the panel. heather, though, you have offspring. yeah 's true., i do. you >> that's true. f unfortunate for her. yeah. do l you feel like this is ait e trend that's near death? it feels like it. lsed becaui'm of saddened becaut so much content out of these pronoun stories. i don't know what i'm going you to do to fill that empty hole in my life. i do. i don't thin do?don'tk near deal i think you will have a long fu tufuture of continuing these segments on the pronouns. i do like that. >> governor youngkin did push back and he said, wait a minut e beca ,i'm firing back at the school systems because they're allowing minors, littl you know, as a mom of ane ample, eight-year-old little girl, for example, to fo to for her to sae wants to be a man, i don't think at eigk at eight years olm again, i'm her mom. kee to be in charge so of her pronouns, at least until she's 18. soat at least governor young can push back enough to newport news and said, hey, , have to gt parental written consent. and at the end of the day,al it's a political issue. it's about protecting the kid's py and, safety.hether and it goes back to whether or not you want the kids to wea o r mask or even teaching them explicit conten t in first grade. and it should come down to theae parents, ultimately, their decision. jim, you may hav ke someday, but i know i won't. never myou've never met my wife that andrew. >> do you ever use pronouns in your kitchen? >> if so, elaborate. no don't u we don't use pronoune kitchen. but, you know, i got to say, i'm going to go off script. that was really hurt t t. the knock on the recipe books. yeah, so? so i'm going. recipe i'm going to lean into my feelings and my pain. and you didn't even address me by my pronouns pain. did when iu here, which is medium and medium rart whiche and not addressing me by my pronouns, i think that my mental health is at stakmy mentae. end. y >> steak. steak. wellea see, john fries, you see, you see what i did there was. but at least those. those are. i'm going to i'm going to go alonalong withge littlg with the circus you've created rare and medium rare. >> at least tell you something that is usefult is use. yes, that is true and accurate. and the meat's dead. ie. iot like they car not all the time. oh, that's. oh, yeah, yeah, that's. i don't think i want to knowinki more about that, andrew. no, no, no, no, no, no.'m i'm still thinking about jim having kids. so, yeah, we got a lot going on here. th >> yes, cra do you think this craze is finally waninfinallyah, it's yeah, it's waning. look, we pulled our kids out of school, a public school originally, and it's hardth. enough on the teachers to begin with. you know, these teachers get a list of all the namechers s. of, and just imagine you get a list of, like, 22 kids names on the first day of school. you got to remembe on the firsrh they all just you picking their nose. you don't know who's who and what's what. eml jeirand got to remember thew so my my son in public schoolho for six months, they call them ,right? >> his name's william. they call them jimmy. we just went along with itublicl we just went along with it.. so. and now you throw proteins, proteins, pronouns we ju. >> and i'm thinking about the meat. yeah, i'm thinking about the meat. you thro proteins,onouw pronounh and it's all over these poor teachers. >> so it's jusinking at now, jir we actually just don't even give them a name. >> so we just it's silencehers. silence. now that he's that, that oh, he's going to have an interesting childhood cat. if you were growing upve a thisy era, douo you think you would have gone for the pronouns? >> see, you're you're thisbout y is this monologue is really about you. >> you didn't needou that sort of thing. >> you're just an interesting person. well, i can make anything >> i can ma. >> i actually agree with a lot of what jim said. i mean, for the pronoun thing overall, if being called them makes you happy, you have one life to live and i'll call you. yothey them and that's fine. >> and i also completely agree it shouldn't be compulsory though. yeah. first amendment across the board thought shoue , of howl you feel about the speech. >> but when it comes specificallye speech to kids, it i don't have kids, but i do have a dog. >> yes. which a lot of us childless childlesmillennials to as our k. yes. and so he goes to doggm y day care and if i went to pick him up from doggy day daycarick himi was like, how is carol today? and she was like, well, that's betwee n and carl, i feel like the only reaction i could have would be ma'am i feel likehave a you have an inappropriate relationship with my dog. >> yesnpropriatship wit, that's. that's true. you know what. >> good. good for you. thanod fork you. all right. up next, criminals run amo klivery looting a delivery truck. >> if you'll be in the new york area like, tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and clicksturiz on the link to join our studio meet goldman