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[background sounds] pete: israel continues its strikeses against hamas against forces in gaza advancing its ground activity in the region. the idf says its iron dome intercepted a drone coming from the lebanon earlier today after taking down rockets from gaza overnight. wisconsin e will this comes as iran said the u.s. would be, quote, hit hard if washington did not implement a ceasefire in gaza, but israel's maintaining a ceasefire is not an option. >> look, we're not going to have a ceasefire with hamas. it's like you having a ceasefire after the bombing of pearl harbor or with isis, it's absurd. and i was glad to see the administration say heir not even asking for a ceasefire. pete: meanwhile, thousands of pro-palestinian protesters raging through the streets of our nation's capital yesterday. rachel: vanned arals hitting -- vandals smearing red paint on the northwest gate. some even tried to climb over the gate. will: jonathan hunt is on the ground in jerusalem with the latest. >> reporter: good morning you once again. secretary of state antony blinken continuing his diplomatic shuttling around the region. earlier today the he met with the palestinian authority president, mahmoud abbas. abbas old the secretary of state there must be a, quote, immediate ceasefire if. antony blinken rebuffed those requests to put pressure on israel for a full ceasefire and reaffirmed9 what the u.s. has said continually, that it supports only what it causes pauses -- calls pauses to get humanitarian aid into gaza a and to allow more civilians to get away from the fighting. but in an effort to win some more palestinian support for u.s. efforts, the secretary of state once genre affirmed the u.s. support for an eventual two-state solution. quote: the secretary also expressed the -- expressed the commitment of the united states to working toward the realization of the palestinians ' legitimate aspirations for the establishment of a palestinian state. that from matthew miller, the state department spokesperson. meantime, the action overnight continued in gaza with heavy strikes on an area or south of gaza city. that is called magazi. now, from hamas we heard that dozens of civilians were killed in his strikes. we have not, obviously, been able to confirm those claims. israel has said repeatedly, of course, that it is only targeting hamas positions anywhere in gaza is. and we are just coming to the end now of what israel said was a 4-hour window for more civilians to flee the northern end of the gaza strip and to move south past a city in the southern half of gaza and, ultimately, towards the rafah crossing, the southern border there the with egypt. so while we have that pause in terms of airstrikes, the ground activity around gaza city continued very much overnight and continues right now with israeli ground forces fighting pitched battles with hamas terrorists in and around gaza city and, of course, underneath gaza city in those tunnels that we have heard so much about. so we're just getting to the end, we've just passed now three minutes ago of what was that pour-hour window, so now -- four-hour windows so now we wait to the see if those israeli airstrikes in the northern part of the gaza strip reassume immediately or whether that so-called pause for civilians to get out continues a little longer. will, rachel, or pete? will: jonathan, you told us about the growing popularity of hamas in the west bank. of course, we've also seen lebanon, threats from iran, some activity in syria in response to israel's offensive now on gaza. i'm just curious, there in the west bank what is the stability of the west bank? is that a potential front that could open up -- >> reporter: oh, absolutely. absolutely. that is a very good point. we spent some time there over the weekend, and it is, it is fair the say it is a tinder box over there right now. hamas' popularity is rising, support for hamas rising amongst ordinary palestinians there. they are angered by what is happening in gaza. they are angered by the expansion that has happen over the last few years under prime minister netanyahu of the settlements there. they are angered by what they see as a growing violence by what they call extremist settlers towards palestinians, and her angered by the growing -- they are angered by the growing palestinian death toll. around 140 palestinians have been killed in clashes with the idf in the west bank since october 7th, so absolutely. you hit the nail on the head. it is a tinderbox over there, and until absolutely open another front. now, it's important to say that hamas in the west bank does the not is have rockets, but what we also heard when we were over there, guys, is that islamic jihad is becoming more powerful particularly in the northern part of the west bank, around cities like janine. and islamic jihad absolutely will be trying to get more and more weapons into the west bank. so it's a very dangerous, very explosive situation there, guys. will: all right, jonathan, thank you so much. rachel: thank you, jonathan. pete: you see