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is paying off. working together, we're building a better future for the city we all love. ad paid for by re-elect mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at homeowners, golly 33 leaf filter today, or visit leaf i'm dr. sanjay gupta in atlanta and this is cnn happening now, major new immigration action. president biden preparing to announce new executive action protecting undocumented spouses and children of us citizens. real-life at the white house with a look at just how many people both will be impacted plus alarming alliance putin heading to pee on yang. russia's president is set to meet with north korean dictator kim jong-un and the visit and a apparent growing alliance alarming western leaders also wildfires out west that entire town is evacuated due to a pair of fires that are now converging in los angeles county, thousands of acres already burned by wind fuel fires realized near one of the blazes. i will flits her in washington and urine the cnn newsroom right now president biden is preparing to make a major announcement that would shield hundreds, hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants from deportation. the president will soon unveil a sweeping executive action that allows some undocumented spouses of us citizens to apply hi for permanent residency without having to leave the country. it would be the federal government's largest immigration relief program since daca that's the obama era policy that protects undocumented immigrants who came to america has children from deportation and lets them work and stay in the united states cnn's arlette saenz is joining us from the white house right now, or what more can you tell us about president biden's new policy? that's being announced. >> well, well, if this is a sweeping relief plan for some undocumented immigrants that could have election year impacts as president biden is trying to tackle one of the country's most politically vaccine thank issues. border security and immigration. now this plan, what tap into an existing authority known as parole in place, and what it would essentially do is it would allow undocumented spouses of us citizens and their children to remain in their country as they seek the permanent residents removing the fear of deportation, the current system requires that you leave the tree in order to start this process. now, the people who would qualify for this would be undocumented immigrants who are married, who were living in the us for a ten years as of yesterday, june 17, and married to a us citizen. this would allow them to work legally in the us and it's estimated that it could impact about 500,000 spouses and 50,000 children of us citizens. now, this is a move that the biden campaign is trying to argue, stands in stark contrast to the policy of former president donald i'll trump. they said in the statement, quote, families belong together. it's that simple. it's why president biden's actions today are so important. and it's also a powerful, stark reminder of donald trump's legacy when it pertains to his family separation policy. now, biden's move today comes just a few weeks after he had implemented are rolled out a plan that really amounts to a major crackdown on crossings at the us southern border. that was a move that grew drew some frustration from progressives and immigration advocates. so part of what biden's trying to do here is e, some of those concerns, this is also something that could potentially appeal to latino voters in key states it's like arizona, nevada, and georgia, all important battleground states heading into november's election arlette saenz at the white house for us are left. >> thank you very much. let's discuss what's going on with democratic congressman raja krishnamoorthi. he's a congressman from illinois, congressman. thanks is usual for joining us. this announcement by the white house comes what just about two weeks after president biden severely restricted the asylum process over at the border with mexico, why do you think the president is taking this new step now? >> well, i think it's just recognizing the reality of the current situation, which is that you have so many spouses of american citizens who can already applied for legal permanent residency or a green card, but they'd have to leave the country in order to do so, we actually my district has a lot of such cases 30% of my constituents are foreign born. and what we find is that when these spouses have to leave the country sometimes they're gone for as many as 30 or four years before they can come back to continue with the process so the families are separated so what we're doing here, what we're seeing with the president is he'd recognizing that it's wrong to separate these families and then secondly, by permitting them to work, we're expanding the economy, which makes all the sense in the world right now, to separate those families and let the mothers or the fathers whom, who have to leave the country leave their own kids behind, maybe for, as you say, three or four years. that's so heartbreaking indeed, republicans though, as you know, congressmen are slamming president biden's new executive action, saying it's just going to encourage more people to come to the