house minority leader kevin mccarthy leading a group of republican lawmakers going to the border today. >> it comes as republicans are blaming president biden for the surge. they say he has sent a clear message that the border is open for business. >> it is entirely, you cannot but notice the administration changes and there is surge. there can be no question when sending a message to people. it has to be our border is closed. you can't say in spanish one thing and english another. one for the consumption of those in central america and the other for domestic consumption. it has to be the same message. they aren't doing that. >> when a similar surge happened a few years ago president obama called it a humanitarian crisis. as i suggested, this is going to get nothing but worse as the spring comes. >> bill: former acting ice director ron vitiello joins us. we begin with casey stiegel in mcallen, texas. >> thanks. it was another busy night for u.s. border patrol agents all along the southern border who now say on average that they are apprehending more than 500 children a week. more than 500. those are those unaccompanied minors that we keep talking about, children under the age of 17 traveling alone. and right here in the rio grande valley sector of south texas detention capacity is at 363%. all other major border patrol sectors over 100% capacity according to boots on the ground here. the mayor of this particular city, mcall en, says the pandemic is only complicating matters. >> courts are closed. you can't have a hearing because of covid. so you are going to stockpile literally hundreds of thousands of people in this process and so the potential is worse. you should have at least maybe warned us, too. we were involved in this before and say by the way, we're going to open the border and you guys need to be prepared for that. >> today house gop leader kevin mccarthy will lead other rub can lawmakers to come to the southern border. more reports surface that migrant children are being detained longer than the government's three-day limit in what some describe as unfit conditions at these overcrowded short term facilities. data shows that the number of unaccompanied minors currently in u.s. custody now at more than 4200. that is roughly 31% jump since just last week. >> bill: casey, thank you. leading our coverage there. now the same agency that deals with national disasters is headed to the border will democrats change their tune? fema stands for emergency. ron vitiello under president trump chief of the border patrol under president obama good morning to you. >> good morning. bill. >> bill: greg abbott governor of text was maria on sunday. >> for the first 2 1/2 months of this year they made about 110,000 apprehensions including in those apprehensions are 800 criminal aliens who have previously been arrested and exported from the united states. 78 sex offenders and 62 gang members which include ms-13 gangs. >> bill: his comment went on as well. here is more numbers, 78,000 encounters in january. 100,000 apprehensions and port of entries in february. "new york times" saying an additional 19 now migrants with adults and children have been caught by border agents since the first of march. ron, what is it going to take? >> it took the tools that were working last year, right? on january 21st they stopped enrolling people in the migrant protection protocols ant sent a signal to the globe that if you bring your child or send your child to the border you will let them in. that's what happens under the law. children are only supposed to be in border patrol custody to be processed, put into the system and booked in and moved on to hhs shelters. so that workforce right now unfortunately are stressed out, overwhelmed and it's backed up. they have to get these facilities right. they have to move these children into hhs custody in 72 hours. they aren't able to do that because we are encouraging as a country right now people to send or bring a child to the border because you get a free pass essentially, right? that's what happened in 2014. the smugglers exploited the idea we would give children a pass. they called it a pass. the humanitarian crisis under the obama-biden administration. we've started to abate that surge by using family detention centers. ice put up family residential centers to claim asylum but stay in custody until that asylum claim was heard. that deterred others from coming. in 2018 and 2019 we did the same thing. the migrant protection protocols with mexico. historic unprecedented support from the mexican government allowing people to claim asylum at the border but waiting in mexico. it made people realize they weren't going to get let in and stopped coming in numbers. >> i want to jump in to your point there is a backlog of over 3,000 children who haven't even been filtered through the system yet and waiting at or near the border to be processed. right now democrats are slamming former president trump pretty hard saying they inherited this crisis from him much like they inherited a vaccine crisis. i want to get your reaction. >> this is a humanitarian challenge to all of us. what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border and they are working to correct that in the children's interest. this again is a transition from what was wrong before to what is right. >> does this ring true to you? is it a helpful argument to make at this point? does it matter? >> no, it doesn't. if the system was to be fixed they would shore up the loopholes that are in current immigration law that wouldn't allow children to be let in at the border. inheriting what exactly? under the previous administration title 42 these kids were sent back to wait for their asylum claims either in mexico or their home country. and so we didn't need the kind of shelter space before january 20th. there weren't large numbers of children coming to the border. it wasn't broken. it was working. the tools that prevented the kind of surge that is occurring now have been taken off the table. that wasn't done previous to this administration, that was done starting january 20th. >> bill: thank you for your time. more coverage of this over the weekend on other outlets. we've been on it for some time. the situation has not slowed and it needs fema and possibly more to take care of it. ron, thank you, sir. eight minutes past the hour now. >> do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> president biden: the investigation underway and see where it brings us. >> president biden is breaking his silence. not answering reporters' questions whether the governor should resign. he said we should allow the investigation the play out. meantime there are no reports now the governor's vaccine czar in new york state has been asking fellow state democrats to throw their support behind cuomo amid the scandal. bryan llenas following it live from brooklyn, new york today. what can you tell us? >> good morning. the "washington post" and "new york times" reporting that cuomo's vaccine czar has been calling county executives over the last two weeks gauging their loyalty to the embattled governor amid his sexual misconduct and nursing home scandals. one named executive filed an ethics complaint and said they feared the county's vaccine supply would suffer depending on whether they supported the governor. the executive said of the outreach at best it was inappropriate. at worst it was clearly over the ethical line. the governor's acting counsel said of schwartz calls, any suggestion he acted in any way unethically or other than in the best interests of the new yorkers that he served is patently false. new york city democratic mayor bill deblasio had this to say to cuomo yesterday. >> he should resign right nou. he is holding up our effort to fight covid. he is in the way of us saving lives right now. >> over the weekend photos appeared to show a beleaguered governor cuomo outside the executive mansion in albany making phone calls at cuomo finds himself cornered. the majority of new york state legislature, 135 mostly democratic lawmakers now calling for governor cuomo's resignation or impeachment. 