this time a massive grave outside of mariupol. officials are pointing to these satellite images showing the ground in one part of the city that's recently been disturbed, and there are claims from a credible source indicating the site has been used to dispose bodies. cnn is still working to independently verify those claims. >> now, it's estimated more than 100,000 people are trapped there in mariupol, including soldiers and civilians. the deputy prime minister mentioned a short time ago a humanitarian corridor is reopened after a brief delay. officials are trying to evacuate women, children, and the elderly from mariupol. >> in the meantime the plan now is to take full control of southern ukraine and the eastern donbas region to establish a land corridor to crimea, that area in the southern part of the country that russia annexed in 2014. >> take a look at this. it's new drone video showing just a scene of utter destruction there in the small village north of kyiv. house after house flattened. ukraine says the village played a major role in pushing back the russian advance toward kyiv. >> we want to take you to ukraine now and cnn correspondent scott maclin who joins us live from lviv. >> scott, what can you tell us about what's happening the and the possible grave outside mariupol. >> reporter: good morning. yeah, christi, so this is in a small village east of the city. you can see from the satellite images it looks to be a regular cemetery, but on one end of it there are several trenches dug. the trenches are maybe 40, 45 yards lodge. as you mentioned earlier, cnn can't confirm that these are, in fact, mass graves, but the mayor's office is saying that's exactly what they appear to be. there is no doubt, though, that the situation in mariupol as it's been for the last almost two months now is extremely dire with tens of thousands, potentially more people still trapped inside of that city, but ukrainian troops continuing to hold on. there is a humanitarian corridor that's being arranged today. there was not one yesterday, at least not a successful one, that is leaving from a mall on the western part of the city. it should have got going about an hour ago, but it's unclear whether it's moving, whether it's successful, where exactly it's going. it's supposed to end in the ukrainian city of zaporizhzhia, but ukrainians are warning russia may try to push people in the other direction toward russia. we're seeing new video from the steel plant where we know there are women and children sheltering along with ukrainian troops who are holding out in that area. this video, which was shot by soldiers shows them bringing food to the children and the women who are n underground, quite deep underground. the kids look to be rather healthy after spending 45, 50-plus days underground. here's what one boy said to the camera. >> translator: i hope we can leave here and see the sun because we've sat here gore months already. i want to see the sun so that when our houses are rebuilt, we can live in peace, so we can live in ukraine because this is our native home. >> reporter: just wanting to see the sun there. a pretty simple request. one other thing i don't want to understate here, the news we got from a military commander explaining what exactly russia's goal is in ukraine in this phase two operation, which is focusing on the eastern and southern part of the country. the russians would like to control the donbas region as well as ukraine along the black sea. the military commander said the reason it's so important to control that southern coast is because it would link up with -- link russia up with trance needs ya. it's actually in moldova, a separatist part of moldova, where russian troops have been stationed since the 1990s. . it's not going over well with the moldovans and russia ought to respect their borders. >> thanks so much for the update. we have with us a correspondent on soviet affairs for "the wall street journal." thank you for being here. thank you so much. i wanted to ask you, when we talked about this morning some humanitarian corridors have finally opened up to get some people out, but at this point we know if russia wanted to let people leave, they could do so. and now that we know the southern territory is their goal, why are they killing? why are they torturing? and why does it feel like the world is just watching and not doing anything? >> well, there's nothing unusual about these tactics. these are the tactics that they used in chechnya, they used in syria. they don't respect the kind of ethical and moral limits that a western power would respect. they consider civilians to be legitimate military targets, and they understand that this is a way of putting pressure on ukrainians, and that's why this is going on. russia's beige on the battlefield is consistent with the way it conducts its foreign policy without real ethical limits. >> i want to ask you about the strategy here because it started with russia declaring they wanted to take kyiv. it shifted after they failed to do so. and now they're talking about just the southern territory. what is the benefit of russia announcing their intention to take that territory? >> well, first of all, it's important