Lyons Public Library, 122 Broad St., will host the following programs.
Library Lovers’ Month: through Feb. 27. Patrons can buy a heart for $1 to share why they love the library. Hearts can be turned in at the staff desk and will be hung up in the library.
Call 315-946-9262, email or visit for information.
Macedon Public Library, 30 Main St., announced the following programs.
Storytime with Miss Shannon: 10 to 10:30 a.m. Feb. 24, March 3. For ages 4-5. Enjoy stories with content themed to reinforce kindergarten readiness such as awareness of colors, numbers and letters. Registration required.
Valentines are not the only thing to cherish in February
“A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.” Norman Cousins, author
The second month of the year has the distinction of being the shortest month and perhaps the gloomiest month weather-wise; it’s not what one expects from a month made for lovers. When romance is mentioned, of course Valentine’s Day comes to mind. Nevertheless, all of February also is designated Library Lovers’ Month.
Considering the modern day emphasis on mass media, computerized databases and electronic access to, well everything, some folks view libraries as a thing of the past. In a manner of speaking, they aren’t far wrong.
Libraries: Not just for (book) lovers
Amy Wilson Sheldon/Special to the Crier
The Minuteman Library Network has been a godsend for me since March 2020. I’ve been able to use the Minuteman site to reserve novels that would be hard to find via many retailers. I’ve downloaded bestsellers to my Kindle. I’ve even gone really meta and watched a documentary about the New York Public Library via Kanopy, the on-demand streaming service that is accessible with your Minuteman library card.
But, as “library people” like to say, libraries are More Than Books. February is actually Library Lovers’ Month, so in the spirit of St. Valentine, I’d like to point out some of libraries’ most attractive qualities:
Selover Library offers seating for two
Staff Report
Selover Public Library in Chesterville invites library visitors to check out their movie night kits for a chance to win.
Courtesy photo
CHESTERVILLE Anyone driving by Selover Public Library can’t help but notice something a little different on the library’s sign. Two pairs of pink underpants greet passersby to promote the library’s latest fun grab-and-go kit.
February is Library Lovers’ Month. Throughout the month of February, Selover Library visitors can check out a Library Lovers Seating for Two Movie Night Grab-n-Go Kit. In their kit, patrons will find two surprise movies that will be checked out on their library card, free popcorn and candy, questions to quiz their partners with, and an entry for a drawing.