26 federal lawmakers nearly all of new york state's congressional delegation have called for his resignation. house speaker nancy pelosi not ready to go that far. >> people have to look inside themselves and say and governor cuomo also, how affective is their leadership in leading the state under the circumstances that are there? but i do think that the women deserve to hear the results of these investigations as does the governor. >> president joe biden directly commenting on this for the first time over the weekend and, of course, impeachment investigation underway in the new york state assembly. gillian. >> bill: fox news alert. west coast cities erupting in violence over the weekend. rioters clashing in police. one year since the police killing of breonna taylor. >> calls on capitol hill to base funding for schools on whether they have a plan to get kids back in class. conscious woman ashley hinson is leading that effort. >> bill: is cancel culture striking again? why she says she was totally blind-sided. >> i support him for his freedom of speech and he is my friend. i'm not racist, neither is piers racist. i hate the fact even saying i'm not racist. to fill each tomorrow with moments that matter. and a steady stream of protected income can help you secure the life you've planned. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life with their tomorrows. because life isn't about what tomorrow brings. it's what you do with it. ask a financial professional about pacific life mom and dad left costa rica, 1971. and in 1990, they opened irazu. when the pandemic hit, pickup and delivery was still viable. and that kept us afloat. keeping our diners informed on google was so important. the support from our customers, it honestly kept us going. i will always be grateful for that. start the year smiling at aspen dental where new starts happen, every day. get exceptional care at every step, unparalleled safety at every visit, and flexible payment options for every budget. now, during the everyday smiles event new patients get a full exam & set of x-rays with no obligation. no insurance? 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>> the spigot has been turned on and important we have accountability tied to the money. we can't keep disrespecting taxpayers and students by not following through with what this money was intended to do. you look across the country. this is a crisis not only mental health for our students but look at the parents who had to make drastic shifts in their life in the last year. we're going on the year now heading into the second year of this pandemic for many kids. they have been out of school heading into the second year and completely unacceptable. >> bill: the money cannot be used to pay down pension obligations or cutting taxes. we're watching that. >> gillian: i want to pick up on something you mentioned, the mental health crisis a lot of american students are facing. we're seeing now through new reporting out that in some instances this is even more detrimental to school children than the academic fallout they've suffered. i spoke to one educator saying what about setting aside some funds to help treat mental health issues that are now running rampant among america's children and teenagers? have you seen any effort? anywhere in the country to try to move that forward? >> you are spot on. we filed an amendment. i led the charge insatisfied of having the money going to nancy pelosi's subway redirecting the money to spend on mental health challenges. democrats voted that down in the house. i think our priorities we need to redirect our priorities to what is really needed here, making sure we take care of our kids. they need to have an option to be learning in the classroom. when we see emergency room visits increase not only for teenagers but youngest kids, that's incredibly alarming. we have to do something. we have to take action. that's why we need to make sure that there is some accountability associated with these billions of dollars that are going out. >> bill: maybe we'll see you in honolulu or maybe not. >> i'm in. thank you. >> bill: 24 past. outrage at the l.a. county d.a. over his criminal justice reforms. backlash building against new york's governor now with seven women accusing him of sexual misconduct. two top democrats are breaking from the party declining to say whether or not the governor should step down. lawrence jones is up next on that and more. >> i think he is used to getting things his way and it has been almost an imperial governorship. i have to tell you, the folks in this state and the political leadership don't believe him anymore. he doesn't have any credibility. veteran homeowners: during uncertain times, money in the bank can bring you and your family real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa. so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? 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i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> gillian: l.a. county's new district attorney is facing a recall effort over his sweeping reform policies. he dismissed special charges against five suspects accused in the murder of a 20-year-old man back in 2018. this means if those people are convicted they could be eligible for parole in just 20 years. the victim's mother says she is devastated. >> i'm dealing with the life of my son that will never, ever be back and they will one day be free and be able to live their life? i would hate to see my son's killers toasting to an evil man knowing they will be out free and laughing the way they were? that's their homey? please, it just broke my heart, it really did. >> gillian: her son was brutally beaten and stabbed and thrown over a cliff. his body was only discovered two days later. >> do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> president biden: the investigation is underway and see where it brings us. >> bill: the president coming back to the white house. not calling on andrew ko*em to step down as more than 160 lawmakers in new york including many democrats say he should step down or be impeached. lawrence jones, fox nation host joins me now from the nation. just about everywhere else. how are you doing? what do you think happens here? >> depends on what democrats want to do here. i believe in due process. i believe people have a right to face their accusers. that's not what the democrats believe. if we're holding them to their standard he should already have resigned by now. the bigger question is how do we handle the abuse of power? the fact he has his health expert going out there trying to get people more loyalty tests? wasn't there a lot of criticism before there was an investigation on trump about if he was asking the f.b.i. director for loyalty? and now you have their guy, the gold standard, asking people after we know that he concealed information during the nursing home scandal. the fact that now there are eight women asking legislators for their loyalty? is this the gold standard. >> bill: headline andrew cuomo becomes expendable. the new york governor is no longer necessary with trump gone. >> we knew this about andrew cuomo before the election. this guy was used as a tool for the democrats to say look, this is the real leader right here. now we know eight accusers, the guy was concealing information and his aide is the one who told the democrats that look, trump is just going to use this against us. but reporters had this information before the election. the question is why did they choose not to report on this before that? >> bill: interesting question. maybe in the end we get that answer. maybe not. why do you think kamala harris has been so quiet on this? why do you think it took joe biden so long to offer that short comment? >> the comment was much of nothing to begin with. he is their guy. he is their guy. democrats, i've been saying this a couple weeks. the hardest part about this scandal they don't want to take the l. their guy, they propped him up. there is political capital they'll lose as a result of this. you don't get to raise someone else and when they fall be silent on it. so the democrats should take the l and say look, we knew he was a scum bag to begin with. there have been reports of him harassing people for years. >> bill: there were good comments on "fox news sunday". karl rove said he made a lot of enemies on the way up. a lot of them are remembering him on the way down. joe biden has had