to bear in mind their objectives can shift again. it's a question of how -- you know, what kind of resistance they need. as for announcing their war goals so-called, i think that's a reflection of the fact that inside russia there's a lot of confusion as to why russians are fighting there. public opinion in russia is not monolithic. there are doubts. people are loathe to express them because of the repression, but they exist. so russia has tried to enunciate something that they think will gain public support inside russia. it doesn't mean that it's a real military objective. anything they say, they can change tomorrow. >> so you wrote a very interesting op-ed for "the wall street journal" talking about president biden and how he's called for putin to be removed from power. and here's what you right. president biden's call to remove putin from russian power but only russians can remove mr. putin. that is why in addition to supplying arms to ukraine, the u.s. needs to take steps to reach the russian people. how does the u.s. do that? how do other countries do that? >> well, one of the things that we should be doing -- i mentioned a couple of things in that op-ed. of course, keeping a register and a detailed database of the russian losses so that russians have somewhere to turn to get honest information. they're lying again about the losses. for example, in the case of the ship that was sunk in the black sea, we need also to somehow demonstrate to the russian people that we're potentially on their side and will return stolen wealth. and, of course, we have to start telling the truth. and this is terribly important. about how putin came to power with the terrorist act against his own people. 1999 the russian fsb -- and there's overwhelming and in incontrovertible evidence -- they blew up the war. that's why we ever heard of putin. that's why he became president. so all these things have to be done. the other thing that's terribly important is to cut off the flow of money to russia so that russians without violence understand there's a price for this kind of aggression. that means a boycott on oil and gas exports. it will trigger a recession, but that's the purse for 30 years of incompetent foreign policy. >>david satter, we so appreciate your time. police say a shooting has left four people adead. it includes a retired police officer. two others are in stable but critical condition. authorities have not identified the suspect but he took his own life as police began entering his apartment. investigators found his body along with multiple firearms and ammunition inside, but they say they don't know what sparked the shooting spree. >> we will get to the bottom of this. we will find out what the motive is. right now we do not have that answer, but the answer we do have is our communities are now safe. >> the police also say they don't believe there are other suspects, nor are they sure of any connection between the suspect and the school. still ahead this morning on "new day," new details about what former chief of staff mark meadows was warned could happen in the lead-up to january 6th. and the lingering confusion over when and where to wear a mask. we ask the question. how effective is it to wear masks when no one around them is wearing them? 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>> daniella diaz, thank you so much. let's dig deeper now into the trump/mccarthy dynamic with political reporter rachael baze. even mccarthy's public comments seem to be contradictory. his credibility even within his own party appears to be shot, but yet he still remains the favorite to become the new speaker if republicans win the house, right? >> yeah. apparently at this moment it looks like it. everybody is watching president trump, former president trump to see what he says. now that trump has come out and said their relationship is fine, that really is all that matters right now for kevin mccarthy. that goes a long way. a lot of house republicans look to the former president about whether or not they're going to vote for someone for leader, so the fact that trump right now is saying that they're fine, that, you know, buys mccarthy a lifeline even though privately i have had republicans say to me this is more evidence that he's a, quote, full-faced liar as one of them said to me. look, that's all that matters. i will say he's not out of the woods. we know president trump. we've covered him for how long now? the guy changes his mind depending on his mood. he may be hot on someone one minute, cold on them the next. i wouldn't be surprised if you see the president sometime between now and when mccarthy tries to get the gavel at the end of 2022 when the republicans begin to take the house or beginning of 2023 that he could sour for another reason. there are a lot of trump allies out there who do not like mccarthy and they're going to try to whip the president and stir him up against mcing car think between now and then. this is not over by in means. right now he's okay. as daniella mentioned, more information could come out and this could absolutely come back and haunt him. >> no question about that, especially if he's on tape saying there are rchs who should get their twitter accounts taken away. that goes head-to-head with republicans lying that social medias are out to get conservatives and all that. who in your mind has the best chance to run against mccarthy and potentially run the speakership? >> that's been a big question. i think for opponents who do not like mccarthy, trump allies who are sort of skeptical of him, the big question is, okay, if not him, who. the reality is with house republicans, they're going to be looking at the member who raised the most money, who helped them win back the majority. and there's no doubt in anybody's mind that if that happens as it is expected to, it's going to be because of kevin mccarthy and the fund-raising he's done to lead them back into the majority. there's going to be a lot of good will because of that, even among ft republicans who have problems with him, even if it's a truth issue or they don't like the way he's handled trump. there's a question. matt gaetz who's a close ally of president trump has said he would vote for president trump for speaker, and the former president says he has no interest in that. you will see a bunch of members, of course, to vote for mens himself. the question is does it really matter? does he have the numbers to get the gavel? that's yet to be seen at this point. >> so daniella noted house republicans are set to have their weekly meeting on wednesday. what do you imagine is going to come from it? >> he's going to have to come forward about it. he's been trying to protect the president. he's been telling people privately he's trying to downplay them saying it's no big deal, i was addressing potential scenarios. i think you will see him try to frame this in a way that what he was trying to do is if the 25th amendment was going to bin evoked and that people were going to actively try to remove the president from office at that point, that he was going to be the one to tell trump he needs to go. and so i do think, you know, mccarthy has been making that case to people privately. we'll hear him make that case to his members on wednesday. as daniella mentioned, this twitter thing is another thing that people are waiting to hear more about. there's a concern if he did say that some members should not be on twitter, that goes against what he has said publicly and criticizing a lot of social media companies for, quote, censorship as he likes to call it. and so that would be in contradiction to a lot of things he has said publicly and could cause a real problem with some of his members. it's going to be a heated wednesday, but we'll have to see how he manages that. >> we should also note there are a lot of republicans just like mccarthy in very similar shoes that publicly say things defending the former president and privately have very different feelings some of he's not alone there. rac rachael bade, thank you. investigators have finally named the suspect 15 years after that british girl disappeared. stay close. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build future for those you ve. vanguard. become an owner. if you used shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. yeah, dad! i don't want to deal with this. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. that's adorable. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. like ever. that can't be comfortable though. the smart, fast, easy way to travel. ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ [ joe ] my teeth were a mess. i had a lot of pain. as far as my physical health, my body was telling me you got to do something. and so i came to clearchoice. your mouth is the gateway to your body. joe's treatment plan was replacing the teeth with dental implants from clearchoice. 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>>. >> well, i think the airlines had a mandate in place long before the federal mandate came into place. then the federal mandate came into place. as the epidemic has evolved, we've seen a lot of problems. one of the problems is trying to enforce mask wearing on planes has become increasingly hard and for many flight attendants, it's become increasingly difficult. they've been the mask police at an increasing population of people flying. many people take their masks off when they very eating, drinking, so i think overall my suggestion is, you know, when the federal mandate disappears and the airlines really have no reason to continue to enforce, it's really going to be up to each one of us what we decide to do. some people may want to mask, some may not want to mask. my recommendation is you should probably ware a mask especially during the boarding and unboarding, especially when you go through the tunnel to get on the plane, when you're trying to get your luggage in and you're trying to get your lug off off the plane. that's when the doors open and the ventilation system is not working, and that's where i would say it's the highest risk. once you're flying and the things are happening t risk decreases dramatically. the other thing i would tell travelers is when you're going into a city, taking a trip, maybe it's not the plane that's the most risky place. maybe when you get to the city, you go to the bar, the restaurant, concerts, and that's when you're going to risk getting infected. >> what about parents with young children? they have some real concerns about this particularly since not all kids are able to be vaccinated yet. >> i think the most important thing for parents of young children under the age of 5 who are yet to be able to get vaccinated is everybody around those kids needs to be vaccinated. the best thing we can do is to create a barrier of immunity around the kids. parents ought to be vaccinate and boosted in order to protect their kids. i have two grandchildren under the age of 2. they have not been vaccinated. we've traveled with them on planes. we've both been vaccinated. >> we're watching some of the new variants out. there what is the reality of the o potency of the variants you're watching right now? >> the concerns we have is the omicron and variant yantians that have emerged, they're highly transmissible. you're going to get infected. people will say, i haven't done anything differently but i've gotten infected. you haven't done anything differently but the virus has. they're more highly transmissible. we've not seen them to cause more severe disease and we have not seen them evade the immune system to the point of decreasing the risk of getting sick, getting very ill in the hospital and dying. so the most important thing you can do is to get vaccinate and boosted. if you're vaccinate and boosted and get infected, you're probably going to be uncomfortable for a few days, but you're not going to end up in the hospital or dying. almost everybody we're seeing in the hospital, people who are dying, are people who are not vaccinated. >> good point to make. dr. carlos del rio, we appreciate your guidance. thank you so much, sir. >> glad to be here. still ahead this morning, johnny depp taking the stand in the defamation trial against his ex-wife. could his own words threaten the case? you'll hear the text messages and audio recordings exposed in court after a quick break. don't go anywhere. 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(sigh) on tonal. ♪ 38 minutes past the hour right now. her name is madeleine mccann, and authorities in portugal say they've identified a suspect in the case of her. this missing british girl disappeared nearly 15 years ago during a family holiday. >> this is the first time prosecutors have named an official suspect since the child's parents were initially named suspects back in 2007. cnn's nina dos santos brings us up to speed. >> reporter: portuguese authorities on friday said they had identified a suspect in the disappearance of madeleine mccann, one of the most high-profile mysterious missing person cases to have captivated the world's attention and also a case that hasn't really moved forward for quite some time now. w while they didn't specifically name the individual in question, but they say they had been liaising with german authorities and that's where the kay has been progressing for the last two years. after 2020 german authorities said they had an individual in custody in german jails serving time for separate unrelated offenses where they believe they knew what happened to madeleine mccann all those years ago. authorities said they didn't have enough evidence to charge him with a particular crime at the time. he still hasn't been charged. the latest move, what it does from a portuguese legal perspective is to keep this case alive just before the statutes of limitations was set to expire on may 3rd. that would have been the 15th anniversary since madeleine mccann disappeared on a family hollywood back in 2007. having said that, though, sadly german authorities said years ago they were working on the assumption back then that madeleine mccann may no longer be alive. nina dos santos, cnn, london. >> nayina, thank you for that report. following that, the mccann family made a statement, reading in part, even though the possibility may be slim, we've not given up hope that madeleine may still be alive and we will be reunited with her. all we have ever wanted is to find her, uncover the truth, and bring those responsible to justice. let's talk about actor johnny depp, on the stand this week describing what he call as volatile relationship with amber hurd. he's suing her. this is a defamation suit. >> he did face tough questions over text mentssages and drug u during cross-examination. >> reporter: three straight days of testimony painted a picture of johnny depp and amber hurd. "the pirates of the caribbean" star sugar hurd for $50 million over a 2018 "washington post" op-ed piece. the actor claims it caused him financial losses. >> i felt the responsibility of clearing the record. >> this week dep told the jury his romance with hurd was seemingly perfect early on, but the relationship became volatile and quickly hit bottom after they married. d depp denied ale allegations that he physically harmed her in 2015. >> there were arguments and things of that nature, but never did i, myself, reach the point of striking ms. hurd in any way, nor have i ever struck any woman in my life. >> reporter: he also testified that he was the one subjected to mental and physical abuse. >> it could begin with a slap. it could begin