another it's like a whole new version of the guy that lives in the apartment, your bank in the maroon can be quiet all right. >> on that note. thanks to you guys. i appreciate you being here. thanks to all of you for watching. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now it all comes down to this seven men, five women are about to start deliberating and are about to decide the fate of a former president and current presidential candidate. a senior exclusive sean diddy combs under new scrutiny right now, sources tell cnn federal investigators are working to bring his accusers before a grand jury and people in texas could be in the dark 40 days is the latest word, the already deadly storms now leaving nearly half million texans without power and more bad weather is on the way. >> i'm kate bolduan with john berman, sara sidner is out today. this is cnn news central good morning for the manhattan criminal court, where as soon as today history will be made, this morning. >> the jury he gets the case in the criminal case against donald trump. he of course, is charged with falsifying documents to cover up. hush money. hush money payments to an adult film actress, all to influence the 2016 election. of course, the prosecution calls this an election fraud case, not a hush money case. >> in any case over the next few hours, the jury will be instructed on the law, then they will go to a room and they will determine the fate of the former president and the presumptive current republican nominee. >> of course, they could find him guilty. they could find him not guilty, or it could be a hung jury. what that means is at least one juror dissents from the rest of the group. and if you listen to the trump team, they may feel like that is their best possibility at this moment. nevertheless, no one knows what will happen once the jury goes behind those closed doors and discusses the case. trump is charged with 34 counts. he could be found guilty on all or some of them. we are just waiting to see how it all goes down. nevertheless, as i said, today, is the day in history. will happen here one way or another with me. see it as a brynn jin grass who has been down here at the court, the entire what is it? six, six plus weeks of the trial now, it's been fine yesterday was a marathon. >> my gosh, closing arguments was a marathon getting us up to this point, you'd like you said, a juror it's could have this case as early as 11:00 this morning, and it is a big de will see where it progresses from here, but yes, that yesterday was just such a marathon of closing arguments, the defense trying to so that reasonable doubt integers miok giving ten reasons as to why they should have reasonable doubt. probably the number one one reason michael cohen, right. there wasn't a name that they didn't call michael cohen throughout this trial. and then they kinda summed it up with the berlin lives at the end of their arguments calling ham basically the vp outliers, the gloat, or the greatest liar of all time said he committed perjury and the prosecution allow him to commit perjury on the stand when you read a quote from defense counsel, todd blanche, he said that michael cohehen has heatedly repeatedly lied under oath. he has lied to his family. he lied to his wife about the $131,000 home equity line of credit. he lied to his banker. i mean, he's literally like an mvp of liars. so let's see where jurors take that. then it was a prosecution stirring yesterday, of course. and it was about four less than five hours that they spent trying to basically kind of counter what the defense had just said in their closing arguments, but also we've in all of that evidence, all of that testimony, into why they believe of course, donald trump is guilty on all these crimes. so we'll see what happens again. >> the defense mentioned michael cohen yeah. >> more than donald trump in its closing argument, we countered with what like 250 plus menchu of michael cohen, 230 of donald trump. you got a sense of what the defense wants this case to be about michael cohen prosecution was like, you don't need to pay attention to make a clone. >> you have your pecker, you have whole picks, you have all of this evidence. >> you don't need to pay attention on michael cohen, so who does the jurors belief in the business this morning, the judge will give joe jury instructions to this jury that will last about an hour. >> my 11:00. yeah. they will start deliberating. all right. bridging rest. thank you so much. thanks for you in this come down here with you whatever happens here. obviously, doesn't just have legal implications. it has huge political implications as well with me now seeing its senior political analyst, mark preston and mark theta sense of the fact that this is the center of the political university chris, right now, all you have to do is look at the fact that the biden campaign for the first time actually sent surrogates down here to do an event, not about the case itself, but about donald trump everyone knows what happens here is the political moment happening right now? >> you know, john, there's something to be said about this moment in history as we wait for this verdict to happen, we've never seen this happen before. >> if he is convicted, can you imagine for the first time in history that we would have a united states president running for the presidency as the, as the nominee of a major party with a conviction having said that, who knows what is going to happen and more importantly, as you note, what happens in new york is going to reverberate throughout the country so we're will reverberate and where will it help politically? >> because as much as this is a case about business records, this is really a case about politics and this is a very divided