a relationship with andrew cuomo and his father mario going back decades. there is a relationship there. >> he ran his father's campaign. this guy was part of the clinton administration back in the day. he has been in politics for a long time. but the fact -- you know, the most troubling thing about this entire coverage of andrew cuomo -- i'm not saying that the people that are accusing the governor should not be heard -- but there seems to be this focus on this and not the nursing home scandal where we already have evidence in that case. we don't have a lot of evidence yet in these sexual harassment claims. that needs to be prosecuted in the court of law. evidence needs to be gathered. we already have evidence about the nursing homes. do we not care about the elderly anymore. >> bill: a.p. makes this point. republicans have seized on the scandal to try to distract from biden's success tackling the coronavirus pandemic and challenge his party's well-established advantage with female voters. >> what success has there been? he gave the speech the other day talking about the coronavirus and the vaccine as if he created the vaccine and as if suddenly he was able to get all these vaccines across the country. i think americans are smarter than this and why you have a lot of people in the past administration part of operation warp speed saying hey, we created this in eight months. most politicians it would have took five years and no type of credit. i was watching the other week. you have the guy on and one of his senior advisors said he would hat tip the former president. i didn't see that in the speech. so again, mr. unity is not being very unifying. >> bill: he said he will hang on. not elected by the politicians. i thought me too meant something. i wonder if him too means something, too. back to gillian now. >> after 13 years and 20 years in the nfl our dad is finally going to retire so he can spend more time with us. >> bill: that's how the new orleans saints quarterback drew brees announced his retirement. 15 years to the day after he signed with the team brees led the saints to a super bowl win in the 2009 season. 20 years in the league. holds the records for most all time passing yards of any nfl quarterback. new orleans loves him. lawrence jones will give him a pass on this. >> i'm a cowboys fan. i know good work. >> gillian: it is hard to say a word against the guy. one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. 20nfl seasons under his belt and a great guy outside of football. carved out an entire name for himself doing charity work and giving back to his community in new orleans. how can you not be a fan? i don't care about football and i'm a fan. >> bill: a lovely family, too. right. >> gillian: that's right. something completely different now. a new warning about china is coming from an unlikely source. take a listen. >> china sees a problem and they fix it. they build a dam. we debate what to rename it. [laughter] >> gillian: that's bill maher said we've already lost our competitive edge to china because we're focused on cancel culture wars. marc thiessen is live with his take. kevin mccarthy is leading a delegation to the southern border starting today as fema is helping with the surge of unaccompanied minors. we'll be a congressman on the border tour and be with us live. stick around. it lets you refinance at today's record low rates plus get cash. with mortgage rates low and home values high refiplus can help you lower your rate plus turn your home equity into an average of $50,000. money for security today. money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus from newday usa. (vo) ideas exist inside you, electrify you. they grow from our imagination, but they can't be held back. they want to be set free. to make the world more responsible, and even more incredible. ideas start the future, just like that. alright, guys, no insurance talk on beach day. -i'm down. -yes, please. [ chuckles ] don't get me wrong, i love my rv, but insuring it is such a hassle. same with my boat. the insurance bills are through the roof. -[ sighs ] -be cool. i wish i could group my insurance stuff. -[ coughs ] bundle. -the house, the car, the rv. like a cluster. an insurance cluster. -woosah. -[ chuckles ] -i doubt that exists. -it's a bundle! it's a bundle, and it saves you money! hi. i'm flo from progressive, and i couldn't help but overhear... super fun beach day, everybody. >> gillian: president biden is now turning to infrastructure as his next big legislate i shall move looking forward to some bipartisan support this time around. republicans on the hill say fat chance. congressional correspondent jackie heinrich joins us from capitol hill. >> during the campaign then candidate joe biden made painstaking efforts to distance himself from democratic socialists within the party using words like transformative instead of words like progressive to keep that distance there. but messaging from president biden's chief of staff whose official white house account is quickly undoing that careful posturing after the covid relief bill passed ron klain retweeted depicted this head on bernie sanders body. if the mittens feet you must admit joe biden is a progressive. progressives within the party are quick to boast about what they can accomplish by keeping their coalition together. >> sometimes progressive ideas sound radical at first. you can't implement them a little later and they become mainstream. child tax credit is basically a universal basic gar an -- income for children. they didn't know it. it came up on them over the years. >> president biden is seeking bipartisan support on the infrastructure package stimulating economy with green investments. republicans say they've heard this song before with the covid relief bill. >> economic help was needed for families as well as for businesses. we're on board with that. you would have had bipartisan support for that. you know what it also includes? it includes 1.9 billion to give stimulus checks to inmates. now, inmates are already paid for by the taxpayer. they can't stimulate the economy unless they purchase contraband. >> democratic senator called the infrastructure bill our primary opportunity to move green priorities and that is perking the ears of republicans looking for more of a built in liberal agenda in this next bill. gillian. >> gillian: good to see the bernie sanders inauguration meme is making its way around the internet. >> bill: 15 before the hour. biden administration gearing up for a meeting with beijing. china is becoming more dominant on the world stage. comedian bill maher says the u.s. has already lost to china. >> on a national level we've been having infrastructure week every week since 2009 but we never do anything. half the country is having a never ending woke competition. the other half believes we have to stop the lizard people because they are eating babies. we're not losing to china. we lost. the returns haven't all come in yet. >> bill: marc thiessen former speech writer for george w. bush. good morning. hello to you on monday. are you a man with words. may her had a lot of words. he said we binge watch and they binge build. >> they can't eat our lunch unless we let them. the trump administration had a tough policy on china. we need to hold the chinese regime accountable for unleashing this virus ton world and killing half a million americans and presented today tore trade practices and genocide against the uighurs and suppression of freedom in hong kong. a lot of things we need to know china accountal. china knows with the biden administration they have a get out of jail. john kerry has been appointed to be the climate czar. he gave us the iran nuclear deal and wants to negotiate a climate deal with china. they'll dangle a climate deal in front of the biden administration and john kerry will bite and at the same time they are using a stick, bill, which is they sanctioned all of the trump administration officials behind the tough on china policy. the message to the biden team is if you want to do business with us. >> bill: long article here very interesting, a lot of numbers. stimulus bill transforms options for state and local governments. now we're talking about the $350 billion passed, right? just about a week