with a shove. it could begin with, you know, throwing a tv remote at my head. it could be throwing a glass of wine in my face. >> reporter: depp testified that on one occasion in 2015 hurd threw a vodka bottle at him, severing his fingertip, which she has denied. and during a separate incident she put out a cigarette on his face. on thursday, hurd's attorney cast a different life on him, talking about substance abuse. >> you would sometimes drink whiskey in the morning, right, during this time period? >> i mean, isn't happy hour any time? >> one of your good friends that you've taken drugs with before is marilyn manson, right? >> we've had o'kane together maybe a couple of times. >> reporter: testimony turned more crude when he sent text messages to a friend to show rage toward her. >> after you said let's drown her before we burn her, you said, i will [ bleep ] her dead corpse to make sure she's dep. >> reporter: and this video was shown thursday, played by the defense. depp responded saying he did not assault her during the recorded tirade. >> there's evidence on both sides they have also perpetrated domestic violence. so at the end of the day, this jury is going to be tasked with deciding is this a relationship of mutual combat and how does that indicate in the op-ed this violence. it sunlds like there's two perpetrators. >> reporter: hurd has yet to be hurd. she'll expected to take the stand. nothing is as good as gold when it comes to the olympics. one has a calling toward greater service toward his war-torn cocountry. validated by colorists. new everpure glossing haircare from l'oreal paris. you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists prod that rid- x reduces up to 20% waste build up every month. take the pressure off th rid-x. obviously, we got termites. well, first thing is, you gotta know what they're bitin' on. whoa, yeah! this aged birchwood is perfect for the big ones this time of year. ho-ho! they gobble it up like a candy bar. nice. woman: what's going on? 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>> what is that? >> well, their email of their guy from intelligence was hacked several times and he was months could 1, so they hacked him. second, his passport was moscow 2. and they hacked him as well. and so the third time, he had passport moscow 3, and just guess what was his fourth passport? so moscow 4 is the explanation of the stupidity of the system. >> don't miss the sundance film "navalny" airing tomorrow might right here on cnn at 9:00 p.m. eastern. we've seen countless stories of strength and courage from the ukrainian people and that includes some of the country's biggest sports stars. >> some have taken up arms to protect their homes. there are others who have kept competing, hoping to inspire. coy wire joins us now with an athlete who's used the world's biggest stage to warn the rest of us the dangers he's seen at home. he's not stopped trying to help,y? . >> that's correct. he grabbed headlines in the beijing winter olympics when he held up the banner with the message "no war in ukraine." two weeks later his nightmare became a reality. after being turned away from the military, his father converted some of the team's vans to mobile aids units to deliver supplies to those in need. >> i tried to work, tried to provide some help for people who really needed it. my dad and i worked as a team for our spart and we wtry to help. we try to do our best to save people and help our people. we have or kaurs, what we used in season when we compete, we start to do volunteering, delivering some supplies. we worked with factories and we provide for restaurants who cook food for military forces. it's absolutely terrible and it's here. you just can't believe it. he understands that 2 1/2 months ago people were living normal lives. people lost everything. the thing is, there's a hope for a befur future. on our side we try to provide this help to do the future of ukraine better, but it's absolutely terrible to see it. i can provide this help and i can tell the truth for the world and i can use the sport van to save people, to save lives. a mission for me. as an outlet, my mission with sports is to bring peace. it's very important, and i guard it and i can do it. >> thanks to vlad for taking the time to share more of that story with us so we can share it with all of you. you know, boris, and christi, we're living in a time where perhaps more than ever sport is influencing everything. our favorite teams, athletes, they're turning into these powerful vehicles for inspiration and hope. >> and we appreciate you bringing those stories to us. coy wire, thanks so much. up next, we're going to tell you what areas are under threat of severe weather today. your forecast coming up in just a few minutes. ♪ limu emu ♪ and d doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever:r: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for w. if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. 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,Line ,Little ,Focus On Sunday ,Rain ,System ,Same ,Backside ,Michigan ,18 ,12 ,Blizzard Conditions ,Pleasure ,Weekend ,Graves ,Maxar ,

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