nation right now. and we just don't know if this is going to help or hurt donald trump in the coming days or rather the coming months no, there is simply no way of knowing the political impact it could have mostly because we don't know what the verdict will be, but it is worth noting if james michael curley, former mayor, a congressman, governor of massachusetts, he had been convicted and he kept on winning elections. >> you just don't know what the impact will be marked, anything you're hearing from the political parties on this well i, did talk to someone very close to the trump campaign last night about what, what is the next play, what happens if there's a conviction? what happens if there's not a conviction? imagine this, john, they were very tight lipped about what, what they're going to do. something we're not used to hearing from the trump campaign. however, all we have to do is look at history and look at president trump's actions. there is no surprise, there's no mystery and what is going to happen donald trump is clearly going to try to use this to rally his base, which is very solid around heading into the election. meanwhile, as you note, democrats see this as a political opportunity, might not have worked very well for them yesterday. it was kind of broken up by the trump campaign, but they see this as a political opportunity, but just remember this john, a couple of things one, when donald trump was elected back in 2016, i remember going on television and saying me a couple of me a cup of mea culpa i was one of those folks who said that donald trump would not win because of the access hollywood tape. i said it on television. i was absolutely wrong. it just goes to show you that is much you and i have spent in this world of politics trying to understand the voters. are voters are changing very, very quickly and we are really one thing we've learned from, from donald trump's presidency is that we didn't necessarily know what the electorate was thinking across the country know it is just impossible to rick what could happen, as i said, because we don't really know what will happen behind the closed doors as the jury deliberates. >> but one thing i think we did learn over the last 24 hours is that for either party at this point, either election to deny that this is the center of it all is futile at this zero point that's what i took out of the fact that the democrats showed up your with robert de niro yesterday. it wasn't about the case. the event wasn't about the case, but it was an acknowledgment that this says where the campaign is right now it's absolutely look, this is the first of four cases, john, this very well may be the only case that goes to trial before the election. >> that's why all the cards are on the table. well, here look, donald trump has used this as, as a political staging ground coming out and giving his comments before and after bringing up members of congress, the speaker of the house of representatives stood behind donald trump, as well as many senators who are trying to be his running mate. so you're absolutely right. the political center of the university today, new york city, perhaps tomorrow. and you're standing there that's right. >> vp auditions have been taking place in this courthouse behind me over the last few weeks. mark preston always great to see you. thanks so much for being with us. kate, i have to say more media here than the last time i was here for shore a security presence, you do get a sense that at the moment is upon us. >> absolutely. and all the action is going to be happening inside that courtroom, right. where you are, john and we're gonna be getting right back to it. johns down in lower manhattan. we also have this coming up before i still ahead as cnn exclusive federal investigators are preparing to bring the accusers of sean combs before a federal grand jury. what this means now for all of the allegations chins and lawsuits, he's already facing, plus the phone call to police from samuel alito's neighbor, new reporting justin on the controversial flat i've flown outside. the supreme court justices home and a history-making move and a long time coming major league baseball announcing is adding league stats to the official records. what this now means that babe ruth's record one of the most active 22 seasons. >> you can't control a tornado. >> what kinds of interventions can we design? let's go inside the store premiere. >> of one and birth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn before i found the lush, i would try on 1 million outfits to get ready. >> i love that these dresses have shaped where built-in it makes me feel so confident live lush populous my name, is braden i will only five years old when i came to change him hello trains, shore and gown. the story. shell, and then having the headaches that when i go away, my mom, she would dish crying what, they said? their son has brain cancer it was your worst fear coming to life watching your child grew up is the dream every parent you can join the battle to save the lives of kids like braden by supporting st. jude children's research 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justice could be moving to indict the disgraced music mogul since november, you'll probably remember that combs has been named in eight civil lawsuits seven directly accusing him of sexual assault. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister has all of his new reporting four is 11. elizabeth, what more are you learning? >> good morning, kate. so this is obviously the biggest escalation since those march raids on diddy's homes in los angeles and miami, we are now hearing that federal investigators are preparing to possibly bring witnesses in front of a federal role grand jury in new york city. what we have heard is that possible witnesses have been notified that they could be called to testify. now, sources do caution that investigators are still in the process of gathering information. in fact, they are still calling in new witnesses and they have called in some witnesses, multiple times. we also here that the majority of the accusers who have filed these civil lawsuits against sean diddy combs have been brought in for questioning. and again, some of them being called in numerous times. we hear that many are cooperating and even handing over evidence that they feel so it'd be relevant into this federal probe. now, a spokesperson for homeland security, did not respond to our request for comment about the presence of a grand jury, but they did confirm that this investigation is presently ongoing. >> and those with what are you learning about the evidence that investigators could be reviewing here so as i mentioned, those federal raids that were conducted on his home's and back in march obviously, a lot of people wondering what was seized while we are learning now that federal investigators the are in possession, of video footage that was taken inside of combs is residents. >> we hear that these investigators have been contacting individuals that they have seen on this footage one person in addition to the accusers who have filed these civil suits is a male sex worker. that is what a source tells me. and they have been brought in for questioning through these federal investigators. now, when the rates first happened, we had a law enforcement source tells us at cnn that the investigation was largely based in sex trafficking, which is what hsi specializes in. now we are hearing that scope has been widen and that investigators are really looking into all of these claims put forth in the civil lawsuits that would include not just sex trafficking, but also money-laundering and illegal drugs. i have a source who tells me, quote, this is much bigger than just these lawsuit sounds like a much more to come. those with. thank you very much for your continued great reporting on this. >> still ahead for us over half 1 million people or without power after a string of devastating storms in texas and more bad weather is on the way. >> we're also learning new details about the suspect. the police say went on a stabbing spree in massachusetts. what they now they happen before the 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severe weather threats from north dakota to the texas panhandle colorado was hit very hard overnight. we're going to show you this this is not snow. >> this is the result of a hail storm that hit in colorado. the lewis latest round of violent weather is also just the latest in an unrelenting string of storms to hit texas in recent weeks at one point, customers were without power there, houston and dallas faced hurricane-force winds, flooded roads, buildings left in ruins from what they were taking on, wind gusts were strong enough that were told they pushed an airplane from its gate. you can see it in this video right here. it's one terrifying and amazing how strong those wins really were along with that rain we're also learning that is 16 year-old boy was found dead overnight and magnolia, texas i'm told the house that he was working on and began to shift. and then collapsed. cnn's ed lavandera is in garland, texas for us, there's a lot to follow here. ed, there is just devastation and damage and so many places across texas, what are you seeing? >> yeah, most of us here in north texas woke up to this incredibly powerful line of severe weather that lou through here and just wreak havoc for most of the day. here across the state as it moves its way south down to our houston, as you mentioned, more than 1 million people left without power. this flying of power lines up until last night had been toppled over construction powerline crews have been working throughout the night to get all of this restored, but still, you see these pockets all over the dallas, fort worth area area where you have a one side of the street, you have power the other side. it does not have power. >> this is intersections like this with no working lights and kinda become very treacherous. as people kinda try to navigate all of that. and this, are scenes playing out all over the place here in the dallas county area. there's still about 200,000 people or customers without power of the number statewide is about 400 and a little over 450,000 customers without power so far. >> but it could still take some time to bring everybody back online. >> that's what local officials are saying this unfortunately will be a multi-day power outage situation that does not mean if you're hours out right now, that it will be out for multiple days, it certainly could be l for multiple days. >> we did have a significant number of down leinz because of this weather event. in many cases it's not going to be simple repairs. we're looking at complete reconstruction for parts of our area and k, this is, comes on the heels of what has been just an unrelenting several days of severe weather across the state. >> we've seen deadly tornadoes. we've seen hail flooding rain, strong winds even dust storms in some parts of the state. more severe weather potentially expected later today, it feels like katie only thing we're missing at this point are the focus you. >> took the words right out of my mouth. i mean, it has been one thing after another for taxes and needless to say, not in clear yet. and thank you so much so much for being here to track the storms, the recovery, and now trying to get the power back onto it's great to see you and thank you so much. we're gonna be following this from texas for told you there's weather all over the place, but let's get back down now to lower manhattan. the jury's about to take the case in donald trump's trial, and jhanas there, hey, john hey the jury gets the case in just a few hours. kate, in its closing, the defense called michael cohen a liar, 78 times how, much will that matter? >> we could know when the next few hours or special live coverage of the criminal case against donald trump continues right after this in one of the most active tornado seasons you can't control a tornado what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store? premiere of one and earth wouldn't we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn? >> you will never smell 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plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! don't wait, offer end sun was stuck in an infinite time, moved we save the world the lazarus project, you seize, do night on tnt why we are standing outside the manhattan criminal court. >> let me walk you through what will happen here. over the next several hours at about 9:30 a.m. the defendant donald trump, the former president of the united states. he will show up. we expect he may say a few words before he enters the courtroom. he does almost every day when he speaks today, though, it will be different because today is the day the jury gets the case against him at 10:00. the jury will enter the courtroom and the judge will give them in tractions. this is one of the most important parts of the entire trial. the jury will learn what exactly they will be deciding on in the 34 counts against donald trump, where they will decide on guilt or innocence that at about 11:00 after about an hour of jury instructions the jury will go behind closed doors and they will begin to deliberate what happens after that who knows with me now, cnn legal analyst, former defense attorney joey jackson, or current events? mr. i hey joe jackson and also with us defense attorney, former white house lawyer jim scholz gentlemen. thank you so much for being with us. joey liliya, start with you on what we went hill see jury instructions from judge juan merchan about an hour long. what are you looking for here yeah. >> good morning to you, john. good morning, jim. what you look for is that remember the process the process provides for the jury to be the determiner of the facts, they are about the credibility the other witnesses, assessing what facts were proven, what facts are not. the judge is the person who was there to really preside over the law. and that's what the judge will do in jury instructions. now now that you have the facts, that is the jury, they now have to be given well, what are we applying these facts to? what are the general principles of law? oh, and these real principles, john, are very much, i don't want to say rote, but they're quite common you give instructions to the jury with regard to what reasonable doubt is right with regard to what interested witnesses are with regard to what intent is with respect to what falsification of business records are and what you have to conclude in order to do that with regard to concealment of another crime, what is that other crime? what could it be and what mens rea of that is fancy term is jim will tell you for the mental state that needs to be applied with respect to reaching those conclusion so really looking for the judge to instruct the jury on the applicable principles that they have to apply to the case in order to render a verdict that the judge will inform them has to be unanimous. all have to agree in order to make a determination as to guilt or lack thereof in gym in these jury instructions, there are a few really key pressure points. one is donald trump is charged with falsifying documents to cover up these payments to stormy daniel's. no one is saying that he sat there with a pen or pencil and literally wrote the documents out. what the prosecution says is he caused them cause them to be falsified. so what are you listening to in the jury instructions about that language? how donald trump cause them to be falsified so that's going to be the key point in this case right? and this is where michael cohen's testimony is the key point in this case as it relates to jury instructions the fact that they were caused me what does that mean? >> right. does that mean that donald trump had this specifically instruct obviously, he didn't have to make the business record himself, but he had to have he had to have caused them that caused them to be two those business records to be fraudulently answered in a way by directing them or otherwise causing that to happen. and the only person that corroborates that testimony, the only person that corroborates that is michael cohen the prosecution would say they have put a what they call a mountain of circumstantial evidence to this suggests that donald trump cause it to be falsified because they would say, again that no document was made in this type of situation without donald trump knowledge or approval? >> we'll also say he signed the various invoices or not which shows some kind of intent to also falsify the well again, that's the prosecution's argument. that offense will try to blow that up or did try to blow that? with michael cohen, joey, another key part of this is that to make this a felony, they'll have to falsify the documents in order to conceal or cover up a another crime in this case that other crime is a campaign finance violation in during the closing arguments, we heard both sides go after that. the prosecution since suggesting in a way, this is a type of clear garden variety campaign finance violation. michael cohen put $130,000 into something that was to help the camera payne donald trump reimbursed him. that's the legal what instruction or you're looking for in there yeah. >> i think that's very critical, jim. and just taking a step back before stake taking a step forward, you talked about the circumstantial evidence and response to what jim had to say, there'll be instructed as to that. right. what a circumstantial evidence mean and what is direct evidence mean direct. you see it circumstantial evidence is circumstances provide for i come indoors and i'm soaking wet. you look outside and you might not see rain, but you can clued. it was just raining. i'm i'm soaking wet. right circumstantial evidence in terms of unsold, there'll be instructed to that as to specifically this other crime that's a big issue. i think there were a lot made over y in terms of due process. what is due process? right, john, notice in the opportunity to be heard and i think the criticism was what is that specific other crime that the prosecutor is talking about? is it a tax crime? is that a campaign finance crimes? what is it? and so specifically, i think in the instructions the judge will talk about the other crime, what you have to do get to the other crime, and what specifically is a violation as it relates to the other crime that's what i'm looking for. >> and after the jury instructions, the jury goes behind closed doors. i didn't get a chance to talk to you about that, but the fact of the matter is no one knows what happens behind closed doors with the jury because it depends on the jury and it depends on the case. it didn't go any direction. jim scholz. great to see you. thanks for being with us. joey jackson, you as well. >> gate. hearing is set to happen today in kentucky he in the case against the world's top golfer, scottie scheffler scheffler is not expected to appear in court, but his attorneys tell cnn that their goal is to get the charges dismissed. don't remember he was right that's it earlier this month at the gates of the pga championship, it happened after an encounter with police who were directing traffic at the time, scheffler faces several charges, including felony, second-degree assault on a police officer two people are missing after an explosion in youngstown, ohio. this is the aftermath of it. >> is that when yesterday, the city's fire chief says the cause of the explosion in the city's downtown areas under investigation. >> but they believe it may have been the result of a gas leak, the explosion so left seven people wounded i'm for the first time major league baseball will incorporate league stats into its historical records. this is according to new reporting from usa today, the decision which is expected to be announced and go into effect today, is a long time coming, and we'll also alter the record books. it will mean a national baseball hall of famer, josh gibson, will be the mlb's new old-time crew leader in batting average ahead of ty cobb gives him will also dethrone babe ruth as the career leader in slugging percentage. it was three and-a-half years ago that major league baseball first recognized so league as major league. john huge milestone. >> josh gibson, the satchel paige, buck o'neil, some of the greatest players ever to walk the face of the earth. all right, keep new developments today. i'm outside manhattan criminal court here, but new developments today surrounding the us supreme court's specifically the new york times reporting on justice samuel alito and the flag that was flown outside his home, outside washington, surrounding the insurrection, january 6, the inverted american flag upside down, which many people see as a sign of support for the insurrection. there were upside-down american flags flown on january 6, one flown at justice samuel alito's house. and now the new york times times has new reporting on what some alleged should be the confrontation that led to the alitos or mrs. alito flying that flag upside down in new information that another family on the block actually called the police to talk about what was going on. let's get right to supreme court analyst joan trump is cubic with us right now. so joe, what are we learning good to see you, john? >> yes. the saga continues, but just to remind everyone about why we care about this, that flag that you just showed was a symbol of the stop the steal movement. it was flown at the alito home right after january 6 when pro-trump supporters stormed the capital complaining about the election results that gave the election validly to joe biden. and it just further bringing in the context john, right now the supreme court itself, with samuel alito, is considering two important cases arising from those events one, weather, the january 6 rioters should be charged under an obstruction criminal statute for involving obstruction of a criminal official proceeding. and the other involving donald trump in his the immunity claim arising from a lot of the protests over the 2020 election results so what has come now is new, new york times reporting that involves a recording that neighbors of the alitos made in february 2021, and this timeline is going to be important or potentially important. john the new york times has obtained a tape of these neighbors calling fairfax county police, complaining about mrs. alito, martha-ann alito. they had gotten into a conference with mrs. alito over yard signs that were antidiarrheal trump signs. there had been some yelling and these people called the police. and what the new york times reports was on the tape was something to the effect of somebody in a position of authority needs to talk to her and make her stop. now, i want to stress john, that cnn has not heard this reporting. cnn has not verified this and cnn has tried to reach justice samuel alito for clarification and not gotten any kind of an answer. he originally had told the new york times that the reason the flag was flying in front of his home in january of 2021, this symbol of staff, the steel was because his wife, martha-ann, had been involved in this confrontation and was actually just proud oh, testing these neighbors. it had nothing to do with january 6 or stop the steal. he had cast it that way. was this new new york times reporting suggests that the real confrontation with the neighbors came later. peter in february after the flag had actually been hoisted up, john it's an interesting new development in that timeline to be sure her job is keeping. >> thank you so much for that kate there is new detail coming out this morning about the suspect linked to a string of stabbings in massachusetts. the suspect will now also face criminal charges in connecticut jared ravizza, who we're talking about was rained yesterday on four charges stemming from an attack and a mcdonald's massachusetts on saturday prosecutors are also connecting revisit to the stabbing of four girls at a movie theater. cnn's athena jones is here and pick up the story from here. if they now, because there's a lot going on and the connection now too a homicide in connecticut. what are yes, a lot going on. you mentioned those four girls let's do that investigation is still underway, but revisit appeared in court to face charges including armed assault with intent to murder. and now is being ordered to go undergo a further mental health evaluate after an initial evaluation, the court psychologists to testified ravizza had difficulty with mental health issues for the last two years or so and does not demonstrate the rational capacity to work with his attorney. here's more from that court psychologist, dr kimberly, business and it didn't seem signs and symptoms of an active site hobby illness and inspire serious in which she believes that his family is involved with the mafia. and he is being controlled by multiple sources outside of him so there you speak about the new are the doctors pick about it's very serious delusions. >> this psychologist said ravizza could answer a basic questions about the charges against against the suspect, but would burst into tears suddenly and was distractible. so undergoing further evaluation now for about 20 days over the course of 20 days within the strict security at bridgewater state hospital. now, the prosecution has filed a motion to detain ravizza without bail, of course. but that's gonna be considered after this initial or after this further evaluation. the next court date is june 17. as you mentioned, though 40 is in connecticut state police there have now connected, revisit to a death that's going on that happened in connecticut over the weekend and deep river, according to state police, investigating troopers discovered a man later identified a 70 year-old bruce feldman outside of a home in deep river, connecticut during the initial evaluation, they discovered they discovered material from ravizza that suggested that he that he had been there before. and so now they are investigating that and say criminal charges are appending so a lot going on in this case, it appears er visits connected to this death in deep river, connecticut police and massachusetts believe revisit is responsible for its slashing those four girls between the ages of nine and 17 at a movie theater on saturday. and then he's now ravizza was in court to face charges on the last dabbing that they say, what's connected with stabbing at the mcdonald's in plymouth. >> so now we've got mental health evaluation that's going to continue further for that. and clearly much more to learn coming that will becoming out in court and investigation. yes, indeed, the thena thank you. so much for putting it all together. it as long coming up for us still, the munitions used in the deadly strike and rafah were made in the united states. the new cnn analysis of the aftermath of that israeli strike for the first time in months, americans are feeling 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okay, so what kind of boost are we actually talking about here? map? well it is notable that consumer confidence did finally go in the right direction. >> for three straight months of declines, the reading in may 1 oh up significantly from april. this was unexpected because some other consumer surveys, most notably university of michigan's consumer sentiment survey, they actually got worse recently, this confidence measure though, is particularly sensitive to the jobs market and the fact that gas prices have been tamed and the dow hit 40,000. all of that helps, but let's look at the trend. what stands out to me here is that confidence really remains pretty subdued when you zoom out, right even though the stock market has never been higher, unemployment is historically low. americans are feeling worse than they did in 2021. and really worse than they did pre-covid under trump. and of course, a lot of this goes to the cost of living when you dig into this report, there's some mixed signals now on the positive side, young americans and wealthy americans, they are feeling more confident. they are more optimistic about this stock market and fewer said jobs are hard to get, but on the negative side, americans are bracing for prices to go even higher. they're very cautious on housing that we're talking about very low levels, 12-year lows for the amount of people who say they want to buy a home and purchasing plans for vehicles remained coy depressed according to this survey. so i think when you put all of it together, it's certainly good news that consumer confidence is going in the right direction. but i think if you're sitting in the white house, you need these numbers to get even better. >> it's heading, it's heading in the direction they