ago. marc, fresno, california, how much money is that town getting? >> they are getting a lot of money. >> bill: i'll tell you. $25 million deficit, receiving $177 million. it goes on. give me a moment. new york, buffalo, northwest corner. how much they getting? $178 million for the county. ithaca, new york, $17 million. four times the size of the budget in ithaca, new york. i could go on and on. california, right? in january the surplus projection is $15 billion. you know how much money california is getting from this bill? $26 billion. they got a surplus of $15 billion. they are getting an additional $26 billion. these towns are swimming in cash. that's just four of them. go. >> it's true. here is the thing. this was supposed to be a bail-out for the states that were and counties and local alts devastated by covid. a lot of these states have record revenues in 2020. why? because we passed almost $4 trillion in stimulus last year. some of that stimulus money is coming back to them in revenue. so they are not in a cash problem. this is the problem with the whole covid relief bill. it was a pay-out. nothing to do with covid. it was a pay-out to democrats. blue states and blue governments across the country. even the education money, bill. $170 billion for education. according to cbo only 4% of that will be spent this year. we need to pass this to open the schools. nothing to do with school reopenings. cynically use the desperation of parents to get their kids in school to be a huge pay-out for the teachers union. nothing but a special interest pork barrel beer for the democrat constituencies and states and local governments. >> bill: 31 states have enough cash to fully absorb the economic stress of the pandemic recession on their own. marc, thank you. hope to see you later in the week. thanks for your time today. back to gillian in washington >> gillian: president biden has been in office for just about two months. he has yet to hold a formal news conference. when will he take direct questions from the press corps? we've got that plus cbs shows the talk is going on a high at us after sharon osborn defended piers morgan after he criticized meghan markle. look at this fantastic lineup coming up in the next hour. stick with us. it's a new day for veteran homeowners. with home values high and mortgage rates at all time lows. great news for veterans who need money for their family. that's me. refiplus from newday usa lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000. that's me. that's money for security today or retirement tomorrow. that's me. refiplus. ♪ ♪ the 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quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at >> i support him for his freedom of speech and he is my friend. i'm not racist. i feel even like i'm about to be put in the electric chair because i have a friend who many people think is a racist. so that makes me a racist. >> gillian: that from the cbs show the talk now taking a break after co-host sharon osborn defended her friend, piers morgan. she apologized for doing so. what happened is that piers morgan slammed duchess meghan saying he didn't believe a thing she said after the oprah interview. he quit his job hosting a prominent british morning tv show after he got major backlash over his comments. let's bring in fox news contributor and media expert joe concha. let's first break down cbs's moves here. they put the show on hold for monday and tuesday so they can conduct an investigation. tell us in media exec speak what that means and also what they are investigating. we saw everything go down live on the air, didn't we? >> we did. again gillian, we're investigating somebody's opinion in a benign one with sharon osborn on the talk for more than a decade giving these sort of opinions. just to impact how insane this episode is, piers morgan, also paid to give unfiltered and candid opinions, he weighs in on meghan markle says he doesn't believe she was denied by the royal family any assistance when she said she had thoughts of suicide or thought that the royal family was racist and he has a right to that opinion. this interview was watched by 18 million people. instead you have a british regulator, british government investigating piers morgan for his opinion on this. we have it with cbs and britain. look, it was president kennedy who i believe conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. even president obama has spoken out about cancel culture. >> gillian: how does one even if you are a very powerful media exec, how does somebody investigate somebody else's opinion? what does that mean? >> you don't. now you've attracted all this attention, gillian, to this show that's on mid mornings on cbs over something that i'll bet if cbs doesn't pay any attention to this it goes away. sharn osborn didn't say anything wrong. she disagreed with him and didn't believe him but his right to his opinion. let me share this poll. harvard harris provided to the hill. 64% americans, 2/3 think that cancel culture poses a threat to freedom in the u.s. what will happen? if the pattern holds sharon osborn may be out of a job. that's what may happen. she works for a full decade and her career is done. a 60 somethingier old woman who said people should have a right to their opinions. >> gillian: she has been co-hosting this show for all 11 seasons. we don't know if that goes on. it is not specific to this show or network. you may have heard of a show called the bachelor on abc. undergoing their host, chris harrison under scrutiny, big scandal because of his moves defending one of their contestants who was perceived to have said something racially insensitive. >> he has been on -- doing that show for more than 20 seasons now and he is not coming back as well for saying we're in a different world in 2021 and 2018 as far as viewing racism is concerned. it is crazy and insanity quite frankly. >> gillian: thank you for breaking it down for us. we'll talk to you again soon. thanks. >> bill: good morning, everybody. fox news alert. homeland security ordering disaster agency fema to help shelter migrant children. the biden administration faces mounting criticism over the treatment of unaccompanied minors crossing the border in record numbers. 10:00 a.m. in new york. 10:00 in our nation's capital. welcome to a new hour. i'm bill hemmer monday morning. gillian, welcome to our program. >> gillian: thanks so much. great to work with you. thanks for keeping me around for the second hour. i will try not to disappoint you. i'm gillian turner from the nation's capital in for dana perino. house minority leader kevin mccarthy is leading a delegation to inspect a migrant processing center in texas and wants to get a first look at the growing border crisis there. texas's governor greg abbott yesterday told maria bartiromo the numbers are staggering. take a listen. >> in the rio grande valley sector alone all of last year they made 90,000 apprehensions. already this year the first 2 1/2 months of this year they've made about 110,000 apprehensions. including in those apprehensions are 800 criminal aliens. >> bill: a really good interview. talk about operation lone star. griff jenkins live in el paso, texas, another week on the border. griff, good morning. >> good morning, bill. the governor talking about the sector where i was yesterday. this sector here in el paso is on fire as well. the unaccompanied minors up 144%. single adults up 231%. they're coming here because of house minority leader kevin mccarthy bringing a delegation of a dozen gop house members. one who will join you very shortly. i have to tell you, as we stand here in el paso across from mexico, the situation that they need to know about particularly with those unaccompanied minors if they get the tour near where i'm standing. earlier this morning senator tom cotton was on "fox & friends" and talked about the decision that dhs secretary mayorkas in sending fema to help hhs with those kids. >> the bind administration is sending fema to the border. by their own declaration admitting it is a disaster. that's what it is when you deploy fema, a disaster. they aren't deploying fema to try to finish the wall or stop the migrants from crossing. they are deploying them to expedite them and waive them in faster and give them a bus