Within 45 minutes people are Still Holding on to hope that at any moment there could be word someone has been found alive beneath that rubble. Hope is the only thing people here have right now. The latest update from the scene, a state of anxious anticipation. 159 people still unaccounted for. Literally a short distance from where i stand rescue crews have not stopped working since the Building Collapsed thursday morning. Theyre carefully sifting through debris. Fire, smokey conditions complicate their work. Theres a wall honoring the missing not far from here. Of course, adding to the frustration and uncertainty of the families here, the mystery. We still have no idea what brought most of this building down. We are getting some very important contexts, potentially clues as to what may have led to this collapse. The new york sometimes saying an engineer worried of, quote, major structural damage. They were urged to make major repairs. That work was about to get underway. Experts caution at this point it could take months to know for sure exactly what happened. Right now the main focus is on finding survivors and the headline of the local paper here, the miami herald. The pain grows. A search for miracle in condo ruins continues. Still though, hope holds out. Were praying for a miracle. Were hoping in some type of a pocket somewhere in the rubble seeking, just waiting for someone to come find them. Im holding on to a sliver of hope because i know in my heart somebody there is alive and if its not my aunt or uncle, i hope its somebodys father, somebodys son. Lets go to cnn. Rosa, were now three days into this rescue mission. What are you seeing as far as what authorities have been doing . Theres been some movement overnight. What are Officials Saying this morning . You know, officials are asking for prayers, prayers for here in america and Around The World. The latest word we have from officials is 120 people are accounted for. 159 people are unaccounted for. Four people have died. The medical examiner here in Miamidade County identifying the first individual, the first victim as 54yearold stacy fang. Her son was pulled from the rubble. The family issuing a statement to cnn saying there are no words to describe the tragic loss of our beloved stacy. The members of the fang and handler family would like to express our deepest appreciation for the outpouring of sympathy, compassion and support we have received. The rescue efforts, of course, ongoing. They have not stopped. They have been painstaking and dangerous for the Men And Women Sifting through the rubble but they are ongoing. Officials telling us they are using every resource that they have local, state, federal, fema is on site. They are using sonar, listening devices, dogs. They are also using cameras. Weve seen drones over the rubble. The fire chief tells us that theyre doing a strategic search. What that means is they are going under the rubble figuring out where the voids are. Those are the spaces, the crevices where people could be, where life could be and so what firefighters have to do is they have to go in there sometimes with 80 pounds of equipment, with saws, they have to shore up that building in order for them to crawl into those spaces. At some point there is an all stop to make sure they can listen for those founds. Yesterday officials said they did hear some banging. They havent heard voices. Weve been asking about that, if they have heard voices. They have not heard voices but they heard banging yesterday which of course is a sign of hope. More resources are coming in. Yesterday we saw more trucks coming in with extra resources. The fire chief saying theyve brought in cranes. I know some people have been asking, why didnt they bring the cranes beforehand . They are bringing in, according to the official, the resources as they need them. Sometimes they might be on stand by because they dont need the resources yet but they are there for when the First Responders need them. Weve also learned that members of a Search And Rescue team from mexico have arrived. They are known worldwide for the efforts that theyve done, just like the miamidade Fire Rescue Team goes Around The World, this team does as well. Also a team from israel. Boris, i was in the earthquake in 2017 in mexico city. That team was there as well. So these are men and women that have traveled the world doing this work. They know what theyre doing. Its painstaking. Its dangerous. But they are willing to risk their lives to try to save others. Boris . They are heroes, theres no question. We appreciate their work and we hold out the hope with them that in their work theyll be successful. Rosa flores, thanks. We want to bring in the commissioner of surf side, charles kessel. Unfortunate we have to meet under these circumstances but we appreciate you spending part of your weekend with us. The town of surf side held an Emergency Commission meeting last night . Yes. What was the conversation like . What was the plan . The conversation was mostly about doing Structural Analysis of the remaining buildings in town to make sure Everything Else is sound, including the sister property, which is champlain tower north. But seeing that New York Times article, to me thats thats shocking. Lets give some context to our viewers. This piece essentially