Article Contributed by conqueroo | Published on Sunday, July 25, 2021
Late style: You can only get there if you’ve been around long enough to have had an early and a middle one. Maturity, wisdom, refinement are its hallmarks. And having done things a certain way for a time, you might want to do them differently in order to arrive someplace new, someplace surprising.
Late Style,
Wesley Stace, the artist formerly known as John Wesley Harding, but before that as Wesley Stace, has done things differently. Having begun to put some new lyrics to music, in his usual way, singing to an acoustic guitar, he realized he was coming up with old solutions, reinventing a wheel he had already made, with chord progressions and melodies that worked as folk and pop songs but were not satisfying his desire for something fresh, something he’d be excited to listen to in 2021.
Review of Robert Putnam’s The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again Books by Walter G. Moss
Walter G. Moss is a professor emeritus of history at Eastern Michigan University, a Contributing Editor of HNN, and author of An Age of Progress? Clashing Twentieth-Century Global Forces (
2008). For a list of his recent books and online publications click here. The Awakening, Hy Mayer, Puck
, Feb. 20, 1915
It is still a time of great political polarization. A few weeks after our 2020 elections, a majority of polled Republicans, riled up by President Trump, remained convinced that he “rightfully won.” At such a time, a book with the title