Things are finally beginning to look like summer. June 1 came with wonderful sunshine and warm temperatures and not so much cool wind. There is more activities out around the building and both . . .
Alan Justice
Special to the Record
The Hildebran High School class of 1960 pays tribute to a local veteran each year on Memorial Day. This year, the group will recognize WWII veteran Clifford Wilson, who died on May 23.
Before his death, Clifford and his wife, Lorena, attended the 2019 observance. Tribute was paid to Glen Eckard, who had lived in Icard and was killed in action in France during WWII, leaving a wife and four young children.
It was during this observance that Clifford and Lorena, residents of Connelly Springs, shared first-hand accounts of the horrors of war and the life of families who lived in continual fear of losing sons, brothers and husbands.
Evanston Now
Recap: City Council
Here s a recap of our live coverage of this evening s Evanston City Council special meeting focused largely on issues related to affordable housing.
A packet with information on tonight’s agenda items is available online.
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 5:32 p.m.
Mayor Steve Hagerty says COVID-19 numbers have gone down with restrictions some of which are now being lifted. Discusses current pandemic statistics.
Mayor says vaccinations are starting to move to Phase 1b, says the city doesn’t control how many vaccine doses the city gets, and typically has relatively little advance notice of the additional doses arriving. Says residents will be called for vaccination scheduling as doses become available.
Exclusive from Dr. Raymond A. Keller’s Venus Files: Original artwork for cover of UFO Education Center’s Cosmic Newsletter, Issue #13, February 1973, as prepared by Charlotte Blob, the Center Director, on 31 January 1973. Dr. Keller has a complete set of the Cosmic Newsletter in addition to much of the correspondence from the Appleton, Wisconsin, headquarters of the UFO Education Center in his vast archives which are stored in a temperature-controlled storage area in the backwoods of West Virginia.
“Mythology in Embryo”
When the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung finished his groundbreaking work on the UFO enigma, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky (Brooklyn, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959), he did not totally discount the physical realities of the phenomenon but emphasized the psychological and religious factors inherent in the sightings and alleged contacts with extraterrestrial occupants, especially those manifesting “angelic