have unintended consequences and would set the nuclear program back by 3 years at the most. iran insists they are developing the energy for peaceful purposes. hawaii, the impact of a chopper killing 5 on the ground. hawaiian the ground was h helicopter says they were all americans, taking a 45-minute tour. no word on what may have caused the crash. now back to on the record. for the latest headlines, go to foxnews.com. your health care and your money could they both be at risk? if youor medicare, or your parents or grandparents are, watch out. president obama s national health care law could pose a big danger. the senators are both doctors who have written their own version of the medicare
still in the unsustainable path. but you say $530 billion was taken out of medicare. where what was it taken from? where did it go? it s going to go for a innovation council, $10 billion. it will go to subsidize the state exchanges, mandated care that all of us will have to buy if we don t can t demonstrate that we haven t. so there is a subsidy. so we are taking money that people have paid into medicare, taking it out and subsidizing the care for people who have not paid into medicare. tell come out of home health care, hospice, hospital care, doctor care, physical therapy care, care for seniors, care that they need. it will be denying care and refusing care. is it fair to say in your opinion, it s out of services and more into administration? or bureaucracy is that a fair description? that s part of it. but the vast majority is going
we increase all of this testing that is really unnecessary because we won t reimburse and recognize the value of a physician, relating to a patient and paying them for the time that they will spend with the patient. and the president uses the word coverage and care interchangeably, but they are very different. there may be a time coming very shortly where someone with a medicare card can t get care. what would the president say if he were standing here and listening to you? i assume he would say you are dead wrong. he would disagree. he would disagree. he would say, we had to do something. we have a problem. we all agree. one out of $3 in health care doesn t help anybody get well or prevent them from getting sick. that s a problem. why is is it there? the the government controls 65% and has mandated down price control where have you disrupted the market. i use the example, i cared for 300 omish ma am families. they were the best purchasers in the world they wanted to know
reimbursement. but they don t because medicare has such low reimbursement, they see way too many people to be able to afford to see the patients. what we sewel see is that going on down. you have a medicare plan, but if you can t get a doctor, do you have health care? that s happening across the country, the people who are turning 65 this year, becoming medicare eligible, half of them are having trouble finding a physician. even under the cut, if you find a doctor, under medicare nlight of the economic pressure we are putting on the doctors, they have to push you through quickly, so you don t get your questions worried and so i am not sure the level of care, especially if you get older and have health problem, the qualityee going to go down. as a consequence of that, when the doctor doesn t spend the appropriate time with you, what do they do? they order a bunch more tests to cover what they didn t get to ask you about, so that they make sure they are not missing anything.
the united states government to drill, it s going to cost you more. you said, this is a game wash in play. the republicans will raise fees and call it not call it fee when is it s a tax. it s money that will go into lowering tax rates and paying down debt. but here s the problem. any time you raise taxes, it always winds up with more spending. we are not going to do that until you control spending. all right. if the event i. if they fail then there is there is an automatic trig wer cuts to defense and entitlement. you say here s what happens, if the super committee fails to meet their targets, then a trigger, a sequestration takes place, where $600 billion is automatically taken out of the defense department, $600 billion is taken away from medicare for doctors and hospital payments. you think it s hard to find a doctor now to serve medicare? takes $600 of pill $600