thanksgiving? thursday. jesse: want me to talk to trump about it? i will make a call. dana: fourth of july isn t about you having as day off. it s about celebrating the founding of the nation.di greg: yes, it is. that is how i celebrate the founding of a nation with a three-day weekend. you have to go back to work on monday. make it the first monday of july, no matter what. jesse: while we are at it, can we get the monday after the super bowl off, too? juan: one of my favorite fourth of july, the night before fourth of july, we want to see the movie independence day. have you ever seen that movie, where the aliens are attacking, the americans, the jets, we are beating the aliens? by the time the movie was over, it was after midnight, the little guys are like bug eyed because they are overtired. it was like for me, one of the most spectacular dana: i love how lovely and sentimental you are.
greg: talked to william devane, he can get you copper at a great price. kimberly: he is the best, isn t he? juan: i love tequila. i just drink tequila when i know it is party time. kimberly: what kind of tequila do you like? juan: patron is terrific. kimberly: the blanco? juan: all kinds of reserves. i won t get into it because it is advertising. it is just wonderful. the thing about it, lately, if i m going out to dinner, i will have a martini, and that is pretty good. i like gray goose, belvedere. kimberly: you also really like beer. juan: fourth of july show, and beer is the official alcohol of the fourth of july. everybody at a picnic will go to the cooler and grab a cold one. kimberly: okay. one more. i like tequila, too.
kimberly: what about you, juan? juan: for the democrats, i think fdr, obviously, coming to my mind, the game changer in terms of presidents, democratic presidents who made history. but i also think it would have been fun to be bill clinton or barack obama. jesse: it would have been fun to be bill s. juan: al gore got so angry at him for his screw ups. al gore feels like he got ripped off by the president. if al gore had been able to prevent bill clinton, boy, what a different track we would have been on. jesse: that is true. juan: we ll go the other way. if the founding fathers came back today, gregory, what do you think their opinion would be f f our current government situation? greg: i think they would say, hey, this is working out pretty well. it s 241 years. i bet maybe it goes ten, 20 years. [laughter] then, it will be like the second amendment, working out pretty well for everybody. we weren t sure this place is
jesse: welcome back. happy fourth of july. continuing with answers to the questions you sent in on facebook. the next category, more random ones. the next question is from scott w. this goes to dana perino. if you could put one person on a rocket to mars, who would it be and why? kimberly: don t answer that with jesse watters. jesse: it can t be me. dana: one person to mars. b i think i would send my brother in law, ben, because he loves it space so much and he is so into it, and very interested. i assume they get to look around and come back. jesse: you assumed that. gutfeld, who would you send? greg: someone extremely old. dana: what about the guy
i like bob marley. kimberly: abba. dancing queen. dana: obviously, you have a good answer for this. t greg: basically, the question says what is your favorite album? to say, what is your favorite album?hel dana: okay, what is your favorite album? greg: i don t know. i would say an album by the cramps. one of the greatest albums of all time. juan: i got to listen because you really know music. greg: psycho rockabilly. juan: i think the heart of the question is, something you wouldn t get tired ofng listenig to. greg: i play that album every day. juan: come on. you re making it up. dana: this has been a great start to our facebook friday holiday type thing. coming up, we ll answer the best political questions you guys sent in. there are some really good onesr stay with us.