described a report that cnn is working to confirm right now that there was serious there were serious issues in the foundation underneath the pool deck of the building. There were columns that were cracked. There were a number of issues and essentially the building was told, you have to make corrections. There have to be fixing to these issues and that work was about to get underway. How did that make you feel read that go . Well, this year is the 40 year recertification of that building so there have been a lot of engineers in there. Theyve been, working with the town. Weve been preparing to receive their document of how to move forward with the next 40 years. I know that based on what residents have told me there, they have had a 15 million assessment on the owners of the condos in that building in order to prepare for the repairs. And what i didnt know is that they had possibly, based on the New York Times article, known things back in 2018. Between the fouryear Recertifications A Building has to do regular information and i hope they kept up with it. Every building has its challenges. I know witnesses pointed out the balconies and the safety of those, the balconies on their building. The residents are not shy, theyre very active. Theres an active board in the building. Especially when the new building went up next door, 87 park. That was within the last couple of years and they were really on top of making sure that the engineering was sound so it would be shocking if something that was huge that was neglected when it needed to be taken care of. For context, the report didnt specifically say that something was about to happen. There was no actual warning that danger was imminent. Thank you. Im curious what your message is to the folks that are standing by not far from where we are wondering yeah. Whether their loved ones are still alive . Thats the focus now because we still have to have hope. We have to have hope for the families and the other loved ones of the missing. The miamidade fire rescue is doing a tremendous job in spite of all of the obstacles and its painstakingly slow. Its painstakingly slow. I have spent time with the families and every minute to them is an eternity and now we are having regular i think its six hours, meetings with them to update them on the status of things, but its horrible for them. And its a slow process and it may take much longer but lets all maintain hope that folks could be alive. I think thats the best thing to do. Have they shared their frustrations with you . Some of them told my colleague nick valencia that they felt not enough was being done. Have you heard those concerns . Yes. How do you address those concerns . Ive heard those since the first day. Thats an excellent question. I moved to have meetings every two hours and announcements and i think there should be more advocates and more support with them. I dont know whats there this morning because i havent been there but with them yesterday and the tai before, there was a big outpouring initially that first morning where there were a lot of advocates and intakes and everything. But then nobody called back and they didnt have a number to call other than the main number which says no change or whatsoever and i kept them appraised of everything that i know so they have can feel more comfortable. I know for a fact there are a lot of people home watching trying to figure out a way that they can help. Cnn is providing resources online, different channels where they can contribute. How can the public help you and the folks that need desperate assistance right now . Yes. The outpouring of support and donations has been awesome. We have everything that we need now on site for the victims and the families of the victims rather. Theres more than enough water supplies. Really the best is to donate to the American Red Cross which is doing the Coordination Efforts here. Of course, a Great Organization and theyll be able to allocate extra money to the next disaster, heaven forbid, because we know something will be coming. Right now the surf side doesnt need anymore supplies. Everyone has been taken care of even with hotel rooms and everything. The neighboring hotels, even from ventura, surf side, theyve all been very jegenerous and donating hotel rooms, food from hotel rooms, blankets. Please give to the American Red Cross. At this points, prayer is what people can do. Charles kessel, thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Let us know if theres more that we can do to help. Thank you, sir. Of course. Up next, the race against time. Families here hoping for a miracle as the search for survivors continues. Were going to speak to the head of miamis Search And Rescue team on the efforts to find any survivors after a quick break. Stay with cnn. Fine, no one leaves the table until your finished. Fine, well sleep here. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. The tempurpedic breeze makes sleep. Feel. Cool. Because the tempurbreeze transfers heat away from your body. 