daily healing a powerhouse that moisturizes heals and smooths dry skin with seven moisturizers and three vitamins and new g clinically shown to heal and moisturize, dry sensitive skin gold bond. >> if your roof is showing danger signs like streaks or raise shingles, it could be trouble and a new roof could cost ten, 15 or $20,000. >> introducing roof max the first professional and affordable roofing treatment that is scientific really proven to strengthen and extend the life of your roof. with roof, max, you will have the protection of a brand new roof and safe roof. max is skilled technicians apply a safe, effective and affordable natural treatment, and within hours you have a roof that performs like a new roof. roof max is exclusive treatment re saturates all dried shingles with a natural bio friendly formula that quickly restores flexibility and water repelling protection guarantee. look, this is a 17-year-old asphalt shingle. it literally disintegrates. but here's an identical shingle that we treated with roof max's proven formula. it passed rigorous flexibility testing from the ohio state university as a new shingles saw roof. max roof can also pass a home inspection. if you're getting ready to sell for insurance, saving you money. roof max has treated over 15 million square feet of roofs all across america. and just check out our website for the thousands of five star reviews. you know, i was skeptical at first with the existing condition of the roofs we were having high winds and shingles were blowing off the roofs continually. but, you know, five years later, after application, the roofs looked great. and we have no issues with any shingles blowing off the roof. keep your family safe and happy with roof, max. caller, go online now for a comprehensive grid analysis and roof maintenance. tuneup, a $539 value free roof max more life, less money guaranteed. call 1-800- 6408653. that's one 806 408653. or log on to roof max .com call 1-800- 6408653 now perfect gifts pendants 99 tennis bracelets for 99 per carat three stone rings 199 half carat 399 one carat 699 and one carat studs 349 thousands of gifts guaranteed to appraise for double jewelry exchange. >> direct "fox and friends" is live from the grand opry house. house. ge dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪ to b's 1-800- 8949797. thankfully, it's been the best of times to commit a lot of crimes. new york can't afford cops. well, crooks loot anything stops thieves now bore with hitting up brick and mortarar stores are nowbbin robbing delivery vehicles this holiday season. g de vehicleturns out they hateg lines like the rest of us. who can blamofe? ta, th in atlanta, thieves ran into an amazon truck and stole multiple ieazonpackages. meanwhile, a fedex driver in tennessee told cops he was stoppe e wasd at a red light when several cars drove up and blocked him. see thised light is why i neverp at red lights. thank you. as many as crooks hopped out and broke into the tractor trailer, stealing of packages and leaving several strewn all across street. expla which would probably explain why i still haven't got my workouthaven't shorts yet oy kamala hasn't gotten that book. she ordered. or. or got joe biden his underwear. >> but it seems like a stupid kind of theft. whatever you grab, you have no idea what's in thaidea what. c it's just like that club gym took me to in thailandji. >> so is off limits anymore. it's been a free for all in stores across the countr so y. and now delivery trucks are also targeted. what are we law abiding tr are als supposed to do now?to do we start making our owne ou goods at homr e. i've already started. look, i made a lamp and a footstool. and here's my new guest house. >> meanwhile, the nypd is putting a hiring freeze on newmeanwh because of budget s fueled by a multibillion dollar migrant crisis. this is bad since the department already is struggling to replace 3000rec uniformed cops who've retired or since 2019. a police union leader says this hiring freeze is going to turnt the nypd staffing crisis into a public safet y disaster. it's true. pretty soon there will be no copsit ity soo to strip at my hy party. >>p my hol i know i'm the real . here, heather. all right. this is what driveis is whrive okay, so when target waseir targeted, their stores just a fg shut them down. they didn't put up a fight. th gangs come in. they didn't do it. they just shut the stores down in harlem, oregon, wherever.r. now you have the delivery people getting targeted. when will the companies or the insurancthe companies actually stand up and say something? >> well, it's interestin andgnoo you mentioned target. they i'm not going to bore you with stats, but they had their earnings thiins week. ceo brian cornell said, look, customers are thankfulll says, ' put up these glass. i don't think they're bulletproof but like glass protectors for all ofe es the merchandise, especially out in queens. >> they're doing i