that pause again for civilians which is something, you know, the international community keeps talking about, but with it's also good for israel. the more noncombatants that can get off the battlefield as you're trying to encircle gaza city, it's easier in that kinetic bat. you don't what -- battle. they already hood amongst civilians and dress in civilian clothes, it's already difficult enough. rachel: i would love to the find out how many noncombatant civilians have left and what is the situation there finish. pete: i've heard a number. i don't want to -- but hundreds of thousands. rachel: a lot of people have left, but how many are left maybe is a better question. pete: it's a good question. well, we know that joe biden is, i believe he's in delaware, beach house. speaking on his behalf, or you might say, barack obama was on pod save america pod california. the whole episode comes out on tuesday, but there's a portion that's been pre-released. and he was asked about the israel-hamas war, and it's the a bit difficult to listen to because he pauses a lot, but bear with us. rachel: he's a deep thinker. [laughter] >> if there's any chance of us being able to act constructively to do so, it will require an admission of complexity and maintaining what on the surface may seem contradictory ideas, that what that hamas did was horrific and there's no justification for it, and what is also true is that the occupation ask and what's happening to palestinians is, is unbearable. and what is also true concern. [applause] is that there is a history of the jewish people that may be dismissed unless your grandparents or your great grandparents or your uncle or your aunt tell you stories about the madness of anti-semitism. and what is true is that there are people right now who are dying who have nothing to do with what hamas did. and the problem with the social media and trying -- tiktok activism and trying to debate this on that is you can't speak the truth. you can pretend to speak truth. you can speak one side of the truth. and so if you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. and you then have to -- [applause] admit nobody's hands are clean, all of us are complicit to some degree. pete: professor obama. the republican jewish coalition came out right away with a at the same time in response to what the former president said, and they said this: at a time when morality, international law and the welfare of our chief ally in the middle east all demand that we stand with israel, full stop, barack obama says it's complicated. it's not. hamas is to blame for the current war. the u.s. should be fully behind israel as it seeks to the end hamas' capability to harm israelis and gazans alike, but instead when israel faces a barbaric attack from hamas, obama blames israel. rachel: you know, that statement by barack obama was classic barack obama where he does this and the other side and the other side. i do the think -- because there's a lot i can agree with him on. it is complex. the history is complex. anti-semitism is real. the conditions of palestinians, they will tell you, is unwearable. but at the same time, he does, the worst part of it is the last part where he does this faux introspection and he says we all are blood on our hands, we're all complicit. well, actually, your deal with iran makes you the most complicit. and, by the way, because barack obama isn't in office, with we know that his people holdovers from the obama administration immediately, one of the first things they did as soon as joe biden got into office was to revive the iran deal which we know disrupted the abraham accords which were bringing about some sort of peace there. and so actually, barack obama has a lot to do with this. and for him to pretend in the statement that he, you know -- it's all of us. no, it's your iran deal that has probably the most to do with this. will: two quick observations. one, i do find it pretty fascinating when that audience chose to the applaud. they were silent when he gave recognition to the existence of anti-semitism and when he acknowledged the hour or risk a acts of hamas, but when he says something is unbearable for the palestinians, the the audience erupts into applause. i think that showed a pretty partisan bent on the side of that audience. second, you know, pete and i have had a lot of conversations off air, and i'm very fascinated by the -- because i want the understand. i think in a a moment of this magnitude, i reach for understanding as a way, as a cope. i want to arrive at the truth. rachel: yeah. will: i want to the understand the history, the complexity. but i will tell you at the end of all of that, you do arrive at an answer of simplicity. you do arrive at a point where you go, well, understanding the history doesn't really do anything to plaintiff you on the simplicity of the fact that that you have an existential fight in the wake of a horrific terrorist attack and that israel has a pretty crystal clear objective which is to eradicate hamas. pete: yeah. and also in 2006 gaza, they pulled settlements out of gaza, meaning all