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Were now past 48 hours in a desperate search among the wreckage of the collapse here in surf side. Four people confirmed dead. 159 unaccounted for. Theyre searching for any sign of life. It is a painstaking and slow process. Theres a fear that any sudden movement by these Rescue Workers could cause another shift in the massive heap of concrete and metal, not only endangering themselves but any survivors that may still be caught underneath. With us to give us some perspective on the effort is chief dave downing, the former miamidade fire rescue chief. Were glad to have your expertise. For folks at home that see these images, its very hard to imagine what its like to be on one of these sights moving very delicately, dealing with the elements, dealing with fires. Paint a picture of what that process is like for us. Well, the rescuers are working around the clock and while it may look like theres not a lot of activity going on, there has been activity since the collapse has occurred. What theyre doing is a very methodical search for void spaces where they can find survivors. Theyll be working on top of what we refer to as the pile. Theyll be trying to tunnel in where theres areas they can access from the side and underneath. Its an incredibly dangerous position that theyre putting themselves in. Theres still a part of the building thats standing and its basically unsupported so theyre working in what we refer to as a Collapse Zone the whole time. Making it worse is the debris thats hanging off the building. Theyve been trying to take time to mitigate what they could so that cant drop on them but this is a long process. Theyre working 12 hour shifts. A crew will be on there for 12 hours, theyll rotate off, another crew on for 12 hours. This is going to continue on while theyre in rescue mode. Give us an idea what it might be like inside a pocket of air where there is a survivor. What is that like . Im curious for the rescuers there, what are they listening for when they use these devices . As part of the search process, a lot of times well start with the canines, with the dogs. Theyll alert to any scent of any live victim. Those canines can pick up scents through feet of rubble, stories of rubble. And if they alert or express interest, well bring in specialized search cameras, fiber optic cameras which can go into the void cameras and look around and even sound devices can hear breathing, can hear a heartbeat. Theyre very sensitive. Depending on the pocket, if theres an open pocket that allows movement within the pocket, obviously its a much more tenable, livable area as opposed to an area thats partially collapsed or if a survivor is partially entrapped. Theres still air moving through the structure so there is fresh air, but obviously no water. There is water in the sense theres going to be rain coming and with these fires a lot of water has been poured on the debris. That complicates things. Its the rainy season here in florida. Im sure youve dealt with similar situations in the past. Yes. How does that factor in . That is something we train for. Since the beginning they have large dewatering pumps that are Pumping Water out of low areas to make sure areas stay as tenable as possible. As the water drains down, theyre pumping this water out into the sewage system. Yes, its been complicated by the fire. The fire has been a nuisance since the start of this collapse, and having to put additional water on outside of the rainwater that were dealing with is making it more complicated. Quickly, dave, what is your message to the families who are waiting to hear about their loved ones . What do you want to say to them . I understand your pain. I know everyone working out there believes theres survivors. Theyre working and putting themselves in harms way to locate a survivor. I ask for patience and i ask for understanding that theyre doing everything they possibly can. Weve got a lot of resources, a lot of experience out here and its going to take some time. Patience in a moment of desperation is a lot to ask for. I wish we had met under difficult circumstances. Thanks for having me. Of course. Stay with cnn. Our coverage continues after a quick break. Eally takes care of our Teeth Sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. Is now a good time for a flareup . Enough, crohns for adults with moderate to severe crohns or ulcerative colitis. Stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. You, getting on that flight . Back off, uc stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if you have an infection. 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I want to bring in the mayor. Thank you so much for joining us. Right off the bat, there are families that have expressed frustration. They say they dont feel enough is being done. What is your message for them . We are working feverishly. We are leaving no stone unturned. We have the best teams working. I cant imagine being in their position. I know that it is terribly, terribly frustrating. I told them, if i could dig, i would dig. Theyve told me, ill go on site. Ill dig. Its not like that. Its very complicated work. Very dangerous work. We have Structural Engineers monitoring every inch to make sure that something doesnt collapse on these First Responders. These are folks that were at 9 11, they went to the haiti earthquake. They are called in for disasters everywhere and they have hope. They are telling us that they are pushing forward because they do believe they could still find people in the rubble alive. We are on the search