and plane ticket and send them wherever they want to go in the united states. that's the biden border crisis. >> bill, the numbers are jaw dropping. look at this. the unaccompanied minors up 61% from january and the february number is 9,457. yet some of the leaders in washington, speaker pelosi still not calling it a crisis. listen. >> this is a humanitarian challenge to all of us. what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border and they are working to correct that. so this again is a transition from what was wrong before to what is right. >> this comes as we're told there are more than 4,000 unaccompanied minors in custody right now and where we left rio grande valley that governor abbott talked about. the child facility there is up some 729% for capacity because of covid. you must remember this is the middle of a pandemic. they built that shelter for 250. they have more than 800 in it right now and trying to figure out what to do. >> bill: gang members and others is what the governor described. senator cornyn on this. watch. >> it is a crisis. when a similar surge happened a few years ago president obama himself called it a humanitarian crisis and as suggested, this is going to get nothing but worse as the spring comes. >> bill: that was john cornyn now. knows this issue well from his home state inspecting a detention center for migrant children housing nearly 700 teenagers. a democrat pointed out each bed costs taxpayers $800 a day. half a million a year for one shelter not including the other social services including doctors and nurses and education. our next guest member of the congressional delegation that tours the border today tennessee congressman chuck fleischmann. thank you, sir, for your time. what do you think you'll see today, sir? >> well, unfortunately we are going to see a crisis of tremendous proportions. i'm the ranking member, the highest republican on the subcommittee of appropriations worked with the past trump administration right here in el paso and all across the border to secure it, to build the wall, to keep us safe, to be humanitarian and unfortunately president biden and his administration in a very short period of time has created a tremendous crisis. we're being overwhelmed here. it is bad for the country, bad for the migrants. it has to be addressed. >> bill: what do you think of the involvement of fema? what should that tell us about the situation there? >> well, that it is a crisis. fema is coming here to make sure we do the right thing with these people who come over. but we have got to keep people from coming over. unaccompanied minors by the thousands. the coyotes now are basically left to do whatever they want to do. there will be no prosecutions because of the executive orders that have gone out there. literally we have chaos on the border. it has to be addressed by the white house and speaker pelosi, it has to be addressed by chuck schumer. they cannot talk their way out of this crisis. >> bill: why do you think this happened? sir? >> well several reasons. first of all i blame president biden. the rhetoric we've seen out of him and the liberal democrats after we had secured the border has been counterproductive. sent a message to the coyotes, to the cartels, to those who want to do us harm to go ahead and start this process all over again. i can't stress enough that the humanitarian crisis to these children, to the people involved who are being abused and hurt, if biden won't act on anything else, have him act to protect them, not for politics, not for messaging, but to stop the flow, the illegal flow of thousands of people into communities like this in el paso and sadly, being sent all over the united states. >> bill: we look at what fema has done for federal disaster declarations in 2021. the numbers they've been given as well. declared disasters here. so much of this now is weather-related. you think about the disaster declaration of 2021 by type. six winter storms, five tropical storms, covid pandemic and some others total seven. last word on this from the border. >> well, i just want to reach out to the american people and say look, it is not a time for politics. this is for protecting our border. time to be humanitarian to make sure we stop the illegal flow of people coming across and address this as americans. the left wing bent of the new administration and their mignons missed this, caused this and we have to stop it. we can stop it. the long term ill effect of this are going to hurt this country for a long period of time and it will hurt people. >> bill: chuck fleischmann, republican from tennessee, el paso, texas. thank you for being here. eight past the hour now. [sirens] >> gillian: that footage of violent protests erupting on the west coast over the past weekend from l.a. to portland and seattle. rioters fighting with police a year after the death of breonna taylor at the hands of police officers in louisville, kentucky. let's bring in jason rantz. i want to flag for you first a tweet from andy ngo on the ground there. this is reporting on portland nou. he says antifa returned to occupy the front of the federal courthouse and tried burning it down again this week. blocked the streets to create a no-go zone for the public and police. are you surprised? >> no. we've known this was going to happen for a very long time. they took a brief intermission. we're officially into the second act of the antifa violence we'll see for the next several months. if not the entire year unless we start taking this seriously. now they say they are doing this over the weekend for breonna taylor. before that it was for indigenous people. in the coming weeks george floyd. they aren't really interested in that. these are radicals with an ideological agenda using those issues for cover so they can engage in this kind of domestic terrorism. when you turn to violence and you have an ideology in mind that's what this is. >> bill: it wasn't just portland. it was seattle, two of the usual suspects, right? also los angeles. they hit a bed, bath and beyond and other businesses vandalized. no one is out of view from this group. if you are there and are you in the way, they will hit you. >> yeah, you are either with them or against them. let's not forget about the attacks on police officers. they threw an air conditioner at a group of cops in l.a. this is what they do. don't tell me that attacking a bed, bath and beyond or restaurant is somehow about social justice. it clearly is not. they are creating this kind of chaos, doing it on purpose and doing it because there were seldom any consequences. there was a moment over the weekend in seattle where someone secretly recorded one of the leaders talking to a group and said unless they do some kind of serious felony, they won't be arrested nor will they be charged. the radicals know that. so they will continue to go down this path again unless we have a combination of overwhelming police force to stop this. i think over the weekend the cops did a good job. then it has to be followed up with county officials who will actually charge and go the entire way. >> gillian: you mentioned follow-up here in terms of consequences for rioters, arsonists and the like. what we saw yesterday in the wake of these attacks i will talk about the portland courthouse specifically is a scramble by law enforcement to stand up the very same fences and barriers they erected almost a year ago in the wake of protests following breonna taylor's death. it seems this is a pattern. not just happening in portland where law enforcement is reacting to these things but it happened in d.c. with fencing, barriers, national guard troops and come bombard the city. why is law enforcement not able to get a hand on this and move proactively to prevent stuff like this? >> i don't know if it's an issue with policing. i don't think it is an issue with policing. they are doing their job. in a lot of cases they are being ham strung in not being able to engage in the way they would like to. over the weekend we saw them using something called kettling in portland which meant it is a crowd control tactic where you bring everyone to a certain part, cordon them off and you do your investigation to release them one at a time. if you do this effectively it is not a dangerous tool. it can become one. what we've seen here is a reluctance on the prosecutor side to actually follow through and charge. i just don't think it's a policing issues. when police are able to do their jobs they do it effectively. >> bill: seattle suggest police were more aggressive in responding. see whether or not it makes a difference over time. jason rantz in seattle himself. 