from the west bank where 100 palestinians have been forcibly moved from their homes, amid rising tensions fuelled by the war. good evening, there was a five—hour window today in which the palestinians were allowed to walk out of gaza city, through a humanitarian corridor, across the front lines, to the south. they left after weeks of furious bombardment and in defiance of a hamas order to remain. the group later accused unwra the united nations relief agency of facilitating the "forced evacuation" of palestinians. the civilians are the shield — and the shield was being taken away. where these people go next and what will be provided for them is now the critical factor. many are eating just one meal a day, they queue for hours at water pumps, the shelters are full. 1.5 million people are displaced. and barely 650 trucks have crossed the rafah border since the conflict began. in tokyo the group of seven foreign ministers voiced support for a humanitarian pause in gaza, but the us secretary of state, again renewed his objections to the calls for a ceasefire. the g7 ministers reaffirmed our strong support for israel's right and obligation to defend itself and seek to ensure the attacks of october 7th can never happen again in accordance with international humanitarian law. we had in—depth discussions about the steps that we are taking to address the urgent needs on the ground. we all agree that humanitarian pauses would advance key objectives to protect palestinian civilians, to increase the sustained flow of humanitarian assistance to allow our citizens and foreign nationals to exit and to facilitate the release of hostages. the israeli minister benny gantz said there is no time limit that has been set for israel's ground operations in gaza. the former defence minister told reporters the war was being fought for israel's existence and therefore could not provide an estimate of the length of each stage in the war and the fighting that will ensue after. the israeli forces are moving quickly, they are fighting inside gaza city and are now close to the centre. but of couse there are an unknown number of tunnels beneath them, and a lot of the buildings rigged with improvised explosive devices. the hamas fighters have been releasing videos of themselves popping out of these tunnels, and firing various kinds of anti—tank missiles at the israeli armoured vehicles. our us partners cbs have been on an embed in gaza — senior foreign correspondent, charlie d'agata reports. we joined the paratroopers of israel's 501st airborne brigade, among the first wave of forces to invade gaza after hamas militants went on their murderous rampage one month ago. gunners kept look out as we crossed the desert scrub land in north—east gaza until we reached beit hanoun. as we arrived the sound of ongoing gun battles could be heard nearby. the city had an estimated prewar population of more than 60,000 people. looking around it's hard to imagine anyone lived here at all. this lieutenant colonel said there was little choice. i know that the military objective is to destroy hamas. you've destroyed everything. yeah because look, hamas is using infrastructure. ten minutes ago we had a serious battle with a group of hamas inside a school. we found these rocket launchers. he showed us a missile site hidden in the back yard of a home next to what used to be a swimming pool. the commander here told us there are about 1000 hamas militants here to begin with. now there are a few dozen left. it is not the threats above ground that they're worried about but the ones below it. its before the fighting began. as we were speaking, explosions and gunfire erupted a few blocks away. we were told a hamas fighter emerged from a tunnel near a school and fired an rpg at troops. south—west of here in gaza city, israeli troops closing in on the heart of the city have triggered a mass exodus south, splitting the territory in two. 0n the highway south of the city, our cbs news colleague spoke with some of those fleeing the fighting. walking for hours to cross from gaza north to the south. carrying nothing. except a white flag of surrender and the world to survive. ——except a white flag of surrender and the will to survive. we are civilian people. we want to live in our land in peace, but nobody in the world lets us live. one month since this war began, residents are facing an uncertain future. first and foremost, when and how it will end. our international editorjeremy bowen has also travelled with the israel defence force into gaza— while the bbc had editorial control of the report— the section with the idf has been viewed by them. the overriding impression i have from being here is, first of all, the level of forest that israel has brought to bear on the gaza strip. a vast amount of military power. in addition, the level of distraction, massive distraction, thousands of homes gone, israel says a military necessity, self—defense. live now to our diplomatic correspondent paul adams, in jerusalem. hello to you, paul. when you look at those pictures, you can quite understand why thousands of people have been heading south today. do we know more about that operation and what happened today, because there was another big explosion in the northjust after was another big explosion in the north just after these people had left. north “ust after these people had left. . ~ . left. yeah, i think, left, we are seeinu left. yeah, i think, left, we are seeing as— left. yeah, i think, left, we are seeing as both _ left. yeah, i think, left, we are seeing as both of _ left. yeah, i think, left, we are seeing as both of those - left. yeah, i think, left, we arej seeing as both of those reports vividly illustrated a really intense squeezing of that whole area by the israeli military, you know, so intent are they on operating how mass that pretty much everything so far is being destroyed as they move forward. they haven't yet reached places, which is still by the sound of it being hit by some kind of air strike, or indeed the centre of gaza city, but when those moments come, we are going to see it potentially, increasing levels of destruction. at the israelis will be somewhat relieved to see over the last couple of days is this gradually increasing number of people who have decided not to stay, but to flee. the israelis have managed to secure that corridor, that a road south from gaza city towards the southern part of the gaza strip. it's not secure enough, a couple of days ago it wasn't, there was fighting on that road. it's not secure enough for people to make their way south. that's why i think we are seeing these numbers picking up, some slight dispute about how many. addict is obviously a significant number of people on the move. there are an awful lot of people still who are an awful lot of people still who are in gaza city. that's why i think we are seeing the israelis not moving at a very fast pace, but trying be rather methodical, although extremely destructive in the process stop there was some reporting today, paul, it comes from a bbc source who is in touch with those negotiating the release of the hostages that there is a plan on the table may be to release 12 hostages, half of them americans, in exchange for a three day humanitarian pauses. do you know any more about that and what the sticking points might be? i suspect that this report has been around for a day or two now commits sort of comes in and out of focus and a rather tantalising way can i suspect the problem is that three day figure. i do not detect any desire on the part of the israeli government to pause for that long to allow anything to unfold as far as the israeli government is concerned, that's an opportunity for hamas to regroup, rearm, arrange theirforces and get ready for the next israeli assault than they simply do not want to give hamas any opportunity to do that. we are seeing the israeli start to adopt this humanitarian prize terminology which the americans have been pushing for some time. they called that window of opportunity for a five hours today for people to leave. they called that the humanitarian prize. the americans when they were proposing it where talking about the provision of aid and possibly progress on hostages. it's obvious as far as the israelis are concerned today and yesterday being used for rather different purposes such as to allow civilians to leave, but for whatever reason, we are seeing some temporary short—term localised pies to allow the civilians to leave which obviously serves their strategic interest in the long run. flair interest in the long run. air riuhts, interest in the long run. air rights. the _ interest in the long run. air rights, the language is changing, the government spokesman said today that they were looking to set up a special humanitarian zone. this is an the west on the mediterranean coast because they don't, from what they are saying, that there is hamas infrastructure in that area. and now we are starting to see countries take things into their own hands. we have the jordanians take things into their own hands. we have thejordanians air dropping have the jordanians air dropping things have thejordanians air dropping things to a hospital in gaza yesterday, and now the italians talking about bringing in a hospital ship. they think actually the international community could get around the plan where they could destabilise perhaps thousands of these people on the beaches, on the coast in gaza? i these people on the beaches, on the coast in gaza?