phase. Mayor, i do not want to ask you to speculate. I do have to ask you about this report in the New York Times that cnn is working to confirm, that in 2018 there was an inspection done in the building and in the lower part of the pool deck there were immense cracks that required construction, that required fixing and that work was going to get underway shortly before this collapse took place. Reading that, hearing that, how did it personally make you feel . I its we need all this information. We need all this evidence and we are going to get to the bottom of what happened at this particular building. Clearly our buildings need to be structurally sound. We need to have regular reviews, and to the extent that we need to change laws, we will change laws and we will make sure these things do not happen in the future. For now were focused on the families waiting for their loved ones and the search for survivors. And from your perspective, have you gotten the help that you need from every level, state, federal . Yes. I have to say, im so very grateful. The outpouring of support has been phenomenal. We have a village here of people helping us in little surfside. The federal government came to our aid immediately. Its unprecedented. The president called me the morning of the disaster the morning of the disaster to ask me what we needed. I said, we need fema. By the next day we had fema. We had the governor, the senators, the state support, the donations from individuals. Its really amazing and overwhelming and wonderful, all the support Around The World that we are receiving. Speaking of support, im certain that there are viewers that are wanting to contribute. Yes. How can the public help this morning . Yes. Yes. There are several different sites for donating, but one is supportsurfside. Org and people have been generously donating to help the survivors, the Family Members to get on with their lives. Is there any other message you want to convey to the public or to the families about whats happening here that maybe we havent fully addressed . Yeah. So we have hope because our First Responders on the scene tell us they have hope so we ask everyone to trust them, to have patience and to pray with them and for them and for the survivors. Were standing side by side with you, and if theres anything we can do to help, please dont hesitate to let us know. Yes, yes. Any information you get please pass us along. Yes. There are a lot of people in pain. Thank you for telling the world the story. Mayor, thank you so much. Thank you, boris. Stay with cnn. Were going to take a quick break and well be right back. We tested it against our competitors best battery. meowing clicking and energizer ultimate lithium wins again energizer, backed by science. Matched by no one. This past year has felt like a long, long norwegian winter. But eventually, with spring comes rebirth. Everything begins anew. 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As you charge ahead. Illuminating the way forward. A light maker. Recognizing that the impact you make, comes from the energy you create. Introducing the allelectric lyriq. Lighting the way. With the Voting Rights bill stalled in congress, the Justice Department is securing elections after former President Trumps false claims about voter fraud. Attorney general Merrick Garland announcing the department is suing georgia over its new restrictive voting law. Cnns Jessica Schneider reports. Reporter the Justice Department is suing the state of georgia over new Voting Restrictions enacted by republicans in that state in the wake of the 2020 election. The state law imposes several new mandates including new i. D. Requirements for absentee ballots, limiting the use of Ballot Drop Boxes and even making it a crime to approach voters in line to give them food and water. The attorney general, Merrick Garland, hes saying those restrictions amount to denying black people the right to vote and thats why doj is now suing georgia under the Voting Rights act. Georgia, of course, has become ground zero in the battle of Voting Rights since republicans there have enacted these new restrictions and of course former President Trump zeroed in on george began officials back in january asking them to find him more votes after he claimed voter fraud in the state. This lawsuit could be a long fight for the biden admini administration. Both the governor and Secretary Of State are saying the Biden Administration has weaponized the doj to carry out the far left agenda. The state of georgia is phasing lawsuits from several civil rights groups. They also say that these new laws violate federal law. Jessica schneider, cnn, washington. Lets bring in now former assistant u. S. Attorney and cnn senior legal analyst el ellie hoening. Author of hatchet man. Ellie, lets look at this. As we look at what was announced yesterday, they are looking to prove here that georgia lawmakers intended to make it harder for nonwhite voters to cast ballots. How difficult is that going to be to prove . Its an uphill climb for doj to prove this. Theres really only two ways to combat the restrictive state level voting laws. Doj has to show purpose full discrimination. They dont have proof. They dont have proof that anybody said lets pass laws to disenfranchise minority voters. Instead the way they argue it is you have to look at the history of Voter Disenfranchisement and look at the 2020 election. If you look at the 2020 election for president and senate seats that went democratic, those were decided by very narrow margins, largely because of minority heavy districts. The attorney general mentioned section 5 saying it was gutted in 2013 which would have required certain states or jurisdictions to run new laws essentially by the doj. That doesnt exist anymore so how does section 2, the fact that theyre going at this under section 2, how does that change things . Youre very accurate with your assessment there, erica. There used to be under section 5 a requirement that doj had to review and approve any change in voter laws, however, in 2013 the u. S. Supreme court said, no, were good. Doj, you dont have to review anymore. Weve moved past discrimination. Ruth Bader Ginsberg said thats like standing in a rainstorm and closing the umbrella. Doj has to do their best to prove disenfranchisement or discrimination against minority voters. He said the doj is being weaponized. They are vowing to win this fight. Is the doj being weaponized . No, i dont think so. This stands well within the purview of reasonable legitimate policy options. The prior Justice Department didnt pursue these. If you control the white house, you can make that policy decisions. Merrick garland has a very strong, affirmative team. We saw the people lined up behind him. Kristin clark, bonita gupta, lisa monaco. Theyre affirmatively going to court if necessary to protect the rights of voters and minority voters. Merrick garland was asked by our colleague devin perez. Are there laws . He said theyre looking into a lot. There could be more coming down the pike. What are the chances this particular lawsuit is resolved before the next election . Oh, i think it will be resolved before the next election. We are going to see more lawsuits challenging other state laws. The Supreme Court is coming out with a very important opinion involving an Arizona State law. Well get a good sense of where the justices sit very soon. We will be going through all of that, my friend. Elie honig, thank you very much. The Delta Variant is the most transmissible yet and vaccinations are the best chance at fighting it. An update next. A home. He found it in a boy with special needs, who also needed him. 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This variant has been detected in every state except south dakota. Health Officials Say it may already account for one in every five infections nationwide. Experts are warning that in states where Vaccination Rates are lower there could be outbreaks. The World Health Organization says the Delta Variant is now the most Transmissible Coronavirus Strain thus far. Its been spotted in at least 5 countries and in the u. K. Cases of the Delta Variant are up 46 just over the past week. In australia the Greater Sydney area is now under a new stayathome order after they saw a number of locally transmitted cases in the last 24 hours. Where does that put us this morning . Joining me to discuss, dr. Colleen kelly, epidemiologist and professor at emory university. We look at everything thats happening, both in the lower states with lower Vaccination Rates and the rise in these cases that are being attributed to the Delta Variant. Whats your assessment of where we are this morning as a country . You know, thanks so much for having me, but you explained it perfectly well. We have an excellent tool to fight the Delta Variant. That is vaccination. We need to get as many people as we possibly can vaccinated because it does look like from data in the United Kingdom vaccinations are very dangerous. While its concerning, it is more transmissible. It may be associated with more severe disease. The vaccine appears to be our strongest tool to prevent large outrates, deaths and morbidity rates. When we see whats happening in the Greater Sydney area that was just announced, the new stayathome order there is a real sense in this country it will be very tough to go back to that. Is that a possibility, there could be new stayathome orders . More restrictions put in place . Capacity limits, distancing, masks being brought back . I agree with you. I think theres probably a low tolerance in the United States for a return to significant restrictions. Some may make sense depending what happens with masking indoors and things like that. The strongest tool is our vaccine. If we can get enough folks vaccinated we may not have to return to those restrictions. We may not see large outbreaks. Of course this will vary around the country because some states have stricter restrictions but time will tell what happens. If we use our vaccines. If we get enough people vaccinated we may not have to return to those restrictions. In australia they dont have the availability of vaccines like in the u. S. A much lower percentage of people in australia are vaccinated than in the u. S. Thats a big difference. Thats why restrictions are being reimposed, because they dont have the ability of other tools like we do. What do you think is missing in the messaging when it comes to vaccinations . We know younger people are being targeted. Were kind of to the point where if people havent gotten the vaccine, there are all kinds of if 