13 minutes past the hour. california school districts using money to give teachers bonuses. we'll run down the story. georgia authorities reopening investigation into the 2013 death of a teen found wrapped up in a gym mat. kendrick johnson's death was ruled an accident but his family believes otherwise. kendrick's mother will join us next. >> kendrick was the light of the family. you had to wake up and see he is no longer with us. and understand, you know, why they didn't give my son any justice. tomorrow holds the course of your financial future. which is why it's good to know exactly how you'll get there. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life to protect their tomorrows. because protecting those you care about with life insurance and retirement solutions is a winning game plan. ask a financial professional about pacific life. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. through ancestry i learned so much about and nutrients to my grandparents that i never knew. i'm a lawyer now, but i had no idea that my grandfather was a federal judge in guatemala. my grandfather used his legal degree and his knowledge to help people that were voiceless in his country. that put a fire in my heart. it made me realize where i got my passion for social justice. bring your family history to life like never before. get started for free at it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 is 300. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. so you want to make the best burger ever? 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>> yes. >> gillian: what are you hoping -- what is the most important thing for you that you are focused on going into this case being reopened? what would you most like to learn? >> i want to know exactly what happened to kendrick in that gym and the most important thing is getting justice for my child. justice here on earth. >> gillian: we wish you the best in your quest for that justice. jacquelin, to you and your entire family thank you again for coming on to talk about this. it is really tough but we appreciate it. markus, thanks for all the work you are doing and speaking so eloquently on behalf of your clients. we appreciate it and will follow up with both of you. >> thank you. >> bill: strong family. 24 past the hour. the blame game at the border continues. why some republican lawmakers say the surge at the border is entirely president biden's fault. plus we're waiting for the president to announce new covid rules for workplace this week. critics are saying the roll-out of restrictions has a hidden purpose. what would that be? it's coming up. >> it's an attempt to keep a crisis going by the president. it is a power grab and usurping of state's rights. here's huge news for veteran homeowners who need cash. refiplus from newday usa. record low mortgage rates have fallen again, while home values just keep climbing. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000 for retirement tomorrow and for peace of mind today. refiplus. it's huge news. it's only for veterans. and it's only from newday usa. still your best friend. and now your co-pilot. still a father. but now a friend. still an electric car. just more electrifying. still a night out. but everything fits in. still hard work. just a little easier. still a legend. just more legendary. chevrolet. making life's journey, just better. >> bill: a quick look at the headlines this hour. president biden breaking his silence on accusations of sexual harassment against andrew cuomo. the president did not call on him to resign and says that we should wait until an investigation is complete. >> gillian: police in north carolina say they found several undetonated explosive devices outside a baptist church and county building yesterday. nobody was hurt. the feds now investigating. >> bill: a massive snowstorm slamming colorado canceling more than 2,000 flights over the weekend. that storm dropping more than two feet of snow in denver as of this morning. wow. for more on these and other stories download the fox news app and scan the qr code on your screen or have >> gillian: that snowstorm, republican congressman darrell issa is slamming president biden over his new covid workplace rules. we expect those to get rolled out later this week. he is calling the move a power grab with over a dozen states in the process of rolling back at least some coronavirus restrictions. let's bring in chief washington correspondent covering it all, mike emanuel. >> good morning. likely to be serious conflict between new standards from the federal government and states reopening. >> the power grab after 17 states with declining infection rates have lifted some of the mandates is exactly that. an attempt to keep a crisis going by the president. it is a power grab and usurping of state's rights. >> the national retail federation is also weighing in. retailers are concerned about the possibility of a rigid one size fits all emergency regulation particularly during a global pandemic that has imposed substantial economic hardship. the biden administration is expected to issue a six month emergency temporary coronavirus standard. labor unions and democrat allies have been seeking new protections. >> some governors end all mask mandates. they will conflict with osha's forthcoming regulation. >> restaurant owners among those who worry this could add more red tape and cost after the covid lockdown has already threatened their survival. >> gillian: chief congressional correspondent and chief washington correspondent as well mike emanuel. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> do you think president biden and his change in policies in his first 50 days, how much responsibility does he bear for the surge at the border? >> empirically it is entirely. you can't notice the administration changes and there is a surge. >> bill: republicans accusing president biden of rolling out the welcome mat for illegals. more than 100,000 were apprehended at the border last month. up 28% from january. the number of unaccompanied children jumping to more than 9,000. want to bring fox news contributor and former tennessee congressman harold ford junior. welcome to you and good morning. two topics. see what we can do here, right? pelosi saying we inherited a broken system, charlie. chuck schumer saying we inherited a huge mess. i guess they both got the memo. begin. >> they did. to be sure the border crisis has been going on for a long time. both parties bear responsibility for the mess at the border. but that's why it is remarkable what president trump did in the previous administration. he employed a couple very logical steps to enforce people to get mexico on board, to try to prevent people from entering their border and coming to our border and doing things to reduce incentives to keep people from wanting to come to the border in the first place. joe biden, because i guess he is hell bent on trying to push a political agenda rather than solve a problem has completely undone all of that. and right now at this moment probably the most alarming part of it is you literally cannot go to your kids' baseball game or high school football game without being stopped at the door to get your temperature checked. federal government isn't even testing people in the middle of a pandemic trying to come into the country. of course, some of the local alts are testing people and they come in and but then they can't turn them away and they can't quarantine them. they just go wherever they want to go. so it is a crisis on every single level and yes, it has been a crisis that both parties are responsible for going back a long time. but donald trump did so much to curb the immediate problem and joe biden for some reason has decided to undo all those very simple successes. >> bill: where does the buck stop, then? >> good morning, thanks for having me on. the buck always stops with the president. i