— coast in gaza? i think there is clear evidence _ coast in gaza? i think there is clear evidence of _ coast in gaza? i think there is clear evidence of the - coast in gaza? i think there is - clear evidence of the international community trying to mobilise, christian. there's talk of a french hospital ship that arrive later this month. the situation is really interesting because that is a name that the israelis have been using for weeks now, it is an area on the mediterranean coast down towards the egyptian border. it's an area where until 2005, there werejewish settlements, there was agriculture there, you look at the map now, it's not very built—up, it's lots of greenhouses and agricultural infrastructure, that's the kind of open area that the israelis want everyone to go through, so when they talk about that is the area we are talking about. they are not talk about the rest of the south, they are not talking about those other regions. it is not a very large area, and if a regions. it is not a very large area, and ifa million regions. it is not a very large area, and if a million people from the north are supposed to go and huddle there, possibly augmented by hundreds of thousands of people who are in the south already better not say because of the israeli air strikes you are going to have an incredibly congested population huddled on that coastal strip without too much in the way of a civilian infrastructure dependent entirely on this check and it is still a trickle of aid coming across the egyptian border. so it is not an idea that has really taken hold among the palestinians. the planning is something — among the palestinians. the planning is something that _ among the palestinians. the planning is something that i _ among the palestinians. the planning is something that i want _ among the palestinians. the planning is something that i want to _ among the palestinians. the planning is something that i want to talk- is something that i want to talk about. thank you very much for that. let's pick up that thought with our diplomatic correspondent —— amir tibon, a diplomatic correspondent at haaretz newspaper. they are turning to what happens after the fighting stops, the g7 foreign minister said today, yes, they want humanitarian pauses but they want humanitarian pauses but they also want a sustainable solution for gaza and a broader piece process in the long term. do you think there is such a plan? i think, first of all, how mass cannot be part of such a plan, under any circumstances because of what hamas did on october seven has removed it completely, eternally, from any kind of legitimacy, and this has to be the fairest and most important understanding and building block that neck block for any future plan. i think it will be difficult to create a long—term vision for gaza. i know that there are attempts being done by the us administration and leading arab countries to perhaps construct something that involves the palestinian authority and some arab countries like egypt and jordan, and personally, iwould arab countries like egypt and jordan, and personally, i would like to see something like that happen. i think israel does not want to eternally control the gaza strip. we've controlled it in the past and it does not serve our long—term interest, but the most important thing to understand is that hamas cannot remain an active organisation in gaza. if we ever want to reach that kind of stability. as long as hamas is there, it will be impossible to do it, and i think this is the main obstacle that everybody is trying right now to resolve. , ., , ., , resolve. lets me read you the list that has come _ resolve. lets me read you the list that has come from _ resolve. lets me read you the list that has come from the _ resolve. lets me read you the list that has come from the united i that has come from the united states. the key elements of a plan as far as they are concerned would mean no forcible displacement of palestinians from gaza, no use as a platform for terry's no israeli occupation of gaza after the conflict ends and no reduction in the territory of gaza. yesterday, the territory of gaza. yesterday, the prime minister seem to indicate in this interview with abc news that he could see some sort of indefinite occupation. how i have people in israel reacted to that? i occupation. howl have people in israel reacted to that?