united states illegally. how do you respond to that? >> well, look, we know that our immigration and border are broken. we need a legislative fix and the president has pursued that in congress. however, unfortunately, donald trump and republicans have blocked this saying that essentially if there's any legislative solution that would somehow provide a win to the president and so i kind of chuckle a little bit when i hear these republicans complain because they are voting oftentimes against the very bipartisan legislative fixes to our border and our immigration system that they rhetorically are four. so right now we have to do what's right and what's smart? think that's what the president is doing through these executive actions you heard are left over at the white house, mentioned the biden campaign statement promoting the president's new executive action. >> but a recent quinnipiac university poll shows up, former president trump. i had a president biden on immigration by more than ten points. you see it right? there who would do a better job handling immigration, 52% say trump 41% say biden. why do you think voters seem to trust trump's policies more than biden's? >> i don't know for sure. but i suspect that they want to see more action with regard to the border. i'm glad that the present took the steps he did last week or two weeks ago, i should say to reduce the illegal asylum seeking between ports of entry that's happening right now. i think it's a good step in the right direction at the end of the day, wolf, as you know, we need a legislative fix and that's something that i'm glad that people like james lankford, a republican in the senate, put forward. however, that measured got blocked repeatedly by republicans and donald trump. so i think now the presence going to show some action and he's taking the right steps in my opinion congressman, i want you to look at this 62% of americans in this poll say they support deporting all undocumented immigrants living in the united states here's the question. >> are democrats out of touch with the american people on this very, very sensitive issue i don't think so. >> i think that when it comes down to it, a lot of these folks are in our communities. they are rooted in our communities. they haven't they don't have a criminal record that oftentimes contributed greatly to our country. and when folks are pressed, would you deport this person or that person from your community? they usually say no so i think we have to look at the humanity of the situation and what's the, what's the smart thing to do? and right now, i think the presence doing both with regard to the spouses of american citizens who are eligible. anyway, to go forward with a green card process. and now he's expediting that i mean, he's offering them a potential pathway to us citizenship as well. and if you take a look at a lot of these immigrants, not all, but almost all of them they are hard working people who are contributing greatly to their communities and to the country at large. congressman raja krishnamoorthi of illinois, as usual. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. will also today, the russian president vladimir putin is expected to arrive in north korea just ahead of his meeting with north korean dictator kim jong-un, it marks his first visit to the country in more than two decades. >> and signifies a potentially deepening anti-west alliance that is raising serious concerns here in washington. cnn senior international correspondent, will ripley has a closer look at what's at stake the north korean capital p young yawn preparing a supersized socialists. >> welcome for russian president vladimir putin, a pariah in the free world, and kim jong i'll nuns world and invincible comrade in arms. >> we're not to meet opt putin, don't north korean propaganda praising putin's first pyongyang trip in 24 years, he met kim's father in 2000 months after becoming president. >> kim jong-un was still a teenager. moscow pyongyang ties today, the strongest since the cold war, a grave and growing threats say seoul and washington they accused kim of supplying weapons to putin's army and ukraine in exchange for advanced military technology possibly boosting kim's ballistic missile and spy satellite programs, which could make kim his growing nuclear arsenal more accurate, experts warn for years, north korea has been threatening to use nukes against the us and the event of war in april, kim was quoted in state media. now is the time to be more thoroughly prepared for war than ever before the relationship really is built on a transactional relationship, not on mutual trust the north korean leader's lavish armored limousine, a gift from the russian strongman, a symbol of kim's strategic pivot away from failed us diplomacy with former president donald trump, which experts say left kim furious and humiliated, so far it seems like the doors shut and i would say that for north korea and for kim jong gun, the real message is beware betrayal, leaving president joe biden with very little leverage, two pursue the fading prospect of north korean denuclearization satellite images of pyongyang in recent days, she'll possible preparations for a massive celebration. the kremlin unphased by western warnings claiming it has