CJI Ramana said that most of the members of the first Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha were all lawyers and members of the legal fraternity. "Unfortunately, we know what is happening now in the Parliament with respect to debates on laws," he added.
Speaking at an event organised by the Supreme Court Bar Association to mark 75 years of independence, NV Ramana said that the absence of quality debate leaves many aspects of laws unclear and increases the burden on courts.
Speaking at the 75th Independence Day function organised by the Supreme Court Bar Association in the lawns of the top court, the Chief Justice exhorted the members of the legal fraternity to participate in public life and share their experience about laws.
New Delhi, August 15
Expressing concern over the lack of debate in Parliament and state legislatures, Chief Justice of India N V Ramana on Sunday said it is a “sorry state of affairs” as
Chief Justice of India NV Ramana on Sunday expressed concern over the lack of debate in Parliament and state legislatures, and said it is a sorry state of affairs as the absence of quality debate leaves many aspects of laws unclear and increases the burden on courts.