think charlie's analysis around both parties for many years trying to score cheap political points on this issue is absolutely true. and there is no doubt democrats have to understand we won't have broad comprehensive reform around immigration until we address what is happening at the border. the last time we had comprehensive reform ronald reagan was president. we learned lesson from that. not enough focus on the border. we should do that. the real incentive for so many people rushing to the border is the lack of stability, economic stability throughout our hemisphere. the last time the united states was serious about a hemispheric effort was under president kennedy, alliance for progress, a targeted economic and developmental aid package to mexico and lat-in american countries. we have to think more seriously about that. just controlling the border is not going to mitigate or for that matter eliminate. >> bill: you wonder if statements like we aren't saying don't come we're saying don't come now, when people hear that what kind of impact it has down the line? we can go back 50 or 60 years and we have to deal with the here and now. the here and now tells you these numbers have gone through the roof in 60 days. >> but bill, i don't disagree with you. my point is we have to control the border but how do you stop the incentive? how do you stop the impetus. people are sending their children, 10, 50, 200 miles by themselves. there has to be a mindset that does that that says they're safer and have a more viable chance for a future elsewhere. i'm not saying you let them in. we have to think this in in a more holistic way unless we want to keep talking about surges and one side is cruel, one side is not. let's be serious, thoughtful and meaningful and intentional in what we try to get done. >> bill: i wish i had more time. maybe we do it later in the week, okay? this issue will be here. charlie and harold, thank you. 22 before the hour. here is gillian. >> gillian: nearly $2 trillion in the stimulus bill and some california schools are looking to use part of their share to pay teachers big bonuses. as much as $6,000 per teacher. carley shimkus on that ahead and cancel culture is spreading like wildfire. there is a call for generation x to lead the charge to save america from the social media mob. can they do it? 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that's because virtual learning is so exhausting. studies have shown it causes a lot of stress for kids and disproportionately affects lower income students as well. so for such pushback from teachers unions to stay virtual is a big problem. it is purely political. teachers unions donate a lot of money to democrats and why they have been allowed to push a false narrative that teachers need to be home and they need to be vaccinated before they get back in the classroom. >> bill: i'm sure that girl loves her mom but needs to get out of the house. >> she is not alone. >> bill: california school district dublin is paying its teachers $2500 bonuses with state and federal aid money and suggesting they could use the money for a trip to hawaiian and we'll watch that story and see where it goes. if you read the law, the law looks like if you can rationalize the money being spent for covid, you can go ahead and make the payments for anything you choose. >> that's true. so it is almost like okay, this isn't necessarily a criticism of the school district that they have enough money to use for ppe and ventilation. it is just that the funding bill shouldn't have passed with that massive amount of money. they're like oprah, you get a car, you get a car. all of this money should be put back in the taxpayers' pockets. >> bill: watch this story and see if they go to honolulu and let us know what happens. >> i hope irt was a joke. >> bill: if you can rationalize, you can spend it on what you want. >> nearly 3 million women have quit their jobs, many of them because they have to stay home with their kids for virtual learning. a lot of stuff going on with the school district making a lot of people very unhappy. >> gillian: 3 million number is not that surprising. cancel culture has been coming for lots of fictional characters lately. now a new "new york post" op-ed says it is up to generation x to stop this madness. the writer is joining us next. first we have harris faulkner with what's coming up on "the faulkner focus". >> harris: good to see you. we'll have much more on the now-growing crisis at the border. i'm going to talk with texas congressman chip roy touring a facility at the time we're hitting air next hour. meanwhile, stunning overcrowding among migrant children in south texas is leaving people breathless, worried, sleepless nights and some say the little ones are sleeping on floors and not getting enough to eat. i will be joined by a rancher in a border town her says her family and business are in danger on top of all that i just mentioned. 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[ tires screech ] well, that came out of nowhere. >> gillian: we're witnessing a growing movement to silence opposing minority voices by social media mob. a new "new york post" op-ed is calling for generation x to step up, put millennials in their place and stand up to the cancel culture. how the last adult generation can save america from millennials. thanks so much for joining us. you know, what's great in this piece is you say we're at this cultural inflection point where we're asking ourselves really at the national level if teenagers can look at mr. potato head and still retain their sense of self-worth or if we can as adults still watch "gone with the wind" or read dr. seuss and be commited to the pursuit of racial equality. what's the answer? >> the answer is depending on the question yes or no, these debates are incredibly stupid. that's what anyone above the age of 40 would say, that if you were raised in a time when the values of the first amendment and free speech were clearly taught and clearly understood and preached by adults you wouldn't asking about gone with the wind was okay to watch. you would have understood and learned in school as i did that the purpose of the first amendment is to protect speech that you don't like. when we start down the road of policing speech we don't like we are going down a dark road indeed. >> gillian: here is the thing and the crux of your argument. the question that remains to be answered is major mega hollywood celebrities have not been able to stand up to the cancel culture mostly and survive. we have seen celebrities of the highest order here in the united states, across the pond in england try to take a stand like piers morgan did and fuel. what infuses generation xers with the power and wherewithal to break through? what's special about them? >> the special about it. we were the last generation to grow up without the internet and experience the cold war in realtime. so we watched movies, we learned in school that the enemy was unfreedom. the enemy was the iron curtain and soviet union and helped us to understand why our system was better, why you don't lose your job because you have an unpopular political opinion. why you don't have to worry about your neighbors turning you into the speech police. somehow after the berlin wall fell and internet came along with lost sight of that. we have an entire generation that doesn't see the value in letting a thousand voices speak or a million voices speak that has adopted that sort of east german view of speech where if someone voices an unpopular opinion or holds to an outmoded view on this or that orthodoxy they need to lose their job and driven to the margins of society. i didn't grow up in that country. it wasn't that long ago. i think it's possible we can get back there to people who remember what it was like and who know why it is important that we live that way. actually stand up for the values that they were raised with. >> gillian: one of my favorite things you say in this piece is essentially leave it to the younger generations, the when millennials and the generation zers to fight to change the world and make it a better place and control the levers of world power. for folks like us is generation xers 30s and 40s it freeze us up to focus on issues like this. trying to promote