i still think it's probably the strength that's most in line with his narrative. an issue he's not going to be willing to give up the way he's sort of given up on talking about the wall. certainly if the economy takes a downturn, if his policies don't align with a strengthening economy, it's going to be difficult for him to make the case for why he should be re-elected. >> ashley, let's look at another part of that "washington post" article. in regards to the trump administration's reaction to recent warning signs from wall street. it says officials in the white house said the treasury department and throughout the administration are planning no new steps to attempt to stave off a recession. could this actually backfire and haunt the president and his re-election bid? >> i think it could. the real problem here is that he seems to suffer from being able to say whatever is on the top of his mind. that's something that has not changed since he ran for election in 2016. i think at this point his aids