On an overcast afternoon in October, 22-year-old Surabhi Arandhara stood holding her two-year-old son, Arshik Jyoti, as he cried uncontrollably. Arshik was diagnosed with lymphoma in September. Arandhara, a soft-voiced widow clad in an orange saree, choked back tears while telling us her story.
Living in a remote village in Assam's Jorhat district seven hours away, Arandhara and her in-laws barely have any money for the child's treatment. With the help of a woman she fondly refers to as 'bou' (sister-in-law in Assamese), Arandhara was able to get in touch with a regional news channel in Guwahati. The news channel arranged for Arandhara and Arshik's 330-km journey by road from their village to Guwahati. Arshik is now undergoing treatment at the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital. "The doctor has not assured anything yet--whether he will recover or not," she said.