t. >> and the customers are saying this is great because they had no b inventory on the shelves. as there was no stuff to buy. and you know what? as a consume ar it's going to cause the prices to go up. it already has because of thecot thef theo t. yes. it's not just inflation. so first you think, all right all haveou a brick and mortaricn store and that didn't work during the blm riotsd-g in chicago, in new york. and so now you're moving to e-commerce and the poor. look at the poor, helpless woman of the amazon driver. got >> what about her? when is jeff bezos going to take a stance and sayst this is this is not working. we need to keep our employees d safe and so you are againsto o the lady truck drivers. >> no, no.dr but i think she has a case case to bring to the compantoy, say,y hey, i feel unsafe and you have to do more or at least take a stronger stance in favor of law and order . it's the one it's the one area you're hearing nothing from the corporationsreg:, right the, because assurance is taking care of it and they're scared. andrew, is thie are tas your yor businesses at all? >> you know, it's funny, in the restaurantl? industry, it's all dine and dash, right? so that's actually become like a whols becoe coordinated effora amongst various groups. and they talte k about it online. so we got to catch that early. i'm going to actually just i'm dgine charging everybody walks in the door and then providing bad food and bad service. that's the model, right?. because that's the u.s. government. yeah. sornment. but -- but you know what we went with with this storyll with this story i'm going to tell you and call me callous is that i actually have no no. athycal is, glad it's gone up the chain and i'm glad it's hitting amazon and fedex now. oul you why.el 22, 20, 20, 22, 2022, fedex, $3 million. democrats, amazon, $16 millionts to democrats. they pay for this stuff. yes. soft on trade democrats. and here we are this day. they bought this policy. >> exactly. so now they got to live with it. live with it. it's better than a porch. get i. pirates, right? because these are individuals. we get hit when amazon get it. mm-hmm. >> kat, how how do you how are you going to make do if you can't order things? >> what's going to happen to your lifeng t away and die? >> yes. you know, i'm kind of close already. >> i think it's the criminals. they are a little impressive, impr. ey >> i mean, the coordinated effort. i mean, do they? or, dis online. are tha >> i mean, is it emails? is it zoom meetings that they're doing? how how do they all know? i mean, i think honestly, body looking at the body of work, fou would really you could hire them to do event planning. yeah. except for i'd be worried they might steal from me.t, >> but other than that, what if they find themselves in any otheapplr way? >> it's true. this takes a lot of work. and again, the percentage of success can' wor taking blind products that you don't know, it can't be that good. i mean, it's like they steal from me. what are they going to get? well, let's not go back, revisit that. >> and, you know, jim, can i read another question from my writer? >> sure, greg. let's hope this one is less hurtful and more helpful. >> yeah. jim, you do stand up in the city as a small and vulnerable man. do you ever feel unsafe leaving your near empty shows? woarw. or do you have a tactic for keeping the crazy people away from you? >> that's a really, really good long and very specific't pe question, holly. glad i wasn't prepared forpa ite being an answer and being small and insignificant. >>being sm no, i'm actually prea an empty room because there's less people that can harm men h i'm for the poor show that i put on. and what was the rest of that? >> wait a minute. but don't you find this whole thing weirk back wd that, like,y are they stealing? like, from they don't even know it in the stufealing -'s and hfp hopefully someone got a stool sample that was on its way to a doctor guard. >> oh, they've got, honestly, customers who had their boxes taken oftheif. >> fedex truck are still going to get them faster than if they were mailed to the us post office. aster th they damaged another one of my test posters. it actually seems like it'd be a really good gamer pise shom >> like you get what you don't like, so. yeah, yeah, yeah. acquittee d paltrow could host t said they could i think >> three of the thievesey in memphis and they said the car smelle d like marijuana didn' and the guy said we didn't steal it we found the boxet sts on the street picked them up. >> they were just sitting therew . >> you believe that? no, i think they're probably lying. yeah. and by the way, . >>, they're nevers going to stop this to keep truckers safe. i mean, they haven't been able to protect domino' kees delivera people. yeah. how long have chinese food delivery people be getting robbede are --? >> you're not going to stop people from doing this. yeah, i want to end the segment on a lowle f hey. to lo oh, all the i love this. >> up next, can a comedian show promise while looking like adonisif yisease? >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney with far sica because they're places sica because they're places you'd rather be for sick. >> it can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosise may be fatal. dehydration, urinary tract or this blood sugar, a rare life threatening bacterial infection threatening bacterial infection in the ski in. >> the perineum could occur. stop taking for a second. call your doctor right awa y. if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosis forcing . hey, i just got a text from my sister. >> you remember rick, her neighbor? 