a surge the last two years in '19 and '20 there was a surge, as well. >> this one might be worse. >> no, well, it could be. here is the deal. we're sending back people -- first of all, the idea that joe biden said come because i heard the other day that they're coming because i'm a nice guy and i won't do -- >> you're saying this. >> yeah, here is the deal. they're not. >> do you have to say quite clearly don't come? >> yes, i can say quite clearly don't come and what we're in the process of getting set up, don't leave your town or city or community. >> more now from cnn phil mattingly who joins us. phil, does it seem like president biden is or the white house, do they grasp the severity of the situation on the boarder? >> i think white house officials do and you heard the president try to compare it to 2019 or 2020 and i think the reality is from his own homeland security secretary today they are seeing a surge they haven't seen in nearly two decades. it a significant problem. i think it's also a cnumber of factors. from the policy side, the biden administration made a change from the past administration. they are allowing in unaccompanied minors that is a shift. they are doing that because they want to take a more humane approach to immigration. they are turning away any adult that comes to the border on covid related grounds however, they were not prepared based on the system they say they inherited to handle the surge of migrants over the course of the last several weeks and it's only growing. you also have the issue that the president was asked about, whether or not he is part of the reason that migrants believe that the borders are now open. one of the issues administration officials have seen, they seen coyotes, the individuals taking money trying to escort individuals through the dangerous journey saying they believe the policy changed. they are dealing with that and the northern triangle countries. hardships and hurricanes there. the issues with their own governments driving a lot of the surge. so all of this coming together is creating a significant problem and while administration seems fully aware from now the president on down that they have a problem right now, they're also aware of the fact it will take time to fix in terms of ramping up facilities and ramping up the ability to move the unaccompanied minors out of border patrol facilities where they don't belong and aren't supposed to stay for more than 72 hours given the fact they're overwhelmed, they are falling short of that. they're saying it takes time, anderson. >> does the president have plans to travel to the southern border? >> i asked him that today as he departed the white house on his way to pennsylvania for his covid relief tour and he said no, not at the moment. right now i haven't talked to an administration official urging the president to go down there. he had senior advisors go down a couple of weeks ago. they came back and gave him a report while they were down there. many of whom speak spanish and had multiple conversations with minors in custody down there. he's having his officials go down and report his secretary of homeland security very deeply eng engaged, as well. no sense in the president going down relying on his team at the moment to try to fix what is becoming a growing problem every single day. >> phil mattingly, stay right there. i want to bring in abby phillip. abby, what do you make of president biden's comments? >> reporter: well, i think he is trying to do two things at once. he's trying to get ahold of the narrative here that republicans are trying to use for political reasons to attack him for what is going on on the boarder and there are i think good reasons for the biden administration to say not so fast, this is in part a result of the trump administration creating a backlog of immigrants who have been waiting in mexico to come over, but at the same time, what he said there don't come has taken two weeks virtually for this administration to get to that place. a couple of weeks ago, the now department of homeland security secretary said quite the opposite. he said we're not saying don't come. we're saying don't come right now. i think this is an administration that is struggling to settle on where they need to be both in terms of messaging and in terms of policy to not only deal with the long term issues but also to deal with this immediate problem, which seems to be escalating by the day as more and more of these children show up and they need to be housed and they need to be put into homes with sponsors and if they're not put into homes with sponsors, they're being kept in conditions that their lawyers are telling us are just simply terrible. they're just waiting for opportunities to get out of these situations where they should not be in. >> abby, we heard president biden say quote, we're in the process of getting set up, don't leave your town. which makes it almost sound like once we get set up, then it's okay to leave your town. it is -- i'm not sure what the thought there is. >> well, you know, i suspect that what he is referring to is something that we heard from another administration official about a week ago which has to do with standing up a system that allows these migrants to apply for asylum in their home countries before they even make the journey. he didn't say that, but that is eventually i think what administration wants to get to and what's even some democrats i spoke to a border democrat over the weekend who has been emphasizing that is crucial to stop thing flow of immigrants coming up through mexico. you've got to get them to go through some of this process in