the jews and israelis out of gaza, and the gazan people elected hamas. and hamas rather than build greenhouses and invest in schools and hospitals, they invested in terror tunnels, and they built stockpiles of tens of thousands of missiles to point out jess. -- jews. and then they penetrated the border and massacred jews. that's pretty straight forward. we can talk about the complexity, but what's happening right now is an existential defense of a nation. will: and obama suggests understanding the complexity is what's required to arrive at the solution are. well, the immediate solution is the eradication of hamas. and that's fairly simple. rachel: jonathan hunt's report was really interesting when he told us that support for hamas has only grown. that shows you that when hamas made the decision to go and murder over 1,000 israelis and knowing that the retribution -- i mean, everybody knew that the israelis were going to, you know, avenge that. and so they actually put the gazans, the palestinians, in great carriage. but according to jonathan hunt and his read on the ground in the west bank, palestinians are blaming israel, and they're not mad at hamas. in fact, they're rejecting the more moderate political party -- pete: the radicals have a lot of power in that side of the world. i've seen it, we've seen it, it's true. so do you, what do you do in that phase, you take out hamas in gaza, you make an example of them, and then you hopefully it doesn't open up in the west bank. that'll be their decision if they vote many -- rachel: and you hope that israel does as much as it can to avoid, you know, unnecessary -- pete: they're doing that. rachel: i'm just -- it's worth saying. pete: it's not even worth saying because they're doing that. rachel: they're doing everything they can. i'm not on the ground, so i don't know what they're doing and not. i'm saying it's okay to say let's hope that noncombatantses will are protected -- pete: well, of course. >> that children are as protected concern. pete: somebody tell that to hamas. rachel: we're not arguing -- this is not about that. pete: i mean, it's why the wars never end, because we tap dance, and we criticize finish. rachel: i'm not tap dancing, i refuse to lose my humanity in this debate. i think there are both sides to the debate, and israel has a right to defend itself and to ask and require a country that's getting our money for its weapons to be as careful as possible, i don't think, is an unreasonable thing to do. pete: there you go. will: meanwhile, back here at home in the united states, much less weighty but still of note, we have an incident in massachusetts where it's important to note this isn't an issue of a trans athlete. it's, rather, a male athlete who wants to play field hockey. in his district, there are no male field hockey teams, so massachusetts law requires that he be allowed to play on the female -- pete: there's a ponytail involved. rachel: we don't know all the details. you say he's not trans. will: i'm just telling you the facts of the case as they've been relayed -- i don't know how this dude identifies. he may not know from hour to hour. [laughter] can you tell me who's trans and who's not? rachel: no, you're right. will: may be in a rock band with that ponytail. all i know is he's a dude playing on the girls' team, and he shot a ball -- i don't know, i'm not real big on -- i don't know field hockey. it's a ball, i think. and it knocked out a girl's teeth. pete: you don't know about field hockey because field hockey is a woman's sport. will: yeah. p.because there is no male field hockey team in massachusetts, men are allowed to play in women's sports, and it's simply -- the velocity and power coming off of that stick with that ball, it's just like in any other sport, it's going to be the that much more with a male -- will: massachusetts has law that urn equal, i don't know, protection, that you've got to give the guy an opportunity to be on the girls' team if you don't have a boy' team. ray the superintendent is not happy with this. listen. >> i think that if the haw is going to -- the law is going to the allow for this, then there have to be protections in place because, you know, there is the a difference. i, this is not a comment on the strength of female athletes. i have, i have two daughters. i don't understand why, you know, the miaa, which is our state association is, can't try to find some middle ground where restrictions are going to allow for all of our athletes to be safer. i want them to the hear there our players here in d.r.. the trauma that i saw on their a faces that night when i met their bus after that game was heartbreaking. rachel: you know, it's interesting, he's waiting for the laws to change. i look at this and i blame all parents of female athletes across the country. honestly, if there was a giant boycott to say we're not going to put our girls in any single sport with men when, you know, it's just -- we're not protecting our girls, and we're waiting for the law to catch up to the craziness. it's just, this should have never happened. pete: well, and