— israel reacted to that? i don't think there _ israel reacted to that? i don't think there is _ israel reacted to that? i don't think there is support - israel reacted to that? i don't think there is support for - israel reacted to that? i don't think there is support for an i think there is support for an indefinite occupation of the entire gaza strip. i think there is an understanding that there will have to be some form of buffer zone, and at least in the beginning, that buffer zone will have to be maintained by our military, whether it will be boots on the ground or a massive presence on the border of those are tactical questions, and i am not a tactical military experts, but as someone who on the morning of october seven lived in a community 0ctober seven lived in a community on the border with gaza and had five terrorists outside my own window trying to break into my house and murder my daughters, i will demand this of the government. some form of buffer zone over there that we keep any option of this happening again far away from us, and i agree, any option of this happening again faraway from us, and i agree, in the long run, there will have to be a diplomatic solution that involves other players, palestinian authorities are one viable option, egypt is very important to this, but i think what israel is referring to right now is not indefinite military control of the entire area, but some kind of military buffer zone that will not allow terrorists to try to break through the border once again and reach civilian communities in israel to slaughter citizens. this is something that will have to be, at least for the foreseeable future, part of the solution. i’m at least for the foreseeable future, part of the solution.— part of the solution. i'm sorry incidentally _ part of the solution. i'm sorry incidentally that _ part of the solution. i'm sorry incidentally that you - part of the solution. i'm sorry incidentally that you had - part of the solution. i'm sorry incidentally that you had to i part of the solution. i'm sorry i incidentally that you had to live through that have been pretty terrifying. let mejust through that have been pretty terrifying. let me just read you a comment piece that was in your paper this week. you said, you're writer said, benjamin netanyahu must go now only because of his absolute responsibility the october seven, but also sabotaging the war effort. it is impossible to win within either in battle nor on the socioeconomic front. let's pick that apart. why do you think he is not the man to lead the war efforts? i look at the british example in world where tayla and britain there was a prime minister that did not deliver and was at least, you know, significantly responsible for a misguided policy that allowed the enemy to get stronger and stronger and strike. i think we are facing many similarities to that with netanyahu, and i think at the end of the day, israel here is fighting a just war, a war against a vicious terror organisation that came into civilian communities and carried it out to murder citizens. and right now, unfortunately, in many places around the world, the israeli story and israeli justification for the war is not properly understood, and i think the prime minister shares much of the blame for thatjust i think the prime minister shares much of the blame for that just as he does for the failure itself and hugged i would like to see israeli leadership present our case in a more convincing way and draw the kind of international support that we need to win this, and also create the eternal unity that israel needs at this moment. i don't see him delivering on that front right now. good to get your thoughts this evening. thank you very much. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. a 15—year—old old boy who died after being stabbed near a school in leeds has been publicly named as alfie lewis. emergency services were called to the incident in horsforth on tuesday. alfie — a former student at horsforth school — later died in hospital and police opened a murder investigation. a teenage boy has been arrested. possession of nitrous oxide has become a criminal offence in the uk. now categorised as a class c drug, possession of nitrous oxide — which is also known as laughing gas for its "psychoactive effects" — will carry a sentence of up to two years in prison. the government says the ban will combat anti—social behaviour and reduce damage to users' health. nestle has confirmed it is discontinuing the popular british sweet, caramac. the company said it was "a difficult decision" to stop production of the caramel bar, but pointed to slower sales in recent years. caramac was launched more than 60 years ago — quickly gaining popularity thanks to its distinctive red and yellow wrapper and caramel flavour. you're live with bbc news. hezbollah says israel's killing of civilians in gaza risks a wider war in the middle east. the iranian backed militia has been exchanging daily fire with israel all along the southern border — an uptick in violence that is concerning the white house. on tuesday, amos hochstein — the deputy assistant to president biden — was in beirut to urge the lebanese government to maintain its neutrality. but the us official was reportedly told that "no one in lebanon can answer on hezbollah's behalf". 0ur international correspondent 0rla guerin has been speaking to hezbollah's second in, and sheikh naim qassem. translation: if the aggression increases and continues at this | pace, very dangerous and very serious developments could occur in the region. no—one would be able to stop the repercussions. for sure, there is a danger of a wider regional war breaking out. how realistic do you think is that danger now? how close is that danger? translation: the danger is real, because israel is increasing - its aggression against civilians and killing more women and children. is it possible for this to continue and increase without bringing real danger to the region? i think not. we know that hezbollah has weapons that can reach deep inside israel. but if you were to use them, israel can respond with air power and it has promised a response of unimaginable magnitude and many lebanese could die. are you willing to risk that? translation: it's normal and natural, and we are i ready to pay the price. but the question is, can israel pay the price? this is a question for israel. the un's human rights chief volker turk, today visited the rafah crossing, where he condemned both sides in this conflict — and the war crimes he says they have committed. these are the gates to a living nightmare. a nightmare, where people have been suffocating, under persistent bombardment, mourning their families, struggling for water, for food, for electricity and fuel. my colleagues are among those trapped, and among those who have lost family members, suffering sleepless nights filled with agony, rage and despair. on the other side of this gate is gaza, already described as the world's biggest open—air prison before 7 october, under a 56—year occupation and a 16—year blockade by israel. it is dangerous work for the aid agencies. a convoy of seven vehicles from the icrc delivering medical supplies to health facilities came under fire tuesday. two trucks damaged, and a driver was lightly wounded. and then there is the tension over the movement of civilians. that hamas statement today, accusing the un of facilitating the "forced evacuation" of palestinians from gaza city, puts un workers at further risk. live now to laila baker in cairo, the regional director for arab states in the united nations population fund, a un agency looking particularly at the reproductive and maternal health worldwide. thank you for being with us. let's pick up on that last point, the statement from hamas today that the un is, in theirview, involved in the forced evacuation of palestinians. how does the un and respond to that and how much more difficult doesn't make it for your staff the strap?— difficult doesn't make it for your staff the strap? allow me to speak to what the — staff the strap? allow me to speak to what the un — staff the strap? allow me to speak to what the un is _ staff the strap? allow me to speak to what the un is doing. _ staff the strap? allow me to speak to what the un is doing. at - to what the un is doing. at the moment, we are hindered from being able to provide the humanitarian assistance that is so vitally needed after four weeks of siege and bombardment continuously on a 2.2 million people who are trapped inside gaza, so for us to be able to provide safety and security, we need a complete cease—fire, and unhindered unconditional ability to bring in the supplies, the people who can help to relieve the grotesquely inhumane situation that has been described earlier on the programme. has been described earlier on the programme-— has been described earlier on the rouramme. . ., ., , ., , programme. that attack demonstrates wh that is programme. that attack demonstrates why that is necessary, _ programme. that attack demonstrates why that is necessary, but _ programme. that attack demonstrates why that is necessary, but obviously i why that is necessary, but obviously it is notjust a cease—fire that you need. you need the collaboration and cooperation of hamas on the ground who are in control of all the gaza institutions. and if they are pointing the finger at the united nations, does that make it all the more difficult? i nations, does that make it all the more difficult?