their home countries. the problem is, administration says that is going to take time to stand that system up. the question is how much time do they really have? the crisis is now. they don't want to call it a crisis but the numbers we're seeing at the border certainly suggest it is. >> why did the president wait this long to say, you know, don't come to the border, there are now more than 4,000 unaccompanied children in border control custody. >> there is a belief that his top official saying something similar to that making very clear whether it's the press secretary at the podium each day and homeland security secretary that came out and made that very clear, as well, kind of his top official getting the word across would be enough. i think the reality is the president hasn't been out. he takes questions sometimes when he's departing and takes questions occasionally but the president hasn't been out and had really the opportunity to make that forceful statement do not come now and i think also, administration right now, i think they would acknowledge they're scrambling a bit because they have long-term goals and feel like they have long-term solutions to some degree even to the central american miners crisis that's occurring whether it's sending more aid down to the north earn triangle and allowing minors in the u.s. while they're back home to engage with relatives and help clear the path forward. what they don't have and scrambling for is a short term solution and that's where it sounds a little bit like blame the last guy while you continue to hear from administration officials, so much of this is what they inherited, the system they inherited to overhaul on the run as things are moving and it's a fluid situation. >> thank you very much. i want to bring you more on the breaking news. at least seven people are dead after shootings at three spas, two in atlanta and another at a nearby county. ryan young joins us by phone with the latest. ryan, explain what exactly has gone on. the latest i had is there there were three -- two dead on the scene and one dead at a hospital from a place called young's asian massage in georgia and then two other massage spas, one called a therapy spa, which seemed very close to each other. there were three people killed and then one other person killed at another spa. so explain what is going on. >> right, so anderson, what we've learned from this information so far it's in cherokee county. it sort of unclear exactly what took place. we don't know if someone walked inside and started shooting and that's where the first three people were killed or at least two people were shot and then one person maybe showed up to a hospital. then the information that's about 47-minute ride from the second shooting scene, the second shooting scene was a spa very close to buck head. if you know atlanta very well, that's a busy area. this is a very busy intersection where these two spas are located and then apparently, three women were shot in one location and another woman was shot pretty much at the spa right across the street. there is a small grouping of spas in this area. now, i just got off the phone with a few detectives that i know in the atlanta area. they're telling me there's been pretty much a massive callout to law enforcement throughout the atlanta area to be on the look ou lookout for a suspect vehicle but working this case to see if they are obviously connected. that's a theory they are working with currently. obviously, the chief of police did a news conference the last 15 to 20 minutes where he was talking about making this a top priority. that area of buck head where the second and third shooting scenes happened, it's a very busy area. you know there is probably tons of cameras that are in that area that police will have to start scouring through to make sure they have images of the suspect vehicle that they can get them out to the public as soon as possible. they have also shut down a large area around the shooting scenes even in cherokee county where they are trying to get any sort of evidence they can to get out there so they can try to catch these suspects. now, i will tell you after talking to someone who was walking on another task force, they were telling me about a crew hitting some of these spas recently but not sure if that's connected. of course, they're also working with the theory someone could have specifically targeted these areas because they're known for the workers inside, which would be the asian workers. in terms of what is going on now, there is a slew of police officers who basically have been brought in for the investigative duties to figure out what is going on with these separate shootings. again, the death toll, so surprising with seven people shot and killed. >> ryan, let me run through some details with you. so the first shooting that's known was in ackworth, georgia, right? >> yes, sir. >> that's where three people died, two on the scene and one at the hospital. you say that's about -- that's the young's asian massage, which we're showing video from, that's cherokee county. >> right. so cherokee county is about 47 minutes outside the city of atlanta. >> is it known approximately what time that shooting occurred? >> and that is the part that we're still working on, anderson, because when this originally happened, it looked like it was an accident on the highway. so police started shutting down some of the roadways around there and then all of a sudden the word came out there was several shootings that may be connected to this and as all eyes were focused on what happened with that shooting, it became clear something else was