freedom of speech for the rest of the country. we have a little more emotional energy. >> we're in a very interesting phase. in the middle of our lives and the internet came along when we were in our 20s, some of us late 20s and flipped everything upside down. the world we inherited isn't the world we were expecting. the last five years we can see that accelerating at a great rate and things are getting weird fast. if we don't pump the brakes and reassert ourselves and the values that shaped us and formed us in terms of what we understand about the importance of our democratic system and the levers that make it work and the gears and values that make it work it will be gone for our children. so the good news is that we're raising children right now. we're in charge of generation z and the generation that comes next if we have children. we have to chance to push back and turn the tide. if we don't i'm afraid things are going to get real ugly in 10 or 20 years time and we may not recognize the country we grew up in. >> gillian: matthew, thank you for taking time out to join us today. loved the op-ed. all our viewers at home check out the book. thank you so much. >> bill: really good piece gillian. read it earlier today. a great source of debate that we can have together. great to run. march madness continues. i don't know if you saw the show last night. they have 68 college teams that will play the tournament starting on thursday. do you know what they have to do to try to make this thing happen? you get on a charter plane if you are -- five different locations in indiana. if you live within 350 miles of the site of the game you go by bus. your team is required to have seven straight days of negative tests otherwise your season is over. >> gillian: that's a lot of spit tests. >> and they have four teams they chose to be on the bubble who are on stand by. they will try to make it happen. i hope it happens. it would be a great diversion for all of us. they call it madness for a reason. hope it works. >> gillian: here is hoping. >> bill: here is harris, too, bye-bye. >> harris: intensity and conditions never meant for children longer than a few hours. the crisis at our southern border has triggered a sharp partisan blame game among lawmakers. i'm harris faulkner. homeland security officials say fema, the agency that responds to disasters, will now care for migrant teenagers and children crossing into our nation. border crossings are surging to new highs and the biden administration is struggling to find those children housing and

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Grande Valley ,Maria Bartiromo ,90000 ,Talk About Operation Lone Star ,El Paso ,Griff Jenkins ,Members ,On Fire ,231 ,144 ,Tour ,Tom Cotton ,Bind Administration ,Hhs ,Decision ,Fox Friends ,Secretary Mayorkas ,Wall ,Migrants ,Declaration ,Crossing ,Bus ,Biden Border Crisis ,Ticket ,Leaders ,Jaw Dropping ,9457 ,61 ,System ,Speaker ,4000 ,Middle ,729 ,Shelter ,250 ,Watch ,Issue ,John Cornyn ,Detention Center ,Bed Costs ,700 ,Doctors ,Nurses ,Guest Member ,Tennessee ,Services ,Thank You ,Chuck Fleischmann ,Subcommittee ,Ranking Member ,Proportions ,Appropriations ,Safe ,Involvement ,Coyotes ,Executive Orders ,Prosecutions ,Unaccompanied Minors ,Chaos ,Chuck Schumer ,Reasons ,Rhetoric ,Cartels ,Flow ,Communities ,Hurt ,Have Him Act ,Biden Won T Act On Anything Else ,Declarations ,Being ,Winter Storms ,Disaster Declaration ,Six ,Term ,Effect ,Bent ,Mignons ,Wing ,Portland ,Protests ,Seattle ,Footage ,Sirens ,Police Officers ,Hands ,Jason Rantz ,Louisville ,Kentucky ,Andy Ngo ,Second Act Of The Antifa ,Portland Nou ,Courthouse ,Streets ,Public ,No Go Zone ,Brief Intermission ,George Floyd ,It Wasn T Just Portland ,Ideology ,Cover ,Radicals ,Terrorism ,No One ,Bed Bath And Beyond ,View ,Attacks ,Cops ,Bed ,Restaurant ,Social Justice ,Air Conditioner ,Bath And Beyond ,Purpose ,Consequences ,Felony ,Police Force ,Path ,Combination ,Wake ,Terms ,Like ,Arsonists ,Law Enforcement ,Barriers ,Fences ,Fencing ,Troops ,National Guard ,Policing ,Hand ,Bombard ,Crowd Control Tactic ,Cases ,Ham ,Kettling ,Side ,Reluctance ,Prosecutor ,Charge ,Jobs ,Policing Issues ,Teachers Bonuses ,Georgia Authorities ,Kendrick Johnson ,Gym Mat ,Accident ,Teen ,2013 ,Next ,Flight ,Justice ,Life Insurance ,Game Plan ,Solutions ,Nutrition ,Mission ,Nutrients ,Energy ,Protein ,Tasting ,Vitamins ,Whoo Hoo ,9 ,27 ,Health ,Grandparents ,Ancestry ,Grandfather ,Knowledge ,Degree ,Judge ,Lawyer ,Put A Fire In My Heart ,Guatemala ,Family History ,My Passion For Social Justice ,Invitation ,Sales Event ,Apr 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Grab ,Restrictions ,Usurping ,Attempt ,Roll Out ,Climbing ,Peace Of Mind ,Best Friend ,Upside Down ,Father ,Co Pilot ,Still A Night Out ,Little ,Legend ,Journey ,Chevrolet ,Headlines ,Accusations ,Devices ,Baptist Church And County Building Yesterday ,North Carolina ,Snowstorm ,Storm ,Snow ,Nobody ,Flights ,Feds ,Colorado ,Denver ,2000 ,Screen ,Stories ,Qr Code ,Foxnews Com App ,Darrell Issa ,Move ,Covid Workplace Rules ,Dozen ,Correspondent ,Standards ,Conflict ,Well Mike Emanuel ,Infection Rates ,Mandates ,Emergency Regulation ,Retailers ,Possibility ,National Retail Federation ,Governors ,Protections ,Labor Unions ,Allies ,Hardship ,Restaurant Owners ,Cost ,Regulation ,Mask Mandates ,Osha ,Red Tape ,Lockdown ,Survival ,Responsibility ,Change ,Illegals ,Welcome Mat ,28 ,Harold Ford Junior ,Morning ,Topics ,9000 ,Mess ,Charlie ,Memo ,Parties ,Steps ,Couple ,Incentives ,On Board ,Place ,Hell Bent ,Baseball Game ,High School Football Game ,Temperature ,Door ,Donald Trump ,Points ,Successes ,Buck Stop ,Buck ,Analysis ,Immigration ,Doubt ,Incentive ,Black ,Hemisphere ,Lesson ,Ronald Reagan ,Aid ,Countries ,Hemispheric ,Alliance For Progress ,Statements ,Impact ,Here And Now ,Mindset ,Chance ,Impetus ,200 ,Surges ,Elsewhere ,Let S Be Serious ,22 ,Share ,2 Trillion ,Per Teacher ,Call ,Social Media Mob ,Wildfire ,Carley Shimkus ,Generation X ,Veteran Homeowner ,It S Time ,History ,Lowest ,Need ,Big News ,Introducing Refiplus ,Life Insurance Policy ,Cash Payment ,Policy Lapse ,One Hundred Thousand ,One Hundred Thousand Dollars ,Worth ,Finding Out ,Coventry ,Limu Emu ,Liberty Mutual ,Visit Conventrydirect Com ,Limu ,School District ,Fresno County ,Employee ,Proposing A ,Stimulus Package ,Taxpayer Money ,Waste ,Top ,Per Student ,Happening ,2600 ,600 ,Ventilation ,Stimulus ,Luxury ,Teachers Who Haven T ,Food Services ,California School District ,Girl ,Campus ,Video ,Unbelievable ,Friends ,Classrooms ,Studies ,Pushback ,Teachers Unions ,Narrative ,California School District Dublin ,Trip ,Looks ,Shouldn T ,Amount ,Oprah ,Know ,Pockets ,Joke ,Irt ,Many ,3 Million ,School District Making ,Harris Faulkner ,Characters ,Madness ,Writer ,New York Post ,Lots ,Op Ed ,The Faulkner Focus ,Congressman Chip Roy Touring A Facility ,Overcrowding ,Floors ,Ones ,Rancher ,Danger ,Faulkner Focus ,Border Town ,Piece ,Passion ,Bus Driver ,Chicago Transit Authority ,August 20th 1990 ,Summer ,Patio ,Pick ,Dream ,Neighborhood ,Mom Wanted ,Payment ,Projects ,Project Managers ,Month S ,359 ,59 ,36 ,List ,Resume Database ,Abilities ,Discount ,Indeed Com Home ,Let S Roll ,Clicks Pen ,Cards ,Seventy Five Dollar ,Sidewalk ,Playing ,Music ,Snoring ,Wood ,Electronic Music Playing ,89 ,Tires ,Minority ,Movement ,Nowhere ,Social Media ,Mob ,Generation ,Millennials ,Adult ,Step Up ,Inflection Point ,Gone With The Wind ,Commited ,Potato Head ,Sense ,Dr ,Pursuit ,Seuss ,Debates ,Equality ,Anyone ,40 ,Values ,Free Speech ,Policing Speech ,Major ,Crux ,Mega Hollywood Celebrities ,Order ,Celebrities ,Pond ,England ,Stand ,Fuel ,Special ,Wherewithal ,Movies ,Realtime ,Unfreedom ,Soviet Union ,Cold War ,Iron Curtain ,Speech Police ,Neighbors ,Berlin Wall ,Voices ,Sight ,East German ,A Thousand ,Society ,Orthodoxy ,Margins ,Levers ,Xers 30s ,World Power ,Zers ,Rest ,Phase ,Lives ,Late 20s ,Brakes ,Weird Fast ,Gears ,Importance ,Generation Z ,Tide ,Viewers ,Time Out ,Matthew ,College Teams ,Last Night ,Debate ,March Madness ,68 ,Charter Plane ,Locations ,Indiana ,Tournament ,Season ,Game ,Tests ,Site ,350 ,Teams ,Spit Tests ,It Madness ,Bubble ,Diversion ,Stand By ,It Works ,Intensity ,Bye ,Housing ,Highs ,Border Crossings ,

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