— more difficult? i think for now our rima more difficult? i think for now our primary concern — more difficult? i think for now our primary concern is _ more difficult? i think for now our primary concern is to _ more difficult? i think for now our primary concern is to be - more difficult? i think for now our primary concern is to be able - more difficult? i think for now our primary concern is to be able to i more difficult? i think for now our| primary concern is to be able to do two things, one is that the un is never a replacement for civilian infrastructure or for the personnel who work in them. we are very, very keen to protect the civilian population to be able to say that health facilities are not a target, that we need to bring in the aid, the fuel, the water, the food, the basic necessities and provide that protection. for us, that means to have safety and not to exacerbate the situation by not allowing the un to do its work. it doesn't mean that we replace anything. so for us, if we can ensure that there is complete cease—fire, we will be able to bring that aid in. cease—fire, we will be able to bring thataid in. i’m cease-fire, we will be able to bring that aid in— that aid in. i'm sorry to cut you short. that aid in. i'm sorry to cut you short- we _ that aid in. i'm sorry to cut you short. we are _ that aid in. i'm sorry to cut you short. we are a _ that aid in. i'm sorry to cut you short. we are a vote _ that aid in. i'm sorry to cut you short. we are a vote of - that aid in. i'm sorry to cut you short. we are a vote of time. l that aid in. i'm sorry to cut you - short. we are a vote of time. thank you very much indeed for that. we are going to take a short break. be right back. hello. today brought us a more scenes that we've become very familiar with. lots of cloud, outbreaks of rain, some big puddles around. but the rain did clear to a mix of sunshine and showers. there were some brighter conditions to be had. sunshine and showers continuing to be the story as we move through the next couple of days. lots of showers out there through tonight, all driven around an area of low pressure. this band of showers moving south eastwards across england and wales, then lots more showers blowing in towards the west. some of these could be heavy with some hail and some thunder. mostly, it will be too breezy for a frost. we mayjust get down to freezing across some parts of northern scotland. so into tomorrow, the showers focusing in on those areas exposed to the westerly wind. so western england, wales, northern ireland, south west scotland, whereas for eastern parts of england and for northern scotland there'll be fewer showers, more dry weather and some spells of sunshine. but it is going to be really quite windy around some southern and western coasts of wales, southern england, the channel islands, gusts of 40—50 miles per hour and temperatures a couple of degrees down on where they have been for many of us, 8—to 11 degrees. now through thursday night and into friday, this area of low pressure wobbles its way eastwards. we'll see this little weather system here diving down across wales and southern england that will bring some rain to start the day on friday. some strong winds, too, through south west england and the channel islands. but generally, as the winds go more northerly in direction, well, that will bring more showers into northern parts of northern ireland, northern and eastern scotland, eastern england and fewer showers across the west and the southwest of the uk. temperatures again 7—12 degrees. our area of low pressure continues its journey eastward, so much so that on saturday morning we should be in a gap between weather systems. could be some frost and fog around to start armistice day. some of that fog could be slow to lift across parts of scotland especially. but then we will see a lot of dry weather and some spells of sunshine. for many, this is likely to be the drier day of the weekend, 7—12 degrees. but you can see a frontal system trying to push in towards the southwest. by sunday, it does look like frontal systems will make some progress northwards and eastwards. just a bit of uncertainty about how far those weather fronts will get. the best chance of staying dry across the north of the uk, and it will be turning milder towards the south and the west. hello, i'm christian fraser. you're watching the context on bbc news. israeli troops in the heart of gaza say they've destroyed the entrances to hamas tunnels and captured thousands of weapons. sport and for a full round—up, from the bbc sport centre, here's gavin. hello from the bbc sport centre. a big evening in the champions league to bring you. arsenal have the chance to seal their place in the knockouts. they're up against sevilla at the emirates. it's 0—0 there — a win could see them through with two games to spare. manchester united need a result against copenhagen, after two losses from three in their group. 2—0 united. rasmus hojlund. bayern, real madrid and inter milan also in action. real taking on braga, who missed a penalty at the bernabeu and have been punished as it's1—0 to realand real sociedad went a step closer to the last 16 earlier, beating winless benfica. jurgen klopp's been speaking ahead of livepool�*s europa league game with toulouse on thursday. we're still awaiting an update on the release of liverpool forward luis diaz — whose father was kidnapped over a week ago in colombia, and is being held by rebel group eln. diaz made an emotional plea for his father's freedom, after scoring at the weekend. klopp's very much keeping on eye on how diaz is doing. always positive sign

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,A Million ,Strip ,Trickle ,Idea ,Check ,Hold ,Egyptian ,Something ,Planning ,Amir Tibon ,Solution ,Foreign Minister ,Term ,Process ,Piece ,Haaretz Newspaper ,Yes ,On October Seven ,Circumstances ,Building Block ,Neck ,Legitimacy ,Fairest ,Vision ,Attempts ,Administration ,Palestinian Authority ,It ,Thing ,Arab ,Iwould ,Obstacle ,Organisation ,Stability ,Cannot ,List ,Resolve ,United ,Elements ,Everybody ,Use ,Displacement ,Prime Minister ,Occupation ,Yesterday ,Interview ,Sort ,Platform ,Reduction ,Terry ,Abc News ,Understanding ,Someone ,Buffer Zone ,Form ,Presence ,Beginning ,Questions ,Military Experts ,Terrorists ,Window ,House ,Daughters ,Community 0ctober ,Option ,Authorities ,Players ,Palestinian ,Military Control ,Military Buffer Zone ,Future ,Civilian ,Communities ,Comment Piece ,Benjamin Netanyahu ,Responsibility ,War Effort ,Mejust ,Paper ,Writer ,Front ,Oman ,War Efforts ,Example ,Tayla ,British ,Policy ,Strike ,Netanyahu ,Enemy ,Similarities ,Story ,Terror Organisation ,Shares ,Blame ,Thatjust ,Failure ,Justification ,Unity ,Leadership ,Case ,Evening ,Old Boy ,Thoughts ,News ,Bbc News ,Stories ,Leeds ,15 ,Student ,Murder Investigation ,Horsforth ,Police ,Boy ,Incident ,Emergency Services ,Alfie Lewis ,Possession ,Health ,Offence ,Class C Drug ,Which ,Nitrous Oxide ,Prison ,Sentence ,Laughing Gas ,Effects ,Users ,Ban ,Damage ,Anti Social Behaviour ,Caramac ,Company ,Production ,Sweet ,Nestle ,A Difficult Decision ,Popularity ,Caramel ,Caramel Bar ,Sales ,Wrapper ,Flavour ,Red ,60 ,Hezbollah ,Militia ,Fire ,President ,Deputy Assistant ,Killing ,Uptick ,Violence ,Middle East ,On Tuesday ,White House ,Iranian ,Amos Hochstein ,Behalf ,0ur International ,Neutrality ,Official ,Second In ,Lebanese ,0rla Guerin ,Translation ,Naim Qassem ,Space ,Aggression Increases ,Developments ,Danger ,Repercussions ,Sure ,Wider Regional War Breaking Out ,Aggression ,Increase ,Children ,Women ,Weapons ,Air Power ,Response ,Magnitude ,Question ,Price ,Human Rights Chief Volker Turk ,Rafah Crossing ,Nightmare ,Sides ,War Crimes ,Gates ,Living Nightmare ,Water ,Bombardment ,Food ,Fuel ,Colleagues ,Families ,Electricity ,Rage ,Despair ,Agony ,Family Members ,Trapped ,Work ,Side ,Blockade ,Aid Agencies ,Gate ,16 ,7 October ,56 ,Health Facilities ,Supplies ,Statement ,Tension ,Workers ,Convoy ,Movement ,Driver ,Fire Tuesday ,Icrc ,Laila Baker In Cairo ,States ,Agency ,United Nations Population Fund ,Evacuation ,Point ,Un Is ,Theirview ,Strap ,Staff ,Is Doing ,Doesn ,Siege ,Security ,Four ,2 Million ,Cease Fire ,Ability ,Attack ,Programme ,Wh ,Collaboration ,Rouramme ,Notjust ,Concern ,Difficult ,Nations ,Institutions ,Cooperation ,Finger ,Rima ,Personnel ,Replacement ,Target ,Necessities ,Protection ,It Doesn T ,Vote ,Scenes ,Break ,Thataid ,Showers ,Sunshine ,Rain ,Conditions ,Outbreaks ,Cloud ,Mix ,Big Puddles Around ,South West England ,Pressure ,Frost ,Band ,Hail ,Thunder ,South Eastwards ,Wales ,Parts ,Areas ,Wind ,Eastern Parts ,Northern Scotland ,South West Scotland ,Northern Ireland ,Weather ,Spells ,Gusts ,Coasts ,Southern England ,Channel Islands ,50 ,40 ,Weather System ,Way Eastwards ,8 ,11 ,Winds ,Direction ,Eastern Scotland ,Weather Systems ,Journey ,Gap ,Eastern England ,System ,Fog ,Chance ,Weather Fronts ,Eastwards ,Progress Northwards ,Systems ,Bit ,Uncertainty ,Context ,Heart ,Entrances ,Hamas Tunnels ,Round Up ,Sport ,Bbc Sport Centre ,Hello ,Champions League ,Gavin ,Arsenal ,Knockouts ,Manchester United ,Games ,Losses ,Result ,Emirates ,Sevilla ,Copenhagen ,Win ,2 ,Jurgen Klopp ,Step ,Game ,Action ,Penalty ,Real Sociedad ,To Realand ,Livepool ,Europa League ,Rasmus Hojlund ,Real Madrid ,Bayern ,Inter Milan ,Who ,Bernabeu ,Braga ,Winless Benfica ,Father ,Luis Diaz ,Doing ,Update ,Scoring ,Freedom ,Plea ,Eye ,Keeping ,Colombia ,Liverpool ,Toulouse ,Rebel Group Eln ,Sign ,

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