to the prosecution. that s why they didn t call him. i think that onc he a week and i think your first two are stronger. what do you think about the the jail did you thi, what theyt about in terms of the the sentencing? what do you think is going to happen? he s only person the democrats ever want to put in prison. everybody elsedemocrat let out.. so it s ridiculous. idiculouhe s 70 something. he s a former president. he s got no tracnt, hek record. these are nonviolent misdemeanors, frankenstein, into a felon y if this judge tries this, it s going to be a revolution in thisthat country. there s no doubt about that. but if biden is still downen i e he is on july 11th, i wouldn t put it past brag in thisaybe h judge to get together and try to put him in jail, maybe house arrestou. but wouldn t that just move this right to the supreme couret judge? couldn t you do an emergency appeals straight to scotus? here s the issue do appeal you t to be able to show there s a due proces
manager. stil and kelly s l don t know what he wag thinking. oh, that s right. he liked the football teamboutid played for so. oh, in college. here s a thing. n collegwhat small business hav? they have to get that panera bread move hav where you donate to gavin s campaign, and then he comes up with this great idea. we re like, if you bake bread i in your restaurant, it doesn t apply to you. so every fast foodfast foo chaid just get a little betty crocker make and bake ovenreak and justt it in there and just, hey, we re baking bread, yo. so we i m all for having opportunity to make money off of merit. if you if the law would anve been stores can pay store p to $20 an hour based on your o hard work and an incentive there and you have people come in to work and they bust their every day a and then the employer is willing to invest in that employee because chance s he s going to being a manager or a gm or maybe have his own franchise or like most of us, first jobs. and the fact is the
okay, if you were governor of new york, i could asd yok you how would you handl. the protesters? this is an ongoing issue goingwhat i way. how do they handle this now? what is at the law enforcement e disposal? you should have law enforcement resourceenforcs being focused on these different crimes that actually result in prosecutions that do result in records. but you have prosecutor sfrot who won t actually prosecute these crimes even ifhe cri the s all the work to put together a great case, the prosecutors are stil prosecu stilll failing, even if it s like an attempted murder, let alon , les this kind of stuff. yeah, i mean, in some casesar you wonder where s nationad?l guard? maybe we can bring themge in to open up a major bridge o, a tunnel when someone is trying to close this stuff down. usedhis is crazyit s. is that the tactics that get used by these terrorist sympathizers is to terrorize. yes. it doesn t work. and it shouldn t worn t k. brig but if you have like, qui
some obscure section of some statut and ae and apply it to a former president. in has not been charge beed insurrection. he has not been prosecutedtion. it. he has not been found guilty of it. but thisheeen foun state, as ins well as colorado, would like gud him guilty of it 14t and take him off a ballot. insurrection under the 14th amendment. let s not forget, sean. what s to prevent people fro ntmwh he war who were pro-slavero y, who were anti american from taking officficee? stil that is not this.ul he has never been charged for due process. exisl, i would like to thinkk exists in this country. i think it should be a slam in tt. the supreme cour i have faith in them.naug you know, people likh,e kavanauh ,who the president fought for, who the president went through ,how to get into place. he ll step up.caus those people will step up note because they re pro-trump, but because because they re pro law, because their professioe tn is and the law. and this is very clear. cl. s talk abo
representing biden during this investigation. he was the point person dealing with doj in negotiating the plea deal. the drafting of the plea agreements, and now they are saying that he needs to withdraw from the case because he could be a witness in this as they are try stil trying to contest these plea agreements. they have agreed on the tax thing. i don t think they want to give it up. they are hoping they end up in the same place they were once this special counsel investigation concludes. thank you for stay ing on to of it. cnn this morning continues right now. good morning, it s the top of the hour. we re so glad your with us. let s start with five things to know for this wednesday, august 16th. donald trump now has nine days to turn himself in after facing his fourth indictment. we re now learning he s expected to be backed at the fulton county jail in georgia. new reporting reveals that trump ally rudy giuliani is staring down hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal