Roof over existing midden, Croft House Farm, Leece, Ulverston LA12 0QZ. Application made by Mr Steven Cooper.
Fell - 6 self-seeded trees to be replaced by 7 fruit trees, Fell - large tree to the rear, 5 & 6 Blenketside Jack Hill, Allithwaite, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7RY. Application made by Keith Jones.
Detached garage & carport and installation of bi fold doors to dwelling, Badgers Wood, Woodlands Drive, Allithwaite, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7PZ. Application made by Julia Payne.
Siting of two holiday lodges with hardstanding for parking and drainage connections, The Pastures, Templand Lane, Allithwaite, Grange-Over-Sands LA11 7QY. Application made by Mr & Mrs Cotter, Woodset Ltd.
T1 Beech - crown thin, T2 Beech - Reduce overhanging branches, Heatherbank, New Barns Road, Arnside, Carnforth LA5 0BB. Application made by Jonathan Shaw.