“Death to 2020,” a British mockumentary from the creators of “Black Mirror,” revisits every monumental event to have happened over the past year in an attempt to put it at rest as the title suggests. Despite having left much to be desired, the film’s quirky tone and lack of solemnity provides for some casual viewing if that’s what 2020 should amount to in history books in some way.
In the 70-minute Netflix original, Samuel Jackson and several other B-list celebrities are casted as an assorted troupe of false lead
This year has been so full of awful surprises that it almost seems possible the clocks will turn back a year at the stroke of midnight tonight. And Netflix’s new mockumentary “Death to 2020 is here to chronicle and let the air out of all the extremes of terror and misery we had to endure in that span.
The streamer’s bitingly funny, hastily assembled and slightly deranged comedic retrospective lampoons the worst year ever, in chronological order, courtesy of an all-star cast that has emerged from shutdown to pummel each of the past 12 months like a piñata.
“The history books covering this period will have to be written in crayon. by a dog” proclaims stuffy, pompous “professor of history” Tennyson Foss (Hugh Grant). An authority on all matters of the past, he haughtily provides context on everything from pandemics to police brutality and insists that White Walkers and Ewoks are real.
During 2020, many Americans turned to Netflix for comfort and distraction. Netflix has repaid the favor with a faux-documentary titled
Death to 2020 as sobering as it was funny. One of the highlights was Samuel L. Jackson, playing the role of opinionated reporter Dash Bracket of the New Yorkerly News.â
Our selection of top 10 stories, like this Netflix production, is something of a hodgepodge. The top 10 articles were determined by the number of pageviews among articles originally published on NUVO. As you might expect, we have stories on both COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter. But we also have a story that ventured into a nudist camp (Beth Daraghâs âSpending the Fourth of July naked and not afraidâ). I have to take full responsibility for another oddball story as author of âMindfucking Roundabouts of Carmelâ. The most popular story of the year was perhaps our most problematic. âDear Reader, I have difficult news, â published April 30, wh
Black Mirror creators Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones announced this month that they were releasing a Netflix mockumentary called
Death to 2020, most weren t entirely sure what to expect.
Is it too soon to be taking jabs at the events of 2020? After all, the past 12 months have seen enough calamities and tragedies to last the decade, and the year isn’t even fully elapsed yet. Most of us still need time to make sense of it all.
A year whose story couldn t be told until now . because it was still happening. Death to 2020, from the creators of Black Mirror. pic.twitter.com/0dLS3lq34a
Death to 2020: Who is Duke Goolies based on? Joe Keery character explained
Death to 2020 is here but who is Duke Goolies based on? Let’s get the Joe Keery character explained as fans praise the performance.
Being asked to reflect upon 2020 isn’t exactly an enticing proposition.
However, when it’s Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones navigating a year like no other, you can’t help but eagerly strap in for the ride.
Netflix has offered a wealth of exciting content in 2020, from
Tiger King to
Mank, but they’ve helped round off the year with a look back at it from the creators of