happening in the city of atlanta about two hours later. that's when this other busy area close to buck head had double shootings pretty quickly behind each other. >> and you said it a 47-minute ride from ackworth to the other area. looking at the addresses from the two massage spas in the buck head area, it looks like they're very close to each other judging by the numbers on the buildings. >> absolutely. they're almost across the street from each other. anyone who is sort of -- i'm being redirected here. there is two spas are pretty much right across the street from each other and that had -- they have been there for years. police have kept a pretty strong presence in this area for quite sometime but the shootings are less than a mile away from the park. on a busy afternoon in atlanta, normally this area would be parked with traffic so whoever pulled the shooting off did it with a lot of people probably very visibly to hear the gunshots as it took place. >> and we -- >> as -- i assume, ryan, we don't know at this point the timing of the shootings at the buck head area spas? >> as it was described to me, they were pretty back to back. it appears that the person, whoever did it probably did it on foot. and went from one location to the next. as i'm looking at the scene right now, there are major parts of the street that have been shut down as police start to gather their evidence. >> you said that there is a vehicle of interest that had police released details about that. >> so about -- i want to say about an hour and a half ago, the cherokee county sheriff's department released a picture on their twitter page, a black vehicle. we're not sure how that may be connected to this shooting. obviously, they are taking interest to tweet out and also to add the guidelines from there. we don't know if they have a suspect picture. we don't know if these businesses have video cameras and they may have a direct line of sight on whoever may have done the shooting. these are things we're hoping to get an update from detectives in the near future. the police chief of atlanta did a news conference probably about a half hour ago they gave very few details but obviously, this is an on going investigation at this point. >> i apologize for looking down to the viewers. i'm looking at information as it's coming in. according to a cnn report that police said at the time that they'd responded to the aroma therapy spa, they found one deceased vehicle. we know all the deceased victims were female, appear to be asian. they didn't know if they were employees or customers at the spa, and the cherokee, i guess that's it for now. stay with us if you can. if you have to gather more information, we understand. i want to bring in former fbi director andrew mccabe. andrew, what do you make of what is going on? >> yeah, this is a really tough situ situation. obviously in atlanta, you have three separate locations, multiple homicides at each obviously a terrible tragedy for those folks involved and a hugely complicated investigation to under take by the police officials, so with all victims and excuse me for looking down, as well, asian females, you've got known associates, family members, there are so many potential perpetrators here and so many potential motives for this sort of violence that it's really important that both the police and of course, our coverage as well keeps really open mind about this stuff right now. >> yeah, it obviously very easy to sort of speculate and i don't think we should be doing that at this stage, if ever. ryan, you said you had talked to somebody in law enforcement who had talked about burglaries or some folks were going around hitting, like robbing businesses in that area? >> as some of the spas throughout the atlanta area, from what i was told by one law enforcement official but again, when they heard the description of the people who may be involved in this, of usually, all law enforcement in this area antennas went up. they understand what has been going on across this country. there are several large pockets of the asian community here in the area. there are businesses that clearly get targeted sometimes but there is also a large presence of asian americans. so this is a conversation from some of the top law enforcement officials to try to figure out how this may be connected and the next steps and talking to some of their partners because with this happening in cherokee county, it's not the same with the atlanta police department. so we have a robust police department here but the cherokee county sheriff's department has to work this case. i'm sure the chief will be getting involved, as well. that's the entities here in georgia splitting up how they can go after whoever did this. >> dr. mccabe, if the cherokee county officials have tweeted out an image of a vehicle of interest, is that something that they would have done based on solely based on eyewitness accounts or closed circuit television accounts i guess? >> you know, it could be any of those things, anderson. it's entirely possible that you have video surveillance either at the crime locations or at the neighboring businesses across the street, that sort of thing that could give you a great vision into a vehicle that may have entered or left the scene at the right time. at the same time, i'm sure those police officers are canvassing those businesses to see if anybody saw anything suspicious. vehicles moving at a high rate of speed, people looking like they're fleeing the scene. there is all different kinds of channels to get that vehicle description. we don't know how they are characterizing the vehicle but it obviously something