Art Industry News: Artist Specializing in ‘Modern Misconceptions of Reality’ Charged for Involvement in Capitol Riot + Other Stories
Plus, German museums and galleries will remain closed until at least mid-February and Pierre Le-Tan’s collection heads to Sotheby's Paris.
January 20, 2021
Left, Wrigley at the Capitol on January 6; Andrew Wrigley's drivers license picture. Courtesy of the US Justice Dept.
Art Industry News is a daily digest of the most consequential developments coming out of the art world and art market. Here’s what you need to know on this Wednesday, January 20.
Why Questioning the UK’s Public Monuments Is About Not Censorship – Writer Charlotte Higgins pens a retort to the government official who introduced legislation seeking to make it more difficult for authorities to bow to what he called “baying mobs” by removing monuments to controversial figures. Higgins writes: “In the UK, precisely one prominent public sculpture was toppled by a crowd of protestors during last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests,” a reference to the Bristol monument to the slave trader Edward Colston. “It had been the subject of unsatisfactory, unresolved community debate for decades.” (