i blame the parents of that boy -- [laughter] rachel: ray yeah, that too. pete: how are you are, you know, find another sport, sorry concern. rachel: tell me how this conversation goes. let's go. pete: you're not playing field hockey because it's a girls' sport. and if there is a boys' team, hen you can get on a bus and go an hour and a half to the boys' team that plays field hockey. that's great. but that's your choice. rachel: are you sure the conversation -- pete: otherwise -- rachel: no, you're playing football? pete: otherwise join the lacrosse team or the football team. will: no one has to pay the price for their choices. you made the choice. not everyone around you has to pay the price for your choice. you have to pay the price for your choice. and in this case what happened is the entirety of the girls' athletes paid the price for the choice one guy made and that everyone was was forced to accommodate. rachel: and that's liberalism and leftism encapsulated. the minority forces the majority to change. pete: here's the massachusetts interscholastic athletic association. they said we respect and understand the complexity -- always complex -- and concerns that exist regarding student safety. however, student safety has not been a successful defense to excluding students from one gender from participating on teams of the opposite gender. the arguments generally fail due to the lack of correlation between injuries and mixed-gender teams. rachel: i lost track of what they were saying, like, halfway -- pete: basically said this is not a problem. they said safety is not an issuer here. rachel: there's nothing complex about boys and girls. pete: there is if you've made yourself dumber over time. rachel: true. pete: which we have. will: coming up, lee betweenwood joins us -- greenwood joins us. rachel: but first, tens of thousands march on washington in the biggest pro-palestinian protest in u.s. history, and griff jenkins talked to some of them. >> from the river to the sea -- >> palestine will be free! >> reporter: do to you support israel to exist, or are you saying get rid of israel altogether9? 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[laughter] >> not quite. more like an aged variety. here's the reality. you have someone who for five months barack obama has been the consultant on a.i. not only consultant, he's been interfacing with the tech companies and the white house. let's face it, he wrote this executive order that biden sent out to the world. and then he put words in kamala harris' mouth because it is obama who's obsessed with this idea of, and i'm going to quote it, algorithmic discrimination and bias in a.i., meaning diversity and equity in a.i. he wants to import those values to to control the growth of a.i. and to have the government keep its paw on top of the innovation that's possible in a.i. now, look -- rachel: that doesn't surprise me at all, that obama would want to use a.i. for his own political power and the power of his movement. >> yes. and he claims it's information. he wants to control the disinformation. where have we heard this before, rachel? we had tech companies controlling information throughout covid, they were by and large wrong. they were controlling things that were accurate. i'm very concerned -- rachel: me too. >> -- that the government has gone too far. and this 111-page executive order goes too far. allowing the government to tamp down on innovation and stop the freedom of these tech companies to develop good, wholesome, positive technology. look -- rachel: i don't think there's anything whole many about a.i., i'm really actually concerned. i was already concerned, now i'm worried that obama's in charge -- [laughter] it's all gotten worse. let's talk about this as well because it's the not just a. a.i. we though he's in d.c., the only president who was not disabled who didn't leave concern. >> didn't leave town. ray rae he and valley jarrett are there, and they're running things as well as elections -- >> all of his acolytes are in key power positions in the biden administration from john kerry, his former secretary of state. blinken, who was kerry's number two. and if you don't think this policy that we're seeing in the middle east -- rachel: that's obama. >> back and forth, weak diplomacy inviting terrorism, invite ising our enemies to attack, that's classic obama policy, and now we have another example of it. i didn't realize obama's now doing these robocalls in virginia. guess what? his former attorney general, eric holder, runs something called the national democratic redistricting committee. isn't that interesting? again, the obama pause in the future of the party, the foreign policy of the party, a.i. in the party, information flow in the party and domestic policy. the guy is running this white house. and as an example of that, we know from white house staffers this week that biden's approach the a.i. was shaped by watching mission impossible. so -- [laughter] maybe obama is a step the up given that tom cruise was the last briefing on a.i. that biden got. rachel: no, this is scary. eric