every right to create closer kinship with neighbors. the stakes are high. the symbolism powerful observers say putin and kim's dangerous alone ions is bigger than politics. a defiant message from two liters determined to take down the us and that is why the white house is saying it is deeply troubled by this deepening relationship between russia and north korea. the kremlin saying that kim and putin are expected to sign a new strategic partnership agreement replacing previous documents signed in 1961, 2000, 2001. >> and the power dynamic between the two liters has changed so much over the last 24 years since putin visited pyongyang. >> kim is no longer an accessory or an afterthought like his father or his grandfather worked the russian leaders. he is vital to putin's strategic mission and ukraine. and he knows it will replay cnn, taipei thanks. >> will ripley in taipei for that report for boron, all of this cnn's chief global affairs correspondent, matthew chance, is joining us right now from moscow. matthew give us a sense of how big this visit is well, i think it's pretty big from the perspective of both the russians that see this as an opportunity to show that vladimir putin isn't isolated on the international stage. >> and he has options despite the fact that he's been his country has been sanctioned more than any other country. in fact, by the united states and by the west in general. and equally for the north koreans. this is them showing as well that they have options beyond that negotiation that will was talking about with the united states set. and its partners i think that the real issue though is the fact that it's been 24 years since vladimir putin paid a visit to north korea. and there's been a very good reason for that, which is that up until now north korea hasn't really been a foreign policy priority for russia, but it just shows you how crucial north korea has become. to russia's conflict in ukraine as a supplier of weapons, even though the kremlin denies taking delivery of north korean weapons. but how crucial it's become as a partner in that fight in ukraine, i mean, russia expense something in the region of ten 10,000 artillery shells every day and it's its own factor is simply can't keep up at this stage with that kind of consumption. so it needs to look for artillery supplies and other weapons elsewhere. and north korea is one of the few countries that not only has that ammunition, but it's prepared to sell it to moscow and that's why it's suddenly surged and importance for moscow. wolf a very important indeed, as you know, matthew, the kremlin has described this visit, and i'm quoting now as having a very eventful agenda. >> so what what do you think? what can we expect to see? >> well, i mean as you been hearing a look, there's gonna be a massive north korean parade in the center of pyongyang and the north koreans do these things. by halves. they have massive concerts with thousands of people in cohen sequence in coordination. so giving these every dramatic patriotic displays. and so we're going to be watching out for something like that in terms of the agreement. so gonna be signed, the russians have talked about a number of agreements about cultural ties, economic and trade ties. also that strategic partnership treaty, which will involve a security agreement as well, that the detail else if that have not been made clear, but i think what's gonna be more important what agreements or struck behind closed doors that we don't ever hear about. i mean, they're not going to come out and say yes, we're going to supply millions more rounds of ammunition, fuel war efforts in ukraine, although that may indeed be what comes out of this. and of course, the other issue is what? we'll north korea get in return. there are lots of concerns being expressed in the region in the far eastern region about whether there'll be a transfer of sensitive missile technology, even nuclear technology or space technology to north korea, that could make it, could make north korea even more dangerous in that region at russia says that it's got no intention of supplying that kind of sensitive technology to north korea, not least, because it doesn't want, north korea to be even more belligerent than it already is. but nevertheless north korea holds a lot of bargaining chips right now. it has the ammunition that moscow needs so desperately. >> we saw those pictures of putin hanging along the side of the road in pyongyang welcoming him to north korea, matthew chance and moscow for us. thank you very, very much. meanwhile, there's other important news we're following right now here in washington, a new whistleblower has emerged in the us senate investigation of boeing just hours before the ceo is due to testify up on capitol hill dave calhoun is expected to apologize for a series of very alarming safety failures in boeing aircraft, including the terrifying blowout of an emergency door on an alaska airlines flight only minutes after takeoff in april, a boeing employees turned whistleblowers testified that the company often put profits ahead of safety. and this morning we learned a new whistleblower claims. boeing may have installed questionable parts on planes and then hid that from regulators. this morning on cnn, the chair of today's