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a chance stud muffin.comedi >> of course, comedian doesn'tan need to be good to get >> just do what jim naughton does. pay themrton d. e >> just kidding. i don't think those are women, but i did not write these. com >> but the problem with comedyey is no one wants to hear how great you're doing. >> what's funnhearing y is loses complain about their childhoods, their failed careers, and why child no one will ever love them or their bald heads and flabby stick like. sk hi, greg-l.arms. yeah. >> do you think. d okay, i haveo you to go to you first? sure. because, you kno, yow, could ths mean that you have it easier b because? >> people expect you to be funny. in a way, matt's i mean, i actually, i. i did. i beat him out for an audition ,went out for the same role,he and i actually, it was. it was the part of a soft boiled who blinked a lot. >> i got the part. but he's. he's he. nn >> he's funny, but they're good looking funny guys. matt the funny comic. sebastian met us, was good looking and funny, but typically you don't as mciatdon't e good looking people with that because it's a muscle. they haven't had to work as much to gd. h to get accepted. like, you know, when you're good looking in high school, a lot of times you'll get inviteget ind to the party ' because you're you. whereas when you look like me, it's like, hey, i'm the clown faces and set my on fire. like i'll make you happy. yeah. and then they still sare to y. no, we'd rather not. yeah. you know, you got to work harder. you got to develop a personalit to develo y the cats as aociety society, do we wan, t our comedians to be homely? >> do you find this young mand attractive? attra he's objectively attractive. he's definitely not hot. no, nobut defi, i don't. i can't tell you what i think. people are hot. i yth himer really tell you wh . >> yeah, i just do. but i do have something in common with him. have what i also have the probm of people sometimes looking at my arms and not listening to my jokes, but it's for the exact opposite problem reason. >> it's because people think that i'm ill. ye'm s, like terminally ill.feel s yeah. they don't to. >> i always feel so much more confident when they're covered. yeah. people are like, doesn't she wear sweets? because not all clothes have sleeves and i was trying to dress o . i'll sho i'll be like, oh i like it.n i but then oh doesn't have sleeves and then i'll just play, i'll show my arms then >>see myself and i'm like my an it's terrifying. it is terrifyingis terri. lik >> it's like, it's like gumby. yeah, it is like gumby. a skina skinny gumby. >> andrew are you able to laugh at a guy who's hotter than you? >> and i know that's hard to find. no.h, yeah , no, thank you.u kn we can all just bask in that idea for a second. ilikei you know, it's. guy >> it's interesting. like, i can kind of step back and say, hey, do i find this guy attractive? i kind of think he looks like a mix of annie lennox and, like an o.cnnox and. housewife. >> yes. so? so it's interesting it's is saying that he's attractive because that says something about what's attractive nowadays in society. ys wha yeah, well, they say that thet most attractive men have feminineat>> they qualities. >> well, i mean, i'm.ine qu i'm wearing a dress right now. yeahal. under your pants. that must be very, very chalfie . >> heather, what do you make of this? do you find him attractive? do you find him funny? hew who he is? >> you know where you are right now. i.e ri i luckily know where i am. never heard of him. don't know who he is, but, i mean, maybe i should pay attentioayn. >> you know, he keeps talking about his cheekbones. you know, if you have cheekbones, you can, like, pay for them. nou can buy cheekboness nowadays. and if you think, oh, woe is me, i'm so hot, so people don't listen to what i say or laugh at my jokes. you can also o make yourself less attractive, i'd imagine, but postin g pictures toplesspostin pike putin on his horse or showing pictures of on instagram with their big biceps like, you, greg gutfeld, i seent you quite often posting pictures of yourselfg. >> you know what?th what are you going to expect? oh, post those pictureen?s. have you been