holder, valerie jarrett, obama running things, it's the third term. oh, oren a much lighter note, i want to mention this, raymond is number two on the holiday charts a right now, so we can all get happy about that. it's called her arelybright, the it's -- merry and bright. >> and i'm going on tour. go to the raymond arroyo i'm going to phoenix and christmas and tampa, house of blues in dallas and the ryeman auditorium in nashville, it's t going to be incredible. i hope you're coming. rachel: i already got tickets -- you told me to get tickets for my parents, and if i can make it, i'm going to go too. >> we'll do abu wet. rachel: oh, i don't want to ruin the show. [laughter] coming up, the biggest pro-palestinian in history in washington, griff jenkins was there and brings us the story next. >> from the river to to the sea -- >> palestine will be free! >> reporter: do you support israel to exist, or are you saying get rid of israel altogether? >> get rid of it. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. we're traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? 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>> he is! his hands are red with bloodfully they're soaked in blood with. the blood of the children, the innocent children of palestine! >> this is in the israel, this is palestine. this is our ancestral homeland. >> reporter: do you support israel to exist, or are you saying get rid of israelal a together? >> get rid of it. >> [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] >> israel is terrorists. they kill the children. they bomb the hospital. they do a lot of things bad in gaza. >> reporter: you see israel as terrorists? >> yes. >> reporter: what's the flag? what's the message? >> palestinian liberation, liberation for everybody. >> reporter: and so what about the, lgbtq rights not being respected in places like gaza? >> well, people keep bringing that up. >> reporter: do you condemn hamas or do you support their efforts? >> do you condemn 755 years of occupation -- 75 a years of occupation? that's the answer. >> reporter: should israel exist? >> there is no israel. israel is a fascist state. yeah. i'm anti-fascist. >> you're going to breed hamas when you continue to the keep occupying the people. hamas will be everywhere when you continue to occupy the people, that's it. >> reporter: the u.s. points to hamas in gaza and says they're terrorists. do you agree? >> that's unacceptable. >> reporter: it's quite clear that while the president was in rehoboth beach, the message has got to have been heard out there because this is now going to be an issue that he's going to have to deal with, and i don't think there's any good answers from the white house right now. will: you know, griff, i'm struck by the anger that you encountered. there was a lot of not just political statements, but very, very emotional reactions to some of your questions. i'm curious about the one guy that you asked do you think there should be an israel, and he said, no, but he's holding a sign that said keep the world clean, and clean was written almost like in the palestinian flag. do you remember that poster, do you remember what he meant by that? >> reporter: well, you know, that young man was with his mother, and she actually tried to say, well, you know, or it's more complicated than that, he doesn't really understand that. but with i think it's, to your point, will, that you had a lot of people out there that have been motionally driven -- emotionally driven and maybe mt. young man's case not fully aware of what it is they're saying. and that entire march was essentially about the eliminationism of riles. i -- of israel. if you basically cloned the squad as we know them, aoc, tlaib, omar, and turned them into 30,000 versions of themselves calling for the end of israel, that's what you had out there. and so the emotions were driven towards one thing, and that was anti-israel. but, of course, it also came with the caveat that they now hold joe biden responsible for supporting israel. will yeah. i was wondering what -- i wonder what he was trying to cleanse the world of, if that was explained on that poster. >> reporter: well, and to that point, i'll leaf you with this, will, we saw, ari, my producer and i saw countless signs that had a jewish star and a swastika, equating jews with nazis, which is just remarkable, that has what's happening in the streets of this country. will: all right. thanks, griff, for letting us have a look at what took place in washington d.c. thank you, man. coming up, lee greenwood joins us on his special veterans' day concert. but first, as education freedom becomes a front and center issue, which states aced the test? 