of looking at the stereotype the question to me is think if you from the country that i not. pm emergency we think it is drama day oh you know it's all about. bob i might show join me to meet the germans on the. post. washington's new visa restrictions for some african countries cause tension secretary of state michael peo says the measure is a jew towards terrorism threat in west africa the families who want to join their relatives in the united states say the band unfairly targets them. africa's stepped up efforts to ensure the coronavirus doesn't spread to the consulate early detection is crucial to but it's close ties with china and fragile public health systems. and about $800.00 villages of zambia joined together in a class action suit against mining giant adults a lump of coal which. i did fizzle and let's do business washing. restricting visas for citizens from 4 african countries it says the governments of failed to meet you where security and information sharing standards the rules come into effect later this month thing could stop thousands of people from joining family members in the united states it also leaves the status of many others in question lindsey elst an adopted 3 year old eliana back in december a joyous moment after years of iraq are saying about your claim live in lagos nigeria and lindsay originally from california wants her daughter to become an american citizen now she's not sure if that will be possible i want my daughter to have the same rights that i do you know and it's something that. is just really real for us and really really scary to be perfectly honest her fears maybe well find it from february 22nd the u.s. will no longer grant one theory and the kind of visas that lead to permanent residency it is possible to apply for a waiver but critics say the post that is opaque a total of 6 countries are affected by the new rules as well as nigerians people from eritrea kurdistan and myanmar will no longer be able to get on the path to permanent residency sudanese and tanzania nationals will be banned from taking part in the diversity visa lottery scheme. nigerians make up the biggest group of african immigrants in the united states in 2018 well over half of the 8 has an immigrant visas issued to nigerians went to immediate relatives of american citizens. as a meeting with his nigerian counterpart in washington on tuesday u.s. secretary of state mike pump aoe cited information sharing as the reason for the new restrictions. because niger has room to grow and sure porton national security information. optimistic that's going to happen. until then though the joyful times lindsay shares with her daughter are temperance by uncertainty about her future. the world health organization criticized africa for being too slow now officials are ramping up preparations for any outbreak of the coronavirus the continent has closed trade and business ties with china where the disease originated so the risk is high and africa's health care capacity limited but an isolation ward stands ready at a hospital sudan incidentally barred trees in senegal and madagascar have the testing equipment they need african centers for disease control and prevention has activated its emergency operations center a number of labs are now quick to diagnose the infection in ghana madagascar nigeria south africa and sierra leone the w.h.o. expects another 24 african countries to receive the reactions needed to conduct tests by the end of the week airports in gambia cameroon and guinea a screening passengers for viral symptoms kenya tanzania and rwanda have all suspended flights to china the democratic republic of congo is barring its citizens from flying there and picking a fast has a chinese citizens to stay away. preventive measures have been stepped up in brokers port city of 10 geas the country's health authorities have set up procedures to monitor travelers arriving through airports and the seaport moroccan hospitals are also being ready to receive any suspected coronavirus patients. those wishing to go ashore in tangiers harbor must undergo a medical screening especially passengers arriving on ships from china thermal cameras monitor body temperature medical staff question tourists and business travelers morocco wants to stop corona virus from entering the country at any cost . little is coming directly from china a check for medical issues and there are special measures in place for other travelers more generally conditions a stricter for travelers returning from the source of the outbreak were han in china that put under quarantine in isolated hospital wards such as here in city side hospital 350 kilometers south of tangiers. there you know it's the head. sure for sure samples were taken for analysis no one is in fact it. everyone underwent a medical examination and will be monitored for 20 days morning till night to be sure that they are not sick. fear of a corona virus outbreak has gripped this corner of africa along with morocco algeria and tunisia are also tightening border controls. what's the best way to regulate in legislate multinationals to make them answerable to their business operations around the globe a landmark u.k. case is getting underway that could help answer that question in a class action involving 1000 $846.00 sabby and villages is suing global mining giant resources in england as they couldn't get access to justice in zambia where they could afford to pay a lawyer they say the multinational is responsible for the environmental damage done from the chunk is mine which is operated by the down to zambia and subsidiary cucolo called the mines waste from the mine polluted in nearby river over 10 years they say so the mining operation allegedly affected the health of the villages and their livelihood that's why they want to be compensated by the down to resources welsh upon which is following this story for us to ponder 1st of all could you just explain to us a little more about why these legal proceedings are being held in the u.k. in order exactly it took like 23 years to establish whether legal proceedings could be held in the u.k. and that was by a landmark decision but the u.k. supreme court and it took quite a few quite a lot of legal experts by surprise so this was unexpected and it's