rifling through my belongings? always, always. . do you know, jimmy? so i was telling you this in a green room. i have a funny male friend. >> yes.come who has nody interes at in at a. she's in her mid-sixties. she's married, has a kid,flew t and she flew to see this guy by herself. >> oh, she stopped sto off at te store for a zucchini? >> i mean, could you argue comed that he's broadening appeal he' of comedy? and what i like about him is he's owning it. like, he's like, yeah, you're. look, it's the truth.i he's being truthfuhaten l. are h hate when good looking people are sheepish and they pretend like that fake nerd her' thing where they're like, gee, i'm awkward, but they're not. >> yeah, she's a girl. here'ss cturof a picture of me . makeup and, yeah, like, hey, look at me. >> but he' hs now i got greatth. arms and girls want to sleep with me. ha ha ha. t and i like the fact that he i. owns who he is and he's not fake about it. alght,h. all right, well, they're going to be a lot of bachelorette parties at his gigs. g up yeah, that's going to be wonderful. all right. coming u- p. st >> see, i even ended that one worse than you did. you couldn't have my last, one was record setting. >> i was pretty bad. yeah, it wasa ru. back >> coming up. a runner tried to cheat by getting in the back seat. nei >> meet the traveling trio. the thrillth, the soul searcher and the explorer. each helping to protect their money with teeth. whoa. whoa. last card is in keeping thishey! thrill seeker down lost her card. oh yeah, t searcher is finding his identity and hoping to protect it. and hoping to protect it. oh >> she's looking to dive deeper all while chase looks out fopror her because these friends have chase alerts that help check tools that help one bank that puts you in control. >> chase make more of what's boston 1773. one of the most daring and consequential in american history is about to take place . this was the spark that lit the torch of liberty in two months. and that team is on the docks. the british royal family down our next. this is bigger than us and this is bigger than. >> boston. is anyone willing to take a stand for liberty? 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ilback in april, the 47 year old claimed she hurt her leg whileit runninh the g and hopped in the car with the intention of quitting the race. but she changer d your mind and completed the route anyway, potentially shaving ofe anf neay half an hour from her race time. she woulshd have shaved ofd havn more, but she stopped off for a manicure or, as would say.l >> but while she's a biological, we got to admit that move took some seriously big to wonder if she could run at all. the best par part still came in third. >> who was driving? another woman. someth >> wow. yet another sexist would sayin andrew. imagine this. were a cooking n on on one of those reality shows. would this be like somebody like orderins g out tak and pretending it was their food? >> yeah. take out and just pueot some fresh chives on top. yeah, exactly. that bracelet with whatever they drizzlewith with. or a chef with like a famous rat cooking in his head. rarat tat. r yeah. this is. this is the. how do you faiatille.l at cheata right. like you lose at cheating. so two and a half miles she drove. i mean, this is just really, really disappointingeally overac as a story. >> they should create a sportvi whernge they incorporate drivin. so a triathlonand th blin swimmineng, running and thn driving. but you have to drive blindfolded. dfolded.yes, exactly. >> yeah. or be a woman.a woa sexist would say. >> yeah, yeah, i didn't needyeto to d do that. you know, heather, you could argue she's the first transs atl athlete transportationet. yeah, that's a that's a good one. i don't do that. i love you. don't that because you get. to leave and i'll get to talk about it all night. >> w will. andre >> listen, heather said that was a good one. and andrew mentionedting, i thia i mean, this is worse than you look at a transgender woma n ,perhaps lebron james, if, an he wants to join the wnba and a pretty high bar to beat in terms of cheating. but this ranks up there as one of them. let me let me can i say ita quot quote because didn't mention ith in the video. she said, i accept my actionslar that i did travel in the car and later completed the ruon ,crossing the finish line and receiving a trophy, which i did not return i did, as i shu have. >> you think you think you should returrn it?n. t. >> and she said, i didn't intend to cheat. she she said tha coet she was coerced into it by the driver who picked her up. shyou say that she hurt her leg, she got a lift, and the guyd said, no, go on and finish the race, honey. you can do it. and she finished third. terrible kidnapping. thirerrible!yes, kidnapped. >> she was kidnapped, i think. k i don'idt think she cheatede she technically, because she identifies as a ferrarfies as i >> but i don't think thisy anyt is necessarily