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(vo) get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. rick: welcome back to "fox & friends." we've got some really nice weather set up for today, and we've had a lot weather over the last week, so this is welcome news. next three days we've got temperatures well above average except out across the west, but ultimately, warm air is going to start to come this there as well week. take a look at this, this is the next seven days. how much precipitation you're going to get. arizona not getting anything just yet, but the pacific northwest, the next storm comes in today. they had a big storm yesterday, another one this afternoon. we'll get more rain and this time a little bit colder so more snow. down across parts of the south, we desperately need moisture in louisiana, we're going to get a little bit wednesday, thursday here. more rain coming across parts of the southeast, but in general, this isn't a huge rainy pattern, so we've got a few good days. this is a little clipper system coming out of canada bringing rain and snow across parts of the great with lakes, no major impacts. really our focus is going to be across the pacific northwest, a place that that has drought that really needs moisture, and we're getting a good batch of it. pete: rick, good to see you. thanks, brother. well, the heritage foundation's annual education free come report card is being released, and "fox & friends" weekend has the first look. freedom florida takes the top spot for the second year in a row with arizona in second, utah, arkansas and indiana rounding out the top five. what are the states taking home an f? well, massachusetts, new york, rhode island, connecticut and coming in last, oregon. here with more is heritage foundation president kevin roberts. kevin, thanks for being here. there has been a big renaissance of school choice which i know factors bigtime into this freedom index. talk to discuss about how does a state make it to the op of the list? >> well, a state makes it to the top of the list by remembering the single most important thing we can do in education is that every dollar spent at the federal, state and local level, every dollar, pete, follow that child to the school of his or her parents a' choice. keep in mind as you documented in your recent book, just a few years ago no states had universal school choice. just this year we had nine, and we're knocking on the or door of double digits. so we put a high premium on that factor; that is, state legislators and their governors realize that the most important change you can bring to the classroom is to introduce freedom and competition and choice because we also know, as my colleagues at heritage point out, that where you have universal school choice, it lifts all boats. all students, even those who remain in schools that are government funded, are going to benefit. pete: because now they're competing for students, and they have to to create a better product inside that system. you know, most folks don't know, kevin, you're an educator, you founded schools, this is something you're personally very passionate about. does your measurement, the report card can, look at curriculum too, what's being taught in these schools? >> it does. so in addition to education free come, school choice, we also look at curriculum, we look at teacher freedom. we want teachers to be empowered to teach well and be innovative. curriculum's a vital part of that and really just to mention it a second time, you know, genuinely because i'm such a fan of your book that conservatives, myself included as i got into public policy, often just became focused on implementing school choice, and we forgot that the radical left for two or three generations has been focused on implementing curriculum that is anti-american. you think about these protests going on that are not just anti-israel, let's face it, they're anti-semitism -- anti-semitic. and that's one example of some of the cultural and curricular rot we've seen in schools. so there is a strong correlation between implementing school choice and improving school curriculum, therefore, in our report card we put a high premium on better curriculum. pete: i've got to believe home schooling is part of it too. i'm guessing there are statements with that's easier done than others. >> it is the. i'm an adopted texan, and we've recently moved to california which otherwise is a great -- to virginia which is otherwise a great state, but texas is the par excellence when it comes to education for home schoolers which my wife and i have done for 11 years. home schooling has also reached a tipping point. everyone in this country now knows someone who's home schooling. it benefits all students because it drives competition in the system. so in other words, even for a family who says i'm never going to home school, i don't know how i would ever go about that, totally fine. guess what in your child's going to benefit from it as well because home schooling, education freedom writ large brings competition into the system. that's what's been lacking over the haas 50 years. pete: kevin, conservatives have been behind the curve on education for a long time, and i wanted to commend you and the heritage foundation for taking the lead and highlighting this. more organizations on the right should follow suit. god bless you. keep it up. >> thanks. thanks so much for having us. pete: all right. coming up, honoring our heros, lee greenwood hosts a special veterans' day concert with performances from your favorite country music stars. he joins us on the one night only event you don't want to miss. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. pete: veterans day is less than a week away, and country music star lee greenwood is hosting a special concert to honor our heros. rachel: in theaters near you, catch big performances by big and rich, lee bryce and other favorites for a one-night-only event. will: lee greenwood joins us more. great to have you on the show. tell us about this concert. >> yeah, pretty excited about this. as our troops head to harm's way, again, we start thinking about our veterans, veterans' day is coming up this week and, of course, we have this wonderful movie, a one-time event with 40 different singers that'll be with aired in motion picture neat ors all across america. and -- the theaters. and we're asking your audience to, please, help send a veteran and their caregiver to send this message. go to adopt a, that's adopt a and send a veteran and a caregiver to see this wonderful motion picture all across america. it's pretty exciting news. pete: so adopt a is the web site, and the actual viewing in movie theaters is november # 12th, direct? and how do you get -- correct? how did you get so many people together for one concert? >> you know, i think it was interesting, basically i said this is going to be for a veterans' day hinge in 2023, and i have a an awful lot of friends. and this is not just country artists. there's an awful lot oftists from different genres in this presentation. the interesting part is they all sang songs from the past 40 years that i made hits. so you see big and rich and is jamie johnson. sam moore, mr. soulman, he did a little scatting with myself on stage and, of course, presentation will feature me singing god bless the usa as well, we couldn't avoid that. rachel: yeah. that's the soundtrack of my life because i'm an air force brat, my dad is a veteran, and that song has so much meaning to me, so good to to know that's going to be sung by you as well as the other great stars. again, it's a $50 contribution that you can send to the a veteran and have them as a guest on this veterans' day weekend to the all-star con effort is experience. and you can receive the concert experience on dvd to enjoy it in your own home. just got to adopt a for more information on that. tell the us a little bit about what it means to you to do yet another thing for veterans. it just never ends for you. you're just never stopping. >> well, it's a passion nor me. rachel: yeah. >> i wasn't in the military. my father served in the navy right after the bombing at pearl harbor, my wife's father was in the army during the missile crisis, and so it's just something i've really taken as a personal if interest to help our veterans. and, you know, sometimes hay get forgotten -- they get forgotten. and, of course, our united states military, you always have to sport them. -- support them. we thank a soldier for their service and they look up surprised and they'll go thank you for saying that. that's all it takes really. but this veterans day, let's honor those who have already served. pete: i love it, lee. having seen you at event vents, it is -- events, it is genuine, it is clear, and the respect that veterans have for you, and only you could bring together big and rich, michael w. smith and kid rock and dolly part parton -- rachel: amazing. pete: unite united by love of country and lee greenwood. congratulations and we appreciate you. >> adopt a vet,.com. and if you're a corporation, you can buy out an entire theater. do that. pete: adopt a lee greenwood. thank you, sir. will: take care, lee. >> okay, guys. have a great day. will: you too. pete: coming up, back to our top story, idf forces strike over 2500 terror targets as they expand hair fight in gaza. we've -- their fight in gaza. we've got a live report from the ground next.e st ♪ith ♪ or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treat it anytime, anywhere. without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. which hotel? 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, James Bond , Someone , Consultant , Companies , Interfacing , Reality , Five , Executive Order , Words , Mouth , Algorithmic Discrimination , Idea Of , Bias , Look , Government , Innovation , Top , Growth , Diversity , Equity , Values , Paw , Information , Yes , Movement , Disinformation , Before , Tech Companies , Covid , Wrong , 111 , Freedom , Positive Technology , Wholesome , Talk , Washington D C , Charge , Let , Didn T Leave Town , John Kerry , Power Positions , Elections , Acolytes , Valley , Ray Rae He , Policy , Terrorism , Diplomacy , Enemies , Obama Policy , Ising , Virginia , Eric Holder , Redistricting Committee , Democratic , Foreign Policy , Information Flow , Step , Staffers , Approach , Briefing , Mission Impossible , Biden Got , Tom Cruise , Holiday , Term , Valerie Jarrett , Oren , House Of Blues , Her Arelybright , Tour , Raymond Arroyo Christmas Com , Phoenix , Dallas , Tampa , Ryeman , Tickets , Abu Wet , Auditorium In Nashville , Story , Show , Pro Palestinian , Life Enrichment Director , Sarah Escherich , Independence Village , Family , Lives , Goal , Living , Residents , Iowa , Waukee , Ones , Grandma , Fun , Kids , Copd , Won T , Breathing , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Thrush , Breztri , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Eye , Swelling , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Hearts , Heart , Ooh , Credit Card , Exit , Kardiamobile , Ekg , Anywhere , Thumbs , Atrial Fibrillation , 30 , Causes , Wallet , Stroke , Heart Rhythm , Bradycardia , Costs , Fda , Tachycardia , 99 , 500 , 9 , Botox , Cosmetic , Kardiamobile Card , Kardia Com , My Name S Eric , Don T Wait , Amazon , 39 , Lines , Video , Results , Effects , Forehead Lines , Injection , Frown Lines , Feet , Difficulty Swallowing , Crow , Sign , Condition , Side Effects , Injection Site Pain , Eye Problems , Skin Infection , Muscle Weakness , Eyelid Swelling , Muscle , Speaking , Nerve , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Medications , Botulinum Toxins , Botoxcosmetic Com , Thousands Of Pro Palestinian Protesters , Chanting , Descending , Allahu Akbar , Message , It Doesn T , Cease Pyre , Cover , The Washington Post , Events , Crowd Didn T , Genocide , Take A Look , The Way , Genocide Joe , Actions , Halt , Terrorist , Opposition , Voters , Bloodfully , Red , Homeland , Israelal , Hospital , Inaudible , Flag , Palestinian Liberation , Places , Rights , Lgbtq , 755 , Estate , Occupation , 75 , Points , Answers , Rehoboth Beach , Statements , Danger , Oman , Poster , Mother , Young Man , Motionally , Squad , March , Eliminationism Of Riles , Aoc , Tlaib , Omar , Emotions , Versions , Caveat , 30000 , Leaf , Will Yeah , Star , Signs , Producer , Swastika , Ari , Nazis , We Saw , Veterans , Concert , Thanks , Lee Greenwood , Center , Education Freedom , Report Card , Horse Card , Test , Shingles , Virus , Bonus Points , Sleeping , A Stay , Bestwestern Com , 50 , 5k , Generations , Cowboy , Daddy , Pharmacist , Prevention , Cowgirl , Farmers , Family Heritage , Ancestry , Gift , Care , Emotion , Isn T Fair , 1982 , Two Hundred And Fifty , Forty , Child , Surgery , Smile , Code , Joy , Operation Smile , Golo , Guitar Music , Programs , 60 , Vo , Bingo , Hassels , Speedboat , Lake , Food , Guilt , Fear , Eating , Work , Don T Worry , Gotta , Offer , Opendoor , Opendoor Dot Com , Weather , Fox Friends , Brick , News , West , Average , Precipitation , Temperatures , Seven , Rain , Pacific Northwest , Snow , Big Storm Yesterday , Arizona , Storm , Parts , Moisture , Clipper System , Southeast , General , Few , Louisiana , Pattern , Focus , Lakes , Impacts , Batch , Drought , Canada , Education , Spot , Brother , Row , Heritage Foundation , Freedom Florida , Indiana , Arkansas , Utah , Kevin Roberts , States , Last , F , Rhode Island , Connecticut , Oregon , New York , School Choice , List , Factors , Freedom Index , Renaissance , Dollar , School , Single , Mind , Premium , State Legislators , Factor , Door , Digits , Nine , Competition , Classroom , Governors , Change , Boats , Colleagues , Heritage Point Out , System , Educator , Folks Don T Know , Product , Curriculum , Measurement , Come , Conservatives , Teachers , Fan , Teacher Freedom , Public Policy , Protests , Some , School Curriculum , Curricular , Let S Face It , Rot , Home Schooling , Texan , California , Wife , Home Schoolers , Excellence , Par , Texas , 11 , Tipping Point , Curve , Education Freedom Writ Large , Heros , Lead , Organizations , Suit , God Bless You , Event , Performances , Country Music Stars , One Night Only , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Flaky , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Door Slam , Veterans Day , Theaters , Country Music , Big And Rich , Lee Bryce , Favorites , Troops , Harm S Way , Motion Picture , Veteran , Singers , Help , Ors , Neat , 40 , Vet Com , Caregiver , That S Adopt A Vet Com , Web Site , Viewing , Movie Theaters , Presentation , Country Artists , Friends , Oftists , Genres , Songs , Hits , 2023 , Sam Moore , Stage , Scatting , Jamie Johnson , Soulman , We Couldn T , Song , Soundtrack , Dad , Meaning , God Bless The Usa , Air Force Brat , Guest , Stars , Experience , Contribution , All Star Con Effort , 0 , Concert Experience , Dvd , Father , Military , Passion , Navy , United States Military , Interest , Army , Missile Crisis , Hay , Service , Soldier , Event Vents , Respect , Parton , Kid Rock , Dolly , Michael W Smith , Love , Theater , Congratulations , Corporation , Unite , Adopt A Vet Com , Sir , Terror Targets , Hair Fight , 2500 , About Ubrelvy , Migraine Pain , Dose , Next E St Ith , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Sleepiness , Inhibitors , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Hotel , Choicehotels Com , Views , Craft Beers , Cambria , Narrator , Surgeries , Suffering , Mercy Ships , Five Billion , Mission , Healing , Give Today , Military Base , Capitol , Meeting , Turkey ,

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