would like though that's i guess that is one thing that all along there's we there has been talk for so long. if if if when we're going to see her cia recession here with all the volatility that were saying, what are you, are people still afraid of that? >> well, that was one of the surprising things in this survey. look at this more than two-thirds of consumers say that they think that a recession is either somewhat or very likely over the next 12 months that stands in stark contrast to other signals. just one and three see you soon. >> over on wall street. they're not worried about an imminent recession because we see the stock market at record highs. so kate, i think this is just another reminder that the mood on main street remains cautious and inflation weary americans, they're just waiting for the next shoe to drop. >> yeah, they want they want to see more before they start feeling that much more. absolutely. it's great to see you. thank you so much, john all right. >> we've got new reporting this morning that the airstrike in rafah, the israeli airstrike interoffice it left many civilians dead there. that it used munitions manufactured in the united states states. let's get right to personal alvarez at the white house this morning, priscilla, what's the administration saying about this well, of course this was an incident john that gained wide gone hello, nation around the world. >> and we are now learning that was us made munitions that were used. now, we have asked the white house for comment on this. they have not weighed in yet. the pentagon though does saying in a statement, quote, i do not know what type of munition was used in that airstrike referring if the israeli airstrike, i'd have to refer you to these release to speak to that now, of course, we are learning more details about these munitions through a cnn analysis of video at the scene. now that video captured the tail of a gbu-39 small-diameter bomb. you can see some of the images there according to weapons experts these are designed to strategically target important points, but we still also saw all the collateral that was involved in that with the deaths of dozens of people. now, the white house yesterday maintain that israel has not crossed a red line. remember president biden did issue a warning that aicpa red line was cross. he was willing to hold back some offensive weapons to israel, the white house saying that this has not amounted to that, rather saying that they have not seen a major ground operation in rafah, which is what they're running against and that there will not be any policy changes at this time now the national security council spokesperson, john kirby, was asked by reporters, what are the us will launch their own assessment of the incidents? this is what he had to say it is their operation. their troops involved. their capabilities. their pilots they have the obligation to investigate this themselves and they'll do that and we will take a look at it. and then see what it says now you as officials say that president biden is being regularly updated on this, but the president has not yet commented publicly, john all right. personal alvarez at the white house, keep us posted on that. thank you very much. kate. >> president joe biden, and vice president kamala harris are headed to battleground, pennsylvania in yet today, the mission work to win back the supportive black voters. a piece of the coalition that helped put joe biden in the white house in 2020 is also now a slice of the electorate that pulls suggests donald trump is making headway with joining us right now is communications director for the biden 2024 campaign. michael tyler. it's good to see you, michael, thanks for coming in president biden, launching this nationwide effort to mobilize black voters today, how much work do you need to do to keep that coalition that helped get joe biden elected the first time around yeah. >> well, again, thanksor having me. this campaign knows that black voters are going to be key to the biden harris coalition in key to our pathway to victory and we're not going to take any single voter for granted. black voters were key to our victory in 2020. they're going to be key to the victory in 2024 because black voters have the most at stake, frankly. and so we are going to communicate relentlessly with black voters across the country that have this happening today in philadelphia to your point with both the president and the vice president. but all summer long, this campaign is going to be partnering with organizations on the ground, tapping into grassroots networks, making sure that we're not simply just running ads on the air waves, but we're having conversations on the ground so that voters in every single community understand a what this administration has done for black communities. record low black unemployment black wealth growing by 60% since before the pandemic, the historic investments that we've made into hbcus to the tune of $16 billion that they understand the stakes and the threat that donald trump poses to our communities, right? so we're going to relentlessly do that day in and day out until november because again, black voters are the ones who have the absolute most at stake in this election. and we're not going to take a single vote for granted. we're going to earn those votes my colleague harry engine, had a recent analysis on how trump is gaining ground with black voters. he that hit from the his analysis that trump has doubled his support among black voters from this 0.4 years ago in part because he's pulling in a quarter of black voters under 50 in pulling analysis why is that well, listen, we know right now that we're operating in an incredibly fractured and fragmented media environment, you still have a lot