her fault. i mean, how about the people that didn't say anythinghin whn a vehicle drovise the they didn- notice that they're like, there sh- likee and she's in the backt waving like the queen of england. >> and they're like, oh, all right. and yoght.u so where do you fin parking at the end of a race? >> oh, god. i wonder if she still in the back seat. you know how, >> it's true marathoners, they lose control of their. >> they're not going to stopit's at a bathroo tm. yo >> it's true. it's true. it happens all the tim knoe. >> and you know, who knows a lot about that cat? you're a hard core athlete. u'ra >> no, she's that. you don't realize she's a hard core athlete, dols you?n >> and you're also a human woman. do you consider this stolen? i i'm just sorry. my head is scrambling. whatever that just was. s i thought she seems like a monster, right? >> just based on how? she's handle d. n ho like she actually called itit. hamiscommunication. and she said the reason she she didn't hand the trophy back is because she was tired and didn't feel good and she d and the thing she said that this was an accident. >> yese accide. accidentally finished the race in a car. i mean, imagin ie what kind of friend this person is. >> yeah. you have those friends, you know, who when they do ape g, they never apologize and admit they were wrong. >> yeah, i know someone like that staring something behind me. i don't know what that is, tht she was only bannerd for a year only. >> i mean, in 12 months she carn drive through the finish. >> i guess it's formula one,th maybe by their way, she came in third driving. whoever finishes first and second. definitely cheated. and secoh, you're right. >> well, i think we learned a lesson. maybe she should compete. in nascar. yes, maybe she discovered macalling. calling. >> yeah. there's yelena for walking around the track>> all r. all right, up next, they matchyc their guns and ammo to their their guns and ammo to their roller blades in camo top gearo? 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i think it's great. yeah, i love that western culture, which is bleeding in, you know, three years from now, they're going to wear hot pink shorts and tank tops. >> yes.>> yes. i love it.then t yes. and then they're going to be like ordering from amazoy'lln ds collections of will and gracee dvd. behi are.some people they're a little behind the times. yeah, they are. but that's the whole point. yeah. could could the roller blades have been left behind with everything elseg ? >> like the, ah, tanks that are> gone. 47 ak 47. yeah. i think. i mean this is a desperate attempt to rebrand and remarketa what is a terrorist organization? they saw the barbie movie was a bihit ang hit, and now they s, you know, come on, barbie, let's go party. >> people are hanging out their window taking. if you are, i don't care gun and dao you are. you have a gun and you're on a macy's thanksgiving day paradeda on a float coming down the street, whether you're dressed in a unifore m, that or not, i am running in the opposite direction. ps.i'm not taking pictures. >> i'm not quite sure who saw - it that a good idea? >> is this andrew?t hu it like what jim saidji, that this is humanizinglerb the taliban? >> oh, look, they like roller blades. it realllade y is. and now this is isis is now t going to come out and try goinsompete with thihis an and they're going to be like rolling around on electric tricycles. >> yeah, right. you know, with with clown hats and who knows what. and this is grea t is thisre is modern warfare right here. and the roller blades were left there at bagram air forcehe base. so this is what we would have seen with us soldiern s. tak >> thank god the taliban have taken the baton. yes, i know. >> i'm thinking about could hamas now do peloton? oh, god.. >> look, i don't know where to go with. a equinox by hamas. yes, that goes to the al qaeda lurnamentpick all tournament. that might have been funny if i said pickleball, not pickleball at first rank, amateur and al qaeda. >> but what? also a lot of fun it is. i'm really good.h yo >> yeah, you are reallyms good with your really dangly little arms. it's almost not fair. it' not lc it's true. >> you just kind of like, go like this. you kind of, like, stretchh forw u puperson forward and you put it on the thing. >> these arms should be on i a who is far taller. yeah, it's weird. it's like it's a freak freak o of nature. i love. it's fun. it's a great game. i just hate whenge i gett grass in my face, but it's actually called goat hole. >> yeah, that is disgusting. >> andrew, you cook goat all the time. >> really? yeah. brazen head to toeise 'em.. really. i've never had goat. it. it's just. it just seems like it might be gamey ems like i. >> a little gamey. hit it with a little lemon l juice. you're set. no. there you go. see what we learn here how to cook a goat. all right. don'emet. see wha to cook t away. >> we'll be right back. >> introducing a revolution in pain relief. new absorbing junior pro. the strongest numbing pain relief available. it's the only solution with two max strength anesthetics, four deep penetrating relief absorbing junior pro, nothing numbs pain more. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis. currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation and. >> that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. relaxium sleep is studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. join the hundreds of thousands of people who've experienced the relief and health benefits from getting a great night's sleep and get relaxium sleep. your relaxium has been a miracle for us since coming in. the rest is improved marriage. >> i don't even know how we lived for 30 years without it because now i know this man differently than i knew him before. it'll regulate your natural sleep cycle, relax your body and calm the mind for better through the whole night. called a day and get your very own risk free of relaxium sleep relaxium sleep doesn't have any harmful like many prescription sleeping pills with relaxium sleep you can expect to start sleeping better the very first night, the very night the changed it or not was unbelievable. if you're at home and you're not getting calm enough to go to sleep, take relaxium sleep. it'll work, i promise you it'll work if you're like i was and you've got trouble sleeping at night, take control of your health. stop struggling with restless nights, sleep you were meant to with relaxium. i'm telling you relaxium is the real deal mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. he's asked us give away 1000 bottles, calling it your risk free bottle of relaxium sleep. it's guaranteed to work or your money back. call 800 3848706 or visit. try relaxium dot com. that's 800 3848706 or visit try relaxium so we decided to put in an in-ground pool. >> i literally went on angie and typed in pool and then got choices. getting to talk to different see different bids, kind of look at their reviews, look what other people think of them. and it's nice to know that you're meeting people who already are. at a certain level. we wanted something beautiful, wanted something that our children would feel happy swimming in and we love it. and still love it. >> connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projectstation much tis dd home projectstation much tis dd >> well get started today us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order everythinan you need slap the label onto the box and it's ready to go. our costd for shipping like we're cut in half just like that go to ship station .com slash tv and get two months free. >> hey guy check it out. >> team jackets. oh, nice. these are six guys. >> love it. wait. why is mine so little cake? >> because that's your nickname. i'm ace tom's rhino. i'm dragon. and obviously, you're a little baby cake. >> yeah. i'm not going to be a little baby cake. they printed up the jackets. it's a done deal. it does take a little baby cake. you can't argue with the jacket. >> little baby cake. what's gotten in him? >> classic little baby cake. young. his late milk on tubby. the crime dramas where global drug cartels use highly conspicuous speedboats. just keep going. >> thank you. time for a final thought, jimi . every wednesday in december, or at least the first three, i'll beat the fat black pussycat in new york running my hour if you want to see me. it's one of the comedy cellar rooms every wednesday at 7:00. where that? it's on macdougal street and west third. excellent. walking. well, it depends on where you are. greg, that is so true. and if you have legs. >> yeah. oh, i know. oh, yeah. >> i wanted to make you think. i wanted to make you think. >> all right, we're out of time. thanks to jim norton, heather zimmer, raga andrews, bruce katz

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,Tennessee ,Stoppe E Wasd ,Still Haven T ,My Workouthaven T Shorts Yet Oy Kamala Hasn ,Street ,Which ,Book ,Joe Biden ,Theft ,Underwear ,You Grab ,Limits ,Club Gym ,Countr ,Thailandji ,Thaidea What C ,So Y ,Abiding Tr ,Trucks ,Als ,Footstool ,Lamp ,Owne Ou Goods ,Homr E ,Nypd ,Hiring Freeze ,Budget S ,Guest House ,Department ,Multibillion Dollar Migrant Crisis ,3000rec Uniformed ,Newmeanwh ,3000 ,Public Safet Y Disaster ,Police ,My Hy Party ,Union Leader ,Turnt ,Copsit Ity Soo ,2019 ,Gangs ,Waseir ,Fight ,Whrive Okay ,The Real ,Hol ,Companies ,Andgnoo You ,Wherever R ,Harlem ,Oregon ,Insurancthe ,Customers ,Brian Cornell ,Glass Protectors ,Target ,Glass ,Ofe ,Queens ,Merchandise ,Stats ,Earnings Thiins ,Stuff ,Prices ,Ear ,Inflation ,Shelves ,B Inventory ,Theo T Yes ,Thecot Thef ,Poor ,Store ,Blm Riotsd G ,Mortaricn ,E Commerce ,Didn T Work ,Haveou A Brick ,Chicago ,Jeff Bezos ,Stance ,Dr ,Compantoy ,O ,Truck Drivers ,Employees ,Againsto ,The Lady ,Funny ,Care ,Thie ,Businesses ,Hearing Nothing ,Assurance ,Law And Order ,Favor ,Yor ,Corporationsreg ,Food ,Effora ,Groups ,Restaurantl ,Door ,Industry ,Whols Becoe ,Dgine Charging ,Dine And Dash ,Service ,Athycal ,Storyll ,Government ,Model ,Sornment ,Chain ,Trade ,Millionts ,Oul You Why El ,A Million ,6 ,2022 ,3 Million ,16 ,20 ,Policy ,Pirates ,Porch ,Individuals ,Edo ,Awa Y ,Impr ,Lifeng ,Impressive ,Key ,Body ,Work ,It Zoom Meetings ,Know ,Tha ,It Emails ,Effort ,Fou ,Dis Online ,Percentage ,Event Planning ,Good ,Me T ,Wor Taking Blind Products ,Success Can ,Writer ,Shows ,City ,Tactic ,Woarw ,Wasn T ,Really ,Men H ,Room ,Answer ,Insignificant , Pe Question ,Holly ,Forpa Ite ,Someone ,Stool Sample ,Wd ,Doctor Guard ,Hopefully ,Stufealing S ,Fedex Truck ,Aster Th ,Test Posters ,Boxes ,Oftheif ,Us Post Office ,Guy ,Thievesey ,Gamer ,Car Smelle D ,Acquittee D ,Marijuana Didn ,Pise ,Paltrow ,Memphis ,Truckers ,Kees Delivera People ,The Street ,Haven T ,Sitting Therew ,Boxet ,Domino ,Lo Oh ,Segment ,Right Ve ,Robbede ,Lowle ,Adonisif Yisease ,Risk ,Places ,Ketoacidosise ,Kidney ,Sick ,Side Effects ,Chronic Kidney Disease ,Infection ,Second ,Tract ,Doctor ,Perineum ,Ketoacidosis ,Blood Sugar ,Eski ,Dehydration ,Symptoms ,Marathons ,Sister ,Ar Wow ,Text ,Soe ,76 ,Life Insurance ,It Conversation ,Coverage ,Conversation ,Plan ,Colonial Penn ,Life Insuranceou ,Reminder ,5 ,995 ,Healt ,Health Reason ,L995 Plan ,Pes , 95 ,50 ,9 95 ,85 ,Rate Plan ,Number One ,Lifeur ,Eneficiayour Rate ,Std ,Beneficiary Planner ,Information ,Gift ,That Solonial Penn ,90860604 ,9086060 ,90860600 ,9086060 Call ,Bath ,Shower ,Bath Remodel ,Interest ,Installation Costs ,Jacuzzi ,Offer ,Payments ,Hello ,Price ,Mess ,Stress ,Water ,65 ,Safer ,Tab ,Waiting ,Calslap ,800 3482867 ,3482867 ,Half ,Label ,Station ,Shipping ,Box ,Tv D ,Everything ,Cost ,Station Com Slash ,Two ,Comedy ,Fans ,Comiciw ,Piece ,Success ,Pass ,Cheekbones ,The Whole Nine Yards ,Comic ,Millions ,Hair ,Mirror ,Instagram Instxust ,Rife ,Standup Special ,Netfli ,Lips ,Nine ,28 ,Headlines ,Standups Hunky And Quote From Matt Rifeeh Being A Hot Comic Isn T All Laughs ,Articles ,Bed ,Subject C ,Cheekboneheek B Coms Ac Chops ,Mother ,Quote ,Author ,Type ,Rightfully P Leans ,Sex Appeal ,Photophotos ,Bice ,Matt Rife ,Isn T ,Standup ,Pics ,Acknowledg Acknowle ,Wi ,Belittl Jokese Matt ,Arms ,People Don T ,Means ,Tr Jokes ,Laughtolly Attr ,Otheokin Yourr ,Physy ,Mhm ,Guys ,Chance Stud ,Talk Show Host Being ,Muffin Comedi ,Sense ,Humor ,Umor ,Jim Naughton ,Comedyey ,Funnhearing Y ,Women ,Com ,Pay ,Themrton D E ,Childhoods ,Heads ,Careers ,Stick ,Greg L Arms ,Sk Hi ,Ths ,Yow ,Lying Im ,Part ,Role ,Funny Comic ,Audition ,Nn He S Funny ,Funny Guys ,High School ,Muscle ,Clown ,The Party ,Mciatdon T E ,Gd H ,Sebastian ,Inviteget ,Attra He ,Comedians ,Mand ,Personalit To Develo Y ,Aociety Society ,Y No ,On Fire ,The Cats ,Probm ,I Don T ,Nobut Defi ,Yth Himer ,Jokes ,Ye M S ,Feel ,They Don T To ,Doesn T Have Sleeves ,Sweets ,Terrifying ,Dress O ,Clothes ,Terrifyingis ,Gumby ,Thank ,Skina Skinny Gumby ,Think ,Mix ,Step ,Housewife ,Ilikei ,O Cnnox ,Annie Lennox ,Dress ,Society ,Qualities ,Thet ,Yeahal ,Ine Qu ,Very Chalfie ,Ys Wha Yeah ,I E Ri ,Attentioayn ,Nou ,Cheekboness ,Woe ,Like ,Pictures ,Showing ,Biceps ,Postin G ,Horse ,Instagram ,Pictures Toplesspostin Pike Putin ,Green Room ,Belongings ,Pictureen S ,Yourselfg ,Yes Come ,Mid Sixties ,Nody Interes ,At A ,Flew T ,Sto Off ,Truth ,Zucchini ,Truthfuhaten L Are H ,He S Broadening ,Picture ,Girls ,Look At Me ,He Hs Now I Got Greatth ,Makeup ,Nerd ,Ha ,He I ,Here Ss Cturof ,H ,Bachelorette Parties ,Gigs ,Last ,Coming U P St See ,Alght ,Back Seat ,Nei ,Runner ,Record Setting ,Soul Searcher ,Thrillth ,It Wasa Ru ,Traveling Trio ,Teeth ,Thrill Seeker ,T Searcher ,Card ,Identity ,Helping ,Oh Yeah ,Explorer ,Thishey ,Friends ,Bank ,Check Tools ,Chase ,Liberty ,Spark ,Place ,Torch ,Boston ,American History ,1773 ,Royal Family ,Team ,Next ,Docks ,British ,Stand ,Defiance ,Stuff Of Legend ,Rebellion ,Body Fat ,Freedom ,Boston Tea Party ,Stomach ,Thighs ,Hips ,Liberty Or Death ,Rob Lowe ,Fox Nation ,Weight ,Midsection ,Diet ,Exercise ,Increases ,Black ,Solution ,Obesity Research Institute ,Company ,Awareness ,Limousine ,Weight Loss Breakthrough ,Order ,Ship ,Time ,Labels ,Add Light Position ,Four ,2995 ,30 ,Position ,Bottle ,Metabolism ,Size ,Leap Design ,Pound ,Participant ,Double Blind Study ,78 ,Number ,Lives ,Lipo ,Screen ,Zain ,Light Blazing ,Light Cuisine ,29 95 ,Choice ,Energy ,Dental Implants Changeou ,9290319 ,Smile ,Doctors ,Struggle ,Network ,Lis ,Ove R ,100000 ,Dental Implants ,Consultation ,Da Y Schedule ,Honey ,Ilback ,Finish Line ,Ca Cr ,Middle ,Ultra Marathoner ,Sheshe ,47 ,Ofd Havn ,Mind ,Whileit Runninh The G ,Intention ,She Changer D ,Route ,Ofe Anf Neay ,Biological ,Or ,Move ,Manicure ,Par ,Say L ,Someth Wow ,Whatever ,Reality Shows ,Chives ,Cooking ,Bracelet ,On One ,Orderins G Out Tak ,Head ,Cheating ,Rat Cooking ,Miles ,Cheata Right 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