Maynard and Stow church briefs, May 6-12
Community Content
‘Gender Effects in the Time of Pandemic’
On Sunday, May 9, First Parish Church of Stow & Acton, Unitarian Universalist, will offer a virtual service on “Gender Effects in the Time of Pandemic.” For Mother’s Day this year, the Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum will look at how the effects of the pandemic have fallen unequally onto the shoulders of people identified as women, as well as trans and non-binary peoples.
FPC s services can be accessed by computer or phone or by tuning in to 107.7 FM from the FPC parking lot at 353 Great Road, Stow. Access information, as well as a link to the order of service, will be posted along the left column at within 24 hours of the service. To prevent disruptive intrusions, the virtual room will be locked about 15 minutes after the service begins. FPC apologizes for any inconvenience this causes. If you access the service via radio, please remain in your car. If
Maynard and Stow church briefs, April 15-21
Community Content
‘Becoming Myself’
In her poem “Now I Become Myself,” the poet May Sarton wrote, “O, in this single hour I live / All of myself and do not move.” On Sunday, April 18, First Parish Church of Stow & Acton, Unitarian Universalist, will offer a service on “Becoming Myself.” This single hour will explore what it means to become ourselves. The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum will lead the virtual service, which begins at 10 a.m.
FPC s services can be accessed by computer or phone or by tuning in to 107.7 FM from the FPC parking lot at 353 Great Road, Stow. Access information, as well as a link to the order of service, will be posted along the left column at within 24 hours of the service. To prevent disruptive intrusions, the virtual room will be locked about 15 minutes after the service begins. FPC apologizes for any inconvenience this causes. If you access the service via radio, please rem
Public Libraries Can Tap into Eligible Funds Worth Billions The American Rescue Plan includes significant federal dollars that can support library programs and services that play a larger role in recovery than is generally understood. Carl Smith, Senior Staff Writer | April 14, 2021 | Analysis
A Gallup poll published in January 2020 found that the cultural activity that Americans engaged in most often wasn’t going to a movie theatre, concert or sporting event, but visiting a library. The most frequent users of library services were young people aged 18-29, residents of low-income households and women.
By March 2020, 98 percent of libraries had closed their buildings to some extent, a survey by the American Library Association (ALA) found. They had pivoted, and were working to augment online services and develop new ways to serve their communities during the pandemic. Some jurisdictions reassigned library staf