because of the way lawyers in zambia actually regulated so lawyers in zambia are not allowed to take on a no win no fee cases like a. as in which they wouldn't be paid until they win the case and if they don't win a case they just you know don't get paid and you have that in the u.k. and that was one of the main reasons for the u.k. supreme court's 12 this case to go on in the u.k. so that's this is why it's happening they are not in zambia so how important is the result going to be for u.k. companies it's going to be a major case of course is going to be look looking at the argumentation 1st of all because of course now the question is is you know a multinational in the u.k. responsible for the actions of its subsidiary and they will be looking to see how the 2 sides you know argue for or against that and that's what they will be looking at and seeing how the judges receive those arguments as of course when i spoke to the lawyer who represents the 1846 villagers he told me that they are actually using in part for instance sustainability reports as proof that the downs i was aware of what was going on in case you and that in chiang mai so that's one reason that obviously companies also release sustainability reports is common practice nowadays but if they're making claims that are not true they could potentially be held liable for that what about the experts what are they saying we can expect from this well they're kind of afraid to call it as you can imagine cause they don't want me to get back to them in a few months or years and say you were wrong or right is fine but wrong is bad of course so they don't want to call it what they did speak of as sort of a global wave or trend towards holding multinationals responsible for what they're doing their business of cross the weld you have legislation in france which was went into effect in 2017 which makes it possible to sue companies for their business across the world and there's been a case there involving. for its operations in uganda that was last year and then of course in germany the speaking of. which is the plight chain low that hasn't happened yet but the development ministry here. germany is really calling for that to happen that would make companies liable for you know what's happening in their supply chain across the world as well just really briefly could this affect other countries and how they deal with similar cases definitely for especially for commonwealth countries which based on british common law so basically yes it does it well thank you very much interesting stuff. this was pharmaceuticals company now but it has come up with a wonder drug for a rare disease a single dose treatment of. spinal muscular atrophy a deadly illness the drug has only been approved for use in the u.s. so far and made in small batches it's the world's most expensive medication and out of reach for most sufferers now the virus has begun issuing so dense but it's 100 babies and children for free but chosen by lottery throwing up enormous ethical questions mohammed has trouble breathing and he can't walk his muscles are wasting away the boy suffers from spinal muscular atrophy and so many a deadly disease the new novartis drug sold in smoke could kill muhammad with a single dose costing $2000000.01 of artist says it's lottery will help $100.00 children around the world like mohammed patient lobby groups are angry about high costs unregulated procedures but some say the lottery is a valid solution. to assume they want to make the drugs that simple to children and there's always the huge hype and pressure. high of course parents of 6 children will do everything possible that's what i would do as a father. finally we can assume that this law seems to be a means of expediting the drug approval process of. novartis says its capacity to make the drug is limited. it says it's a dialogue we simply don't have as many doses as we would like despite all the criticism at this point there are no proposals for any better alternatives there is only one alternative treatment for a semi spinner the drug doesn't work for every child and it has to be injected into the spinal cord every 4 months that's why many doctors would prefer saw again csma . naturally the administration of organza is less invasive and there's no evidence the drug efficacy is any worse and. again would of course make it an easier treatment for the patient group which it would be approved by and hung lifelong treatment with spin around as a would cost far more than a single $2000000.00 dose of soul gensler but who decides how much a child's life is worth and how valid is a system which resorts to a lottery to select a lucky few for treatment. guys doing business with me. to the conflict zone here in london still a hole about bricks rocks a threat suit to break up the crux of what we all should full was making the right decisions for steering or unshipped we want to stay friends with our british neighbors stressing that is fast becoming so special this week we'll look back at some of the key arguments to live showing this all for the going great great soup debate conflict so for. 60 minutes on d w. in the height of climate change. for consuming. what's in store. for the future of. comics for the major cities. in such a clear counter. to their failed state of the union. africa coming up in the next 15 minutes the 1st lady wanted for murder. trials i have heard but it has been charged for the killing of her husband's 1st wife cannabis prime minister and on to power. and south africa's president cyril ramaphosa has promised economic growth will look at the rolls off foreign investment ahead of a visit by germany's chancellor angela merkel. then the academy is that changing the lives of underprivileged children.

Related Keywords

Manya ,Rakai ,Uganda ,Madagascar ,United States ,Niger ,United Kingdom ,Washington ,Eritrea ,Congo ,Wina ,Extreme Nord ,Cameroon ,Rwanda ,China ,South Africa ,California ,Tanzania ,Zambia ,London ,City Of ,Tunisia ,Germany ,Kenya ,Iraq ,Nigeria ,Sudan ,Morocco ,Elst ,Bayern ,Ghana ,South Korea ,France ,Senegal ,Sierra Leone ,Nigerian ,Sudanese ,Chinese ,Germans ,Nigerians ,German ,British ,Han ,Angela Merkel ,Isa Jew ,Cyril Ramaphosa ,

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