that one got me every single time. this was a young man who would go and play his violin for cats at an animal shelter. he was out trying to get, i think it was a snap or a juice for his younger brother. he had headphones on at one point, he had a mask before the pandemic and was keeping to himself. and they injected him with ketamine in the end. just thinking about what those final moments would have been like, this young, i know you call on a young man, maybe even an old child is more appropriate. he actually said, as he vomited trying to get free, vomiting on an officer, apologized for that and then said teamwork makes the dream work, trying to encourage them to let him go. and i can tell you, every time i hear his name, and we've heard a lot of cases, that one brings tears to my eyes to that moment. >> it's incredibly soft. a reminder, a lot of times in these cases, acquittals are very common when it comes to officer involved deaths like this one. laura, we appreciate your thoughts on all of that. i know you have a lot to get to on your show, have a good show. >> we do indeed, thank you so much. well, donald trump has taken the stand today. the question is, is he speaking to the court or the court of public opinion? tonight on laura coates live. you know that old saying, no thy audience? well, today it was clear that judge eric non-and also donald trump were speaking to two very different audiences. i mean it was clear to trump that he is not talking the judge when he tried to prove he did not commit fraud. why is that so clear to me? because the judge already held that in fact he did and was liable for fraud, even before the trial began. so his statements today were not about mounting a legal defense, it was a political one. he wanted dissent a message of defiance and, frankly, it went pretty much the way you would expect when he was trying to do that. some very familiar sayings who is saying, slamming the new york -- james with one of the old favorites from his campaign trail. stop me if you've heard this one before, all prepared to be stopped. calling the trial a political witch hunt. also saying, quote, this is a very unfair trial, very, very, and i hope the public is watching. well, first, that is a whole lot of varies. and the end there, that last statement, that he hopes the public is watching, bingo. that is the tell. it is exactly what he wanted. perhaps the campaign in the courtroom, but there were no cameras in that courtroom, only the relaying reporters about what was being said and the occasional popping up before the camera in between the different breaks in the proceedings. now, the judge, arthur engoron, he was pretty irritated for a time and saying this was not a political rally. and the rest of the day, well, even after lunch break it was religious trump being trump's. his answers were long winded, argumentative, and the trump actually told trump's attorneys, i have to see you to control him if you can. if you can't, i will. i will excuse him and draw every negative inference that i can. do you understand that? now, of course, you can probably use your own common sense, but it does bear repeating. this is not a jury trial, the judge is, in fact, the final decision-maker of credibility and the decision-maker on how to rule on how expensive this might be. so why antagonize this person? he would literally decide the future of the trump family business in the state of new york. but trump doesn't seem to either acknowledge that lesson or refuses to heed it. >> i think it went very well. [inaudible] this is a case that should have never been brought. [inaudible] the court was -- >> and what does team trump think of all of this? a source telling cnn that, quote, he's turning this into the trump show. that is how he is winning. of all the cases he's been involved with, and there has been a lot, and frankly there are a lot more, this is the one that seems to be hitting him exactly where it hurts. it's about his business, about his brand, which, for him, politically, his brand is his currency. and politically so as well. and it seems to be all on the line right here and right now. here to talk, former donald trump attorney tim parlatore. he -- bernie kerik, who has been subpoenaed to testify in the georgia election investigation. also here with us, sarah matthews, former white house deputy press secretary. i'm glad you're all here with me today. first of all, i have to begin with you, for a second. i'm going to come back as you already know, but sarah, who is unleashing a lot of the blaster, the exaggerations. it's like he couldn't help himself but to suggest that even his overvalued assets, as the court found, were undervalued. were you at all surprised? >> no, it's very on par for donald trump. he can't help themselves, but to hurl insults at the judge who is going to be deciding the fate of his business empire in this case. but also, it seems like he is lying through his teeth on the stand. obviously the judge did rule already that he committed fraud and the judge is going to be deciding how much he's going to be paying, but to donald trump is still trying to say that mar-a-lago, for example, was undervalued when that has been disputed by a number of people to be not true. and i think that donald trump was trying to make this into a political rally as the judge said, even though there were no tv cameras in the courtroom, but he knows that reporters are going to be tweeting it out and he wants to use these court appearances to his advantage because he can't be on the campaign trail. look, today his political opponent, governor desantis, received a huge endorsement from the governor of iowa, came ronald, and we're not sitting here talking about it. we're talking about donald trump. >> of course, there is a huge debate on wednesday, by the way, to your point. i wonder, of course, why he wouldn't try to continue into wednesday to go from the courtroom to the rally, et cetera? but it makes a great point here about the absence of cameras in the courtroom. because then it does allow him to tell people what he really said, and there's no real way that transcript for the public to see that. i wonder, from your perspective, having represented donald trump, what must be like to prepare him for a trial? because i would note, the judge had this to say, which prompted -- the judge said i am not here to hear what he has to say. we are here to hear him answer questions and most of the time he is not. how would you have propped him and how do you think u.s. prepped? >> i have no idea. [laughter] to prepare this case, i think there are a lot of things they could have done during discovery. >> like what? >> things in the depositions, probably briefing things a little bit differently. ultimately neither one of them is really experienced in this type of case. but to prep him for the trial? honestly, i was thinking about it today, and i wonder if what some of what you saw today is actually a little bit more strategic than everybody is thinking. because the judge did make a decision on the summary judgment motion. the judge is the one who is deciding this case. remember, this is a new york state case where new york state judges are elected, so he is an elected democratic judge. so donald trump may be setting this thing up for an appeal, and one of the great ways that he can set it up for appeal is to ignore the judge to the point where he continues to get angry, get upset, and make mistakes. you know, one thing that i saw today is, in the first half of his testimony, the judge was cutting him off and really trying to restrict him without any objections from the lawyers. they took the lunch break, and when the judge came back it was much more restrained and he kind of looked at the assistant a.g. and said, you know what, i'm going to take my leave from you. if you want to let him talk, go ahead. and the reality is, as a lawyer, if i have a witness who is just going to go on and on with all of this other stuff, i want to let them talk. because there's going to be things in there that i can use. >> you mean if you're the prosecution? >> absolutely. if i were the a.g. i would want him to talk. >> at one point they did say keep it on the record. by the way, we're talking about what's happening in new york, but there are prosecutors across this country, fani willis, jack smith, the prosecutors in the mar-a-lago case, who are all watching i am sure with their pen in hand or whatever you use nowadays. maybe you have a computer, of course. i sound old, don't i? you have the idea of typing and transcribing it in some way because you know that if that door is opened, then maybe my case is implicated in some way. here's the part that i thought was interesting, sarah, and that was donald trump can't have it both ways. on the one hand he cannot say i'm in control, i'm the head honcho, nothing left in this building without my authority and i was running things. it's my name on the door in the building. on the other hand, saying, i had no idea there were false statements. at one point he does acknowledge his role in valuing the empire's property. so when you think about your experience with donald trump, is there a world he was not in control? >> i can't imagine a world in which he was not in control, especially when it comes to his business empire. i mean, this is what he cares about most. it's his brand, his legacy, and this is core to his identity. so i do think that this case, given that it has ramifications and impacts for both of those things, that he is trying to have it both ways. and saying things that are little bit contradictory. he knows that it would be smarter for him to say that he wasn't involved, that these were up to the accountants, but, at the same time, what we saw today that he did kind of acknowledges role. because he does want to be seen as the businessman and the head honcho. so, at the same time, though, he wants to be a fighter and he appeared really defiant today in court saying that this is all really unfair and trying to politicize all of it in the process. i do think, to tim's point, that he brought up earlier, that there was a little bit of strategy behind that as well with him trying to get on the judge the judge's skin. it's something that donald trump is really good at, trying to find his opponents weakness and then getting under their skin to elicit a response. and i think we saw that on display today. >> certainly the judge, it would not be sound for him to take that particular bait and walk into that trap. we'll see how things play out in the end here. but he is done on the witness and. up next is going to be ivanka trump. do you have any sense as to how she might perform on the stand? >> i think she's going to be very different. >> different than her brothers? or her father? >> different than her father. i mean, she is not a party to the case. so she does have that degree of separation. and she is not really going to be personally accused the same way as the others, and so i think she is probably going to be, i think, to a certain extent, more like the brothers of being more respectful and friendly with the judge, but, at the same time, i wouldn't expect her to be giving much in the way of things that are helpful to the a.g.. it is probably going to be more of the same. >> let me ask you this question, to. what is the decision, not to cross donald trump? the lawyers decided, and usually you don't cross is to rehabilitate the witness. it didn't go so well, why not do that here? is it a matter of the lawyer in? >> i have no idea why they wouldn't cross. i mean, if anybody who wouldn't take that opportunity to cross, i mean, there must be some reason why. because you are laying out your defense, you have your client on the stand. it is cross, you can lead them. you can lay out your whole defense. why wouldn't you take that opportunity to take what you have done in your opening, you can have him, lead him through all those questions? i don't understand why you wouldn't do it. i mean, it is just shocking to me. >> things that make you go home. tim parlatore, sarah matthews, thank you both so much. i want to bring in someone who worked closely with donald trump in the trump organization for nearly 20 years. former executive president of the trump organization, barbara's. she joins me now. she's also the author, by the way, of tower of lies. what my 18 years of working with donald trump reveals about him. well, barbara, i've got to tell you i'm eager to hear your take today. what a lot of took place in the courtroom reveals about trump as well. you've got two decades of working with trump. tell me, what did you make of his behavior today? did it line up with what you saw working with him on a day-to-day basis? yes he was pretty predictable i would say. with his brands and -- i don't -- i'm sure the lawyers told him not to behave that way, but he doesn't -- >> after the blood spread i think they came back to a real -- and that's temporary, i think. >> you know barb that's a great point. because i did see a difference between what happened before the lunch break, and after. by the way the judge seemed to have a different approach as well. but for somebody like trump who's not known to be led by his attorneys according to him -- he was trying to assert himself as the businessman. he controlled everything. on the other hand, if that's true what did that mean that he was also in control of what would actually put in the essential statement? [muted] it's all for his supporters. and so they believe in this and itself and great big line but he also wants to carry on because they wanted to carry on. he's indignant. i mean how dare they. and, it comes across as -- i mean he'd rather talk outside the courtroom than inside. >> so when trump was on the stand being questioned, he was asked whether the documents or his record keeping was accurate. the books are accurate. he said, i hope so. don junior and eric, when they were on the stand talked about really delegating that to accountants. what do you make of the difference? >> right, well suddenly both children, especially john junior, both of them are terrified of this one. so they weren't going to see anything that could possibly shed a light on them that wasn't positive. and the easiest way to do it, of course they had to blame someone else. they said we never saw this. not so easy for trump to do that. so trump just said, you know without naming his two boys. but, the instances there. >> well when you see the numbers of what the judge said, trump's businesses are worth compared to what he believes, did you experience trump, maybe inflating his assets when you worked for him? or deflating them when communion as well? >> absolutely inflated his assets. he inflated everything. he inflated the price on the promise that he was getting -- inflated the number a promise that would be sold. he inflated listening collectively. everything had to be the biggest in the highest so, yes of course he always did that and used to be on the forbes list. and he was very angry that he wasn't higher up on the forts lift. even took off forbes magazine. he had no business being on there at all. >> let me ask you, barbara, unlike the other cases that he's involved in it seems that donald trump has taken a particular interest in this case, being present at trial, in front of the cameras outside and the way he actively campaigning to the presidency. what would it mean to donald trump to have his business empire under a conservator, to have this business certificates taken away? what would it mean for him to lose that trump brand in new york city? >> well he would be absolutely enraged, he'd find people to blame for being in that predicament >> but i think he probably tried to spin it. he probably tried to say, i did implant that, because i don't care. i'm really not doing business in new york city now. i'm international, that kind of thing. i can work from anywhere. i mean he moved out of jumptown. he moved to florida. >> barbara rat, that would be an interesting spin and one relying on your own prediction. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, it's been a pleasure. >> up next, what donald trump said in the courtroom today and why a forbes senior editor who was there in court says it's not remotely creredible. tonight, former president donald trump fiercely defending his business and as well. and he testified in the new york fraud trial, for threatening his entire real estate empire. trump admitted involvement in lowering evaluations in the case of his trump tower apartment. at the same time that forbes magazine outed him for claiming it was nearly three times larger than it actually is. let's talk about the senior editor at forums, daniel alexander, who was actually inside of the courtroom. also the author of white house ink. how donald trump turned the presidency into a business. then, i am so glad that you're here because your ears must of been lighting up at some point in time today. when the former president was actually grilled, on the stand about a story regarding his inflating assets. what was going on through your mind in that moment in time? because you actually looked about the wall street property. and it seemed as though he was misstating something that you knew. what happened? >> yes, that's right. so they asked donald trump whether he had ever inflated the profitability for the wall street office building in downtown new york. in an attempt to try to raise the value of the assets. and trump basically said, no, i don't think so. but he has. and we know that he has. we have recordings of him doing just that. and we've released those recordings of him saying that the profitability of that building, at one point, was $50 million. and then another minute it was up to $60 million. and just continually boosting it when in fact, the profit of the building of the time were close to zero. and it wasn't just when you. he and his associates did this over the course of many years. and if you look at the math that they used to support the inflated values included on his net worth statements you could see that those two relied on not real profits, inflating profits. and so the lies that he was telling the media and forbes, in this case, with the same sorts of lies that he was incorporating on his bank statements. and this is the problem when he has all of this material, that he is laid out over all of these years. all of these consistent lies. and now he is on the stand trying to defined. and it's hard to keep everything straight. >> there is an audio, i want to play with everyone that you obtain of trump talking about -- i think in 2015. and it was about his businesses, talking about one of his properties. listen to this. >> that's wall street. that spilling in downtown manhattan. >> okay, there we go. >> i'm glad it's not anyone. but that a 78 circle. it goes off a fortune. it's going to throw, 50 million this year? >> yes. >> okay, we have a small market on it. they basically have the money free. i feel stupid. why are you taking finances -- i've been on both sides of the equation. >> now when you hear this, of course, someone would say that was no court of law. it sounds like he was maybe rubbing elbows to make a deal and a little bit of chest beating in some respect. but your point is, a statement like that actually had some consistency in also what he has alleged in being done. >> well that's right, in that statement he's inflating the profits of the building. and if you go to the underlying math that they used to determine the value of that property you can also see that they're inflating the profits of the building. but if you go through that statement more carefully, what you see is that almost every single mind in there is a lie. it is not the tallest building in lower manhattan. it's not 78 stories tall. it's 63 stories tall. his interest rate wasn't 2%, it was 3.6, six 5%. every detail that he mentions is not true. including the profits, which were the key figures that he incorporated on his net worth statements to try and boost the value of the building. >> but you know, he believes, dan, that there is a boost that will come because it's his name on it. it is brand, it's almost like he's telling himself, hey, there's a handbag and then there's one with the particular label on it. and you have the added benefit, profitability because he's on the actual name. is that convincing? >> well let's talk about what he's actually branding. we value his branding businesses. so when he has, for example, light system deals or hotel operating businesses that is a business similar to what hilton runs. and that's a major brand. and you could apply multiple to those companies. you can also say, hey, he sells book. and brought this up in court today. i saw a lot of books. okay, fair enough. we'll give you the cash for the books. but if you add all of that, you are not getting to billions, and billions of dollars. the licensing and hotel management business might be worth 100 or $200 million. but this great, big brand that is constantly talking about he is not conjuring up real cash out of it. and so if you have a super valuable brand that you're not actually making a lot of money off of, then you're just leaving money on the table. and that suggests, either, that you're not a very good businessman, capitalizing on that brand. or that the brand is not as big as your pretending that it is. >> well now i see exactly why you are raised in court today in the article. thank you so much for joining us there. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> trump's business empire is, perhaps, what he's built his reputation on and around a friendly morning than anything else. what would it mean for him financially? and personally if that foundation takes an absolute blow. we'll talk about it, next. c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. well you can say it was a pretty historic day for the former president donald trump when he testified in the child that, well, it could determine the future of his whole entire business enterprise. former president and the trump organization are accused of repeatedly lying about the value of assets and their properties. judge arthur engoron has already ruled trump and the defendant are liable to fraud. now, it is whether we'll have a very expensive penalty or otherwise. the depth of the alleged crime and what the ultimate penalty and punishment will be. for more perspective, let's bring in william cohen. founder partner at -- and also the author of power failure. he has been an investigative journalist and worked on wall street for many years as well. glad you're here today. i, mean based on what you heard from today's testimony, and of course what you already know about trump's financials, how big of a threat is this case to his entire empire? >> i think that the first thing to note is laura, first of all thank you for having me on is that this trial, obviously is about his properties in new york state. new york city, new york state. he does have other properties outside of new york. he's got golf courses, he's got mar-a-lago and he may still have an owner's to shake in the chicago tower during the financial crisis. and so if he loses what he's got here in new york, which of course is the majority of assets that would be very devastating. it's a 250 million dollar fine, a 400 million dollar fine and he might have some trouble paying it. i think it gets much more dicey if in fact the judge who only is the decider here, no jury and the trumps have managed to aggravate the judge. there's no doubt about that. that the judge decides to shut down all of trump's organization business in new york state. obviously that would be much more devastating. you'd have to sell trump taught, or 40 wall street, you have to sell the minority interests and other buildings in new york city. and so that would be a very difficult for him. and it's a very bad time to be selling commercial real estate. >> do you think, bill, just given that for the breath of that and potential, frankly the you think that is more worried about losing his business? there's other cases he's facing. some would normally think, look, if i have a prospect of jail time in a criminal prosecution to which there are several that would be perhaps the bigger priority. but it seems like this is the focus. why do you think that is? >> well first of all i would feel more worried about criminal indictments than i would be about this civil lawsuit as you correctly said. but obviously this is in entire families net worth that's caught up in this business. it's a [speaking in a non-english language] caught up in this business. it's his legacy and he is inherited his father's business. it was in queens, brooklyn, and he brought it to manhattan. the apprentice shows that he got really famous. based on his reputation as the best businessman. and so obviously, if this is all taken away from him because it has been fraudulent, in many aspects than that's going to be devastating to him personally, i would think. knowing him and a little bit that i do he certainly -- he's built his whole reputation on a wealth status. and so this would greatly affect that. but you know, that's separate from his whole political modus operandi. and nothing that seems to have been so far in any of these indictments or charles has affected his political status. and in fact, he seems to be stronger than ever. which is a real head-scratcher. >> there was a recent poll that described if he were to be convicted of certain charges, how that might change, the landscape in areas where he went leading biden in certain states, battleground states. and that he would be behind biden. but again, it is tough to say, really a year out from the election and trump has not even secured the rnc nomination, perhaps yet. but there are other people who have the trump name. and that included all children like don junior and eric. both of whom are named defendant. and also ivanka, who's going to testify next. what's the impact of them? given of course, that ivanka is not part of them that will testify. >> well eric, don junior, obviously are in the running for the trump organization now. so if the judge shuts down the trump organization in new york, of course that's where the majority of the organizations assets are. that's where the headquarters is. i would think that would be very devastating. but again, it won't be the end. because they have other assets outside of new york state. and i'm sure it will just reorientate themselves. and keep going and as stan was saying, make it, turn it into something beautiful and wonderful and fantastic and this was like the greatest thing that ever happened to us. >> i mean i'm all for it when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. but this one seems like a really, really sour one. i have to tell, you william cohen. thank you so much for joining us this evening. >> thank you, goodbye. >> as i mention some new polls, there are new polls dealing head to head matchups in several key battleground states. not good news for president biden either. the top biden campaign aide reresponds, nenext. >> so, no matter how you slice it, i mean, it was a momentous day for the former president. but it's also been a consequential few days for the current president of the united states. why? because new polling from the new york times has a lot of democrats worried. it shows president biden trailing trump in five of the six most important battleground states. we're talking arizona, georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, and nevada. and in, the one where biden is up, wisconsin, he's ahead by only two point. now, a warning from the polls echoing warning from opinion columns. multiple op-ed calling for biden to drop his 2024 bid have been penned in the last several months. all the ones here mentioned his age. now you've got david axelrod, the chief strategist for president obama's 2012 campaign who is voicing his voicing his . now he said it's the last moment for biden to check if he should drop out and to the critics who say we are a year out, axelrod had this to say. >> we had lousy polling numbers at this time in our campaign in 2011 when i was working for barack obama. and we overcame those numbers and we won. but the two things that are different or that obama was 50 and not 81 and we didn't have donald trump on the other side. >> axelrod's comments, of course, don't come without its own set of critics. former biden white house chief of staff ron klain taking a dig at some of axelrod's previous comments about biden, saying, on x, the man who called mr. magoo in august 2019 is still at it, unquote. but the biden campaign is facing tough questions tonight. my next guest is just the person to tackle them, quinton folks is the principal deputy campaign manager for biden harris 2024 and he joins me now. quentin, thank you for being here. you have seen these numbers, obviously, i am sure you've calmed over. them does the biden campaign understand exactly what is going on with voters? >> of course we understand. thank you for having me tonight, but of course we understand. we are spending this time that we have right now to make sure that we're doing everything we can to lay the groundwork so that when we head into next year we're going to be able to communicate with voters most effectively. we are a year out, polls this early are not predictive of what is coming in 2024. the president has multiple pathways to two 70, as axelrod just said in the clip, president obama faced these with new york times saying he was toast. reagan has faced bad poll numbers, clinton has faced that poll numbers. a red wave was predicted to materialize and 2022. i was in georgia managing senator warnock's campaign, that didn't happen. biden has been counted out time and time again, as of i. i'm used to seeing this type of thing, but it's exactly what campaigns are. fourth or focused on making sure that we're getting out in front, communicating to voters to start contrast between president biden, vice president harris, and the rest of the republican field. some of those differences are, you know, lowering the cost of prescription drugs while republicans want to get medicare and social security. if we look at the numbers, no president in history has ever run on the record of accomplishments or the popularity of issues that joe biden has run on, a lot of those issues helped the united states senate in 2022. look, we are focused on making sure we're doing everything we can to learn where voters are and to be able to communicate with them most effectively as we head into 2024. >> quentin, i do know in politics a year is like a lifetime. ask congress, they've got 11 days for a government shutdown and are not moving quite fast enough yet. but there is a big reality here. you have got the accomplishments you're speaking of that, of course, republicans will take issue with. the approval ratings are still quite low in spite of what you say and when you look at generic democrat versus trump, the generic democrat beats donald trump by eight points. so if this is how it is for the, quote unquote generic democrat, why shouldn't democrats look beyond the white house right now? is it a matter of timing or no other viable candidate and biden is the one? >> look, elections are a choice. right now that forces between joe biden and whoever the republicans decide to put forward. i will state this. joe biden will be the democratic nominee as we head into next year and joe biden and kamala harris are going to win reelection in 2024. look, our focus is not playing games about what if this or what if that, our focus is making sure that we are communicating that record of accomplishment and nothing, not a