of young voters in particular, who have not yet tuned in to the presidential election. >> and so that's why this campaign is relentlessly focused on are reaching voters where they are right now, not waiting until september or october some campaigns have done in the past to reach out to black voters, young black voters in particular, but using every tool at our disposal right now to do so. and frankly, despite what trump and his team say, this is the only campaign that is actively and aggressively doing that. this is the campaign that has the organized as an apparatus up and running. this is the campaign that is running sustained paid media investments targeting young black voters meanwhile, the trump campaign, despite what they say, yeah, they may hold a rally in the bronx or anywhere else, but they are shuttering their minority outreach centers in the key battleground states. they're not really do you agree with the statement that if you don't improve those numbers? first, i'm selection. >> do you agree though, if you don't improve it and don't improve your numbers, your chances winning the white house again, are shot yeah, what i'm. telling you is that this campaign is doing the work to win black voters in all voters are going to decide the pathway to 270 electoral votes in november. that's what are sustained efforts are geared towards they're not geared towards moving a poll in april or may of 2024, it's geared towards on, campaign that is doing that on a consistent basis. and that's joe biden's yesterday. >> you were with norman hattan with robert de niro in january 6. police officers i'm speaking out about donald trump and robert de niro talking about what he says is donald trump's continued threat to democracy what was the real reason why you all went down there? for the first time in the five weeks or six weeks of testimony, and i along this trial is going why go down there yesterday? why go before cameras yesterday, down their drawing attention to that courthouse? >> well, look, last week we said that we are going to be talking day in and day out about the stakes of the election in the run-up to the first presidential debate on cnn on june 27 in atlanta this week is about doing exactly that. it's been immediate circus down the courthouse in manhattan. all of the news media has been posted up, running visuals that day in and day out relentlessly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. and so we use it as an opportunity to directly address the american people about the fundamental threat that donald trump poses to our democracy. that is what the president is going to talk about with donald trump on the debate stage. if he does show up in june. and so we're going to make sure that people understand that donald trump is a person who's fighting for himself no matter where he has. but as a person who continues to embrace in political violence everywhere he goes, he's somebody who was pledging to rule as a dictator on day one. he is somebody who is promising for a bloodbath if he's not able to win so that's what we were doing

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Tool ,Trading Opportunities ,Scans ,Trades ,Aides ,Temper ,Adapt Mattress ,Pains ,Save ,Can ,Size ,Crazy Population ,Peta ,Clicks ,Godaddy Arrow ,Domain ,Website ,Ai ,Godaddy Com Slash Arrow ,Heartburn ,Acid ,Prilosec ,Otc ,Dave ,Allergy ,Allergies ,Dance ,Dave Let ,Deliverer ,Stage ,Scale ,Shopify ,Xhr Tech Switch ,Jonah Wrestles ,Feeling ,Z ,Best ,Non Habit Forming Zeke ,Sleep De Brand ,Dude ,Dracula ,Pressure ,Discomfort ,Player ,Superior ,Max Holden Comfort ,Ones ,Shops ,Prescription Eyewear ,Eye Exams ,Warby Parker ,Weren T ,Friendliest ,Opticians ,Knowledgeable ,Unpleasant ,Goals ,Eye ,Aren T Easy ,Space ,Product ,Buying Granger ,Plus 1 Million ,Formula ,Sialic ,Ingredients ,Viagra ,Sparks Engineered ,Slash Sparks ,Row Co ,Confidence ,Jobs Market ,Time ,Surveys ,Leaf ,Jake Tapper ,Consumer Confidence ,Reading ,Map ,Declines ,Matt Egan ,May 1 ,1 ,Consumer Sentiment Survey ,Consumer Surveys ,University Of Michigan ,Measure ,Stock Market ,Gas Prices ,Trend ,Dow Hit 40000 ,40000 ,Unemployment ,Report ,Pre Covid Under Trump ,Higher ,Signals ,Jobs ,Americans ,Survey ,Vehicles ,Purchasing ,Lows ,Numbers ,Heading ,News ,Talk ,Recession ,Consumers ,Volatility ,Saying ,Cia ,Reminder ,Contrast ,Record Highs ,Mood ,Wall Street ,Inflation ,Shoe ,Main Street ,In Rafah ,States ,Interoffice ,Airstrike ,Civilians ,Administration ,Incident ,Alvarez ,Hello ,Priscilla ,Pentagon ,Munition ,Release ,Weapons Experts ,Scene ,Tail ,Images ,Gbu 39 Small Diameter Bomb ,39 ,Collateral ,Points ,Deaths ,Red Line ,Dozens ,Weapons ,Warning ,Ground Operation ,Cross ,Aicpa ,Reporters ,Policy Changes ,Assessment ,Incidents ,National Security Council ,Troops ,Obligation ,Operation ,Look ,Capabilities ,Pilots ,Personal Alvarez ,Coalition ,Piece ,Slice ,Pennsylvania In ,Mission Work ,Battleground ,Michael ,Communications Director ,Effort ,Biden 2024 ,Making Headway ,Michael Tyler ,2024 ,Thanksor ,Victory ,Pathway ,Voter ,Vice President ,Grassroots Networks ,Both ,Happening ,Organizations ,Philadelphia ,Communities ,Community ,Conversations ,Ads ,Air Waves ,Pandemic ,Wealth ,60 ,Threat ,Investments ,Stakes ,Tune ,Hbcus ,6 Billion ,16 Billion ,Vote ,Engine ,Quarter ,50 ,0 4 ,Particular ,Fragmented Media Environment ,Campaigns ,Tool ,Team Say ,Disposal ,Outreach Centers ,Media Investments ,Rally ,Running ,Apparatus ,Minority ,Battleground States ,Chances ,Votes ,Efforts ,270 ,Poll ,Basis ,May Of 2024 ,Democracy ,Police Officers ,Norman Hattan ,Cameras ,Run Up ,Debate ,Drawing ,Atlanta ,27 ,June 27 ,News Media ,Visuals ,Circus ,Debate Stage ,Violence ,Day One ,Fighting ,Dictator ,Bloodbath ,Doing ,

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