silently until someone sends help. >> jesse: that is why i don't go camping. [laughter] >> greg: i just like to hike with very little on. i have a walking stick and a speedo and i search for tadpoles. >> jesse: let me know if you run into hillary. >> dana: this is a tough question for me to answer. we'll start with jesse.. if you were stranded on a desert island and could choose one album or cd, what would it be? >> jesse: not country, dana. sorry to disappoint. >> dana: that's okay. >> jesse: let's see. probably greatest hits from the '80s. '80s hits. >> dana: you can go with that. >> juan: wait a minute. you're a young guy? '80s hits? >> jesse: what do you want, '90s? >> juan: i just thought it would be 2000s. >> kimberly: i think it matches as personality profile. do you like lionel richie?