committee says boeing could potentially face very serious criminal charges. listen to this there's mounting evidence that boeing should be prosecuted and i'm going to withhold judgment until we finished his hearing and the investigation the justice department is now doing its own inquiry but i do think there's near overwhelming evidence that prosecutors we can is important to sending a message, a deterrent message, and also insisting on accountability boeing has issued a statement on this. >> so do whistleblower and his claims and i'm quoting now from the boeing statement we received this document late monday evening and are reviewing the claims. we continuously encourage employees to report all concerns as our priority is to ensure the safety of our airplanes and the flying public and quote just ahead, del, while russia's vladimir putin is in north korea, the leader of nato is here in washington, meeting with secretary of state antony blinken. they're both set to address reporters adjustment bennett plus as millions across the country are facing 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>> tell us more what more can we expect out of this meeting between jan stoltenberg on the secretary of state well, if indeed a lot of live issues on the foreign policy agenda for the two to discuss today, it will be interesting to see if they say anything about president putin visiting north korea. as you said today. and if they're solidifying that alliance, what more steps they expect to become between worth korea and russia as we have seen that develop as the ukraine war has gone on. and then significantly next month here in washington, there's going to be the 75th anniversary of nato, the nato summit is going to be here leaders from all around the world. so the secretary general and the secretary of state today, we'll obviously be discussing what more that alliance can do. for ukraine. we have seen it defend ukraine throughout the course of this war. but what more can they actually do and announced for ukraine at that massive event that takes place here in washington next month. and then, as you said, we have the israel-hamas war that continues to go on significantly. there has been tension over the biden administration shouldn't sending over continued weapons to israel throughout this war. and we learned this morning that the top democrats on the house foreign affairs committee and the senate foreign relations committee have lifted their hold on. f 15 jets. that's $18 billion worth of sale to israel so those will go ahead. that is a significant development. however, those are not jets that are going to get there imminent ladle take years for them to develop, years for them to get over. there, will have to see what the secretary of state says about the holds that the biden administration does have on some arms sales to israel. and if that is going to change at all over the course of the next few months here. while they were holding off on delivering israel. sum of those 2000 pound bombs, but not the 15 a fighter jets and other equipment. callie out, what are the state department. thanks for that report joining me now, william cohen, he's the former defense secretary of the united states. he served under president bill clinton. mr secretary, thanks so much for joining us. last week, as you know, native approved a new plan that gives the nadir alliance more control over military aid going into ukraine, a move official say is due in part to the former, to the possibility that former president trump could potentially win the us presidential election and curtail a lot of that aid. what do you make of all of this well, i think the european allies justifiably worried you talked earlier about president putin being in north korea. >> i think it's time for the american people the american congress, to wake up and smell the gunpowder the putin is now doing business, certainly a strategic relationship with china. he's now has a transactional relationship with north korea. but step back and look, he's in syria. he's also in the middle east in terms of doing business with iran on with hezbollah, with the who cheese, they are in the african continent and latin america, we have to put our emphasis on having allies, nato is the most successful military political alliance and the history of the world. and you have a former president who won once to undo it. we have to shore up these alliances both in europe and also in asia. and you now have a former president who wants to undermine that. so that's the significance of what's taking place with putin and kim jong loan on another sensitive issue, mr. secretary, you heard kylie report that cnn has learned that two key democrats in congress have now approved and $18 billion sale of additional f 15 fighter jets to israel. >> this news comes as president biden has ramped up pressure on his work to try to reach some sort of ceasefire and gaza is this sale of f15 teens to israel, the right move well, i think our relationship with israel is strong and the fact that president biden has been pushing those under the circumstances where it's also encouraging prime minister bibi netanyahu to halt the war. >> that's going on right now, you have a daily allowance of food to go to the people who are