poll in november of 2023 is going to take us off that message. our campaign has been very clear from the beginning that this is going to be a close election, but make no mistake about it. the fact that we're acknowledging that this is going to be a close election does not mean that we're not going to be prepared for this to be a competitive and competent election and we're going to do everything we can to communicate with voters. but what if questions to the biden harris campaign is irrelevant because joe biden is the democratic nominee and joe biden's record of accomplishments are what we're going to continue to communicate to voters. >> quentin, one of the things that we're talking about in the polling numbers, the hypothetical nature of them. one thing that is not hypothetical is the age of joe biden. by the way, the age of donald trump is not that far behind him, i will add. what is your response to the continuing concerns about his age? >> look, our response is the fact that the president is experienced. the president has the wisdom that we need right now. now, in american history, it is not time for rookies. it's not a time for somebody who can learn on the job. it is a time for a steady hand in foreign policy, it's a time for a steady hand in understanding in the way the economy works. that is what joe biden brings to the table. our campaign is not going to let conversations about the presidents age deters from the fact that, at the end of the day, joe biden is the best person right now in the united states of america to be president and we're going to continue to communicate that. again, the what if that, what if that, voters concerns is what is going on in their household. these kitchen table issues, and the economy, the fact that biden is working to lower cost for -- republicans are gutting social security and medicare, going after big pharma wall republicans are trying to reward the wealthiest among us. again, when it comes down to, it we are focused on making sure that we communicate what we want to communicate and that is what american voters are paying attention to. >> black voters are certainly not a monolith, obviously. and yet there is a lot of polling and one in particular that says 22% of black voters and key swing states said they would support trump and 71% would back biden. but, given that trump won just 8% of black voters nationally in 2020, do you have some concerns in the campaign about the support from black voters in those key states? >> look, we care about all voters. i take this extremely personally when we're talking about black voters in particular. what the campaign is doing right now to address that is making sure that we are out in front early, communicating with these voters. traditionally black voters are treated as gop targets. candidates parachute into their communities last-minute, dangling in front of them and say please vote for me. our campaign is turning that on its head and i'm extremely proud of that, to make sure that we're communicating. this is not a community or constituency that we take for granted at all. candidly i'm not worried about black voters voting for donald trump, but we are of to do everything that we can to communicate the records of accomplishments in how joe biden and kamala harris have work to change their lives, and also paint a picture of what they're going to do in these voters turn out to vote for them in 2024. so that we can finish the job. that is where our main focus is, but, of course, or worried about every constituency and at the end of the day we have to prioritize these communities that were worried about. we have to prioritize these communities that we're seeing in the polls, and that is not just a joe biden problem, it is a campaign problem rich large and something along the lines of the democratic party, that we want to communicate with these voters. i'm proud of the fact that our campaign is doing that extremely early and in all different forms of media from television, digital, print, figuring out the most innovative ways to reach these voters in a very extremely fragmented media environment that we find ourselves in in 2033 and 2024. >> we will see. reaching it is one thing, influencing and getting a vote is another and the polling seems to show something distinct, but we are a year ahead of the election. quentin folks, thank you so much. >> thank you, laura, it was a pleasure to be with you. >> two arrests in the capitol building after a car crash and a foot chase. the alarming discovery after cops searched the car, next. >> a gun arrest in the capitol in the early hours of sunday morning turned to something surprising and concerning. two individuals were arrested by capitol police after crashing into a barricade in what police say what was a stolen car and following a chase on foot. officers searched the car and the surrounding area, allegedly found two pistols, one of which had a device attached known as a giggle switch, which converts a semiautomatic glock pistol into a machine gun. a law enforcement official says there is no indication that this time that the two were targeting the capital. thank you for watching, our live coverage continues in just a moment. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! 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