they will be looking closely for. >> when you have incidents like this in different jurisdictions, i mean, one is in cherokee county. the other is in atlanta, paid peedmont close to each other how important is that? >> it likely that their relationships and ability to coordinate are well developed and strong and i'm sure they have criminal activity that very frequently over laps from one jurisdiction into another. i can tell you those sheriff's deputies in cherokee and those police officers are exchanging information phone to phone to develop suspects to focus in on. >> there is also the question of obviously is it the same person involved in all three incidents? the ones that are close together that would seem more obvious, the question of course is did somebody, you know, go to ackworth, georgia and have this insurcident at the first spa an drive 47 minutes to the others? >> you know, i know this is an unsatisfying answer but both possibilities are completely in play right now. right? so if you think just from the perspective of is this some sort of a ethnically or motivated hate crime, this could be conducted by an individual who would access all three locations or a small group of people who are looking to victimize that commune toy make a statement. if it's an individual offender who for whatever reason decided to commit this atrocity based on family members orb business reasons or whatever it may be, they could have went place to place. they have to keep options open. >> we'll continue to follow this story and bring you any new developments as we get them in. the new intelligence committee report on russian interference election in 2020. who it waswas intended to help hurt tand the vaccination and what everyone hopes to be not one last surge of the virus. out here, you're a landowner, a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. just about any other night this would be the lead story, a report confirming that russia did interfere in the 2020 election and named at helping the former president. >> i don't want help and i haven't been given help from any country. >> former president said that a little l more than a year ago shortly after intelligence officials brief the lawmakers about what russia was once again up to. today's intelligence community assessment put out by the office of the director of national intelligence spells it out. we view biden's election dised a ventageous. in other words, precisely what the former president denied from happening last year and linked to the campaign. >> there has been nobody tougher on russia than donald trump. all of the emails, the maeemail the horrible emails the money you were raking in you and your family and joe, you were vice president when some of this was happening and it should have never happened. >> which brings us to tonight and chief national security correspondent. walk us through this. >> i spoke to an official tonight involved in the 2016 u.s. intelligence assessment on russia's interference in that election and he said to me look at this report and russia has been remarkably disturbingly consistent. in fact, the language of the report reads like verbatim to the 2016 intelligence assessment. it begins with this key point and that is that we assess, the u.s. intelligence community that russian president putin authorized this interference and then it goes onto the details of what did russia do to influence this election? it says that it denigrated president biden's candidacy much as it did hillary clinton in 2016 as well as a democratic party. it supported former president trump just as they did in 2016 but also crucially and more broadly it says that it undermined public confidence in the electoral process and exacerbated divisions in the u.s. what was truly remarkable this time around, anderson, it had an ally here in the u.s. in the former president himself because he has raised leading up to the election since the election and to tonight on fox news raised those same questions about the electoral process calling it a stolen election when there is no basis for it so you had in effect, russia had in effect an ally on the ground here in the u.s. pushing the same divisive narrative. >> and the report also talks about close associates to the president. >> it does. it says russia deliberately targeted close associates of the president and that those close associates repeated, propagated the same lies russia was trying to propagate and it does not name rudy giuliani but it does name andre who is a ukrainiian politician and known russian intelligence agent that giuliani met with frequently to get information dirt on president biden which giuliani went on the air waves many times hoar in t -- here in this country to claim falsely about president biden. former at the time candidate biden. again, what is different this time around was help from americans in russia's interference and it's remarkable to see. >> the former president and administration officials said it was really china, not russia interfering with the election. the assessment contradicted that, correct? >> absolutely leading up john ratcliff the former dni under trump, attorney general bill barr on cnn said no, russia is a bigger threat. what we find from this intelligence report is either they were flat out wrong, missed it ord deliberately mislead. it calculate neither result would make a difference for them and they wanted to maintain stable relations with the u.s. so they did not interfere. the trump administration got that wrong or lied about it. >> appreciate it. we're continuing to get more information on the shootings in and around atlanta and the latest on covid, the good, the bad and the potentially very much worse. print about this many pages. the new epson ecotank. just fill and chill. priceline works with top hotels, to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? 