suffering the israelis have to listen to president biden until the american people. we don't want to see tens of thousands of innocent palestinian civilians starving to death this will be a mark, a mark on the on the conscience and the reputation of the israelis that they will not be able to erase that they allow tens of thousands of people to starve to death. that is simply not what the israelis represent to us and to the rest of the world. so i think president biden is trying to do two things. make sure israeli security is strong. but also that they listened to the united states in terms of making sure innocent people do not die by the thousands at the hands of israelis with weapons of the united states let's get back to the issue of putin right now while i have you, mr. secretary, he's hooting is warning the west and i'm quoting him now that they are now at a point of no return saying efforts. >> to defeat russia could lead to tragedy. and he cites russia's nuclear weapons arsenal here's how the top democrat on the house intelligence committee responded. listen to this look, he's got nuclear weapons that changes everything nor north korea has nuclear weapons. >> so we don't, we don't make too much fun of these people. but the idea that vladimir putin is going to attack the united states when he can't even really keep 15%, uh, ukraine is just ludicrous so what do you think? >> he says it's ludicrous. this a congressman, jim hims, says putin is, but he believes that putin is weaker than he seems. do you agree with the congressman? >> well think if you look at economically the russian certainly are not performing well. if you look at north korea, certainly not performing well. so economically and socially, diplomatically than are performing well. but any country that has nuclear weapons poses a threat to humanity. as john f. kennedy once said, we haven't, we hold in our hands of power to abolish all forms of human poverty are all forms of human life. that's what nuclear weapons together. so we have to deter that. we have to make sure we're dealing with rational people. i believe that putin is not irrational can't speak for kim jong going, but i believe that there are those the chinese and others who have some influence there, but no one wants to think about exchanging nuclear weapons are making turning the planet into an ash shape yeah, that's good point. >> former us defense secretary william cohen, good to have you back here in the cnn newsroom. thanks with your fridge joining us and still to come help could be coming today for firefighters battling a huge blaze that has already burned more than 15,000 acres out in california. >> but in new mexico, officials say an entire town it was just evacuated due to a pair of fires that are converging will 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this is cnn happening, now, evacuation orders are growing as wildfires are spreading across the west. take a look at this video, just outside the convention center in new mexico. you can see huge clouds of flames and smoke taking over the sky out in california, crews are also working to put out fires, burning in both northern and southern parts of the state authority, say over 15,000 acres of land has been burned since saturday alone cnn national correspondent natasha chen is joining us live from one of the fires burning in california. natasha what's the situation like today where you are where in unincorporated los angeles county, north of the city. >> and, you know, the frehse were there smoke, there's fire. well, the public information officer here told us today, you may not see smoke around us here, but there is still fire this 15,000 acre fire, the post fire created a situation where more than 1,000 people had to be evacuated in the last couple of days. and they are still very wary of a red flag warning, high wind conditions through at least noon local time here is what a captain marco rodriguez told us about the difficulties in fighting this fire what we're seeing down here at the lower part of the fire, on the part of the fire is a lot of rugged terrain, really difficult to access we're gonna be putting some cruise on boats and trying to get them to the side here and try to attack this part of the fire with direct attack and he told us that seeing crews actually being shuttled by boat on a lake like that. >> that's the first time he seeing that in la county. now, the weather conditions may improve later today here in california, but the situation that you mentioned in new mexico is a very dire. we're talking about two fires that are converging on tribal land. the town of in new mexico, there is basically officials describing like they're the middle of a pair of tongs with the two fires converging that way, creating 5,000 people evacuation evacuations, new mexico residents very concerned. they're in fact, southeast new mexico, that corner is labeled with the worst drought condition in the united states right now exceptional drought so you can understand the severe fire danger there. we were seeing time lapses with cameras from golf courses, from different areas in that town showing just the massive plumes of smoke and fire that quickly ballooned overnight, reaching nearly 14,000 acres. so that's something that we're closely