About this Event
This event is open to the public and our expert speakers will discuss and take your questions on Empowering personal change for pregnancy and child health.
Professor Megan Warin, Research Leader, Robinson Research Institute / Director Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender, University of Adelaide.
Megan Warin is a social anthropologist and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences and has over 2 decades of research experience in investigating how people attend to food and eating in everyday lives. Her research takes her into communities and homes where people often experience hardship and are trying to juggle many competing priorities in the context of family life. Poverty, under-employment, mental health and poor housing all impact on people’s capacity to eat, and to eat well. With colleagues, Megan has explored the ways in which women and mothers are positioned in many of the key debates around parenting and obesity, highlighting the historical and contemporary importance of gender, social class and race that are smuggled into popular and scientific accounts of nutritional education, developmental origins of health and disease and epigenetics. As well as obesity, Megan has a long-standing interest in eating disorders and has published widely in this field.