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>> well, you know, i think the image is starting to come into clearer focus. weave we've been talking about the very variants for a long time. the u.k. variant was here in december probably. we're mid march. 49 states now have confirmed the u.k. variant is there. that gives you an idea how quickly this is spreading. when i say it coming into clearer focus, there are trend lines we're trying to figure out as you mentioned, anderson, 15 states have had numbers increase at least 10%. a couple states 40%. but then, you know, florida for example where the u.k. dominant has become more dominant, sorry, the u.k. strain is more dominant, the case is still appears to go down. we're not sure if that hasn't caught up or what is happening there. italy, france, united states, you mentioned this a minute ago, anderson. you remember last spring, we were all talking about italy. you can show the graph of what is happening now. talking about italy last spring. we're not going to follow that s trajectory. we did and see what is happening in italy, the blue line and france now. the u.k. variant is dominant in italy. so that's the concern. so many provinces are going back into the significant mitigation mode in italy. is that going to be a precursor of what happens here? that's the question. >> professor osterholm, in terms of the variants in the quite, how concerned are you about them especially given what we're seeing in europe? >> all the variants of concern, those are capable either causing more transmission of the virus or more serious illness or evading the immune protection from the vaccine or natural infection are a concern. the one sanjay pointed out that really is front and center is this b.1.1.7, the variant first seen in the u.k. which is about 60% or more infectious than previous strains of the virus as well as it causes anywhere from 50 to 60% more severe illness. that is the one spreading widely right now in the united states. we'll have to deal with the other very ariants from south africa. right now front and center, the next several weeks will be able b.1.1.7 and the race we have between vaccine and the variant and again, of course loosening up as we are right now. we are creating a perfect storm scenario for this virus to spread. >> so professor osterholm, if people continue to travel, stop wearing masks, open things up and this variant is spreading and people not getting vaccinated, what happens? >> well, first of all, there is an assumption made so many people have been infected or are getting vaccinated that not much will happen and that's just simply not true. right now we have somewhere between 50 and 55% of the u.s. population that's protected through having had infection before and having immunity or having been vaccinated. but for example, we still have almost 20 million americans that haven't had a drop of the vaccine. in europe two countries we're following closely, multa and hungary have been hit hard in the past meaning that they have a number of people who are immune from previous infections. and right now they have the steepest increase in cases of any of the european countries. so i think it's potential things to come if we continue to loosen up and allow this virus to go willy nilly. >> sanjay, do you have more states rolling back restrictions, air travel up. a lot of activities picking back up. how concerned are you? >> well, you know, it's concerning. i mean, i think that the idea that the 12% of the country has been vaccinated, i think, as dr. osterholm mentioned, i think it's 30, 35, 40% of people over the age of 60 are now fully vaccinated and 60% received one shot but if you look at these new ihme projections, these are the models from the university of washington, they've actually increased their death projection by july 1st now by 20,000 more people. so close to 600,000 people will have died of this by july 1st. it's concerning. you remember anderson, we talked to chris murray a couple of weeks ago and he's talking about the impact of rolling back the mask mandates in text as and sa mask use is stable at 75% but in those places where the mask mandates have been rolled back i guess perhaps not surprisingly, you see decreased mask use and that's a problem. those are some of the states that are fueling that increase. >> professor osterholm, moderna announced the first children have been vaccinated in the pediatric trial including infants as young as 6 months old. if proven safe in children, could that vaccine be ready to go for the next school year? >> we're hopeful it could be ready for if not the beginning of school, soon after school begins and we're even more excited about the possibility of having even younger children, children in daycare vaccinated in the future. but for now, that's obviously not a solution. i would say that one of the things that's very concerning about this b.1.1.7 variant is the fact that prior to this time, young kids were really not important from the standpoint of spreading the virus or for that often getting infected and the large outbreak that we have emerging in minnesotam just as e seen in europe, kids get ready in ly inflected and transmit the virus. which is challenging for school openings. i've been saying you can open schools kindergarten through eighth grade safely and what you've seen in europe we're seeing in the quite wunited stal raise a challenge to that because this new strain is spreading in kids. >> appreciate it. sanjay, always. we're of course also keeping an eye on the breaking news from atlanta where seven people are known dead in a series of shootings at spas. meanwhile, up next, california governor gavin newsom on the recall campaign and what he's saying about going to a fancy restaurant during the height of the pandemic when he told others to stay home. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it. once-weekly trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. most people taking it reached an a1c under 7%. trulicity may also help you lose up to 10 pounds and lower your risk of cardiovascular events, whether you know you're at risk or not. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. before we talk about tax-smart investing, what's new? -audrey's expecting... -twins! ♪ we'd be closer to the twins. change in plans. at fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. we continue to monitor the situation in the atlanta area. at least seven people killed. to the recall fight for gavin newsom that spoke with cnn earlier today a day before organizers of the recall face a deadline for submitting 1.5 million signatures for verification. they said signatures collected amount to nearly 2 million. some of the money raised for that campaign by his opponents said was from out of state. >> i received almost $3 million of money some coming from different parts of the country, not just from the state of california. so at the end of the day, it's complicated as to why this is on but that's not determinative. >> dan simon who said a politician once invincible found himself in this situation. >> absolutely. we're taking it iss seriously. >> reporter: governor newsom ta taking seriously the threat to remove him out of office on a media blitz like whoopee and with jake tapper. >> this is the sixth recall effort in 25 months since i've been governor. >> reporter: the appearances perhaps an acknowledgement newsom is in deep political trouble. 2 million signatures have been collected over the 1.5 million needed to move forward. the governor who earned high marks for his management early in the pandemic has seen his fortunes fall. amid tight restrictions, cases and deaths soared. small business owners got crushed, public schools were shut shuttered. the initial vaccine rollout slow and disorganized. and then there was newso m's pr disaster showing up at a fancy restaurant urging people to stay home. >> what were you thinking? >>quarter of a seen century. restaurants were open and i didn't suggestion people shouldn't eat. there were too many people at the table. >> reporter: the bottom line, california has nothing to show for its aggressive moves to fight the pandemic. >> it's been a difficult year. in hiendsight, we're all expert a. year ago california was the first state to initiate a stay-at-home order. i think we saved thousands and thousands of lives. >> reporter: newsom saying it's a republican backed movement by anti-vaxxers and anti immigrant trump supporters. >> who is behind the partisan recall of governor gavin newsom. >> reporter: his campaign releasing an ad stop the republican recall linking the recall organizers to those who try to overturn the presidential election. >> we're proud boys. we're qanon. we're extremists. we're this, we're that. listen, it's welcome to the campaign and this is the labels they will throw out at us and it's nonsensical. >> reporter: recall organizer randy economy, a former democrat turned trump campaign staffer said the 2 million signatures represent a wide swath of california. >> this is not republican movement or a democratic party movement. it's a people's movement here in california. >> well, tomorrow is the deadline to have all those signatures submitted. the bottom line here is if everything goes according to plan for the recall organizers, this election would take place in the fall possibly october or november and if newsom survives this and many political analysts in california think he will given the politics, he would then be on the ballot again in 2022 for his reelection. anderson? >> dan simon. appreciate it. it's been a busy night. we have more breaking news from president biden's interview. he tells george stephanopoulos the sexual harassment investigation with andrew cuomo should continue and if allegations against him are confirmed, he thinks governor cuomo will probably end up being prosecuted. we'll be right back. more ahead. oh, you think this is just a community center? no. it's way more than that. cause when you hook our community up with the internet... boom! look at ariana, crushing virtual class. jamol, chasing that college dream. michael, doing something crazy. this is the place where we can show the world what we can do. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wifi-enabled lift zones, so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. oh we're ready. ♪ ♪ we continue to follow breaking news out of atlanta. three shootings at atlanta area spas where at least seven people have been killed. a suspect has been apprehended, i understand? >> reporter: absolutely. we do have some new information here. one, we believe that number has now moved to eight, anderson. we also believe the cherokee county sheriff's department is saying robert long has been arrested. the one thing we're not sure about is whether he's connected to all of the shooting scenes. in the cherokee case, we believe he is the suspect they were looking for. that's where the initial shooting happened. as i step out of the way, we're told there was a stop made in chris county and robert aaron long was taken into custody. shooting scene you see behind us, there are a bunch of detectives gathered. we know they're trying to go through surveillance video. we learned at least four people were shot and killed here. we're not sure where the other additional victim may have been. we were saying seven dead. now we believe there are eight. this is obviously a multijurisdictional shooting. cherokee will have to talk to atlanta. atlanta will have to talk to charity, and now you have the chris county component. we believe georgia state patrol were able to stop the man on the throughway, maybe used the pit maneuver. going through eyewitness accounts to see if the same vehicle appeared in both locations. this shooting here, you can see where this shooting happened and directly across the street is another shooting scene. this is a fast-moving investigation, because this has been going on all afternoon and police are trying to gatter the detailed pieces. in the last half hour or so, police have been able to make an arrest of a woodstock man. they did put a picture out. this was the man they were looking for. be interesting to see if they can connect the dots now that they have him in custody. >> chris county, how far is that from cherokee or the bucket area? >> this shooting happened maybe an hour and a half ago. i think it's about 50 miles away from here, if i'm correct. not 100% sure. we just got that information as we got on air. i believe it's about an hour away from here. >> okay. and unclear if it's the same person involved. our law enforcement analyst charles ramsey joins us on the phone. chief ramsey, what do you make of what you have been watching? >> well, i mean, you have got three active crime scenes, so you've got a lot going on. it was just reported there is a person in custody, hopefully he's someone who will talk and provide more information. but with the three scenes, two jurisdictions there's an awful lot of work takes place. you've got interview witness, pull video, process the scene. i'm not a big believer in coincidence. i believe the scenes are connected. how? was it one person, a small group. could it be one person that owns all three? we don't know what the motive is yet. could be driven by hate. that's the what investigators will be focused on. butted the as of having three shootings within a short period of time, all spas all within a radius of, let's say, 60 miles happening on the same day, i mean, that's not likely to have happened. >> how -- the at this early stage in an investigation, how important is motive? is that something that becomes of interest later on, or is that integral to the early stages? >> well, i mean, it will come later on as you start to interview people. you start to find more out about the suspect, start going through social media. i mean, all the things that an investigator would do, start to kind of take a look to see what the motive is. but first they want to make sure there aren't other shooters out there. i don't know what evidence they collected from all three scenes but they're going through a lot of information. the witnesses -- they survive the shooting? were they in the spa at the time? we don't know the answer to any of that yet. but it will unfold as time goes on. >> yeah, and as you said, it's a number of jurisdictions which obviously complicates things. >> well, it does. whenever you've got multiple jurisdictions. but they'll coordinate. of course you've got the georgia bureau of investigation. i'm sure they'll be involved as well. it will come together. they'll compare notes and talk to each other. right now between cherokee county and atlanta, there's an awful lot of work going on. there's also an awful lot of interaction between the investigators i'm sure. >> chief ramsey, thank you. more from us just ahead. more on this throughout the night. we'll be right back. with relapsing forms of ms, there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. who needs that kind of drama? kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection that may help you put this rms drama in its place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions and slowing disability progression versus aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were recorded in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache and injection reactions. dealing with this rms drama? it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. dramatic results. less rms drama. between the president, intelligence report, and atlanta shootings it's been quite an evening. as we reported the atlanta story is unfolding as we speak. in the city just north in cherokee county and two hours south in chris county, police say a suspect in the cherokee county has been apprehended. a lot to cover. with all that let's hand it over the chris in prime time. >> thauthorities in the area dot believe this is a coincidence. it does seem as though there's some kind of connection. the question, is what? is it opportunity or bias? we'll pick up the story and monitor during our hour. anderson, thank you. i am chris cuomo, and welcome to primetime. eight people killed now in a series of three shootings at spas in atlanta. at least four of the victims are asian women. the question of course is were they targeted? one suspect has just been app re apprehended. when we get more information we'll bring it to you. from that story to absolute bias. democrats have to see an

