Speaker of the House Joe Shekarchi PHOTO: GoLocal
Legislation to limit the number of bullets in a magazine appears to be dead for this legislative session in Rhode Island.
In recent weeks in Providence, gunfire has left as many as three to four dozen casings on the ground in some shootings.
The Attorney General, police chiefs, and gun control advocates are still pushing for action - including one legislator who is highly critical of what she says is the lack of action and criticizing legislative leaders.GET THE LATEST BREAKING NEWS HERE SIGN UP FOR GOLOCAL FREE DAILY EBLAST
9 were wounded in a shooting on Carolina Avenue in Providence PHOTO: GoLocal
Just 90 minutes after a gunman killed 9 men and women in San Jose, Linda Finn of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence appeared on GoLocal LIVE to discuss what the group says is the need for the passage of critical legislation in Rhode Island.
Finn says the majority of members of the House and Senate support the passage of legislation and that it is critical for supporters to focus pressure on Senate President Dominick Ruggerio and Speaker of the House Joe Shekarchi.
There are three major bills that have a strong potential for passage in 2021 legislation that bans high capacity magazines, another bill that places restrictions on straw purchasers, and legislation to prohibit guns in schools.