watching right now in new mexico, along with, as you mentioned, the more than does an active fires in california over the years we're just seeing least wildfires grow more frequent and grow larger. and the public information officer here tells us that the way they're addressing in this is to really just bring it in a lot more crews attacking this, a lot more quickly so that they can wrap and get to the next fire wolf natasha can near those fires out in california, stay safe over there, natasha. thank you very much. other news we're following a new report just released by the adl, the anti-defamation league grades, how college campuses across the country are handling anti-semitism heading into the summer. three colleges were just downgraded to an f grade. were back at the moment the belief that is meant to unite the route you may be king house of. the dragon, streaming exclusively on macs if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, put it in check with rent folk, a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduce fatigue. we print vote. >> when flares kept trying to slow me down, i got last thinks they're right, three remission with red book share when my doctor saw damage brynn vote helped visibly reduced damage if the intestinal lining check for both uc and crohn's rapid symptom relief, lasting steroid free remission, and visibly reduced damage check check, and check we're invoking lower your ability to fight infections, including tv 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hurry. >> there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% off shop today the adl, the anti-defamation league has just released its revised report card on campus antisemitism, a metric that grades american universities across the country how well they protect jewish students on campus. >> the latest grades take into account recent months of student encampments and protests ucla for example, received a downgrade to an f for what the adl called serious incidents of encampments on campus and a lack of adequate administration response. meanwhile, the university of central florida went from a c to a b for its abolition, and antisemitism task force, ceo and national director of the adl, jonathan greenblatt is joining me right now. jonathan. thanks very hey much for joining us. i noticed that not just ucla, but northwestern university outside of chicago went from a d to win f. university of michigan went from de to and f as well. so what accounts for that? >> well. thank you for having me on today, wolf. so first of all, we've seen this sort of tsunami of anti-semitism in golf. many of our colleges and universities. so adl developed this report card that we released in beta back in april to assess how schools, like you said, are protecting jewish students in handling the issue but what we found over the last few months, as with these encampments and with these sort of actions that we're seeing that some schools handle that well and scum, some schools handled it terribly. so as you noted, michigan northwestern, and ucla, all their administrative response was incredibly lacking. that's why we downgraded them from de to an f. now, i'll say, well, if we didn't great anyone on a curb, our goal is erased to the top everyone should get a's, but some of these schools has simply failed to do the basics. >> those three universities that went from a de do enough, they all have significant jewish students didn't populations, right yeah, absolutely. >> i mean, this is not necessarily a measure of the number of jewish students or the quality juice life by the way, i'm a northwestern grad they have an amazing hilal at northwestern. a lot of jewish students in yet president schill was the first to negotiate concessions with the activists who are literally creating bethlehem on his campus. and that's why northwestern, despite the quality of jewish life, did so poorly. same with ucla where i used to teach. i mean, it pains me to see this happen. but at adl, it's not our job to pick favorites. it's our job to call balls and strikes and each of these schools is striking out jonathan, you wrote that you could not have imagined how much more challenging the year would get for jewish students. >> so what incidents alarmed you the most as so many of these campuses reached the end of the school year well, i think we both saw a combination of macro aggressions and microaggressions at ucla literally the anti-israel activists occupied buildings, vandalized them, and prevented jewish students from simply passing i mean, can you imagine a public university like blocking certain students from walking simply because of their ethnicity or their identity, would that be tolerated against any other group in america? >> i don't think so. wolf. >> and again, at northwestern, as i mentioned, that concessions the concessions in response to activists vandalizing property intimidating other students, was to actually give into them. >> i mean, how was that excusable or even explainable? so these schools have a lot of work to do and wolf, this is an important point. now this summer is the perfect time for universities to be preparing how they'll protect their kids this fall, because we know the activists, wolf in their own words are planning a quote