1 million and the chance at a car, a free beer, if all of these things are not enough, you know, as we see other countries struggle just to have enough vaccine to vaccinate people, what else . I mean, what tool do you see out there that is not being used that could effectively encourage more people to get their shot . Well, i dont think there is a single tool. I think that when we were talking about talking about increasing vaccine confidence, that is a multipronged approach. And we need to increase accessibility so people can get vaccinated at their workplaces, at their grocery stores, when theyre just going about their daily lives, so they dont have to seek out that extra effort to seek out vaccination. And we have to continue to build confidence, and that is a multipronged approach where it includes education, includes reass reassurances, it includes people around those that are not getting vaccinated speaking up and saying, i did it, and this is why i did it. Theres no simple sanswer to increasing vaccine confidence, it is a simple task, but it is something we can continue to work on to improve our Vaccination Rates, especially among young people, in rural america, and in populations that have not decided to get vaccinated yet. Dr. Colleen kelly, great to have you with us this morning. Thank you. Thank you very much. Apple cider vinegar is frequently touted as a cureall, but is it really . In todays food is fuel, Jacqueline Howard dispels the myths and tells us the way Apple Cider Vinegar really can be useful and healthy. Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular Natural Health products out there, but dont believe everything you read. Never use it to whiten your teeth. 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The trouble is in terms of an explanation more what the military and director of National Intelligence were looking at in this report, there arent many details beyond that. In fact, the chair of the Senate Intel Committee said it was rather incon cluesi, what the report found. Of the 144 Different Cases that the team looked at that wrote this report, in only one case did they identify with a high level of certainty what it was that was observed. And in that one case, it was a deflated balloon. But they are confident that there was something out there, that is, physical objects, because in 80 of these cases, that object was picked up on multiple sensors. The report says that there needs to be better data collection, better analysis, and a better understanding of what these objects are to get it from Unidentified Flying Object to identified. The military, the government calls these uaps, unidentified aerial phenomenon. In about a dozen of these cases, they note that on the sensor the object was moving against the wind, implying it had some sort of propulsion or control behind it, but they say there isnt enough data, there isnt enough information for them to decide what it is. They are clearly taking this seriously. They say it poses a risk to the safety of flight and may pose a risk and a threat to national security, because a number of these observations were made near Military Ranges. That makes sense, because it is the Military Ranges where they have the sensors and the Detection Hardware that would pick any of these up. The pentagon certainly taking this seriously, as well, Formalizing A Process and a mission to study these, saying within two weeks of any observation, there should be a report of that observation that should be investigated and analyzed. But so far, aliens, it is not. Oren liebermann, cnn, in the pentagon. There you have it. A quick Programming Note for you. Be sure to tune into the new cnn film lady boss, the story of jackie collins. It airs tomorrow on cnn. Heres a preview. Hi. Im jackie collins. I write novels. She put female sexuality at the center of the world and people lost their minds. She was very shy. I never really asked what she was writing, but she was always scribbling away. She wrote about strength and strong women. Jackie was the first author to write about women who behaved like men. That quickly made her very controversial. God forbid that a woman should be writing about sex. Im not claiming to be a little genius. Im claiming to be a terrific storyteller. Whatever it takes, jackie . Probably will. Girls can do anything. Girls can do anything. That was her motto. She was the boss. She was like a character from one of her books. Of course, we all love that end line. Justice for all females. Good morning and welcome to your new day. Its saturday, june 26th and im boris sanchez, live in surfside, florida, where every moment that passes is precious in a desperate search for any signs of life as Search And Rescue crews have not stopped working following a deadly Building Collapse on thursday morning. Im erica hill in new york. Thanks for starting your morning with us. At this hour, families in surfside are waiting for news, any update on whether there has been sign of life amidst that rubble. And theyre also searching for answers, trying to figure out how this could happen. And breaking overnight, a clearer picture of the state that this build was in before it partially collapsed. These clues finally starting to come to light, as to what may

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