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County ,Shooting ,Someone ,Shooting Scene ,Bride ,47 ,Area ,Head ,Women ,Intersection ,Location ,Woman ,Atlanta Area ,Detectives ,Law Enforcement ,Grouping ,The Street ,Callout ,Look Ou Lookout ,Police ,Vehicle ,Chief ,Case ,Theory ,15 ,Scenes ,Cameras ,Buck Head ,Priority ,Sort ,Evidence ,Images ,Public ,Suspects ,Crew Hitting ,Task Force ,Police Officers ,Workers ,Asian ,Areas ,Slew ,Duties ,Death Toll ,Ackworth ,Massage ,Georgia ,That S Cherokee County ,Young ,Sir ,Video ,Yes ,So Cherokee County ,Roadways ,Accident ,Highway ,Eyes ,Each Other ,Something Else ,Addresses ,Buildings ,Judging ,Street ,Anyone ,Presence ,The Park ,Traffic ,Afternoon ,Gunshots ,Point ,Timing ,Parts ,Interest ,Picture ,Half ,Cherokee County Sheriff S Department ,Page ,Twitter ,Businesses ,Video Cameras ,Guidelines ,Police Chief ,Line ,Update ,Sight ,Investigation ,Viewers ,Aroma Therapy Spa ,Victims ,Customers ,Female ,Employees ,Cherokee ,Stay ,Fbi ,Locations ,Andrew Mccabe ,Tragedy ,Homicides ,Folks 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,Office ,Director ,Intelligence Community Assessment ,Given Help ,Lawmakers ,Words ,Dised A Ventageous ,Campaign ,Family ,Emails ,Nobody ,Vice President ,Raking ,Donald Trump ,Maeemail ,Security ,Correspondent ,2016 ,Intelligence Assessment ,Language ,U S Intelligence Community ,Trump ,Democratic Party ,Candidacy ,Hillary Clinton ,Confidence ,Divisions ,Rally ,Fox News ,Ground ,Effect ,Basis ,Rudy Giuliani ,Lies ,Politician ,Name ,Intelligence Agent ,Hair ,Biden Which Giuliani ,Times ,Candidate ,Information Dirt On ,Assessment ,China ,Threat ,Intelligence ,Bill Barr ,Report ,Dni Under Trump ,John Ratcliff ,Relations ,Difference ,It Ord Deliberately Mislead ,Bad ,Good ,Chill ,Pages ,Sprint ,Epson Ecotank ,Priceline ,Hotels ,60 ,Trip ,Internet ,Jess ,Tv Services ,Lifting ,Friends ,Xfinity ,Delegating ,Wait ,Services ,Sweat ,Fatalities ,Road ,Investigations ,Crime Scene ,Up To Speed ,Officers ,Tape ,Fair ,Club ,Blocks ,Gentleman ,Switceven Pe ,Strip Club ,Nine ,Suspect ,Five ,Car ,Suv ,Color ,Damage ,40 ,Eligibility ,Adults ,Ticking ,Bad News ,Test Positivity ,Array ,Vaccine Availability ,Covid In Today ,Montana ,1 ,April 1st ,Variants ,Cases ,Vaccine Efforts ,Minnesota ,Michigan ,European ,10 ,Pandemic ,Travelers ,Precautions ,Spring Break Season ,Back Home ,Air Travel ,Tsa ,Variant ,Professor Osterholm ,Ways ,Central ,Centers ,Sanjay ,Disease ,Research ,Sanjay Gupta ,Focus ,U K ,States ,Trend Lines ,49 ,Strain ,Dominant ,Example ,Florida ,Italy ,Spring ,France ,Last Spring ,Graph ,Concern ,Provinces ,S Trajectory ,Blue Line ,Mode ,Precursor ,Mitigation ,Vaccine ,Illness ,Protection ,Transmission ,Infection ,B117 ,Center ,Strains ,South Africa ,50 ,Scenario ,Storm ,Race ,Masks ,Somewhere ,Assumption ,U S Population ,55 ,Multa ,Immunity ,Drop ,20 Million ,Number ,Infections ,Increase ,Meaning ,Hit ,Hungary ,Back Restrictions ,Activities ,Air Travel Up ,Willy Nilly ,12 ,12 ,Death Projection ,Ihme Projections ,Models ,Age ,Shot ,University Of Washington ,30 ,35 ,July 1st ,Chris Murray ,20000 ,600000 ,Mask Use ,Mask ,Places ,Mandates ,Text ,Impact ,75 ,Trial ,Infants ,Moderna ,6 ,After School ,Possibility ,Safe ,Beginning ,B117 Variant ,Daycare ,Kids ,Outbreak ,Standpoint ,Minnesotam ,Schools ,School Openings ,Grade ,Ly Inflected ,Series ,Challenge ,Eye ,Wunited Stal ,Gavin Newsom ,Stop Trulicity ,Restaurant ,Insulin ,California ,Body ,Height ,Up Next ,Risk ,A1c ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Events ,2 ,7 ,Doctor ,Trulicity Isn T ,Type 1 Diabetes ,Use ,Medullary Thyroid Cancer ,Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 ,Side Effects ,Taking Trulicity ,Blood Sugar Risk ,Reaction ,Neck ,Swelling ,Stomach Pain ,Lump ,Pancreatitis ,Sulfonylurea ,Vomiting ,Nausea ,Diarrhea ,Diabetic Retinopathy ,Twins ,Investing ,Kidney Problems ,Dehydration ,Audrey ,Plan ,At Fidelity ,Recall ,Organizers ,Signatures ,Opponents ,Verification ,Amount ,1 5 Million ,2 Million ,Estate ,3 Million ,A Million ,Dan Simon ,Newsom Ta ,It Iss ,Whoopee ,Media Blitz ,Jake Tapper ,Governor ,Acknowledgement Newsom ,Effort ,Appearances ,25 ,Restrictions ,Deaths ,Fortunes ,Marks ,Management ,Small Business Owners ,Disorganized ,Vaccine Rollout ,Pr Disaster Showing Up ,Newso M ,Restaurants ,Shouldn T Eat ,Bottom Line ,Moves ,Nothing ,Table ,Expert A Year ,Hiendsight ,Thousands ,Order ,Lives ,Supporters ,Anti Immigrant Trump ,Republican Backed Movement ,Anti Vaxxers ,Stop ,Sad ,Boys ,Extremists ,Republican ,Qanon ,Labels ,Recall Organizer Randy Economy ,Campaign Staffer ,Movement ,Swath ,People S Movement ,Politics ,Analysts ,Everything ,Breaking News ,Interview ,Reelection ,Ballot ,2022 ,Governor Cuomo ,Sexual Harassment ,Allegations ,Andrew Cuomo ,Community Center ,Community Centers ,Class ,Lift Zones ,Michael ,Boom ,Ariana ,College Dream ,Jamol ,World ,1000 ,Students ,Families ,Tools ,Eight ,Cherokee Case ,Chris County ,Robert Aaron Long ,Surveillance Video ,Victim ,Bunch ,Four ,Charity ,Oman ,Throughway ,Pit Maneuver ,Chris County Component ,Georgia State Patrol ,Pieces ,Dots ,Arrest ,Woodstock Man ,Bucket Area ,Charles Ramsey ,100 ,Crime Scenes ,Work ,Interview Witness ,Coincidence ,Pull Video ,Believer ,Motive ,Investigators ,Hate ,Radius Of ,Let S Say ,Stages ,Social Media ,Shooters ,Investigator ,Take A Look ,Witnesses ,Georgia Bureau Of Investigation ,Notes ,Interaction ,Relapses ,Relapsing ,Drama ,Ms ,Injection ,Don T Take Kesimpta ,Rms Drama ,Versus Aubagio ,Superior ,Lesions ,Vaccines ,Trials ,Pml ,Hepatitis B ,Kesimpta ,Headache ,Types ,Antibodies ,Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ,Reactions ,Decrease ,Results ,Thauthorities ,Prime Time ,Hand It Over ,Dot ,It Opportunity ,Connection ,App ,Chris Cuomo ,Absolute Bias ,

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