summer intifada. i mean, it's really unacceptable. it's a call for violence. >> have you noticed, jonathan? i have, certainly. and it's just through some friends, how a jewish students who are finishing high school right now are some of them are beginning to think twice about even applying to some of these universities that have gone from, uh, de, to an f, even though they're great universities, 100%. i mean, look, i don't want to surrender to these anti symmetric, anti-zionist, anti-american activists at all. but you're right, i've heard in a totally about young people not applying two places like harvard or penn, or stanford. and frankly, you know, who benefits from this duke university, university of florida, vanderbilt, tulane brandeis schools that are getting it right benefit from this change in an attitudes jonathan, thank you so much for all your work, appreciated very much and thanks for joining us. always appreciate you, wolf. thank you. >> thank you. coming up, a team usa's 2024 olympic uniforms were just revealed. we're going to show you what american athletes will can be wearing at the opening and closing ceremonies of the olympic games in paris. that's next. stay with us. urine the cnn newsroom tomorrow cnn celebrate juneteenth, with special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. >> juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy tomorrow at ten on cnn make this assembler to share and save during the qia summer sticker sales events in the three rokia sorrento the tech forward sportage the event hello. >> all wheel drive celtx, or the iihs top safety pick plus telluride each one recommended by consumer reports. this summer visit, your local kia dealer and say get 1.9% apr for 48 months plus 1,000 bonus cash, especially tags 2024, sportage and sorrento vehicle why choose asleep numbers? smart bad can acutely warm when i'm cold. >> wait, no, i'm always hot. >> number. does that shopping lowest price of the season with three olivia, when you add that just makes people respondents started 999 learn more at speed >> so how long have you lived here 40 years. >> and how are the restaurants around here? >> are they good, 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games are just weeks away in team usa has just unveiled its new uniforms. here's a look at the outfits american athletes will be wearing for the opening and closing ceremonies. american clothing brand ralph lauren design the uniforms and the company says, it drew inspiration from the dynamic and vibrant host city for this year's looks cnn's sport's akre and corresponded query wires joining us right now quite what are you what folks think of these new uniforms? what's been the reaction, at least so far, you add, well, if i've talked to dozens of olympia as i was just with rhyne howard of the wnba's atlanta dream. she'll be three on-3 basketball for teen usa. these athletes can't wait to wear this gear. this is a nighttime are out there bren is the official outfitter of team usa and they just nail it again at the opening ceremony at the parade along the san river on july 26, red, white, and blue jeans is the theme. wealth, a navy wool blazer with red and white tipping the iconic ralph lauren tony on one side, olympics logo on the other, got that striped oxford shirt wade buck shoes and some good old blue jeans. so we're going preppy and prep for gold. we caught up with team usa at the official reveal yesterday being the next athlete. >> this is a bit of a change, but it makes me feel very dapper and well put together. and i think it's very plus shay, but when you look good, you feel good in hopefully you compete well as well. >> probably created comes from close that will be comfortable for athletes, whether they're six foot eight basketball players, or whether they're five to tuczyn necessary. we wanted something that says these are asador on a global stage and i feel ready and raring to win. that red, white, and buffalo bill blue, right? welfare. the closing ceremony, fence war in august 11, have this racing style jacket has just a certain jenna say kwok and then and then how about this classic polo that just screams team? usa and the quality on this stuff very nicely done. >> white jeans, wolf, when's the last time you were some white jeans they've got the ribbing on the knee there for nice flexibility and the complete with the team usa belle again, these will be the closing ceremony gear that you'll see the athletes right? >> i can. how about that cap? >> let me see it on your hand. you go let me see that. you know, i have to see what it looks. >> very big head, but oh, we pull off miracles on wolf shall look at that actually, can you believe the olympics are just 38 days away, wolf and i love the fact that they copied are buffalo bills colors? yes. all right. corey. thanks very, very much for that. and to our viewers, thanks very much for joining me here in the cnn newsroom. i moved blitzer in washington. i'll be back later tonight of course, 6:00 p.m. eastern in this situation rome right back here tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. in the cnn newsroom. stay with us inside politics with dana bash starts right after a short break if you have chronic 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